HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-01-09, Page 8fri F. X E T 1 li 'P-• 1 M. 8 JANUARY 1908, 4110. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 ++++'i'i•i+++++•E++++i••}'h'F•!•++++ '+4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I * t++t+++++++ STEWART'S Our New Year Wish to All Our Friends "May Hard Luck follow you throughout 19o8 but never overtake you." What about those new Furs? We find we have too many Fur and Fur= Lined Coats left. Do you know a bargain? Listen and then come quick. Men's Fur -Lined Coat, good black Beaver shell, Lined throughout with Baby Wallaby, collar and reveres German Atton. A good looker and great wearer, re- duced to $29.00 Ladies' swell Fur -lined Jacket. Best Kersey shell lined throughout with choicest Hamster Fur; Collar and reveres. Good full skirt and long length; reduced to 43 00. Ladies' dandy Fur -Lined Jacket, choicest Kersey !hell; lined throughout with best Marmot fur; collar and reveres choicest American Sable; reduced to $52. Men's Coon coats, Men's Calf coats, Men's Yack coats all at bargain prices. Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, Ladies Electric Seal Jackets. Ladies' Canadian Musk Rat Jackets, at prices that will surprise you. Yes! Redpaths extra standard Granulated Sugar, is the only kind we sell. Its the best by actual test. +++++++++++++++++.++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +-!--1-++++++++++++++++++÷÷÷1-4 -p•++++++++++++++++ Watches Jewelry „We are showing a large range of Watches and Jewelry - newest de- signs of different manu- facturers. Come early and make your selection ifigh Grade Watches at the lowest prices A. MARCHAND NEW Fell Suitings AND Fashion Plafe Just flrrlvc0 Call and Make a Selection be- fore the rush. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER, - ONTARIO. ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected MONEY to teas' levet raft. North Wert 'Awls t.,• sate. Office. Main Street. Exeter Market Report. -The following to ttfl the report of Exeter markets. oor- n:eled up to January U.h., .19U8. r 1-2 \ - acres FARM t FOR BALE -53 lA just North of Salt Block, Exeter. Terms easy. Apply A. Q. ilobier. HOUSE TO RENT. - On Andrew Street, first house North of Main St. church parsonage. Furnace in house. Two-fifths acre of land. Apply John Broderick, Sarepta P. 0. 12-24-07. DR. OVENS EYE AND EAI. SUIt- geon, will bo at the Commercial Hotel. (tours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and nose treated. Next visit 011 Friday. Jan. 31. 1908. Select x w careand consider- ation, note paper esti' FF ation, as in the quality and style el stationery .sed is r41..ted the taste and character of •the wracr. Wexford Weave Note I'aV, has that fineness of quality and brash which can only be given to the lughe.t grade of papers and it has been necessary for w to purchase this stock in large quantities, in order to sell it at popu- lar prices. Ask to see il. Wheat, 90 10 92 cents per bushel. Oats. 40 cent( per eushel. Barley. 30 cents to 60 cent;. Peas, 75 cents tr. °'J c, ate. Blended Flour (STAR), $2.75. Bran $22. Shorts $24. Feed Flour, 81.30 to c!.:f:i. (lay. $13 to 111 per ton. tweet apples ri cents per pound. 1lo 11vewei,h1. $5.60. Hoes. dt'eeeed $7.75 per cwt. - • pecial Discount Sale THE OLD RELIABLE 20 Per Gent 011 SII Wloter Goods s per cent off all Furs n 20 per cent off all Wool Underwear. 120 per cent off all Wool Blankets. off _u n........ 20 Goods Clover seed. $8 to $10 per bushel. 20 per cent all Dress Goods Potatoes. 750. to 90c. per bag. Mutter. 23 cents. 1•:__s, 24 cent.' per dozen. Coal, $7.25 a ton. Chicken, 9 cents per Its. .;vest.. 9 Celats per lb. Ducks, 9 cents per Ib. 'fu:keys, 11 cents per lt,. 20 per cent off all Wool Hosiery 20 per cent off all Cloth Jackets 20 per cent off Children's Bear Coats 20 per cent off Men's and Boys' Overcoats • • •....