HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-01-09, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, JANUARYfth Iso•., Holldau 011ts Cali and see our large assort• utent Of l'erfumcs, flair 13rushcs Ck)th, Nail & To;,th Brushes -Satchels, Purses, Pouches, Cigar Cases, Case Pipes ChildrensBooks & Stationery All suitable for Christmas Presents. BROWNING'S Drug Store Smoke Doctors Prescription Best 5c. cigar in town _ J The Exeter Times Exeter, Ontario. Tensa of Subscription $1.00 per year in advance. $1.50 may be charged if not so pard. To United Btatea subscribers, ;1.50 strictly in advance. No. taper discontinues until all arrears are paid, unless at the optiot. of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is Paid is denoted on the label. Advertising iates on application. TIIE EXETER TIMES 1"T'G CO. Limited, To the Electors of South Huron. Gentlemen. -The Governor Gensral as issued his proclamation calling election in South Huron to fill • tee ttcv in the Dominion Partin - art eau -cd by the death of this late Wt. 11. 11. Gunn. Nomination Itas been fixed for Wednesday, January 15th., :mil the election is appointed ,to take place on January :.21141. As `the time is short it will not be pas bible for me to see u►auy of given per- sonally and 1. adopt this method o[ placing myself before you and reach- ing ;,s many of you as possible. A, you are aware, in Jure. list the lteturtucrs of South Huron in t'oi,veIt- tints assembled, did Inc the honor of selecting me as their candidate for the Dominion Parliament. 1 tarn 1httctore now le fora you in that cap- acity soliciting your suffrages at the a ,,.'aching election. r Weed scarcely say that 1 do deep- ly regret the reason which metros this election necessary. The late tnctnber for South Huron. Mr. 11. 11. L uuu, and myself, were for litany pears close neighbors and fricuds and although we differed very widely in politics, neither of us permitted this diflerencc to interfere with our sooial or business relations and had h4' been 'spited to contest the eo,i titueucy hi.........L. will. me I feel confident ain saying that we would close the contest as good friends as we commenced it. hater myself that 1 do not need any personal introductions to you. 1 have teen with you :and amongst you. one of you in fact. for tho past 35 years .and have taken .a more or less active part in your public and local affairs. You are therefore. in ra good position to judge of my fitness for the position to which 1 aspire and of my ability to perform the important duties pertaining 1 14,1,•1,, ne 1 111811- ncr ctcdit:Ible 10 u,)-I•ti asci elvan- tapeous to ,you. White as you knov, 1 1, . e •tut bv any means been a hide lemed jei rti- zoo. I 11:1 ye been a cnu.i,tellt ands life long uu'iiib'r of the ._ beet Lib- eral party and that pit 4% e. ill con- tiliU' to receive Illy ro111 ut ne • • in(1 support so lone :is the it principles and conduct care -Itcl, a-. in ►na (esti- mation. will hest s'•I%e 1114' in:i•rests of this (Young but 211 a1 .inti a 1peidty give in; country of ours. Out 1 sh ill saes von.i I i .u% -ell bund to sul.lOrt n,t pall y • tee pe. %heti 1 1, - lie•%, them 10 be t i; 1,. .nail :actin ; 111 poet be hest interests of 1Ii coup, 1 t 11141 cape give to you •a reason (ii 1 he faith that is in ,ne :inti can justify. at least to my Olt 11 conscience. the routes I shall sive it nay duly to take as ,your r(•p,es• litative. hi the 5:11111 Ili meet slaouldy 00 see fit to honor ole a i• la your confidence to the exlenO o1 s••1 vi in ' .1 • n: 30111 represent dive. 1 al; ill lit • I coflsis• 1,111 support to the Lami. r liotcrn- tin iit so 'Otto its 1'leir Ir" iotas :.1141 conduct are such 1,1 1(1 111,11.. 111 my oinie.un. that supellorl. 