HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-01-16, Page 51 H t EX -t' T E R TIMES, JANUARY llitll legal'
During January on all Crockery in Stock
Including Cups and Saucers, Plates, Berry Sets, Salad
Dishes, Cream and Sugars, Lamps, Pitchers, Bowls, .K7c
We have Just Received a Shipment of
irDr. Hess Stock Food in 25 lb. pails at $2.00, 7 ib. packages at 65c•
Poultry Panacea 35c
Instant Louse biller 35c
llerbageum 25c and 50c packages
Highest Price for Produce.
B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar
IIead(!uarters for
Skates, Axes, Saws, Razors, Stoves, Pails, and
We have on hand a number of Mitts and Gloves which we
will sell at rock bottom prices.
Don't forget that we install Furnaces and keep on hand the
largest supply of all kinds of I-[ardware and Stoves
to be found anywhere. ,
ft MILLS, - WOODI-111M
We have a large etock of frieze Overcoats 1n boys' awl
menu. \Vo are trunnine off cheap regular $6.00 coals for $4.00
and boyo' regular $5.00 for $3.50.
Underwear all wool per suit $1.00. Fleece lined h••avy,-
weieht $1.20 a suit, we have till lines of underwear at the right
Now Di the tizno for rubbers~ We have all kinds of Rubber;s:
in overt -rubbers and Heavy lumberman'3 Rubbero :boys and mens.
In Groceries nye have a full stock kill nice and froth. Rai -
sine 3 lbs. fur 25o. Sulphur 10 lbs. fdr 25c. Ba1be 10 lbs. for
25c. Oil Cake 12 lbs. for 25c.
And we want your trade- Butter. 24c. -25c. .n lb. --l:_ :-
Egze 23c. c t-th, 24c. trade -Dried Apples, brute 7c. per IIS.
A. MILLS, - Woodham.
I Seeds of this beautiful " Santa Rosa" Poppy
aro given absolutely free
Seeds Free
A huge gn,r.cr of poppies says : •• Pout I
S.itita Rosa' is an exceptionally fine mix•
lure of Shirley Poppies, by far the best we
have seen." We will give absolutely free a
package of these seeds to every person who
will send for our new handsomely Illustrated
1908 Catalogue. 11 you prefer, you may
has e a package of our Canadian Clete Turnip
rCanada's Pride To
mato seed in place of
the poppies.
Write to -lay and name your choice.
Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd.
London, Ont.
' Before
ttriej After`
Hair Restorer
Will restore grey hair to its natural color.
Stops falling hair causes to grow on hall
beads. Cures dandrulr, itching, scalp diseases.
13y its use thin hair grows luxuriantly.
Contains no oily or greasy ingredients.
is entirely unlike any other hair prepares.
tier ever offered for sate.
A good, reliable Canadian preparation.
l nsollrtled TestIntonlals.
Edith A. Berke, Missionary Ii. M. Church,
Jlkhiutini. Egypt, and friends. greatly pleased
with results after two years using.
•L. A. tropes, Wither, Montana. My hair
brid whiskere restore41 to natural colo,, dark
rown, by using Canadian Hair Restorer.
MIV.Ornnt,llurge cville,Ont. Canadian Hair
BtestOrcr is the bet 1 have ever used.
"John 0. Hall, New Aberdeen, Cape Breton.
Canadian (lair Restorer/ins worked wonder,.
Sly head 1' ncatrly all covered with thick
growth black hair, original color.
Pt01r1 by all wholesale and retail dntggi•ta.
Mailed to any while -4, in the civilized world
on receipt of price. .sic. Manufactured by
Inn *Lawn (0., Windsor, Ont„ Canada.
Sold in 1':xeler by W. S. Cole. W.
fil. 1towey and .1. \V. Browning, Drug-
a fists.
No Honing
No Grinding,
FLA £S+'-
N. 3
A. K. 0. [rem A. C. -
I.as initials with gouts etched 1/""
Spot s Carbo Magnetic blanc.
Da:sn'tthis sol . e tha hacntinggues-
ton •e l;- * shall i give kim)" '
1.r a wt; .t.5 t•s one for a roan. tie /// `
1.41. act! prsettcat exough to be a ! /n i,
v:.nts sv r.•'.etkiag exelaaiveiy rcatcu•
t _t') rem:ader of the donor. t
tea, l.e tea razors,'• or "l'e : e
!� tSa bsrkcr shop!" you ex,
A.: the mere reason for • Canso bl; -
s::.e race: -he knows from (aperi-
ent 3
4 Ie) t 1S .',rr;tnrty in securing a rscor
Ithat west gl.e sats,fact oa every 437
e.rthatt per.oG. at botniig and cried.
l•.'br you buy a precious stone
. ruble secure an expert to select
e go to wc.1 established Arra
rte Ie... cn conditronaliy guarantee
parity Rarer steel requeres even
a,,we care . in selection. It.. 'trite
oto;e than • precious stone i t quality.
