HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-01-16, Page 81± X ii 1 1 NI 'L 1 NUAItY l(itlt 190r+,
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Al; E YOU 1{EA1)Y for some startling bar-
gains? We have t hem for you. Our an
nual winter clean up st.le is now 111 full swing
Many null and broken lines must be moved
out quickly. We have gone through our stock
and marked down all surplus lines to quick
march prices
For men 42 00 r+
's black for Ladies swell
Yak Fur Coat. Fur -lined coat I ++
The bust looking and Good black Kersey •g
in o s t satisfactory shell, lined through- 1..... L
medium priced fur out with best I lam- 1 o +
coat we know of. ster fur and collars 0, 7.;"' :;:+
and reveres of sable. m a, -+'c
()uick for a bargain. ov
q t✓
0For Men's
( oon Fur Coats
the yard tor linen . =t•
natural dark 1!idcs.106 z✓
Well furred and best cloth for tea
trimmings. They're Towels, 26 in. widMe 4'r 7+
and every thread pure i =•• + +
great value, l 4.
linen. Reg. value 1.1c ✓%
try -
$10 For Gents black' 96
Each for Fanc
cloth Overcoat,
china Cake plates r-( ++
made from good with fancy Rose and I ° +
black Vicunna and floral decorations and
lined with real good stippled with gold.
fanner satin. Reg. values 30 to 4oc
For your choice of a lot of men's and boys a U� +,.c'
4.90 Cloth and Tweed Overcoats. The clean C ++
up of all our broken Tots. Coats in this bunch .a ;. •�
would be good value at 8 to to dollars each. re ;el ,*
Come and take your pick for $4.9o.
d J•
2 E Each for Ladies good serviceable Cloth
Jackets; the clean up of all odd lines in
the store If you want value and not too fastid-
er us about style this is your fortunate oppor-
tunity. Your pick of a big pile of Ladies odd
Jackets for 2.25
Arc you getting Redpaths Granulated Sugar?
There arc lots and lots of Ontario l3ect Sugar being
sold in Exeter, but not by us, We sell nothing but
REDPATH'S—It's the Best by test.
S A. STEWi . E
We arc showing a large
range Df Watches and
Je\velry — newest de-
signs of different manu-
Come early and make
your selection
1 ligh Grade Watches at the
lowest prices
Special D Sale TIIEtarket Report.—The following to
\\ twat, 95 Ceuta leer bushel.
0..t1•. 42 cents per bushel.
Barley. 50 cents to GO cents.
I'ca,. 75 cents to 80 cents.
Blended Flour (STAIt), *2.75.
Bran >;2.
Shorts *24.
Feed Flour. h1.30 to `;1.35.
Ilay, 1¢12 to $14.
Dried apples 5 cents per pound.
Hogs. livewcight, $;,.GO.
hogs. dressed ist7.'lll.
Clover seed. $8 to $10 per bushel' 20 per cent off all Dress Goods
Potatoes. 75c. to 90e. per bag.
23 cents.
Chicken, J cents per Ib. el's, 22 cents per 110„•11• 120 per cent off all Wool Hosiery
Coal, $7.25 a ton.; 20 per cent off all Cloth Jackets
Geese, 9 cents per fle
Ducks, 9 cents per Ib.
'turkeys. 11 cents per lb. 20 per cent off Children's Bear Coats
••••••••••••••••••••••••••120 per cent off Men's and Boys' Overcoats
• •
LOCALS i 20 per cent off Men's and Boys' Shirts
• .•‘••••• 20 per cent off all Felt Boots
20 Per Gut Olt fill Wlotor Goods
20 per cent off all Furs
'20 per cent off all Wool Underwear.
20 per cent off all Wool Blankets.
"`"` '''' i20 per cent off all Wrapperetts
—Mr. •1:Iuu•s Ford is emit -neat 10 20
his house through illness.
who is with the show :Is un illustr:tt- 20
ed song singer is very good.
—Mr. and Mrp. C. Davis are visit-
ing friends in Seaforth this week.
Zlour Chaps Disappear i
• Like Magic.
• t -- - - When you use -
11_..._..'_ U_..... ..L
Good for your Bands.
Good for your Face.
• Good for your Lips
iGood for Shavers.
•Good for Chat's
Good for Gills
Good for Ladies•
Mr. and Mrs. Curry, of Manitoba,
are visiting with Mr. John Jurrot.
