HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-01-09, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, JANUARY 1)th19O Wishing our Many Customers a Happy New Year And thanking you for your past of your patronage in the future. Um owe), Mich. I Miss Olive and l.Iu., et 1'(1111 >, hu , hplttt the holidays here ,returited home to •1'atkhtll accompanied by 1 Itheir alllil etre. .1. lielleritutnn 011 t '1unday last. Mr. It. Monet/tie i tom Chic.t ee is the •u,•st of Bliss Leer* Goetz. ell. Him Ireland rivet 1 tinily are in favott. and sollclung a continuance 1 ...%% 011 uw%ind lu the illness of his We will continue our special father. • 1 Mr. Arthur liellertuanu, who spent his Christina, holidnys here, returned 31 to Napier vale. Misses I.orinda (tort Emma \'ile r and r tet to Detroit, •l'ursda • ret l ), Miss Lena \\yelper to hurt Wayne, out Monday after attendee; the euoeral of their teraudetethe there. Bliss Linda Roeder left this :porn- int [nr .Detroit after spendint New Year's at her house here. Mr. 1). Schroeder, who recently bouelte the butcher business took ; possession on elonthty last. Mr. \Ves. Miller entertained number of friends at the house of his mother New t'ear's rive its honor Of his bithday. Mr. and Mrs. August \V.tlper and their son Arthur from Ft. eV:tyitt• at-, tended the funeral ,here of the for--; mere neother Mrs. L. Waiver. Mrs. \Valperi always bad aced health un - till silt a trek before her tis'atht., 811., lo' Is -td away Dec. 22 at the me ue 71 years. The funeral' took place on Thursday to t he Lutli-) era' cemetery for interment. Rev.; Grand Bend Thune conducted the service. Shur' always was a good neighbor and a i SI r. esti ,\Its. W. B. Oliver \nt kind mother and a member of the! two boys arrived home from, liut. / 10 and 20 per cent. Discount Sale until January 20th, 1908 as we are anxious to reduce our stock before stock taking FURS - Astrachan and fur -lined coats, stoles, ruffs and snuffs, all l,t a discount. Furnishings such as Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Collars, Shirts Gloves, Hats and Caps, Fur Collars, Tie Pins, Cuff Links, Cutlery, etc We are showing a full range of silk suitable for waists and dresses at a special price. S. BROWN, - CREDITON You Can't Keep a Good! Crediton D It, 1'. J. MoCUE, MEMBER ON - Flour Down TARR) COLLEGE pflYBIoI- ans and 8urgeous, 8uccessur to Dr. E. A. Faust. Orediton. Out. A baker was heard to say the other day that the wind nearly blew his shop over but his spunge came up and his bread turned out fine in spite of fate. The reason for his success: he used Star Flour, and if you too would have good bread use the On Thursday evening of lust we4,k Miss Lydia Swartz was united ut marriage to Mr. Fd \\'urns at the Methodist parsonage by the Rev. T. 11. Heist. Both young people have grown up its our village and are 'well known here.. 'r heir friends wish them a happy wedded life. ltev. Mr. Steiner of Mich., occupied the pulpit of the German Methalist Flour that has been Tested, church on Sunday even►n glast. the Methodist parsonage on Tuesday evening of this week when Miss The memory of quality lingers long Marie Morlock, p'oun:3c`st daughter of after prices are forgotten; Dir. and Mrs. Gottlieb Morlock, was BROJ• united in marriage to performed Otto Browny the ceremony being <k rform.