HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-01-09, Page 6THE EW IINT IS OPENED Silver and Copper Coins Were Struck Off. A despatch from Ottawa says: Tho List Ciutadiun souls to b c minted in the Dominion wero turned out at 3 o'clock on Thursday afternoon at the new Ottawa Lomeli of the Royal Mutt, h:eh was officially olx•reM by his Ex- cellency Earl (Ley in the presence of members of the Government, promin- ent officials of State and a largo crowd of Ottawa pe:,plo wo were invited to' witless the ferntal opening. There was no epee -eh -making in uonneetk)n with the operant;, liis Excellency mete: - 1y declaring the :'Mit to be formally rtl:ened, and starting the machinery Which ceinod the first silver Nifty -cent p.ece. The stamping machinery for the capper cent pieces was started sinn►L tanouusly, and a souvenir copper coin was prescnbel 4, each person present, after u L,ur of the building had been made, and the various processes ex.- h:ata i by lite officials in charge. The Mont will be kept ie daily operation fixun new on, and will furnish a ready market for the produet of Canadian cop- per and silver mines. It is the intention of the Government k. build u refinery In connection with the Aluit m order to insure that gold runt copper which Ls brought, in for minting will be of the peeper degree of pally for coinage. Tho east of the re- finery will be about fifteen thousand dollars. 111111:N BATTERIES. Little Electrical Generators In the Body of Man. A despatch born e.u►cago says: Dr. J. C. Siebel, a physician of this city, an- ncunce.1 on Thursday before the Ameri- enn Assoclation for Iho Advancement& ►Science that ho has discovered n me- thod of generating energy within the 4hr:man beciy. Ile asserted that electri- city stored in the human boiy tan be released rind )lade to do work. This work, he said, will merit the prolong- ation of life through the additional vi - Wily supplied to the human Jody working as ilei own McAllen! genera- tor. Dr. Siebel announced that nutri- tive elements. such as alcohol sugar end Gats, during their consumption by the human body act as generators of electricity in the )miniature batteries that comprise the muscular strrctureof the human frame. Ile declared that he 1.ns su' 'e de.l in the construction of "iiatteries on a working scale, in which the nutritive element necessary to form the coniiection between the liniterlcs end the system has Leen create;. NEGLECTED (:IiILDR1:.N. The following extract froun the On - tette Children's Protection Act will be of interest to magistrates and philan- thropic workers :-Sec. 31. Any Court 4•r Magistrate in lieu of committing to prisun any child under the age of 14 years convict(before him of any offence nativist the laws of this Province way -hand over such child to the charge or any home for de itute and neglected children or industrial school or chil- dren's akl eocicly and the nanagers of sur!' home or school or society may per- mit its adoption by a suitable person, and may apprentice it to any suitable trade. calling or service, and the trans - f' s!►nll be as valid as if the managers were parents of such child. The parents 4)f such child shall have no right to re- move or interfere with the said child so adopted or apprenticed except by the express permiserion in writing of tho (Minister." ANXIOUS ABOUT CZVItINA. Weakened Condition of health is Further Complicated. A despatch from St. I'c,er•sburg says: It iy learned that the present condition o' Emprtees Alexandra, who has been 111 for sone time from the grip end In a weakener condition as the result of a Were regime to reduce her weight, is complicate(' by expectations of confine- ment. Under these clrcu►nnlanees I►cr general weakucss is beginning to arouse oonccrn. • SUICIDE ON HIS IbIRT11D.\1'. Nee Ih mu.w ick A1.1n Mimed Iliui.rll in Itis (tarn. A despatch from l:hnthnun, N.R., says: John Scully, n well•known resident of 1 atiglnstovn, was at Wednesday 1•.nrnd 1 tinging to beam In tire barn of Mrs. J1.hn Connelly, of that town. It eas his Gill hirlhday. When he left the house tent mooting lie erne nppar.'ntly in vet}• 1:'f,d health. Afoul. 