Exeter Times, 1908-01-30, Page 5X=Cut Saws, Axes, Axe and Saw Handles, and Files at Rock Bottolh Prices. Give us a Trial. a. FLOUR We handle Royal Household. Harveys Star anti Stuarts Patent, Our prices for dour are spot cash as we are compelled to pay for all flour when purchased zI)o not aek for Flour on credit. Valentine Post Cards this Week. Highest Price for Produce. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar ileadqual'ters for Skates, Axes, Saws`, Razors, Stoves, Pails, and Lanterns We have on band a number of Mitts and Gloves which we will sell at rock bottom prices. Don't forget that we install Furnaces and keep on hand the largest supply of all kinds of Hardware and Stoves to be found anywhere. W. MOORE � KIRKTON ft MILLS, WOO Dmf M We have a large stock of frieze Overcoats an boys' asel rme•nt(t. We are gurinitte off cheap regular $6.00 coats ler :;41.00 and boys' regular $5.00 for $3.50. Underwear all wood per suit $1.00. Fleece lined heavy,- w'ei;ht $1.20 a suit, we helve all linea of underwear at the richt Prices. Now is the time far rubbers. We have all kinds of Rubb re in over -rubbers and 1Ieaw•y lumberman's Rubbers boys and melts. In Groceries ave have a full stock all nice and fro-th. Bal-. Hirt; 3 lbs. ifor 25c. Sulphur 10 lbs. for 25c. lath; 10 lbs. Lor 25e. Oil Cake 12 lbs. -for 25c. And we want your trade- -Butter, 24c. 25c. a 1U,--F..;j Fseeea 23c. cash, 24c. trade -Dried Apples, trade 7c. per lb. A. MILLS, ..1 Woodham. :EDS FR 7. To introduce our New Swede Turnip, the "Canadian (*em," we will give to every inquirer for o'er. New 1908 Catalogue a package of these seeds absolutely free. Thi great turnip growing district near Guelph shipped eeo cars of these turnips to the United States last season. . C.ina. dian Gem" never grows long or narrow, is free from side,), shoots, and i, of unsurpassed quality. :7 If you prefer, we will send a package of our "Santa Rosa " poppy or " Canada's Pride " tomato instead of the turnip seed. Write to -day and name your choice. S s sN fee weds Dearth & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd., London, Ont. Turnip Canadian Hair Restorer Before 1 Af t e r Will re -tore gray hair to its natural color, The Bell Telephone Co= NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY li3tops falling hair causes to grow on bald beat.. C'uresdandrutr, itching, seal() diseases. Ily its use thin hair gauss luxuriantly-. Contains no oily or gre.►-y ingredients. I:, entirety unlike any other hair prep:ira- tioc ever offered for sale. A good, reliable Canadian preparation. tnsoltetted Testimonial*. Edith A. Burke. Missionary If. M. Church, .Akhimim Egypt. and friends, greatly pleased With results after two yearn' using. ► L. A. slopes, Wittier. Montana. illy hair And vwhickcre restored to natural color. dark !brown, by using cameli,tn Nair Restorer. )`• sit. Urn tn, Tltirge,,viIl', Ont. Canadian Bair Restorer is the t ,t I havo ever used. Sohn G. Rall, New Aberdeen, ('n 'Ireton. t('anadian lair iZestorer has worked wontier►t. 331y head i•1 nearly nil eoyered with thick growth black hair, 01i,;inal color. Sold by all wholesale and retail druggists. Mailed to any nddre•4 in thecislIizedl world on receipt of price, ;,t R', etanneteturr 1 by J(LSW111 CO., 11•indsor, Outs, Canada. Sold in Ext•tt'r hy W. S, ('ole, W. F. 1Iosse v and .1. W. iDroanittg, Drug- gists. No HQri09.-7 No :Grinding •...-RA OR rL45rtE.S�T N.. o Have ;as ever whittled a n.:., Steel to stand such a test so'Jtt possess t:nosuat gaal,ty. li, t . 1, r st every high grade lents w,:l do this, I pi,* as any high grade rasor will ternittfe .: hair. Cot',:n, hairs, how- i ii.42 e^er,,s a riot- eitacu;t prob.t,n than t.`s' witted,n'; nails, et hair. A h't,;:er 1 , 1.4 grade s.eet, neo: cern!): ternp.•:C4t, i ',./s. perfectly tre,rad .,:td 6S.17,no : r.. n some cf the •ss,•at,al, 1:r a Ices-) tarda{; edge kr Bair. A tact.