Exeter Times, 1908-01-30, Page 1:trier
$t.00 per year is advance,
••....••••N♦•••♦♦♦••••••• •♦.NN♦♦♦N♦N♦♦♦♦
t ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
1311 -torte No. 32.
Good Ne `° s
The Early Shopper
We believe in being ready for the early buyer
Our new Spring Stock is now on our counters and
more arriving every (lay. Conte and see them and
let us help you to choose your new Dress or Suit.
New Dress Goods
All the new fabrics in the fashionable colors are
now open for your inspection. You will find our
stock right up-to-date.
New Panama, Siccamoose, Taffeta, Lustre, Serge
Venetian and Broadcloths are the new goods for
New Prints and Ginghams
All new for spring. \Ve have a big selection to
show you in Checks, Plain and Fancy, all at old
New Laces and Embroideries
Will be used very much this season for trim-
mings. We are well supplied with them and can
show you a large assortment.
Men's Tailored Suits
Don't forget our Tailor made Snits. We have
some extra nice patterns for spring at the lowest
Jones ex Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers.
••...•♦N♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦••• ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••••••••
••••♦•♦•••••••♦♦♦•• ••••••••••••.♦•e•.•••••.•♦
• •
-Mrs. James Miller attended the'
funeral of Mrs. Jas. :Arnold at l:'ark-
hill on Tuesday.
official returns -Th„ t;ua, Shoot, which %%.►K to
h.,v.� taken tlaca� at the grounds of
the Exeter r t:uu Club. Tuesday after-
noon was post eon+ (1 on nccapuut of
74 the �ever.� wed/h, r.
117) 1 A report was received here Sunday
•,7 :17 1 I of the death at Parkhill of Maria Jane
,0.t Oke, relict of the late .lames Arnold, 1
55 t;7 and sister of Mr. llug;h Oke of town,
at the age of 75 years. The deceased
was well known in Exeter.
-A number of the business cues of
the town met at the 'Town Hall '1'ues-
tl4) ,;1 -Mr, (;.•o. Hawkins was confined day afternoon to arrange for the rais-
ing of stoney .or the starting of it Y.
(�' 37 c°lel•
M. C. A. branch here. The amount
77 53 -Sar. 1(•hrry Hooper has been en- I proportioned to Exeter is $20) and at Dr.Scott's Stock and Poultry Food Louse
!►._geed :1, clerk for Mr. J. \V. Brod- the meeting $150 was subscribed. 1
15(3 Lrick.
i.atct�selu (;ntttl who was arrest-
- Mr. Killer and Worm Powders
I t 1 o for several al dat y o„
McLean's Majority 117
The following are the odic
tor South Huron in 190e.
11ort oil
fulling: `uh'-1)iw. \o. 1...
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 2...
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 3...
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 4...
Pointer.Sub.-Die No. Vii...
Majority for McLean -82
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 1...
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 2...
Polling Suh.-Div. No. 3...
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 4...
Majority for Horton -I18
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 1...
Majority for Horton -59
oves, Ranges & Heaters
-Mi..t. G. Jones k suff,•r•in•g fro,.,
+11 attack of Grippe.
('l:•1s. ,Dorwood. of CI►icego.
i.. '. i -it ing friends in town.
- Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Far tulle,.
aro visiting friends in hill•,_ reen.
-Cedar hosts for Site. Apply :, t
J. 13. Brickwood's store, Exeter north.
- Miss Jennie Ureuhert. of Fuller-
ton, is the guest of the '.N iss,'s Dow.
-1)r. St•+nbury, of Toronto. %i-,te,l
his brother J. G. St:Inbury this week.
Everything at 10
per cent discount
Number of second hand Wood Cooks cheap
Balance of Cleveland Coiled wire at $2.85
Sub. -Div. No. 1...
Sub. -Div. No. 2...
Sub. -Div. No. 3...
Sub. -Div. No. 4...
Suh.-Div. \o. 5...
Suh.-I)iv. No. 6...
