Exeter Times, 1908-02-27, Page 1xeler
die 'l, a Cle!)?tA7 (.,.j
rThe best ever shown in
Exeter. for the price.
i• Trimmed with Val. Lace
• or Embroidery, work
,♦ •
_' For $2.00
Phone No. 32.
A Magnificent Showing of
New White Waists
We are sh
owing the, Swellest line of White
Waists this season that we have put before our
Customers. Every Waist bought in the latest
style and trimmed with the daintiest of Laces and
For $1.00
This is a swell Waist
and good for the money
With Lace or Embroidery
For $3.00
We give you something
extra good for this price.
They are real smart and
stylish looking.
For $4.00
Von get the best Waist
you ever bought for the
price. Allover Embroi-
detied Fronts and Sleeves
Our New Spring Coats
Are now arrayed for your inspection. The tailoring is ab-
solutely perfect, and the styles decidedly smart. These Spring
Modes Coats fit -yes, better than the Majority of made-to-order
sMade of new shadow stripe and plain fawn coverts in tight-
fitting, box and semi -fitting backs. Also black in same styles.
Every coat a stylish garment and just what will stake any lady
I look smartly dressed.
: Rugs, Squares and Carpets
1.. • if you have a room to carpet or a house to furnish, do not
` fail to see us. We are exceptionally well prepared to meet your
demands and will help you to make your choice
Our stock of Tapestry, Brussels, Milton and Velvet Rugs are
not equalled in Exeter, while our Carpet stock is up-to-date.
Gents Furnishings
Now Gents you know we are headquarters for your line of
wear. ]sere you will find us right up-to-date with the new
Spring Hats, ('aps, Shirts, Ties, Suits, Gloves and Fancy Sox.
No trouble to show you through our stock.
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grafle shoes and wall papers.
The Gibbs By=Law to
Be Again Submitted
At the meeting held in the Town
Hell last Monday evening to discuss
the [natter of the r•e•suhu,itting of the
Gibbs by-law, the ratepayers present
by a standing vote of '73 to 7 express-
ed their approval to having another
vote taken on the by-law, and before
the meeting was concluded three of
those who stood up against the pro-
position changed their attituda and
will no doubt work in its interests.
Reeve Ropier presided and explain-
ed that the object of the meeting Wait
to get the consensus Of •opinion of the
• • ' ratepayers in order that tete council
• • +alight be guided before the matter of
• • I submitting the by-law the second time
• • 18 discussmened at the council board. The
••• business en had pledged their sup-
•• Pct to the hf•law, and thought that,
• • ' a number had misunderstood the
• wc,rding of t he ballots, consequently
• • the by-law failed to get the required
• • number of votes at t tie January elec-
tion The Gibbs Company had ex-
• •
• • vended nearly $6,001 for apples and
• • wages during last season and had gone
•• ahead with their building operations,
feeling confident after the Business
•• I11en's meeting in September, that
Ithere you
♦ � ' Id be no doubt as to the
• I passing of the by-law.
• . Mr. L. Hardy said he had heard that
♦� I the business men had guaranteed the
2.• 1 $501). The by-law was defeated at the
:• 'should
elections and he thought that
should have been a fair test, of the
wishes I•�
• the.
people. f"
♦ If the Gibbs Co.i (
decided to [Hove away he was positive
and would guarantee that another
concern would start up another busi-
ness of the same nature and would not
ask any favors from the corporation.
and therefore he was against putting
the matter again before the people.
