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Exeter Times, 1908-02-27, Page 2
1� aG♦Cie t 4')+O+0♦O♦#♦O+Q♦#+•c+u4o+u+o.0-M. o-e•I Ms1•144i .04+0441194"6l r � r e a r m 0 m • its 0 TiIE SACRIFICE O It FOR CHER FAMILY'S SAKE. 0 0 0 Q 0 • 4 0 0 0 get+0 < 0 +lid+ # 4 O + Q 4 0 + 4 ♦ to +o + csvete +ce +04-o♦-e.,-t-o♦o io♦n•l-e H (:11:1PFEi1 ) N\LV.--eteentinued). Lora in the mean time went front picture to picture, but she saw nothing. A perfect sterat of enivtioes WAS rag - log within ler. Sire stood on lite steps of the high altar and Iia:inn d to a lung lecture from the sacr.stan about the old picture of ttie klade.rura, but she did not under - eland a wird. She only heard that voice that she had never expected to hear again, as it came up to her flout below. The gent'ezv n, in eager ccnversalion, walked toward the door. When he reached the door the general looked round for Lora. She hurried up and went out past Them into the narrow r.tr•eet, and Use others slowly followc•l. The doctor seemed unable td keep his eyes off the blender figure bete,re hire, s; if he must make up for the time she had been lost to hint. .Sho seemed to feel this gaze, ani she opened her parasol and laid it over her shoulder, though the sun was shin- ing in her face. At length she stopped before the Pal- azzo Medsma. "1 am very liras, uncle," she said. "You find better drive home, then, and i well trot after you," replied the old gentleman, looking anxiously at her pule face. '1 have company; do you pie down and lost." And ho called fcr a carriage. •'1'i --goad-bye!" She nodded pleas- antly, and the carriage toile! away. At horse site lay down ebed:en lly, and closed her eyes, which burse] like fire. She longed so for rest, but her heart brut and throbbed horribly. if sh? en), isient never have seen him again! "`if only unck will not bring hint home to dinner," she thought; "I can- not- bear it." And yet sho hoped for 11 No. the old gentleman came alone. But they had made an appointment for the foltovieig day, to visit the Lateran Museum. 13u1 Lora would not go out the next morning. What area her? She was not usually so caprieiotts. The general went away alone, grumbling. Ile had aprointed a meet.ng with Schonberg at a re.;taurant on the Circe, and the turned his steps thither. Lora sat down by the open door of the balcony, for the sun was shining outside, and filled the little court with delightful warmth. She had taken up a piece of .work, and as the loops formed themselves under her hands, sho thought of her own fate and that of het fancily, only to arrive at the sang as ever, that all happines.s •1-1;`�: 1'1G BREEDING. There is every probability that the su}oply of hogs for the market next SUM- n.cr will be short, and price high. sh ro')uet tbered !tow she had re Owing to the scarcity and high prize ON THE LID OF VESUVIUS 1 IIE 1'O.VI►I:R MILL Is LIKE A t GIGANTIC BOMB. Thousands I'punr Thuu.ands of Men Mork In These Dangerous Places. Working in a smokeless powder mill is like sitting un the tic! 01 Vesuvius, only more dangerous. And a elf feud, rn orh The voicuno grumbles and rumbles ceivc�d the anneuncemenl of Itis engage- y bleeding saws hove been and quake,, giving unipte warning Ire- ntent hexa on oris very s}x,t. sent to the butcher's market, and the stuck of pigs fere belching turth its turte'nts of fire and "1 have ex{orrs ed ruyselt badly; 1 p 'p,. reduced tee a lower liulil lava. 13u1 the powder mill is like u than usual; and, unless the coming gigantic; bomb filled with human crea- , meant forgive instead of forget. And 1 ;wrar to you, Lura, that I do not lx'ar malice against you, that you -_.n" `oho turn• +.1 her head away proudly. "t is very kind of you. You think. then, that 1 gave you up for a mere whim, frorn a desire lo ben rich wo- men, for Heaven knows what --some ti.e nlprehe�ns'bte reason --that---" spring prover uriusunt►v favorable for the expected title:s, there is sure lo bo a ehertege of suitab:e shoats for the park ng -lotuses. As a rate., April is a snfe month lig winch to have the litters corse, as they need not be long oon- line.d to close quarter:, and arc' much safer to thrive if allowed t.0 run out ell the ground for exercise in 117-:c wea- tures, loaded with tans upon tons of nitroglycerine and gun -cotton, primed end ready to explode from a some: of known