HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-01-23, Page 41 THE EXETER TIMES. JANUARY 23rd 1908. tioIhIau 6its Call and bee our large assort- ment of Perfumes, 1 lair Brushes Cloth, Nail & Tooth Brushes Satchels, I'urses, Pouches, Cigar Cases, Case Pipes Childrens Books & Stationery All suitable for Christmas Presents. BROWNING'S Drug Store Smoke 11. •c tors Prescription !lest :'ce cigar in town The Exeter Times 1 Hayfield road, and portrait), Sarah and Adelaide- at hums. The deceased is a sister of Thott i, Johnston, of Godericb, and of (Henry, George and Robert Johns(011, Ili (:oderieh Town. ship. She was one of the first mem- bers of Union Presbyterian Church, Galerich Township. When the Stomach, heart, or liidne'y' nerves 'gel weak, theft those or; 31114 altt•aye fail. Don't alto; the Stomach. Mir Stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That ie tiitnply to mike - Get u preecriptiou known to 1)ru;vials cvery'tvhere as Dr. Hbuop's Restorative. Tho Restorative is pre, pared expressly for these weak In- side nerve:. Strefill then theat! nerves build them up full Dr. Shoop'e Itc- storativc-tablets or li;uid- and se, how t1uickly help wilt come. Frese teat sent on relue.•tt by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health h surely worth thin 'simple test. For sato by W. S. Howey An old and highly respected resi- dent of Goderich passed away on Saturday last in his sixty-ninth year in the person of Robert W. McKen- zie. Mr. McKenzie was oro/ of the best known residents and was con- nected with the hardware business in Goderich for a lona period. Some years ago he took into partnership with hint in his business a nephew, M. \V, Nowell, and later Mr. How- ell assumed the tvliole business, but :lir. Howell himself retired from the Exeter, Ontario. business not long ago. Mr. McKeee zio was n prominent member of Terms of Subscription $1.00 per Street Methodist church, being Bear in advance. $1.50 play ire a member of both the quarterly akareed if not eo ',Aid. To united board and the board of trustees, rind $tater subscribers, $1.50 strictly in ho was also connected with Sunday advance. .No. paper discontinues school and temperance work. Antal alt arrears are paid, unless at A ticklitaiz vouch, from any cause, the option of the publisher. The to :meekly Htoppecf by Dr. $hoop's sato to which every subscription is Oou,eh Cure. And it is so thoroughly Paid is denoted on filo label. barmlesi and safe that Dr. Shoop Advertising rates on GPplication' tc113 motileri everywhere to give it THE EXETER TIMES P'T'G CO. without hesitation, oven ito very Limited, court;; babes. The wholesome green leaves and tender :sterns of a lung - !Icahn; mountainous Iihrub, furnish the curative properties to Dr. Shoop.t Cough Cure It calms the cough, and heals the gore and seftsitiya brot i - membranes. No opium, oto tcLloro- form. twthitee harsh used to injure or (suppress. Simply n resinous plant extract that helps to heal aching lunge. The Spaniards call call this shrub which the Doctor uses, "Tho Sacred Herb." Always de- mand Dr. Shoctp's Cou;b Cure. 'Sold by W. 8. homey -At the meeting of the East Mid- dlesex Liberal Association on Satur- day afternoon, 1)r. 0. A. Routledge. of Lambeth, received the nomination for the house of Commons and Mr. John 1t. 'McDougall, of London. was chosen the candidate for the local legislature. Ono feature o[ rho bye -election in South lteseon was the fact that both T,iberal and Conservative candi- dates are "mighty decent follows" and no personal stone -throwing yens indulged in. No reflections can be blade on the character of either can- didate. and the election was decided on political -not personal grounds. -Mr. E. Norm'tn Lewis, M. 1'., for 1Vcat. 