Mr. '1', 13. Carling said that swing to
the imperfect railway facilities here
it was necessary to hold out some in-
ducements to get industries, I'he
Gibbs ct nipany were only asking $5110 After considerable lively discussion it
the purce.a.-e price of the bite. '1'hey� was decided to put ups' new buil l -
were not exempt fi o,a taxes, which ing pn the site ok the old otu•,
would aruounr, .•. a., u•a t $45 a year, using' the material in .,the present
while the interest 0u ibe free) would
amount to more than ail tut $20, sh.lw-
ing a balance in favor of the town
each Tear. It 'would b:• necessary for
the company to erect a residence or
t wo increasing their taxation. The
company in three months had left
$6.000 in town and one man had told
him he had received $30 'for apples
which had tho company not been
here, would have been wasted. .13e -
cause 'the 'Gibbs Company ars here,
it looks bad to see the business met,
who ..encouraged them( l j tom?,
thrown down. Ile would wager that
if the 'Gibbs Company left town that
another concern would not build n
Plant like the one they have erected.
A number who voted against the by-
law, did not understand the word-
ing df the ballot, and it should again
be put before the people. Thu busi-
ness men thought it a good propo-
sition or they. would not have eup-
ported it.
Mr. T. Ii. McCallum was pleased to
say that he had attended the meeting
last fall to arrange with the Gibbs
• Company. and knowing the desire, of
the ratepayers to secure industries
for 'rho progress of the, town, thought
it altogether likely the by-law
[would carry. The company last foul
did remarkably well and he was sor-
ry At lien he heard the by-law was de-
feated, tu►d thought its defeat was
due i to the •ot•
y yrs misunderstandin;
the wording of the by -Jaw, The peo-
ple had elected the council for its
progressive spirit, and the council is
liowinng that spirit. The Gibbs Cont-
pany put confidence ill us and we
should show our appreciation, ,by
putlin,! our cotifidence in thm.
Mr. Tho. Ilartnoll was opposed to
the re-submit1 in. of the by-law onaccount of the wording of the dod;er
announcing .the meeting'. feeling that
it •was a challenge by the Gibbs Co.
but later in the evening when he
found out that the Gibbs Company
bad notating to do witlf getting out
the 'lodger, h.' changed Jtis min.1
(Lout opposing the b-latw.
Mr. 1). A. 'toss ?vas much disap-
pointed when he heard the by -taw
had been defeated. but learning that
a number had voted against itowing io a. rnisunderetanding of the
wording on the ballot, he thought
if it were again submitted the reult
would be different,. Every citizen
in the town should be' deeply inter-
ested in the progress of the town and
the encouragement of new industries
and intul df throwing any straws
n the way, should give their support.
Tlee council w•as eIcterl for its pr-
gresive .pirit in securing innlustries
but i[ ta•. proper thr0%4down every
.ropsition 'brought forward. the en-
'r,lies of the council were wastcd.
The town is trade up of two class,'..
One who works for .t he indiidual
only and the other for the individual
and the ititrestsof tII' municil.nlity.
ile hoped the council would n lain
ubrnit the by-l:ew 0t1d that ev,ryonto n 11tan should work foil itr. L. 11. ilicksoti said (here "not .1 dise•'ntint voice at the nlr it in t
,kim IIIe (albi Company to cone
to Eeter, therefore it wee unani-
mously nzreed thnt we. asmen. should put our shoulder 10 the
wheel and carry t h • by-law. TheCompany spent 11t 1.. .t five nail .-ix
thouand dnll•rrs Inst cetr. not in-
cludinz (lie cot cf Ibe plant.one who had any dealin1 Z5 %with t h.Gibb. Company '14 perfectly' Reti-
.ird with ) hien. etie that• :nnount of
• Mt would trot amount to 1nor.' thenane mill m► the dollar. lir under-
torel that if the i.ibhs Cornpeny (11.
cid•'') 'to pull away from Eeter. that
a men not far frota here would buy
or tense the buildin.r and cose it up..