15 Minutes after he went out ho was found hanging to the dead. AN I'NKNOWN SUICIDE. Nan of Thirty fears Shoots II!rw;ell In Montreal. A despatch from Montreal says: A suicide by shooting occurred early, on Thursday on Nazareth street, when an unkr►°wit man deliberately pulled a re- volver from his hip pocket and blew his brains out on the sidewalk. The victim was about thirty years of age, five keel three inches ori height and well built. 11e has dark hair and a small moustache, and the leUers "Z. C." inc tattooed on his right arm. Ile had on a grey tweed suit and a red and while sweater. There was ne money found nt h.s pockets, ani li►cro was nothing in his clothing by which he could be identified. The pollee have scoured the neighbortu,od, but no person seems to know anything about the man. It is thought that he was a foreigner, who was probably despondent and out of work. AN $80,088,000 FLEET. YAM Be Built for Spain on Clyde and Delivered in 1910. A despatch from Madrid says: It is definitely announced that the new and much discussed Spanish squadron of %%emidps- which is to cost 880,000,000, will 1,e constructed on the Clyde, Scot- land. This was decided during the recent visit of King Alfonso to England, when the director of a Clyde shipbuilding com- pany accompanied his Majesty on his scooting (rips. The peogrnnune calls for the completion of the squadron by the year 1910. when ell the vessels, which will be of the approved type, must be de- livered to the Spanish Government. A prominent engineer of the Spanish navvy will be detailed to supervise the con- struction of the Clyde -built additions to the navy of Spain. PLOT TO MURDER CZAR'S MOTIIEiI. The Police of Russia (lase Made Many Arrests. A despatch from SI. Petersburg says: The police have arrested 19 persons nc- ctised of conspiring to murder the Dow- ager Empress Nitwit' f'etixorovnn on her return nom nbrorid three weeks ago. According to the police the pot was of a most ingenious nature, end Ule con- spirators were so certain of success that they inserted an nnn)ncentent in the death column of the Novoe Wolof* of Dec. 11 coneenuing "starts Feodo ovna Romanovn," inviting friends to attend a requiem nnrc at a Oclitknts church - "Alexander Nevsky Monastery." The tt holo affair, however, is %Tiled in secrecy. "THE WAV OUT." Inscription on Bottle From Which Sui- cide Drank Poison. . A despatch from London says: From e bottle labelled "The \\'ny Ot.l," Dr. \Wilkins, formerly of the Manchester University, on Wednesday drank a dose of Pots -sic newt and died. Fred Iy, you shoutdn'1 !Hugh nut Mud 1.1 the schoolroom," exrlahnal the lyncher. "I didn't mean to d•) i1," nlx,lo- gire,l Freddy. "I was smiling, when all ( f a -miter the Finite gusted." HARDSHIPS BY SIIIPUEC THE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORTS FI1011 TIIE LEADING Tlt.ADE CEN 1RES. I'rkee of Gn1110, Grain, Goes* awl Other Dairy Produce at home and Abroad. Toronto, Jan. 7. -Floor -Ontario wheat 50 pec event. patents are gtuotrxl at $3.60 to $3.0 in buyers' sacks outside for ex- port. Manitoba (lour unchanged; first patents, ere second patents, $5.50 to >r5.10, and strong bakers', $5.20. \VI►eat---Mauit,ba grades wero quiet. No 1 Northern quoted nt $1.19, lake Dc rts; No. 2 Niu•tlurn gusted at 81.14, V,iko ixorts, and No. 3 Northern at $1.11, lake ports. Ontario \Vheat-No. 2 white and ted quote,( at 96e outeade, end No. 2 mixed at 95c outside. Outs --No. 2 while, on track, Toronto, 4S% to 49e, and outside at 45 to 411c. Corn -No. 3 American yellow Ls quoted r.1 73-e, Toronto freights; new No. 3 yel- low at 65yc, Toronto, and kiln -dried mixed sold at 643.c, Toronto. Rye. --No. 2 quoted at 81c east. Buckwheat. -.at 60c outside. Barley -No. 2 quoted at 71 to 72c out- skle; No. 3 extra at 68 to 69e outside; and No. 3 at 67c outside. linin -$18 to 819 in bulk outside. Shorts aro quoted at 821 to $22 outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples -\Winter, 02 to S3 per barrel. Beans --Prince, $1.65 to $1.70, and hand-picked, $1.81 to VAC. honey -12 to lac per Ib for strained, and at $1.75 to $2.50 for combs. Ilay-No. 1 timouty quoted at $16.50 tc $17.50 here in ear tots. S;(•ttw--$9.50 to $10.50 a ton on track here. Potatoes -Car Icier are quoted at 70 to 75e per bag on !rack. Poultry -Turkeys, dreseed, 13 to 14c per Ib for choice; chickens, alive, 5 to Gc per ib; dressed, 8 to 10e; ducks, dreseed, 9 to IOc per