'Huron, gave notice tiff a Lill to amend the provisions of the Criminal Code respecting assaults on vvouten and children. It not only provides for more ade;uate punish- ment of assailants of women, but proposes for the sentencing to (death of any tnan who criminally assaults ea girl under fourteen years of age. Huron A tweeting of the directors of 'Alto Huron County- Spring .Show was held at Clinton n few days ago, .when the old officers were elected. It eras decided to hold the spring show in Clinton on the first Thursday in April. Trial Catatrh treatment aro being mailed out free, on re.iuest, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, \Vis. These tests are coiner to the people -without a penny's cost -the great Yalu° of this scientific prescription known to dru;- leist s everywlt('re as Dr. Shoop's 'Catarrh Remedy. Sold by \V. 8. lfow ty. The Local Option Committee, of Londesboro, has purchased the prop- erty in that village from Mr. Bruce, paying therefor $2.300. It is either proposed to form a joint 'stock Company frith 'shares at $5 each or run by a syndicate and the in:ul)ge- nteut of the hotel placed in 1h. hands of sotne competent person. To check a cold quickly, ,get from :1Tyour dru;.1at .e Candy CoI ablets 'called I'revcnties. 1lrug- f ists everywhere aro new dispensing d'rcventics, for they are not only safe. but decidedly effective and proofed. Prev' ntic s contain no quinine, fir, CatI Vt.. not hint; liar ala nor 1•ickenin•;. Taken at tho "sneeze •ta e' 1r'v ntics will prevente vt t eu- Imola 1, Iiruttcltit'wi, 1.a Grippe etre Hence the " name (I'roventics. Good for (overbill children. 48 t'reventioi 25cents. Tiial Boxes 5 cents Hold by %1•. H. llowey The death occurred Mond,y morn- ing a, her home on 1he IlayIteld road of Mrs. Iiugh •Davidson, otter a long confinement ()trough rheurna- tistu. The dt'ceemr•(1'. IIU.h•IIHI died about 1een,t seats ago. She is sur - rived by a (,only of eitrht, as fol. loth; Iloolt Davidson. 1'rinciilal of Nee cast le school: ,11r. 1). 11*vidson, of CIO w•riCht, Jlan.: aloe \Win. Dor- A eedl-know druggist here it' town fort. of .itoi.s..vain. Man.: Genres. Ed- is authority that theme ingredients gar. of Victoria, 11. C.; Robert. of the ale all baroness and easily mixed at home by shaking well in n hot IIr. Thio mixture lets n peculiar heal- ing and soothing effect upon t he en - ire kidney and i'rn'try structure. and often overcome. 1hr yworsl forth. of llIt.' unafi.nt in ju.t n lit 111` tI.ile. This mixture is said to re- 1110Ve all blood disorders nod cure the Rheumatism' by forcing 1h.. l' id- neys to filler and statin from the bloo(i and system all uric acid and foul, decomposed waste mato•r. which cause these afflictions. Try it if you aren'I well. Piave the pr,'scription. it yon lark strength, ore nervous, have, EX ET E It PIT MAC $CII(101, IIOA no appetite. don't sleep welt, get tired The emit;tuftal session of the hoard rosily. your 1,1w,d is In bad condition. was held nm re (aired by low, in the You cannot be strong without purr, rich Town Hall on Wednesday .len. 15th.. hIt„al. 1104'1 8arsnit.rilla makes c•.sl, with all members preeenl. An elft face 014 tmeeing to the sten t'1 re• rich blood anal keoI's it goof!. grel of the boird and they «.•ret hint Impure Blood "NIT little boy hal aeon• kindly :,reelinoe and a..tlr,l,re of mime break mg ota .,f sores. 1 ,faro hint mg' ten►enlbrat)Cr•t Thr follow. 8,..