35 75
47 t;7
23 51
196 105
Majority for McLean -209
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 1... 62 33
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 2... 51 15
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 3... 62 52
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 4.. 66 72
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 5... 39 45
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 5... 81 45
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 7... 36 lib
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 8... 57 26
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 9... 53 61
508 417
Majority for Horton -91
I'olliug Suh,-Div. No. 1... 11)6 54
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 2... 71 133
Polling Sub. -Div. No. i... 111 31
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 4...51 73
339 219
Majority t►.r net son -120
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 1...
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 2...
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 3...
Polling; Sub. -Div. No. 4...
Majority for McLean -139
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 1... 118
Majority for Horton-2
IL'olliufi Sub. -Div. No.
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 2... 2•)
Polling Sub. -Div. No. :i 1114
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 4... Lei
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 5... 34
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 6... t30
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 7... 27
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 8... 14
Majority for McLean -137
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 1... :{.i
Polling; Suh.-Div, No. 2... 31
Polling Suh.-Div. No. :t... 95
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 4... 54
Polling Sub. -Div. No. h... 45
-Mr. herb tiouthcott has been con- ' •
ed at St. Joseph last week on charges
ince v his room t ve of perjury and obtaining money under
account of illness.
false pretenses,' as n 'Tuesday re• .
-Mrs. Win. tAl►tchell. of Lo,alon. iwas on leased on hail. Ile Stands his own International Stock and Poultry Food, Heave
--U1e guest of Mr. and Mrs. \\'n,. 1).1• surety for $2000 and \Vet. Proud -
vas of the North End• font. K, C., of Goderich, is the other
-Miss Emma Hill, who was so had- surety for $3000. and Colic cure,•
ly burned last week, has recovered -The Epworth League of the M +in
sufficiently to be able to be around. Street Methodist church intends giv-
-Mr, S. A. I'oplestone, of Myth, ing 4 concert early next month, en- Herbageum in 25c and 50c packages
installed the newly .Feted officers titled "The Temple of Fame." The
of Blyth Lodge I.O.O.F., at Blyth last league has in the past given several
week. • entertainments all of (which have
- Miss Emma Kaiser returned to been of high character and prepare -
Toronto after spendingr;t month with
her sister Mrs. John Taylor Exeter
cornua; one the most successful in
tions are being made to have the HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE
North. the history of the league. - --
and Mrs. Alex Forrest, of Word was received here last week of -� -
-Mr.Tuckstorct, Man.. spent last week the death of Mr. Jaynes Ching, at E 1- �••i••i.•i••l•'� +int• .•l•.l••l•f • •.1•.4•.1••;••l•->+•.l••;••l..t••l.•I••1•.fi•.:••l•d•.1•.1• L•Q + L ;•>,• e i• , e0.6•.l•.l44.
t%'ith Mrs. John.Tarott and :'\ars. mouton, Alta., on Janua.iy 17th, from 4' 'r-1••1•-'l•ri••lE•3►S.x-1•-1•:-•',-•i--1•(•:••'rel-•+..f ;-e cel•:••:•.l••1••;-g••i••I•.I.•i.•;~.1.•1•4'c.l--1-.ti-I•.1••l•.l••i�
Edwin Jonas.
-Mrs. Charteris, who has been vis-
iting her ;hunt Mrs. Geo. McLeod re-
turned to •her home in Egmottdvi)1,..
Monday evening.
-Mrs. Edward Graham and daugh-
ter, Mrs. (Capt.) Willoughby, of God-
crich are guests :,t the home of •Mr.
attd Mrs. Ches. Lindenfic'ld.
- In our list of directors elected at
the recent mee.ting of the Exeter Ag-
ricultural Society, we omitted the
name of Mr. John T. Morgan.
Miss Griffin, of London, who
took part et the Fanners' Institute
concert and was the guest of Mrs.
John Snell. returned to her Home on
-The Bachelors and Benedicts will
give another assembly in Sicl)onnell's
Hall next Wednesday Evening. Tony
Vita's London Harpers have been en -
1 gaged.