(t by the Rev. E. IL Ileac. Tho bride was - beautifully dressed in a gown of• pale blue silk. The groom's present to the bride was a crescent, set with opals. The young couple are well- known here and have many friends, with whom the 'l'iutes joists in ex- tending good wishes for a happy and prosperous wedded life. r. Geo. H. Bedford left this week I DIfor Sarnia where the has a position i with the Goodison Thresher Co. IMr. \\'m. Anderson, of the Credi- Ron Road, met with a painful and Ne. 2 unfortunate accident, on Saturday evening Inst. As he was closin; t ha barn doors the wind, which was blow- ing jt Halo at the time, blow the door back and in order to escape it, he jumped to t he ground, break- ! ing his ankle in two places. the bone I protruding throeelt. making n ser - A quiet wedding was solemnized at STAR FLOUR HARVEY EXETER. ONTARIO. No 'Honing- No Grinding w-`RAZO FLASHES--, ! .e, f:f .,.T. 1 r, •, iJ /53'7 I"tit, r sem? :cc.t p' lulls injury. Dr. McCue. of Credi- hry ri i ton, and Dr. 1Iyminnin. of Exeter. I M : were called to set the fracture. It is a serious injury and it will lir ra , months before Mr. Anderson will be 60able to use his foot. ile w'as taken to the /London Hospital on Tuesday. A meeting in the interest of M. Y McLean. the Liberal candi- date, will be held in the Town- ship Ball, Crediton, on Thursday evening the 16th. The candi- date will be prey 'nt to address the meeting also lion Wm. Pat- terson, Minister of Customs and Steel is refined iroo-iron without air. dirt or foreign substance --fused ,fah carbon. Carbon gives tough- ness and strength -too much makes It brittle and worthless; too little, soft and pliable. Steel varies according to the grade ed. tempering and quality of later ptoyed. Unless you have devoted al your time to its manufacture you k w the almost impossible task ta( judging the finished article. To break the article and examine the grain, hammer and file it to rote the quality of labor, and other equally destructive tests is out of El:" question. There is but one real test for you -take it and try it for a p::.:t cf ti -:c. Caul; f..!..! -!••:.h as is used i•1 valet: - Car..o h1a/r.etic razor-- r..•ut he of the Lnest selected gra:la tampered uniformly throughout to a .dismonddi:-e hardness. Fire, s,rhits varying tcr. peri ture,will nut dothis. Thirty years of most cafei�l rc• laeareh a•td stu•.y have shown a sway 'to add carbon' i the Carbo Magnetic 4a501 steel and meege it uniformly throughout the metal by* secret proc• ess of Electric Tempering. An ex- clusive and severe test of the finished Made results m an absolute uniformity le the :ime, and we are thus eua led to flnoonditlozrlty guaran(oe every Carbo Mai :et'. r.:or used. But tet this es,/ honlnfr, no grinding razor i l lyour own hum^. -or have your tarber use it en yoa. Drop rs a postal, or better yet, come in and set: ua and we will give you our new proposition for having these 1112015 tested without obliga• boa to purchas'•, together with our fres booklet "Hints on Shaving.•' Y W. S. Cole, Druggist CANADIAN I'ATF,NTti, T. O. Chapin an. hock !sliced Que., Fasteners for the front of horse hi ttikets : A. .1. 'Levitt. '1'St'onto, Ont. (lock Drills. A. II. Mack to Ottawa Ont. C'o'mbined nut locket and holt tightening nleatis : .1). J. O'Connor. 'Midland, Ont. fence wire stretchers; 1(. A. Carmichael. West Lorne. Ont. corner locks for cement molds. UNITED (TATE$ l'A•fFNTS. W. 11. }tootle Guelph. Ont., Top- • Telt for hurries ; L. P. Tht'rriaull. Hun field, Ont., cats -opener: C. 11. Vessot1. 01 tette. Ont.. flax pullin.r hop, to tchines ; T. l.. -\\'ikon. Ottnw'a, Ont. Buoy. 1 A man's w ife shoulri alww'ay s he t he same rase redly to her husbaue', ut if she is %weak andnervous, not uses Carter'. Iron fills, she cannot he, for they mike her "feel like a different p rsnn, 50 1 Hcy ell sae end their h elt:m.1a s.y so t oo. ire- _. others. Court Crediton 11 of the Indepen- dent Order of Foresters. had the! I election of officers for t he present. year in their Lodge Room on Tuesday ew•enin; the 31st of December. The follow - hie are the officers elected. -C. Il.. Geo. Ilirtzel: V. C. It.. Wm. 11. Wenzel : 1t. S.. Ilerb. IL. Either F. S.. Alonzo Ilodein` ; Treas., Ezra Feist : chap. Ilart'y Beaver ; 8. W. John Wein ; .1. \V.. Moses Feist ; S. 11.. Pau (Schenk : .1. 