••1'. Karsapartlla nn•I in n .hart time he FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS Or.n AND WILL-TR/ICD RKa4EDT-.lira Winelow'wSoothing Syrup has boen used for over sixty ears by mil=ion,, ot mothers for toile steams years with perfect .. ,c..e children whit Loothing. a ec 1t eon hos the child, actions the gurus. allays a'1 pain, euros wind colic. and is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea. It Is pleasant to tho taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 23 cent -t a bottle. Its value it Incalculable, Ile sere and take Mrs Winslow's 800thIng Syrup and ask for no other kind. Guaranteed undor the Food and Drugs Aot, Juno 30th, 190D. Serial Number 1098. The Editor of the Canadian Poultry Review. the people's popular poultry paper, tells us that this paper has been greatly enlarged and is fill;tt ed with all that pertains to poultry both from a practical and ,fancy standpoint. Prof A. 0. Gilbert. Mau - ager Dominion Government Poultry Farm. Ottawa, is still in charge of the Practical i'onitry Department, vwhile Prof. W. 1t. Graham, Manager of the Poultry Department of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, has charge of the artificial Incuba- tion and dirooding department. Rev. .1, N. Williams, one of England's most noted experts, writes interest- ingly melt month on poultry doings in the Old Land. Mr. 11. B. Babcock Providence It. L. is another promin- ent writer and breeder on this pap- er's staff. feel phase of poultry 'heeding, poultry exhibiting etc., is fully covered and the pages of the Review are replete with half tone re -productions from life, of famous birds, plaits of rup-to-date 'houses, utensils, etc. The subscription rater is fifty cents per year, but readers of this paper can have it at tires' years for $1.00, and :sample will be sent 'c. , :u int Poul- try free n a' L sines to C•tn 1 u r o [l try Revi'W. 181 Adelaide St re •t, %Vest 'Toronto. Ont. SAVE THIS YWA\, Isere is a simple home-utel• mix- ture :is given by an eminent entlior- il w on Kidney ee olio make n disc n. e s h m k y the statementNr‘‘ inn �r York seely newspaper, that it will relieve almost any case of Kidney trouble if hake►► before the K n's t 1 tof Bright's dismay. l 1n 1 d ,ria. Re,r 116' states that such symptouta tae Rune back. pain in the side. for (vont desire to urinal 0, especially at night : painful and discolored urina- 1ion, are readily overcome. Here is the recipe: try it : Fluid Extract .Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound i-argotl, 0116' ounce Colnilound Syrup tinrsrlparille. three ounces. Take n teaspoonful atter each local ntld at bed -time. For that Dandruff There Is one thing that w•il'• cure it--Ayer'3 Hair Vizor. It is a regular scalp -medicine. 1t quickly dcstro!. s ti.t: goals p which cause this disease. The unhe::lthy scalp becomes, healthy. The dan.irt:fr di.ar- "Life in Every Dose" "1 tueutot speak too highly of Pay chine, for it is the greatest medicine 1 't er used. 1 was ,just about 'all iu • when i began the treatment, uud in 3 months 1 w148 as well us ever. It is a great omit. for weak and run down peo• pie. 'There itt new life in every dose." JAS. si'OLlKEll. Hidgetowti, Ont., Dee, 1st, 1900. It is a sin not to tell your sick friends about t his wonderful preseription , Throat• lung and stomach troubles, and all run ',krill conditions quiekly cured by its use. At all druggists, 50e and 01.00, or Dr. T. A. tiloeum, Ltd., Toronto pointed for the year. - Wood, P. frays(; Supplies, Is. W. Mailman ; Repairs, F. \food uud S. ;.