HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-01-23, Page 1EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23rd 190, McLean Elected Member HURON& MIDDLESEX GAZ _E T E THIRTY-FIFTH YSAR--NO 1789 • • Z 1 1 1 Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. 000..000.00...0♦O♦.ONOO.O,ONOO....00♦.O♦♦00• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• JONES & CLARKS' Pholtne No. 32. New Spring Goods ii Our New Spring Goods have al rived. We are now ready for the early shopper. Nothing like buying early and having your goods made up and ready for spring .i • Our New Stock includes all the very latest in �Z Dress Goods Dress Muslins Ginghatns Whitewear Allover Laces Allover Embroideries Dress Trimmings Chambrays Prints 1Vhite)1Vaists Fancy, I.aces Embroideries Come right along and see the new goods..110n1y1 a pleasure to show them. January Whitewear Sale This year we are introducing new in Exeter a Januar y Whitewear Sale. You will find it to your advantage to attend this bale and have the early choice of our rnaatoth stock of Whitewear. All of this seasons dainty goods to pick front; in Skirts, Night Gowns, Corset Covers and White Waists. LAST CRY FROM OUR WINTER STOCK 1 only Seal Jacket, Sable collar and reveres.... .. , , .$;tp'for $35 1 only Astrachan Jacket, Sable collar and reveres .... 50 for, 33 1 only Astrachan Jacket, plain collar and reveres .... 30 for! :35 4 only Ladies Mantles at a big reduction Only a few Fur Huffs and Caps at 25 per cent orf. This is only half of what we had last week. Cashmeres and Wrapperetes All our 1.31 and 15c lines for 10c yar(l ♦••••••••••••••.••••••..•• ••0•••••0••••••••OO ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 22 if Clearing Sal e FAItMI. FARM STOCK AND IMPLE- MENTS AND THRESHING OUTFIT Thos. Cameron has been instructed to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, JANUARY 31st. 1908 At 1;.30 noon. on LOT 6, CONCESSION 12, IIIH1(El(T The following property. HORSES. - 1 re 4. brood marc, draught ; .1 reg. filly. 8 months old draw;ht ; I brood tn:ue, draught : a or. of 1;elditras 4 years old, draught ; Terms of Chattels and Threshing 3 geldings .rising 2 years old, outfit. -A11 sutra of %$5 and under .draught ; 1 gelding rising 3 years cash over ,that amount 12 months' old, driver ; 1 gelding rising 7 years credit on furnishing approved joint old driver. notes, a discount of( of (i per cent. CATTLE. -1 thoroughbred cow duo uer annum for easel on credit amounts in March; 1 thoroughbred heifer pis- Terms of real estate made known iug 2 years old : 1 t horou,zhbred bull clay of ttah' by applying to t he under - three years old; .6 grade cows true in signed, Rldarch and April; 1 grade cow rc- T• CAMERON J. SCOTT, J11. Mewed; 3 steers rising 3 years old; Auctioneer• Prctprietor. 13 heifers rising 3 years old; 6 steers rising 2 years old; 4 heifers rising ,i yeare old; 5 calves. HOGS, - tiix broad sows 2 pure - tired Berkshires: 21 store bogs; Ono purebred Il', kshire boar 12 months' .oke. POW L -'turkeys, hens Hud pullets iM('1.1?1ENTS-1 binder, 1 mower 1 }gorse rake nearly Irc•w. 1 seed drill 'warty new. 1 disc harrow, 1 roller, 1 *et iron harrons, 2 to liking plows, 2 '2 -furrow Elute=, 1 seuffler, I cutting • box. 1 fanning grill, 2 root pulpere, 1 grain ero,ll• 1, 1 terpin« lithe, fi • Ret 2001) 1h. seam 1 bee truck. 1 lumber '.waggon nearly twee truck j 111E SPIRIT OF WiN'fEll .svagone. 2 •eta bt)bale:epee .1 (11'1113-1 The spirit of winter is with us, cent Iwtpg:oit. 1 top hugrgv newrlv� mal( Pi ' itv presence kris)); 11 in many flew, 1 open padre. 