•.e LOCALS : 20 per cent off Men's and Boys Shirts -Mr. .John .Crooks. of Clinton, vis- ited in teen fur New Year. -Miss Pearl Rollins was the guilt of friends in town last tteek. -Mr. Peter Gardiner, of Myth, visited his mother New Years. -Mrs. 1). Crittenden. of Myth, vis- ited friends in town over the holiday. -The Misses Sharpe and Jackson, spent. the holiday week in London. -Mr. Cecil Townsend left Thurs- day for his home at Toronto Junc- tion. -Mrs. 1. llarvey, ,pf Edmonton, Alta., is visiting with relatives un town. ,'Ir. and .Mrs. 4chosenberg and children. of London, visited Mrs. \Vat. Haw•kshatw. -Mr. Geo. Crawley, of Lucas, spent a fete days in town during the Dust tveek. -Mrs. Itroueliner, of Aylmer, is visiting at the horse of Walter Keel - sly. laborite. -Miss. Mabel Parker, .of Wort El- gin. is the guest ot .Mr. and Mrs. Janes Beverly. -Mr. David Murray. of Detroit, visited Isis brother Peter in flay dur- ing the holidays. -Mr. Tout Carling left Tuesday' to resume Itis studies :at. Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston. -Mr. and ,sirs. .Iola► Satter 'sr., swill the holidays in London visiting their son A. J. Salter. W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. Chemist and Optician. EXETER, - ONTARIO DON'T MONKEY 'V1TH THAT COUGH case IIOWEY'S SYRUP' WRITE PiNE & TAR Sold only at Howey', Drug Store. Big bottle for 25c. 20 per cent off all Felt Boots 20 per cent off all Wrapperetts 20 per cent off all Grey Flannels 20 per cent off all Heavy Rubber Socks. SNELL & ROWE A Little Tick Talk Conttnencing the new year it will be well to he economical and it is good economy to carry a thoroughly reli- able watch. An that can he depend- ed upon will sstwe your time money and patience. The S. Fitton special movement is the most reliable watch made and we can furnish it in any case you may wish either Gold, Gold - tilled, Silver or Nickel Ladies or Gents at most moderate prices. Csall and let us explain the special features of our wlit eh. S. FITTON Issuer of Marriage License A full Lina of wedding rings always on hand. IMO -Mrs. Geo. Vivian, of Mitchell, spent Nett• Years in town with h;.1.1 u►other. -Mr. David Itowcliffr has (hellos, d -Miss hazel 'Browning left Tues- of his residence on Andrew stre•1, to (lay to resume her studies at the (La- , his uncle, Mr. P. Itotvcliffe, of Lon - dies' College, Whitby. , don, who twill move to Exeter about lite first of February. •Mr. David ltowcliffe, who has been head miller in Harvey 'Bros. mill for the past few years, Iles resigned his position and intends leaving town about the first of February .for Granton where .he will be engaered in the mercantile business with Mr. ira An- drews, they havin, recently purchased a business in that village. Mr. Jesse :Elston, who has been in the mill for a number of years. has been promoted to the position of head miller. -Misses Florence and Ethel North - colt. spent a few days during the past week at Milverton. - Mrs. Thomas Gregory and dau;h- ler Stella, spent tho Xmas holidays itt Guelph and Eden Mills. - el r. harry (Hooper, who was in Alma, Mich., during the telst few Months, lists returned (tome. - "Slims 11. Sweet who has been vis- itg friends in Hamilton and other • 'Ater places has returned home. -Rev. 0. 11. Cohbledick, and dauzh- ter (Rita, of Woodstock, -visited -The week of prayer is being ob- friends in town during the past served in the various churches this week. a ,� week. On Tuesday evening service -Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Ingersoll, wits held en Caves Presbyterian splainee New '-ears this ga'sts of the church at which Rev. A. 1l. Going latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jolt ti gave an address( on "Missions'. Olt Shell. - Mrs. Miller anti sots Gregory, of Woodstock. who .were visiting Mrs. Miller's parents, returnee( home last Friday. -Miss A. M. Cohbledick. of 'Tor- onto, trite was visitittz her parents all t he North end has returned to Toron to. -Mr. and Mrs. 