\lartin : Teacher's Supply, 11. E. Huston and chair; insurance 11. Jluston and It. N. Itolve; ,(:rounds and Sundry It. N. Rowe and 11. Huston. Per 11. N. Roe.. and F. Wood that the regul:i meetings of the board le, held on 1b.- seco►td 111und:ty of each month. Pei 11. Huston and It. N. Rowe Usti. 1 he inspectoral visits of the (ward Le made at the call of thechair. Per H. Huston adjournment. A short session was hold immedi- ately at the close of tL • inaugural when the following items were pass- ed. Per 8. Martin nn(1 It. N. Rowe, that the duration of the noon recess be the subject of joint consideration by the Principal and Teacher's Sup- ply Committee. 1'er F. .Wood and S. Martin that the fire -drill be held at irregular intervals but monthly ting the time subject to the convenience of the Principal, Per ll. Huston and 8. Martin that the salary of the Sec- retary be fifty dollars per annum. Per It. N. Rowe and F. Wood that the Principal and Janitor be reluest- ed to submit lists of all supplies needed to the Supplies Committee for endorsat ion. Per H. E. Huston adjournment. J. GItIGG, Secy. EX1:1'Ett COUNCIL The council met in the Town Ball last Friday evening. with all mem- bers present. The ntintt ,'s of the last meeting were read and approved. Mr. it. 'Murphy laid before the Council an .assessment notice for 1.997, claiming it was the only no- tice received by hint and Oro he has since been billed for business emeesti• 1110111. Laid over until next (meet- ing. Two tenders were received for bell ringing for .1008, .1. Harness et $39 Jas, Dennis $50. The tenders w•era laid over to ascertain if Mr. Harness intends ringing the hell himself. The tender of \V. Harding of $15 for the weigh scales was accepted. Tho sum of $5 was granted the Sick Children's hospital and one copy of the Municipal World ordercil. The following prepaid accounts %%ere sanctioned. 1V. 0. Bissell, rent of band room: A. SIcKav, bell ring- intr. and D. Iiraund $0.75. Tho following accounts were order - e(1 paid, \V. 11. Lovett. coal for Mrs. Delve: C. if, Snell, electric lighting $108.20 ; Carling Tiros. scrapers for street cleaning, 50 cents; Bell Tad. Co. '25e.: Alf Walter, repairs to firemen's coal :35c, : .1. Weekes, teant hauling fire engine $2 ; Geo. Cud - more labor $5; T. Brock labor $1: grant for photos sent to Exeter Eng. school $10; iiL, Reynolds, labor nt cemetery $2.50 ; It. N. Creech D. it !O, $2: F. Hector. 1'. C. $2 ; H. Handford booth $2; W. E. Weekes D. it. 0. and booth $1; Jas. 'Weekes, 1'. C. $'2 : A. 0. Dyer. 0. •It. 1). $e It. 0. Beldon P. C. $'_' 1, 'Mitchell, booth $2 ; ,T. J. White D. R. 0. $2: R. N. Taylor 1'. C. $2; W. J. •itissett, balance salary 1907 $'37; C. 11', Cross salary $27 ; \V. .1. Bisset(, postage $2.00. Dr, Sweet was re -appointed Motto her of Marti of Health. N. D. Ifur- don yens nppointed representative on rho Library Ito•trd. F. W. Gladmatt and \\'. D. Wcekee 011 the c'ntstery board and Councillors .1. J. ICnigh1 and W. ,1, Ileamen representatives of the Council on the same board. 6666', Jacobi was appointee! pound keeper T 1 r � t � ec nt h or h End and .ho.. ilr) k at t the Soul Ii Lint. The (Nieto wii•wers apooh' Ierl were .1, Gill, S. $angers sr. and W. J. fli.setl. 109. Si:NIOit, Clerk. I'SIIO1tNE COUNCIL. r The council a 'c V h It l for 1 0 met : t J 1 a 1' 1• Ilall Elitist -Ole \ a .1 on .load v ,tri •. Tp. 1 13th. accordion; to statute, and after subscribing to the necessary declara- tions eclara- 1 . pro- ceeded on 0f office and ilia ru ► 1 t ceede(I to business. The following salaries were fixed for 1908. - Clerk, 5160,00. Treasurer $60.00. Assessor s65.00.. Collector 56(1.0(. Caretaker 57.09. Auditors 46 each. The Medical Health Officer $:t.01) Leo- thy. Members of the Hoard of Ileelth and the 8oitilary Inspector 51.511 per (ley. li hen on duty. The following officers tyere ap- 110intt•d.