HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-01-23, Page 8+•:++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+++-e++++++++++++++++++++++ +++4+4+4.4+44+4++++
AI; E YOU READY foi some startling bar-
gains? We have them for you. Our an•
nual winter clean up s:+le is now in full swing
\luny odd and broken lines must be ntove(1
out (quickly. We have gone through our stock
and marked flown all surplus lines to quick
n1d1'('lt prices.
if $10 FGr Gents blackjnr Each for Fancy
cloth Overcoat, l 7U china Cake plates
made from good with fancy Rose and
black Vicunna and floral decorations and
lined with real good stippled with gold.
3• farmer satin. Reg. values 3o to 40c
_' nn For your choice of a lot of men's and boys
For men's black A
Yak Fur Coat. '
The best looking and
ill o s t satisfactory
medium priced fur
coat we know of.
For Men's
('eon Fur Coats
natural dark I lides.1
Well furred and best
trimming. •I•hey're
great value.
2.0u for Ladies swell
• Fur -lined coat
Good black Kersey
shell, lined through-
out with best Ilan•
ster fur and collars
and reveres of sable.
Quick for a bargain.
Or the yard tor linen
U glass cloth for tea
Towels, 26 in. wide
and every thread pure
linen. Reg. value 14c
/IJ Cloth and Tweed Overcoats. The clean
up of all our broken lots. Coats in this bunch
would be good value at 8 to 10 dollars each.
Come and take your pick for $4.9o.
Each for Ladies good serviceable Cloth
the cl n
ea upof all odd
lines in
the store If you want value and not too fastid-
e;;us about style this is your fortunate oppor-
tunity. Your pick of a big pile of Ladies odd
jackets for 2.
Are you getting Redpaths Granulated Sugar?
There are Tots and lots of Ontario Beet Sugar being
sold in Exeter, but not by us, We sell nothing but
REDPATH'S-It's the Best by test.
7, -
'1 co Pe
C7' 0
CD to
1-44 fti
Ft R.
gltm Sa1uout a,uoU
• +++++++++++++++++.++++++++++++++++++++++++++
We are showing a large
range of Watches and
newest de-
signs of different manu-
Come early and make
your selection
High Grade Watches at the
lowest prices
In Suits
For 30 Days
$18 Suits
for $9, $10
and $12.
Merchant Tailor.
Your Chaps Disappear
Like Magic.
When you use
(good for your Hands.
Goo(1 for your Face.
Good for your Lips
Good for Shavers.
(rood for ('hags
Good for (ills
Good for Ladies
Good for Men
Good for 25 cents
Then you will say
y I
FORSALE-53 1-2 -rrr9
just North of Salt Iliock. Exeter.
Terms easy. Apply tl 5 A. Q • Q. Dottier.
i1OU'SE TO RENT. - On Andres
'Street, first )louse North of Main St.
church tarsonti
e Furnace 'm
Tee -fifths acre of Tend. Apply John
Broderick. tlarept i 1'. O. 12-21-07.
aeon. will be at the Comrnercial
Hotel. hours 9.30 a. tn. to 4.30 p.
m. Glasses properly fitted and dis-
eases of eye ear and nose treated.
Next visit on Friday, Jen. 31. 1908.
Why not buy an
Edison Phonograph
('ash or Harry Payments,
Canadian Express fnilding.
-There died at Barrie on Jany. 16.
Wilmot Kingdom. relict of the late
Isaac Vanden aged 78 yearn end $
months. Mrs. Ilawden wan a former
resident nl Exeter. end lived with
her Irate husband. when residents of
Exeter on William m tr cShe was
martied twice, her first husband's
name being Burd. The remains were
drought from Barrie on Saturday and
Conveyancer Accounts Collected the remains taken to the James
McaNr:v In !Aso at to•►.t roes. Street church. of which the d(.eeeese
North west tends for sate.
nt one time was a member. where
Office. Main Street, Exeter were
were held, after which they
were interred in ti'' Exeter c(nlct•'ry•
Market Report. -The following
the report of Exeter markets, cur-
aevted up ,o Januar) .'lid.. leo'.