11.. Charles Eil- Trustec.a,a>Jh(:. Yont1Wittljew Itid 1)ij11er Mc- Zaun•Iluk so valuable wu would not Cue. 1 be %without n box its the house." ZeueIfuk heals cuts. bruises. old 1 eo Is, rttnnine sorer. eczema. ulcers Loi Iseruptions. scalp _mores. itch. piles cheeped halide, burns. scalds. and all Contains the life-sustaining elements of E E F C.cfextracts contain only the flavor and st i u I..ii n; elements of beef - the nutritive values are k»t in the et thing. Baron beteg, the inventor .1 beef. xtracie, admitted that. He steel "It is but a condiment and sewed tut, containing no matter capable of sustaining life." That is where. f.JVRII. differs from beef extracts. 1te3V1:11. doe•t contain the nourish• inent anti life-stataining elements of be cf as well as its rich flavor. BOVIelL give; ctrengthand nourish - m: nt to the invalid. \Villi its help y.tu can nt tke left -over scraps into delicious consommes, bouillons and soups with very little trouble. BOVRIL is the true economist inthe h,,lne kitchen. Vour grocer sells BOVRIL. rj Lutheran church which she attend- Marys on friday night Where they ed very reerularly. She leaves a sor- 1 had been spending two tw•loeks with '1 J children, end 10 clt row'in;e husband 1 boys and 7 girls. to mourn her loss. Miss Annie Gasman returned home Friday after spending a week in Port Huron. Mr. J, Hall of London, is in the vil- lage again buying clover seed. it is this week our sad duty to re- cord the death of Miss Sara McDouh- ald who died on Monday last with heart failure at the age of 52 years. She was taken to Mt. Carmel cemetery for interment. Miss Mary Winkenweder accom- panied by her mother arrived here to- day. Mrs. \Vinkenweder intends to live here until next fall. A number front here attended the funeral on Tuesday afternoon of Rev. D. Haugh, of Zurich, a fottner pastor here. The most severe unisluuent in- flicted in many years w•as handed out by Magistrate Mous-ton, of Chatham to Edward Lnwwrence, a 15 -year old neero. last "Monday tnornin_. The youth was found leuilty of attt'tnpt- in.r indecent assault and was sentenc- ed to eishtee,n months in the ()antral prison at Toronto and forty Joshes. twenty during the first month of incarceration and t wenty during the last month. Rev. George Hazen, pastor of Vic - tori' Street Methodist church. God - crick. has accepted a call to the Cene trnnietl Mentalist church Loudon, at the expiration of t he pri•s•tit ttnstor's "sin in June. AlthouzIt one of the ou,i ver members of the Methodist Conference. he has shown himself to be a very capable roan. Doctor Wanted to Am= putate. WOMAN'S TOE SAVED IIY ZAM- ItUKI. But for the timely arrival of a box of Zant-Ifuk, Mrs. E. E. Potterer Z:it Myrtle 8t.. St. Thomas, tent., would have lost her toe. Site says "1 :fru most thankful 1 discovered the existence of Za,n-lluk. For about 9 months I suffered cruelly from the effects of !mein; .t cortt remov- ed from any little toe, fur with its removal a hole retnained thud my ton 'vas in a terrible state. For months I wax unable to •ve:u• :► shoo and ns the toe gave no miens of Iscaline and was in such :t shock- ing condition the Doctor thou;ht it necessary to amputate it.. About this time 1 received a sample box of Zaan-lick and begot) usher it on my toe. The first application ;ave :no the sreatete c:1se• front pain ,and en- courweed me to give Z:tnt-Ifuk a thorourh 't ria 1. Two months after commencing milli Zans-Ituk t here was no size of n hole for the flesh had grown in very firmly and all soreness and plies were entirely bertighed. ZatieIfuk brought this henlinz when all other remedies failed. \V: find Dashwood kin diseases. Sue Lox. 111 rlrueeists A meetiee in the inter..., of Mr. 1 and sloven, or ''/.:ant-iltik Co., Toren - M. Y. McLean, the Liberil cendid:tl .I to. :1 boxes for S1.25. will be held in Zimmer's hall on i\Iott- I - - -�- - tiny evening the 13th. inst. 11. It. -\VANTKD.