-Rev. E. A. Fear preech,'d Fpecial
sermons at Lucen last Sunday and
the Luc -an pastor, Rev. Holmes oc-
cupied the pulpit here during Rev.
Fear's absence.
-We are pleased to learn that the
salary of our esteemed friend the
Rev. Dr. Ramsey, of Ottawa. lees
been increased by $300 and the Mis-
sionary Giving by $500.
-The city council, of 'Toronto o1►
t I%1ondey niv iat decided to reduce the
number of li pier licenses itt the city
from 141 to 110. The by-law will
go into effect on May 1st.
The Smith farm at Mooresville was
sold on Mouthy. The North 50 acres
to Moses Simpson for $2,500 and the
100 acres. anion which the buildings Madman passed away at the residence
_ _ are was cold to Gilbert Carter, - of 1~
of his Fon '. W. Gladnetn.
��txi 2 Clandeboye, for $6,000. About three months ago Mr. Glad -
Majority tor Horton -35 -Thomas Cameron intends having: man carne to Exeter to visit his son
�� ��'1'ATllAltl' •in auction stale at the lTc'tropolitart intending to remain for a time and
• Horton McLean hotel on Friday. Feb. 7th. Any per- then return to his horn, in P,'terbor-
Strang. %e l,o were appointed to audit Exeter .. 118 son wishing to enter any „Doers fit ough.
Tbr' first meeting of the Local the books, reported the sane es cam- IIensall ,� this sale can do so at (his office Three weeks ago be became con -
82 of Health was held in the of fully send correctly kept. The next Seaforth 82 oth or before Thursday. Jan. :SOth, fined to his bed, but his illn,ss was
fice of the Secretary on Monday Jan. meeting of the Presby eery swill ), Hay field 511-i'asse•ngers of the storm-tos ed not considered serious until Monday
held in Clinton on Tuesday, M arch Stephen 1)1 at,(1 .,1most wrecked C. 1', H. Steamer last.
;7th. OS nt 1 p. in. Members Pres- arcs, at 10.30 n. m. 1
Ful were I)r. Sweet. Reeve �3obier, Ilan 137 Aiuunt Itoya1. %%bleb arrived at
Al r. Gladm:+n wasboat in the year
fir. Senders, Dr. Browning and In t'slaorne 1:')1 QuvelliStown marry weeks overdue, 1828 nt. Moose Factory on James Hay
1Tcltillc p 139 were brought Into the port of bt, his father rind grandfather being of-
spector Bissett. - PREMATURE OBITUARIES. I ricers rind factors in the Hudson flay
• Stanley :ts Jul,,a N. B, Saturda on th
der 1)r. Browning, Sec. by S. salt One of the traditions 'o[ the office y Steam- ,
iters tett ,Dr. Sweet be chairman.- of the New York herald has to do Tucker�n,ith � ship \twitrose. which also was five Company's service. w +
C;irrie<t. -- -- days behind Fol,edule offing to very
Ile was educated at St. Johns Col
Circled. an editor who was n great up- lege,
150 537 heavy weather during; the tri ► across Winnipe„ and when a yobs..
The matter of restrictions regards holder of rhe info II of -his I mart moved with his parents to 1'or:
chickenpox way discussed. Per A-. �t,ejority for �1cL.•:a,a.-117. the Atlantic.
Q. Dobler sec. by S. Sanders that the paper. it simply couldn't make :►
mistake. -Thr Carnival on Monday night slope where a lived some years.