1 road cart, 2 dif(ercnts ways-sotnntimem by cheery •Cutter• 1 nee. 1 1117 /ad( 4, 1 hog sunshine and klistenin,t snows and Tack. 1 wood rack, 1 new waggon sometimes b)- driving tvinds and g box, f gtrnr•cl bwblinding ,storms. Too thanot. Stowe boat, grind y U leo I1le tltone, ,' wheel harrows, 1 new bay Aeetn to take •1 delight in making lark rope and pulleys :end slings, 1 Kid Gong's worse. for rheutm(istu twists (..,der, twinges harder. cat- arrh becomes more nnnoyin(t, 111(1 tho h many syntptants of scrofula are developed and nggeravatrd. There is not much poetry in 1hi., but there .A 4wultity of lumber. plank and le truth and it i. Cl .c order that scantling, 2 new gates. a IIt laity more peoph' don't art rid of these nil - •of hey. n pia 'Mt y of. straw. 3 loan-. nw•n1'. The medicine that cures tity of turnipe and marl(rolds, 200 1111 ..1.1--11ooc1'Is gvelour)* S1nap3rilla- i. easel: bush. of Battier and 20th velour)*oin btaed and ere is abundant Proof -oats for seed. iron vice. crosscut s+3w► that ith tie cures nre radical and g.er- grein lags. robes horse Ili manent. chain.. forkQ, shovel.. hoe% and other articlra 100 nuu.etou• 10 nu•ntion. OAl1sT_ OA=A. A lot of houeehold furniture. Nan th• Cao Ni* Ahoys Bats�tt in good repair, 1 Goodison thresher with blower in good repair ; 1 Good- ison thresher with carriers in good repair, 1 threshing tank new with pump and hose. 1 circular saw. CIIOICFI FARM IFOit SALE In the Townehip of Ribbert, being composed of Lot 6, Con. 12, township of Ilihbert, County of Perth, contain- ing 99 acres and brick dwelling. bank barn 36x95. stable and drive house, overflowing spring of water in the bush land, 89 acres cleared. 10 acres goat hardwood bush, 5 acres fall wheat, 30 acres plotted, balance of cleared land in grass • MEETING 1)l' THE: HURON COUN- TY- COUNCIL. The Council of the corporation of the ('aunty of iluron will meet in the council chnntber. in the Town of Golrrich. on Tuesday the 28th da y of January, at 3 O'clock P. M. A11 parties. having accounts ti.tiinst the County. are re stared to place 1In' same n ith 1 he Clerk on or before the 27th. W. LANE:. Clerk, Dated Jan. 13th.. 1908. lull set of syrup slaking utensils and tank, 2 long ladders. 2 set double ,?Leavy harries.. 1 set plow harness, 2 flet singte harness 1 new, 10 goat (horse collars, 2 rood stone b3lnmers I fourteen horse U nterous engine Attests» cf Bank of Commerce Has Soverign's Interests Stoves, Ranges 81 Heaters Here $1.00 per year in advance. Elected by About 130 Majority -The bye -election for South llu- STANLEY ton is now over raid M. .Ya McLean! Fraser 11 has been elected to represent this riding for the unexpired term spade vacant owing to the death of the late 11. B. Gunn. The contest just closed was as interesting as any that has ever taken place in this riding. Both parties had workers galore. Meetings were held nightly. in cvcry part of the riding and addresses were delivered by the Candidates and prorninene politicians from different parts of the Dominion. Each day both parties felt elated over the prospects of success, but while favorable reports 'were con- stantly being received, the work of soliciting rotes continued with un- abated activity. Tho contest .was devoid of tmud slinging by The candidates. Person - Polling Sub. -Div.. No. 1... (14 23 Polling Sub, Div. No, 2... 67 28 Polling Flub, -Div. No. 3...2S 109 l'olling ,Sub. -Div. No. 4... 15 54 I'olling Sub.-I)iv. No. 5.. 72 37 Majority for Gunn -4 STEPHEN FrPolling Sub. -Div. No. 1... 45 92 Gunn Polling Sub. -Div. No. 2... 04 76 Polling Sub. -Div. No. 3... 73 65 Polling Sub. -Div. No. 4... 51 35 Polling Sub. -Div. No. 5... 132 :b Polling Sub. -Div. No. 6... 35 71 Polling Sub, -Div. No. 7... 30 55 Polling elute -Div. No. R... 52 56 sonally, they are warm friends and( Majority for Gunn -64 112 476 the fight was mainly on their pool--; EXETER larity with the electors. FThe Times gives a detailed state- Polling Sub. -Div. :\o. 1 pas Gunn ment of the vote in November 1904, Polling Sub. -Div. No. 2... 25 59 when Messrs. D. I), Gunn and Thom- Polling Sub: Div, N�. :1...28 62 as Frazer were tho Candidates, also Polling ,Sub.