HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-02-27, Page 5DIAMOND DYES
Give the
Highest and Fastest BIacks.
"I have used your Dia-
mond Dyes for many sears
with the greatest satisfac-
tion. Your Diamond Dye
Blacks for Wool :0e1 for
Cottonbest I hate are the
ever used. I have just
colored a brown all woof
serge dress which had
become very faded. 1 used Black Dia-
mond Dye for Wool, and it gives me
great pleasure to say that 1 have now
di black dress equal to anything newly
Mrs. J. Y. Cardin, Quebec, P.Q.
Blacks are Fashionable.
Black is the most useful of all colors,
and is more conspicuous in the general
dress of wotneti than ever before. Wo -
melt of royalty, nobility and wealth,
and those in the humbler walks of life
Yrave a preference for black. Black can
.be worn at any season of the year. It
is becoming for the young, middle-aged
or old, and can be worn by the blonder
or brunette. Fashion from season to
season wisely decrees that black is
always stylish and in good taste.
Diamond Dyes Will Do It.
Dyeing a faded and spotted dress a
rich Black, practically means a New
Garment, because nine times in ten
the cloth is as good as new. To get a
full and rich lilack is' an easy and
delightful task, if you use the Dia,
mond Dyes.
Get The Right Black.
Diamond Dyes furnish one class of
dyes for Wool and Silk, and combi-
nations of Wool and Silk, and another
class of dyes for Cotton, Linen. and
those combinations in which Cotton or
Linen generally predotninate. Beware
of incitation and crude dyes 'Which
pretend to color all materials with one
dye. Suck dyes are deceptions.
All Ladies Can Have Them.
Send us your name and address and we
will mail to you free of cost the famous
Diamoud Dye Annual, New Teddy -Bear
Booklet and Diamond Dye Cook Book.
Crediton Grand Bend
D lt. 1, A1cCl'E, MEMBER ON.
:i e 1 1� Mr. l:zin Linder, who Las . A
TAR10 COLLEGE PHYSIC'. i Harry Hamilton l family. for- I tcurk+)sl: iu 111u Uushop of are .
Ins and Surgeous. Successor to Dr.1 I ttterly of this place. t•ut now resit!. Ta•nran's for the cast two years, lett
B, A. liuist. Uit:dituu. Ont.
1 lug near Exeter, 'ter, visitors at on Saturday last :end expects to go
i their parents' residences over Sun- to Zurich where he will work al the:
A ver) pleasing e nt took place 1 !day. acme trade.
on Friday tveniii at the home of u n d
Miss Jennie Mills, our popular tea. 1 A •quiet weddiII took place) ster- -Wo sell the \\'u1. H.
Mr. Matti,. is \lorlock, the occasioncher left for her home on Friday «f day avhen Miss Annie Bender, young- as d
being the celebration. of his Roth I
Seibert !c Co.
fi FR HIDtS W GaPGful buuCrs
Co. Shoes. There are 1:e11.. 1• t l er and few
i terrtoon, to sees Iter sister. who vas est daughter of Mr. and, Dl r., ll,•nry \\ r good.
Bender, was united in ue anlage to a sell the McCoruti:L' f3iecuCanada.it, the best makeCanada.
\Ve sellb, i.
Iles a gum the best stuck food. Trya eek r.
"n ver• u'g1 6
:1 r. Jobst CLlundt. , !h 41r10 y
was performed by ltev. Mr.". uhn, in -\Ve sell the best Groceries that money can buy.
the presence of a large number of We sell Coppley, Noyes & Randall Clothing. noted for good wear and
friends and relatives. The ltapl'p good fit.
couple expect to make their hose`' Try our 25c tea, its iI winner.
birthday, nt which about sixty of
do him
,• .resent to
is friends w r
It t l 1
honor. A.Doti program( of music,
speeches nod reciwtions was given.
Mr. Samuel Se cit zer, of Shipke,'nada
a very capable chairman and called
on 'Mr. Morlock's six daughters pro-
sect for addroase's. 'lessrs. J. 11.
Boltzmann, 11. Brown, .los. Ilaist and
others ear• short addresses. eulo-
gizing their host and hostess, who
are well known :and beloved by their
many 41 tends, for their good lir. s and
many earls of kindness. One uni rue
feature of the evening ewes Ila.• pres-
ence of four ,reneruion-. each of
whom •,rave short. address,.,-, •Mr.
