Exeter Times, 1908-01-02, Page 2 (2)'i'1AN EXETE1M 1✓SJ&\UAILV•2ttr1 +•t• +++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 +i-+ 1- 1-++•ir•':-1:-++++4.1••g,-++'.-+++i•++++++++++++++++++ STEWART'S_ 14 .+ ++ Our New Year Wish to All Our Friends t$ ii "May Hard Luck follow you throughout 19o8 but never 11 you." ou." „+ ---t. What about those new Furs? We find we have too many Fur and Fur - Lined Coats left. Do you know a : j bargain? Listen and then come quick. ••+ Men's Fur -Lined Coat, good black l3eaver 411 ell, =•4. Lined throughout \Vith Baby Wallaby, collar and reveres ++ German Atton. A good looker and great wearer, rc- duced to $29.00'' Ladies' swell Fur -lined Jacket. Best Kersey shell lined throughout with choicest (Hamster Fur; Collar and +j reveres. Good full skirt and long length; reduced to 43 co. *+ +$ Ladies' dandy Fur -Lined Jacket, choicest Kersey +4. hell; lined throughout with best Marmot fur; collar and *.: reveres choicest American Sable; reduced to $52. +� -i- Men's Coots coats, Men's Calf coats, Men's Yack + : coats all at bargain prices. Ladies' Astrachan Jackets. + Ladies Electric Seal Jackets. Ladies' Canadian Musk' Rat Jackets, at prices that will surprise you. Yes! Redpaths extra standard Granulated Sugar, is the only kind we sell. Its the best by actual test. + :- •:• ' :c I J" A. S'2'EWA E T 4-14-1-..-•++++++++++++.++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++.1++++++++++++++++++44++++++++++++++++ Market Report. -The following is the report of Exeter markets. oor- r tied up to J,LIau try 2nd., 191i$. \\-heat, 90 cents per bushel• Oats, 40 cenr4 Per bushel. Barley. 50 cents to 60 cent Peas. 75 cents to 80 cents. !Bran $20 per cwt. Shorts, $22. Feed Flour, $ 1.30 to $1.35. Our Bleached Tah• Blended Flour (s1AIt), $2.75. . rings cannot be beaten. flogs, Live..eingt, $5.50. Ask to see our special (logs, dre,seri. $7.50 to $8.09. Bleached Linen at Svc; illy, $13 to $15 per ton. I warranted all pure lin- Clover seed. $8 to $10 per bushel.en. 50e. l'otatoes. 75c. to 90c. per bag. Mutter, 23 cents. Table Napkins, spec- i•:4za. 24 cents per dozen. I sal at $5c dor; Table Dried apples, 5 1-2 cents per pd. i Napkins special at $l 25 Coal. $7.25 a ton. a doz; Table Napkins Chicken, 9 cents per Ib. special at $1.75 dos; Ta- r;eese, 9 cents per lb. ble Napkins special at Ducks, 9 cents per Ib. $2.00 doz, Turkeys, 11 cents per Ib. Holiday Bargains Suitable for Ladies FANCY LINEN --Ar• •••�•••••••••�•��•��������, enormous showing of • ; Sideboard Scarfs. Dies• • • • ser Covers, Stand Cov• • LOCALS • ers and Shams, linen • •••••••• muslin prettily em - Write it 19 . broiderPd. Daylies 5e Herb A x t :pent the holiday in'lur• to 25e; Linen Covers $1 "- -I.1 to $.3; Shams 50c to $1. -Miss. Livingstone was in Blyth! Christmas Cushion for the holiday.1 Covers and Table ('ov- - Mr. and Mt's. D. A. Ross spent the 1 ers. in Tapestry and holiday at Clinton. I Silk, very fine goods, -J. L. Hagen spent Xmas with re- bought specially for latives in Hi!tsgreen• j Xmas trade. Price 75c Mrs. Geo.Brooks and daughter vis-' $1.00 and $1.50, ited at Hensall Xmas, -Mr. and Mrs. It. Richardson spent the holiday at Zurich. -Neil McConnell spent the holiday at his home in London, - W. W. Taman went to Blyth to spend Christmas at his home. - VOTE FOR W. .1. 