rind unknown reasons. S ineti►ues when a danger house blows up, tearing inert within to atoms, rend- th building i l 1 sti ks and A Broken Vow 9 -OR BETTER THAN REVENGE. + • + •4 4 4 4 ••4 4 •+ ♦♦♦♦++♦++♦+♦+++♦♦♦t♦+-++♦♦++++++++++♦♦+♦+♦++++ CHAPTER 1. teen or fifteen years of age, and the ""Turn your flies k+wards Londcnt unhappy mother and father were trawl - "Turn with her trent plug: to place 011 \Vhal do you sceV the Conlan' -net. Daniel Varney was a The man on the bed was too weak to rich man at the time, rind wits able to turn. and kept, his gaze fixed upon the give thein, in his own stern, grudging ceiling above him. The woman we'O fashion. all that tt:e,)► needed; but love, sat beoeido the bell, with her elbows in the best sense, he gave to no one. propeed on her knees and her chez 1t, the m 'mein when his fiats theories supi,orted in her paints, stared before in regard to the education of the girl rap' a n.o rna c t C her us though she could look straight had clashed nest strongly those gc aging a gaping hoe thirty' feet across through the wall of that upper 1'00111 in of his wife, there enure into withhu story o not think anythingt into rocks and gravel, it is impossible to ' the I total of the Phis a Skaters in the ono fur element. 1 1 sed It • dent. r '1 d lit irk of the sort. for 1 knew that you -1 have forg.w•n. tiler. The period of l'estation in the tel. even what caul the acct r .e a ;� city of Antwerp. Very slowly, That element had been Mr. Roland a J 1 do not blame you any Wrote, but case of the 3' w is general'y sixteval , Other thane the disaster is traceable as though she saw a vision afar off, she Ewing—bright, happy-go-lucky, weigh - you ought to forgive, 10o, lora." "Accei•t the a.5surance of my full par - den, though 1 do not know what it is for." "What for?" 11e looked at her sor- rowfully. "Is it not a grave fault in Inc to lisvo ofl•'red your sister my hand, without tho slightest affection for her? 1 had not even the: excuse of acaiiil- plsli:ng u good work by it, ate---" "Net another word!" she cried lremb- 1rig. "Jt is easy indeed to declare of preyed dsflt:'ult to settle, a second 'er- ttte dead that you never gave her your p he':,rt. Katie's lips aro dumb vice ala later day of the period of heat Ile flushed deeply, but he did not take rorty Prove successful. The sow, after his eyes from her face. service, should be kept quiet in •o peen "I repeat it," he said firmly, "I did alone for a day or two, or until tier not lute your sister." teat has passe:!. "Let us drop the subject," she said Success in securing litters depends y 1arge'y on the treatment of Ike meg- sheeny. •. rant sow. Regular exer'c sr, end plen'y Ho obeyed. and was silent. •1'he guncotton drying house, contain- Ho sprang up and went hastily across of it, is essential, and to Ibis ani the he. as much n.; live tons of the frightful to the flrcepJnce. in which the para coals feed should be, to some extent, whole expic ive, a half teaspoonful of which were glimmering. She poked at them grain, scaNered stem the (round er' would be enough. to blow you into ,title -sly with the ten s, and took up upon a plank lrlati.'rrn, to keep the sows smithereens, stands isolated on pillars weeks to a day c,r two, no other class ; to the careleesnes.s or disobedience of an answered the weak voice that heel ask - et stock producing so nearly within the t employe. Oaasionally, says Appletotr's eu the questiean. allotted time. 'I'o facilitate the service ! Magazine, catastrophe i5 due t4, an un-• ell seg --in that London to w titch I am I where a large, heavy s'.re is in use, or, moldable accident like the tote stub- g�,ings-a girl, she sad, speaking ling of a toe.p g a very natural gr ef at the loss ef ins Whatever the cause, when the crush 'grimly enough through her teeth. "All . wife. Mrs. Daniel Varney was a young centre, it is the mc.