Tilt Carte lase -foto razor has all
the gored r,ua;at.es • razor r '.ould lar-
tet`, Nee-onayancts left out. Oae
of these raro:t g.:en as a Cir.stmas
present 11..1 pros,: a fast. , icy to
B1- tees ..rut.
We carry a complete lint , f Il e
wtKeesen MYnatty pu:trn•
elvers, Carta ?Signior Rams, ant
erose tort ery ce,,:r i a :tut en`:a•red
• : tie Wage wRDa:t r,.tr`rester. -
A leading health journal in answer-
ing tho question, " \\•hat is the ]rest
n-escri�)tion to clean and purify the
h1 Ind ' prints in a recent issue thu
1•,.1".'.ing :
F.uirl Extract 1ktui.I lion one ounce;
Competind S laatnnc, one ounce :
Comp nati.t Syt up Sate .parilln, four
Shake well and nse in tc.i,;poonful
.l.sraafter oath me ti and at bedtime.
A well-kmnto ph sician st alce a::
hese :tie lionite•se veeetal,l. iego
:rt_, which 111 Ise ohtaineal Dom
.•5 y.NuI pt,-,•t1p•ion pharmacy.
This mixture w ill ,;.:m the lee st
of al! i • pin it ice. In just a few d.n.
th.! akin oc_ln. to cleat of '.ot. s. le. :5
11•0110. puts 5' g- 1 .u,d
•ver;!)• into run-down rh•i,ilitutc t
•.,.•n a .1 women. For many yenta
n, ti Ilia ,tt •1 . hats Imen c•, 1-1 ler e.1
1 1,100.1 nte,bcinr, 1: t w pile
1, a, lilt up a ,•i made new L 0,ti, the
rmpinitiev r,•mrnal within and tl:.•
o'er) necon.pli'.he.I wa4 o' iv t. ee. •
.u, V. Sweetie -111a, however, „i.• n
v-111 i s con11inntiOn with Com atnin.1
S.datone and Extract Dani hen,
works wonders. This rombilsati•m
pits the ki•ltoy, to work to li':
and sift out the waste matter, 11 1,
acid, and other impuritiee that ea ire•
disease. it mikes new Lluod and
relieves rheumatism and lame back
and bladder troubles.
44400•0•4 4400 te••000.0".".1,
in your ',are Cote at _mint•• nr
Take a Personal Course at School.
oe To enable all to (earn we leach (t11
x cash or instalment plan. We also teach a
1 personal class at school once n month.
Class commencing last Tuesday of each
60 Vn month. These lesson's teaches how to cut,
fit and put together any garment from the
plainest shirt waist suit, to the most clatter.
ate diesq, The whole: family can learn from
one course. We have taught over seven
thousand dress -making, and guarantee to
give five hundred dollar% to any one that
cannot learn between the age of i4 and
40. Von cannot learn dress -making as
thorough as this course teaches if you
work in shop% for year'.. Beware of imita-
tions as we employ no one outside the
school. This is the only experienced Mews
Cutting School in Canada and excelled by
none in any other country. 1Vrite at once
for particular., aq we have cut our rate one-
third for a short time. Address: -
31 I:rie St.. Stratford. Ont.,('anndav
WANTED AT ONCE. -We have de-
cided to instruct and employ a num-
ber of .+m'irt young ladies to tench
our course in Dresgmakine, haven;
one teethor for the Aix nearn,t
towns whore t hey live -sag: 20 to
35. Those who have .yanked (►t
dreesmekinz, or like drawir; pre-
ftared. l'Itetse do not npply antees
1 you eats devote your whole time.
Address -THE 8('11001,.
w. s.
FO1t TILE 'fiM1.S.
Cole, Druggist 'R:4ICI.), V11.T. 110.4 N11111.)Qtll4
Dit. I', J. ilMoCUF., 511: 5113E 1t ON-
'rAltlO cOLLL•l:N: 1,11
toe and Surgeon's, eucceesur to 1)r.
E. A. /Mist. Oreditutt. Ont.
11.r. 11 11 rt Clark. rho lied th•
contract of it:tinting the now school
house at Celia retie has cunapleted th.•
painting of the school. Bert did :,
good job, in fact he is a good painter
grainer decorator and paper hanglet.