lb; geese, dressed, 8 to 9c. TIIE DAIRY !MARKETS. Butter -Pound prinLs, 24 to 25c, and large rolls, 22 to 23e; do, inferior, 20 to 24c. Creamery pules nt 28 to 29c, and solids nt 25 to 26c. Eggs --Cold storage aro quoted at 20 to 21e and upwards. Cheese -13% to 13%e in a jobbing way. IIOG PRODUCTS. Bacon, long clear, 10 to 10%e per lb in ease bis: conks pork, $18 to 819; /short cul, $22 to $22.50. Hams -Light to medium, 14% to 15c ; do, heavy, 12% to 13c; rolls, 10%c; shoul- ders, 1Oc; becks, 16 to 16%c; breakfast bacon, 14% to 15c. Lard -Tierces, 11%e; tubes, 12c; pails, 12%c, Ton Mon Case Away on an Island Off Cape Horn. A despatch from ik>_ston sad, : .\ tale of shipwreck off ('ape Ilen', wish Us (k- tuiis of ter,1lle siiff.•ringe tint mid, hunger an(' exposure, sus n'tated on Wednesday morning by Herman Berke, an nrrival here on the steamer Mettle ShIS fmut South Amettcurt loris. Ranke was a member of Ih' crew"de( the ,\mt'ri- cnn totrque I'rnssin, which was wreekol on Staten Islam), Gape Ilene on Pine IJ, while on n Voyage. from Norfolk, n., In fort 'Townsend,on Wnsloingt, The vessel struck n rock and in an endeavor 10 trach land four of the crow were dt•ow'ncd whit (sept. Andrew .11)h115:4111 W1114 30 l'venkeiw d by exposure Iliat he died the day After. and ten survivors teacloxl the barren island. •'i hood a lifetime in those few weeks when we %were cast away on Ihnd desert ,. �was .liter t l 1 r saki.Y 1. 'Ink c toil c t rd 1 er,1d. Cavil n eta trying to make N•ew Year's •-lnnel light. The wind in- creased to s10.11 fr!4-httul ve)oclly tint the bnniue tw05 nator_i rind a wreck Lr - fore fin�•onc tee lore where we were. She brake up 111 once. and CV. recite, of t j nit' r t, m eel •• 1 Eleven f the e BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Jan. 7. -Grain -Car lots On- tario No. 2 while at 50 le 50%c; No. 3 at 48 to 49%c; No. 4 at 47 to 47%e, and re- jected at 44% to 45e per bushel ex store. Flour -Choice spring wheat potents, 1.6.10; seconds, 85.50; whiter wheal pa- 10u:Ire, 85.50; straight miler:, 5:, to 85.25; da. in hags, $2.25 to 82.50; extra, $1.30 1° $1.90. Feel -Manitoba bran, 823; shorts. $25; Ontario bran, 822.50 to 823; ndddlings, $2e; slhorti, 823 to $2.4 per lou, Including bags; milled mouillie, 828 mo 830, and pure grain utouillie, $34 to $3E per ion. I'ro visk,nsc--Itar'e1s short cut mess, 822.50 to $23: half barrels co, 811.75 to $12.25: clear fat backs, 823.50 le $2.4.50; long cut heavy mews, 811 In $24; half barrels do, $10.50 to 811.25; dry salt long clear backs, lU% to t 1 %e; barrel pinto beef, $13.50 to $15; half barrels do, 07.25 to $7.75; barrels heavy mess beef, $10 to $11; half barrels do, 85.50 to 86; compound lard, 10 to Ile; mire lard, 12% to 13c; kettle rendered, 12% 4) 13e; hams. 12 to 13%Sc; brenkfnst bacon, 14 to i5e; Windsor bacon, 14% In 15%c; fresh killed abattoir dressed hoe-, (01.75 to 89; alive, $6.25 to $6.50. But- ter -Sept., 28 to 29e; fresh receipts, 2G to 27c; dairy, 23 to 25c. Cheese --13 to 133 c. UNITED STATES MAItKI"lS. St. Louis. Jan. 7.-\Vhent-Cash, 81.02; Dec.. $1.01%; May, $1.05%; July, 95%e. ;Milwaukee, inn. 7.--Wheal-No. 1 N(rllern, 01.10 t, $1.11; No. 2 Northern, S1.08 to $I.09%; May, 81.06 asked. Rye: - No. 1. 81 to 81%c. iiarley-No. 2. 81; sample. 65: to 81. Corn -No. 3 cash, 55 t4' 58e; May, 60%c asked. Minneapolis, Jan. 7.- \\'hent- May, $1.12% 14) $1.12%; July. $1.13; No. 1 hard, $i.12%; Ni. 1 Northern. 81.10%; No. 2 Northern. 81.07'' to 01.08; No. 3 North- ern. $l.0J % to al.05!;. Flour -Lower; f.rst patents, $5.50 lo 85.0(1: second pa- tellae 05.40 le $5.50; first elect:=, 01,30 10 t;t.ltl ; second clears, 03.50 to 83.60. lir:un--In bulk, 820. (:VPI'I.I: Toronto, Jan. 2. -Trade was ream!. nt the Western (:aIle Market to -day on n light run. 'I he chief baseness in cattle tens trnttsa. t• I in butehers' descriptions, o. t the ice ••xportet�:' It. iighl forward !.,ugh! !.•r doom. consumption. I ;• _, a . e . I t , e Iver eel. The act'. elaining 1,120 callle. 1 . • .::o lungs, and 2(1, . , e :. e011. Mining eked :.su r:,Isle. 11 u., eu route t., n,.