Sinton Sweitzer .entertained with his
gramophone. At 1lle conrlue•:on of
Canadian Hair Restorer the speeches Att•, Mot lock responded
in a well worded 11d:1ress, thanking -
those who had spoken for the 'many
sic.• things 1ht•y hrd said. ale cr. dit-
ed his lone life to modem 1' living
and to the fact that early in life lie
had decided to b,' a Christian. Mr.
and Mrs. \lorlocka were :anion* the
early settlers in this part of tho
country, coning here Sen.'s there was
nothing but weeds, with no roads
and none of tite conveniences that
we now ('IIjoy. 'rhe)_ were ',blessed
with a family of thirteen children -
twelve of whom are now livinz. After
the close of t he addresses and mpsie
all sat ((Dail to a d,inty supper. .after
which 'the party left. tti.:hing S1r.
and 'Mrs. Morlock many more years
of happiness end •usefulness.... Mr.
\ Before
aandAfter 4rt4
Will restore gray hair to Its natural color.
Stops falling hair causes to grow on bald
head:'. Curesdandrull; itching, scalp diseases.
By its use thin hair grows luxuriantly.
Contains no oily or greasy ingredients.
Is entirely unlike any other hair prepare-
tior ever otrered for sale.
A good. reliable Canadian preparation.
Lnsollelled Testimonials.
Edith A. Burke. Missionary 11. M. Church
Akhiulim, Fgypt, and friends, greatly pieased
with results after two years' using.
L. A. Hopes, Wisner, Montana. My hair
and whiskers restored to natural colot, dark
brown, by using Canadian flair Restorer. Morlock is mu+ of our most restate -
11ft rerstho rp�estIhavees eCver
uifair tett citizens, Assay.: taking an active;
Itestorcr is the best 1 have ,tor used. )'
John (1.Tfall,New Aberdeen,Cape Breton. inte•r•sI iii church work and other
Canadian Hair Restorer has worked wonders. mat tern pert:110111ft o t he social wel-
My head is nearly all covered with thick fare of the till:';.*e. Among those
growth black hair, original color. from a distance %slot %sere present
Sold by all wholesale s and retailivzeddruworld
dts. were Mrs. A. Whit wan :and Miss Eat-
to any address in the civilized world
on receipt of price,eoc. Manufactured by ma '1orlock. of Linton harbor. Ills
TUB MIEZWIN co., Windsor, Ont., Canada. elde>' son 'Rev. M. C. Morlock, is
Sold in Exeter by W. 8. Cole. W. presiding old 'r of the United /Evan-
8.1ioss'cy and •1, \C. lirow•nin,r. Drug- gelieal church. of .Chicago. Thegists. . •
A leading health journal iia answer•
ing tho question, " 1\'hat is the best
prescription to clean and purify the
blood' prints in a recent lona to 1
follow ing :
Fluid Extract 1)anelclion one ounce;
Compound S !atone, one ounce ;
Congl.r•n I `ylnpa'►raep,u•illa, four
Shake w'e;l and us•, a+,': ,,'fns
doses after ea h reca1 es/1 et bait
1 s4' .I kn •s: n phya . A -eta.-.
,ire - . ..• hen/ale, .
la 1; . ease , 1., .'ai
.art .. .. i '. .. ,,•�.
n. . •:; r a: t.. , L •:4, : c i.: •d
of al. i•t . . In i4A1 fr•+
the skin 1- . ;a. to el .: ,f 14,:<
It I• • • aid
o 1, axil
ns Sears
i..t while
(1, 11,.
•• end the
.• 1y tempor-
e is•.ecter, when
and pee',
gage,} '.•
need .e .1
Aar;, l.,•1..
it built in
:art. --11,
,1 11 colt Sidi Co,.it i.'ur.1
' '110 nt i 1: s t rata idaii41.. boa.
wonders. This coml•i,M6ot
• the I,ihi •ys to work to fila. r
,• ? sift 0111 the ornate matt, r, telt
//',1 ,•,a, r +n1 •aril-' th •t eau•'•
!:ees reef bees! act 1
,ism null 1,,114 ln1k
••A411.44• 5S) /1. les a S. tC •• eeeo s eel
BY MAIL at mo
We want our roar., • es -cry home in
Ontario where there .i;• ses, have decided
It. give, direct to the pubic ur intpn r 1 bl
course in dressmaking. inriudtng aur i....111es
Tail.4 System (or alt .lc3nlc price. 5.1.00
As there are a large menta r of people. et
tally dressmakers say y"u cann..t learn by r
we will send system and first lessen (wh.'