Wheat, tar teens per bushel
(tats, 45 ants iwr bushel.
Harley. 50 cents to GO cents.
Peas, 75 cents to 80 cents.
Blended Flour liefAlt), 12.75.
ketol k.2.
Shorts 1,21.
Deed Flour X1.111 to *1.45
$12 .0 $13.
Dried Apples 5 cents ler pound.
hetes. Iivetteight, 0l 5.45.
11ugs. dressed /elem.
Clover seed. $8 to $10 per bushel.
I'otatoes, 75c. to 90c. per bag.
Mutter. 23 cents.
Eggs, 22 cents per dozen.
Coal, $7.25 a ton.
Chicken, 0 cents per Ib.
Geese. J cents per lb.
Dunks, 0 cents per lb.
Turkeys, 11 cents per Ib.
•••..•.• .•.•••••
->lr. Hugh Oke is on the ,ick
-.lir. ,holes Snell \fain Street. is
on the sick list.
- Miss Luella Fear, is visiting her
Brand parents in Stralford.
- Mr. E(1. Kest le was in Goderieb,
I:I�t week serving on the jury.
- Miss Addie •Morlock, is visiting
fleinds in .Detroit and other points.
-Mk, Lily Johns has returned
...if with friends in Clin-
-Mr. lt. Ilonthron, sof llensall,
visited his sisters its town during the
past week.
-Good frame barn for sale on
lot 15, Con. 5, tssborue. Apply on
the preutisee or to S. Marlin & Son,
- William harrows, of t he Com-
mercial. had to get around last week
with the aid of crutches. Rheuma-
tism was 1 he cause.
-Mr. and Mrs. James Marlin and
Mrs. Andrew Oke and son, of ticn-
forth are visitiii1 ,\L•. Hugh Oke,
who is on the sick list.
-Mr. E. .1. V111tstone, of Gr:aven-
hurst, a former ,Exeterite, has been
elected V.Or-
1C.It. o[ the Canadian ( r
der of Foresters at that place.
-11. Wilmot Young and. his the
Show ' 1 the he Silver King at Exeter
Opera itouse. Thursday Jan, 23rd.
25 and Children cents.
-Mr. Thos. Auger, of Maple Creek,
Sask., is visiting his cousin, Mrs. T.
Shapton and other relatives, niter
an absence of forty-four years.
-Next Sunday Rev, E. A. Fear will
preach Missionary sermons at Lucan
and Rev. Holmes, of Lucett. Will.
take charge of the services held here.'
-Miss Eva. O. Gould, daughter of
Mr. John Gould, a former resident
of Exeter, will be married next Wed-
itesday to Mr. fleury Bishop, of De-
--I1. \Viltnot Young and his Ili.
(•i, will be at the Exeter Opera )louse
'nuary 23-25, opening in the "Sil-
1 r King." New Specialties. Prices
et and 35. Children 15 cents.
- Rev. A. 1}. Going look charge of
the dedication services at the opening
of the •\Phalen church lust Sunday
Morning. \1r. Keys, of the Elimville
circuit took Iter. Going's charge here.
- Malty have been unlet' the im-
pression that the Sovereign bank
notes are worthless. The notes of
the Sovereign hank are perfectly
good and there should be no trouble
in getting them redeemed.
-Mr. Geo. Dennis, of Hamilton, u
former resident of Exeter and n lot -
mer employe of this office, visited
his parents Mr. 811(1 Mrs. James Den-
nis. Mr. Dennis is employed teeth
the Rowell Lithographing Co.. of
-Mrs G. A. K. McLeod had the
misfortune to break a small lone in
ono of her artns last Friday after-
noon. She had spent. a few hours
visiting al the home of Mrs. D. Mack
and was about to start for Ilotne
when site slipped on the cement steps
the fall causing the frecture.
-The Epworth Leagues sof the
James and Main Mtreet churches
spent a very profitable evening at
the Main Street *church Tues(r•1y
evening. The program was taken by
the members of the for►ner church,
niter which n lunch was served by
I he ladies.