Dir. Robert Clark, of Sebring ville,
purchased the ,butcher business of
Mr. Chas. Stock, is expected stere t his
5t eek. Mr. 'Thos. Lawson. sotto is
now looking after the shop, will con-
tinue with Mr. Clark.
It seems difficult to fill the of-
fices of trustees in our village. At
t nomination )ueezitg held a few
weeks ago three were nominated, but
two of t hose appointed diel not wish
the office Ao another jsoucination
tweeting was called for Friday of last
week when one more was nominal ot.
Another trustee is wanted to make
the three. and it will be nece'esary. to
have another nomination meeting to
fill the vacancy. The trustees now
in office are Mr. \\•tn. Lewis and Mr.
Got tleib 'Morlock.
Mr, Jacob and Abraham Sbettler,
o '!at• • •.v •
• :•t• silor
n our town.
e, 1.: .r 1Xeuschwanger lest
this week} Parkhill.Miss Ethel Plummer. of fort Hu-
ron is visiting friends in our village.
Deputy- Reeve ICell*rmatu► :11lend-
ed council meeting in Crediton on
Mr. ,las. Eidt was in J31ytlt and
•t •
LinwoodntLinwoodfor a few days last ]t
Miss Theo illartleib has secured a
position as teacher at Milne in Sun-
cor County at a sal:try of $425.
Mr. G. Aest•eicher spent Monday
in t he village on business.
Mr. Sweitzer, of halm:neigh, Mich.
is visiting relatives in the village for
0 fee weeks.
Jlr. Christ Fainter move(' a load
of shop utensils for M r. Stock to Se-
bringville, Friday last.
Mrs. Haply E. Le.ssi.. of Findlay,
.Ohio. is visiting under the parental
The re -organization of the Evan-
gelical Sunday school took place
Sunday last. Amongst some of the
modern ideas introduced was a young
11'(11.' glibly class as nl:to n young
ladies Bible class. 15 names are al-
ready enrolled in the young hens'
class evhich number it is expected
will be doubled very shortly also 30
young ladies nvere enrolled.
The school is in a very prosperous
condition the Sunday school finale
chore- is adding greatly to the in-
tereo taken. The Choristers sang
very acceptably last Sunday evening.
'fee first Council for 190H mel i11
1he ')'own shall, Mond•ty.
BOVRIL added to any dish gives it the delightful o,iar of
roasting beet.
Makes your nt•'uth water -puts your appetite on (-etre.
Its rich, beefy flavor, stark the gastric juices Cowing, It; ]ping,
the digestive organs extract more nutrition from the food you eat.
BOVRIL is not a mere extract. it _ontaia' in concentrate:l
forth all the essence, substance and Gavor of prime beef.
Whet: tired out, try a little BOVRIL in a cup of boiling water,
with a sada biscuit. 'Twill refresh and strengthen v. n.
All good ,:ioks keep BOVRIL always on hand. There's not
a day passes that it cannot help snake so.od dish ]pot-: palatable:
-more nourishing.
All good grocers sell 130%12 1 L. r,g
tiii rner Scason
fiodin ficre
The season for putt-
ing on new wall
pltpEr is again here
and, I wish to inform
those who intend to
do papering this sp-
ring that, .[ have a
nice stock on hand
of all the latest (le-
iigns, Also samples
to choose from.
We make a specialty of gran-
ing, ask for prices.
Painter, Grainer and Paperhanger
Agent for Ladders and Step Ladders
features of the Laurier governme'nt's
policy were forcibly presented.
Dir. Simeon Ireland and fatnily, who
spent the last week here on account
of his father's illness, retarne(L Tues-
day morning to Their home in Strat-
Mr. Abe and .lake. Scheltler are
Hotel for Sale. --The Royal Hotel visiting; friends .in town.
Crediton, is for sale subjeot to lease. A number of young. people gathered
For terms and pa rtic.ulurs apply to at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,))ick.
editon, Baker on .\o ay c'.et a , in honor
Von should bear itou• Win. 1'.nl- o.f Miss Bruce who is visit in; friends
I(rsu'1 Minister ot Cuslonre, at the in the villa ;e. The evenings nvas
]'own Ilnll thisThursday nigyht. lie spent in various games and singing.
is nue of the nbleslThursspeakers the After lunch was nerved all joined in
singiAuld Lang Syne and parted
for their homes all having enjoyed a
pleasant (venin
:•! i.s
Zimmer -.rave a rag; ben for
they• lint ladies ill town on Wednes-
day 1 -toning.
