HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-02-13, Page 1:mkt
$1.0o per year in advance
v• ••••••••••••••••N•••••• •••••••••••••••••••
11iorie No. 32.
A Tempting Array of New Spring
Dress Goods.
The new colorings in all staple shades are now in
stock--l3roadcloths, Venetians, hanamas, Voiles, Taf-
fetas, Satin Cloths and Cashmeres.
This Season's Values Have
Never Been Approached
Voiles & Panamas
Two fabrics that will
• be extremely popular this
• season. We are showing
all the new colors and are
pinning our faith to a
large sale of them as they
are very correct and the
proper weights for a swell
spring dress.
50C, 75c, $1
All Wool Venetians
The correct goods for a
tony Spring Suit. All the
New Shades on our coun-
50e, 75c, $1.00
'Mrs. Joseph Lambrook
Killed at Fort Wayne
it The
tThe very nppalling news %V 14 re.
ccived here •Monday morning of a
horrible accident ,which occurred at
Fort Wayne, Ind., on Sundry, when
\ Josephrook: of Exeter
Z• .les. Lamb ,
• was instantly killed. and Mr. Lam -
:2 brook, his t two sons, Wilber and Ed -
•gar. and Mrs. Wilbur Lambrook were
• • seriously injured.
• •Mr. and Mrs. Lantbrook lett Exe-
• ter. a week ago Saturday to visit
:Z their sons, vele) reside. at Fort Wayne
• intending to remain several weeks.
• Tho reports of the accident were
Ss received here ,Monday morning being
2telephoned by Dr. W. J. Harrison, of
Fine Silky Lustre: iDetroit, to whom word had been sent
• • front Fott Wayne. Ile stated in, his
•a message that Mr. and Mrs. Lambrook
• accompanied by their two sons and
• daughter-in-law went out. driving
• • with a team of -horses and, that the
animals became frightened at an. au-
tomobile and running away threw the
• occupants out of the ria;. Mrs. �Larn-
•• brook was hurled against a tele-
:• graph pole with such force that she
• was killed almost instantly, while
s the rest of them received serious in-
• juries and with the exception of Ed -
•Z gar were unconscious when picked
• up and taken to the hospital.
�• Tho Exeter lodge I. 0. 0. F., of
which Mr. Lambrook is a member at
once telegraphed the lodge nt Fort
Wayne lo give him every attention
and Rev. D. W. Collins! left on the
evening train for Fort Wayne. to as-
certain the stele of affairs.
-A telegran► was received Tues-
day afternoon from Wilbur Lambrook
stating the boys were alri,zht. thet
Mr. Lambrook was getting :along
2• nicely and that Rev. Collins would
reach home 'Wednesday. There was
no mention of the disposition -of M re.
Lantbrook's remains.
-Owing to the unfavorable tv,ath-
Ii er last Saturday the regular monthly
meeting of the I!sborno council was
called off. but will be h: i(I Ilea cou-
ZZ Ing Saturday. _
• ee ' Ede
Beautiful fine Lusters,
rich high finish almost like
Taffeta Silk at any price
from 25c to $1.25.
New Embroideries and Laces
Everything will be trimmed with Lace or Embroidery this
season. You cannot do better than make your choice here. \Ve
have all the New and Dainty designs and our stock cannot help
but please you,
Corset Cover Embroideries
25 different pieces to choose from. Every piece new. 20c,
lac and 30c per yard.
White Wash Goods
This will surpass all past seasons for White Waists and
Dresses. Nothing left out. Everything new shown here. White
Lawn, Linen Lawn, Persian Lawn, Egyptian Lawn, White Lin-
en, Batiste and Demities are all the leading goods.
Our Spring Shirts are Here
We sell the reliable W. G. & R. Shirts. The best on the
market. All the new patterns and styles are now here and yon
will find them the best we have ever shown. Do not wai: until
they are picked over.
Jones St Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers.
••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••N••••••
s o[
a • • s'rvt
• r. t
ntulc s
• 1ho tt S
ZEden Methodist church and oyst, r
• supper, which was to have been heli[
• last Sunday and Monday was post-
• poned owing to tits snow blockade.