• aerc,.ment with the eotl,anv
Lound them to rnein h're for ten
t rs ,, 1► if t t h -ia,v , .. r wt/•
d� 1Y t'would have •1 lien nn th•►n for lhalime anywey. ((if)i the pt•o.pet that
they would rt•►nain ll,r' for nil titre
1u '01111. Luton
ill' standing vote \e is then talaent h the clove result. 1u1u, 'Ihoultlsun. .e hu died 11 his
V r, lluu, the represeututive of the hula• un ca. 10, London Town>hip,
('oulpany gas in the audience :uld ou Friday night last, was born inwas m11ed upon. 11u *aid he •us land 77 yours ago. For the 10,1 3i
pleased with the interest tken in years he residedi on Lop '0 Con. iihe matter. Ile ran•. pert+ as a Ile married Rachel .Abbtt.representative of the Cotnpatny :utd d,ughter of the late \Vtu. Abbott,purchased the evaporator building at I;iddulph, a-lto predecased hint rout
ilinor i etl u, and a • 1 -
1 1 1. 4 et ,.1 ly 7or years ado.
business when s.nt; unkuo\w„ cuemY Jannis llrtuntot• has be,'n appoint -
set it on fire, with the result'elte ed Agent for the Canada Life Insur-
it was completely destroyed. The ante -compeerloss to th.: company oven and above Mr, .laces Brown :uld his bride ar-the 1.. a c1t UI. Il C w"a ns to lh., n.hhbor- rived bwn0 from [hair twddin; tour
hood of $450, and niter discussin on Tuesday night. It is said Mi. and
the matter with the company it was elle. Brown will reside in Forest af-
decided to withdraw' front Extr ter May- Ist.unless 'the Corporation would ive Mrs. Pattn, aged mother of .A-
thent a site. so that with the co-op- drew Patton, di0d at C1d.'boyci oneratiote of lho town in the ueatttet• Tuesday last.
it 'would lessen any danger of a sec - It. \V, Robinon, lately with .1lutes
and cconflaration. The Company Paik in tho ,eneral dry -good has
can remove the machinery :nut rent secured n position with Whytthe buildine'for some other purpose, May, of 8l. Marys.
but do not twist► to do so. and want A meetin: of the tneu►bers of )1olyt
to enlarge the plant. Ile did .not 1 Triity church was hell on Friday
1Rink the person who burd the 'afternoon lst to discuss the .'ree-
1ui1din„ nt the north met livd in tion of a nett/ church. 'Phe 'lt,•v..Atown and hall no idea who the per- Carlisle was made chairman and after
much discussion over the advisabil-
nMrs Cobbledick sail) he had henry ity of repairing the old building it
rumors that the Gibbs Co. lead set was found that the majority of those
fire to the building to secure tbe. in- preent w,re opposed to the. propo-
surance, but from what ho knew of stoop. Before the tneeting adjourn-
hr.i e[Com an •thuP ). c mors w•ero'with- cd it [was unanimously decided to
out 'foundation. After the fire lie build. A committee wasap]ointd to
lead gone over' to the ruins nnrl in secure the most favorable location,
conversation ?with a gentlman, who and after their report is handed i•i
proved 'to be the inspector or theon Friday, (ho 28th. inst., the [work
1►tsur:ince Company, the entleman of placing pito building material oninformed hien that the Gibbs Coil- I the .round will be proceeded with
parry had sustined ss b f' r ntn to t, t once.nd sy o tea'! t tlo't liltpal 1art Of
Ihat '. Ithy knr"t not)ung 'wha;te;ver the coutrac( may; Tte '[inisherl, be[ore
about the matter, that his company the sleihiig disapears. The build -
had othor dealings with Gibbs •end ing will cost in the neighborhood of
always 'found them honorable gntle_ ten thousand dollarsmen. Mrs..E. efessiahs, of London, is vis-
iting at 1t. 1I. Shaws.
Elimville Miss Bertha Carlisle, Of London. is
1't►cre [was a lartiwcetin; o[ lbe a visitor nt the rectorIaimville Lodge C.U.RF., at altalodge Mrs.TDora Atkinson, of a-ske r, is
hall, on Friday evening, to discus viAti el with riceed 0 1Fridepthe )clatter of erecting A new hall. A telegram racriwof D. ididaya amt touDut the dratli of D vis StammDutton, Mr, Stamm w•as a bro-
thclr of Mrs. W. 'R. Stanley.