instructions as given itt the pubic A flustered citizen oiic burst into MARRIED brought out quite a number of mals- Ile was the [first manager of the
old Batik of Upper Canada, at Lind-
Ilealt)t Manual regards children a1- itis office and bustled up to thee .di- 11Is11.01'-GOt:L1)-111 Detroit ,\W,(1- eueraders and come of the costume's sly, and was for some years station
reneging school where chickenpox is torial desk. "See .here!" he d+•nr•,nd- nesday Jan. 211th. Ml. t•:%.t O, were well got ten up. For the toaster at Lindsay
in the family be carried out by this i Cel. "This obit wiry notice. It's '*11 Gould. (1hu)rhter of Jar„to!„h (;Dolts best fancy dream>d gentleman, Case He )eaves a widow Peterborough. i
board. Children tnust not :tttfnd , wrong 1" formerly of Exeter. to Mr. lle,ar • Howard, as Sir Henry Morgan, bucan- George G. Gladman and Charles salad•
t;chool bulls they secure a c:•rtiticate i
What's wrong about itr' asked Bishop, of Detroit. ) ; eer. was the winner. Fancy cireSsed man Peterborough. D. V. Gladntan,
from the medical doctor that they•the editor in calm confidence. M:\NNS-SIiEI'IiEI(D-In Ilensall. oda lady Miss Nettie Sweet, 11,•st tom- Niagara Falls, Mr J. A. Morrow.
-etre Ecce of th,' disease. -Carried' '•\Why, its about tee. 1'n, not dead 1 \Wed:lead.)y e'2rarl.. 1908, Miss ;fere, t tc 'written 1)ayrnnn. The is•st local Parry Sound. Ie. W. t;ladrnan Exeter
ver A. Q. Dobler sec. by C. Christi,• if the herald Wars your "lead." Shepherd. to M r. Fred Manns. of take off. Geo. hockey. ".Tine \\'alt, r. 611(1 Air=. P. A. It. Kerr. I'etrrhor-
In view of the fact of the pr,•s.�nc.' sternly replied the rektor.
%belch, ito the nails o,►ett rac.�, Garvey Ache- ough.
of z;mallpox in the t►riehl,orhood the dead !" But," he ude, •d tnagnani.' BUItA: !son was nn easy winner and skated .Tho remains were taken to I'eter-
Boarci would urge that all children mously. "if you don't like being dead \Vl:HHl:R-In 1),tel►%%ood. F•'rid.ty Jan, the last laps alone. In the race for liorottub on Wed,ie I;iv for interment•
attending the stchool to be e•accinated we'll print ttour birth notice." ,�Ith to Mr. ntt(1 `1:-. 1). Weber n the little felloht Herm Elliott dis- +-_-
1His attitude was rather different Fon. Lanced all ;the others. The Exeter Edward Norman Lewis' (West 11u -
from t bit of !mother editor. who. ort STAN 111' Irl• -in Exeter. Sunday Jan. band was in attendance and rendered roe) bills to amend the criminal code.
being shown by the man neosl inter- :6th. to Mr. 111(1 Mrs. J. G. Sten- good music. as introduced in the house, are de's-
ested that the (kith of the eo ,;plain- bury. a son. $ -A few days ago a yet rd melte• tined by t he mover to prevent t wo
ant welt falsely reported. apologized CAMI'llELL-in 1'sborn•• Township, wee taken .to tat. Marys from 8t, classes of crime which he holds ie on
profusely acid offered to snake it all on Janu:ery let it.. to Mr. and tiers. Thoinatt for .use of the new reil11 ay increase in Canada. murder and as -
right. Andrew Cambell, n zone I -the St. Marys rice Western Ontario-- seu:ta on %%omen. iiy the bill.
"We'll print a correction at once," BELL. -At Winchelsea, Jan. lethe to' end ie making; several trips daily lir•- the i,c•nalty for clrryirg weapons
he slid. lir. and Mrs. 'Phomas *Hell, .t i wren tit" end of lb' spar at. Carter with intent is increased to imprison -
"Well." said the n, to :who weren't d : uehter. - & Co.'s mill rind the Ilorsesho,' Quer- merit from otic to five years. Razors
dead. eperleips it mould he better to elEI11)-At \Vittc)►eleea. Jan. 18th, to ry, a distance of about our :ted .t are included in the lise of offensive
let. it `tend. I'll show it to n►%- el a. :u,(1 Mrs. W. 0. Medd. it ieaf miles. The engine c1rri•tw the weapons. Stores are to b>eS prohibit -
friends when they %satht to bort ow. d eiehter. workmen down to the Subway under ed from displaying pistols and revoly-
tnoney."-Woman's Home ('omp-anion1 lEl) the 0. T. it. track led haul.. build- vers and may not' sell such without
for Febru:lry. eMIT11-At London llospital. Sunday. inn r,leteriel for the t,.w road. As the buyer presenting nit order [roan
_____...._- ,Ian. 26t h. Eliz:tbetle daughter of soon ns spring opens the stork of a tnl'4istrate, a justice of the peace
or some other duly tuelified official.