Mr. awl Mrs. henry Icahn who
have been visiting friends hole: for
the last month retunted to their
home in N. D. on Tuesday morning..
A meeting in the interest of M.
V McLean, the Liberal candi-
date, will be held in the Town-
ship Ilan, Crediton, on Thursday
evening the 16th. Thc candi-
date will be present to address
the meeting also Mon Wm. Pat-
tetson, Minister of Customs and
ib block
shoe stoic Ilattl 1 9
New .hu
\lr, .1. dlar11e1L wishes to nnttolnce
Ie •t
to she public that Ito has o1 n. l
bunt and shoe store in Dashwood and
.olieits a share of your patronage.
hie secured the services of Mr. .1.
('01115(151. a firstcless shoemaker in
every poppet. itep lit ing (10115' 011 tbo
shortest notice. Ile sells cheaper
then the cheapest.
51r. .1. Kellerntnnn is having the
interior of his store repainted this
Nile .1. K:t eet a of Grind liend, was
:a pie•asaul caller in our village on
Sped il services have 1
n wont -
minced in the Eva ngelicnd church
this week,
a l' fore
Rills are out calling Itders for n
the election of the new .Lutheran
church in the springy.
Mr. ,Ed. Edighoffer, of Blake.
spent Stiminy with friends in our
5 11 lg;e.
Mrs. )Vin. Hhrumm and children
left Monday morning for Welland to
join her husband 51r. Shruutns. who
i5 11055 engaged in business in Ihat
1:11)'1' -STA 1) i
A 1 niet but very pre' 1 v wretdin
look i.l•Ice on the seventh day of
,1:.11111 r5 ;.t six o'clock p. til. at the
residence of 'Sirs. Christian St el. ,
e le ll t heir date thtery Stis'. Entine 1.
r11,r the happy bride of 11. .1. Eidt,
) Milltest son of 51 r. and Sire, Jos-
. pli I•:i.11, of D:,shwood. 'fro the
st rail,- of lite 'raltlit:outer '.Srd(1inI
ria , t els played by Miss E. C. !Sidi sis-
ter of the •rrootn. Ibe Croom, silpp0r1-
ed by Mr. It. Slade brother of 11,-'
bride, took their place and •1 .h.•
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You H re Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
The commodious home of Sir. \\•m.
Taylor teas .the scene of a pleaetlni
;atherin;; on Wednesday eveIiu;
,1:111. 8t11 tvIsen about fifty of the'
people connected with Zion Church
and Sunday School assembled to ex-
press there appreciation of the fam-
ily as citizens. neighbors and friends
and their regret at their intended
departure from our neighborhood.
Interest was .'s y occasion
Inf added to the c u
by, the homecoming of the groom,
Mr. ]lector 'Taylor rind his newly
made bride ,(nee• Miss Ina Kent, of
Luc:Ii) ret urninr-50 their homes that
evening from their -honeymoon trip
to Toronto, llemiltoi, St. 'Phone's and
other place..
After the company lied spent :t
short time in social conversation
-congratulating! the you're married
couple and singing 1111 old familiar
hymn "guest be the 'fie that Binds"
-51r. and ,51rs. Taylor and family
were conducted to the drawing room
where Air. Taylor was presented with
a beautiful Morris chair, Mrs. Tay-
lor with n comfortable rocker, while
Misses Mary and Effie each receiveed
an India paper. Morocco bound alible
The presentations were urul• by 51r.
Ii. 8;uire, 51rs. T. Brack, Miss Annie
Parkinson and Sliss Bert he 'Taylor as
the following address sots bei,';
read by Mr. 1'. Morley.
"Mr. and 5!rs. Wm. 'fay lo, :and fuin-
We have taken this opportunity of
assentbliu_• in your home to spend
a social hour or so with you before
you. leave tis to form new friend-
ships and associations in another
place. We are sorry to lose you from
our midst, but cheered by the
1houelit that your new hone' will not
bo very Lar away. and hopei to
have you often with us and assure
you a hearty welcotne whenever you
may conte. When partings are dr:+w-
in; near, and old associations .Ire be-
ing broken up '.e realize the truth
that "no ratan liveth to himself," and
itow Mitch ere depend upon, and aro
influenced by out. another; and •now
when you are about to leave us lt ,
realize the place you hold in our 'es-
teem and affection as Iteirlibors and
friends 015(1 how much tt•e shall miss
yott in our social and Christian work,
especially in the Sunday school where:
your places have been and will be
hard to fill.