• ., .:tome! from (aeras ). ' • t :Isinere enc t•nnsilcte.l in ex- l- :t t . wheel scold nr.eun,l R'1.7:, Ie WAS WRECKED BY FRAUD '100 MANY TRAITORS IN POLISH REVOLUTIONARY I'AIITY. Members Even Resorted to Robbery and Terrorism to Fill Their Otwn Pockets. Not for n kng time hag anyth`ng oc- curred which has afforded :o ruuclt sub is -faction to the Itussinn bureaucrats as the break up of therevolutionist sec" lion of the Polish socialist party. They are still chuckling and rubbing their hands gleefully over it. 1t is said that when the news reached the Czar, who seldom seniles these days, he actually laughed for joy. Some meager details of the dissolu- bon of this militant organizati(,n of so- cialisls may have reached you by tele- graph and cable, Lut as news the mai- tre is deserving of a more extended re- tort. That as an organization it has ceased to exist admits of no doubt. Its disbandment has been announced in a circular issued at Lodz, the headquar- ters of Polish socialism, by its respon- sible heads. That once powerful party, before which, one short year ago, Rus- sian officials trembled and to which Polish citizens turned for protection, has dissolved itself. The manifesto is not without a cer- lain pathos. "\Vo have still," it says, "an income of 1,800 roubles per month %sod we still possr_ss SONfl' 5,000 MEMBERS. Rut those who have been given arms for the cause of liberty use Them for banditisn and horrible acts of terror- ism. \Ve, therefore, dissolve, this party, as 1t has ceased 41 Hint at the purpose for which it was created." This Is only too true. The revolution- ists, having shown great courage, wide resources and a certain amount of tal- ent for organization, failed utterly to preserve discipline annongs* the rank and file. The leaders imported revolv- ers frorn Germany; they showed their felowcrs how to use them, and showed them to such good purpose that wtten- ever a man was awned at it was almost s dead certainty that he would be killed. But they omitted one precept; they forgot to teach these %verniers when not to shoot. They forgot 10 teach them not to take money, and the consequence was that 90 per cent. of thorn raided banks and chops and lrnins. not for the sacred cause of free- dom, but for tiro sordid benefit of their own pockets. And this was not all. The rank and Ole had their examples from some ':f the leaders (themselves, who, while pre. tending to work for their party, schemed and intrigued to get money from nervous citizens who blessed them ler the best police in itussle and paid dearly for the honor of the b'ne fiction. HERE IS AN EXAMPLE: A rich householder 4n Warsaw. mune.' Zielinski, evicted a kerma. a restaurant -keeper, for not paying his rent. The restaurant -keeper called in the rabble, who ruined the premises. got drunk on half the liquor, flooded the cellar with the remainder and de- clared that they would kill 'Zielinski if t.) did not find the resturant keeper s thousand roubles to start afresh. Zielinski went to the police, who re - (used to help him. Then the waiters came to him, demanding that he should rr,nke good the deposits they had plac- ed with the uestturant-keeper. nils amounted to another 1,110 roubles. '/.ue. lin'ki was in despair when a stranger presented himself to tum saying, ''My name is Dere. I belong to the oanmltlee (,f the Polish party of socialists. These waiters mast have something, as they ate destitute, but they waist too much. let me act as your Intermediary and 1 will settle the stun to bo pied." Zielinski Thanked Hero, and accepted hie: offer. In n few days he got rid of the restaurant -keeper's molcstntions and salisfiei the wailers by giving them one-fourth of the stint they had origin- ally dcmnneed. All This thmhks tc Ilcro, who, in the name of his petty, nrrnnge.l the details. When everything was done and %ielinski, with the generosity of n man who feels snfe for the first time for wrecks. offered to reward Ifero. the lat- ter refused. "1 dare take nothing for tr.yself," he said, "but any offering to the party will be gratefully accepted.' Zielinski offered some 300 roubles to the party (for which Ilero gave b-rn cne of the pa(•ly's receipts) and spent the next few days In singing the praises of Ilene and Inn AL\GNIFICENr ORG.\NI%.