• r edg s is a (erre: o: (• e, mega:., teeth. D•.tl raters ase • .,,;e IP*VI. aace the teeth breeer - turae4: -•ts olr. n, on b Attls r..S:, .-- turp;s, on s4;t ones. Razcr steel fa iron (•ee from se-, tett and fort!(•, tartit.t3 pc:kctly 143e.; w,thcarbon. Carbongivcs life, Ieaac:ty and toaghnr-ss to !belie t:etii. To 11-,4,.. a t:.f:, percentage of 1: pe,!eftly ,at -et is impossible by bre t rea•,►ern,t. r.:re, ••:ith it: varying -(tees of heat,couscmes the carbo.s enc mote carbon the Quicker the c ',implied -- resift, britt'- and grumbly steel troth. A :•ra; etas tic: w found to 1,7e the greatest per ccal. of carbon leer known b1 • secret process of electric heat 1ropUt; applied and accurately rr. _weed. Uecause of the added tontine, of this recarbonizrd steel the teeth of Carbo Magnetic razors Intl reaper bens nor break and are eac.efrtsonalry guaranteed. But test this rwoOwWtlonaN/y antalrrrd tarnr ,n y, nr own ael ee Bare your tit. -t,(: cs^ it o 1 yiss--hr thirty days Drop its a postal. rr better yet, trog-.e in amid •N ss and we will give yen etc: new preposition for having ekes* raterill OMNI without obliga- tion to p.rcba.e, together with our tat booklet "Nieto oa Sharing.•' W. S. z' X I Druggist mpany of Canada is about to publish a new issue of the Official Telephone Directory for the District of Western Ont- ario, including the Village of Exeter. Changes of flints names, changes of street L adds essee. or orders for duplic- ate entries bhottld be handed in at once to A. MARCHAND Local Manager. ••• •••1400••N••••Nr• HOME-MADE MEDICINE Said to Relieve Kidney Troub:e and wRheuris;ttism t)no ounce fluid Extract 1tancle- iron ; Ono Dupre ('orr►l,e►tlntl Salaton•• ; Four oune et I'ompound Sy►ul, Seteaparille ; Mixed and taken in teaspoonful doges after 111011.4 ;11)41 at l.rrltiir.e, 1, stated by a prorrrinent p1»•sician to give most excellent results in kidney or urinary n01, tions, and also in rlt••trnt 1i•tt) n,c,l ?riati, r. The rnic• pens the 4•1'►itt•-41 titres (.f t �.e• 1.idnc%A, thus nestrtind tit• m in 11,.•ir work of filtering all w15IeA,t 1 iPoisrrtr• niat lee from the h'.'e►fl, and exile.',, these in the tr iur. To allow this ( ()leonine; matter lo r► main :mans th.t it will settle is the muses et - t issues or lye nt.+, anti cans(' 1 he tuna! misery knot o int rheumatism, 'rhe mixture is composed a harm - les. +eget/d ile ingredieenta which can 1,e• 1 11 Phased at any ,'tw td rirng store, and mixer) at home. Aril one -ail', r ins; !rem nay of these atllirtte,1 - N% Ill nn ,Iwht be pleased to learn of oi�:n,l.l" and highly rce•om- merul.•,1 retee l) •••••••N. LEARN DRE8SMKT .:1 BY MAIL':1'Sreten flmh sat Her. - i We want our cru -.r t , b.• to eters• it Ontario where there am lances, s•• have dt, to give, direct to the public our improved . course in dret•,'naking. enc:ud,ng our Lady . 'fail.,r System for wh.,lt•sale !'rice, $.100 As there Are a large number of pevpie, c• k j iall� dressmakers rrf- ).•u cannel learn bw : we will ''10 systt•rtr and first lesson (v.1• :- tmchea 1►„w to make a 'perfect fitting *a,. rvEittered to any address in Ontario. Af'e r are satisfied vat can learn, send S-401:. •1 will forward full eoursc of Irsst.n.. 1';4.4 n ,t se•.itf unless v.n► wish tots -are dnc�ma,t. we are so sure an_1•.,nc can Ieurn that anter to give $X00 to an, ore wet -annul Ira. ' 1 hc• r c:von( teach hes r•, cut. tit ate Oar:then any garment fr,.m the plainest • %rai:.t sent to the most elaborate tin .•. ?1. . • the only course in Canada that the %%h•,le far-, • ea:% lc.trn by one member taking it u+•. We have tx•en in lrt roes, f. ,r ten years have taught .over 7000. . in -ware , f im,IArf•.n.. as • . • has... been known t•• c.,r,,. our neva- and ice. claimed where thri• wt -t' n•'t ka,w:t t•. tse til• invetst,•r e,f tbs. c,.nt`,c No adv. i• g. rt'it c without our f.i01).00 guarantee. Write for patrt!'eu lata. Atl.lnr.. -SANDI S' OR 23S-0017810 SCHOOL 31 t-:rit• Street. 