\V0 ask you Mr. end Mrs. 'Taylor
to accept these chairs and you Misses
Mary and Effie. these Bibles not for
their intrinsic value but as reminders
of friends wil.h hearts full of ,rrati-
tude for your faithful and loving ser-
vices Ill the 11081, rill(' best wishes for -T-
iyour happiness anprosperity
he FarquharuhA
ostnfllce inspector Campbell of
We trust that the Postmaster h cox • comfort of
London cud our local
I7 ,
rho chairs will not induce to indo- visit on .\1nnd,ty and reported every- Delight ill "�llltt.l' )E�e801'ts Of
thing in first clash shrl1,P.
Nr, and Airs. ')'hos, Kernirk at CALIFORNIA
Blyth are visiting Alt'. and Mrs, And-
rew Hackney,
Messrs John Kay and Josliii t Jolhns'
are anditingg the hooks of the 1'shorne
and 1!ihhe'rt Mutual Fire Insurance
Co. this week,
The ]toles for the new telephone line ,
from Exeter to Farquhar ere all ready
for the wire. Tourist tickets at low rates,
Matster Kenneth McNirol is spent• }For tickets and full intormnton call o
a week with hie sister Mrs. L. 1), i'ul• I U
ton, at Itusseldsde, J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent,
Mrs. Andrew Hackney who has or write J. I). MCDONALi), l'ttioo
been visiting itt myth for the past two Depot, Toronto Ont.
weeks, returned home on Friday htet. -. - --- ---
Miss Annie'iardiner is visiting her
cousin Miss Gillliglan at 1Cirktote
Death on '1'uesdiy remove 41 :In old \\'u are again • njoying sleighing,
resident in I lir person of ,teatinat,(, iVe hope it will ., .y with us for a
Hell. beloved wife of Mr. Woe Tow- tthile•
ers at the ripe' old age of SO years. Local Option was defeated in Itos•
She. with her husband calve from
Scotland some sixty years ago and
set 1bet on t he 141 li of Iliblirrt a hero
they have lived leer sine', ,)bout
n year alto Mrs. Towers fell Whet
broke her 4hiell joint find <t few
Jaye ago she had :1 stroke ssl 'h 1 trio and 1-eeres••ntelite vat tiering
eel to hear :Iddreeses 011 lht; list,
topics of the day. et loch %ere given
by t he cannulate .Iso Mr. .Miller.
member for .(Trey. in t he Dontiniott
hullo.. and 51r, l'ellerl)1auu, of Dash•
‘,00u, candidate for the local house.
Why not I;ive yourself a sent, one tl.at will I.00k \Nell
Wear Well, and Last Well.
A Suit of Clothes or
An Overcoat
would be just the thing and something that would alto -d the wearer
comfort as well as the pleasure of knowing that he is tressed \tell,
We have the very latest cloths and patterns.
51r. John Andrew, ono of 1 sbortte•s
best known residents passed away
at the home of his son-in-law Albert
Mitchell, its 13iddulph on Thursday,
January tlth :tl;ed 69 years and 7
months. The deceased had been in
poor health for sotne time, 0 general
degeneration of the system nein; tlw
chief cause of illness. At tiines he
would feel able to ,;et nrotn►d, but
vetch relapse '55001(1 leave high in a
weaker a6yr condition. Although the best
of medical attention was given hitt,
it teas known that ttotbin; could be
done to proton; live, except for a
very short time and his death was
not unexpected, Shortly before
Christmas he felt well 1-nou;h to
leave the home of his son Sidney,
trill' tt,hout Ike was. living, and ac-
companied by Lis now sorrowit►; wid-
ow went to spend Christmas with
his daughter airs. AMitchell in Bid-
dulph. Tito change seetned to im-
prove his health somewhat and Ito
made his stn• :t little longer than
he had expeiled. On Tupday,' 51r.
Andrea sent for his solicitor Mr.