The services however, will be held
next Sunday with preaching at 2.30
and 7 p. m. On Monday evening
the oyster supper will be held in the
schoolhouse from G to 8, to be fol-
lowed with an entertainment itt the
church. The Centralia church choir
will be in attendnttc:. Don't forget
to come.
A special council meeting of the
Township of Ste1phen, was held in the
Clerk's office, Crediton, .on Saturday
the Rth of February 190t1 nt 8 in '1111.
All lucmbers of the ,council %were
present with t he exception of Coun-
cillor Snders.in
The mutes of the previous( meet -
Of Furniture for Cash ing eere read and adopted.
Kellernlaun-Yearley That 1ty-
Latt, No. 3, of 1908 repealing By -
Law No.2, of 1908, hawing Peen rend
the third time, be passed. end signed
As we have a very large stock on hand and we want the money and must by the ltecve and Clerk nn(1 rho
reduce our stock we have decided to have one month's sale only. Now those Seal of the Corporation Attached
wanting furniture will nabs one of the chances in a life time if they miss this thereto. -Carried.
kale. Hicks - Yearley - That Henry
5 't r and .Claude I)Iucit lie the
Slaughter Sale
This is a Sample of Prices.
l'arlor Suites .... regular
I'arlor Suites .... regular
Buffets Suites ....regular
Buffets Suites ..... , .. regular
regular $22 now $i9 o0
13 now
45 now
55 now
don (toad last week, when about 25
couples while(!. away Ih.+ fleeting
hours to the strains of Mr. Thos. Ilea,
-The several travellers elm were man's violin.
tied ap here l:,st wt -eek on account of
FUMY blockade 1vof:ld have found
Iso rcther lonesome for the four days
had ltecve. L'obier not learned of their
p1edilament and handed them over
the Lays of the town. Among. those
who were held here were \V, .1. War-
ren. of the Mount Forest Carriage
Co.: 1). 'McMurtry, of Gordon, D1c-
I:ay Co.: C. C. \Wallace, of the J.
1'. Cain .Co., Toronto; Frank M. hoy-
den, of London ; Herb Reilly, of aha
William. Bryce .Co.. Toronto; \V. C.
DLnck, of the Booth Medicine, and a
young man mined Nixon. besides Ilia
Motor, Judge 11olt, of Goderich.
Among the number were s'vcral
expert curlers, but the local players
didn't know this. Ex -County War-
den Hugh Spackman did, and af-
ter the .Commit tors appointed 'to
look after .the Widows and Orphans
and stray dogs had handed'; ill their
reports, Hugh whispered a few
things to the Jude -,6 and n game was
arranged at the rink for Friday af-
ternoon. hilly Tamatt. and Hev. Col-
lins got together and picked n Iran►
of unbeatables to line up against the
visitors and with a "Sunny Jim"
smile led the way to elaughter.
Hugh and the Judge with their rink
of "pros" followed along behind with
that confidence they had when se-
lecting jurors at Goderich and
wondering just how bad they
should trim their opponents. Ai -
though Mack wasn't in the line up
lie followed along to be, an interest-
ed spectator and "Seep her up" for
his boys and to work n little over
time teaching the toed spectators
Wallace's favourite tongs "Show me
the Way Home Babe," "Here's) ![ap-
py Days, but Don't Forget the Nights
and "Keep orf the Green, Green
The game. was replete with sensa-
tional plays and the %ray, the Judge
and \Valance skewed the stones, was
wonderful, enabling their side to
come out ohead by the score of 16
to 10, which tickled the Judge bet-
ter than a boy with a new. pair of
top boots.
W. J. Warren, 11. 0. &ldon,
D. licliurtry, 11, E; Ruston
Judge holt, W. \V. Tartan
C. C. Wallace, Rev. Collins,
Skip 16. Skip 10.
Several of the other travellers
wanted to lake pant in the game and
with Jim Grieve as skip played a
tie game with the rink of local .play-
ers. The visitors were: Frank M.
Boyden, Nizon, Herb Reilly, of the
Bryce Co.: Toronto, and T.
Grieve. Town players. P. Sanders, 1?.