- 'the little son of Mr. Ridley. of
,1In it obi. who is visiting his grand-
mother. Mrs. 1. Clemens, at Winchel-
sea underwent nn oporntion at the
home of Mr. .1. Kyle in Exeter dost
%trek. The operation w
as performed
by 1)r. Ilyn(Ltnan and the little fel-
low is doing nicely.
- The Epeorth i.eague of the Mein
Street Methodist church intends giv-
ing a concert early next /01t1, en-
-titled "The Temple of Fame." Tb'
e r
1 ago has in the part given several
entertainments all of iwhich have
been of High char:►eter and prcpera-
tions are being made to have the
coining one the Most successful in
t he history of the !engine
-There will Le a shoot iIlg to itch
on the grounds of the Gun Club at
blue rocks on Tuesday .18th 2R at
2 o'clock. Sides will be chosen and
the supper shot for. the losing side
bearing the expense of thsupper,
which will be Served at the clubhouse
et the close of the shooting. All
wishing to take part. kindle. be pres-
ent by 1.30 o'clock. _
-1i. Wilmot Young, Mnrjie At1 iaus
Young and their Itis Co. will be at
the Exeter Opaera Ilous,•, Jan. 23rd..
21th.. and 25th. Op ' g in the cel-
ebrated English melodrama. •'Th:' Sil-
ver King." There will Iw epecialtee
he Veronee, transfortnetinn dancer.
Conlin-comi rue and dniicer-K. Chafe
Morse itt illustrated songs. and Stauf-
fer, l'aro(lisf. Prices 45 rind Ser.
Matinee Snturday at 2.30 p. tn.
- A grand fancy dress C11111vi4 will
Lr held nt the rink next Monday
evening when prizes will h:• given
for the bent dressed g•'ntI,anatl. tarot
dressed lady. bent comic charartcr contrscts were induced by frond.
lady or gentletn'tn, best local tikr-off 1 The s,mr gentleman tried to s •nd 113
one mile open race. one -hal( Mile for ) trial order of four .gallon•. but ee
boys under 14. and special for the concluded that common everyday
lest smallest boy or girl in costume.' erne '.ccs Rood enough to make our
The ice still be reset...el until 9 delle sticky. and es for our floors.
o'clock for those in costume. Thel who ever heard of a print *hop hat -
Exeter band will Is' in ettendane., 1 ing its (loots oiled?
Special Discount Sale
20 Pei Gcot Ofl fill WloCer Goods
20 per cent off all Furs
20 per cent off all Wool Underwear.
20 per cent off all Wool Blankets.
20 per cent off all Dress Goods
20 per cent off all Wool Hosiery
20 per cent off all Cloth Jackets
20 per cent off Children's Bear Coats
20 per cent off Men's and Boys' Overcoats
20 per cent off Men's and Boys' Shirts
20 per cent off all Felt Boots
20 per cent off all Wrapperetts
20 per cent off all Grey Flannels
20 per cent off all Heavy Rubber Socks.
We take note that in the future we shall tender accounts quarterly
-Mr. Thos. White and daughter
May returned Tues. morning from It
month's visit with relatives at Ni-
agara Falls.
-The school children are rejoicing
over the fact that their noon hour
has been lengthened from one hour
and a luarter to one hour and a
half. The last bell rings foe the
afternoon session at 1.30 o'clock.
A reactionary storm period falls on
the 24tIt to 27th, with the Mercury
period central on the 27th. Rain and
snow end sleet followed by colder
may be expected. The month ends
in 4) regular storm period.
-Mr. 11. .McKay, who for some
years was a faithful employee of
llarvey pros. his position bring that
of engineer, this week x< erect his
resignation to accept a position with
the Seaforth Furniture Factory. Mr.
McKay lett yesterday to take his
nett position.