�t in.xonceivably the beauty and the brightness of life woman still. and a prelly c•ne; and she frightful ordeal to which the hurpan net- that should hove been mine have been had a desperate heartache, born of flf- vous system can he subjecteci, hers; all the !eve that has never touch- i teen years of coldness and misunder- adopted it would not think of doing flow human creettures can be induced ea this barren, desolate heart of mine stenting and reelect. They drifted to - without it. As a rule, cine service '3 to take the risks of working in such t has belonged to her. Child of a father!wilier—and the man was very. very sufficient, and as effectual as more, . ' ; whose Warne has been a byworel, she sorry for her, and seemed all at once AN EARTHLY Ill ENO, though, in the case of sows that have has grown up in ignorance; she does l,• be the one being who could under - ready to burst on the instant in all its not understand how she is hated and 'Mand all that she had missed. h.trror, may seers past understanding. despised; she is to understand it now." Poor Ol.ve Varn,y could remember a 61111 thousands upon thousands of sten work in ruse mills. "Good—very goad," carne the whis- . night when a familiar figure was gone The guncotton drying house, where leer from the man in the bed. "You from the house, an•1 from her life; a the washed nitrated cotton must be dried have not been taught your lesson for no- I! night when her father stood, like a a!,solutely, shares with the nitiogiycerino thing. olive; you do not bear your neo- 'thing turned to stone, and read a let - building the reputation of being the ther's name :or nothing. The shadows ter in which has wife bade him fare - most hazardous on the face of the earth. are closing fast about rue. It is writ- well for the last lime. Olive was fit - ten in the great Book of 1.ifo and Death 'ken then; she war frightened, and did that my life is to go out here, like the not understand. Unhappy os her life smoke of a poor blown -out lamp. Ile- had been, she had nlways turned 'n- itre 1 go let me be sure that you un- siinctively towards the young and pret- der•stand what you are to do; pet me Te mother who had been the brightest know that all I have prayed and hoped ' thing she had known. That mother for through so many years will not come eves genie. without even a weird to her- te nothing now, when my life closes. self: enrl she ha=t gone in such a push• Say the words I taught you—on the + ion filet her name was never again to bo mentionei. (To be Cont ntr 'r!.l -- -1- -- - - less—and a widower. ile had left be- hind in Eng'nnd a chid of five —a girl. Ile was traveling in order to overcome indeed. in any case, whether the boar le, large or small, a bircd.ng crate kept in his peen Is a gent convenience find so.v:ng of time; and these who have g err their feet. A raw mange! or sugar the little bellows without wing ll►crnr. At last she came back, and stranding beet thrown on the ground to scoop, Ixefgre him in the brilliant sunshine, will algal tend to keep ti -am employed. which showed him so plainly the fine Cold, sloppy feed rod to the sow is be- which that grief had made In her face, liev041 to have a bad effect on the pigs ehe said gently: she is carrying and if areal Ls fed. IL "Wo will not quarrel about the old Is safer to give it dry, the water or story, it would do no good: fled 1 am swill heng given in a separate trough. ready to accopt your proposition—let A mixture of pulped nwngeLs and ctrl u, bc: Wends. We have each given clover or eluver leaves, with a little pain to the otlhPr, only with this mewl sprinkled over it, is Ideal feed dif- ference. that f w•aS not my own Mk- f,: n hreod sow. tress, that I nearly diel In—but we will A 'fry bed in an open shed. or one not sink of that, only do not try ice with en open door to the barnyard, ocmfort me with fictions that 1 do not bePevo. Leave the dead her rights." "Lora, t.. , are unjust. to mA. 1 did where she can go out at any lime. is a better ur•rnneemeent than keepintr the sow in a close pen when} regiil'ir ex- al:ore n morel' 400 yards from the near- & buckling. Nothing except the portentous weird "Danger," painted In big black letters over the en ntncedistinguishes th`.s house hem the other structures, yet as you gaze al iti very isolation you approach with deep res"ecl. Only one person is permitted in this Ware, an Italian; a medium-sized, chunky roan, he Is dark and swarthy, with black eyes and a blacker mous- tuche. Ile is a roan of year.: of exper- ience. so trained (0 caution that it has become a habit exercised like second nature. TIIE MAN IN CIIARCE grave of your young mother—years ago. Say them now!" 1 white, thin hand had oomo out from am -)ng the bed -clothes; the hand groped f•_ ► and leached that of the woman Sit- DRINK PLENTY W,kTER ling beside the bed. Wilding it at both her own, and never relaxing her goze st-raightt et the wall before her, she TO(TRE RiIEL'MATISNI r •• TELLS HOW very slowly and del ibcrat. p . 