—Miss Dinah .Elston returned Sat-
.u•day fro:u a visit in St. \fllrys.
—Miss Olive I'riur has returned
home after visiting friends 410:44• Kip-
—Miss E. Kaiser. of Toronto. is
visiting Mrs. John Jarrott. Exeter
Nort h.
—51r Will Knight, student at the
Loudon Medical college is home on
Good fi.l' Mein
Good for 25 cents •
Then you will say o
Howe 's DrugStore
per cent off all Grey Flannels
per cent off all Heavy Rubber Socks.
A Little Tick Talk
Commencing the new year it will be
well to be economical and it is good
economy to carry a thoroughly reli-
able watch. An that can he depend-
ed upon will save your time money
and patience. The S. Fitton special
movement is the most reliable watch
made and we can furnish it in any
a visit, case you may wish either Gold, Gold-
-Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jones eater- filled, Silver or Nickel Ladies or Gents
tained a number of their friends Fri- at most Moderate prices. Call and let
day evening. us explain the special features of our
—Mr. Nash of \ViIb11)am, was the watch.
guest of his sister, Mrs. W. J. Pow-
ell lass week.
--Miss Ida \\'endla►1d returned last
week after a pleasant visit with Issuer of Marriage License
friends out of town. A full Lina of wedding rings always
—Misses Blanche surd Iia testcot1. on hand.
of Douglas Man., a re visiting rela-
tives in and around town.—Mi..John Knight attended t he
—Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Jones return funral o[ 11 r, Chas. ChcesOborough
Saturday after spending :t wi'c'k ine,of
St Thomas oil \s. Ch sday.
stilt friends in and around Hills -
—The Times start extends thanks
green, to Mrs. Frank Treibner for a basket
—Good frame Imre for sale on delicious snow apples. It is Take Cole's Cough Curelot 15. Con. 5, tlsborne. Apply
needless to say tho trrvtt oft was enjoy-
the premises or to S. Martin60)4, e(1 by all of us. and Cure Your Gold
—Mr. and •Mrs. James Murray an- Clearing Sale Why experiment from
when you can get
pounce the engagement of their instant relief (rout
youngest daughter. Mary, to Mr. J. —OF--- -
East Jordon. of Godericli. f
—Thr special union prayer meetings MENTS AND TIIItES1l1NG OUTFIT
FARM. FARM STUCK AND 1\(1'LF.- I 60169
OI PV $ 6ouIi 611r6
held in the different churches last Thos. Cameron has been instructed!
week were I:tr_ely attended and were to sell by public auction on fI
instrumental in doing much :1,00(1. FRIDAY, JANUARY 31st. 190r, i which is scientifically prepared and
—Mr. \W,n. Whiteford, of Virden y absolutely harmless to even the small -
!ism.. who visited relatives gond est child, and every bottle of which is
...lends here during the past monist. 1 1 guaranteed or the money refunded
'eft Monday for his home in the
■ in
r 2Hetes
&'•Altar iron rinl.l•.-03 1--IISuit
just North of Halt Block. Exeter.
Terms easy. Amity �
HOUSE TO RENT. — On Andrew
AND Street. first house North of Main St.
church parsonage•. Furnace in house.
Two-fifths acre of land. Apps- Cohn
13rodcrick, Sarepta P. O. 12-21-07.
a P. 0.
EYE r t SUR -
Y )LAIt OVi\H 1. I. AVIi)1 .
goon, will be at the Commercial
Hotel. hours 9.30 a. tn. to 4.30 tt.
m. Glasses properly fitted and dis-
eases treated
•o earandno.
cof c
gas s y
Next visit on Friday. Jen. 31. 1908.
Jut firrlved
Call and Make
11 Se ('(•tion be-
foul the rush.
Micrcha•1t Tailor.
(conveyancer Accounts Collected
mow; to lean at lo+.e•al rstta,
North West !Ands for Smile.
Office. Main Street. Exeter
Why not buy an
Edison Phonograph
('ash or Easy Payments,
Canadian Express Building.