Stanbury, of Exeter. and had his bus-
iness affairs sett:ed. It u•aa 110110 too
soon for Thursday morning it was
noticed that he was (tear death's
door, and the members of
his family were sent for, but before
all of them could eget to his bedside
he had passed into 1 he is yond."Eng-
Andrew was born its 1) vots;tiree E ng -
land andwhen fen years of age cant,
to Canada with his ,ter ds. The
family settled near Centralia, where
they remained' a couple of years,
5vhe11 they moved to' the Sixth Con,
of Usborue lot:'tin, on a farm,
where the deceased diligently toiled
for many ]years. Forty-five years
ago he was united in ►narria;0 to
Salah Ann (Spicer, who survives hien
and who is also iii poor health. Sev-
eral years oleo 51r. Andrew agave up
the arduous duties of farm life, lure/
iii; the nlatriese n/•nt over 10 his 440(5
although he continued to reside on
Gov farm. In politics 51r. Andrew
was a staunch Conservative and in
W • (, e 1
religion ns.► devout m u r of the
Methodist church, beinr a regular
attendant at the Eliu►5ille church
until his health compelled Lim to re-
main in the house. He is survived by
two sons, Ira. merchant, of Grant on
and Sidney on the bout'Mend . and
three daughters, ,Mrs. . liodzson,
of Whalen. Mrs. D. Ito ecliffe, of
Exeter and Mrs. A. .'Mitchell, Cen-
tralia. Sir.Andrew 55 looked1
trait An tr as upon
as n mitt of excellent character, was
hi ;Illy respected as it resident, and
although many titnes asked fo aspire
for municipal honors, he respectfully
declined. The retnaiis followed by a
lar;e number of sorrowing relatives
and friends Were taken front the
r hisSatur-
s drof Sit • • or ur
r ' b► son l, v ► Shc
a ' ale noon and interred in t
d y r 1 t b(
family plot in the Elirnville cemetery.
Mr. Wm. Snell t his week sold a
sp:sn of grey colts to Wtn. Morris,
of Wilbert. for !s rice sum.
ofi ,Best
I2tN) cord bard '.5 o d gust.
ity. )'rices according to grade.
\\'rod,kelt to suit customers, cord
01.4015 left at Tinges Office
Thos. Har troll
eak Women
To weak and wiling wonrm, there is at least o It
way to help. But with that way, two treatmea ,
must bo combined. Ono is local. oho is conatl !,
ti ti .
bothimportant. bothcsx fiat.
lienal, but are W
Dr. Shoop's Ntght titre is the Local.
Dr. 'hoop's RestorativLe, the constitutional.
The former -Dr. Sboo6•s Night Cure -is al toed )
mucous membrane suppository remedy, while D ,
Shoop•.Iteslorativois wholly an internal tree
meta. Tho Restorative reaches throughout tjt
entire system, seeking the repair of all nerve: -
all tissue, and all blood ailments. •'s
The "Night Cure", as Its name implies. does itili
work while you sleep. It soothes sore and InHs*;
ed mucous surfaces. heals local weaknesses and
discharges, while the Itestorm*ve, eases nervous
excitement, gives renewed vigor and ambition
builds up wasted tiasues. bringing about renewdel
strength. Niger. and energy. Take Dr. St oop'rt
Restorative -Tablets or Liquid -as a general Wald
to the system. For positive local help, use as well
Dr. Shoop's
Night Cure
Anyone Banding a sketch and descriptisn mal
Quick) ascertain our opinion w ,ether an
Invention ls probedf patentgagbQ ('onirnunnx•
tlans,trlctlyeonedentla. HAIID OK on Patent.
sent free 0I lest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken tt.romrh hiuun ik Co, receive.
*pedal notice, without a arge, la the
�ntific American.
Abandsomely illustrated weekly. Lnr".•.t cir-
�ep�gatlou of any scientific journal. berms for
Gaaada,$3.75 a year postage prepaid. Sold by.-
y_OW i C01236e1"81 • New Por(:
Flower, Fruit and
A tickling cutlets from qtly c.luec, knee, but th•et they may contribute
to your lotppintss sand prosperity in
ise luickly stoPped by Ur. 1411.00P11 rho future.
Cough. Cure. And it i;:.k)thoron;ill y
harmless and safe that Dr. Shoop
tells mothers everywhere to ;give it
without hesitation, etett Ito very
young babes. The svhol(asonte .green
leaves and tender stems of a tun;•
Ilealin; mountainous tthrub, furnish
the curative properties to 1)r. Shoop'.'
Cough Cure It calm the cough, and
ca s '' +an • and e r
h the r( 11 1 s ra'f't••' }iron -
n I 1
membranes. No opium, eco 'chloro-
form. tuothitot harsh used to injure
or (suppresscrl Simply I5 a resinous
plant extract (bat helps to ite•tl
nchin; bun ;.e. The theiniarde c:tl1
call HO shrub which the Doctor
asci, "The Sacreel Ile. Ii" Always lie.
mend Dr. Shceop'e Cou;h Curc, Sold
by W. A. Ilow•cy
-WANTED.-Good servant ,girl for
mon II family. Good %•ages to suitable
party. One over 211 years of age pre-
ferred. Apply to Times Office, Exe-
Little Girls Face Cover-
ed with Eczema
CURED 115 %A51-Itl'IC.