1 �I.L spoke e � y -y "In the great lonaon that lolls her, AND T111: KIDNEYS. —young and bright and pure, and un - slotted from the world—1 am to find I sol know, Ihett, that you wero forced er•cLse Ls not easy avtiilnblre. If ,+ I. will not permit you inside this house no her—to give her your message—to ful-, Gives Readers Advice --Also Tells of s into your marriage; and, deeply injured lel is due to came in the winter menthe. metier how favored a visitor you may f that messae*e. This is it,. 'Even as by your desertion, f rushed (headlong " provi:a,)0 should be made to sec'ire siif- tee Ttie most fru will do is to open the he—your father—robbol and ruined Inc Simple Pre•erip►tion (0 Make a 1101110- -nh. don't ask Inc about itl" ficiene warmth. The &ow should be- cie:or of one of the drying rooms to give and mine, wt, in the Brno to tomo I will Yea II peep within. tMade Mixture. "Well, Ihen, let us iM friends," sho corllr1 accustomed to her quarters a y`' [ 1 rob and ruin you, who bear his name. Ile is married and has five children I learnt Cf,llp A ttlC R v C is There sold, Ignoring his tt'<ords. No he •tsn l afraid If he wear tic that; tit s no lesson 1 of • k. 1 for she due to is no other les=on 1 have nun Now is the lime when the doctor gets farrow. 11 the pen is not cwnsklered s_ strongly as is ► ere i tun and the patent medicine menu - waren enough, a may 1x3 improve) et would not work where he is working. y' 1 know so well. 1 will trick you and lecturers reapthe harvest, unless great Mal respect by putting up extra stud - irksknows, of course, that it be vie- irics anyof certain rules he and his ycurs, as he pricked those who were care is taken to dress warmly and keep was over nfoiicver for her, for there NVIS And then they set together and talked Neuse are going to leave together, but mine. I will humins you to lite dust, the feet dry. This is the advice of an ding by the fluter wane, tacking rough or miners that were very remote from 1tunber on them. and till ng in bctse•+'en he has no lnLenton of violating prrreau- or he humble) mine. I wilt Tiring you cid eminent authority, who says that ne one to the world for her but him, and he stood on the other lido of Katie's their thoc'gl,is. and as they talked their with strew or !tersemanure. A second lions. Ile never has been blown up yet, to want and shame and misery, as lie Rheumatism and Kidney trouble wea- grave, and that quiet. green rnound eyes met constantly with a searching.. e`'v ering `'vcrhead of n temporary char- rind he dors not intend to he. Even his brought me and ming. Is that right?" then is here, and also tells what to do was raised between them—an insurer -trig ,ir'ng leek. as it They were leukin}; n`'k'r tv!ti alio help to make the place family has ceased worrying about him. "You hove not forgotten; you are not In case of an attack. ler a single ray of thal•han iness which warmer. The sow's feed et this time You notice he is wearing nilhersnled of the stuff to forget. Olive. !'here is n Get from any good prescription Oar - able obstacle. She was so de.'ep in g r should be relarng, in enter to avoid tennis shoes wherein he walks silent and Cod of vengeenee• he shell speak macy one-half ounce Fluid Extract Kar - thought that she dict not hear Gamma's haat once Sh•tue ter them. It tins so c'en•tlnat.•�rt. Boo's and bins slap will ghostlike. As he opens the door of one through you. MY journey ends her'; Dei:delion, one ounce Compound Kar- at h in the corridor: "The signora is tveryint Quiet up here that nothan mi. lend to keep the b owels open. The hail- of the drying -rooms. heated to a temper- n, three ounces c.om and tinted them to the questions and mi. 1't p here yours begins. And you will not t� � Syria) a. home. steers that at first carne quickly, anal ding should he of dry, short straw, min ,lure of lin degrecos, n brenlh of hot air tail•" Sarsaparilla. Mir by shaking in a bot - A moment later he was standing be- not teat plentiful. It 1 well !o keep from within strikes you. tl.' and take a teaspoonful atter meals fore her, tall and stalely, in his simple then more and mere slowly. You see what appears to be chinks