1"nelrt their lr•e•.gei,ien t the coon;ry 1:1s pros - Weak Lungs Bronchitis For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayer's Chcrry !' Pectoral for coughs, cols, !, weak lungs, bronchitis, con- sumption. You can trust f. medicine the best doctors ap- prove. Then trust this the next G time you have a hard cough. E The best kind of a test imonlxt - "• •old for over sixty y.'aa s." lied. bs .y. ? ♦ w manuf aces'. ( SAIStPAWItt,. qersOAIi thine We 1s.. so sessile 1 Ws ,"'a Yak eke Aeuislas of an our moo, e.. sell Mlle keep th•bosols rase vgotabN and gently lac. r send as it La: never prospered la - fore . -tore and under suet, (it cuuutaucr, 1 deem it would be extremely inadvis- able and not in the interests of than people to make a change at the, tirts- eut time and judiiins of the future by the past 1 feel that. 1 t1 ill not have any difficulty i11 extending t.0 thu Government guy Most g serous support 05 Four representative. From obit 1 have already :said you will understand my position :old 1 trust it w ill meet with your approval and merit ( 0111 most generous bupp ort. In local matters, should you honor me with your cunfidemce mud elect uta as Your representative, 1 shall til - ways consider myself at your dispos- al and you will ever find lite ready and willing to do what in me lies to :edvauce the Interests of the county and especially' that part of it confin- ed within I lie bounds of South 11utoit irrespective of local, personal or pol- itical coosideratious, and if I can consistently and properly 41e :a pul- itical opponent a service 1 shall 11.: as cheerfully tit his disposal as 1 will be , to those attached to oto by political tics. This, 1 consider the only prop- er representative posiiion. I hope during the cautpraign to have the opportunity- of discussing with ' t'ou on the public platform, at great- er length, some of tho many public (Uestions, which are, at the please! time, interesting the people. Again solicitins your vote, el - fluence and support at the appruarlt- ing election, 1 ant. Your obedient servant. M. Y. McLEAN. Liberal candidate for South lluron. To•eheck a cold quickly, get front your dru,ggiat Nome little; Candy Col;. Tablets 'called 1'reveutics. Dru,- gists everywhere, are now dispensing I'rcrentic3, for they aro not only sate, but decidedly effectivo ail prompt, 1'rcvcntic3 contain no luiuine, Ito laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at tho ".sneeze stage" Preventics will prevent Pneu- monia. Bronchitis. La Grippe to. Hence the " name (Proventios. Good for feverish children. 48 1'reventics 25 cents. Trial Boxes 5 cents Sold by W. S. IIowcy Centralia yoke 1'raiuclion Nelson E. Hicks, and Singing. 1,111 of hinges Coto,enatory 11usic, 11. Ituth%en McDonald, Charles White, Loudon Eng., Ernest 0. Yardley, London, Eng. A limiter) number, of pupils will be accepted. Mrs. French. of Clinton, :tad Mrs. Hancock, of Toronto, who spent the holidays with Mr. nit Mrs. W. R. Elliott returned tome last week. Miss L. Elliott assisted the choir of Ute 1st Presbyterian church, Lon- don at a concert its Lambed( it Monday evening last. Miss Gladys ,Essery left Monday moraine for a term in Alma College. Miss Elsie Blandford is visiting at the Monne of her uncle, Mr. James llandfotd. What tui,;ht have been a serious accident' happened on Sunday morn - ins while '61r. \Vm. ,lsssery and daughter Vera were drivitt; front church. Ono of the lines broke and the horse started to run. Both were thrown from the cutter and badly shaken up. The horse, while turn- ips the corner, ran against a tree but was not badly injured. .lr. P. Simpson paid the town a ftyins visit on New Years day. The Ladies Aid intend hiving their awtual Anniversary and tea on Jan. Tri il. Mrs. Parsons, sr., is still very ill. The new school opened Monday. Jliss Swan is in charge. We yvislt her every success. Rev. 11. B:. Collwell of Toronto Uni- versity preached n very interesting sermon in the Methodist church Sun- day evenint. Miss 11ary 'Hepburn leaves for Toronto this week. \lr. W. ,Butt left ,Monday to re- sume his duties at Medical Univer- sity. Bliss Itotteril has returned after spendilI i the holiday's at her horn; in \litcbell. Liss A. ,Morlock, of Exeter spent Sunday with t1rs. (1)r.) Orme. The Centralia open air - rink ie spoiled on account of the snow 811(1 r iia of last