1IEAMAN FOR COUNCILLOR. -Miss L. B. Jeckell, teacher at God- erich, is home for the holidays. -Mr. Louis Long, of Winnipeg, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Welsh. -Mr. 1Vm. Grigg, of St. Thomas spent the holiday with his father. -Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Taylor spent Christmas with friends in Hensall. -Mr. Hurry Baker. of Detroit visit- ed with hie parents Christmas week. -Miss Vanetta Lang visited her S. FITTON parents at, St. Marys during the week, -Fred Elliot, of Haileybury, is spending a few days with his mother. -Mrs. R. T. Johns, of Alvinston, is the guest of her father, Wm. Miners. -Mr. Wiley Millyard, of Toronto, -\i r. C. A. Tebbutt, of Galt, is spent the holiday with friends in town visiting in town. 001111)1 im e n t S Mr. Gillett. of Buffalo, visited at -lir. Fred Walter. of Detroit, is the hoarse of Wm. Rivers Christmas, -Mies A. Cobbledick, of Toronto, is home for the Nev Year. FOIL COUNCILLOR. visiting her parents at the north end. -VOTE. FOR W. J. BEAMAN -Miles Vera Rowe, of London spent -Miss May Gill. teacher at Fort Christmas at the home of her parents. Erie, is visiting at her home here. -Mr. Geo. Baker, of Detroit, visited -Miss P. Mason. of Toronto, is a under the parental roof during the guest at the Main Street. iaarsonage. past week. -Mrs. Rhea Scott Vernon, cf Tor- -Aiiss Dollie Dickson left last week onto. is visiting her mother. Mrs. for a few weeks' visit with relatives in Scott. -Mrs. Vroopan, of Ilerrisburg. is Montreal. iisi1ing her Parents Mr. and Mrs. G. -Air. and Mrs. J. Willie Powell Vis- Anderson. ited Mrs. ' • ' ' . - ► S a� aura Jeckcll has sc tr . frustums. ,1 position as teacher in the high school -Thos. 0, Wind, of Detroit, spent the holidayal Uxbridge. visiting friends in Exeter -Mr. Abe Davis and two children, and Crediton. of London. are visiting, \Vni. AaV•is, --Mr. Geo. Pedlar. of Chicago, in Exeter North. spending the laolida}swill► his broth- -Mr. and Mrs. Chris Luker .1114dau •hter Beatrice, spent Sunday with er, John Pedlar, friends in Bengali. //�� -Mr. ant! Mrs. 11', II. Lovett had -\liss Edna A1cC•t-rifts. of Toronto,! Xmas dinner with the former's par- is spending the sic Year holiday 1 ents in Parkhill. with her parent . - Mr. it. C. ckell, of Gall, spent! aL few days st week visiting Itis mother A)r;• 1Vrn. Jeckell. -Alis'' i.illie \lay. of Mitchell, and Miss t •Hunt. of London, are the ,(�� s of Miss Irene 'Medford. - Airs. E. P. Hoe i: and family, of Toronto, are the geusts of her moth- er Mrs. \\'m. Jeckell, London Road. -Misses Nora and .lenlie 11:0 -ton of Loudon. and Aliss MIA Harlon. of Sl. Thomas spent the holidays with their uncle Air. Thos. Barton. -51r. L. McTazcart recently plac- ed al telephone in his hon/ a •ti F.xe,.•r North. for ,!iib convenience. 11 will save hint many at walk down toren. -Rev. A. 11. Going and Rev. E. A. Fear changed pulpits last Sunday in o rii in 1, the occasion being Edne 1- tiuna1 Sunday at the Main Sirs•' church. - Air. acid Mrs. Jas. Lutton. of London. spent X11189 with ,heir uncle 51r. Thos. Marlon. They returned to the city Friday, •accumpaiiied by Miss 5)ary Tipp. -Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. Parkinson. of London, spent C1rist1111 with his mother at Elite ville. 51r. Parkinson is Principal. of Grand Avenue Nor- mal Training School. - it. has been reported 111'11 Sir. Schroeder has sold his (IntliI,( horse 8. S. to \1 r. Marshaill, of Marlin, for $2511. S. S. has shown himself to be ono of the best trotting horses in this section and it ie expected he mill make a still lett record in the hands of his new owner. -There nre local option campaigns m on in ninety-six municipalities y -six throughout the Province. and repeal 1' Winchelsea contests in nix. Thirty-seven of during the holidays. those municipalities trying local op - 1101 51•: '1'O RENT. - On Andrew lion are incorporated towns and vil- Street. first house North of Alain 8t. )ages. If the optiolists are fairly church parsonage. Furnace in house. successful it k said that next year a Two-fifths acre of land. Apply John rote will he taken in all the remnain- Broderick. Saiept 1 P. 0. 