Professor Paterson, of the West -
structure in cracting )lie newhall• ern University, London. occupied theThe building committee consists ofpulpit in the Presbyterian church on
A Great Combination
The Family Herald and Weekly Star
The Canadian Red Book and
The Exeter Times.
The Canadian Red Book is just the book that has long been
wanted. A book on Canada, all about Canada and Things all Can-
adians should know -260 pages of reliable facts, figures and infor-
mation of all kinds about Canada.
The Family I ferald and Weekly Star is the favorite paper of
Canada. it is found in almost every, home. it has no equal as a
family and farm paper.
By special arrangement we can offer the Canadian Red Book
(Price 50c", The Family I Jerald and Weekly Star t i'ricc One Dollar,'
and the Exeter Times Price One Dollars
All for $1.85
Enquire to see the Book when renewing your subscription
for the above papers at our office.
Nelson E. dicks woKe Pen ,ItIjoa
• and sinking,
Pupil ef bondon Conservatory !tusk, 11. Ituth%en
McDonald. Charles white,l.ondon F•.ng.. Ernest 0.
Finfler, Inndon, Eng. A limited number, of pupils
will be accepted.
'lis Minnie Wood. who hos been
visiting friends her: for thepast
pnonth returned to her home in Lon•
don last wa'k.
hiss Peck, of Itayfield, is the sues'
of the Misters Walker. •
Mr. 1Villiani Ti(,.tof Toledo. v-••
it.•.t with Mr. Richard 11 indfor 1 11
f),w• ,liys list week. "I have used your Psychine for about
Mr. john Qu.tnce. who has been six months, and have found it an ex -
visit ing friends here for the past tno' cellcut remedy for pneumonia and weak
months left for iris home in :snow- lungs." Ronald Johnson, Farewell,
flake. M:utitoba. on Tuestl.ey. (int.. April 15, 1907.
Mies Swan. of Fullerton. ,15 (1'0 "Psychine is one of the best medi•
JIICM of her era.'' here. rine' on the market, and for all throat
Mr. and MIA. \elven (Rieke ere, and lung troubles is unexcelled." --A
called to Norwich lest w0.•k. noln,7 word from a 111011 who has tested it.
to Rhe illness of Mrs, ]lick'•
Mr. 'Boodhouee of hirkton. is the Pneumonia, Bronehitie, t'ovghs, Colds
gue.1 of his roman lir. Wilber Luk- and all throat. lung and stomach
•er. • troubles yield to Psychine. At all drug -
The Misses Walker very pleasant. gists, 50e. and 91.01), or Dr. T. A.
Blocutu� Limited, Toronto.
ly entertain a s n'i t 1 -r of their
friends 011 1•I .c.•n:na.
Women 0ih pale co lodes, faces
who feel weak and discouraged, will
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron Pills, which
are made for the blood, nerves and
Cure for Weak Lungs
the three trustees and four members
of the lodge. It is expected the ma-
terial will be hauled while the snort
is on tho ground sot that work ren
be commenced early in the spring.
Miss Bowerman, of North Dakota
spent the past few wcekd witJI lir.
and Mrs. Richard; Bunter.
Mr. \Vtu. Coultis and fancily are
this week moving to Exeter. . tMr,
Coultis has rented his farn-T to Mr.
J. Greason, of Medina. Ile takes pos-
session on the first of March.
Mr. Berl Andrew last week bold a
handsome brood inures to 11r. ,Ed.
Stone, of Lumley, for a good figure.
Mr. Joseph Dawkins left Tues-
day for t8eaforth to attend a span
ial meeting of the County Council
to consider the. matter of t he Good
Roads ►system.
Mr. and Mrs. Wen. Coultie gave a
party .to a number of their friends
on Friday evening.