'tt•.i'! r 1. (1-tari.,. Cana -1.4. 1 H EXETh R TIMES, JAN TAR1' ►0t111au8 Crediton D". 1', J. Mot p;, 11111 b113Ir:It O 1. 'CARLO COLLEt.i 1'113 8101. sus and Surgeon.. ducceeeur to Ur• E. A. Heist. Oreelitou. Out. Hotel tut' Sete.-- The Royal Hotel t'rrdttou,sa tor sale sul►je('t to lease. For tetras and hartic.ula►r•e apply to \VAL'lidlt CLARK, Urt(titun. flensall. A very l,r,�t t y� c't•et►t occurred 1►.:h► lest Wednesday at the residence of eaORDER A SUIT Joint Shepherd, when tri, deughter, t t Miss 'Teresa was united in marriage l to Mfr. Fred Manus, of Zurich, the' Whynot *eve ourself a ►i . h )' i sent, one that will Look Well ceremony being performed by (h,t 1 Wear Well, and Last \'e1.1. Rev. iIr. Medd, of Forest. A number) and of •susses were invited. :unort2 otlt- 1 Miss Verde /Shunt very pleetsutet-1ea M and Mrs. Dort. of London. + ly entertained about 5U of her Cr:di- After the knot wets ►i,,i ilia _•u.ests I tots need Ebenezer 1ii,•ttds on \V�dues- sadown iu :+ sp►lc•nd444 spread. day evening iu honor of her cousin A team of N xeter junior huck,'y i 1)1,13ery r.uuce .iter • lest Saturd I would be Just elle thing and something that would affo-d the wearer Miss Mabel Parker, of !'ort Elgin, +upy Mr. \\'tu. Siebert to 1,1<re a team of our juniors. The nue! family at'Q I J spending a few days in til(, villabo t''t'r`O rest' it(d its n d:'frat of tl►, for vou t!f',f to be found lel ih !comfort as well as the pleasure of knowing that he is dressed %yell. prior to leaving tor llashtsood when; `'"tors h rept score of , to 1.We have the very latest cloths and Patterns. :31r. Siebert will open up It gent:rat 11r;•.�t'lsun ltlatchford was railed bottle of Bovril. store. 10 '1'uronto last week on :lecsowtt of ' T �OL� the illness of a relative. �J ZMANN CREDIT ON Sault. !Brown resent a few • days iii Hamilton on business. bliss U,1►orne, of 'Toronto, •ie. •visit- i ON Mr. Marr • Beaver is confined to utg friends in town. Energy A Suit of Clothes or An Overcoat "Bovril" contains all that is ' Harry 11rc, 11cL:aren. of 'Cuticula, !lith., good 111 beef. It floe Only' feeds D1-11�F. IT YOURSELF. (hu house owing to an attack of La is isitins; her sister, Mrs. .1. \1•;•i:_ rr1►I,c'.yc)u but it enables you t0 get There is so much Rheumatism her 1 t`/ • G ' miller. Mrs. N. tlli.cks, of Centralia, Las , flew. Ut. 1lettd, -uf Forest, wee ,,, the full Talus out of your Or- (ono, to T o eu successful its getting, up a town 18st twee y ►. advice. b)• an eminent au- br large class k officiating at hand p•�ainttt►I, lessons. Parties wish- T run, to \1is. Shepherd. int; to asaiil themselves o[ this op- , port unity, will tied her at her tempos Z he managers of Carmel Cltut•ch ; Sold by your Druggist and over J. 11. ltollzul:ulu's store �1',t,d.'►'t`'nd installing electric lights in til,• Mrs. 11. Boltzmann ver pleas- , a OZ. O!.. OL., ,16 u,..ty • t.. : _ eel the members of the;visited at the homer of his l,rothe•r-in- n + 8 OZ. OZS l:van�;(la(at. .mu.1' on '1'uesltay might law, Warren 4Uignan, last week. I last, 'Tea was served at 7 o'clock Dl r. Arnold McArthur, who bas land of Woodham. Our fatal boys after which the ,evening was spent been employed at the Sovereign batik will not t,'et til at Ott in our neighborhood now that the b 1 5 to tale up llu3 study vt% rnnrrial,►e o[ �lr. 1 eti Manus ill,. (purity d•iet , r �• • church in the near future. Gro-iel' in bottles containing and Thurs. of each week. , � ; Mr. W. T. I:'iernes of 1!' • 1 � . �I in merriment.. tete a, i8 visiting at the home of fingers cold, o plenty of good o'ater. his parents iter La Grippe is raging in this vicinity..1 e• —+_-___ 1 It is claimed that there are a few The Canadian Bunk of Commerce Dlr. ,faun's Bruce, of Lindsay, has victims of this dread Hud torturous has decided to contint}as the bank +Accepter} a position with G. !lou Kirkto l7 • disease who swill fail to find rend) I One day last week while ►sotat' u1c�uelief in this simple .