12-24-07. sing municipalities. -Dr. .1. A. Rollins, who we recent- CROCKElt'S EDUCATED •IORSES. I. appointed Asst, Supt. of L, 1)rilliAex- -The Toronto \Tail says. I'rof. Crock- Asyluat., called on friends in town last ers clever company of performers. ex - week on his way from Raymond, Alt., Midler! their 10.11» sell 'utilities to assume the duties of his new poli• an entertainers Ins, eve ' g• With t ion. laic clever family of e 'einem he lets -The string assizes will open to h:•en peen hero b. for:'. and 110 oaf Tuesday March Goderieh before who has enjoyed 1114' really mar vel - Justice lion. Mr. Justice Teettel, and the , ou5 exhibition ,riven by his highly non .jury sitting of the High Court of t rained animals should tweed any urg- Justice opens on Tuesday: May, 12th, I ue,( to again witness one of the most hefitre the Hon. �ir..lustice Re(idelt. wonderful exhibitions of the remark- --Messrs. W. Lyons, of Toronto, S. able degree to whirl' lois horses. )aon- Sweet, Vancouver. ('has Anderson, 14'9 and gooksv' have levet 1rain.•d. ['hey are ,aside front their individual iteewh►anvillc, R. Sweet, Clinton, Gait. l ,• 9 their different lima. talent in I e, Lond Winterbottom, wean, and Wan, Garner,' handsome collection of animals. week ,n, were in town Boring the past Opera (louse Exeter. .11nuary tit h. week visiting relatives and friends. and 7th.. and Matinee. Tuesday. --Mr. .1. it. McDonald (:hristnuw day( • Matin e. attended the funeral at Kippen of his bit. OVGN8 EYP, ANI) EAR SUR. neice, Mrs, Dignan, (nee tree Celia geon, will be at the Commercial Wins) daughter of 1'1►os. Mellis, of hotel. Yours 9.30 a. ng,. to 4.30 p. Ki ewti. Mrs. Dignan died in Saskat• m Glasses properly fitted and Ais- che •'stn Dec. 17th and her remains eases of eye ear and hoed treated. take3ti to Kippers for burial. • Next visit on friday. Jilt. 31. 1!t1a'1. Wat 0 Jewelry We are showing a large range Df Watches and Jewelry - newest de- signs of different manu- facturers. Come early and make your selection a oting Match An interesting shooting event took place at the grounds of the Exeter Gun Club last Friday, when the Sweetfa►u- ily, who are entertaining a number of relatives from outside points, held a shootingmatch. The first event con• silted of ten rocks and resulted as fol- lows: - W. Lions, Toronto 10 8 7 1) 9 0 Silas Sweet V'Couver 5 0 9 1) 7 9 9 O. Anderson, Bowman'le 4 2 8 7 6 Fred Sweet 5 3 R. Sweet, Clinton 2 0 G. Winterbt'm London 4 S. Sweet, 0 Dr, Sweet, 3 1 Thos. Sweet 6 After the 10 rock event was come plated a watch at 25 rocks was arrang- ed between Silas Sweet and W. Lyons resulting in favor of Mr. Lyons by the score of 21 to 19. Mr. Wm. Garner, of London, and a former Exeterite.. was referee and scorer_ A very pretty but quiet wedding I ligh Grade \ .atches at the took place at St. Peter's church rect• lowest (:rices ory. Hamilton, on Wednesday, Dec. 18. the occasion being the marriage of Miss Olive, daughter of Mr. rind Mrs. A MARCHAND lohn'1'. 1Vestcott, Wilson St to C. E. Fink, contractor. The ceremony was performed dy the rector, Rev. J. W. renEyck. After the ceremony the yowls, couple returned to the bride's home, where a dainty wedding dinner NEW was prepared. Only immediate rela- tives of the ht ide and groom wore pre- sent. The bride's going away dress was a smart tailored traveling suit of navy chiffon broadcloth with hat to match. The bride was the recipient !!itis! � f hands me xr d u. efut i[ sFallS no t t. g many K among them bung a beautiful Ci own AND piano, a gift of the groom. The young couple left for Buffalo, Niagara Falls and other points. They will reside in Hamilton. -T le f t1 of e n ! olio ug, from our