teaches hw t.. snake n perfect fitting ria- •
registered to any address in Chttarit' After
ars satisfied >„u can learn. send 4.100 aril
Will forward tell conrtt .4 kava- 1"
net 5011d unless yea wish b. learn .1
NY are Cs sure anyone ran
anlee to give 11500 t•. an •
These les, els teach h
together, any garment ft- ret :
waist suit 1.e t to m..st r': born'
the only (aurae in t'nnada that •'
can learn b. one structs r 1.e'
have been in bu•ineu f .r ten •.
(wet 7.0:)0. Ilo'vare of 0.1 .•
!rave 'veil known to gores ,.„
dafnted where then acre 15." ;..
vent"t of Ihis rause. }r, a
• 1.11, Olt our >4t110 m ,•„,rant:..
Write Ler rp,sart:r
Ad ages= - SANDER,' tines' • t I1 , • t , _ 1.
31 Brie Street. :ar.tt... e.. e• .., i.
Palpitation of the heart, ner-
schn,roll bands and feel, pain in the
back and other forma of weakness
.aro relieved ecial yyforartthe bloody
made p
sad complexion.
C Sweet to Eat*
A Gadr bawd
tort111..t. :A7,
:.. f). rant
e : is initials wi.h your
n 1 .s Cubo Magnetic
.s :Dive the nauati.^.g
sha:I1civ:` ?"
. .rsa to ea., i.::..
.•aethin,fera.r.. rss,.u.•
1 practical caauz,h to he a
-tinder of the don,:.
- es., h: hes rasa -s,' or ": 7:3
. barber shop l" y(J 0: -.•.u^..
:.......:ore fia ce%far a C.sr), :.:.t -
• •... ra-.r-he knorc•s from rx,,:,t-
rr 1.15 daticu!ty in Stearin,. r. r. -.:-.r?
• ..:t wi:1 gig::atisfa:tion cr::y ' .•
,..•_`:out periodical hailing and
When you buy a precious II: 3,..1
yJn either reet.r: as e,c,;ert to select
it or go to a we:1 establi.thed f::r.
that will uncoulitiorahy rusrant:c
its purity. Itas•ir -ta,: rtqu:res t: -n
more care in s•;••• ,z. It •sr,';
more thou a err... .sees.- ... , :.:i.
The Carbo :.1 a::
the good vee..... . ;u : are
Cr r;
of (lase rasa::i •
rrtaent we.: pr.: a .. .... • . '. 1
the recipient.
V. .-rr t7,rr
• c y a •p'e'e lea: ,f the
uacor: d: t. ::rtly Gees. 4n•e
torr:/ C:.r',c Pa.:ors, c.t I
wit: hare al.', O., ...:. • ...; enzrtv;J
or, the bode •e.t`;r,t c 1 chsrj.•.
recently married, prior to her de-
part u t.
,: re for the West.
Sheldow Patterson, infant #6011 of
Mr. and Mrs. Patterson has been
under the Doctor's care for some
• time with t heutnatisun of the bone.
for youare to be found in a 011 1'r:day night a very enjoy -
bottle of �30V1'll. able time was. spent by the youIl
people of this section by the usual
proc.•'•(lin,;s at the home of lir. and
"Bovril" contains all that is elm .Too Oliver. Eventi:e old
f;::1`11'.1."'!,),', •save a very rood selcc-
gOOd in Beef. It not only : Irish clog.1
Leeds you but it enables you
to get the full value out of
your ordinary diet.
Sold by your Druggist and
Grocers in bott les containing
1 cz . `_' ozs , 4 ozs., ri ozs., and
Times joins with Mr. and Mrs. Mor -
luck's many friends in wishing thent
many more years of happy wedied
life. •
The 'Aliases Kuhn visited -\L'se Dr.
Orme Thursday of last week.
'Miss 'Pearl Andrews is visiting her
sister at Otterville.
Skating is again the order of the
day but owing to the fact that the
open air rink! is not running the
young people are obliged to take to
the fields where good ice is in abun-
Mr. Everett Laimer and 1i. Gower
spent Sunday at the latter's hotue on
the Goshen Lin:.