-Div. ub.-Div. No. 4... 49 70 a detailed statement of the results of yesterday so that its readers may compare the voting in the two elec- t 123 255 ions. Majority for Gunn -132 217 251 EXETER 'Horton McLean Mcliiilop Polling Sub. -Div, 'No. 1.., 09 31 'Stanley Polling ,Sub. -Div. No. 2... 00 33 Stephe Polling Sub. -Div. No. 3... 62 37 i;'sborne Polling Sub. Div. No. 4... 77 55 Seaforth hayfieldExeter ...... Hay 4 Tuokersunith Hensel!. _ SUMMARY Fraser Gunn 31 4 64 274 156 Majority for Horton -118 STEPHEN Horton McLean Polling Sub. -Div. No. 1... 02 33 Polling Sub. -Div. 'era 2... 51 15 Polling Sub. -Div. No. 3... 03 52 Polling Sub. -Div. No. 4... Ott 72 Polling Sub. -Div. No. 5.,.0 45 Polling Sub. -Div. No. 5... 89 45 Polling Sub. -Div. No. 7... 38 (18 Polling Sub. -Div. No. 8... 57 2(1 Jlaierifo is being placed on thoPolling Sub. -Div. No. 9... 53 Ol ground for a new schoolhouse in ( --Section No. i?. The site chosen is on 5I0 417 tho corner of Mr. William North - Majority for Horton -99 coli s farm, USBORNE • Mr. Lloyd Aldworth, of Hayfield, Horton efoLean in he vicinity fat ew with friends Polling Sub. -Div. No. 1... lttii b'L Dir. J present. Polling Sub. -Div. No. 't'... 71 63 Polling Sub. -Div. No. le.. 111 31 Polling ,Sub. -Div. No. 4... 51 73 7459 219 Majority for Horton -120 SUMMARY .• 88 180 270 181 Majority for Gunn -111 81 23 416' 132 Sexsmith. Exeter Hensall Seaforth Bayfield Stephen Iia ...,». Usborne McKillop Stanley Tuckersmit h Horton 118 27 Gould recentty purchased Ia Mr. Frank North otte1ris spending a few weeks with his Irtronts here. Ifave no equal ns a prompt and positive euro for sick he.adachc, bil- nousoeas, constipation, pain in the McLean'side, and all liver trounfee. Carter's' Litt(e Liver Piles. Try them, 57 82j Exeter Merchants Adopt (x) 157 Shorter Credit System 137 120 37 212 458 588 Full report of Sub -division given next week. The following are the official returns for South Huron in 1904. TUCKERSMIT11 Fraser 1... 59 '2... 63 3... 40 4... 78 5... 72 6... 59 Polling Sub. -Div. No. Polling Sub. -Div. No. Polling Sub. -Div. No. Polling Sub. -Div. No. Polling Stile -Div. No. Potline Sub. -Div. No. 377 Majority for Frazer -187 l'S11OIINE Fraser 1... 53 Polling Sub. -Div. Polling Sub. -Div. l'olling Sub. -Div. I'ollingz Sub.-1)iv. No. No. No. No. :f... 47 4... 73 241 Majority for Gunn, -81 SEAFOItTIf Fraser ('011ing Bub. -Div. No. 1... 11.9 Polliwg bub. -Div. No. 2... 31 Polling Sub. -Div. No. :1.., 41 Polling Sub. -Div. No. 4... 22 i'ollil►rg Sub. -Div. No. 5... ?8 210 Majority for (Lunn -23 HAYFIELD Fraser Pelting Sete -Div. No. 1... 31 Majority for (Lunn -40 1IENSALL Feler Polling Sub. -Div. No. 1... 1(3 Majority for Frazer- 2 11 AY ToWNSIi11' Fraser Gunn Polling Suh.-l)iy. No. 1... 42 29 Polling Sub. -Div. No. 2... 46 21 Polling Sub. -Div. \o. a 91 94 Pollitt z Sub. -Div. No. 4... 53 21 Polling Sub. -Div. No. 5... 11 35 Polling Sub.-i)iv. No. 6... 53 74 Polling Sub. -Div. No, 7... 211 20 Polling Sub. -Div. No. 9... 58 23 413 :125 Majority for Frazer -88 Gunn 49 45 23 18 30 32 197 Gunn 101 0) 109 52 the end of that time you will have n hill to pay which is considerably 322 larger than expected. It nrcessttates a long itemized statement in each case for checking purposes and many Gunn times items .are shown. about which 711 the purchaser ham forgotten. a' id 52 claims he never bought and refuses 42 paynit'tlt, .tl 1 The cash J+ystent or a very short :341 time of credit ate rho best moans of doing business ntld if adopted by all 233 the merchants there ie no doubt but that in a very short (tine everyone (till Leconte accustomed to plying on li e Mee thu. rev voiding ret re„ nay unnecessary embarrassment on the part of the merchant and making paymrwts eas- ier for the customers. As everyone 15 aware or should Gann he. that