- here. Uur tncls of s were bound to TiTl Rev. L. 1 , Washburn. rector at lure, } 11011►(- made' Infix- ' were unloading wood in trout of Mr, Millbank, preached have a branch of croute bank hent J. McArthur's store, 011! of the sticks in ''�' <' perman- Paul's eat cure is the result. and stood together tike one )pent in was tht•ow•n against the ►latch >- church last Sunday, ttti'ir demand. windoss breaking it. 1 blas; i Mrs. 13. J. ito8dl+ouse. ' of St, This simple recipe is said to stetting C CLallct, u t their thority who writes for readers of a argo F..aster) 11)1,1y paper, will t� ltirhl) appreciated by tilos who sut- fete- liet from any stood pharmacy ott('- half ounce hluid Ext reet Dandelion, ones ounce .Compound Nargon, three ounces of Compound Syrup tarsapkar- itl;t. Shake these ;cell itt a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after teach meal and at bedt'me ; also drink A g o young people trent Dear) s is visiting her son Thoemea.c, thea and cleanse' the eliminative tis - , Centralis( Friday ttit;fit to attend l friss !loud, of .Stanley, was titre '1 r. Robert \ iti'r . of Red 1\'il- sues of the Kidneys so 1Isat. they can .( Centralia of Mr. Nelson !licks' last week visiting her grandmother. filter :end strain front the blood and practice Mrs. !100(1. lett, Alberta, is spenclirth a few t:.., 'tcnous which will render a concert with friends in the neighborhood, system the poisons, acids ant! teases Mr. and Mrs. F. Sellery, of liittc:ar- grand matter, which cruse not only ltheu- in t}ae Town tial! here on the 14tlI cline, were there last week visiting ',ices of tett the rt under the• nus-, of Feb. This promises to by the their flu'ir son, Dr. F. A. 6citwea Mr, 5c.1_ 1 It liirktatl Chord Society matism but numerous other diseased, event of the, seasot►. Set! t'osle11was held in Aberdeen Hall, on Tu.'s- Every man or w•omm� Isere who feels lery returned on Monday tend Mrs. du,v .tact teat; L►re;Itl)• appreciated by that their kidneys are not healthy (Ton late for last week.) Sellery will remain for a week or Mr. and Mrs. August llaist are this two. the, audience. 1'h,• violin playing of ,and active, or W110 suffers from any week in Berlin :attending.: the tuttcral! blr• and Mrs. Fred bl:ttttt., return_ Mr, Ilerbert Sanders was highly ,,.+,_ urinary trouble swhalthis should not of the l;t ►nolher,tert•rrtiing as was the singing of Mrs. hesitate to snake up this mixture, as La Grippe is raging: in this vicinity � cu, Tuesday ov.•uing froru their hon- 138ker. 'rbc' trios, ►-puariettes, d011)a.e it is certain to do much good, trod c mtoon trip to Toronto and other l t may save, at present. I points, , uartettes anti choruses cam. in for 'you front much misery :tett( We are pleased to erotic,; that the busy Mabel Sparks, who was c tt- a considerable share of the applause. sufferi Township Council have decided to i 1 ' t Mr. Wes. Heywood, of 1In_ntota, Our home druggists say they still have the Town hall iii by i(Le(1 leve b'l,t'.4 :is ,a teacher at Rutherford, Man., is visiting his parents. • either supply the ingredients or inti gats. A long felt watt. Sack„ ent(rinf, upon her now clarity Miss Lottie 'Taylor, of St. Alarps, the prescription ready to takf� if our pit of Lite Evangelised church and " wing to illness Taylor. Mr. Woe .Lewis occupied the pal- air.,`''I,,,,•�,eatoY� n`as_rout1ell.e(1 to m- was the �uee of her tniit Mra r r'e'aders ask theta. --�-_- Mrs, Chas. Smit b. of Jitney, Ohio, preached ct fine sermon front the " ret toned home last week. Mr. .Sheffer was callatt to Tororl- telt Isa. ,28, 16th verse, whichwas well received. Ito last week, to attend tee funeral of his daughter Jennie, Miss Sheffer Johll O'Brien was (tptpointed caretak- At tete special meeting ,let the Evan- was :Inexpert cyclist and was •with er. gelica1 church Friday