Revival meetings are. in progress
in the Evangelical church. Two
meetings are held daily. at 10 a.m.
and 7 p.m.. 'stev. L, 11. Wagner; 'I'„
E. of the distrjct awe ,tilers are as-
The ice harvest is on in full swing
and is the finest samplot.of icck peen
in +years.
'Miss 'Etta Clark is spending a few
days at this home of Mr. and Mrs.
Newton Maker.
Miss Crissie Brown is spending n
few weeks in Sebes ging, Mich, visit -
iii relatives. 6
Mr. Seibert, of Dashwood, and Mr.
John I'reeter, of Zurich, spout', Sun-
day at the home of lilr. Sam'I tlrown.
The many friends of Fir. Samuel
llrotvn will Is pleased to see him out
again after several weeks' illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Falmer are
this week its Parkhill assisting' :Mr.
John Iloffman in moving his house-
hold effects td Dashwood.
Hiss Lena Williams, who was oil the
sick list, is 011 tho mend.
Miss Ella, Litlki is spending n few
weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Kuntz,
Exeter. •
\irs. Link is •attending the millin-
ery openings at Toronto this heck.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trcvethick cel-
ebrated !the; tenth pluliversary of
their wedding day on Saturday. even-
ing last. A number of their friends
front the village, London, Exeter,
Parkhill and Zurich were present and
it pk•as:u►t evening was spent by all.
Mr. Trevet hick is one of our popu-
lar citizens having; for a few years
been Secrete ry-tr(nsurer of the
Methodist church here and has also
taken :an :relive interest ing the wel-
fare of our village and school. Mr.
'frevetlhick has carried on a carriage
business for a number of years and
last year built: a two storey brick
carriage shop and has now un up-to-
date place of business. Tht 'l'in'es
joins 'w'ith their malty friends in
wishing them many years of happi-
ness and prosperity.
Mrs. C. ! ' k
er who lns been sick
for the past I w'o wee. k_t is at prnae
ens, we are pleased to note, slowly
:\ very pI'•:sin( p'lrly was given by
the Late 1 • :r ('1nb last week nt
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dart Sw'eit-
Save the small flour mill Prevent
'Ise entailer mill from absorbin. it 1
in this way protect I he chief M-
I dustry of twin)' a tillage and hem -
let throughout the country. Th •s •
ruestiolls ale «ccupyilel 1h,• mind- of
Mr. .1. \':. 1'ea rce, M. 1', 1'; for
North 11./.1 u1,10 lie points out 11111
besides ,,, u1.t a convert:ence, to the
farmers tf , ,ch locality. the floes
mills are en important feature of th
Mistiness of t he places where 1h. y e r••
located. bec.atis.• they naturally dr I.•
man)' p, (pie from Ili,. count rye to du
their purchasin e there. The stet -
chants of lie. villa ccs and 5111811
towns are, therefore, :almost as much
interested in saving the sni 01 ,tris,
mill as the millers themselves. for
hey do not wish to :gee their t rade
.to:ng to the larger towns. Mr.l
I'earce's remedy is to amend 1h,•
;135. 9 r• net seen nt , t so a, 10 II_ht,•w the
Fogden of the., mills. In common
WW1 :all mantifaeturin,t concerns they
er • assessed at 60 per cent of their
ate, while merrl, rt re :I S9C4YI'll
• only 2i per cent. On necount of
pilrely local netur•' of the bust -
.11/11 the difficult' of competin,r
1, the• larger flour nolle. Mr.
I 1 rce would retitle* the asssmtnenl
of the mill. with '1 capacity ',f 100
mels ear '8 per dif to 21 1•"r
the •.ell• .^.G alt" 111erC1+'111i A.
Et 1
W. S. Cole, Druggist
Srr.:. of this beareihrl "Santa Rears" Poppy
ora Siren r.!aolutely free
Seeds Freel
A Luke , n ns. i 4f poppies says : 1- 'c
Santa Rosa' is an exceptionally fine mix- I
tore of Shirley Poppies, by fur the best we
hast seen." We a ill give abootutely free a
package of throe sr Is Lt every per., n a L• :
will stud for our n1 ev lrandvomely Illustrated
1908 Calabresi. :: yt .r prefer. )•.11
Itasca packageof c Canadian Gem Turnip
or Canaria's Pride ';ornate seed in pima •.r
the pgq.tra
w•. ite • '. vitae your choice.
Darch Sr Hunter Seed Co., Ltd.
London, Ont.
in Sarnia, and will leave for that
city shortly.