That terrible skin disease liceocna
is no respecter of persons. It at-
tacks the new horn baby 0s readily
an ir•• a _ed. lad in Za111-110k we
ha re \.atur•''. It,•ua:sly for combatting
arch in the tlarlor which was decora1. end overcor,lint this torment int 1511(1
'sI with esertr:.•t, white roses and 3 fife/Wive disease. 1h.• following
Cass•% testifyill1 10 the marvellous
(ares brought ;.bout by Zain:Ituk
is convineirt. a reunited tint in'/01n-
Huk Ave have the very hest skin cur•
offered to dais or :my 01 her count rf :
Mrs. A. E. liras'., Sl. C1lherines.
says : One Lox of Zn11,-Ituk heal-
liztiled with eatull05 with n ed(11111
bell in the centre. The ceremony
was conducted by Iter. (1. Tlstm, pas-
tor of Ile• Zion's Lutheran church.
Dashwood. The bride entered IIs.
parlor on the arm of her father rind
was toe vied in wale .lap silk iriul-
med wide embroiders(' chiffon :ted ed my LiT'I1.1: t;lltl.'fi FACE of lEc-
silk insertion with tulle veil atwl cur- xemn. We W.I. it for Cuts and Bores
owe of oronti' ).lossotn'., carried r also."
bon pest of white enrtlalions e,'_ Mrs. 0. A. Kers. I)eubeirh, Ont..
t w it It smilers. Miss Herl he s:lys : •'5l % I13bv'- 1.e ee '.very so
bad t5 tilt licit 111 t 1. it I could not
keep etockinr. oat Ler. .\ box of
%aln-Hnk cured 1.1 i(ter the Dor
for Irul f :1er1 "
1) one .1• .11. Nmilh. lllwkeebut .
Ont.. t'. rites :"After three :1l"'
tions 1' wa. better of Ectena
fore I had tiled half a bor. 1 wall
Zeno link cures cuts. burns, Amide
ulcers. tilluorm. itch. harieer'rs rash
hlnorl prison. Lail h r. it rheum. nh-
rasion•, ah•cesse. and 311 skin injure
Eidt ,cted rim bridesin,itl was dres.-
ed in French net over white silk, cer-
n in t I 11011 met of pink roses w oh
ii la1 Thc lee/hoe ti veiling suit
Blue Vette' ions cloth with tl
black hat and roe' 1 n ut Bch. The
present'. tecrit•rd r • 10111 hump r-
otes In,l costly. TI. '.%ill reside in
1)1511 1%0011 w here 5I :'?ids has a pos-
ition is heard miller.
Mr. .1, Currive•au Lest week moved
from Zurich to this vitln;e,
\Vy :u•' g;i•ld that (lie family will
still be represented at lir' Old horny,
and we gladly welcome Sirs. (lector
Taylor 10 her nett- hone' and our
friendships, tvishitio then) both all
the happiness and success that life
affords. end Irusl that more intimate
ne 010int:Ince may more firmly estab-
lish mule:ll confidence and esteem.
We myth' wideyou all man • happy
3 ) Ily
:and prosperous years crowned with
God's richest blessings, and if we
siioulcl never all meet a . t 011 earth
let us remember
This look is not t he last,
We yet fluty meat '.viler, seraphs
dwell, : 1•
Where love no more (k4Iloree the past
Nor breathes gbat withering word
Sir. 'fay lor very feelingly replied
for himself and family. expresxil.r 1114
appreciation of the kindness always
shown 'hent, thnrskine the people
for the presents, which he assured
(hent were not necessary to remind
hiin of his old friends, as he could not
forret them. ile closed by thanking
them for t heir pressen..., eonferrin;
on his 'emelt s s lie freedom of his Immo
and hotline they '.5mild enjoy them-
selves to the full.
Short speeches npprecietiv,' of 51r.
Taylor :Ind his family as neizhhors
:and friende and eepeci:ally ns faithful
Sunday /School workers were made by
Rev. 11. .1. )'air. Mr. 11. eluire5 rind
others. Music. sin 11nt. disp,sin,r of
o d•aitity Iu,'eh provided by c Im Indies
arid soeial chat, filler) up the time un-
til nb0(11 mtdni;ht, when •111 repaired
to 1lceir 1 •5 after spending n ghost
rn joyahlr ecenirtz. Mr, and Mrs Tay-
lor end tI tughtere. Mary :ted F:ffic
intend .novint to their new home in
Exeter very s/10111, 51 r. and Mrs.