to Plate K Fashion wore here for the holiday' ; I's'rcy Hooper, of :London ; Jla. 1lissett, of London visiting 'Miss 1'. llissett ; Maud Taylor, London. with her pat- ents ; Flossie .Taylor. London, eit1� her parents; lir. and 51rs. tem Goodisoti and 8011. Sarnia. with Ali - ll. Johns ; Dr. L. L. Follick rind '\11 - Mabel Follick. St. Marys. at the home of Mr. E. Follick ; Messrs. Nel- son and Wilbur Vale, of London. at the home of their mother. Mrs. John Vale. Exeter North ; Mary Mack. of London. with her parents ;Ed. Crock er. Toronto, with his parents : Chas. Miners. of London, with his father ; Of fa McPherson. Toronto, with par- ents : V. Sanders, London, with reln- tires; Gro. Armstrong. London. with parents, Frank Dennis. Toronto. with his parents. Just flrrlvcd Call and Make tl Se'1'ctioll he- ftily the rush. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. E ETLR, - ONTARIO. fERNEST ELLiOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected MON} 10 1410 at i e.e.t rates. 1�� \ eh west !Ands for Sale. (Hike, Main Street, Exeter 1 DON'T MONKEY WiTH THAT CO17G11 use 1iOW'FV'S SYRUP \VIIITE PINE & TAR -�' Sold only at Ilowey's Drug Store. Big bottle for 25c. The most beautiful showing of I).ttnty Col- lars we have ever dis- played conte and see them. Price 50e. 75e. $1MO. Kll) GLOVES-- Al- most every Lady appre- ciate+ a pair of good wearing Kilt gloves and Chats the kind we sell every pair guaranteed In Black and colored Price $1,00 $1.25. FANCY BELTS- In Silk, leather and elas- tic iu all the Popular shades. Price 201. •.nd 50c. FANCY LEATHER HAND BAGS - Also Fancy tartan Silk Bags makes a nice looking present as well as a tw- ilit one. Prices 75c. 81.00, $1.'25. $2.00. FINE SiLK SCARFS In Cream. Pale Blue, Pink, very fine quality 72 inches long very po- pular. Price $1.50 $2. !1! v Suitable for Gentlemen Men's tine Kid Gloves in Mocho's, Swede and Dressed Kid, Tined and unlined. Price $1.00 and 81,35. NECK iVEAR -- A bright showing of Bows Four-in-hand; Knots and Strings in all the new shades. Price 25e to 51)c. A SUITABLE GIFT FOR GENTLEMEN. - A Fancy box contain- ing pair tine braces, 1 pair Armlets and 1 pair !lose Supporters all for 75c t s. FANCY MUFFLERS In black or colors, large size, beautifully fine goods. Price $1. $1,'25 Mufflers in silk or satin tshaped) fancy colored lining. Price 50c and a_ l ase, SNELL & ROWE A Little Tick Talk Commencing the new year it will be well to be economical and it is gond economy to carry a thoroughly reli- able watch. An that can be depend- ed upon will save your time money and patience. The S. Fitton special movement is the most. reliable watch trade and we can furnish it in any case you may wish either Gold, Gold- filled, Silver or Nickel Ladies or Gents at most moderate prices. Cali and let us explain the special features of our watch. Issuer of Marriage License A full Tina of wedding rings always on hand. mompr WA' - s -Mr. Lorne Fear of Atnherstburg, spent the holiday at the Main Street parsonage. -Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Salter and son, of London, spent the holiday with Mr. Salter's parents. -Mrs. (Rev.) D. W. Collins and soar Paul are the guests of Mrs. Co11:1\s' parents at Ilderton, --Mr. Geo. Deity. of 2ort Huron, spent the holiday wan Mr. A. Pen - warden, near Et:mville. -Mr. (1 ,V . Holman, of ER mond- ville, epent a few days during the past week with friends in town. -Mr. Thos. Cave of llauniota Man. a former resident of Centralia, is visit- ing relatives in the neighborhood. FA1151 FOR .SALE -5;1 1-2 acres just North of Salt !flock. Exeter. Terms envy. Apply A. Q. Ifobier. -Miss Jennie Taylor, who was en- gaged during the past season as mill- iner at Shakespeare. has