Mr. John Hoffman, of Parkhill, is
this week morin, back to our vil-
lage, We welcome him again to our
\Vluat might have resulted in a
Messrs. W. B. Oliver and Edward disastrous fire, had it not been for
Disjardine rspent Saturday in Shipka the prompt assista tee of the bucket
un business. brigade, happened 1.st 1'rdiay when
John Baird lost :t fine cote on Fri- the roof of L. Ilam ocher's bakery
day by getting fast in the manger. c;.•ught fire from a defective chitnl:ey,
We care going to have a butcher The flames wore noticed by neighbors
shop in town this saintlier, to be run and the alarm given and before they
run by John \Villert lately of 14 Con. had 'gained much headway a number
were t hand with b,Ickeis of water
W. B. Oliver is busy this week
working at \Vni. 10ewey's house.,
which he is renovating -over- for
Mr. and Jars. Asaplt Gravelio visit-
ed their daughter, Mrs. Harman Gill
at 'Port Frank! on Saturday.
Sid liossenberry and Ed. McGaw of
Parkhill visited at the former's home
on Sunday-.
We have not had ono funeral to
Grand Mend cemetery since election
When an eminent authority an-
nounced in the Scranton, l'a., :lames
that he had found a new way Lou: r't
that dread American disease, Rheu-
matism with just common, every -
(le)' drubs found; in any: drug store,
the physicians were: slow indeed to
a 11:i el, much importance to his
cl.t-uu. 'Ihis was only a few months
ago. Today nearly every newspaper
in the county, even the. metropolitan
dailies, is announcing it •utdl the sp-
lendid results achieved. IL is so
simple that any. 0110 can prepare it lit
home at slit all cost. It is mode up as
follows: Get from, any good prescri-
ption pharmacy Fluid Extract Dan-
delion one-half ounce ; Compound
Kargou, one ounce ; Compound Syrup
Sarsaparilla, •three ounces. Mix by
shaking in a Verttln and lake in
teaspoonful closes after each meal
and nt bedtitne. These :are all simple
ingredients, making an absolutely
harmless :house remedy at little cost.
ltheumatis►n, as every one knows,
is n sympton of deranged kidneys. i1
is n condition produced by the failure
of the kidneys to properly'' filter or
strain from tho blood the uric acid
and other matter which, it not. .r -
The fftmes were extattuished but
not before the roof was, badly dam-
Messrs. Siebert and T'reetcr visit -
in Creditor' oti Sunday last.
Mr. E. \totter is here from tho
West visiting ectatic •s here nit(1 in
Miss /Best, of Zurich, visited at the
home of Mr. ,1. llartleib, on Friday.
See Siab:•rt S, Co's. change( of ad-
vertisement in this issue.
J. llartleib for cheap _boots ,end
Mr. •\V. L: Siebert our new store
keeper is aultendin. ethe ,millinery
opcttinas in Toronto this itveek.:
There died here on 'Monday of last
week, Mary ,McDonald, daughter of
Mr. mid Mrs, Angus :McDonald. De-
ceased was WelI known and had only
been sick a short time o[ that dread
disease, consumption. '1'lie ..funeral
took place last Wednesday interment
being in tho Mt. Carmel cemetery.
Thu death of Ilonseur Gabel oc-
curred in London on Suuday't of last.
week .The r•tuains being brought
hero on Tu. sei iv and the funeral tak-
ing place to ell. Cannel gent tory on
Thursday 'for interment. •1'h • de-
ceased held always lived It r• up jo
three ;year= a;;o when ht• was neht to
the Moine for Old 1'eopl 1 in London,
where In:• remained until the• time of
his del tla.
W'hit'' Mr. 1'. Melsaac, our under-
taker was on his way to conduct a
'funeral near West elcGilli:'ray Tues-
day afternoon, lin got into :a Su0w•-
drifl v1te►► iha storm was ragin;.
The hears.• was- completely t. tinted
over, 'but luckily. no d ttre'e w•as
e either p the urine or Ulcerated Leg & Ankle
llu'ough the skin pores, remains in
the blood, decomposes and forms
about the joints of the muscles, caus-
ing the untold suffering and deform- HEALED BY ZA51-11t'J:.
it y of rheumatism. . A couinton result of an injury
This prescription is said to be a
spl::1'lid healing, cleansing and in-
t•i„or.•!in;,r tonic to the kidneys. rind
gives elmost immedir►t,+ relief itt all
forms of bladder find urinary trou-
bles and 1.,ckaohe. Ile also warns
PeOPla It' tha 1'riding New York griper
against the discriminate use of many
patent medicines.