\TION Io which lie belonged. Ilu1 nt the end of these few days he pe another t•is11, this time frorn Three strangers,who re- f.see to give their names, but who looked myst rious mud ill-kempt enough for hone -Ode evolutionists. "What erased between you and Hero?" they asked. After n little persuasion Ziehn- ekt told them. "here me your 300 roubles,' one .nod, when he had finish. ea ''\Ve give them back for the party's 'tenor. Hero. who was one of our best wen. has proved to be n frau.). Ile RI per cwt. Oualali m: et 4s t • •'• s, eat the 300 roubles you gave him, ns callle were rnonlitnai al 81.101 to $t• 1 t' v . 11 as what you handed over for Ili r`;,n, N.J. .til. c oilers in champagne Suppers. V, Viet \kellie Desmond. who ewelloee;. nest ! r 1 title int'- to A5 g. 1 R' l It ho f It Iii needle:; eighteen months no in lin CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS 11A1'1 1:\I,Ge 1111111 :ALL U\..l 111E (d.0111. leleernph Oriels From Our Own Other Countries of Recent L•'wents. CANADA. IXa:dcl's freathee \Whitby's c:uwu•iou. '1 Ile hell mentor:al fend at Brantford a•lnl.s $40,000. Building operations in Montreal last year total 08,103,12'0. Lank cicaruigs for 1907 In Toronto amounted l., $1,228,905,517. Judo Erntutinge r, of SI. Thomas, l:olds that 1tshcrinen are not sea11uen. Permits to erect !millings. varti'.h S2,",58,540 were issued in llam[lton ill lt'07. A new jail is meek.' at Woodstock, the pre:ient building being ovc►•ceowde 1. Teterboro' tt ill promote a bill l:efore the Legislature to elect its Aldermen every two yours. Customs duties eolicct'd in Tcrento lust year stere $11,611,262.23, en increitee (f 81,561,976.58. lion. J. Il. Cameron has been formal- ly proclaimed Justice of Ilse Kings (tench in Manitoba. The C. 1'. It. is taking off trains in the west, owing to a falling off un pas- senger (rattle. 11. \V. Walker, general auditor of the G. T. 11., has rehired after over 50 years' service. Canada's total customw revenue for fire losses for 1907 and total council was elected by tic - T 1 A DELUGE OF HOT hIETAL Rushed Into Pit in Steel Converter at. Pittsburg. A despatch from Pittsburg, Penn., says : Two men were killed and thir- teen others seriously Injured lty an ex- r.tos!on u1 converser No. 3 of the Edgar 'Thomson plant of the ['notal States Steel Corporation at North Braddock, about r-'ovcn ruil.as cast of here, on \Ved- ncrcluy. 1'he two mon killer) wero foreigners. Six of the injured wero Americans, and the others Slats. All were removetid to a hospital in this city, where It w•us said their injuries were utot serious. No official statement of the cause of the exposion lots Lein issued, but ole! converter mill men say the cause cotan December was $4.093,066, a decrease, and the first hi years. The C. P. R. will isst•e over twenty- four millions of new stock to the pre- sent shnn'ho'.ders nt par. Dominion Government wireless sta- tions are doing business regularly be- tween Victoria an:I Pitchout. George Kelly %vas killed in the Teethe - wee mine at Cobalt on 'fhursdny, by a bucket dropping down the shaft. John 'I'irrson was run over by a freight (rain nt Dentition, on Wednes- day. One lzg had to be amputated and the other is broken. An explosion of gasoline at the es- tnblis.hment of the James Dye \Voris, 'repent°, blew out a side of the build- ing, on Thursday. The Manitoba Government have bought the Bell Telephone system in the Province, the price reported loving *3.300.000. The cuitotne receipLs at Montreal for 1907 total 016.876.465, an increase of 82.732,849 over the previous year. Engineer John J. Walker eves killed rind J. MeCray, brakeman, had his leg bon off in a collision nt 'l'ilsonburg, on Thursday. Don. J. D.. Cameron, former Attor- ney -General of Manitoba, has been ap- pointed n justice of the King's Bench A'ex. Green, colnre:d, inq)li'nled in the C P. 11. station robbery at Woodstock, tyre.'; sentenced to five years in Kung- s'on Penitentinry, on Thursday. Mayor Clovet of fort Arthur has been presented with an illuminated address, a picture of the Council and a got(' w'at^h on his retirement from the chair. The latest victim of small -pox in Win- nipeg held n large rccept!on'afore con - fulling n doctor and the health au- thoriliec nro agitated. In Mennonite districts in einnllobn the t'nieen Jack is net C°wn as prc- ser,lte.' Ly the government and the pro- vincial grittier are threatened. The Government hes dcci;ledl to change the regulltions regnr ling cigar (actor:es. to remove the distinctions