The home of Mr. Richard Johns
was the scene of a family reunion
last Saturday, the occasion being Ilse
celebration of Mr. Johns' 84th birth-
day. The day was very pleasantly
spent, with a number who called to
extend congratulations and to wish
the aged gentleman good health for
several pears to come. Although
having passed tlo four wore and
four milestone, Mr. Johns enjoys
very good health for one of his years
and is as active and energetic as one
many years his junior.
l'rices on produce will likely run
high now that we lava. a i,;w pro=
duce dealer. She is a hustler.
Mr. Thomas Johns, of Alvinaton, is
spending n few days'at the home of
his boyhood.
A new choir is being organized
with A. E, Andrew al leader. Wo
wish it success.
Mr. Milo Snell spent the past
month at Whitechapel and Wingham
combining business with .pleasure.
The singing class which has been
organized this winter is quite n suc-
cess. About thirty are in ntlendance.
-\,e have mads arrangements
11tH) the Weekly Mail and Empire.
of Toronto, ono of the leading and
meet influential papers of Canada, by
which we can offer the Exeter Times
end the Weekly Mail and Empire un-
til March est., 1009, for the extra-
ordinary torniu:el sum of $1.35. Both
publications, each taken erepar.Iteiy
for the period mention .1, would cost
nearly dOubic. ply nee •putt:; this of-
fer subscribers get the two papers
for n price very little in ndvanco of
the regular price of on •, The Week-
ly Mail and Empire is 1111 iuestionabdy
the greatest weekly published in the
Dominion, rind possesses the bro•tdrlt
outlook on Camdian national life.
It is essentially a paper for the home
and is valued alike in towel and coun-
try. its news service embraces every
recognized source of information; jts
special correspond.•rtts are in all im•
portant centres, and over its special-
ly leased wires[ it receives the hale
netnews of the whole world, and pub-
lishes there simultaneously to the 1).1-
pers in ail other pieces. The Agri-
cultural section is all accepted sMen-
d:lyd authority oil all 'natter.. relat-
ing to (ho soil and its poesib►htics.
Contributors to this section neo men
eminent in the 'world of agricultural
science. The Mar'txill' section 15 to
mine of information on n)1 pnhj.•cis
pertaining to science, liler•tturo. the
fine arts. society and the bow. many
of the nrlieleq of whale nr,' embel-
lished wilb brIelit And itietrnct1'.
illustration`. The Weekly el i.I and
Ernrirc bas no count as en exposi-
tor of House of Com,no:n :end Pro -
villein! L,-'risl,tare happening,. Al-
together the 21 pa is which compiler.
The Weekly Mail .1114 ):mpir • con-
stitute n complete library. I lie t• .1u -
lar price for whleh n one dollar a
Mrs. Geo. Breen, cif London, is vis-
iting with her aunt, 'Mise McGrath.
Mr. and hers. Breen, who are both
former residents of Iliddulph, will
move to the Canadian Weet in the
Miss Eva Hobbs, of Birr, is vis-
iting with Miss C::rlisle.
The invitations are out for the
wedding of .hiss Janet Ballantyne to
Sir, W. 1fa11►ilton 01) .\Vednesday,
March 4(11.
Mr. 7), Milner spent Tuesday. and
Wednesday of 1:est week with ear.
Beavers hare.
Mr. 'Itobt. Gardiner of low:a, has
been visiting 'friends here the past
ten days. Ile returned horse Tues-
Mrs. U. Cottle who has been suf-
fering Brom nn attack of rheumatism,
is able to be out again.
Mr. John Tucker is confined to t 1, •
louse with rheumatism.
Mrs. d). McNicol had n foully gath-
ering on Tuesday last. -
Mr. Geo. Bell had a woodbee Inst
Friday afternoon and a party for the
young folks at night which ..was
much enjoyed by all present.