-Grippe is sw'e'eping the country.
Slop it with I'reventics, before it
gets deeply pealed. To check early
colds with these little Candy Tnbiets
is surely sensible and safe. Merest -
tics contain aro Quinine, no Laxative
nothing harsh nor sicke . g. l'Aneu-
motia would diever appear it early
colds were promptly broken. Also
good for feverish children. 'Lara,•
box. 48 tablets, 23 cents, Vest pock•
Sold E
et boxes 5
cents. Jul t y h' ,
Will I ,lease note that wee
have to pay one cent postage
on each paper going to the
United Slates. Thio means
that your subscribtion tnust
be paid in advance. When
you see your subscription ex-
piring remit $1,50 for another
year so that you will not
miss nny copies of The Times.
sometimes df even a tiny scratch is
chronic ulceration, the skill disease
that eats deepest into the tissue and
is most painful, weak ' g null ob-
stinate. Ulcerations are brought on
often, especially in the case of womne
by excessive} standing or kneeling.
Mrs. .1. E. Bert•%Ituu► of 01 Catharine
St. N., 1lamilton, Ont., Boys: "1 was
suffering for a number of weeks
with o badly inflamed and ulcerates
leg rind ankle. 1 had used one reme-
dy after rutother with dao material
benefit. My lag was swollen in solne
places to bursting and dny and night I to be found anywhere.
I suffered severe pains. At this stare
my husband pretailed upon mei to WMOORE
leave off all other preparations 111141.
use Zarlt-lluk. This I (lid and wens
- ?Hen's extra heavy woolen SOX at 25e.
- -Come and see our English and American prints before you buy.
-Blue Cups and Saucers with block handles worth 00e for 75c.
-Tho merchant that sells you the best goods for the least gooney will finale
ly do the trade.
Come and see us. We want
to get acquainted with you.
Siebert & Co.
Ilarticib Block.
Remnant Sale of Prints
Now that we have finished stock -taking we
find a lot of' ends of prints which we are going
to sacrifice.
Prices 5c, 6c, 7c, Sc, 9c, and 10c a yard
Call and make a select ion
before they are all gone
Highest Price for Produce.
E "MADE GOOD" IN 1907.
Made Good Clothes -Good as Sincerity of purpose and knack of
"knowing how" could produce.
Made Good Pricnd>s-"Paramount Clothes" proved thenselvea
the "Top" kind that stake friends foe us.
Made Good Record -Our books show (- - - new customers
won by met'itious tailoring.
Mede Good Ps.ercheso for spring '08. A line of spicy suitings un-
equalled anywhere.
Needs but .Two Things to Make a Man Successful
A good Suit of Clothes and a little push. We can make
the clothes that will make any man successful as far as ap-
pearance goes, -clothes that have spelled success for us dur-
ing '07 and that will spell more success for us during '08,
Watch us succeed.
Headquarters for
Skates, Axes, Saws, Razors, Stoves, Pails, and
We have on hand a number of Mitts and Gloves which we
will sell at rock bottom prices.
Don't forget that we install Furnaces and keep on hand the
largest supply of all kirids of Hardware and Stoves
agreeably surprised for after a few
applications the swelling in 1Le leg
was ;,really reduced amid the ulcer
looked healthier. 1 persevered with
/.am -Bok until the swelling w•as ban-
ished 111.1 the train and inflammation
entirely removed. Zt,rn-auk has ef-
fected a curt when otherrt n edi.s
failed." ` r
Zorn-Iluk nlso 11e:tis CllIs. bruises.
burn°, running sores, eoz,•ma, boils,
eruptions. r-calp sores, itch, piles.
chapped hinds and all diseases of the
skin. Of all druggists ntid stores,
50c. box, or Zorn-Buk Co., Toronto,
postpaid on receipt of price. 3 boxes
$ 1.25.
This is the mark of a
the best Bread, Cake and
Pastry Flour - the hest .111
round $our in the world.
tis' try it once. Look for
this tn.!.' 'lark on every bag
or barrel you buy. All fine
Blended Flours - sniffed of
Ontario Fall and Manitoba
Spring wheats -have it.