-Good serf•:reit girl for netvarl. K. ('., and other's wwill speak. small family. Good wages to suit Ale Schon) opened ell MomblY with n eart,v. One over en years of age pre - neo steff of tees hers, Mr. Shore, of ferret!. Apply to Times Office. Exe- Verna a,VPrincipal art' the %lieges ter. ('et littli•s s assistilliti. \ir. A. guider from Al •e is visi- tirlr Li- I tothet•in-Inv, be. Henry 8.04.410000.4••••••••••••• Weigand. • Mr. Samuel IR 11 >ice•omp3nied by • hi. sister, \bu y. of N.dth Dekoht, tat• rived Mee Sat melee met ning end w ill spend the ttintel und.r the pat entail roof Mise L. \Vitzel returned Sethi day to Detroit atter spending the holidays with her mother. Mr. E. Nedigtar and E. \Villy' t re- fereed home elect spending a neck in Mich. Mr. Grill. elm has been sistidint b.• i'ilt'istities holidays here returned 1•1itute ly hunt its l to him home in SEEDS FREE To iat-e''.:re o. r New SweIe Turnip. the " Canadian f:t: 1." %%t: will gt.e to every inquirer for our New 1908 Cat t..reo a package of these swede absolutely free. The greet t.::nip growicg district neir (:tlelph shipped dm care of thate turnips to the Unitas States last season. "Cana- dian (ken" newer grows long or narrow, is free from side sheets. aha 1.t c• nns.irpmesc.l yu dee-. if you reefer. we still semi a pnckag: of our "Santa 1.. est " T itpe er " Careefe's }'rifle " tomato iteecall of the ::. 1. Write t )-(lav and name vont chub, c. 3e.Jso(thioNtw Scare.., l: IittIltCr Eur' Co., Ltd., London, Ont. Turnip 1'ren ares ---- .rte V'ORTH TAKING 1)neonrce Fleet extract Dandelion; One ounce U ml mind Salmons ; 1'onr e.unres Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla; Mixed ant) taken in tonspoonful des.•% after refs meal and at Lotltime, i• pronounced l.v• a pr eminent physi• Tian to lin the hest nt,sture for the cure of the kidney, LL1d.lrr, nntl all urinary trembler. Ile.t seem the doctor, is the titu•t simple thongh rt•mnrkeble prescrip- tion ever written to cleanse the swstent of iniperiti• • and waste nutter. It act• na n powerful tonic to the keine}s, furring 1110111 (o filter mut the art.ls and Ist4P.,e11, overcool ing rheun:atie• , lame beer, sc atic* and other a!ilictions arising from s.atr, impure elects l'he ingredients '• n b• prsscur.l at any good tirtig ator. ••1 being purely vegetable and entire,. liarnilesa, can easily be mixed at ho•, ef. if you have a eufe i•.g friend show this to hint. as he will nntluhtetity }1e, pleasssl to learn of so temple and highly recommended a remedy. Mrs. Oliver's parents. Mr. Harry 1)ussculerry was a Tiled - ford visitor last week. Wm. Fritz our popular !tot el keep- er is on the sick list just now. We hope to soon see him fully recover- ed. Mr. and Mrs. \Vtti. Ilesfett. of Lon- don, visited over New 'tear's day at Abner \collard's. There are id mite large ice banks on the beach but not enough ice, for fishing yet M. Y. 1.51CLeau, Es 1.. the Reform candidate will speak hero on bridal' night. Everybody conte and hear something ;so(1. Tho painters aro now busy work- ing at A1r. Itavell's house. Rich. Hamilton Chas started the men cutting pine in the hush. Ila wants to clean it up this winter. Tho water is very high on the flowed lands, tuakint it appear like a largo lake. Mr. Louis ltavelle is at tine eta en- gaged moving the Harry Wing stock from Skittle' to the (lend. Look out for Bargains 50011. Whalen The Methodist Church will be open- ed on January 1.2 and 1:3. On Sun- day, Rev. W. .1. Ford, LL. 11., presi- dent of the London conference, will preach morning and evettine. and Rev. Mr. Veale, of Kirk ton, in the afternoon. Special music by tiirkton ;uartette end C. .1. fink, of London. Special offering+ for building fund. On Monday n fowl supper will be served from A to 9 o'clock and -t splet:,te1 programme will follow. Zurich Mrs. .1. \\'ortz, and 1".0 song Earl and Floyd, of Pigeon, Mich. are visit- ing