Sweet, F. itawdeu and S. Sweet
Score 13 to 13.
A handicap return game less ar-
ranged for Saturday afternoon, but
' '(•( ri 1 the night
rain arrived 1 du t
a 1 g
much to the delight of the belated
travellers end they didn't los.: any
time making for the station with the
Judge Ian the rear to the occompani-
tn^nt of "Show Me the 'Way Homo
[(sec." The key of the town which
had been in their keeping wag safely
handed over to the Reeve,
Nelson E. hicks, t aim,'Saingon
Pupilof Loudon Consenato,- Music, Ii. nuthven
11 II,nald, t'harles tt•hite,1ondon Eng.. Ernest
l-.ardley, London, Eng. A limited number of pupil'
r. ill he accepted'
Word was received here last Wed-
nesday that W. F. Abbott hail been
killed in an automobile accident at
Los Angeles, Cal., that day. The
news came ns a shock to his rela-
tives here. ,llr. Ablott was barn in
Exeter and .!vent to London about.
twelve years ago. where he engaged
in the stock -broking business and wis
most successful. About a year rind
a half ago, he went to Los Angeles
to manage a large brokerage bus-
iness for a Nev York firm. A couple
of months ago he returned for a vis-
it. Resides his !wife, who Was n Misi
Sutherland of London. he Is surviv-
ed by two brothers, Mr. Charles Ab -
auditors to nudit the books Of the bolt, of London, and Mr..larnes Ab -
'Township for the past ye'ar's busi- bolt, of 1lautiot1. M:,tt., and six sis-
ness al et salary of $8.00 each.-('nr- ters. ,Mtn. Wia.1.\l Parsons.
tied. l-
Yearly-Ilicks - That Iiy-Law No. of llanliota, Mrs. 11. Essery, Crystal
4, of 1908 to appoint Township Au- Man., Miss Emma, Rousseau, Mus-
' 1 koka and Miss )da of Crystal City.
Mins Lewis, of Calgary. Is visitin,(
Iris sister Mr. Thos. Neil.
The roads ore being opened up for
traffic again.
.Firs. Itotterill, teacher of the
ditors (laving green read the thee
time, be passed and signed by the
'Reeve and Clerk and the seal of the
35 now 23.00 Corporation attached thereto. -Car -
25 now 20.00 vied.
The. Council adjourned to inset
again in the Town Hall. Crediton, on i'airfieldl school, was culled hoot;, 10
Monday the 21111 of liarcllnext at 1 attend Conse1uelnlly ttt.'ral of her Fchool is closedfur
p. Ill.the present.
EXETER PUBLIC SC11001. IBOAltl) n tial`,s1'. Colt 111 lialton1 lijs lihom
The last regular monthly sessiofrm
tic church nt a good round figure.
And every article reduced in proportion. Now this is a genuine sale. Weof the board teas bald' in theie
A Bonder of commie -vial (revellers
mean what we
advertise. Remember there is no old stock, all new and up- Hall on Monday evening at the us- were sterol -bound her, Inst !reek.
to•dale. nal hour. All the nx•ntlxers were
Sale to commence en the Rath of February and close on March 1 Ith, 1!)(t4 present. The following is the busi- lir. Richard Hicks in the.. absence
'less submitted. Retorts of Coma.- of thepaster, conductedi. the timidly
morning r•erwier in tree Methodist
The concert in the Methodist
church, on 'Thursday evening under
the direction of M r. Nelson Ilicks,
should be tersely .attended. :11 the
prograit, ',retinae', 1u be m).• of the
fitted ever gitrn here.
Mrs. Mary VI...v. aunt of Rev. W.
11. hurt, flied el the MrtIiwltat ear.
Melds, bccau+e the friend+hip ex• the p,uplr we meet arc unknown to ul'; •paymen s were epi sotage o: Friday last egad 8'i y.•.ars.