"Made in Ontario„
fi MILLS, - WOODt-1fM
We h ate a large stock of frieze Overcoats bit boys' and
mens!'. We are ;rennin; off ch cap regular $0.00 co its for $1.00
and boys' rc3ular $5.00 for $3. 50.
ivei;ht $1.20 n suit. we have alt lines of underwear at the tight
Now is the lime for rubbers. Wo have all kinds of Rubber
in overs -rubbers and heavy lumberman's Rubbers boys and melts.
In Groceries aro have a full stock all nice and fresh. Rat -
sins 3 lbs. dor 25o. Sulphur 10 lbs. for 25c. Salta 10 lbs. for
25c. Oil Cake 12 lbs. for 25c.
And we want your trade- Butter, 24c. 25c. -a lb. -1.44a
Ez•zs 23c. cash, 21c. trade -Dried Apples, trade 7c. per Ib•
all wool per suit G
100Fleece lined h at ,-
A. MILLS, - Woodham:
Permanent Results 1 IKirk-on
1 The Quarterly II /it'd of the Blyth
"I 11ne1 been suffering for over two I Met laodist 1 Kure,, ins invited Rev.
months with an obstinate cough, as had :i r. Anderson, torr rly pastor hero
also my little girl. We tried several I for the fourth yr'
remedies common to any drug Store , Mr. Athos Doup tended the con -
without obtaining nny apparent relief, 1 vo.,,tion of the ,+.• ,elation of hairs
in fact we were growing worse. T gat n ' F. Exhibitions Ir 1 in Toronto last
bottle of Coltsfooto Expectorant 1 :t I t,,e,,k,
my druggist and inside of two days the
cough was stopped, and the results so
permanent and rapid that ae• decided WQ( (i hnrn
to keep it in our home continually. Iter. Veale. of l:irkton, occupied
ROIamier i'ALEN. the pulpit of the Methodist, church
C. A. R. Station, Ottawa. here, last Sunday ,evening.
Coltsfoote Expectorant is recognized The 'Epworth Len• ue, held their en-
eteo world ever as the hest prescription total service last Su=nday, Rev. Write
ever used by the medical profession for of Granton, having charge. The an -
Coughs. ('olds, (.'roup, Bronchitis and iival 10a 'tat held un' Monday evens
Tightness of the ('hest. Children like ing.
it. To introduce it into every home we
will steal n free rumple to every person
sendinetheir aside and address to Dr.
T. A. Slocum, i.imitedl, 'Toronto. Sold
by all up-to-date druggists at 2'k'.
Bend for Free Sample To -day,
CO►1Rtoutsris &C.
AnTnna• ranMng a sketeh and dr•nlpn,n may
dnh ktr ascertain oar r i' r l"n free wIilt For sn
Invent nn t4 prohaa,! pst th 1 (•�'mmntnoa.
etna.$rIMHronedr•ifal• NRII�BI)OK •.n it
sent erre l lde•t a, -rep' fut sr• urmg Dstenu.
Pal•rtl taken t! r.ugqh Mwn t Cu. receive
notice, watt out oharite, 01the
wlettno nt any srlentler )nnrnsl. letup. 1,4 Dr. Shoop's
A handsc.melf i.lustrated weekly. rwrrr.t rte•
('.nada, x.175 a year postage prepaid. Rota by
all MW e
can Strengt
Heart Strength, of Ifrs 1 weakness, means Ne
Strength. or Nerve w'.' ••.s-rtothtn more. 1'
lovely. not one freak 1 rt In a hun'lred is, In 1
self. actually disease. It h almost always
hidden tiny little net. ' hat really 1s all at fault.
This oh.cnro nerve-' ' ntdlac, o4 heart Nerve
-simply needs. and have, more power, more
stability, more r• gin more governing
strength. Without • he ieart must ront:PU
to fat', and the stn: , and kidneys also have
these same conttollir • ••rtes.
This clearly esple •• uh as 1t medic: ie, Dr.
:hoop's Restorative ' t 4 pa=t done •' much
lot weak and Stuns != r. rhoonOr•t •9ui/bt
the cause of all thl• • 1, t'p)pttating..ueoCat.
Ing heart distress. I -1.00D /1 Restorative-tbls
popular prescript it n ei 810110 elitecvs#t to tbMa
weak and wastirn' terva centers. it bolldf:
It, strengthen: 1t nt• r• real. tenni o heart held
It you would 1., •;. flee sort?, strong
gestlon. strengthen theso seerfes- re-ettabli
them as needed. with
;New York