- Clerk 1'. Morley, 'freamurer foul Conte.. Asst•s'or It. Ilunter. Collec- tor Wm. Brock. Cirelnker, Thos. Veal, Auditors E. N. Shier and 11. Strang. .fames Handford ene reappointed to the Itoerd•if 1teallh for three y,'ars the other members of the Boa,.1 1, ing '.1', Ii. Passmore and 1'. McTa,t- gart with the Reeve and Clerk. II, K. Ilytnhnnn M. 1). %le(lic.tl Ileelth Officer, Tho., Suede S•lnil:try How Ls Your Blood t' was rornpirtely rnred. yl a+. In h1A 8r11APR, pears, had t0 disappt':a•. in} is the order of routine obi;.rv,•(1.1 Sratford,On). Reruhnr Muhicip'1 rterk's holier o0-1 Had No Appetite -"i mss tmnbl•d he111thyscalpmeansagrc:.iJcal (ice of aleclion. S.:shite Ilec!•Irltion with dyspe sea and had n„ appp.•Nt,•. 1 had of office by 1•', W. Gladinttt, 11. R. n faint feeling afte'reating Mye.nslitutinn to 1'OU -healthy hair no '3n - r drufT,no pimples, no Critctiuns. 1 Ths beet kind ot a ter':::.rnle3 -- • i901.1 f.:r ovor t1..., yr.'s " IOW* sr;. a Aye- • r .. u, ....r A 1•• avow b...,... the 1wat•d'. 1r hr'Pntnriw,' r. ,1 •eies flcvd'. 4aralntriia 1. still everywhere. by , ` V to .he Piddle i,it'r.1ry' tinted. 1'rr 8. 100 hones unr r•n' r'r 1 rrLmr..i '•r;1y by , 1 Marlin and E. Wood the following a•-•"•-••• - • rVt. the permanent romnlitt,.• att. C.Lhoxll'.,..Tnwrl�Stass�('.s.A. BUM OD and 11, I. r.t) u6'. Apeoin1 inset' 1 "t" all nun down, but I1,s'• Sar.aparlllahs• f tai! r -tiered 100.- )'I.'HRV'•Y rtmttr. of 1'. Freyne as Chair it tit. Per 0;. Sni.lervill,•. Wisconsin. Mtut nu and 1i. 11u.i0,1. she ('orpor- I Weakness -"I bl•'.• the 'lay I heart .•f alien of the Village of Exeter. Tr,•:Is•flu,wi'•$ar•aparill..a•itcurcdme.if txtr••Ine tir.•t- 1'er 11. N. Rowe and i3. NI it 1 hn, art'taeMkr netts after grip. rip. 'dr beurMinitrhelmdreyn.e"(eiat4..1rM,naaim:s) . aunH,[[, .f, Grigg Secret r R. N. pponennnm'•tlnanHor and S. MorIin, (►r. Amos Sts i A. 1)it.WORtH, Icor 4, l:ntt.re`eville, Pa 1 • ASTO 1 fflMOMMMI 'Cite ICI,itl 1'ou Have Always Bought, and which is:ts teen in use for over 30 years, has borno the lsi'. t tart' or 0-71 ,�_ y - and has been ninon under his per- '1� iuCc rc!/1.F Isonal supervision »inti, it: Infancy. Allow no ono to deceive your In this. counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -ars -good" are but periuu•ut5 that trifle with and endanger the heatltlt or lu1`•Otts and Children -Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA ('':t.toria is n harmless substitute for Castor 011, large• Iseult., Drops; rind :Soothing Syrups. It is Plea Ant. It contains neither ()pima, Morphine nor other tiarcotlo hu►,:tan(•e. Its ale is its guarantee. It destroys \Porto.; total allays 1''eyerisliness. It cures 1)tarrImea and Wind ('111i(*. ll relieves Teethingi 'Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the hood, regulates tho :ao11laela and Rowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's I'a l aces-- T lto Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Hears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 7,.. C.NT*UM CONP&NT, 77 YURMST NEW VON. c,TY. Inspector, Fence viewers. -Sauna as last year. I'oundkeepers,-Fred Luxton, Sam Ilunter, R. Keddy, Joha Westlake, Rector Taylor, Walter Ilazlewood, Thos. Cameron. John Shute. A 13y -law nuas ordered to bo draft- ed confirming ,the above appointments