'A'. C. 1'e:u•ce, of Iona. spent New Years with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and !Mrs. \Vitt. Northcott. -Mr. Geo. A. Iluswell. of North Manchester Ind.. visited relatives in Exeter and Centralia (luring the New Year holiday. -Mr. Fred Brook and son, of lit. Thomas, spent New Year's Day .with his sisters. Mrs. C. Novi heel t, and Miss M. Brook. -The fire .leparlme,it was called out on Tuesday afternoon. on ac- count of a fire lit Frank .Wood's slaughter house. -Thee Misses' Winnie and Mart list Catlin{ left Monday for Dashwood to, married to Mr. Sanders six years :aka and left no children. Wednesday evening in Main Street Methodist church Rev. W. M. Martin spoke on the "Ilonte". In the Triv- itt Memorial church on Thursday evening Rev. E. A. Fear will live an address on the "Sunday School", and in the James St reel Methodist church ' Collins Our Platform f t and Policy. Pure Drugs. Polite and efficient service. The 1 est. for the least stoney. Skilful compounding of pres- criptions. We are Best Pleased when You are Satisfied. This week we have 3 doz. 40e. 35c and :30c flair Brushes to he sold for 2i) each Splendid value s, make an early choice Remember the price, 25c. This beingthe beginning of the New Year we wish to have a straight forward business talk with you. - Where a.. you deal? �vh.. .i., you deal there? re you satisfied This the be innin of the Year we wish to have a forward business talk with you. - Where do Why do deal Are you with your purchases? Would you change Stores if you could do better? These may be personal questions but isn't it true that you want courteous treatment? You want the best goods at the lowest prices? Von want a variety of of goods to choose from? You want to feel at home in the store with which you are dealing? These are but few of the things you want, and should get no matter where you are dealing, just remember you can be at home in this store you can get the best of goods -the kind you want at the price you wish to pay, here wz are always on the alert to accommodate you in every particular Colne to us with your shopping list we will see to it that you go away well satis- fied. Wishing you a 1 lappy Ncw Year, CARLINC BROS. TELEGRAPHY The Pathway to Success The Canadian Telegraph and Business Colleges Of St. Thomas, Ont. and Aylmer, Ont. have the Grand Trunk Dispatchers wire running through their class roots and guarantee to place every voting man graduate of the Telegraph De- partment with the Railroad Company or refund tuition fees. Telegraphy Shorthand 8c Typewriting Bookkeeping New tern. opens Thursday, January 2nd, 1908, Call or write for particulars E. II. BEST. Manager. �e Sovereign Bads of Canada MEAD OFFICE :-TORONTO. Nati Vp Capital: • • $3,000. • BOARD OF DIRECTORS: • pEtoiLP JM CD AL LPubrAcuoxwtn.tisq.zJ11'rct•a ALtarr, Esq., rn1 Vice - HON. D. MCM1Lr.AN, ALCM. CAMPBELL, Itsq M.P. A. 11. Dy.1ENT. Req., M.P. HON. Psi P.R. MCLAREN, br P. W. K. Mc NAUOBT, Bat, Amax. B1ccs, Rag., K.C. • p James-fr. (entente-WIN/II retssaLs, - • • Asst. Gesira3t Savings Bank Department laare..t at best current tales paid quartb. SHORTHAND The best stepping stone for a young man or woman is a thorough training in Short- hand and Typewriting under competent teachers. wintcr Term 6offldll6Cs 6111.1908 illE 1899,12dFAstliglinIN9 COLI � We give individual instruction, make a specialty of each pupil and place each graduate in a situation. WM. C. C00, C. S. R. Principal. e COLE'S DRUG STORE L-- - at Friday t v g, Rev. Mr. t I O. F.No. 117, on Thursday eninii, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• will give an address on "Tensperanco Jan. 2nd. 1. 