returned hone. - Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Knight of St. Thomas, spent the holiday the guests of Mr. and Mfrs Chas. Knight, Station Street. -School inspector J. E. Tom, of (ioderich, is spending the vacation week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James '1'otm, ---Mr. and Nits. (leo. Young, of Lou- don, were the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Beer, during the week. > brig a of -Mr.and Mrs. Frank i 4'1 R Cheltinghann, were the guests of friends in Exeter and -OF THE -- Season `!Ve sincerely thank our alloy .1 ny customers for their pat- ronage, as our trade for 1907 has been very satisfactory, but we still want more customers for,; �PpMl,.Ny, We have ee ve ev tUaie-k -:.' CL* wit a first class drug store ought to hive and we teel that it would pay you in every way to make this your regular family Drug Store, THE OLD RELIABLE We Wish you a Nappy New Year !fere are a few lines we are offering at quick selling prices. Pure Damask Bleached Table Linen with Napkins to match, sizes 2'i)x and 2'2x22. Japan Drawn Work Tray Cloth and Doilies. Damask Dra% Work and Hemstitched Towels at 50c each. Embroidered Linen 25e, 35c, and 50e. Tapestry Curtains and Table Covers in all colors ranging from 82,U0 t0 $0.50. Tapestry and Embroidered Cushion Tops with Cord to match. Ladies Hemstitched and Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs in silk-, listen and lawn. Choice line of Fancy Collars and Belts. A very choice line in Gents Ties, Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Braces, Gloves. and Fancy Socks. CARLINC BROS. TELEGRAPHY Sovereign Bads The Pathway to Success of Canada The Canadian Telegraph and lb HEAD OFFICE -TORONTO. Business Colleges aid, Up Capital: • ' 413'000.0' Of St, Thomas, Ont. and A liner, Ont. I BOAitn O1 DIRECTORS: have the Grand Trunk Dispatchers wire running through their class room and guarantee to place every young man graduate of the Telegraph De- partment with the Railroad Company or refund tuition fees. Telegraphy Shorthand &: Typewriting Bookkeeping New tern) opens Thursday, January 2nd, 1908. Call or write for particulars E. II. BEST. Manager. CS JARVIS, Esq., • • • Lru MACDONALD, E9.151 151 Vtc A. ALLAN, Esq., - - :nd Vrce- Hox. D. MCMILLAN, ARCH. CAMP13.LT., U M.1'. A. E. DYNEst, Esqq UN. Hoff. P,.trk MCL,4kEN, W. K. M. s:Acorty, Esq., M.P. Atlas. AI<t-c E, $sq., K.C. Q Jai,►eela'T, - - - Gent/alrl( ASSEL5, - - - .ins. Gensl-M4 Savings Bank Department bawl at beet current rata paid quarietlr. SHORTKAND The best stepping stone for a young Ulan or woman is a thorough training in Short- hand and Typewriting under competent teaclletts. Illt6r Term Commdll6cs 6 Jan. 190 AT THE WESTERN UU81NESS AIS SI101iNANI COME We give individual instruction, make a specialty of each pupil and place each graauate ill a situation. WM. C. COO, C. S. R., Principal. COLE'S DRUG sruue'�oose Leaf Ledger System --Mr. heti. Elliott. of Norwich, is spending :a felt days with his mother Mrs. 11. V. Elliott. The only Commercial School west of Toronto using the above A fellow in York, Pa., by the name Modern Office Work of Actual Canadian Business Procedure of Spangler, hath prophesied that the Wholesale houses calling daily for graduates of Canada's Greatest world will come to an end sometime next December. when mountains will Chain of High-grade Business Colleges, because our students "Learn crumble, islands will sink, the stat will to do by doing." Each student has loose leaf ledger, bill and turn black and the moon will throw charge system, cards 'stem, bank book;fills out scores of notes, a bloody atppearance, the heavens g' y' system, wilt he shaken and the stars will drop, drafts, deposit