night last, it ,, coat ,tet ►ierformin difficult feats was decided to build Union sheds i y' performing ', and a Committee appointed. to go - when overcome whit illness. She was ahead with the twos 17 )'ears of nge. Farquhar ' Mrs. Barrett. who was here for bliss Vaud Glenn, of Lumley, is Miss Emma llaist of Kilnla is tl%, ' some time visiting ler mother, Mrs. visiting M rs. Art hur Campbell. Allele, returned to her Moran,; '-•-' G. S. Thompson, has returned to herr Mr. .Clarence (,rowan r(jspent Sunday (day last after spending t+everat weeks !tome in Chatham. I at his home in l3lanshard, visiting relatives and friends. i Mr. P. !tonthron has, beet appoint- M`_ \\'nl. Ward is hauling wood Mrs. J. 1l, -Boltzmann very pleas- ltly entertained the neem -bars of the ° to vi .t r., e; council in it ort Mill. the. place of J. C. Stoneman: 11 r. and bars. Evangelical chair at her Forme on . t and '\Ire 9 '1 Faster t Friday d Tuesday night, tea being served at hero for several wee -Ls visiting sirs. with 11r. and Dirs. Arthur Campbell. 7 o'clock after which the evening -lir. ,Musser visited with lir. \\'m►. Simpson's parents, helve returned to was spent in merriment., their home at Ilrucefi,.ld• - ' Monteith last week. 11'0 are plcat;ti�ci to s.'• Ji r. harry 1 sir, R. Catch pole• ''ea Tito annual :fleeting of the Us - Beavers out again t "bee purchased porno & llibincrt Fire after bt ins con- bits. IlouRhtc'n's house on the West Insurance Co. Lined to the house with an atrark of !side -►f the railroad track. !-it. held here in the hall on 'Monsety grippe. Mr,. Struthers. of Blyth end Mrs. next meeting to comms nCe a. otn. Mr- and 'Mrs. Kehler, of Zurich, Cratt'torti, o'clock. Chest Sunday at the' home of 11 r, of Dungannon, Visited lir. and .Mrs. J. A. Kirkh)•, of $t - Cha.. friends in tow tt during the week. Kingsley, lc•nl, visited witst bit'. and Mrs. ii:rt- llr. Nelson flicks is meeting with 1 "+'---- vers on Tuesday last, good success with his chorus, which 's drilling at practice. On Saturday The members of Sunshine S. S. told FOR OVER SIXTY RXMKOYEARS evening et the untrue of Mr. and Mrs. been used in their annul meeting on btonclas Christ llaist. 3.i voices were Present Haul,! ''' .t.-. _-,_i officers a�P,n.lOLD wes QNDWELL-THIRD Rasoctie-11-, :and hr' purposes giving itis entertaitt- ruerlt in the near future at Central- ia send it is to be hoped that a rep - it i. iot► will follow here also. At the, annual meeting of th;• Trus- teesof Aberdeen 1ta11 hold hest week, t fie old l rust cps w•.�r rte -elected• Al r. fed clerk f t t Ii to l kt Mill at 1; etiimott Cimpbel1, of I M '. itn son. sv to were spen 'rid ay rut Saturday Winchelsea _ Centralia Nelson E. hicks t'oice 1'raiuctiou • and �in►tiny;, Nut» l of London Cocserwatury Music, 11, Bottom Menonald, ('harles t1'hitr,Lcu►lon Lug., t•:n.eat (1, Eardley, London, I-.ig. A linmited number of pupils will be accepted• \Vit. Ander sett, 1s•Ito was removed to the hospital, London, a couple of weeks ago is reported to bee improv- ing nicely. - ecled- -- ..T..: .- o t Syrup - and t .its, 11esn ! wo new ones, 1 and 1). Goulding. On account of the growing membership ,it wary thought wise to have two more classes. The school is its splendid contrition. nil debts are paid, and there are funds in the treasury. On the ;saute evening the trustee board met and dict busi- ness for i he church. it was decid- ed to improve the building by pap,'r•- ering and painting the interior and painting the exterior. blr. Abner Fuller intends putting its a gasoline engine for general use; around the barer. Abner is a hustler Quarterly meeting will he held Our roads have been it► bad tthape� next Sunday morning in t he Metho- by large snow drifts, which were so dist church. high that it was almost impossible The Methodist church choir, which to travel. J. Fletcher, our worth}- r:►nks high, is to sing at the Edea rued toss fixed theca up eel Itis beat. church 11311)4vers')ry on the 9th and John would make .a good councilman 111111 of February. as he. hens an eye to the roads as \t .. W. R. Elliott is visiting at well as his ow•n business. Clinton. Mr. W. G. Medd, our butter mekc'r Cromarty. 