Mr. Leek -also ittt roduced his bill
to amend ,he trimness cod*' l '5l)'ct-
irt r assaults on women and children.
It provide. for the sent:.n'.. of d ntll
typhoid pneumonia, aged about 56
years. The deceased was the son of +
the late Thomas Ching and was born '1'
on the Lake Road, about two miles
from Exeter. About 2a years ago he + •1•
went nut west and settled at Morden,
Man., where he resided until about a
year ago when he went to Edmonton.
He is survived by his widow and two
children a son and a daughter.
-The tarty of C. I'. It. Surveyors
reached town on lest Saturday night
on their second trial line between St.
Marys and 'Sarnia. Our representa-
tive saw Mr. Hyde, Engineer in
charge of the surveys from St. Marys
to Sarnia. on Friday evening, when
he endeavored to elicit a bit of in-
formation regarding ithe new line.
We found 'Mr. Ityde suite genial and
as tuite non -committal. however
Mr. Hyde did say that this lith was
an improvement on the first one but
not satisfactory as a whole. While
a great deal of the work on this
line would be light, there were a few
pieced of the tvork so heavy that it
would raise the overage and mak
the %cork costly as a whole. This
line East of Kirkton runs North of
the first. trial. while this side of
Kirkton it is on the South, even •run-
ning South of Elimville. ;Another
litre will hn tried. It is rumored that
+ • + _
If You Want Cheap hardware Go To
Plaster Paris,
Always in Stock at Lowest Prices,
Galvanized Steel Shingles
and Siding, Etc.
Building Supplies
Glass, Nails, Cement
Where you will find a full stock of
The Leading Hardware Store in Town
Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire. '
there is a very heavy piaeo of work 1 ++•'•+++-;.4.4-+�- •:. .; .;..;..;..:•. 4•.1••3•-1••1••1••7.•'rel-•1.++++++++ ++++++++4 +
just Routh of Kirkton, and that this't•''•I'•Z••g.•1'•i'•II••i••l"l•.IF'f'1•,1•'11.'1•,1.'I..b'I.•l••'o•'T•'1.'11.•1'•i„1.'1••11.,1't{.1.-1••f•.i•;•-1.-1••f••1•+•i•♦•t-+t
111:iy be the means of throwing the
line nearer Kirktott or further South
to%wrr(1 \Vood1,1in. On this point Mr.
liyde would say nothing.
DF:AT11 OF 'tilos. GLAUMA\.
Early Tuesday morning Thomas
at Once And as an induce►nent, would
recommend that the Council of the
Village boar the e'xptnee for the
-.eine for the next 20 d.ys (to Feb'y.
17th.1 of all pupils and children resi-
•1•'ets of the Municipality, and also
%woui(1 urge that all citizen.* who
h.it,' not been successfully vaccinated
elurine the last seven years to be re-
vtcria, +tecl as a protection sigaitast
slain 10,0150111e dise•es,'.--Carri,'d.
.105. SENIOR. Clerk.
The Presbytery of Huron mot in
Clinton on Jnnu.ery :1st. The follow-
ing members were prtteent ; Rev. 8. Mr. and Mrs. \\'m. Smith. of Ship- co'nt,leting the road to Eruhro will be
A. Carriere, moderator, and !)r. Mc- Oriental Lecture
Lean. Clerk : Dr. Stewart, \1.•ssrs. C. ` •
ka, aged .3 years. tushed nett it it. anticipated that 111'
Dashwood. Mrs. Mary line will be open for Traffic by
Fletcher. Fletcher. St.A., W, M, et etin. Neste
Iloueit. aged 79 years. Rummer. -9t. Mary's Argus.