This being the beginning of the New Year we wish to
have a straight forward business talk with you. — Where
do you deal? Why do you deal there? Are you satisfied
with your purchases? Would you change Stores if you
could do better? These may be personal questions but isn't
it true that you want courteous treatment? You want the
best goods at the lowest prices? You want a variety of
of goods to choose from? You want to feel at home in the
store with which you are dealing? These are but few of
the things you want, and should get no matter where you
arc dealing, just remember you can be at home in this store
you can get the best of goods—the kind you want at the
price you wish to pay, here wz arc always on the alert to
accommodate you in every particular Come to us with your
shopping list we will sec to it that you go, away we'll satis-
fied. Wishing you a Ilappy New Year.
The Pathway to Success of Canada
Canadian Telegraph and
Business Colleges - rat. ft!, capital, • $3.0oo,o
Of St, 'Phomas, Ont. and Aylmer, Ont.
have the Grand Trunk Dispatchers
wire running through their class room
and guarantee to place every voting
roan graduate of the Telegraph De-
partment with the Railroad Company
or refund tuition fees.
Shorthand & Typewriting
New tern) opens Thursday, January
2nd, 1008. Call or write for particulars
E. II. BEST, Manager.
—Miss Edith Moncur left \Wedtte's-
rl,r morning for n two month's vis-
it (*oh friends in Guelph.
—Rev. 1•:. A. Fear took charge of
the services of the Hensnll Metho-
dist church lest Smithy. his pulpit
here being filled by one of tier re-
reacntatives of the Y. M. C. A. in
the 'enmity/. The church was clos-
ed ill the ewenitts on account of the
union meeting in the James Street
church. The i'resbyterinn (-Murch
WAS Also cloi(d in the evettinr. Rev.
Martin takinr pact ill the services of
th't James 8u r(et church.
—Green's Moving Picture Show
tt:II the 0ttraotiolt at the 011era
)IOUs&' Tuesday and \Vedu:•stlay. The
pictures this year are fully as good
as last tyear. Mr. Berton V. Peters,
—The Times acknowledges the re-
ceipt of a complimentary ticket to
the Oath annual "At Home" of the
Huron 0141 Jfoy's Association at Tor-
onto, to he held in the Temple 110ild-
ing' on Friday evening retry. 71h.
—Mrs. (Rev. .Dr.) Mannon, of Lon-
don. and formerly of Exeter, receiv-
ed word Friday Morning of the death
dg •i(en
r. 1
of her youngest J
n Mich. Thursday
Willson, at IC'(tdlll c. 5
111•r daughter •Mrs. '$lter.) Mallot1
died in London.
—The Ladies Aid of Mani Si. Meth-
odist Church will give n social even-
ing on
•• the church ebu.(mtilo
ing in ih
Friday evening January 17. Refresh-
ments and a InUsiCal and Literary
program has been arranged for. Ad-
mission 15 cents.
fhe Epworth Lea .rue cf the James
street church tate ti v.•ry succ.'esfu1
patriotic e4e11int on Tuesday Iasi.
'The programme consisted of several
patriotic addresses, vocal and instru-
mental Music, readings, etc. An en-
joyalllr Ind I.rofitable lime wait
—The P:).stet• hockey Club has
or(:uliz,d for the Benson. Practice
((ill he ]geld Monday and \We(1n,•sda4'
evenings from seven to eight o'clock
p. m. There is tuaterial is Exeter
for a good puck chasing team and
before the 8(•IIS011 advances v,vy far
there should he some 3oud reports of
the playing.
—The jury that tried Thomas Noah,
Indian. for the murder
the Mums.).n It
of Absalom Fox, failed to reach an
4treement after the trial at London.
'Thursday- of last week. Seven stood
for actuittal and five for conviction.
Noah 4% as returned to jail and still
be tried again for the Crim' :It the
\ a c .
assizes .I i It
stains in
—Tire (' I's:try Daily News, of ,tan.
41h. has the following ret'rrdinj Mr.
and Mrs. .1. 1'. (toss. former est0r'nt,d
residents of Exeter. but now residing
at C4t111ry. "On the occasion of the
•s .1.1
and i1..
y• rr. n
( t.Iler.
frith Irn
4' is•r-
Itoss 41411 family from the member-
ship of St , Andrew's Presbyterian
church, they have t1•movdsl to Four-
teenth Avenue '.V.'st and join At 1hz
Grace church. n number of the mem-
1,30 noon. on
LOT 6, CONCESSION 12, 111I111E11'r
'rho follow -int property.