week. The formal opening of the new Centralia school took place 11onday evehine with an entertainment con- sisliiit of ,oii. s. recitations and speeches. It t. W. 11. Butt made a capwabl1' elt:sirdi ill. The hew school is known as S. S. No. 1 t. and is 0110 of the unlet in the County and re- flects 1111101 VI 4'4111 on 1111' pr/111011 s W110 tt'a•re instrn:uavttal in 111 : it erected, (•sp,'1i illy Andr.,w 'larks, who devoted :a considerable portion of his time lookins after the build - int operations. Miss Hw'an. a tornt4'r leacher at ,Ila.hw00(1. is the teach- er and cones hath very 11,21i recom- mend ttions. eco l- mendations. A short time Hiro a :1 0 1141 1t.1, 'r ide t111t the build - int noutd n,t h.• ready for occupancy by the 3rd of .1 'flurry, and it is Imo 1111 to the loser 10 buy- the oysters. '.1r. Richard Luker, who recently puretl.ed Mr. It. Simpson's props•rt: in the villa re has moved in. \1 r. Simpson has snored to burnt,. FOR OVER SIXTY TEARS Ilr.le ASO Neil.(. 1 ogre' 111,4.11:141 - M.' } Winslow'. Soothing Syrup hA. been tiara for I over el c! y Yet ars by mll.iovis of trot het • for 1 h. it ;children while teething. with perh•e -ue e,• It +O it hes the child. .ohr•n+spec i(nma, talky. a 1 I ain. euro• wind collo. and Is the he•t roniedr for IHarrhtr.s P Is pieasant to the tate. Bold by drug,,l:ar In every part of the world. 23 ren:• A bottle. Ds value It incalculable Pe sure Aid tows Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and ask for no other kind. I:irrraFitted motor 1 lie 1'01,1 in 1 nnn,p. Art. fun(' 30th. 1t)06. Serial Number 1098. Brucefleld Art:ut Col tnhoull. porter at the Dixon (louse spent Xmas at his home itt 11iIcl11'It. It. 11. Laird. of the Sovereign Hurls spa's( New l ears at his home in Thdford. .T. T. Itei(1 is still confined to !r• bed 1(1tit rheum:itic fever but 'ee ,, boli to .(t .e. hint oaf again •inn. Rob!. McKay was arrant electees Reeve of Tuckersnti11, by acclama- tion. .416. gP Rases )bs ,'L 111 Pot You rB(an Alia jtt Bigaa'ars U�. � n tiensall. \Ir.. C. A'uuk t•t,ter'tained a muut- 1.•r of fee tuts Christmas eve. Mr. and. 31is. 1;. fierce. of Fol. -1. stere (he guvals of Mrs. Stoller 444,1 New Yee Miss Ellis, of Toronto. was the guest of ,Mrs. U, 1'r puluudl. Jliss L. Johns, of Exeter, visitee1 over Sunday- with friends in the vil- lage. 11rs. Cook eery pleasantly enter- tained e eumhet of her [li,ends on New Year's eve. 31r. and Mrs. E. helve, of Fore.it, aero the tuests of :Mrs. Sutherland on Nett 1"ear's day. Hiss Lillis. of Toronto, is the quasi of Mrs. D. l'rluharl. Mr. John Reichert. of fort Huron, was hero last wes k visiting his par- e n ts. Dl r. S. 'Latter, of Dauphin. Man., is visitirt, friends itt Ilensali. Rev. and Mrs. Shaw, of Lyons, were here last w•nek Pendant n few days with Mrs. J. 11. :McArthur. Mr, and Mrs. W. Camelot', of Clin- ton, were here last weak visiting 'their son. Miss \tat, 1 Sparks, who has been e11zazed its teacher at Centralia dur- in s the .past year, has accepted •1 school :it 'tut herfor(1, Lamb - ton County Ontario, and left here lase ayeek for her -slew school. Previous to leaving Centrairt she was presented by her pupils with a very fiaLterine, address. accompanied . by handsome presents. Dr. llossack, o[ Lucan, spent New Year's at the manse %vitt* Itis (latish - ter, firs. Smith. Mr. Duncan D1cEwen is home from tho \Vest visil111! Itis parents, ;Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McKwen, after an ab- sence of seven y'en rs. Kirktoti 'Valu sound of the saw is heart[ in the bush of 31r. Joseph Kirk as he has three 1141114.5 roin1., .