1)r. 13rois itittg of i:xeter, was in toewtt on Saturday last att:c'nctitte Mrs. Duncan h1clkellaI A1110 had dislocate:1 the cartilage of her kiss► joint. Dashwood Mr. \orrtt-,I! ilul,,-, NV 110 Se work- j• its !'lattswilt,' is visiting friends around here for :t few days. T is u slt•ig ltloads of young people of the 'fossil line west of Dashwood gi t hefted a t the horst,' of Air. :end Mrs. .1. Decker, jr.. last Monday c'v� and enjoyed the ttiuht 455'd mein,;. Aiisv Ethel teener, who Iris been eligteeed eta teacher about ;l utiles west of elle village commenced her new duties on Monday .Ertl. 274 h. Mr. .1. 1Cellcrntat►n is attending the County Council at Goderich. Mr. Dan Weber is all smiles tires. - (flys his home belt:: presented with 1 0 baby girl last Friday. Mr. J. Wine. of Gothett Line, was presented with n hi by boy. 11r. Silas A(I•Irtt', who has ixeetl clerking at Mr. ',1. Ilannert's at Ship - k e ham 8ccepi eel a position with lir. \V. Siebert wlto wilt np►,'n a general store here on Jan. 211th. Mr, \Vat. 'Tier, of London. is t he finest of Miss Lauri \Veher, 11r. end 11rs. Ilernlin F.idt visit - cd the fornt:er's brother at i',irkhill on Sunday last. Mr. W. Siebert, who his lee,•n in business its Platteville for a number of ycere moved his stock to our vil- lage on \VPditeseety .tan. 29111, and will open a get►eral store in the Hirt 1ri1,'• !!lock. 1', !i, 81'1:S('Ittllplta. 11•di please •in'e that we have to pay on • t• 'nt p0st:i e 011 . 8cla paper g'► -,►t; to t h' 1 !tiled State.. 7/tie meet's that your subscr.bf ion must 1►e !,aid in advance. \\'hen yotl Ree your subscription ex• (,iring remit $1.50 for another year 50 thet you will not mils, tiny copies' of The Timese writes; "I have used every remedy for sick headache I could hear of for the past fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liver Pills did me more good than all the rest, Use Blended Flour Some of our farmers do not se;•tll to realize the importance of the suc- cess of Ontario millers in 1►lendii, Antario and :Manitoba wheat. in a word, it means n growing demand for these blended flouts, a so'r'ely market for Ontario wheal, better prices to the farmer for his ''Fant, :end lower prices for bran and shorts. All of these much -wished -for re- sults are due solely to the efforts of our millers, '!'hey first .proved to their own satisfaction that blended flours were better than flours made of n single variety of wheat- They proved, by repeated tests, that :► blend of Ontario wheat and a little western wheat, made betttitr bread titan 'Manitoba "hard patent flour" and ,also made better pies, cake and pastry than Ont ' ood Wood Wood 1280 cord of hat•(! W ed. Best dual- ity. Prices according to grade. \Vood cut to suit customers, cord block. Order left at Times ()trice o Thos. Hai� tnoll Cough Caution. Never. positively never poison your !Wigs. ItT tough—even from a simple cold only—you shot Always heal, soothe. and ease the irritated b ., !ilial tubes. Don't blindly suppress it With RI Stupefying poison. It's strange bort' some thing.' finally coma' about. For twenty years r. Shoo has constantly w•anieti people riot to tako cons Mixtures or prescriptions containing Opi Chloroform, or sirnilttrpoison=. And How -a lied late though—Congress says "Put It on the Is !f poisons are era your cough efitture," Good Very gotxl!! llereaftt•rforthisveryreasonmothe and others, should insist on Faring Dr. Shoop' Cough Cure. No poison marks on Dr. Shoop' labels -and none in the nwtlicine, else it must b late be on the label. And it's not only sate, but is said to be by those that know it best, a truly rs►j tnarkable