110118148. — 1 reg. brood mare.
drou;ht ; I re,r. filly. R months old
dr:t.itht ; 1 brood mare, draught :
pr. of geldings 4 years old, draught ;
:i geldings .rising' 2 years old.
draught ; 1 gelding rising 3 years
old, driver; 1 gelding rising 7 years
old driver.
CATTLE. -1 thoroughllred cow due
in March : 1 thoroughbred heifer ris-
ing 2 years old 1 thoroughbred bull
three years, old: ft grad,. cows (100 in
Marek and April: 1 grade cow re-
newed; 3 steers rising a years old;
:1 heifers rising 3 years old; 6 steers
rising 2 years old : 4 heifers rising
2 years old: r, calves.
2 lir
— brood sows Six too 1
bel'd Berkshires . 21 store hogs . One
purebred Berkshire boar 12 months'
I.O\\'i•—Turkeys. hens and pullets
E\tl'LE\IENTH-1 binder, 1 mow et'
seed drill
l ,
r•. new. 1 s,
�c • rake nearly nr
t ( t,ok u I
1 ho.
nearly new. 1 disc harrow. 1 roller. 1
set iron harrows. 2 tvalking plows, 2
2 -furrow plows. 1 scalier, 1 cutting
box. 1 fanning mill. 2 root waiters.
1 grain crusher. 1 fur ' d• 1•Ithe. R
set '20011 lb. scales. 1 bag truck, 1
lumber wagon nearly new. 2 truck
tcagolts. 2 sets .bobslei;rhs, •1 dema-
crat waggon. 11 lop buggy nearly
new. 1 open buggy. 1 road earl. 2
cutters 1 new, 2 bay racks, 1 hog
rack. 1 %rood rack. 1 new waggon
box. 1 gravel box. stone Iroal. grind
done, 2 wheel harrows. 1 new )tny
fork rope rind pullets and slings. 1
full gel of syrup ntakint utensils and
tank. 2 long ladders. 2 set double
heavy harness. 1 set plow linrnrss.
2 set single 1i ,rness 1 new, 10 .food
horse collar••. 2 gMM4 MOM` ha:nmrrs
A tun tit itc of lumber. plank and
scantline. 2 new gates, a tuatltity
of hay. a plant it y of straw -..1 luau-
., d 200
an oll .
' . I In
f turnips aft
lily o 1
hush. of Banner rind 20tH reentry
oats for seed, iron vice. crosscut saw(
grain bags. robes horse blankets
chain.. forks. shovels. hoes and other
articles ton nUmrrOUS to mention.
A lot of household furniture.
• at r 'r
ern horse r
I fourteen
in good repair. I (:no(lison I )Iresher
with blow,•4 in gond rep'tir; 1 Gond-
ison thresher with carriers in gond
repair. 1 threshing tank new .with
pump and hose. 1 circular saw.
in the Township of Hib11erl, being
COII1ltnerd of Lot 6. Con. 12. township
of llihherl. County of Perth. eeutein-
ing 90 acres and prick dwellin,r. hank
barn :10195. stable rind drive house.
e ou in spring. of water in the
res cleared. a res
bosh. S scree a
wheat. 30 Hetes plows la ane • o
tnr in grass.
a of Chattels �onr Threshing
• s of :•'I and under
s e that sawmill 12 months'
credit on fnrnishina approve )null
rs a discount eft of R per Cen1.
11,.- annum for en•h nn el edit amour s
realestate mad Hoeft
day of sale by applyi•;g to the under -
,1. sewn% Jlt.
Bottles 25 cents
6016's Gure-fi-Go l d
—Cure a Cold in a Day -
1 5 cents.a box
Is This
To make a perfect article
you must begin with the best
raw materials, This is the
case in making our
t1 c begin with the best
Manitoba and Ontario wheat
and have them scien'iftcally
manufactured into the best
Flour possible for general use
It is characterized by that
custom -
flavor that
our t
• tl a r
nutty }
cis Iikc and which cannot be
fo•rnd in anything but a
Blended Flour,
BOAID of o1a2CI013:
L, c s ;•:,..:•, EA.•, . . • pr
D{,L7:r Ifaer✓.xasr.. P.4.1 err Vier
A. ALLF, Ext.. Ind Vue
)f•,, L 14, -.3411 -Litt
Aacs. (-•Xex1Lr., IiN{ M. P.