- Messrs. Brown & .Duffield, Balfour & Cai- Itol, and Elliott Bros. John Nixon has got a pair of snowshoes and has started out to sell window fasteners for the first of Dennison & Co. of Mitchell. Ile says this device will either keep DI,' window open or shut. We are glad to see I',:• senilis: face of nut• fellow townsul:ma M1-. John Sutherland on the sired :,ptaitl. Our choir goes to %Vhalen on the 12th. inst. to furnish music ::, the opening of the new church. Our enterprising store keeper Mr. Leigh reports it very brisk Christ- mas trade. A two. Temperance housa at Wood- hull has been opened Up by Mr. Wnt. Sinclair. Mr. 11'. G. Balfour and family in- tend moving to St. Marys in the near future. Mr. Stinson and family have moved into their new residence on BIain Street. The Chris(tnas stocking i11 connec- tion with St. Paul's church was a decided Success. Mr. W. G. Balfour has purchased the famous pacing stare Hazel from \Vin. Cudmore, of St'aforth, paying therefor a handsome figure. Lucan The home of Jir. and Mrs. William Kent. Lucan, was the scene 01 very pleasing event on ,\Ve(Inesdav Jan. 1st., when their eldest d.ugh1,"1 Ina Lucile, became the happy bride of (lector N. Taylor only son of (Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor, of Its - borne. r'recisely at twelve o'clock. while the wedding march was Iris; played by Miss Effie Taylor, sister of the groom. the bride entered the par- lor. 011 the arm of her father, and the interestins ceremony was per -1 fortned by Rev. .1. E..Ilolun'S, of Lu - can. in the presence of the immediate ret dives of the contracting parties. '1'I1e bride looked lovely in a gown of while crepe-de-chnn , and carried 1 shower bou toot of pink carnations. Congratulations over. all repaired to the (linin: room %% Iwo. n daintily served dinner ons pat taken of. The happy young couple 1111'11 drove 10 Granton 1% herr Hwy gook the tram for Toronto and other Eastern points. The pride's going away sown oats of blue ladies' cloth with elute picture hut. The presents 10 11„• beide• w. r • both IItlnl('r011s amt C0•1 It 11110141 (1,X11 11,Is n beautiful kitchen cab- inet the gift of the :recut. '''heir 111 v friend- )nil, Ill a i.l,ia, f them happiness :Itlel 11 n.pel i41 nte•r 1 ht' sen of life. ses Cromarty At the. t*ahue of 1114' brad •'s parents Mr. and ,11rs, Andrew- 11'ri;11 t, 10th ('un..•s.iull. Cllrist11nis cloy, 7w115 sol- emnised the mania re of Iheir dauth- te,. }lstarar 1, to Mr. John Nichols, Toronto. At the :appointed hour. 'h4' couple. unattended. look their place under .a ir.•aulihll :trill. 10 the strrili. of a u starch. which ".1. )e1 1.11 ht M1,. Eli'euc1' Davis, Mite11i11. Hey. 1\'. 11011; herly con- ducted 1 ale ceremony. Iter. Mr. Oircis+lin. of 11 utnillun, occupied the pulpit of the I'resby- t I' si ena church hero u•a Swiftly last. 31r. ('rrres-i ,n is 11 fureeful •11141 e1u- 1111•111 .1141•3 k1•1.. Allhoutlt i, 1s just 111110 .11' 11.4 5111re Ills C0,111114 10 11104 county: from Arnlni1. he his made e.treat prorr1'55 •and hr 11011 s,.ems 10 pilin full command of (h4' Nn;list. "A Good Name at Home" "is a tower of strength abroad" -and the excellent reputation of U. 1. Iiood Co. and (heir remedies in the city of Lowell, where they ere best known, inspires confidence the world over, not only hi the Pietliclnes bat In anything their proprietors say about them. '11 Made by Boat it's (last." "1 believe 'food's Sarsaparilla the beet all• round family medicine known today.- 31 s.. 11. D. FABLE%. 662 Wilde? St.. Lowell. 31a.s. "1 recommend Hood's Aar.aparilla to any one." JOHN 11. Drrty, 14 Auburn Street, Lowell. Mims. "1 an: 11 strong and healthy woman today, from taking Hunt's Sarsaparilla, which 1 keep h' the house for all the family." SIRS. FANNix PAIA'N, tG 1.everett St., 1,owelt. 31a... ' 1 con.lder Hood'. Sarsaparilla the beet ilox1 purifier In th.' w00.1 " MM. .1e414 ► E. CARLT,N, Ill Liberty Si,.Lowelt. Mass. Hood's aarsap,rllla 1. sold everywhere. Iil(i Dotes (h1c !Millar. rreparaal only 1.7 C. 1. Nasi Co., Lowell, Mass., t'. 5..3. \\ x ' \ . \ k\ ASTO RI A _ � • . •.yam N V ��.. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been is ttso for over 30 years, has borne the signature of ,�..� and has been ntado under his per- conal supervision since its infancy. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just -as -good" aro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of lulituts and Children-Experienco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Dlori►ltine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wortn4 and allays feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Teething Colic. It relieves 1 cething Troubles, cares Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving; healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea --The Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS The Kind You Hate Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. LEAVE YOUR • The Molsons Bank Established 1S:i5, • • • • t • MEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. CAPITAL PAID UP • • • -• RESERVE FUND ••• •• • •••• •••• S3.000,000.00 Assets Over $33o00,00o.00 General Banking Business Traus'tcted. Savings Bank Department $1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR Times a Year. . • Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. H U RDON, Manager ' S•N•••••••••••N••••••••••v••••••••••••••••••••••••* CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Ily ,savings a better course of training than that given by any other rimilar institution in (In.tario, wo have become one of the leading business train- ing schools in Canada. Our ,graduates are in dem Ali l as office assistants and business college teachers. Our course:, britt; tho best our ,graduates succeed. If intere,tted in your own welfare w'rito •now for our catalogue; it is free. \Vc have three departments, Com- mercial, Shorthand and Tele- graphic. Winter 6th. v4% 4• term opens January. s•',•+ + ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, '1' Principals. .+f. 4.4-1.41++++++++++++++++++++++ Inc C.NTae,a COMPANY. TT MUMRA•/ STar[r, NEW vows CITY. Headquarters for Skates, Axes, Saws, Razors, Stoves, Pails, and Lanterns We have on hand a number of Mitts and Gloves which we will sell at rock bottom prices. Don't forget that we install Furnaces and keep on hand the largest supply of all kinds of Hardware and Stoves to be found anywhere. W. MOORE - KIRKTON 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT During January on all Crockery in Stock Children's Sleighs, &c. including Cups and Saucers, Plates, Berry Sets, Salad _ _ Dishes, Cream and Sngars, Lamps, Pitchers, Bowls, &e Orders WITH S. Martin & SOn Pianos, Organs Sewing Machines Fine Stationery We have Just Received a Shipment of Dr. Hess Stock Food in 25 Ib. pails at $2.00, 7 lb. packages at 65c • Poultry Panacea 35c instant Louse biller 35c llerbageum 25c and 50c packages Highest Price for Produce. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar (A MILLS, - WOODI-1fM \I'c have it large stock of frieze O%crco't(4 in boy,' and meal('. \Vo are running off cheap regular $6.00 cotta for $(.lull and boys' re;uhar $5,011 for $3.50. Underwear all wool per suit ti 1.00. Fleece lined heavy, - weight $1.20 at suit, we have all lines of underwear at the right pricce, Note is the time for rubbers, We have all kinds of Rubber: in 014th -rubbers and Heavy 1utnl,erman'a Rubber•+ boys and mens. 10 Groceries me have a fu11 stock all nice and fresh. Hags sins 3 lbs. ifor 250. Sulphur 10 lbs. for 25c. Batbs IV ioo. f.'s!' Tie. Oil Cake 12 lbs. for 25c. And wo want your trade- hutter. 7424c. 25c. a Ib. -Etta Ears lac. cash, 2Ir. trade -Dried Apples. Ilia de 7c. per Ib. A. MILLS, - Woodham. l:uttua;0. Mr. Circessian also delis- a loud crash as the cans turned ovet erect i lecture on Monday vellitir. and plu►tued (loon the embankment alis- :\ rues 'fodhunter, of 'oncon• into a creek. One 0oulal11 passenger wer, visited her uncle and grand %as kilt* d end a nuulber injured. mother during Xmas holidays. �- - Mr. and Mrs. (Gillespie were ho -t CiAMOTOR=A. and hostess to n number of friend- Bears the the Kind You Hate 1i*3ts Bala on New Year's Eve. the {rattly bele,' 8ignata» C/t� I. riv4'n i►► favor of their twice, 111111's-•1i,of 'forth miter. i \I r. John l oxt•ar•th hot been on • the sickJlist for the past %%4•01,:.SiI"ASCRIBE FOR THE TiMES. Miss Mare fret \tiller It It I ,-• r• 1111II. tt ak o visit scapi( her nuns l noir durint (11.