\1'uat and K \iu11n, Ilartnoll, %%gal
!aver., d dors ,got appear to be oite of You. The dec,•asie was tarn in Cornwall,
eelfi4L interest. A lady or a leentlo-I - - - -• 110110 Bel, her maiden Warn.• being
ratan kno%vn of on item of n,t%as th.tli iI(1HN d ti Honey. in the early forties ah•. \1419
!,lies accouul $21.01. iI. Sparkman.
mi;ht lis ) C11 to b,' mitered by the IIAD11L'I'ON-In •)aslawootl eta '1•u.•-_ married to the late Thomas Frear at
hardware "mare.. $0.70. .\dvocate
editor and prouptly peotn'( toll of• li •, 4 h. to M1.:„d Mrs. J. .. treads $9.00. 11• Hampton. near ,ltt int,. villa. Since
day Fr y t1'1i •1(w': Co. for I >l.i
fico without any other thought than Hamilton. a sen. 1 i she liver) ill Ib.• old home nt
that of ftnprnrtu; the paprt. Theo Ilustnn mowed the adjournnutlt' Clinton. Till n little over two ars
pcopl.. ,he more than a cul A f, DirU -'�"- -- y.•
Rocker, in many designs, Sideboards, Everything in the
Furniture line.
\vood, that about sixt v cords of wood
1.td been s,'curcd at $1.511 ier cord,
eisurin�t a full supply for the win -
Furniture 1)e tier and Undertaker. Opera House Illotk ter of 1908-9. The Supplies Com• re-
{.orled nrrnngenlrnts for the utonttaV
eaytuent of e11 outstanding accounts.
rbc actio) of the speci 1l (.cont. in ex-
-The Exeter 'Tither has .t number orlon unknown to hila, oven as much tending the noon reocs.i to 1 lar. and
01 real friend1 that 11 t:IIU04 very 111 01.l'ly of tl:e thinei we know and 30 nein. ea confirmed. The follow-
! r !roved p•r 1'
$244.69. 3. Grigg. Supplementary
reading C►'ayot Iain er,nrten ue-
Don't forget the grand musical fes-
tival this Thursday avenin!; at th.•
1L•thodist church here. The Imperial
Dale Quartette of London will as-
Business has been very brisk 1 •re.
during the past week.
To be without mail service for one
whole week ie a thing our residents
are not used to and didn't appreci-
ate the snow blockade of last %reek.
Everyone in the village taken one or
more papers and to be without the
usual vrening's reading. is more than
we could stand. It is said that Jack
O'Brien took the first two days ns a
joke hut nfter that it became a ser-
ious matter 1%itlt biro and he even
!vent so far as to rip .air the carpets
to get the old papers, laid last fall
to keep out the wintry blasts. in or -
(ler to get something to read. Jack
says there are others.
`r class -T. Iiazelwood, N. Hazel-
%w•ood, M. Shier, Roy Kirk. Sr. IV' -
N. ferry. '1'. Tufts, 1'r- Boss, E. Mil-
ler, W. Itogers. Jr. 1V. -A. Bratty
A. Switzer, C. llazlewoo4, 51� Kemp
A. Muir. 111-A. Roadhouse, M.
Kirk, G. Kirk T. \Williams, 0, Sweit-
zer. -A. Walker, .M. Mockler, P.
Marshall, A. Vickers, H. Carr. Pt .11
E. Roadhouse, M. Moore, F. St:'it zer.
R. Murton. N. Switzer.
Hick's Forecasts
A reactionary storm period is ecu-
tral or the 17th, iSll► and 19(1). Full
Moon of the 17th, and entrance into
the Earth's vernal oininoctial per-
iod about the same time, will inten-
sify storm and seismic. possiibilities
(luring this period. We should have
also said that seismic shakes; will be
natural within seventy hour, of New
Moot on the 2nd. The Moon being
on the celestial cleator on the 2011)
threatening conditions, :tvitlt high
temperature and possibly lightnin.*,
and thunder, will naturally tend to
prolong the reactionary disturbances
central on the 17th, 18the and 19th,
pushing unsettled to stormy weather
euite into the storm period follow-
Owing to the storm of last meek
the roads were in an impassable con-
dition, cotseiuently the mail carrier
was unable to get through rrnm Exe-
ter to Mitchell from %V'dtt.•sda y to
Miss Ada Tucker lrho has been suf-
fering from an attack' of quinsy. is
able to be :about again. -
Mr. George Marlin, of Cromarty,
in the village
Monday last.