A. E. 0. Y,:PT Esq . t.P.
W. K lr- `A,:4737• Pte; . H.P.
Ass:. I1. .z F. 11 X C.
(..cwt it:•Ma
i ;summit
Savings Dank Department
Intact albeit curtest rates paid quartab.
The best stepping .stone for a young roan
or wotnan is a thorough training in Short-
hand and Typewriting under competent
Winter Term 6omffl6O66s 6 Jdn. 1906
-The Inst of the oni011 prayer 801-
(ice8 was held in the ,lawn's Ntre,•1
church on .Friday eve last :11141
was ably addressed by 1(0 t•. 1•). V.
comm., his subject Is•int "Temper-
ance and \total Reform." \Ii. Col-
lins is an rble speaker and his ,Id -
dress on Friday 4.4(•11114! w.18 011:• of
n best ever listens! to in .x:•t •r
along this line. in referring. to 111, -
subject. he said it was 0 very ,roar
one. affectint the nation, city own
private life and that he would
view . points affecting' F:501:.e.
The luestio11 of Lileratura was touch-
ed and the reverend :gentlemen
'd a yowls vigorous and active
d should be itiven rood stimulat-
timu a -
e ead,Merit uret18
would assist the young ►non 1n Ind -
t i admiration the characters that
ern towards the huil(Ii►,t o n than.
We give individual instruction, make a
specialty of each pupil and place each
graduate in a situation.
WM. C. C00, C. S. R. Principal.
cited the working's of litany countries
in Europe where the !governments
controlled the li iuor business and
where the inert, lvho manned Utz:
hotels were elected by tho people.
paid a salary Hud were subject to
dismissal. I I 1
i1e referred to :t company in Eng-
land, of which Earl Grey is president,
buying up all the hotel property pos-
sible and put ling in tacoe who are
under their laws and 3uidance, as
managers. Ile cited one instance of
a hotel that had been in the habit
of filling :3011 glasses of gin (ach
morning for the miners as they went
to their work, but since the cotnpany
have taken hold instead of the pain
:300 cups of steaming coffee awaits
the miners.
Th(, pernicious system of treatin•z
was the curse of Canada, said (110
e' t.
e r
,, n
• ninety d 1 he
and tulle
n Y
of Ih(• evils arose from the
Ile pointed out that early in lifer a
child bogies to imitate and t hat the
spirit 01 sociability and treating man-
ifest themselves in the young. With
tho treating system now ill
vogue. a mail often calls upon
five or six and often more of
his congenial friends. to partake of
his sociability around the bar. We
'c of 411.1►
1 to
sec here the characteristic
resent the idea of others that he is
mean or 8lifyty and each itt turn in-
vites the gathering to have another
treat on him, and so on until. what
was titeattt for :t little sociability
turns out to be a curse and Potts
man of nll that is ennobling.
n h-
d•(I on t
ISO lou h 1
Mr. Collins nl o
I Enter Any Day t;
• Our management trains more t
t Stenographers
I3ookkeetrevs,and •
t'l'elegraphers than any other in •
• Western Ontario. No extra ch-
• arge for two courses.
• Most eminently qualified in- •
2 structors. Graduates assisted to •
• good positions. Other colleges 2
2 engage our graduates as teach- •
erg, •
2 individual instruction •
M.ttt. Cor iuu:s in Matricnlat•
2 ion. Civil Service, Penmanship, ••
• Shorthand, Bookkeeping, etc.
• Send a postal for informat:on •
• about CANADA'S GRE t'I'E.'r t
• or Mutt GRAM? 13l'SIN- •
t t:r(s ('or.i.r:d,Es. •
I).t5)FL E. Irtty, Vice Principal.
♦ (it•:o, SeorroN, Principal,
In the matter of the estate of Thom-
as Shapton, late of the Tow n>hi,p
of Stephen. in the County of Hu-
ron, farmer. deceased.
Notice is heft by given pursuant In
S. (1897,1129, that all
It 5 ) nlua I(
lint and the matter of 41'•alin; in creditors nndolhrue lclvint, claims
stocks, both of e;lirli cp:ne in for 333i11ett the estate of the said Thom•
as Shepton. who died on or about
the 6th day of July, 1907, nre re-
wired on or before the. 11th flay, of
A se a ,
'eb • 11 )08. 1 torsi prepaid
h r. 1) to send , ti
y 1 { 1
or deliver to 'Me. srs. (Badman &
Stanbury. solicitors for the adminis-
trat rix of the estate' of 1h0
said deceased their Utast 1111
and sonet ►nes. add ress.•+ ar,e1 1�
severe criticism.