when a merchant buys rel goods In. gets a discount. if his till is paid in gen days, or perhaps a lit- tle longer period, it tined to be four mouths r Or net 111 thirty rty days end at the end of thirty days the wholeseler rttiti(ie!r hint that he will draw on Litre Ihrouuh the bank for the amount nest fines so. Now we don't see any releon why Wm merchant cannot do 1lir v1rne thing with idle customer. The merchant expr(1s the Wholesaler to draw on him and sloes not feel put out 'about site 'fleeter. Then why should the customer fret antloyed if the tnercltnet( draws on hint in the game manner ilea 11,1 is drawn upon? lmerchants r have adopted a new system l�oflt sending out accounts for collection and in- stead of sending theta out every six months as formerly, nil( render them every three months. This step is occasioned by the wholesale house giving shorter terms of credit. In many instances the merchants have been compelled to carry their cus- tomers for n whole year and some- times two C4 before could betnnde This pea resulted i lted in Dm lying .up of a considerable sum of money and made it necessary on the part of the merchants to secure loans at the banks with which to make payments to the wholesalers. Tfic credit system has been contin- ually getting worse and to be able to give customers goods at the very best possible prices. it was found nec- essary 41131 NI IR should ile paid at least every three months. The adop- tion of this system will be better for the merchants .and 110 doubt will be. better for the customer. To run a bill for a year longer means that at (11111)1 S0 MCKILLOP Fraser Polling Sub. -Div. No. 1... 78 'Polling Sub. -Div. No. 2... 04 Polling :Sub. -Div. No. 3... 52 J'ollnt(t Suh.-iliv. No. 4... 17 271 Majority for (luoa-ail Gunn 51 395 80 Mrs. ('has. Smit h, of .lime.. Ohio. writes: "i have used every remedy for sick headache 1 could hear of for Gm o past fifteen years. but Carter's L;ttlo Liver pills dirt ms more good than all the rest. -The bolelinen (gawk of leisada, i 110 more. Saturday morning its various offices, consisting of about 100 branches, opened up as usual, and doing business as usual, but under the ownership and control of a 'tutu - be: of other banks which have taken over its uffairs and assumed .tll its liabilities. There is no cause for ex- citement or alarm. 'I'hc absorption, for carte it is, is due to the exceptional strain of the past few moot hs, and for reasons resulting therefrom which are set forth by the manager, Aetnil- ius Jarvis. Tito asset; are declared by other bankers to be sufficient to meet all the liabiliiies, Mr. Jarvis, discussing the matter. said that the lieuidation was clot liable to cause any difficulty iu commercial circles. The banks business custoutere were not numerous, and the various ac- counts, he thought, would readily be taken over by the other institutions, among whiflt the Sovereign's clientele would be distributed. The Sovereig•l Drink will iieuidete as follows: .$11.- 000, deposits will be taken up by other banks. $3,750,000 call loans on stock will have, to be paid or takers over by other banks. $11,120,- 124 commercial loans will have to be paid or take,( over by other banks. ;12,000,000 bonds and stocks will havo to be sold. $600,000 real estate and batik premises will have to be sold. $3,000,000 in capital will share in proportion to the •unount reaiized from assets over liabilities. Although the sister banks lent assistance t0 the Sovereign Dank at the time of its first difficulties, and able and res- ponsible banking then were put in charge of the affairs of the bank, public confidence .was so shattered that it was found impossible to retain the deposits. This ueceseitated a reconstruction of the loans to such an extent that it was ultimately de - 1 cided that to prevent further friction it would be in the interest of both depositors and shareholders to have the Ilenk 1i luidated. The capital of the Sovereign flank before its reor- ganization last 'May was $1,000,1)1)0 and the rest account $1,230,000. In order to rectify losses twltich had been sustainer} up till that time it was decided to write down the capi- tal to .