and salaries. A grant of $5.00 was given to rho Sick Children's hospital. The Collector's salary was paid and his roll ordered to 1►e paid. The Clerk .was paid $14.20 for reg- istration of Births, Marriages, and Deaths for 1907. Council then adjourned to meet Feby. est. at one o'clock. F. MORLEY, Clerk To The Editor of the Exeter Times. Owing to n dispute arising about nn illegal assessment on the prop- erty of Jno. Routly, surveyed by Mr. Rogers, of Mitchell, and Rich. Hun- ter of 'F.limwillc•, and by re;uest of the owner of said land, it has been recently surveyed by Joseph Haw- kins, Geo. Andrew and Richard Hun- ter, of 'E1im•ille, and in so doing. -it twoS shown that Mr. Rogers. and Mr. hunter were wrong in tho sur- vey of said land. We find that these men are quite liable, to make mis- takes, as the average man, but not so ready to acknowledge it as most men are, unless they are forced to. J. It. If You Feel a Cold ' break i Ci oming on up and stop the cough with Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam It Is the "family doctor" 10 hundreds of homes, for coughs, roils, hoarseness, sore throat, croup and bronchitis. it's wonderful haw a few doses of this reliable remedy breaks up a cold and cures the cough. 38 biggest bottle fur the money, too, rte. At all dealers. NATIONAL DRUG • CNINICAL CO. Or CANADA, LIMITED, LONDON, ONT. Zion Mrs. IL diem and Mrs. IW. .1. Ittock visited 'Mrs. John Brock on Thursday. \ at Miss 1' sea Hutt nnrc 11�d to s pleased Mabel Lingard is sufficiently recov- ered to be able to attend school. Mr.. 1?. Hein is on the sick list, A large number from here attend- ed the Union church at \1'h:tlen on Sunday. There were no s0rwic.s ;1 iion. 1• ., '.t 1 is \ . s Mary Taylor. of I.x t .Iu .I r ) ) visitinghervistcr. Mrs. N. Hero.. A large number weal to Kirkton on Monday to hear Mr. Horton whip Iron. many went to Exeter to hear 0, I'. Graham. In the report of the presentallon tar given in last week's Times, (ho folloeirl_ paragraph nppr.trrd. "Wo trust the cosy cornfort of the choirs will not induce to indolence, but that Ihey m1y contribute to your happi- ness :Ills pro.perily in the future." It should have I•ead;-"\V,. trust that the cosy comfort of 1 he chairs will not induce to indolence, but that they oily contribute u) your happi- nt's. not noir by the comfort they axe guide 110 Auction Sale SL. ,lutut hill Leis been instructed to yell by Public Auction -on-- THURSDAY. JAN. 30, 1905. e 'CiOCk r. .tu nt on o I on the premises on tho south side of Huron Street in the Village of i':'eler. the following household goods and artiste., 1 glass cupboard ; J bureau ; carpets: r1 euantity of toots ; 3 bed- steads; 1 cupboard ; ,! pair or lore tires wn ons: curtains ; I_ feel tar ort R piet ntut 1601atoes; I land roller ; 1 easy chair ; L' stands; •12 common chairs ; J clock : .1 extension table : n box cook � furniture; 1 .lose and fur wood stoves; (r rocking chairs: 1 drop leaf table ; I wash ask wring- er, and other things taw numerous too mention. There will :'Iso be sold the boos and Int . The lot is number 15 on the sou. h side of Iluron st re:•t in the Village of Exeter mid consists of { 3-1 acres in first class order. TERMS -For hnllsehohl hoods. r•ish For property in•ed• koon a oil 1111/ .........................•...............