be- tween Inose rnnnufncturing domestic leaf and those using imported tobacco. GMAT RRiTA1N. lord Kelvin 'ewe -allied his estate of eeex 0,(%) be his wife. London propos-e+ to provide for its future water ►•apply by creating n reser•- vrir where the Thames criers the city. John E. Redmond has it sued n staler• n.ent to the effect that no redoneilinlion has yet been brought about between William O'Brien and the Irish party. tori Strnlhconn gave n big ball on New Yonr's eve at ICneMvorlh Hall for the coming out of his granddaughter, Bliss Frances Howard. UNITED s'rA'rES. There err said to lee 125,000 persons our o1 work in New 'York. Two women were killed at il°rhester by nn explosion in a fireworks factory oil 'rtttltsdny. Twenlyone new bents will go into e•,nunisskin on the great lakes when tlavignlion opens. Irving 'biker, of Kingston. N.Y., killed hi; wife and four-year-old Nen and then cetnmltic(' suicide on Thursday. Two men err under arrest et Recites - le.' on a eherge of stealing the SlieeI Lnilcay Coulpnny's strdn►g-box front a car. Ge erge A. Fisher. city builder inspec ter nt Newark, N. J., was mortally ecunded by a burglar that entered! his h use. New York's dog detectives are to be _u -et in the search for the slayer of the e's. eu c leis c, e.) ' this ou ireug eco 1e eat- 1' ;noes of Hitchers' rattle xl 2a to talera. who pluckevl up mum to cane um( to commit suit ode, died on \t)en• ree,tnn, In bile cattle. $3.50 to *3.:: ;,n(' tell ut. Ile had threatened to shoo!, is New Yerk. \ II. Ink editor of the Dade 1:1t1't.•etliritaeh<'d :adejnl3e.liVa1. Iv%1,.re 1'''•,1 r•)'.1 1<2.i:1 I° .^3: come, e�•tt any who dared apply to sou for sec., „. ' ,.'r•. e; 1 F2 ' i camels, s • to et per cwt f I. of . 1. 1 (,ui e a; -1101 and l til, 1. was n nil of h,udt wBile vend unci lI II milling doing Y 1 hull's, el y I .. • .e ; ca n, . , (:x r t injure! 1•. \ .•.er Groves, t h •r�• w.e. gore. a'.' y r i, are n4e ane the Icrror (. our name m�, overhanging cliff. then' otry. \\'e tied Hero shot th,. in 1Mvlecs ie'.I '•kers. i.:. t iii '• ". ".\1 dawn Solent. the Japanese c.x'l:. n , Jerlly quiet ht rnorntng;, Ile hes ronfes ed all."\ tee 1 ltlnck Hand and Ilam 11ammeeud, n sailor w,•: 1 inn -ed fnlln $13:":1(.11011 Ven like Ilene hnve brought the party hoer ty, w tr. i.,-1 tie ' t' • n missing- They limy have leen crush .' ruin. There hnV4, i�trn too many of flye star y lencntent h 1. rke where the ship went trete ., r or t '='' :a f" >^•" .1 ones. , . at So len as the latter class of in a paper before ti 1.tenl.• n of were scar•, (MeInlon� e• i~ beta a.re drd,,vrx'd to Ir, t., nu i. , . e r IN. C'boice lnml,s. 0:•.,':' 1. • lir: lot !e.tvrr ennngh. such traitors the Ani r an Ethical v 11r. Emil the cock. \\"e were nlniert r: nii • i•1:Waon lambs, $1.50 1.) s:•• 4 v- , .' t 11.1 this Wed of dentornl.za- Morsel► earnpininc••I 11 ' t were be- '"rie s'rip of sand \tris •) fee, e 1 : • •.tr:. 037.1 . In $1.25; lertei triol 1 ii .1: :.t;. wildfire In an organo?- Ing persecute' in the I .. 1 Slates. ani -e 'ter' sort, rind s. --on the trailers Aft( r n menlh's id'. , curtailing outneititec. d the faithful. This is tt•t:y pm -Welke). the woolen 1,•i,:s et Sevin - the i'olish revohrronaries have sante,' ville, \lase.. resumed (.p.'rnti:ens en tali their own dissolution. Nevertheless, as time. Mout NO hank ere cinpinyed. day follows night, nnolher crganizntion The pr. hibitlaa late in the stale of will surely lam on its ruins, or Poland Ceklahxolna has cane Irl., torte, and nn ef hair n ITe t.s 0 23< 0 ton auuld net be leo:ant, Tuesday night , re pc urged into lh? sewers b) Oklaltrna It doesn't take much dough to buy a peal° diamond. hardly be other than that some of the nwl:en metal . si(kd thr.)ugh the soap. steno lining of the converk-r and came in contact with the steel sheuthing which perhaps was dant!). When the explosion occurred the bot- tom of the converter dropped out, throw- ing 15 tons of metier' metal into the pit where 15 men were working at the ladles.. 