slips, cheques, statements, leases, mortgages. receipts However don't let the prophesier hot shipping bills, etc., etc Our students do actual business from the er you, but continue to send in your• subscription to the TIMES he's been first day• prophesying the same thing for the past Pleven years.. Gregg Shorthand and Last Thursday evening \ir. Levi 0. i'incklepatuzh, general agent. far the Stone h Wellington Ninsery Co., TGUCh Typewriting of Toronto, orgeniz el The Huron County Fruit Growers' Association. The meeting was held in the parlors taught by the most widely experienced teacher in Ontario; she is also a grad - of the Central hotel. Mr. 11. E. Hits- nate of .iohe R. (:regg, the. Author, and highly recommended by him. bast ton was elected president. N. 1). Ilur- year our Stenographers were all placed within 10 days of graduation. Many don, treas...John N. Ratcliffe, secy. S. of these young ladies now drawing $701 to $811)1 per year. It is freely ad - M. Sanders, asst. sect-. Seferal vice tnitted that we train the most rapid and accurate. ppresidents and directors were elected. 111x. TmckelpanRh presented the rot•Our Telegraphy Department is we equipped. Railroads aro locoing preanilale •'Resolved than we, - rhort of Opernturs, and Ialanlce the undersigned fraeit growers and cit- are advancing rapidly stens of Huron County, do hereby Wide Attendance Students attending our chain from almost every agree to unite oursele es, ns charter county in Ontario; many fieri Manitoba, Sask- mienibers. into an organization known atcllewan' Alberta and British Columbia; some from the United States, h:ng- ee "The Huron Crane Fruit Grow- land and Scotland. We train more young people than any other tnau3ge- ers Association," to innplo'•e the fruit- peen! in Western Ontario. growing and producing unlit 1(8 of Average situation taken by our graduates is not excelled; we intik. (me - our orchards, and to supplement the parison. individual instruction, Dty students attend night (•lasses (la l', and work of the Ontario a reit Growers' may take all the above courses, Association. Officials of the new or- • 1 1 N iia u n are t a serve for .he next K nn t ( TERM M E3EGINS JANUARY6 three years. WINTER r _It Write for Catalogue. Opera. House, Exeter CLINTON BUSINESS For Two Nights and Matinee r • 0E(), IV( 1'ITO :, PRikVi-11,1/, January Gth and 7th - -- lf L _- -.- I ty lneiiilr*}!r" of Lr )anon Forest Lod No. A. F. & A. M. held n Prof. C1'ocker's Wonderful t'•, pleasant 84591011 in the iortxct ro m, lint Friday rvenitl , the occa- Tronpe of Educated Horses, abs heist, the inatallntion of officer, 1 Poneys, Donkeys and Mules. for 190f1. The following werein51n11• err by Rt. \V. A1., L. 11, %Dickson. as These animals do everything but talk, surd by other hreahn n ; \V. \i.. W. W. Taman ; Sr. \V.. Rev. 1). \W, Col- INIatinee'i'uesday afternoon ling ; Jr. \W., R. N. Creech : Mr. ab., Fred Kerr : .1r. I)., W. i). Manders I. The only show of its kind in the world G.. 11. G. Seldom ; 8. 8.. R. Murphy ; Matinee prices; Children 10; Adults 20 Jr. 8.. .1. Atkinson. After the in - Evening prices, 25c, 35c; rOc. stall:11ton a itanauet 1118 ,(ivch by. the officers at which speechP.}+ and __,T= -- Plan at Cole's Drug Store, song, were given by Dr, Rollin.. L. 11. Dickson. llufli Spackman. N. 1). - 10Tli 1'01t \\'. f, 11 Watch for Street Parade Monday --- -__ ' --•' 0PERA 1101'SE 4.. day :old Tries/ley evenin COI and 7th. and Matinee. Prof. Crocker's erliicated ponies rind mules. They re thing but talk. The 0111t• Re kind in the world. 1'w mals in the stage et one mos' refined and edue.•tt1,, tail: wilt., Watch for th stye • parade Monday. piss . 10 cents for children. for • lolts. Rvenin,r prices ' riOc