F. F. McL. Strath. i1.A., 1). W. felThe ladies Guild of the Trivia Me- ARNOLD-In Parkhill. on Sunday. -Jt is expected the branch of 1h
Ur luhart. 11. A... E. 11. Newer., Thos. ; moria" church have secured the ser- January 28th. Maria ..1ene Oke, relict Sovereign bank nt Crediton whicl►for rape upon 1 .tire under fourteen
Davidson. e1 A.. .lolatt McNeil. .1. A. I vices of the Rev. 1I. A. lien-Oliel for of the late .rattles Arnold. aged 75 was closed when !he benks at Exe-years of oye and makes whipping
Anderson. 11. .\.. .1. L. Smell, It. A.. 1 a return et►gngetnent to deliver one )•ares ter, Crediton, J):sheootl. %ue iclt and! obligatory in ell engem of ens-tult,t on
N. M. Leckie, 11. A.. 13. 1).. F: 11,3 of his fanhous Oriental Lectures. On (.1)tnR-:1t i;dn,nnton, •Ian. 17th. Jtu. Hensel! were t ken over by the Cart• women. where it is rro%% optional. It
L'rtkin, 11. A.. Neil !thaw. B. ,\.. sin friday Jan. 31st. in Opera house, adian Tlank of Commerce, trill h, I nlslo lucre lm,,m the tr•n,tt w for a cone
1 aged ;pt; veatP. t
inter+ : and \lr+sea. W. M. Le>iRh, 11.. Mr. Ren -Ogles was here a year ngto
atr.t,,gr. Gro Mcl:ay Christopher and delighted .t large audit+hee,
Hal (Heilman --1n Exeter at the residence opened by the bink in the corit-m> oI i •bon assault of a n,.11+ UI.OII a to male.
Bort 11%%irh, Wm. Clerk. Win. 1•:Icott. p►re'sentm the comtttme•s worn by the t.f his con. 1•. \\ , (ilndrnan, on .tan.
a few tt eek s mini the old Miff in -•-f --
J, ('.' Wilson. J. Lindsay. elders. Thea people of the holy Land find cxplain.� 'h, Mr. Thc►tn:ts Madman, aged 741
charge. The branch nt Dashwood. t IffeCKEY
records of ses.+ions were rx:ltrlin:•d! maty of the social and refigious < <'earR.
and attested. t he cotnnhissiorn'rs of 1- 1 customs of his people. the Jews.
der. were presented and the roll for; The Lecturer will be assisted by a
the• year made .up. Applicatione on large company of people.
behalf of the aid -receiving congr 21- 1 Reserved Seat..
tion• were made up ne usual. ••xc >pt ; -The lecture to h.. gziven by Rev.
of what constitutes good 1
clothing (lifter from the ids; a
of most other firms. We de -
111a31(1 and use in all our Suits
and Overcoats only the best
material and the highest class
of workmanship
Give us a call,
Merchant Tailor
To the Ladies
We want every Lady in and around Exeter to visit our store,
examine a-)llr various Toi'et -articles, Flavoring Extracts, Soaps, etc,
To the Caen
We ►t ,test too men to buy a Phonograph this spring. We stock
Edison, Co.utnbia and Rex. kVe will s?.11 three good used machines
cheap, Caii and see
Canadian Exp. Building. The Purity
:light 1►at•e been different. i•:xeter
The first five goals were scored Ise),',
against the visitors in nine minutes,, Herne
but after that the playing was con-
siderably better, although the ltcu- I Alger
Rail boys showed the h;•tter form t Harding
throughout. Althoughbadly trim- Martintiled the loc:tt boy. feel confident Palmer right Shepherd
they c:tn beat the Ifensallitr's when I Referee, Teddy ,Ilawden.
the return game is pine.' here.