1 . G., Wm. Fr H nee: • i Z Enter Any Day Z; :Ind 11or.al Reform". (i. A. R. Kinsman: V. G. Chas. Bite -\'heir died at tit. ,losrph'a Ito,- -Miss Mary Lang, of ilrucefleld, i F• et ec Mrs. .. c M. h Wan: R... n an• L.s,N.G. W.Mtathatn; former part of the week is improving. Its. ',G., errs:V. i•' Western Ontario. No extra ch • - • arge for two courses. • Most eminently gnalifled in- • • structors. Graduates assisted to Z 'l i 11 U Mack last week Bey: R. S„ It, N, Teri°. E. Our menitgement'irains more • pital. London, on Saturday, ,I:uniary vt I uke, Tress., E. I 'K .M \ ti i BookkttiFsn a Stenographersfnsni and • 4th, Emily Wood, beloved wife. of -Mrs. John Wood who was ill the W. %V, Ta t Honkkaplu'rs then any other in • James A. Sanders. of London, tray- W. B I d ( C. _ • elfin; agent for the lleiuezman Piano j Co. The deceased had Le.'st confined in the Hospital ;at London since Thnuks;ivin;. Mrs. Sanders was '211 years of nee end was bort. in tthc township, of Ushorne, beim; a deezli- ler of Mr. \Vin. Wood, a former resi- dent of that 'Township, but now a resident of London. She was :also :t niece of Messrs. ,John, Ilan :and Frank Wood of town. The remains 1.5 're brouelal front London Monday. the funer:it takityt place from the d:• - vol to the Exeter cemetery. She was -Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, of Saginaw, Northcott; Warden, .los. Latnhrook, Michigan, were the guests of Mr. A. E. Con. S. Bolder; R.S.S., W. Martin; L. Hodgen over Sunday. S.H., J. May; Chap. A. 11. Hind;tI. G. 011, Edward Beaver U. A. Stewart. commence their duties as teachers in the public school there. Mr. and Mrs. \Win. IIrca111ata 811(1 Mr. and Mrs. Berl !Iceman. of Lon- don• were the guests of )Ir. and Mrs. W, J. Beaman, New Years. -Mr. Wallace Fisher, a former clerk the Sovereign - bank branch here. has been promoted to t ho nc- countartttship of the Windsor branch. -The assembly given by the Bach- elors and .Benedicts in McDonnell's hall. Tuesday evening was wall at- tended. Tony Vita's !London 111r'lers furnished the music. -Mrs. A. 1'. (toss. of Livingstone. Mont., who visited her sisters Mrs. Miss : .. Rot t rent during the Collins and .it tit 1 1 g past couple of months. left last Sat- urday for her home. -Mr. W. J. Welsh, of Kansas City Mr. and Mrs. Inksater, of Paris, Dr. and Mrs. Ilona way. of Teterboro and \ • McDowell. n istowe 1)r. end .Ir.. [ Listowel are. the .zuests of \Ire. Win. Welsh and Mr. and Mrs. \V. .1. Itissttt\ -The loll ringers of the 'frivil t Metnorinl Church were ent,•rlaiis d lotus oyster supper at the Molson's dank by Mr. and Mrs. N. Dyer Her - (1011. on the morning of January 1st., after thoir esre,tuous efforts rpt tit. Is'lls. -1'rof. ('rocker's clever cotnpat►y of performers exhibited their tunny start lin; tualities es entertainers in -Al the annual sleeting of rho "Iluron Indians" Exeter Gun Club, 011 Friday evening lest the follow-itr4 officers .yea.' elecl.d fur 1!In$: Pros. N. 1). Ilut loft Vice -('res. Fred Kerr: Chnirin:,It. N. Taylor: Sec. -'frons. W. ,Johns: auditors .1). Ilartlel' and F. .1. Wickwire. Mr. Frank Triebn.'r, Ho retiring president did excellent i the last during work for the club1 year as did all the officers :and :ire deserving of credit for the success- ful shoot last year mid for I ht' snug bal:uace now to their credit. The Annual Good Friday Shoot ens ar- ranged for turd various eosunillees hpI,0iral.'d 10 slake arr:ulge:netus in e • oot. The boys e w't I the .h connection a 1 ere looking forward to n 10'x1 dray and :a big shoot, with a Tarte nuoa- her of shooters present. -1).'alh on Tuesday. Dec. :list. call- ed of I'.A q reward r1 c(I l0 her lam r t. T most esteemed r.