•Mr. Alex. liodgerl, of Ituss,'ldale,
visite(! his brother Andrew o1 Mol -
dee last. .
Mrs. Arthur Campbell entertain. it
a number of friends on; Tuesday :af-
ternoon and evening.
Rev. Burnside Russell.. II. D., of
1lainilton, will preach Anniversary
Services in the Thames Raid Pres-,
byterian church next Sabbath, morn-
ing and evening. The, choir will he
assisted by Miss Anna .lfartin. of
Mr. Gro. Beavers. of tialenu,, visit-
ed his brother iI. \\',1 F. on Mand k1
last. '
t r '
water. and ttay b, *tire of 1 fir.(•! FI1EAiI-in Cetltr,li%. Friday. Web's-. Rev. W. 11. Hut I. in whose home +•he
claaa 1leddinz notice, et obituary ' 7th., at Ilte hone of h.'r nephe%.A
CASTO■ �' (11""away 10 her lent! home. The
or any other little comple- Rev. \V. II. (lull. Bary Frear aged remains were t !ken lo Clinton, To •s -
meet two have to offer. 'Where Orel tea rests. For Infants and Children. day for interment.
mane itc►ns of teak interest ine net's1 IIOT'TENILi,-lit Fillet rine. on San -I- Misa s111u,ie Wood is the geoid of
that t he editor Wises unitilenlion'da)', Febrility 2nd.. .lotus Herten!' The Kind You Have Always Bought her :!nett. Mira \I,lclx•11.
ally, for he etnitot effort) to run a need 62 ee, Ira 000 month inil Bin,'• A _ Mr. \\'m. Kirk is suffering from n
det:cti'e 5 +t'Itcy to pry into private teen doe'. Bears the
homier alel other p1.' C4 i 1111 are not LAMI11{00K-A1 Fort Wayne. ind. 81 natnroof
within 11 • elect- vat int,. The people Sunday Fete-. nth.. M re Joeeph B
you know and thinzs you know are Lambrook:
iRo she went In live with her nephen
Mr. .Iulxn Botterill, a highly res-
pected farmer of Fullerton. was sum-
moned 1y death on Sunday. 114 was
in his 62nd year and had suffered for
years with a - cancerous growth in his
nose. Ile was n member of the Ang-
lican church. a kind friend and a
good neighbor end is survived by his
wife two sons and threw daughters,
who have the sympathy of a largo
circle of friends in their bereavement.
:\ hrakesman named Lew \Vhitly
met With an accident in the Clinton
station yatd last Saturd.ly ewhich
might ha ye had serious results. he
was sitting itt the, upper part of •i he
cato(tse and had fallen asleep and the
car bring struck in the shunting, he
was thrown to the floor beneath
striking upon his head and suelainine
a fracture pf the skull. .110 tw:ls
taken to the hospital twher., he is
still under treatment but it is rx-
prcted that be will be able to be
moved to his home it' Mitchell in n
few da ye. '••
\Vital might have been a fatal ac-
cident befell if r. It. 3. French, of
Seaforth. on Thursday last while at
work in Mr. 11. O'Connel's bush near
Dublin. A falling tree struck him
of the bead and inflicted a severe
scalp rt 0011•1 and also slightly ale
jurrd Ilia back. The attention of a
doctor (wee required end a few
s1 itehe t wern put in to close .1 he
wound on the head. Ills many
friends %t ill be pleased to know tint
he is improving Bud no serious re-
sult are -ntticipnled.
A gather unfortutrite iffair occurr-
ed at See fort h. on Saul -flay !tight
by eleict' Grant Fraser. soil+ of Rev.
Mr. JleNt•iI. of Hayfield. only_ pos-
sibly lose part of Itis foot. Venn
McNeil has been nllendinz (11a ('ol-
I-uiale Instituto :old en eett ur(t i v
evening. in company w ilh other cnn,-
patiotta. went out snowwsltocing. 110
\rote :a t.,it• of light t-itllltintg Rboe .
and 11 not ntvar.' n( any pain un-
til hr rtlte in :after t.teJ journey.