Where was silence for a long lime in And at bedtime. Also drink plenty of gray travelling costume, and the sun- The general seemed, to -day. to have watch over the scow when her time Is p a Y g d t tl p 11 e little onexa do and slat`s and tends of a dirty white 'Yee, good friends," he repeated, and a sad smile flitted over his face, un- seen by her. light that stresmed through the whole nom played about his brown hair and made the eyes that were, gazing at her mere brilliant than usual. "1 have missed your unc'e," he .aid, drawing up a chair. "Will you allow me to rest? for the walk has tired me a little; this dome !s very fascinating. How happens 1t that you are not out in the sun and air, too?" She sat opposite him, surprised and confused. "1 felt tired, too," she replied. "I hope 1 ant not dislurbinia out, Lora?" he -tai, gently, c.:tlling her by her name, which he had hitherto avotd- ed. "C•onfes• that you want me a thou- sand miles away—isn't it so? Shall 1 gar "Yes," she said frankly. "go." And she drew a long breath. "Only n few wools mere. Lem. Who forgitten the dinner hour. Gemma, up• an o see in x. tripping about on tiptoe. had noiseliens- not gel away from her side. As n rule. ly [aid the table and brought in the is not oleo to interfere more than Ls soup, necessary with the sone, but it sh.- i9 resllese. ani gets to rising often. it Ls Lora asked Ernest in a few nasty well t0 have a basket at hand, cover - other to stay. They sat ,,hp>osite each other like a young married couple at e'' with a blanket, in which to put the their first dinner; pxtseihly the corn - quiet, fill all are beim and the sew is quiet, when they should be placed be- side her, unci, if necessary, tushed to find the needed neourishment. The sots should not he disturbed for feeding for twelve hours after inrrowing, and only a warm drink of bran slop elven. Her feed for the. first two or three data aboull be light., and gradually increased. paris•�n they have suggested itself to both. For one moment her eye a met his, trill of all the old faithful nfto^h°n; then she suddenly turned away her head, and two great tears ran down her fade. They did hot speak munch more d&.ir- ing the lltllc'n,e'ril. 'To cur good friendship!" he said once teii•rhing his glass to hers. Then he asked 11 site would not go to wntk, and as she assented he cendtrcted her. lean- ing on lits arm, through the streets of Bente, end she thought Low she had knows when we shall see each other nice dreamed of wandering here. like alone again' f wanted to ask you to this with lttm, and that It find now let the past be forgotten." She leaked at him with anger in her eyes. (lis speech roundel foolish to her. As it one could bkpt out the past from oras meinory at a wor'1! "Oh," she said slowly, and her voice sounded bitter rather than ironical. "why should we bang up all that? You feta me long ago that you had forgot- ten. though you did not Qay it in wools." Marr•. ammo to pass, and yet how differently! (re be (. ntinued.) WiHY iIE SOBBED. There was a young Phew nsme'+d (parry. \\'horn a coy girl invited to tarry. She said, 'This leap year Let us wedded be, deur." Gut he sorbed out. "i don't want to 4440100 401$ei 0 0 40 04 4 A Boston schoolboy was tall,Als weak and sickly. His s runs were soft and flabby. He didn't have a strong muscle in his entire body. The ;thy sici;'tn who had attcnd"d the family for thirty years prescribed Scott's Emrtl.sivn. NOW: To feel that boy's arm you would think he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c. AND ^$1.00. Lit.004)004:1004.6)..00000041.* cbe 1.IVE STOCK NO'i'ES. Gather the eggs three or four times o day, or they will chill. Eggs shout(' be kept in a temperature not below o0 degrees if intended for hatching. The farmer's horse in winter, if net hard worked, will do better, and his coat balk Metter, if wintered on bright straw and Iwo quarts elf oats night. and morning, than 11 fed all the good ttm- clhy hay 110 oil! eat. Do not keep the cows too elesely eon- flnevd, let them become accustomed to rc-mninin,r out every day that is not Ftermy. Irnless vent:lntion and senttn- lion be perfect. conanine (*owe n11 the tune we'kens their constitution, end 'their health ie leilae to be :imaged. Cewe in thi: condition nre, much morn l:nble M d:—.sense. Viii eaten hear it seal that "like be - Cele like." As n rule this is true: yet it is .