•sidotns. Eliza Lout, beloved wife of Williaul Maker. et the extreme old age of t(I) yen re. 2 months end four (lays. The deceased was horn in the County of G•alw•ny Ireland and carne to Canute when three years of axe set t lin z with her ,n rents is Lappin.' township. near the city of Ottawa. Later she moved to London and in le56 she t% as mer- riest to her now sorrowitl1 husi,ind. After their marri8ze they moved to the township of Stephen. and h.•in; the Opera house. Monday nizht.lamonr the first settlers. endued tit 'Tuesday afternoon and Tuesday tsizht 113rdttips of pioneer life. Twt'ts(y- three Bears aro they moved to Ex, 'Ier in 1906 they held a re -union of his family of equines ;heti; a really marvellous exhibition. -Public tneetin;s in the interest the family. the occasion bcin; the of M. Y. McLean. the Liberal Candi-' celebration of their golden weddin;. (tate for South Huron. will Is' held Ite'.irtee her husband she i• eurViV,`d in Zitnnser's hall. Dashwood. Moults, try four sone and three den !leers, Tan. 13th. ; at t he Sep.arat.' retool, Tltonees. of \'ort El sin ; \ynt. .1.. At. l)r:«1.1.' Tue•d,t' Jan. 11111.: Town Marv? : tieoree. Walkerville. and • gond positions. Other colleges 2 -lingi. ItisJasPowell, i.o and Mrtu, ll, is 81'118C1010.; FOIL THE TIMES. visiting his parents, Nr. and 1►irs. Geo. = engage our graduates as teach- • Powell, Mill street. -t-- • ere. • -Mrs. (Rev.► Fear was called to GREEN'S MOVING PICT ITRES. • individualinst'sction 2 Stratford Tuesday owing to the illness This well •known attraction o'lens Z M•�tr. Cot'titast; in �Matricttlal- • of her mother. Mrs. Davidson, :, two ni'_Mts enzn lrmetlt at aha • ion, Civil Service, Pen • : Shorthand, Bookkeeping, etc. -Mr, and Mn'. Shnehett,anf Bad Opera House hero Tuesday nithl, • Axe, Mich., are the guests( ot the lat- 1Ith inst.. with a complete new lot • Send a postal for inforrnaluan • let's stetpr, Mrs. diplon ('am'lt►ell of pictures of n variety to suit all about C.ANAtr,A'rt (iRF..trEti'r • T Cu N OF asiihln (IRA nit Bests • e( 3s Card of Thanks. --I desire to thank t,lt ", projected 1 f olutcly flicker- eatsCor.r-t:tl 111 • • the ladies and gentlemen for their hearty enpport given me at the muni• cipal elections. -\V..1. Ifeet,IAN. -The .lames Street Epworth League will give a patriotic evening next Tuesday night. The program will be of a patriotic nature. -.John Boyd, the colored reran who shot E. F. Wandle in a restaurant in Toronto, was hanged at Toronto SVed- neicy K a morning. 1 Hotel for Sale.-•'l'he Royal Hotel Crediton, is for sale suhje.►t to lease. For terms and particulars apply to %V.si.'rtctt CLAIM, Crediton. -The result to date of the Local Op- tion vote Monday in the 011 municipal- ities shows tit places heard from as follows, 31 victories an 1 19 defeats). -You may wonder why Judge John Farmer has a more expansive ,utile than usual. A glance at our birth column will tell you he's a grandfather -Mrs. H. Bee, Miss Ethel Ree and Miss Tait of Parkhill, Mrs. W. .1. Bee and daughter of Ails:i ('raig, spent New Years day with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gidley. Mr. Thos. Case has rented his farm on the 1st concession of Ushorne to iia{ of t, retable extnclion ar,• harm - Mr. wellington Ned, of Exeter, also less to take. s pleasttitt mixt sire. i1 taken roe- 81IBSCRIBB P011 TiIF. Ti F..8. of Hay to Mr Albert \Villard. ! Warty for a fort dare, is maid to The steamer Mount Royal, one of overcotno almost any case of Ith(tuttta- the C. 1'. It. boats, which left Antwerp i tient. The pain atnl shelties. if any CALIFORNIA. MEXICO, FI,OItIDA. on Dec. 7th, with a large number of diminishes with each dose. until per- are the fecorire ttinter resort s. and passengers, and which was supposed inanent resells are -ol,taitir"i. and the travel from Culads as constantly to have been lost,stean,edinto Queens- ttithottt injuring the 1a.0111nd1. While incren�int ONS ilk: tot only to rho iin- town, Ireland, Tuesday morning. there nre rn:u►y so -celled Rheumatism Peeved (Mancini condition, •of the -Al a special ,Sleet meeting of the renl('(1i.'R, patent medicine's roe. mew peel to but lar;ely to thn Ivor.