!lector i'aslor 1entaini►te 011 the
Grand B end
an pet on Monday last, also iu the
village of '1'hedford.
A Reform Meeting was held its
Brenner's Ilall on Friday night its
the interests of 51. Y, 51eLvall Re-
form Candidate foi South Huron, A
caused her (teeth. She lea'.• s a hus-
band and 1) children to mourn
the Ions of a loving and kind mother.
The funeral wi11 take pl ae,e on Fri-
day of this week for interment in the
Slaffa eemrtere-
----_-es. - sludging by the remarks made after
Kirk `. U •1 1 h.. n,ee•, ing 51r. McLean (made; a good
in.piess .its ott his hearers.
The con( ett to be given _y 1 h Kirk• Bich lI,,nilton intet(Lf furnishini
ton Chore! SocietyonFriday.Ianun,y l,,. lose rut iin,.r operations in the
2>{th;promises to he 01,0 of excel linnet a uoIs t his week.
merit,. Mr. Ilerhert Randers P. It (',0. John Young purchased A . horso
1.111).M.. 11Ie of London, England, from Louis 113 vette One day last
who has been •,'eager! as solo violinist week.
comes with the highest rrcnrntnenda• Jlofrerl Ireeland110 old d cc
Don He is said to be is most brilliant peeted elititn of, tbls plae4an•, erass•
artist anti to possess that depth of stricken hist week with a paralytic
Poetic and romantic (feting so hetes• stroke, hat ue are glad to bear that
sere' inn plays., of this espreseive in• be is 3 lube bell sr awl Log. to 50011
farm. strunlent A r ich trent, is in store. hear of his complete r. covery.
John Ht•rn had a wood bee ou Wed -1 Mrs. H. Smith Baker, of Ailsa We err now looking for the rail-
ncstlny Iasi week, l('raig t'.hohos lately sing %vit.t' such' road surveyors to eons !honied' Item
Writ. Taylor intends rnnvleg to acceptnnc•5 in Exeter and I:11 HIV ille' since Ihey li tee found their other
Exeter this week. I will b• heard again in serve of her survey not an)' too satisfactory, We.
A'01g• nnnahrr took in the tea fit.] choicest, nngr,h(•ts, t Selsey, 11h lir way of (:rand Pond
11 .rt Monthly evening, need all In addition. *rens, quartette. (Letitia: to Sarni, would jlrevo 1 fnoro lucra-
,•,rt n pleasant tithe. tin:titer!e and Chc,riises will he given, Dire 1 ,'•l 1140 easier built and al less
.'r•:1. !fern hart a eel, hatrt. on Fri -tinder the able direction rpt Sir. Fred• 1 cost Than to go further south nod IVO -
(lay by falling on the ire fres-luring ; rick ('. Thomas, A U.('.0., L.11.1),M live in hope of se.eng t em he'r'e.
tg, • skull, I Ites,•rved seats may be secured on Mrs. %mole left on Thursday to
N. (Inrvett has pet in it dog power or after Jan. 21.1 by telephoning visit her daughter who lives in Sar
in his barn and new cutq his straw Hider tk Marnh%ll, Kirk ton, nil.
pump and pulps his roots. Slit. (tell Iierri•. who has IN•l•tl vin
A number of f srrners took their hags The well keown strengt)i ning itine her • 5 or 51, •. Dell ,1ol1'trd Lai
to (Iranton on Monday Prices do properties of iron combined with ret timed horny.
The I.iber,I :perste,'; hold la re not go up mach other tonics :anal n most perfect ner-1 Harvey Itossenl,••rry purchar:d a
last Monday ',tenni! was addr••.,t; k* 31111 di'(•as0s. Of ill stores and After a couple weeks Indic/ay Mr. 1 vine. are found in Carter's IronT'ills new ratter :,id rube Inst week troth
1st F. F. Terrier., and 11. If. Dewart,'dnittists at (10 cello% nr from Zom- f and Mrs, H. Taplor ate getting down which strengthen the nerves and Louis Re vette.
K. 1'. Their ,eentle,5'n glee stir- Ilnk Co.. Toronto, for price. 6 boxes to (arm life. We welcome Mrs. body, and improve the blood and Mr. Wm. Dewey (s prCp+rinc t0
rine addresses in which the cardinal for R2.50. Taylor to our vicinity. 1 complexion. move hi• house fn *ho.flifage,