-n the deviation from this rule lhnt our tie;os for i,npr.vement depend. of the efrs;orit,g will he touter then their preeenilors: others not ro rood. Breen rely (rem the best. rt yet) breed from a god .Jam. and a sire wheee clam is goof. tem trove a $tron? Witt in breeding. 1)•' not mak" the mistake of ire Ina to breed for tt'et rreet- eel s k i t (1 !Wilk. butter, rhe'(' a and heel in th' diir rhnlmels. flren1 1• r a eurro-e. There le r.e% sub thine ria gencrnl-mtpp►e• .' COW. Item, c.r ben. The row that peals ant 90+1 iw urde r. f tee. ter 10 n vent toa'-cs r very reelect cagev- ane in mil:. 1'11'1 the har=e 'het e'en trot a mile 'n 2.1+1 wc.s:tit in:.',1 a ticry poor sh''wing at the plo'v. l:".E\W `i'lli; Mrs. r;r.a'.:`ora--101:r1. 1 think yo►) might ss web get ready to go for the (Voter. frir';-'r—\\'th+t't 111, new' Mrs. (;rinknm--No one. yet; but 1 notice that mamma !'oe just found a new potent medicine ..lmenae. and is reeding the page alit' 'ympt tali r. blotting paper heaped in metal pars two or Three feet and set in a series of spa- cious racks like SO MANY BIG PIGEONIIOI.F-. Even new there is nothing 111 the ap- pearance of the stuff to prevent you from throwing it out of your way as if it were an old piece of paper. and you we nde•r afterward whether niter all this seeming rubbish can be the dreaded ex- plosive, a mere fifty pounds of which could send an 1b,O00 ton Dreadnought to the bottom. Yet the slightest sudden Jar against even a pinch of thie insignificant appear- ing snhstance and there would he a Nell and a crash lhnl would shake the er.rih for miles around. and nothing but a pall of smoke drifting r;kvvvard would 1441onin of horse or innn. The slightest grain of sand underfoot to enure friction against durst Invisible to the naked eve. or a mere spark. k,iorkcd perhaps keen tt..' head of n cn" nett tack rind the house and men weed(' he annihilated, --ei• V\ t 1 Il "1 It 11:1:1► ;' (IN '111 \(;I:)‘'. Emperor Francis J•'-,•t,h Mr: Nut ilnd a Happy Rehire Fitly -nine years ago. on December 2nd. P 48. the Emperor Francis Joseph ascended the throne '•f Austria. The Hapsburg family might well be called n house of trngevdv. With the chief events In the Med Emperor's life cur readers are d.►uhtles well acquaint- ed, lint the sante fate seems to he)ve t,auntea other members of the fanc- ily. Francis Joseph's brother Maxmilinn, who was mnrricd to a sister ef King Leopold of Belgium, become Emperor ret Maxine. Ile wa-a suppiortedd by Na- pa leen fit., who afterwards dese?Ted him. The United State's Government ultimately seized \inximilian, and !ie was shot as a traitor. After the tragic denlh of the Crown Prince Rudolph. Archduke John Saive- ler, one of the heirs-presumt.the to the Ihr..ne, renounced his rights. Adopt- ing the name of John Orth. he set out for America, but the vessel in which 1:r snot d was never heard ef again, and the art Iiduke''s fate is unknown to this e• 'Phase are only Iwo of dramatie sti-rias encircling the bo tee of Ilene - hire. It would seem ns tho'igh grief. Pilled, and unheppinees were the in- reitehle 1•)t of members of this Royal the \'ERC1: Ai virr,. the room—a brooding silence on the part ef the woman; silence on the part e' the than. because he was at grips with Death, and was fac`ng its approach as sternly ns he had always faced Life. After a time he spoke again, wittlout moving: "You are not afraid, Olive?" She laughe a quietly; over her fine, strong face swept for a moment a little wave est contempt. "Afraid? i have been 1,rought up and trained loo strong- ly for that, father. 1 never had a girl- hood; 1 don't think 1 was ever a child. The God I have worshipped has been one who hid lips face and was always angry w th the world that belonged to iPPrn. Naar Insight me to hale when i was a baby—to tette all sorts of things that seemed gem! and pleasant. You made inc take this oath ns regents Lucy Ewing when i wets quite n girl. My mother was something to be spclien of in hushed wh`spers before 1 could un- derstand what wrong she had done. No; i have not len trainetd to he afraid of anyth ag. The stuff of whkh you have mndo me does not breed emo- tions." This was the and of a bong journey. To thiss quaint. quiet little Hotel of the Three Skaters in Antwerp had rome a man not yet °'d --Daniel Varney—and n women ender than her years --his daughter Olive. This was the end of the journey, because Death had slep- pc:1 In. and stopped it. 11 was to have ended in London; it was to have fin'sh- e.l with a young girl crouching before the indignant figure of this grey-haired non, deno'rncinoz her; it was to hove been a mnt'er of an eye for an eye. and a tooth for n troth. Dying. the man lett all that biller husiness to his daugh- ter. who hi'1 been troincd cerefulTy ereugh to f&1 -w out that wh!ch 1!e hod started. 