with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. \felick. and other rel- atives. Un Monday evening a number of rate payers etathered in the Town Hall. to discuss Municipal politics and railway matters. The myelin; was largely attended and much in- terest was ni:utifented in the proe ings. A railway dele+lgotion of ite •v.. Lamont. and Messrs. F. (less, sr.. .1. A. \Villi tins. E. Zeller and John Prete ter was appointed, who were instruc- ted to interview the directors of the St. Marys end Western Ontario Rail- way, with the ohj.ct of having the Company build it Zinc from Exeter to ureteric), via Zurich .end Hayfield. The matter of renew% In t t h,• remain- ing hoard wilks t% ill cement was also discussed and the majority seem- ed in favor of putting down the walks in one seise!' and spread the payments over 15 yetrs. Something will have to be' done with our evalks very soon and this scents the most feasible and economical pl tee Fitlmvii'e Election times ars pilot :trotted our berth this year. all the Coun- cillor's •:tad Reeve beim elected h)• acclainalion. Mr. and etre. .1. I'irkinson, of Lon- don. spent •I he holidays under the parental roof. Mr. Ilich Cathie std zrnttd..ons Le- Roy and Chester visited friends in Sl. elntya. 'flied ford and Ported. the past few weeks. \\'t. :u• ,clad to (earn t hat \u t Jos. Ila w kips nshn 1135 been under lite doctor's cert. for a time. is elate WILL KISSING BE PROHIBITED O The Osculatory Process Denounced by Scientists as Extremely Dangerous stow the Dan- ger Can be Removed. A keen discussion is being carried on by some of the best scientists as to the danger and "crime" of kissing, led by Dr. Somers. health Officer of At- lantic City, and I)r. Nalpasse, of the .Medical Faculty of I'aris. They charge the kiss with spreading grippe, scarlet fever, measles, mumps. whooping rough, typhoid fever, diphtheria, ery- sipelas, uiouingit is, tuberculosis, and many infectious skin diseases. They suggest Legislation on the subject, and the posting of notices in railway sta- tions, street cars and other public places, but they bay it would be use- less to post them on verandahs, in cosy corners, porches, shady stooks, or moonlit lawns. They also propose ose compulsory legislation for methods of disinfection of the mouth and purify- ing the breath, especially with a view ►o the protection of the innocent babies who are particularly subject to infec- tion. The greatest and most effective purifier and germ destroyer known to medical science for the mouth, throat and breath. its well as for the blood, stomach and lungs, is I'sycbiie. that triumph of the medical world that is attracting almost universal attention because of the wonderful results at- tending its use. One of its recent tri- umphs told as a matter of experi- ence in the following brief statement : Dr. i locum Co. 1 am ttonding you photo and testimonial here- with for your great remedy I' l'e'111NE. Your remedies did wonders for me. 1 it its about 24 or 80 years of age when I took PSYo•IIINE. The doctors hail given 1110 up man incurable consump- tivu. My lungs and every organ of the tasty %sere terribly diseased anti wasted. Friends 1 neigh - bora thought 1'd never get better. isut PSYCIII\S saved me. My lungs have never bothered ate since, and Psychlue is a permanent cure. MRS. LIZZIE OARSIDB, 519 Bathurst at.. London, Ont. Psychine, pronounced Si -keen, is ad- mitted to be the most wonderful of all disease and gertn-dostroyiug agencies. For building tip the run-down system and curing all fort's of stomach troubles and diseases of the chest, throat and lungs of head, it is simply unapproachable. it is n reliable home treatment For sale at alt druggists, 60e and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 1 79 King Street West, To tomo. Annual Meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society will be held itt the TOWN