Mr. •B. W. 1'. Beavers is atten,line
the convention of the Underwriters
Association ret 'Toronto this
Mrs. Beavers aceompauied .hie:. :)
visit friend= 1 her..
Mr. •1t. Jell, the stationmaster of
this plase. Iris been placed on the
retired list. and w ill receive a pen-
sion of about $25U per annum. Jar.
Jell. who is eighty yearn old. has
been in tho employ of the G. T:11.
for forty-three years. Of this time
twenty-four pears morn spent in
Preston, eighteen months in !Ideate!'
and flee balance of the lime in Clam-
deloye. Mr. Jell has a cerate record
with the company end richly de-
serves the pension coming to hila.
The family intend leaving Clande-
boye for Galt this coming spring, two
of Mr. Jell's married daughters al-
ready reside in this place. The 1tr,t
stationmaster is a Mr. Case, of St.
Marys, where he ons employed as
operator. /1
The ice crop has been of very poor
]utility this year in epite of the hard
$1.00 per year in advance
Cold Weather Hardware
2:Coal and Wood I'eaters, regular . , . - is fcr $ 8 00
1 Coal and wood Ileater, regular .. e2 for 19 So
1 Coal Heater 32 5o for 29 25
1 Coal Heater with Oven 32 for 23'80
3 Drums . , .... . 75c to $2,00
4 Garland Ranges, .1 hole with reservoir ;.'pular $38 for $34 20
I Souvenir range, 4 hole, high shelf and Reservoir $1.1 for $39 60
All other Ranges 10 per cent off
to reduce stock.
Weatherstrip 5c per foot Skates 51k to $3.01) per pair
Hockey Sticks 10c to 50c !:now Shovels 33e to 0OcI'p,.
Stove Pipes, Elbows, Dampers, etc.
International and Dr. Scotts Stock and
Poultry Foods.
•'r•J• : -1 i•'1•++++d-d• +e -l- +
,..,.::•. , .d•cii•t✓r; :..�. �.1 ;>ci•.-i i t 1•i ,'•g.g41
>r •i•
.;. +
Dealers in Hardware, Celnent. and Wire.
.{..] .;. r '+:•.;..;.: -:-:..:..:..: .:..: .:..: :..
d••+++++++++++++++++++++++-1• •I 3••1••i•-1• : 3••i•-1••:>e•1••[•$-1•i•-D••i••A•1••F•f•O.•+++
•�. 4.
g• 'a
•+ .e
1' may.
< •F
If You Want Cheap hardware Go To
Plaster Paris,
Alwaya in Stock at Lowest Prices,
Galvanized Steel Shingles
and Siding, Etc.
Building Supplies
Glass, Nails, Cement
Where you will find a full stock of
The Leading Hardware Store in Town
of what constitutes good
clothing differ from the ideas
of most other firms. We de-
mand and use in all our Suits
and Overcoats only the best
material and the highest class
of n orkinanship
Give us a ('all.
Merchant Tailor
wits finish the season with 11 c0111- \VITEN ARiRANGING FOIL YOUR
piece string of victories. farm stock site make ill a point to
Mr. Chauncey A. Palmer, a former have Your hilts printed tit the TiMES
resident of Remelt is spcn<line 11 few liveld priated, and with every ea office. Your bills will 1e
days with old friends hero. 1 c altr3c-
Mr. John Blatchford is confined tot to
bill dopa at Ibis office yon will re-
ceive free a notice of ,the sale in
this paper, which is read every week
by hundreds of people itt this local-
ity and hakes your silo known .t0
many who may never have the op-
portunity of seeing your bills.
the homer on account of illness,
Mr and Mrs.. Henry Welsh intend
very shortly :rein; to Vancouver,
elr..Coo;e•r Forrest. 'olio was .1uite
ill last ••k' has recovered,'
Miss el. i, l Sparks, who had to tr-
turn house from Rutherford. Sask.,
owing to Rel• voice failin.e, has re-
turned to the West and will resume
Mr. Chas. ,cones, of Stratford, eves
in the village Inst week calling on
Mrs. 8ellcry, sr. of leiucardine
OUR FATHERS' LANt 01' 01.111
0 Canada! Our [athero' Lout of old,
Thy brow is crowned with lenvc!s
(['exits wint,r of this ueonth. .Ties
who, with her husband lies been vis- of ^d and gold.