1t had begun Amo fifteen }•euro h"fore; and it had begun In this bah. ton: Daniel Varney—the man who now lay al the print of death in the little hotel in Antwerp --had married o'omparntively late in lite, and had married kr love. Itis wife hail been a mere girl, and he had not understood her. A grave and elderly man even for hs years, he had set about to mako her grave an elder- ly too. before she had done with the hright and pretty things of her girl- hood. Gradually he had set up a heavy barrier of dstrust and rnistinderstand- ing between them; gradually he had driven her further and further away. Even the advent et her girl -baby had not tended to improve matters; it had be. acme a fight between the two an M which sh' uld hold the child --a poor struagle.,i•nd for themsAlves and worse who V gentle word. gently meek. Itte' girl. "no. the right time save -s your face from being Lr.,ken. it had gone on anal the girl was f•.ur• ((:: rd of language. voter. You can't drink too much of it. Just try this simple home made mix- ture, and don't forget the water, in the first sign of Rheumatism, or if your back aches or you feel that the kidneys are not acting just right. This is said to be a splendid kidney regulator, and almost certain remedy k t• all forms of iiheumatisrn, which is caused by uric acid in the blood, which the kidneys fall to filter out. Any one can easily prepare this at home and at small cost. Almost any druggist in the smaller towns can supply the ingredients Teamed, as they are ceimmOnly used in the prescription department. IBITS O1' INFORMATION. lnteresIirtip Item; of ktiou Icd�o' 'Most riser) lhur0. There are about 600,000 people ployed In Italy rearing silkworms. An exp iese engine consumes on an average ten gallons of water per utile. in Chicago loaves of bread mold bear the weight and the name of the baker. Lake Huron is dotted with over 3,000 islands. This is more than any other lake has in the world. According -to bakers, people cat 20 per cent. more bread when the weather 1; cold then when it as mild. Every yt'ar the sacred shrine of kloc- crt. the "Casten" is re-covered with a costly carpet sent by the Sultan. A single ono of !(hese coverings has cost 875.000. Santa Bose. Califnrn:a, has a church cspable of seating 200, all built out of the timber sawn from a single redwood tree. ►1►uttl em - LIFE ON PLANET MARS 5111 DAVID (:11.1, 111E es 11101\oMf'P 1s ki:1'fll:1i. Thinks 1t There are I.iviuu l reutoref- 'hllere They are Dittereut to Is. Whether or not there is lite on was dealt with by Su David l;at, a.,t,ouvrihor, in u recent leetur© at Lori - don. Sir David did clot deny Ile po:;sibil- ity of the existence en the platlet sof some kind of animal, %cry different from ourselves, se (lint there is still a crumb of comfort lett those e:pti10 sts who Took forward !o the day %viten It'o milt and Mars will exclarego ink li- giblet sigirals. Sir neva] laughingly aloe'• red that he could not utterrtpt to draw air 1111- ag:nar•y picture of the "ktal•iein crea- ture." '11 is certain that it there are living cicatures on Mar.;," he said, 'they are �., cn'irely cliff er.•t:t from nrything that we krow of al iere.ent Ibat their forms cannot by even imagined. NEED STRONG LUNGS. "It is also certain that their breath- ing apparatus must be equally irtoon- corvable to us, for the air on the planet is far more rarefied 'than that en the summit of lite highest 111oulltai113 in the Hunalsya;, and the temperature is ex- ircinely knv. "As I said in my lecture, Schaparetli, who discovered (ho peiu:,ar markings en Mars in 1877, clrlt-d them `canals,' but the word did not mean canaLs at all, but hollows or ehennt•ls. In ray opinion these rnitih.ns., which ran only be seen tinier the most favorable cir- eulnsiancee, are not artificially macdo at all, but aro probably a tries of na- tural form Tens. A series of such fere mations er- mations v ; :cli would appear as 'dots' oou'd easily be mistaken for a rjraight line. ASTRONOMERS DISAGi1EE, M.r. i.ewe ll, who has studied, Mars from Arizona an 1 who sent an expedi- lion to Andes for the same purtfose is oenvinced that the `canals; are i.rtifict- nlly made. He says that Mahe Inas no h lis or trountiins, otherwise the ca- nals coup'l not have beim cul. 