Shortly :Iter coming (tome his fret
began to trim considerably and on ex-
antitlalion 011e of his feet (1111 1erV
badly frozen. ,Nearly Iwo hours
were spent in I rying to r. store circu-
tn1:o1 fur evert then it wcna not tier.
CPO. It i• feared lilt 114 may hay.'
to les'. some of his ln.•s.
t,arli11 ,.aralyIic stroke.
A (Fry ple.ealet :.ff.Itr in the slam's•
of a ...uprise et ile.
Weather Hardware
2 Coal andlWood I Ieaters, regular .... ....$[o fcr $ 800
1 Coal and wood Heater, regular .. 22 for 19 3o
1 Coal Heater 32 50 for 2g 25
1 Coal Heater with Oven 32 for 28,80
3 Drums. , , . 75c to $2 00
4Garland Ranges, 4 hole with reservoir regular $33 for 834 20
1 Souvenir range, .l hole, high shelf and Reservoir $.1.1 for $39 60
All other Ranges 10 per cent off
to reduce stock.
Weatherstrip 5c per foot
I[ockey Sticks 10e to 50c
Skates 31)c to $3.01) per pair 7'1
tinow Shovels 37.)c to (3i1C
Stove Pipes, Elbows, Dampers, etc.
international and Dr. Scotts Stock and
Poultry Foods.
•f••I•i•d•d••i'•L••L••L••L••L••1••i•4.4.4••E•L•9.4-i••1••L•3.1••1••:••t••1•d••i +•t••:••4 :••Q•i••f••1••F :-d• P• i••1•4°•t••t•444.
1-• ++.1„E+•+ ++•A•11,+++1-•4-1-1••1.4-te! , ++-1-4.44+++++++ ;.1„1.,1..1,.1,.}.1..}.} 1
If You Want Cheap I-fardware Go To
4. T. HAWKINS & SON I{t.
+ }.
Dealers in Hardware, Cement and `t'i:• '.
✓r •.
d••A•d'•I••1••i••t••F•P•t••[••Fd••Ft•t••t••i'•F•1••1••L••1'i'•L'•L•!••L••I••f••t• : •L••Mi••I••t •!•i• ! :: f••t•3••!•i• i••1•d•
Plaster Paris,
tIwo, ,, in Stock at
Steel Shingles
and Siding, Etc.
Building Supplies
Glass, Nails, Cement
Where you will find a full stock of
The Leading hardware Store in Town
of what constitutes good
elf►thing ditler from the ideas
of most other fit'n1s. We (le-
nian(1 and use in all our Shits
and Overcoats only the best
material and the highest class
of workmanship
Give tis a call.
Merchant Tailor
when Saturday came round they pears on the Coll.-ete,, (toll for 1907
s ivare(t away for business although. that the amount of taxes on the same
looking very seedy. After a veu onbe returned. -Ce tried.
Saturday and during their stay in,
I'er W. .1. Ileantan sec. by W'.
town on Sunday they used' rho niost Johns that a meeting be called of
earnest plrwelings to induce our Le- all persons owning cows within the
I el leen to break the law. Much to Municipality for •Monday eight Feb.
their credit 1 he hotelmen refused; to 1 1711„ al 8 p. in., in the Poen hall.
give there a drink without a doctor's -Carried.
order, although they pleaded heart Thn following accounts were rend.
failure :•r,.l other illnesses. Theyl-Dickson & Carling; solicitore fees
left for lie onto on Sunday aflernoen for 1907, 560.255; C. B. Snell. Street
somewhat discomfited.--1'arklrill Ga- l Lightin.r; 5105.10: 4'. 1'. Snell, Town
Bette. (l Hail Lighting , 3.60 ; .Il. Spacku►an,
!cemetery account 10 cont v : C. W.