The trip home was 1112 most intee-
esting part of the evening to thoica
who returned with the load. Owing
to the sever.' a storm that had been i eel )ta•l been suffering kr over tRO
raging. for the past few days. trap •
roasts were leads), drifted in .mann months with an obstinate cough, as had
places, waking the Flri,thing heavy alio my little girl. We tried several
and progress very slow. the horses ret"''dies comn„,n to any drug store
having to walk the entire distance. `without obtainings :ley apparent relief.
When about midway between Hen- In fact we were Kri.wiug;• a,•rne. T got
sell and Exeter a huge drift was :•11- bottle of Coltsfoote Expectorant front
countered, and several dismounted in my druggist an•l inside of two Bayo the
order that the rig could gaup by it. Wan stopl+e••l, and the nits SO
'Thole who remained aboard w.•1e un- laermar. nt :tr,•l Tapir! that we dcegded
1 aware of its immense mix., anal were 10 keep it in n�,r Lorne! continuable
dosing peacefully. until suddeniti I1O13t:RT 1'ALi,V,
('. .\. E. station, Ottawa.
Coltsfoote Expectorant ii recognized
tele world ever as the best prelt••ription
ever used by the medical profeseien for
('ought. ('olds, ('roup. Ilronchitis and
Tii7htness of the chest. Children like
it. To introduce it into every borne we
will send a free sample to every perms
s•,nyling their name and addrelia to Dr.
T. A. `tloeum, Limited. Toren.to. Sold
by all up to }ate 4r,ggi•t8 at 2..'. '
goal Ile•mphill.
point C.1Ir1••rutt
Cover Rickert
rover Ilittgey
left Buchanan
centre White
Permanent Results
however. will continue closed. will), The lot it hockey players went to 1 awakened while flying through tit •
the one at 'Zurich. althouih still opNi Ilensall Tue:idly night to cress stick..a air and diving head foremost into it
-Mr. Monroe 1e*tves to day for R
is likely to he clod in 'puck Abort ti lb..' with the 'puck shooters of the local 'snow bank. It t'�1
was a ludicne mom-
segs th• wi=lt with friends in Brant-
As regards the. Ilensall branch nosh•• option village. end we might as well eel when the air was fill 1 with
ford. ing definite hart leen ,lerid,d on. The, give the result just now lest we for- hockey players, rooters, elk+, r.hoc•t.
caclerks at the local branch lav:' r..- get. Exeter peace(' on • .=oat. whit'' suit cases. strip+. blanket . robe.,
eeived )utters. usvinat t 11 in thr ••'! the Mensal) boye, %yell. we heir to seats, rte. The. boys. however. took
in the se of Verna incl Itt'k(t. I1, A. Nen-Olig 1 on 1•'ridty of this �grs'I'OR?A. lmonth.. in which to look for tether. say it, hut is wasn't over twelve aur- the upset good 'naturedly tL'rlinz
�t k . 1 Y.3 Htit A ,1 Bot:fflf o•it ions, Lot as the branch here w ill , way. glow ever, the genie twits b:•tter tent the Henri') players were du,
fee continued by the Rink of Com -1 than the score %%ouid it,elicete alit for 1 trimtning nt their betide when
'tierce. it is Iuite poaihl,' the trams had the E'ate'r boy' rraor.• pr:Ic41w they come down to Exeter. ?hes tol-
clerk• tai)) be re -appointed. . in t,lnyinir combination th" seore to"ink ttae 111•• lin+• up of the,*t.'am•. ' Send for Frei Sample ?odaa►.
1 •
which, the i'reeby tcry %%Ai pl,>•t+ .1 to %%t>e•k will 1. • ••ntirel) different to aearstlo
hear, are now aclf•eusteinintr. Mr. that given 1.y him a year ago. It Iguana"
Shaw, trensuror, presented This meet %%ill be an oriental lecture. but the 0
ropotrt. and We're. Anderson and , subjects wall not 1' Or? aamw'.