• com- rstepayere of S. S. No. fifty, on Jan - of which do /tee relief. few r.•nlly fort 91" and ;nicker transportation nary 2nd, it was decided to change tiro t,` rtll'nrr►t rrsults. noel fit•` ef:ot' fac: ties, and the Grand Tr.nik rail- ratepayers site of the prevent •ehoul to the will, ns( doubt be zrently appmciated W.1' .yatem is s lender in this. corner south, known as Jones' corner, by tunny sufferers here 3t this Jim,•. t end -trip tickets rive choice of and will erect a new mchool during the in pay at the dru;etorrs of this ally .1,4s hest router, 20111; once 5531 neithborhood. elicits the information :an 1etuntie another. to;et hrr tsith leas liv the latest timehina and evert* scene of each picturr t'nM•utc:d by realistic sound effect". A welcome ac luisition this season is Mr. Berl 011 \r. ('eters in the I:ctraa illustrated son IS The ever increasitt1 popular- ity of Green's movin.t pictures was eironzly mnnifested in Balt Xmas week. when hundreds were turned away al ten rotlet'cutiV" perform--F.very nawtpapxsr wet ant♦ to pub- ances. The professor's to a znificent list the Nlaw.i. T'hc' utore to wy t hn pictures shown las( menmon here sloths snore protp:•rooi it will be. Local to ed hon ,;•s. W0111/1 r•nsurv• him crowded • r►ews items are ^specially haul t run down. How many timet Is ire you, dear reader, been approach( 1 by the new+paper man for en item of new a and told him that you knew notliin;; of interest. Probably at tlto :minele time yourtv' ra dfsniI aero •awt) n 1 visit or someone ' 1rom nut of teem vvvi<itus4 .al your Ilomc, Of routs.'s' Neu didn't inten.1 to deceive the scribe, yet w ben you' r('c; iced your Amoco- you 1(ondcrc 1 why your family or friends wore not naentins'd. A zood way to I toi l all this 'ra to kindly inform us of the Inert or drop a nor n tit.• office to t h.. 'leper. 'the one ile• may not annnet to much, but ' crap columns of saris 11..‘t .1 is t 11 Of the In1!a1 pi.,..1'. St" f • • • GLINTON BUSINE.sS GOI L EGE • • • • I).%NIEI. E. EBY, Vier Principal. • • Geo. HI'or-roe, Principal. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• '('(•:(Alai (IOW TO \IIX IT. A well-known authority on Itheu- nlatisru twos the re•td,'rs of a lar j•' New York daily piper the followin; leas simple and ha nn . e yet ten volts v v. l 1 Carl prescripliou, in tchich anyone eaeilyrp,ra''l3re :It home, Fluid Extract 1)sndelion, oar -half ounce ; Conapnuttd Karim'. one ounce ; Compound 1'vrup Sarsaparilla, three COB. our Mix by shakitse well in I bottle, ,uul lake a tenepoot►ful dose after each meet and at bed -time. Ile elates the'. the inzr:4Ii.•nts can be obtained from env toed prescrip- !ion pherineey at 511:111 cost, and, tin - his other farm on the 2nd concession Thu 11111. Bayfield. \1'cdneeday. .la n. 1'i; 11.arry. of i)etroit and Mrs. 1.lynts. coming summer. that Sheer druzs nre harmless and full inforteelion not lose rvat tong Town Nall. Varna, Thursday, .1.i ti. 1':x••ler. Mrs. C. %neflr, i:s. t .r end l The following officers were installed it i). D. cell lw bouzht separately. of lie no be obtained from any Grind yr;th.: Far Inbar Public Hall. an. 11rs. A. Denten r, Exeter. The fun lO. M. 1, 0, Stanburyatthe tu .itrist' here %till (nix pries- s- Tr .k Ticket Atetlt or write to J. With. .The tn.etin{s still colmin:lice lere] tans held Thursday Alan. 2nd.. in specfalmertfngof Exeter lodge, L O. ,•,;.,;inn for our readers if "eked to. P. 'Icllonulrl. It, 1'. A. Toronto Ont. at Si o'clock. p. tn. t9tment twiner in the I:xet r centtery. •