cough remedy. Take nochanco the,II;t particularly will) your children. Insist on bacilli Ur. Shoop's Cough Cure- Compare carefully thQ+ Pr. Shoop parkago with others and note tb�, difference. No poison mark; there! Ytna tla* always be on the sato side by demanding Dr. Shoop's ough Cure W. S. HOWEY. GRAMflTRUNKSYSEM Flower, Fruit and Sunshine Delightful Winter Resorts of CALIFORNIA MEXICO & FLORIDA Tourist tickets at low rates, ver a zcy ysura t►y rnilaon4+ of mothers fur rhe it i • children whtle teething.with This is true because ble'nd.'d flours ( For tickets and full information Ballon perfect sueen.a I ario ' pastry flour." I It soothes the child, softens the gums, allay, a 1 contain the good ,-lualities of 1,01 h J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. path, curse wind colic. and is the beet remedy kinds Of twheal, pa Diarrhoea• It to pleasant to rho taste.rHold or write J. D. MCDONALD, UAW bydrueetste In every part of the world. 2S Orte of the largest t,akeri.'s in Tor- Depot, Toronto, Ont. cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be,, cure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing 1 un to' "homemade nemade bread, to and ur orittrta a 8yroptsnda..ktor uoothnrktnd, short time they were working night Preacher's Opinious Guaranteed undor the Food and ata} day in a vain ,endeat'or to Ast, June 30th, 1906. Serial ply the de Number demand. lr t 1098. t he r'tint The combined C1 0 :ai �uciel ies of Centr:tlii and Crediton, consisting 91 a mixed ehorous of fifty voices HS - si=ted by Miss Clara Heist. Sopr8tio, Vias Lillian Elliott, Hopr:ino, and the ,Imperial Male Quartette. of London, composed of C. 1. !'ink, first tenor, F. .1. ,Fitzgerald, second tenor, B, .Mute, I.teritone, N. E. (ticks, Bass, Centralia Methodist. Church, Tiurs- day Feb. 134 h., Crediton Towel ]fall. Friday Feb. 14th. Each chorus a masterpiece. Each song to a Irtette ;, ° gem. Each picture. Doors 11 at 7.30• Concert 8 o'clock, Ad- sioti 25 cents, has let the contract for furnishing (ije the creamery with lee, to lliram Cope- this For all kinds of Baking ---for Bread, Biscuits and Pan Cakes—for Pies, Cake:, and Fancy Pastry—no flour, milled of a single kind of wheat, compares with a Bl -,EN Dl'.l) FLOUR. It bakes whiter nutriment --and to the barrel. and lighter --it contains more it yields NI Olt 1': bread etc. "Made in Ontario" Use A Blended Flour (of Ontario and Manitoba Wheat) and you use the perfect flour. BLENDED hLOUR combines the splendid food properties of Manitoba wheat ----with the lightness and nutty flavor of Ontario wheat. "1 Al A BLENDED !''[.OUR --the result of baking will PROVE its superiority. 'Flus traduaark is on 'll ia. BLENDEb FLOURS. h Is the erten of quaky. Look tot it as every bag and barrel you Ivy. your first Rev. P. K. McRae, Forks Baddeck 1'rovinecs. blended flours have driven<i 1 C. 13.. ''I always count it a pleasure to the 4it 8, nb flours out of a marketrecommpnti the Dr, M1ocu►n Remedies in some instances. tomy parishioners. I believe there) Tito is nothing t tnilters hat(. done more than rug letter for throat and lugg their part in proving to the px'opl,> troubles or weakness or rundown sys- t hat blender! flours :are hest. It is tem. For spe'aker's w,re throat I have clout ,tful it our tampers realize host II found Psychtne ver} beneReial." much they nut help Pi restoring the # Rev. t\'. If. Steven t, Paisley, Ont.: price of Ontario wheat to its old fig- "Psychine set'rn.'d just the stimuant m tire'. what our farmers should do is to stop buying .Western wheat flours and use only Ontario blended. flours. This would create such a demand for Ontario wheat that the price would soono tin. and our farmers of course Psychino since' taking it myself, for it would get all the benefit. is a cure for the troubles you specify." Then, too, this would help our , . dairymen and Istocknicli. The,rime ( R. . (has. Stirling. Bath, '1,11„ t t I 1 hast use,! Psychlno ir► my family-, the such ridiculously high prices. has cause of brawl and starts selling for revolts werenutrwelori+. 