-Last week we had an announce-
ment that the Ladies Aid of the Main
street Methodist church would hold
a social eve ' r in the basement of
the church on the 17th. The Ladies
had intended holding the social on
the 10th, but owing to the special
services being held that week in the
various churches the affair was can-
celled. We understood it 'was to
come off a week later. hence the
-A convention for the purpose of
organizing a County Association o[
the Y. M. C. A. will be held to -days
and to -morrow at Clinton where a
County secretary will be appointed to
travel throughout the county organ-
izing branch associations. A superviss-
ion committee ,will also is• appointed.
consisting of a member from each
locality. '1'Itis meeting will be ad-
dressed by prominent men in Y. M.
C. A. work 111111 will no doubt be most
-Miss Fennel Hill. who is working
for Mrs. Southcott. had a narrow
escape from serious injuries Monday
afternoon. She %vas polishing the
store, when the polish she was ming
caught ftre from the hot store: 1
her endeavors to extinguish the burn-
ing fluid. she did not notice that her
clothes were on fire. The flames
were put out but not until Miss
Bill's right side end hands were bad-
ly humid. The injuries are of a
painful but not serious nature.
-The annual meeting of the Exe-
ter Agricultural Society was held in
the Town Hall last Thursday after-
noon when the following officers
wen+ elected. I're+i(tent, 1?d. Chris-
tie: Vice -fres., :fatness •14all'utyne
2nd. Vice -fres.. W. D. Sanders ;
rector.. Jolla Del bridge, John Moir,
W. It. Elliott, Paul Coates, 1'. Mc-
Taggart. Jos. Senior, W.M. Meissen
and 1t. G. Seldun. Messrs. •11. E.
11ti t 011 •Ind ('b33. Sanders were el-
ceted auditors. The smiler of hold-
ing( a 'twenty Fourth of May dem-
onstration tinder the iuspices of the
society was taken tip. hut wan de-
-A little boy of 41 nelrhy tours
was given the iesk by his father, of
welting an essay on editors, the
oilier day. and the following war the
result of his efforts: "1 don't know
how newspapers calla)• to b; in the
world. t don't think God (toe's. for
Ito haittt Kot nothing to say about
them and editors in the Bible. f
is e missing
think the editori of the n
t r k t one r
links you read of and stayed in the
bushes until after the flood and then
ea out and wrote the thine up.
and has leen here ever sittM.
never saw n dead ort+•. :Ind n.'ver
Lenrd of one getting licked. Our
paper is mighty poor :and the editor
goes without underclothes all winter,
don't wear leo socks 811(1 paw hain't
paid his subscription in more then
five years."
-Several months ago 11 tall wove
gentleman. a good talker meth an
order book atilt
called on severe!
induced them 40
emelt ennobles of oil.
btiriness 111.'11 and
take a trial order
of his oil. The oil• he claimed. was 'tactic and Mensuration, Algebra niel
excellent for floors. 4,ellini or elle Geometry. Grammer. .Enerlish Cone
other old thing. and perhaps would 1pope tote history. bit (gat ure, Geo -
make en excellent toboggan slide ifII rrnpht. Spelling. Itook-keepin:r.
userl in :a sufficient luantity on n+Elenuen.ary Science end Art -Eleven
slanting cellar door. The price wasPatters. This will give the Fifth torte
three dollars per gallon. but song. pupils definite work to prepare and
thought it cheap nt that and gave n uniform test of their knowletlea
orders for trial shipments. The Exe- of the work. The securing of a pub -
ter people were not Has only oIl to pub-
lic School Graduation Certificate will
Lite. Every town in the country had bo a guarantee that th,. holder has
loofa. Clovers) in London who a vertical education. .end should br-
got Iho oto[[ refused to pay for it of vnlnr to hits in securing n posi-
:and the coinpany brought suit. The tion sat ring coinu►rrei,i establish.
suits e,nle up nt London on ,slur- Witt. This examination should be
d.ey before Judge M,clteth and the welcomed dy the teachers and stu-
jury brought in 8 verdict that the (lents of Continuetio►► and Fifth Class
schools, 311(1 create a greater intr.res•
in the Fifth Form work.