•.......... •1 S 2 Z i s Savings Bank Department g p • $ 1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR Times a Year, Dickson do Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager g •••••••••N••••N•••••N•••O•••••••NN•••••••N••1 The lVlolsons Bank Established 1853, HEAD OFFICE - MONTREAL. CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • • • 53.000,000.00 RESERVE FUND ••• •••• •••' •••• 53000-000.00 Assets Over $33000,000,00 General Banking Business Transected, INVESTIGATE INS AL 'reit. A. R. KINSMAN, L, D. I). S., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Gladruan & Stanbury's Main street-ExtTElt, Into the merits of the CENTRAL AoWS STRATFORD. ONT. it is the most successful busi- ness training school in Western It Ontario, Our Commercial Short- hand and Telegraphic Depart- ments are in the charge of able 4. instructors of experience. All our courses are thorough, up -to- +, date and practical. We have be- come ono of the largest business '?' training schools in the province. Get our free catalogue and learn what we are doing. Commer- cial schools as well as business Wren employ our graduates. Stu- dents are entering each week. +. Enter now. + + M F.LLIO'IT & MCLACHLAN, + Principals. +++*l.++++++++++++++++++++ LEAVE YOUR Orders WITH S. Martinson a � Pianos, Organs Sewing Machines Fine Stationery Children's Sleighs, &c. THE BEST FLOUR We have on hand a supply of the best flour made from No. 1 Manitoba hard wheat manufact- ured by Pfeffer Bros. of Milverton you can get it at the Exeter ware- house. Ordlu wanted Remember we pay highest vices for all kinds of grain. R. G SELDOM Exeter, Centralia and Clandeboye DR. G. F', ItOULSTON, L. D. S. D. D. S., Dentist, Member o1 R. C. D. S„ of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling'e Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. MEDICAL IITW. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0 • P. S„ Graduate Victoria CD ferelty. office and residenonce. Dominion Laboratory, ICxeter, Associate Coroner of Huron. Lewis Thomas& Nuum6r Civil Engineer & Architect (t.ate Department of t'uhlic works, Canada.) Consulting Engineer for municipal and County Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and Waterworks System \t'han'es, Bridges and Re enforced Concrete phone 2i20 Loudon Outset) MONEY TO LOAN I` We have unlimited private funds tor invitee enb upon farm or village property at Iowa, dee of interest. DICKSON & CARLING __ Exeter DICKSON & CARLING, firestone Solloltore Notarise (;pavellaeoa[s Commissioners, Solicitors,.for the /dolaoas Bank, l to, , to; to Loan ablet►aat rates of Interests OFFICIC f -MAIN 8TBF,ET, A. CARLING H, A. L. R. D10WaOR riONEY TO LOAN. We have a large atnonnb cf prfyiabe fends Dan on farm and village properties ablowrabe Interest, (MADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Solicitors, Mlle] St•IExeteit 5ynopls of ins C000dioo Nor West HOMESTEAD RE(.ULATiONS, Y even numbered section cf Dominion Lands ID ANY Alberta, excepting s and 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 1•J yet rs of age, to the extent of one-quar- ter section of 160 acres, more or less. Application for entry must be made in 1 . 1.mi by the applicant at a Duuinion lands Almy) . r agency for the dislnct in which the land i. dtLate. Entry l.y proxy may, howetcr, be made at rn .gee. cy cn certalnt•onditlon■ by the father, mother, s00, daughter, brother or sister of an Intending itome- steader, The homesteader is required to pert. un the homestead duties under one of the following plans; (1) At least six months' residence upon and t ulti- nation of the land in each year for three ) ears (2) A homesteader uu), if he so desires, 'snort s the required residence duties b • siting ru fanning lar w id owned l solei b him, not of leu Ibu' t i ht K lti0 acres In extent, in the •irinity of bit homestead. Joint owrenhlp11.. Wel will not meet this require- ment. (3) If the father for mother, if the father is de- ceased) of the homesteader hat permanent residence on farming land owned solely by hint, not less that) eighty (v)) acres M extent, ut the tieinity of rhe horuestear , or upon a honi' .teas entered for by hint in the tieinity, such homesteader ,e.teader may perform hie iP n esiden. • residence duties by thing wi t the father K h or. mother. 