HALL, EXETER, ON Thursday, January 16th, 1905 itt one o'clock p. re. For the put - pose of electing President, Vice•Presi- dent and Directors ;for the ensuing year and transacting other important business. All members and interested parties are cotldially invited to attend the meeting. The DIRE('TORS are particularly requested to attend a meeting at 10 O'clock a. m. on the above named date. JOHN DELBRIDOE A. G. DYER. President, Scsretary South Huron Farmers' Institute Regular meetings of the above society will be held as follows: Brncefleld, Dixon's Hall, Sat., Jan. 11 Exeter, Town 11a11, Monday, Jan. 13 AI 1 o'clock and 7.30 o'clock. Speakers at Itrurt•field-(1. Barbour of Orossbill, afternoon subject, "Draft horses and how to raise theta"; even- ing subject, "Farmers and their sons" Vs . J. Lennox, of Newton Robinson, aRea noon, "Sheep breeding and their management"; evening, “Training young horses"; W. I). Sanders, Exeter afternoon, Selected subject. Speakers at Exeter, -O. Barbour, afternoon, "Draft horses and how to raise them"; evening, "Farmers and their scats"; W..1. Lennox nfternoob, "Sheep breeding and ss manage- ment"; evening, "Farmers Gardens"; it. B. McLean; Kippen, afternoon, Sel- ected enbject WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETINGS Will be held itt BRU('EFIELD ANi) EXETER (Senior's Hall) in the afternoon at 2.30. Miss L. Shuttlewnt tli, of Guelph will apesk on "Fruits, Methods of Can• nir.g and eserving." EVENING MEETINGS Resides the atnve mentioned ad - to be :ironed a diesses, Miss Shuttleworth still speak Mr. N•. Andrews, 01 1111160h. is at the Evening meetings at troth retie win.; old ne ItI uuitanees her,' t his I places on •'ilealth ns i► basis of Worn - winter. Mrs. Cleburne also of the tansy Beauty." A concert of sic will alert he giv- en at. the evening nlrelinge. (In Exe- ter at Opera House). \V. 1) SANDEiCS, B. 8. PHILLIPS, Pres., Exeter. See'y 1're•ns, Hensel! $V,'sl t• vis1t1114 friends around here Mr. Nelson t'oullis visited in Lon- don over the holidays. Shipka Nl1s. S. .1. eleeitier and .X. .)t. ('lair %vert• in Parkhill last week on L t i!t 1 1 1 e!e'i Miss CIA re n:tyrtll>uu. of Imolai. spent Nee Yea re with her parents of this place. Mr. 1,. Rnvell°. of Greed Rend, whn recently purclu,.ed 1 h 11. Wier stock is moven t it to the Bend. Mr. I(obinson is our school teach- er. We wish hist much success. lihipke people are t tlkin; of start - int a dehitine school. If such a thin; is proposed it 511uuld receive the un.un,nous support of our tent - Mr. Vt si'. eel rrt•der Inst %week Iu:r- chased 1 \ .ivaus,' horse. Mise Lizzie Niemen. of I'arkheil. spent New Veers •1%1111 It t' I•. tits here. N1rs. Geo. Keys, sof Snow fllke• \t ti.. i. visitllat her parent e, Mr. and 1 Mrs. NV Ili. Ilewkitts, Mims Edith elation lett for Detroit lase Niondaw where she hie a-curod 80 YEARS* EXPERIENCE PATEN.TS TRADE MAR/111 DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Arlene eeedtns a sketch and desrrt' ,1,n ". nt meeker ue.ttaln one opinion tree wtlr•l . r nn Invemllnn 1e Dabs •tensa}! Commtit rs- tInns ltrlellyennllA,nt(al. *Me nn t'strnta Dent free oldest stems tor securing r'uents. t'Menta taken through Munn a Co. receive optatom without charge, In the ntificiimericatl. A heed o els Illeseteted weekly Lauren etr- cQOistiest y .denthb loemat. Teems fur Canada, s year rootage prepaid. Sold by bra~ r•M8wrti� A woman who it weak nervous and eleeplcss, and who ham cold hinds position for the winter. and feet, cannot feel and act Tike a elle Wilbert Snaith, alto 1t:Im 1‘01, k. well person. Carter's Iron Pills int for the (tell Tel. Co. lee e...et equelize the circulation. remove ner- \\'ind.or and Toronto. i• at hie home vou.ness. and give strength sad •Isere for :1 few (1'v'. re311 -. '' ••• ORDER A SUIT Why not give yourself a pr sent, one that will Look Well Wear Well, and Last