'There teas no explosion when the hot mass of steel struck the bettorn of the pit, but instead flames of humin* ga., were sent up which burned the ruez) in the pit. Tho 1110 11141), who wrens killed had been working wilier the cone verter, and their bodies wero terribly, neangled. officials of the California Safe. Devise and Tee!. d:nropuny. Waiter J. Bart - nett, J. Ualzcll Brown and Janney 'Tread- well were the officials accused, all of San i'rancisco. A bundle of letters, registered pack- ages. etc., were stolen from the mail trucks at Temple, Texas. About 815,000 worth of chequce, money ordere, and drafts were found in it pile where the letters hail been tont open, but all regis- ho eel packages and money had been taken. GENERAL. Harden, the Berlin editor naw on tial fen lilx'I, received his Inforntati' n )lout the Court catuarilla from the Kaiser's sister, Gil. Ilobroff, chief of the provincial gendarmerie, axis shot and killed in n crowded street at Samara, Russia, on Thursday. Japan hats istied a memorandum in reply to the suggestions on the restric- tinn of enugrahteit otferexl by the United Stat-> Governnu ul. Captain Van Gouben, a distinguished Cerium' artillery officer, has confessed to le the murderer el Major Von Schoen- beck, a brother officer. 'i. ANTI-t.'I'ICII)E BUREAUS. Result of the First Year's Work Re- ported. A despatch from London says: Twelve months ng, Gen. Booth of the Salva- tion Arany started anti -suicide bat•eaus in various cities of the world, and he r:(:w has Lest:ed a rev ew of the year's work. Altogether 1,125 )ten and rb women caught the assistance of the London buseiu to save then► from self- destruction, while at kast an equal number applie;t at the bu►eaus in other cities. It epi ears from .Ileo review that the seaters for help belonged mainly to the middle chats. !Mere than half sof them attributed the desire to end their lives to financial •embarrassment er R;o, cies roverty. Front the small number of women applicants Gen. 13cotlt deducts Istat they me teller able l.1 tear up under sorrows and trials than )len. He think; at ode to fay that 75% of INA npplidllnls have been diverted from contemplated suicide end helped to surmount their dinlculUes. GOOD OUTLOOK FOR YEAR. German Paper Inlert iia s entbassadors of Foreign (A,untrier. A destine!! from U• r.in, Germany. says: The I.okal Anzeiger on Wednes- day published a series of interviews v:ill the Ambassadors in I'erlin of Great Britain, the Unite;' Slates, Ilea Ma, France, Spoilt, Austrin-Ilurgary and Turkey and the Ministers representing most of ate other nations, of the worn relative to the condition of internattcnul relations at the begirming of the year 1008. The diplomats, whose. views are quoted, all entertain the most satisfac- tory opinions concerning the outlook fur the coming year. lung, and we saw the lilt ' co. re Mew our ecisit N)n was r .. 11n- rscsnhte. There was no t ; 1. Johnson was suffering fresco . v. \\'e shiekktil hint at l eel we I y &siting a circle aI,o•it hent. Ike : • ,.di r e to f'a'O.a atilt Ab'::. by .c.1 It: • breath had left its 1)1.1y. \W,' tnnnnge,l 11.. bury him in Ile steel. We eo11eet.el n lillk) driftee• - '.. .► fire and constructed 1 trough she:i.•r.' ce,, - s'2.53 M $3 per ret. It were steady nt 05.70 for seteel= :.o.1 15 for high's and fats. i-----4e-- - . M 1 Nowt. It was oleic(' n. It tacs.c,� marlin! dint el the I;nr of the capitula- tion, the Irrnps in Port .\ Okla' were di.e- seirihel end sick (die t t., a man with Ectuvvy. i q. The trrend jury turn. -.i tour ln,Itr1- At the Pante Instant n t•.11ey was fire) Dients for allege.' emlecazlem•'nt against through the dues by the inmates, the LIMERICKS AND POSTAL)'. hi 'rc:tse 01 Post -office Ru"inecs Doe to Ike Crate. A despatch horn Landon says: The British Postmaster-Oenenti, Sydney flux - ten, on opening a 'tow post -office build- ing at Boston, declnrnd that the increased revenue of the post -office was due to the latest craw repnsr•rted by limerick com- petitions, in which the sale of (sixpenny l4•stal orders figured to n renutrknble degree. "In the three months. of August, Scplernl.cr and October of 1906," saki Mr. Cuxtan, "the total number of sixpenny postal otdlcrs sold wns 311,(0). In the id,rnsl.iending three months of 19U7 the number was fel fewer than 5.772!:00, or eighteen lit: • as many. FED THROUGH A PIPE. Three Men Far Below Grojlrnd In a: Nevada Mine. A despatch from Ely, Nevada, says: fie,V11(.1 work is progressing slowly on - tine Alpha shuft of ('be Giroux Consoli- dated Mines Company, where three - miners, A. D. Bailey-, Peter McDonald. andFred Brown, have been entomte.t• since Dec. 4. 