$3.000,000 and to wipe out the reserve. Tho Exeter branch twill hereafter he controlled by the Canad- ian Malek of Commerce, and on Sat- urday morning when word was re- ceived hero that the Sovereign Hank had gone out of existence and its business at Exeter liken over by the Bank of Commerce, there was con- siderable consternation among the stockholders here and there are a considerable numlaer of them, as to tho outcome of ttie value of their stocks. Politics, the absorbing topic on nccount of the bye -election, was immediately dropped and groups of people could be seen discussing the financial situation. Many however, took an optimistic view of the situa- tion, and felt that the change would possibly stake their stock nto••e firm Larry on the Election. Begorry tit' political contistjust closed wuz enuf to twist yer nerves so that they'd look loike a pulley shaft afther a fire. (very tonne yez'd mato a meat 011 th' shtrato he'd ax yez if yea itttind- ed voting for Mack or ;lank and if yea would till him yer moind '.wuz Mail! unsalted an' tit' top av th' fince wuz e'er roostin' place, ho'd pull out a scrap book wid a list iv voters aw .trite "doubtful" an' begorry nixt wan would show yez a list a id "O. K." Itlnsthered rather yer lanae, Anitller wan '.could say so and so's a dacint chap whin he's in his rgigl►t tnoind but I undt'rsht:aut he's ny- ther a grit or n tory, an' if he oessint vole roight. I'Ii rafuse to shlape under th' same roof wid him an' will have another t'ngageutint whin he dies, so's I can't attired lien funeral. Politicks make (strange bed -fellows but begorry its thin) what ez sensi- ble that kits till inc who ti.eyl scant to shl3pe wid. Hilly Elliott teen till yez t11' diff'r,nce betwixt n grit. nn' a staunch grit, although he doessint loike. th' way they vote. an' Donald Nicholls. oho can till a tory by by hrz mane, goes him watt betther by .tellin' tit' diff'rince betwixt a tory an' wan what thinks ho ez. 1 hall th' ixt ratite plisure iv shtalin' 3 rido Ro }(;asap on tIt' freight threw,. 1h' day ti," candidates wuz 0010i1134id :ut' lissetu'd to what 111' shpakers wuz thryin' to say. an' be- gorry nccordin' to what they said r r th r wussrnt army use in ((olein' an illiction, they wuz both i1Iicled. They throne a '..hole lot iv telly at aich other. told what a nice ginlle- ruin th' itirer 1.an ez, but whin it C31nn to satin' ill parliament ':t►t said th' ober wan diddent know tee speaker's chair from a 1itrone. an just to exchange th' coulplentint Iii it her watt •. ..•I ' le, h 7,b , t' og g onint udrlr ni till 1h' difference twixt ter' Poet -of- fice r:lcates iv 81. Joseph, alt' th' coat iv a dock. Thin they'd shrike alt' t ill wan to each other, how much they loved to be together 'c.pt whin lh' eroverwnlint paid twisty -faire hundred per and 'o touch a mile to A k1, (him 1 g 1 rue a(nrt no aich wan wan;(•(1 to lake th' thmne roide. They both wanted th' money and their health demanded a change in climate. but th' illictore wuz to judge .%tech wan wuz shtong emit to take th' •trip. Ez th' illictors be th' docthors in this insiltance, they nae .ettoitled to pay, but begorry hirer 1 pint wuz handed me fee Lakin' army t th' consultation. i"raps 1 postmor- Everything at 10 per cent discount Number of second hand Wood Cooks cheap Balance of Cleveland Coiled wire at $2,85 Dr. Scott's Stock and Poultry` Food, Louse Killer and Worm Powders International Stock and Poultry Food, Heave and Colic cure. Herbageum in 25c and 50c packages HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4-Hi. +•1 +++++++++,I +++++4,++++++ 4' 4'-+++++•1„fi f,+•.