1:1ETEIt COUNCIL. I Cr, pt. 8:tl:t:$27,: 11. McKoy
t Iwai.ossfor hell-rittginry.7 51.6001) \Vestey
'Die Council of the Village of Exe- 1 Heywood, wood ,$40.00: i+. Souders
ter met in the, heading room of the u postage etc. 94.79: ,\V. J. Bissett
Town hall on Friday, .January. 7111„ 1 supplies for pumping eneene 51.10;
?90'e. Absent. Councillor Knight. The', Labor -ltd. iei i ;a 51.35; ,did San -
minutes of the meeting held ,January !tiers 51.12 : \V. .1-. (,bi 51.05 ; It• Gil -
1701., )rad and approved. lis 51.00: Eldet l.Ilot1 45 cents: T.
Correspondence was road es fol toes 1 Sanders el .12 : ', 'I t for 7.5 cents:
-.0, S. Wilson. Secy, 1'niou of C:tn- N. Wes; $2.0; . I . °el(sot 60e.; 11.
schen Municipalities aitd the C.en.- under+ 7;,e.: - „fere $I.50: W.
/lien Municipal .Journal. -Filed. l:.' Iiissett 541.12 . ,\ t: -••••It 52.17: W.
1I. Phelps. Reeve of Mrrrillorl, eek- Creech et. Se '.'- '1 ,trod 75e.; 1•'.
ing ('o-operaliot re- petition to •1 • M'114)11 73e.: '.'.. e. •'Icott 51.12: T.
Legislature la e,mtnd th.• ass ••;rn -1 1 I:,urn: 59.37 . re ('udnnmre 51.30: \V.
Act. per A. E. Puke, tee-. by \V. .I. .1. Ilissett I't. Sel-i1v 933.O0: amount-
Ileaman 111a1 the Council favor the ,ng in all 10 5321.01.
petition and 1 hat Ihe (''(''51141nd. The account 0f '1. 11, '1 keel & sen
Clerk sign I Ile same and it Ir' fol.. t e ferred hack. cream,+ t ,.
.*.'4 on n10-
warded to the level member. Mr. II riot of A. I. pea (•. ey W.. .1,
lather, carried. 'TI,e Itolort of tail- • Jlenman end carried.
au1,re- proposer County Ito ed, :eel Adjournment 1,y .\V. ,lnena.
the Itw•-Law os 11d0pted by Int • Cretin) JOS. SENIOR. CIe'rk.
Council for the improvement o1 High -
throughout thCounty. Inial ��
over gall. next meetie ng. Like to Try Psycbine
1'rr \1'. ,I. Heannan Rec. by .R'.
.Johns that Il,e Comtnissiouer ret u1 it • • Please send me a bottle of
the Bell (rani off the North Rail psychine. I have a chill afflicted with
Son.t 11 Io Messrs, T. 111(1kact •` tuberculosis, and bate been advised
Son. the same not beim; antisfactorw' to try your n►rrli• 1ne by our family
t,I o that the clerk correspond ask- (lector ns he says 1"-rannnt do 807.
W. .1. Neaman M by
int for prices for n new 22 rand :1 thing more fur thy third."
inch fire or Set I hell.-C.rricd' 1\'. Mits. I1. sTt:P1IENS.
.lohns !hit Iry-law No. 1 .'. 3. 4. :15 Arthur, Ont., July 14, 1907.
now rear, n 211d and 3rd tine. and Payehlno four• Rhcn dogt0rs fag.
fin,lty pameed. the Reeve and Clerk vane are ,:,..f•: they dill not ter
•i_ietie the sante .nd 4he sent 0f rite lilan.r no fns'.. Throat, lung and
('urlt(lrn1 on be :,ffia;cr) !brute. W. stomach frro),Ie' tiield to its enrnllyo
Per 't% . 3. .Neaman sec, lty P • p war. At all druggists, .'xtk and $1.00,01'
.1011!• 11tat the' Iluaneas ngain•t th,i Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited. Toronto.
Messrs. L. Itr•AI ly and 11', R. ;d ns ap•
Whiskey Uetrc$l ' lletttson. of Tor-
onto. and his social pal (trifled into
1011 n cm Fraley I t•t. Ter make pond
(snows of them- Ivo. 111: v struck a
a1%i ft trate .and a. in camnia pittance
,•,tut to 1, d plastered. nut