,lanuary thaw started the teeter over 'tit a her son. Dr. Sellery. of this Beneath She shade of the ]poly Cro..,
the ice, Hud the result has been
lire dangerously ill a1 the Thy children gyve their birth.
twelve inches of snow ice. 'rho river latter'a home. On Monday morning
stains thy[ glorious annals gloss,
has now broken up, u,dl those who of last week Mrs. Sellcry went to the Since valor shields thy hwxtrth.
have not secured their ire twill stable on nn errand and; r,'maininr Almighty Gott! On Thee we call.
have to depend an ponds for if. away for some time her liersb;til,l Defend our right., fore -fend this
)m •) m^nt a became noxious and e. tit to look for nation's thrall.
p gents report trade very her. Ile found her lying in the back (/''fend our rights. fore-f••nd this
dull. Many of the Ili -niers have 1tee11 a nation's thrall.
holding their 011001 for on.e dollar a ) rd unconscious, in which con-
hushr), end cense puetlt ly r,sh i� dation elm has remained for Ret-
srarce. \Vhe tt is lleginninr to eral flours. fpr doctors ,.iy
mom freely now, Ihos• hnw;n :11;'"'"I': that cau.e of 1. 'il sudden iilness
mints to melte being fore, d to ,•••1I •,; ""s 01.51:1'1i i fo' som•' nf[rction of 1ti
current prices. Farmer! how -Ver. Are !fine, which 'race •1 nn the brain.
not buying more tnachirery I h rn they
cat; possibly get •, Ion e eithone
t1"•ns II.
Messrs. Charles and Garlirid Fink-
•th.• Il• nsil1 hockey player* went beiner were visitors at Zion last Sun -
to Parkhill last friday night and de. day.
f• :et • rI 111. elute of t hat place by the Mrs. Ezra Brenner is ort 4he sick
score of 6 to 5. after n hard •s.ttn.', list with her many friends wishing
which was closely conrested from her a needy recovery.
start to finish. A Whiteside. marl.' Mr.11tobertson celled upon his bro-
w salisfn<tory refer.''. The line-up
of the Beli.all team was 11o11.
bill : point. Bob Carn.'ron : cover. A.
Ititkrrt; lover. Al. White: 'nitre•.
W. Jenaougl► ; left win,{. 1'. Iluclean-
nn : right wind W. Shrpherdl (fur
!amen xr
'Itrnt form
Ili* eea.on. having defeated every
team played and will the rood workI„ held on h.• 13t bf March. o t Com 13i(dtat e of
they are doing it is expected 1h•'y one come all end enjoy p treat.
Altar lend throne command our 'acted
And enatkied to
(hers prove.
O ling of lin;,.
A11 our sons do Thou in'pire.
'fay Ito craven terror of life or deathEre damp Jhe patriot's [ire.
Onr might call shall loudly ring,
As in the days et old, -Foe Christ
and Gin
As in the days of old, "Far Chri'r
and the Ring."
us 'hall ever bro-
wills Thy niighly
they at Ailsa Craig last Mond Iy,
Mr. and Mrs. :Seettzer ,d film- CASTOR IA
ily attended Mr. Mathew ..lorlock's
FOIST birthday a►nlivereary hist week. �+
Lott [week the trustee. end rat'' The Kind You Hare Always Bong 1
payers of our school met to d.oeide oe-n 1
n concert for which they intend to - Bears the
buy n new bell. Th., contort 1. to
I �s�
For Infants and Children.