• :•ti+++++++<1+ ' ++++++++++++++++1.+++.!--/--54-1-++++++++++++++++++++++.H4 i•1,•1 : ,•.,•,},•yt• : ,}1.,1 :.•1,•1,F•p.. +.!--, : 4-1-+•F•;• `••i�,}f•,}F.1,•f.t,. •l•.:,,i, f,i••il.'i..l.,i, 4 •p If V,,., Tx1.. let._--- •rr_ • r. .. •b . 1 T. HAWKINS & SON It Plaster Paris, Always in Stock at Lowest Prices, Galvanized Steel Shingles and Siding, Etc. Building Supplies Glass, Nails, Cement tVhere you will find a full stock of The Leading Hardware Store in Town ♦ T. HAWKINS & SON II Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire. + ++.ttf.4•'I�F4i••(•44•f•.4••1•.{••M•.f••4 ,i•3•++. a +>,•f•f.•(.-i r+.1-11-+4 :•4-1•-:-;••}••f•.}.I.d..j OUR IDEAS of what constitutes go clothing difler from the ideas of most other firms. We de- mand and use in all our Spits and Overcoats only the best material and the highest class of workmanship Give us a call. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor NET THE B , ST, Oriental Lecture. �z. seerei • ere - Recently Eeela:ged c�•:a 25,000 Ttl�, c✓ Words New Gazetteer cf ttac World .�ithrr,(,rr•111:n12'.,(".)L::c,U al<nthc latet•t l r;:3u3 ICturn:. NowBiogrnphlcalDictlonary t cnntainln•t 'tie n::am•sotover .1::. tn,tld getrut:�,t i(o fidc!b.(trnt;l,rlc, i rdit,d b y Al. .% 1: i' 1.1,Vi .T).1,i,.11+Value�aIe tultedFt„tc: Cumwt.r:un%ref'Audition, R/ Samples Free p F e 'lea Mat« (:., t:!n antiur,, Mai r':,,e,. . Needed in Every Home w n - e .te ' r scot:et'talo !>Ic.,•,nC:; Regtular Editlrn ; - ,,, ;,eL Lure De Lu a Ed1 i to nc ,. I f r,.,• G.&C.M Publlaher.. The ladies Guild of the 'fruit( Me- lnorial church have secured the ser- vices of the Rev. if. A. Ben-Oliet for a return engagement to deliver one of his fatuous Oriental Lectures, On Friday .Lan. 31st. in Opera Molise. Mr. lien -Olid 'was hero a year ago and delighted a large audience. Be presents the costutrtes worn by the ' People of the Holy Land and explains many of tt►o social and religious customs of his people, the Jews. The Lecturer will be assisted by a large company of people. Reserved Seats. Whalen Thn drdicatiotl sort ices of the Whalen Methodist church took place last Smartly. ,Rev. A. IL (:ping. of Exeter preaching on able s•'rnton in the morning and Rev. Abrar, I'resby- (eriall minister. of Granton, ill the evening. The Kirkton Methodist church choir resisted at th' eervicee. 2300 Quarto Paso• ERRE,'•l)kfiosyryw/n .:.. "t.:...::.: "I have used your colts/wee Expec- torant and find it uttisfaetory in canes of croup, colds or coughs. 1 have used it ever since I got a trial bottle, and have recommended it to everyone in need of it. You fluty use my name and address for tratim(,niala if per wish. (loping it will benefit other* ii, it has LRR1fA1a C•" done my children, 1 remain, netlold,? MRS. AGNES t'(JMBER." 106.s Prances St. London, Ont. ngil?1 t'oltsfoote Expectorant is thr great- t;LA\�'ILLE-1e Exeter, Friday, 17 est cough and throat cure in the world. tannery 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. A. it is the prescription of a renowned Glanville. a dauehtcr, speeieliat. In ogler that every fancily bIAReliter may prove its unparaffeled r t'rits the 1 1:1'11\--i'A11 Eit - In Crediton, on will send a sample bottle free t t ewer. - 1 1 y tart m Thur=dry Jan. 1St h. Agglo Fabner oar who sends ua their n1m, tad Ad• to Ni r. Sam. Kuhn. dress and mentions this paper, can bo tern ex emin3tion foray be more pro- DIED had st all dregg{ists at 25e. fiend pour IIIED dluctite. but in•japers Ihr>:, afth r IIAWt►};N-(n Itarrie, on Jan. ]f,tl1, name today to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., death exarninttiotta have river added Wilmot liingdnnl, relict of theTnronto. to the weight iv me lbock,t honk. late la•tac °Itawd.•n• aged 78 years Rend for Free Sample To -day, N month', 5 days.