DoYourflells Ldu?
Is a guaranteed egg produc-
er. an ideal tonic and a sure
cure for chicken cholera, roup
gapes and all poultry diseases.
But thoroughly reliable and
effective. highly recommend-
ed by leading poultrymen
everywhere and guaranteed
by the manufacturers.
Try it. The result will more than
pay yon.
25C a package.
Anti Rheum-
atic Rings
Have cured hundreds
of people of Rheumat-
They are electro chemical
in their construction, but
have the appearance of a
heavy gold ring.
We have a full line of them
on hand. Call and examine
them and we will explain their
construction to you.
Issuer of Marriage License
1Mr. W. M. Martin. barrister, u[
Regina, :and non of Itev. W. M. Mar-
tin, of Exeter. has ley!' (dimwit by
the Liberals, of Regina, to contest
that city nt the next General elec-
tions for the Commons.
-Public School Graduation Ea-
atnination. An examination simil,rr to
the old Public School
Leaving .
nnunnfion. called Public School G ,d -
nation. has leen estahlish(rl by the
Department of Education. The first
examination will be held in ,luno
:DOR. The subjects for ills
ation n-
ation shall be those o[ the Lower
School of the High School. given on
pages f,5-69 of Regulations of
the F.ducatiot Department of 1901
a copy of which may Is' obtained
from the Education 1Pepertutent. Tor-
onto. This Exaanin•tiion will, ,with
the consent of the County Council.
be held at the Yana time :and placers
art the High igh School Ent rine... The
subjects of examination are-Arith-
One cow dear)% due to rale •.
yearling steer. Three t,erlitiu beif-
fer. Must be sold. Short of feed.
A. Q. iloftier.
Buy where you can do best; but by all means
its best to consider this store first. Why? Because
we sell the best goods at the lowest possible prices.
Because we have built our business by honest goods
and honest prices. Bemuse our reputation depends
upon the goods we sell and we guard our reputa-
tion zealously. Because we not only think of your
needs but we are ever ready to tweet theft) with
goods that are up-to-date. Because our business
methods have met with the approval of the discrim-
inating public for over 46 years which is proof that
this store is what an up-to-date store should be.
We beg to announce to our many patrons from this time for-
ward that we purpose rendering our accounts quarterly, viz: 1st
April, ist July, 1st October, and 1st January, ‘Ve find the way
business is done to -day that 12 months' credit is a thing of the past.
Thanking our many customers for past favors and soliciting a con-
tinuance of same for the future.
Adopting a Cash System
You will agree with dis that there are two 'ways of doing busk
uess namely right and wrong, a wrong way by the credit system, and u
right way by paying spot cash for everything you buy. Secondly, you
aro trying to run your business as economically as possible, aren't yOY.
wellyou a 1 in it impossible a to run itn n c
� c ►l find p l o an economical basis, and use
the credit system. We have done our best to run a successful credit
business and do not find it satisfactory. Therefore, wo ask you to kind-
ly assist us in adopting a Caah system, as it will help you as well as
ourselves. The banks are refusing to give business then a good line of
credit, therefore eve are obliged to cut down Our Credit, this having
been our means of carrying such an extensive amount of credit in the
It will be better to got Ilt.Itle habit of paying for articles when you
get them. In the first place you will get thein cheaper, and secondly,
you will save all disputes over accounts. In our case we will bo en-
abled to %work on a smaller margin and hence you will get better
I enumber
prices. Ai erg ofour customers have preceded 08 in doing a
cash business, cold for those who have not, wo take this means of inform-
ing you that we will run our business on a strictly spot cash basis.
not a week or ten days credit, but absolutely Spot iCash,.nfter March 1st
Would like to have our present outstanding accounts seuared up
by this date.
Owng to the fact that a great many people forget to return %chat
they borrow, WO prefer not to lend Flour on Griste.
Yours sincerely.