'Through a six-inch pipe food, air and wader have since been. sent, and a few days after the acci- dent enough canvas Was sent down to• enable the Wren, with the hllp of Forno• timbers and iron which they found on - the 1.000-fo•:,t level, ie make three cots.. It will take at least three weeks more to roach the then. Communication can le had with ihcrn by telephone, Slid. they are patiently waiting to be fber- aled. STABBED BY AN iTALIAN. Young Surveyor Named Bedard Badly* 'Wounded. A deepatch from Quebeec says: Lying i t u bed in the Jeffery Hale Hospital, Buf- feting front a number of knife wounds. inflicted by nn Halton, n young man earned Henri Bedard, a surveyor of Cap Meuge, is in a serious condition. An Malian, who gives his name as Stephan° :fano. is now an inmate of a cell in the central Police Station, charged wi111 the crime. The stabbing oceurredl in the Cap Rouge omnibus about 5 o'clock on 'fueoday ning•+, whthe h, on<i- ta with passeve'ngers, wileas onveitsiclew-ay out ''1 the St. Louis road. and when it w'as alout opposite the Plains of Abraham. Span° and Bedard, who nro both em- uloycd by Contractor Davis at Cap Itctige, got into an argument, and `ta►o, it t slated, drew n knife 81)41 slatbel Bedard Pomo ante or fee times.. When Spano wns arrested he peared to bo under the influence of liquor. TRIED TO KILL, TIiEN SI'IC1DED. British Officer Ends Life Under Pecu- liar Circumstances. A despatch from London says : Nlajat Coates Phillips, nn °nicer who distin- gashed himself in the South African War. committed suicide here °n Tttesdny. tight under sensaUonnl circurnslnnces. The Major lind been divorced. Some time ago he made an attempt to kill him- self in the residence of his tomer We, tut was restrained. Tt.esdny night he returned to the home of Mrs. Conics Phillips end forced nn entrinco.eiss former wife, her mother and 11 solicitor were in the House, but when they sew 'lie excited man break In they fled. Tho \1ij(er open(' fire with his revolver, coming at everyone ho could Fere, and then blew out his bruins. The cnlieflor end the Walther of Mrs. Coates Phillipa acre tv°undevl, but not seriously. --'1'-- \TTA(:KED RY JAVANESE. ,\ Vancouver fireman Inns Ills Nose (:ul 011. A despatch fent Vancouver. R. C., sr.ys: Two city (mine n, John t'tost atarl (f urge Andcr's'nt, are in the tw s' itnl suffering from severe wound s inflicted by Jnpan+se early on Wednesdny morn- ing. The injured then, tieing with en - .411a1 fireman named J. \lnc(Iannhi, were ging home from Ili,' firehnll in the ens! end. All three eer.' soler. One. pushed by the °there. fell. ILA hand came 'n canter! watt the el' d er of n Japanese boarding house. teeek- int( n rune. Half a dozen laps ran out end !Marked thein with knives. i'r*Kt's face is frightfully cut. hi^srlrose ,igene, and Ani).'r:acn is bnaly neck. \incetnnnld inn Mr Three Here -t: tee re tondo. POLICE FOUGHT IN AMR .. Four -Hour Battle Took Placo in St. Peter 3burg. A despnleh Dom St. Pel•'rslettrg snys Escept for the discharge of firearms, the !dnOict which wns fought between some Ilevolulionl5L3 and the police in en old street In l(!ga the outer day might hive been taken Ger nn ess'►ult In the days el Peter the Great, for the Government fore;es entered the attack wearing sl^e•1 breastplates ami helmets. The revolu- tionists o^copied the tip Krems of n Itwr,- storey Mese. The dhwr was berricree:ed. nna when the ietlice demanded admis- sion n woman of flay -seven, named Greta T(na n, replied: "We shall not snrmnder a ithout it fi;:hte Millets rattling against the armor of 1110 tern •telsite, one of when was alightly wimple -II. The police lien enterer) an neljoining eflic, from which the moat - Ponies Hies mild ie more readily nttae!,d, and fe•r four nnur;s a continuous fie wets 4!treeted through the, wine. (:ra.hta11y the replies of Ila! revaluitottists Ix came less frequent, and finally ceased. lite peltce then bloke Mtn the epni-t- mink and found four .lro1. halueling the tt•( mon 'lotnsen, lying d ri the t'.'ir. Thar were also five men en.! 1 - iris wour.('nl. They had tired al el te n Levelred shots end were 1 rt,i,',) v. '1 a \truscr rifle and three Ileaveerig i -vQt. tcrs. W. 1 e