1 have visited been that our local stilly were grind -people who state that they never used its in,; little wheat and conseiueetly ''goal. I strong)) recommend it. there are port.' of these feeds for stile system needed. 1 shall add my testimony as to its eflieacy at every opportunity," Rev. R. M. iirowne, Amherst Head, •�•• "i have often recommended Rev. .T. S. 1. Wilson. MIarkdale, Ont.: at the trills, They had to be brought i "I have taken two bottles of Psychine from Mertitoha and Alberta, ,and by l and am pleased to pay that 1 ata greatly the' tints the freight xsns add,'d to thsl i improved 1» health, 1 w•av troubled nice profit sslieh the Western millers with my throat, but rt ,w 1 feu,) it about deresanded, the prig• was nut of all I restored to its none ,I condition. I proportion to whet it should be. i}y I find my work very • tach less faxing. buying blended flours 811(1 keeping ! 1 believe Psychtne is 1 claimed for 11.�' our :Hills running' to $ht'ir full eap►ae- . I ily. there will be !sleety of bren rind I where - '1 hese are earns ' •re'achers of the Ishorts to sell at vert rnuelt lees tlln,, goal►el of Psyehlrie, '. 'fey know they cost to-dsy, , of they sl►eak, n*echlne entry alt ' throat, lung; and st ash trouble's. It ---; is 8 great Voice R \Vords l.w Mrs. \Vaud in ntelIlol of dirnctl • on the wort,. n thenen, acting her deughter'. Emily. who died ,fan, reyl,ir:ator} and 4th. 1'1101 I digestive organs, thus +peeisilly O'Iaptc't1 I to piddle speekers. At tell druggist., Her checks ►ver.' as t lc rose's. red, DOe• anti *1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., }ler eyes, they were so bright. l Toronto, Her hair ens (lark :15 the shade's of I !tight, } And her foctat 'pt were ,o light. (sive III that p►:silent.,-., COurag(►, lot•;, ' I'or rt• rrly four lottir ;notal,• she Inv j SIt•' 1•tllglit w•ltile sti '41.15 her.'.; 1.pon t hat hell of p tier.----�♦..__,__ I While scares it , nit rniur It•ft her lips t Or ww,' lrlydi her e'er comp)nit►. , 1 Those sow that the Election 1s over and Those ellxioust flours (hnf Mother the best man h:Is won, the principal I spent topic is elle proposed new railroad i Close 1►y her darling's side. :Intl artily three cornered expressions Their «rc'rnory comes unhidd-•n, It ick aro heard reri:atdit1,r And `he's lonely for her child. farms aro lila runt', thti brine, rut ftp. The last f31te often wished the - tot would eons lw'o surt•r)'s pre , 1:til o[ the t•+l- \Vh('n she would Ir,' at rent, lige :II e punt, r of i milts ant. Would see her hive's -sl Siviour. r I And leen upon lis brenst. fele. said ferewel l their Mother hie 9tnrtcd i 01t do mot we••t, for mt' ; sou 1 ' 1'!tt 00in'x t:orae to Je.t:•; o[ nsarcvor for the Totwt791ii1,, With the Angel• i'll he free- , rr• Air. Jos. Rau kin- left on Tuestjay. Itut cross .he's morning to attend t he Conn- Ronc our I)arlin,i crone' County t Ilex p:►in net<1 tsuffrrinu o'r•r. til md'rtint! at (.Del rich, 1 We know she', tiff ly over there, Mr. Thomas ,llodzs0e, of Ilanlev, i Where euffc'ri►,u it' no snore. Rask•, k t•isitincr a. t h hie sitter 11'r.4. *I' wax !cid indite d to spy R. Skinner. These' good-bye; Mr. \Vrn, Andress and sister ear,, dMAr told lips po Irr,••ry ; \\'m. skinner tti+c'nt tb rx,t Wolk Alt ho ww(e thank the t►ls•svt•(1 i.ortl i visiting ,relntivete in (/orris. 'lo �,4•' her laid at terse. Mr. 1). MefJonn141 ;And slaughter : Wit h pitying love, Jh'ir Lord, peek Minrri^ et flower, of in., Brent n COu d down. I•' of d,y. the guest 0' Sir,. and Our broken ,hearts to cheer. 8. Andrew. 1 . -A, - _ .........._../_* ____ ___�,-.. _ t - Ellmville •lrinv+, a t•xpeets tc, have e stetiotl insteest of \Vincheel, •1. Mr. 1t. Hunter 1 On his t+c s'malt' for 190s in the c•ipae,tj'