N. IL -No flags "To Lend."
Use "Star Drand" Flour.
i Enter Any Day
The Pathway to Success
Our manngement trains more
Bookkeepers, Stenographers and
The Canadian Telegraph and Z Telegraphers than any other in
Business es (nolle • Western Ontario. No extra ch -
g arge for two courses.
Of St, Thomas, Ont. and Aylmer, Ont.•
have the Grand Trunk Dispatchers Z
wire running through their class roost •
and guarantee to place every voting
man graduate of the Telegraph De-
partment with the Railroad Company •
or refund tuition fees.
Telegraphy i
Shorthand 8C Typewriting
New term epees Thursdaj, January I
12od, 1908. Call or write for particulars
R. H. BEST. Manager.
Most eminently qualified in-
structors. Graduates assisted to
good positions. Other colleges
engage our graduates as teach-
individual instruction
c!i n
MA11. COURSES in Matricnlat-
ion, Civil Service, Penmanship,
Shorthand, Bookkeeping, etc.
Send a postal for informal:on
about CANADA'S Gttl.1'rEST
CHAIN OF 111(111 (itt.tt)t•; D,'-i\-
1i8A Col:Le:ur04.
DANIEL. E. En's, Vice Principal.
GEo. Srorrox. Principal. •
In the matter of Abe estate of Thom-
as Shapton, late of the Township
of Stephen, in the County of Hu-
ron, ron, farmer, deceased. ,
Notice is laerc'by given pursuant to
Highest Prices Paid It. 8, 0., 1897, cap. 119, that all
creditors and (Althers having claims
delivered or in the
Centralia Saw Mills
- Mr. Fred Gould. of Kalkaska.
\lith., is visiting his parents.
-Miss Lizzie .Thompson left Mon -
morning to visit relatives at Air-
- The annual Hireling of the Na-
tional Portland Cement Company.
will he held in Toronto on Wednes-
day. the 190) (lay of February next
in Iho i.tlwt Temple'. 'fhn eutnt.'rty
has just rlrcl 1re( :e divieend of 5
per cent.
Chronic Coughs Cured
Mrs. Joseph Ecelee of i)rnmore, says:
"i took 4 or 5 bottles of Psychlne,
and a cough i had e(,ntinnally for nine
months disappeared. It is the beat
remedy for chronic coughs that I ever
Thousands of living witnensee pro-
nounce Paychine the greatest me,lieine
in the world. it is not a patent medi-
cine, but a prescription of a great phy-
sician. Put it to the test in any
Case of throat, lung or etomaeh trouble
or any run down or -t•(•ak rnn,lon. At
all druggists. 50e and V1.O'I, or Dr. T. t ItSCRIBF. FOlt TIlF 11M EH.
A. Slocum, Limited, Torcato. 1 ASCI IIIE F'Oit THF; TIMES.
against the estate of 111c said Thom-
as Sheldon, ton, elm died on or al,o
the 6111 day of July. 1907. pre re-
tuired on or before the 11th clay of
Feby.. 1908, to send by post prepaid
or deliver to 'Messrs. Gladman &
Stanhury, solicitors for the admiuis-
trat rix
of theestate t
nt of Ito
said deceased their chrislian
and 311rttnmes. addresses and des-
criptions, the full particulars of their
claims. the PIM rifle!! of (heir unlsand 1e -
c 1
o � he n,a a t e n[ the ste-
purities. jf :any, held by them. And
futtlier like notice that after- such
last mentioned date the said Admin-
ietratrix will proceed to distribute
the easels of the deceased alnonr rho
parties (';)tilled Ihetelo. having re-
gard only Io 110 rl:'ims of which
she 311311 then have notice 111(1 that
said adtninistratrix :will not ts' liable
for 1h('. said 1114/se 1 '4 Of :any part t
of to any portion or persons of whose
chests policy[ (.hall tet have been
received by her at the• time of kueh
dist i shat ion.
Solicitors for said Adrninisiretrii.
ietted nt Exeter this 14th day oL
Jany.. 190W.
For Infante and Children.
Ile Kind Yoe Have Always Bene d
B (rs the
Sit .ature of l<46"/"..4,Z;