Canadians are Always proud of
treat Canadian cn.4rprise". From
the Al 'antic to the Pacific Canadians
are proud of the treat Can:odiatl
Fantilt patter, 1lit' Family Herald and
Weekly St r. of NI real. It in
herr of lit. A11drew's church paid n nt rfl g f 0, F criplions, Ihr toll particulars of t
4isil to \t r. (toss' 1104110 and surt'i hash land. 89 1e 10 r c,•, -t linty t*orthy of ,II the 200(1 rr'irno, the sl:Ifenoeat of (h.ir
d thew with tiffs expressive of the
(*1111 said about it. It is said that
• 1.;,i1 in which they hive 11X11 held
good hardwood 1 ((40111, and 4In' n:llure of ll '
d 1 1 f t tt4.nl,v thousand t1e%4 rubacritlrrs 11fi1ics. it nny, held by lh(rn. And
Mr. and Mrs. Ross received a hr•auti-
cleared 1 1 not 'private stere reeo•ised d0rina ►)•'.(+angor. ,II line:lake )'olio(&' that after such
htl ntahotany parlor table and
I TI I' vl t It from t ff F t �1:c4ry Cnnndia11 home should have 1;1st mrntion4'd dolt the. rnid Arlmin-
Rose and Miss (T ra Ross very pret-
1r, t
out fit.— \Il urn that /reef weekly at the 8111111 price istratrix will proceed to (1181ribul4�
ty and perfect pieces of cut g.letgs,
cash over 1 (81 ) t they ask .for it—one donor a year. the nrsrts of the d2ce'r+s'd anions tho
The preeentalions aa 41-44 wide, by Rev. d 4111 th t I 1
Mr. liahaffy, pastor of 8t. Andrew's tint
mind t ; I 1 t Mi•:1 -TING (►h 'n tE 111'HOS COI'\- o:trlles emitted thcrolo, having re-
in n speech warmly npprrriatic4' 01 TY CUL \('ll.. {lard only 10 the eIairns of 4(1,10))
1 L k 1 utg literature 10 r 1 ill It The Council of lin• corporatin)4 of rho ' IIa11 then 1,444' noligg 81441 that
Iho goal work w)Itch Mr. and
of raid 11drninistratrit will fiot be• liable
Ross and fvuiilc have done et the u t n I t
the County of Huron will meet its Ilu1
church. \I r. Moss teas an elder and signed. f 001111011 chamber, in the Tot* ti of for '' r •,ill ns8Cts of any part ther -
11orntlsr of the board of mannt4'rs. T. (-A\&'FRO\ \I r. Collins touched more atrmltly G111101ch, on er,iL•1y the lith day of 1 'ny 1lrrrrono,. leers0n4 of whose
*Mrs. hoes els the church ortanist Aoctimtrrr. on the 4.ntp,'r:'0'.' lt) 8*iOti condemn- of January. at 3 O'clock 1' 3.1 0101 '•• t1(4t ire 5)1,11 ;11;1:
ot IIa44' item
end lh•' Misses hose mrtnlrra of the ----- inz the fact that the manufacture of All parties, havinz accounts atined reee..'...:1`411:;
:ed by her at the rim of such
(hnir. Mr. Rose, who alts; ys ac-, li tun&' is controlled by the I)omi11ion lh' l'ounl,r', are re paired to i'la(.• ton dill' ilhnli(4n.
nits himself nraerfully replied In ati Sexam ith. 'L*10(1. \Y k R1',1NIi1'Itti',
t 1
government and the Il('ensint by Ili same will) the Clerk on or before the
prat speech. .ypres�ic:. of the pleas- )t r. Amos \: ildlnnt 1181 tcrrk ,lir- I rm•incial 'zorentnlent• Irr Hatt al Exeter this 11th
nre it bad Isoti to wnrk 0i111111.) 4'),:18041 rr•'• ot, Ihr 5th cmtc.'rsln►► t1,,. 441101,' li lune )nrallon eh \4 LANE, Clerk 1 m8
minister and coIztotalion of St.I
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Andrew's Hud their regret in It tying. llenanll.
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Dated Jan. 13th.. 1908. .1n