• reinter months. \I r. Haunt 1- ..1 present home from Clearing Auction Japes 1)takota, and is t t -.t an t W.( Mr. 'portant* in the ttlp,ze. FARM STOCK A \ D IMI'LEMF:NTH, 11 r. and 51rs. 31atheson, of Thames - ford. were splint on their many Joseph White. Auet, o ill sell by friends in the vitiate on 1 .itdty la -t. public auction for Mr. Joseph (Loss. Mr. Ira Andrew left on Monday on Lot 21. Con. 12. )'ullarton halt for Granton, where he %•111 11 45111 em- toile east of Mount I'lers:int. on bark in the mercantile business_ 1 1'1111)A1 ,IAN. 17111. 1908. 31r.:utd Mrs. Andre% visited in Gor Cn,nrt'•ncinr :11 12 o'clock sharp, ria last week prior to their Laving. the fullottint:- -- !dock - 1 matched tears .ten -Fal Henry Alette'r. I1'• recently 41 - purpose 4 years old: 1 axed driver posed Irma clerk and treasurer 0f In foal to Chaplain 11elretor: I acetas. ha. 1,('en -arrested for t►^ing yearlins filly. sire. Clerkenoell ; I short in his accounts. I ye,arlint teldinr, sired by Clerken- lull: 2 sucker. .sired by Clerken- Fdnaril Hanlon, the ex-cha,upioll tt(•II : '1 :ane dairy- ('0115 supi,o.wd (o oars:um of the %nrld. died al his in April; 1 food dairy tow hone itt Toronto Inst Friday. after supposed to 110 in calf ; 1 thoroattlr- suffering for n week from plr.'u- bred Durham Bull 1 year old; 2 muni i. I yen1101r heif('rs; 1 yearlins steers;The (' I'. lt. lniperi:il Limited Ex- 5 calves; ) .00 clue (0 farrott in press vast hound, wa. %'reeked at February; 2 .nos clue to farrow in North 'fay last Filthy lunrnin s by April : 1 More hots; 18 pit.. :L A MI liken mile Tit'' 1t:ai,1 %a% run- tnonlll. old ; 100 Yount hens. nine at 0 teal rate of .heed %Iwo fntpilrnu'!1.-11n..w Harris binder the passengers sere Budd;ply Marl - nearly new : 31, %well nin%-r : com- bat ty. n xpil ril►di112 !mine. followed by tined Sylvester seed, r n. % ata Mil e: The Usborne and Ribbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- anee Gomm Head Office, Farquhar,,Ont. Pres. W. II. PASSMORE, Farquhar. Vice -Pres.: -J, L. ItL'SSELL, I(USSELLDAI.E, P. 0. DIRECTORS. WM, Roy, BORNHOLDI P. 0 Wal. 131to('K WlN, 11ELSF,A P. 0. T. RYAN. DUBLIN P. 0 HOBEIRT NORRIS, Staffm. AGENTS. JOHN EMERY, Exeter, agent for Lteborno and Itiddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, agent for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secv.Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & STANBURY. Solicitors THE BEST FLOUR We have on hand a supply of the hest flour made from No. t Manitoba hard wheat manufact- ured by Pfeffer 13res of Milverton you can get it at the Exeter ware- house. GrdIll dDtCd Remember we pay highest price for all kinds of grain. R. G SELDON Exeter, Centralia and Clandeboye spreader Kemp )It•% . )umber %'84011 nn41 hex : pair trucks : (ub.lcirh and box nearly nee; 1 land roller ; cul- tivator 31•rnn make nearly new; .1 tray rick ; twin plow: sande plow l'luery ; sin:le plow. F'ro.l & Wood. new ; sctiffl.r, Maxwell make; 2 i 'ly 11011 barrows; disc harrow : turnip sower ; •in1le burry: hay rake: pair seal-. 2110 Ib.. cap„ fait nilrt mill ; Int t t ruck : 35 -foot ladder ; ren vel bot; feed rack ; wnlcrt Youth ; rrind none; knife rrritt(I(•r 1 scram (1 10L• ; Hell pulpier : set bunks: %%hest 1 arr0•e cauldron kettle; 0 iter barrel; milk tank : 4 milk can. ; Chatham incu- tailor and brooder : .National cream separator : Daisy churn ; .flour box ; 1 crone s • stone baby cr 11 rant . Is art* . .ton 11oaf .r( %ark barn -s.; prick: chins; 5 set o hif f let 'Pe. : 1 necks ok•.7 le ry DENTAL D11. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon 0fYtte over (Heilman & St altbury'a Marin street- EXETER. DR. 0. F. HOULSTON, L. D. 8. D. D. S., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former ' dental parlors, YSDIOAL W. BROWNING, M. D. M. 0 LI • P. S„ Graduate Victe:-ia Un varsity. office and residene0co. Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. Dosis Thomas & Nutter Civil Engineer & Architect (Late Department of Public Works, Canada.) Consulting Engineer for Municipal and County, Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and waterworks, System w'hanes, Bridges and Ise -enforced Concrete Phone 22.22 London Ontario MONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for 1nye ) ent upon farm or village rroperty at loses *Woof Interest. DICKSON & CAIILINO Exeter DICKSON & CARLING, arristere Solicitors Notaries, Conve aaoert commissioners. 'Solicitors for the Moleona Bank, Eto. Money to Loan at lowest rates of inbeteetr, OFFICE t -MAIN STREET, EXETER. 1L CARLING B. A. L. e. DI0t8Ola (`1ONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds tan on farm and village properties at Merritt* In barest. OLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Solicitors• Allin St.II(xeter slogs o11 a Caudillo NO(In W HOMESTEAD itE(GULATiONS. A•\ANY es en numbered section of Dominion lands 10 wanitotea, saskatohewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved, mar ie homesteaded by any person who Is the sole heir) of a family, or Illy male over lay -etre of age, to the extent al one -quay ter section of 160 acres, more or less. Application for entry 1111111 to matte in person ty the applicant at a Dominion lands Amoy or Sub. agency tor the distnct in which.the land is situate. Entry by proxy may, bowel or. be made at an even. re on certatnconditiona by the father, another, sou. daughter, brother or sister of an Intending home• ateader. Thme homesteader is required to perform daldalhoestead duties under one of the following t'lanll (11 At least .Is months' residence upon and culti. cation of the land in each t ear for three )1:31S. (2) A homesteader may, if he so desires, perionlr the required residence ('.att(5 by living cn farads( land owned solely by hint, not fess than eight. (Rb) scree in extent in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint owneral,tp in land still not meet this require• meat. (3) 1f the father (or mother, if the father la de. ceased) of the homesteader has permanent resi(IenCt on fanning land owned solei by him. not less tha0 eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity of rho homestead, or upon 3 homestead entered for by hint is the vicinity, such homesteader may perform hie 0411 residence duties by lir ing w ith the father Or mother. 4 Tie tens "vicinity" in the two proceeding paragraphs is defined as meaning not more than nine miles n &dire( line, exch,ebe of road .1,ow. tomes crossed Iti tha measuremene. b A homesteader intending to pnfnnn his resi- dence duties in accordance with the glove whjli living with his parents or nn farming land owned by himself must notify the Agent of the district of such Intention, Sic months' notice in writing ahnutd be given to the Commissioner of Dominion fonds at ()Hasa 0f Intention to applyfor patent, W, 11', Crrlty, Deputy of the Minieter of the interior 5. t:. -Unauthorized pnblication of this sch Min 211411: . 111 not he paid for House and Lot for Sale lloute end Int Vol Ai It 1't. lot 155 Con. 12 Usborrtr•, 1-2 acre land good Mick cottage slid etable. Must ba eo:d 1pply'1•)►os. Cameron. AuOtions cer Farquhar. Store Property for Sale In the village of Exeter, conlptrs(x1 of the as North o part of i,ot 11 on the West aide of Main Street, consisting of one good More and the building r.nw used for a postoffioe, known ate 'f1.• Johns Block, For terms and particulate Apply to 'Phos. Cameron, Auctioneer, Far-, quhar. A-19.47. set of of breechinr 11 'mess; set sing- le harness; rind other collars and bri- dles; sly net : a number of %went pads: lair horse hl.lnkels; hay fork, car, 2 ropes 3nrl pulleys and slings; scythes : forks ; hoes ; grain h1 re I; luantily of hay: 1(11)11 bushels of tur- nips 3 host of other small articles useful on :1 fares. Tien 3S_ .'1, gaol muter. CA 51I ; over 11131 'mount 10 101111.1,' credit will 110 •tive•n. on form:dints approved Joint notes. or n di'cOutlt of 5 per cent. per atmmun for c 1411 in lieu of soles. No. re•I•r5e sli the rr rr nt his f r ,IOS M. I1' l l wtorT. en F. prom -icier ha* 1i►s1•:I'll 'IGFs, r. .......LiAli A act tom, r . Prop' arta 4 4 4