4 The terns '•tieinity'• M the two preceeding paragraphs is defined as meaning not urorr that) nine miles n a dirct line, esclnsite of road al;ow• r au cs crossed ina th a,. evurealtat. ti A homesteader intending to 10,1.1nn hit resi- dence duties In accordance with 1114. store while tiling with his parents tar on fainting laud awned by himself roust road) Hie agent of the d{•t Oct of such Intention, His months' notice in writing should he kit en to the ('ouuniasloner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N. It, -Unauthorized pnbilretlon of this advertise tat se ill not be paid for o .a ford but by the memories 1 hey Ili- voice n- .1011N (:11.1• 11' M. 1•(. •IIAK Eli. ore Property for Sale kr : and that the (woks slay b0 :r \,10t • Prop. asst help to further nfineful• It, the t►'JJlajte ot Ssetar, ooaapousd of the North part of Lot 11 stn tag .w, \We•st side of Main Street, conststigp of 01.0 good store and the building 401l.laTORTA.. now used for n poetoff cee, known as Hear the it1 Iinj ySU Man Ilea 3 brill The ,Johns (dock. For terms anal particulars Apply• I► Pogn are - - - to Thos. Cameron, Anet ioneer Fare (Wier. U-19.47. Notice. Tne Usborne and Hibbert, Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu rhe Sterne' Anne .1 Sleeting of The Htnon \\'rather 1:t.urnnre Mntnal ('..mp,tny wi11 be he'd in the Town Zurich, on Trt.•sdav, (IIP -Oh day of February, iM:s, at one o'clock. p, nl., Resinese;- -Hersey i'•g Ihr i)irectors, Autlitors''trill Tt.'t',n, 1.1 '. 1rpm te: El- ection of lectionof 1hieP Dinel,y And 1. 101) tither businrs that may b(' ih the in- terest. of t!,P ('om)'.thy. 1V.1' ('-►i,1►6VELf.. E. Xb:LLER President `art retsry Farm For Sale 1 1.1 tures being lot 22 0:61 put . f 131, ('.al. 12. 1153'. nn whit b histo 1. an up• to date ).tick house with g.►Ii-nizcd roof; 111'tw bank kern o it h st rnw shed 1111.y 71 ar,d 14) by It,; two overflowing e ells: good of chard: 15 It rem h dwnod bush. E rry1)tir g .n were) tab lot: 1 1-2 mile. from Zit -1 h. A nice home. 'rt -tens Past. .►pp'y (o ('. 1. y(o.et• or E Yen i b, 1.1:1 9 Mortgage Sale t.ot 12 and Hoath half of t,ot 11, ('on• cession One, McGillivray, on Aion(If}', January 2 til, 190s, t Two (o'clock p. ,1.. on the premises o be sold in block or set,;triltely to nit purchaserm. Two thuds of the ,urchaxe stoney can remain on rnort- •'ge for live years at lite per cent in• crest. About $1 AP/ .1 of wheat, fall loving an hone except about 1:311(tee nP•quarter mite from AIonreevNle, For further pat t irulot to apply to }LAi)MAN & HTANBURY, Barristers. Exeter. 1. E. 111'H'1.ON, Este, Exeter. AMEN STANLEY, Alit O. 1,11051) Head Office, Farquhar,',ORt. Pres. W. I1. i'ASSMORF, Pargabar. Vice -Pres.: -J. L. Rt•exltt.t., It t' es Maim A i,X, 1', 0. i i I it ECTO Rt+, W84. Roy, BO11tNHOf.M P. 0 1V>N. Boors; "'l5( )(EI-8VA P. 0. T. RYAN, i)CIILIIt P. 0 BORE.ItT NORRIN, Htalt,, AIaF.N'TS. Iel)i` ttsetEII\', Rx'•.nr, event for ...hoe re ,ltd Iti')dnlph. r:t;IVYIt OM WS, Menet% aRoot 11 t.Mr, VII '1 r• on .tad Lona 1t. B. V1'• F. f(F. VERS, Secv Trnaq Farquhar. ' ' I)" v' • - (1 '. r V. '4 itiaitor• 1 r