'That proves nothing, because the highest maintain i.; probably less than twenty miles high, h and the 1 e:t W be seen thio t h :h telescope of the pow- er .- er sed by Mr. Lowell must measure at lenst twenty mild in one of Its dimen- sions." BREADFRUIT TREF.r. From the breadfruit -tree the South Sea Islanders obtain thelr principal freed. In appearance it resembles semee- what the wild chestnut. It grows to the height of forty or fifty feet, and has dark -green leaves, many of thein Iwo feet in length. Before It is ready for table use the fruit must be roaster.. when it looks like wheat -bread, ani is both palatable and nutritious. Usual- ly the fruit Ls cut into three or tour slid, and roasted or baked in the oven. Dread is not the only product of the breva:lfruit-tree--cement, cloth, Under, and lumber being obtained from it a.s well. ..nova.__.*. _...« it's :_ esy to take things as they If they are coming our way. "i he man at ca n SPEAKING OVER THE SEA come say "yes" and has a sufkietnt �\ ilitELESS TI:1.1:1'ti: ,\1' it es ` 1 C1:1Sl 1 1. '1 itl 'l'tt„ It+ntdred noel nifty Milt- e •eenel Erttvcc'n iterate e.. i teeto, at+ l Copenhail': n, Denmark. liadio-wireless telephonic c•omtnunica- tion between Berlin and Copenhagen 1.5 now an osutblisl".•d fact. Ily his "undamped" or contintiorh3 wave system (as opposed to the "e,xplo- stcns" of the ordinary wirele*is system), Mr. Waldemar 1'oulsen, the Danish in- tentor, has interchanged menea twice between the wireless telepti n stations at \Veissiensee, a suburb of Bette lin, and Lyngby, near Copenhagen, a distance of 250 miles. CLEAlt AND AUDiBI.E. The transmission 1c s left nothing to '.,e desired in the war of clearness and audibility. I'reperatnry arrnnge'nuirtti had been made between \\'ekssenseo and Lyngby, the recorder and transmitter t:ere tuned alike, and punctually at lite signal the first longelLstanco wirele.ss le.epltnnic me sage was flashed ihnnugh the air from Berlin acres, North Ger- many and the waters of the Sound. Music played in Berlin was distinctly heard in Copenhagen. Numbers and a series of special test words were ro- oordel with the greatest eas. The operators at Weneensec :say that no technical reason exists why radio- telephony Mania] not be established be- tween Berlin and leendon. The only ot,stacle to money. The ere ^tion of &te- tinns in the centre of Berlin sufficiently powerful to reach London would en- tail enormous expense. This hindrance, however. in the opinion of electrical ex- perts, should soon 1>e surrrlounted, and tx•fore king radio -telephones replace the present wire system. APPARATUS S1'IPLE. • The entire apparatus trsetl in the i'tsr• lin-Cepentragen cnnversatioone is si;nplici. ty li eif. 11consists solely of n Irene. !Miter. a roccive'r, ttm mast, the anion- • nae (which proje t the sound waves). and the power plant. The mnst used at \Wei - Fr.rtsro Station is a tall factory Ilii:ane near the power teethe. The system dif- the feint spark telephony in that tran.smttlr produces the required waves by means of a noteele s, cmulinuous, di- rect current, r•ei►lacing by 1ta continuity of action lite dangerous thigh tenet.,'' developed by spark to•tephonic EASiEtt OVER \V.\TER. "Over the open sea," sail i)r. Huck- 'cr. the chief of the statin nt We s•us• 0, "radio -teles liony :vitlr ee)1itir1i;',.:, %%IMO IA a comparatively every matter up to :kA miles. Several vessels aro adding the Pe uis'+n apparatus to their telegrap'ltio installations, it is peculiarly well alap- tort for light-hottt!o: r.nrprl."'." The Gorman War 1liller se"ur•d to- day the right of gage of Mr. t'oulsen's w;re d -els telephone for the Germr+n army. By his "undamped" waves Mr i'c,ul- 8•1. tuts sent meesai e'•3 t.v tv res= tri graph to his station at St. l'e.'.rslturg and to several Danish steamers in the North Sent and tr.,, At!ant:c, as writ. as to s station on the mast of Irelani.