Well. A Suit of Clothes or An Overcoat would be just the thing and something that would altu•tl the wearer comfort as well as the pleasure of knowing that he is ir_ssed w' a 1 I. We have the very latest cloths and patterns. J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON LEARN DRESS-MAKINC BY MAIL in your retire time at home, or W Take a Personal Course at School. To enable all to learn we trach on cash or instalment plan. We also teach a personal class at school once a month. Class commencing last Tuesday of each month. These lessons teaches how to cut, fit and put together any garment from the plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elabor. ( 1901) cord of hard wend, Best goal. ate dress. The whole family can learn from icy. Prices !weenie t: to grade. one course. We have taught over seven \Vood cut to suit customers, cord thousand dress -making, and guarantee to I block, give five hundred dollars to any one that Orders left at Times (Mice o cannot learn between the age of 14 and [� 40. You cannot learn dress -making as 'rhos. Har troll thorough as this course teaches if you work in shops for years. Beware of imita- tions as we employ no one outside the 1 - school. This is the only experienced Dress Cutting School in Canada and excelled by % none in any other country. Write at once for particulars, as we have cut our rate one. ileariKind You third for a short time. Address :- EWERS' DRESS -CUTTING SCHOOL, • heart Strength, or Ileart w cakne;s, means Ne 31 Erie 8t.,Stratford, Onk.Canattjss 8trength.orNenolweaknts-nothfny morn. ittvely, not ono weak heart ht a hu.•tdred Is. III WANTED AT ONCE. -We have de-: self. actually diseased. it is almost always tided to instruct and employ a num- hidden tiny little nerve that rrnlJy Is all at L This obscure ncn-e-itt!iac, 0t Heait N sor of tctnart young Ladles to teat} sl,nply needs, and mint have, morew power• mo our course in Dressmakilrt, havin � stability, more controlling. more governtns one teaulnor for the six nearct t strength. Without that the Heart must centime' I.° tall. and the stomach and kidneys also batt towns whore they live -Ug' 20 to these same controlling nerves. 35. Those who .have worked at This clearly explains why. as a medicine, Dr. dressmaking, or like drawing pre -i f roves ocndallinwo)[IIahsth) pastdonosomuCh� forted. Pletnso do sot apply unl.';s . the cause of all thit Wth tui. palpitattutgrsi oat: you can devote your whole 1 ince.. Ins heart distress. Dr. Shoop s Restorative -01s Address -THF. SCHOOL. ed to these weak and wasting nerve centers. It butldu popular prescription -is alone direct bllak Itatrengthens: it offers real. genuine heart help:. 11 you would have strong Hearts, strop ' (<eatioti• strt•ngthert these ;ncr',- - re•esta CASTOR them as rteedrd. with ood Wood Wood For Infants and Children. BoughtDr• Shoop '8 ` The Kind You Hare AlwaysR estorative Bears the 14 Signature of W. S. HOWEY. A Blended Flour (of Ontario and Manitoba Wheat) Makes the WHITEST BREAD LIGIITEST BISCUITS TASTIEST PASTRY DAINTIEST CAKES BLENDED FLOURS are TWO flours in one. The famous Bread and Pastry making qualities of Ontario fall wheat -are combined with Manitoba spring wheat, which adds strength and nutriment. BLENDED FLOURS are not only the best for all home baking -they are also the MOST ECONOMICAL. They yield MORE bread, cake and pastry to the pound than any other Try it, and you will use no other. This is the sign of a Breaded Flow "Made in Ontario" VA RIO GY / OIMClM. /to quociA Leek h,it whenever Tea bey. 4 D y 'Map'' Lear knhhers i1 you %rs1.t a neat, mare aeeuratw tit." -Wireless from 'C a 011 woman *Lis lived 13 a 111,, I,i,'ht. and pliaL!o, 1 teles no weer•tle;troyi adulterants aro 'Gi :ell %i.tlt lite lines l'al:w l'un . Conform t.) rho f.hapo of tho cltoo give a b: tvo•liko, accurate, :vlirh fit. St.nv i t ghetto. Weer long. 1