Exeter Times, 1904-01-07, Page 3COrIfIOYT. taut.
No. 1
Sotto day shaving Is forced npou
ever man. At frst it does not
matter what sort c( razor is used--
tether's fond birthdezytt cr c
thee* pet Carbo M uetien
expensive safety uta its constant
tax of new btcdee—eat r• it
The beard sic • ; zt.1 zero i'`
the rest,vit.Iq:c :ic•_ :... ..;'._
doesn't a razor ? E '..
tormly from heel to tic _, , t
Lenin) C: gri n•i. • - ....3
w berme at r c c - _a. the
--rt and sr.' •. c7Y,
t.s °b -
re!' . the
or. y .1 t.-
Log aor. -_ _ ',
The : - cf the CuL'3 1.'.
eazor i.: u -.:;shed by a secret p:.. -
Elocfrl,^, Tors, ar4ny-
itiveIy raergva eve..)' p ticic
;bon (tht life of ctecl) into
saetal—r via a (4-137/41117.'%. ::'. z
&as dnoar- •
tee blzde—so:
possibi_ with t ,-red •- __ d
ib making all
Lut test this IJ i L.'tItJ'r, t'a'r
teed razor is ;ca• ..r 4o�e—c:
Ove yot:r bzr'•: .. • ...-
Drop us a ' •:a, cr
come in and sr, . .: we wi'.
you our new 1
these razors tested wvit.`.at ob::,
tion to purchase, together wit!, e.a
.. bee booklet "Hints cn Sharing. -
W. S. Cole, I;
et .•'
t.it ti
0a:4...* •
FINK—NVISTCOTT — At St. freers
church Rectory. Hamilton. by the
{ Rev. .I. \V. Tenleyck on \\'edues-
t day, Dec. lath.. 1907.. Miss Olive
\\'estcott, daughter of Nr.:and Mrs.
J. T. \Vestcott. to \Ir. Christopher
Fink. all of II•unillutr.
MF.NTB — SONSTF:It — At the
thodist parsonage. •MIL Forest,
25. Mr. John Clements. of
nchelsea, to Miss Aplrie Soneter,
. Forest.
IiF N.—In \1'inc1t•Ise 1. on Thursday,
December 26th. P407. Sophia Wall,
beloved w ire of '!Troy. Ilern. aged
1 72 years and -1 months.
—The Ex:•ler 'tint('s 1114 a eiteeher
of real ftionds that it values4 a
highly. been the friendship , c-
\ pretest! does soot appear to be one of
self;.!► interest. A lady or ,t •zcntle-
an kiton ;tent of nowt that
• missed by the
Alio:, thus.,.... stern tvns ,,o.s••s,er of ex-
is the guest of Miss Olivia tt,ltzt nen. I " "' '' 1 ,!;tics, she was a wood and
Rev. J. P. Mauch of Tokio, Japan, kin.! :!zees
devoting her lite to
conducted quarterly meeting services
in Zion Evangelical church on Sunday
last and rendered excellent sermons.
tht welfare of ot hers. In religion,
she was a staunch Methodist and in
her younger days took an uctive in -
He preached a powerful sermon in the terest in everything pertainin,; 10
;Horning and in the evening he spoke! church affairs. Her health up to
! teat '1'Lanks;(iving Day had Leen
along the ulisJonats' litre in both very good for one of her age. but
languages. Very large audiences • since then she gradually declined.
greeted him. The Sunday school orale l !luring her illness she never coin -
chows sang a fine selection iibtitled 1 pinine(I and although sufferint in-
"\Vhen the Mists have rolled away" tensely. she retained her ch.• •rfu;
which was greatly appreciated. I disposition to the end. Besides her
Among those who spent the holiday husband, she is survived by the
with friends and relatives were; Mr, I following children. Mrs. Stephens, of
and Mrs Thos Wind, Chas Wind. Miss BINulshard, by her first husband ; turd
Tillie and Clara Wind, Chris ! oelker, George, of Blanshard ; Fred, at home ;
\\'alter, merchant, laiutville ; Mrs. C.
Johns, laitnyil le ; and Lizzie and
Mnry at !tome. The fuu•'r,t1 held
from her late residence on 'atilt -day
interment being in the %i ceme-
tery. was attended by a lar ium-
Huxtable Hamilton. Mr John Stalls her of sorrowing relative. end
Chicago, Alf Williams and Chris friend The following lin . -of
Finkbeutei•, London, Mr Albert and which the deceased was excc•.•dingly
Tillie Heist Pigeon, Mich, Mrs Percy fond are herewith appended
Humble, Sarnia, Mr Harrison Fink-
beiner Hersey .Mich, Mr. Sweitzer Dost thou wonder to whom is ate
New Hamburg, m urg, Wni Siebert, Plats- pointed
vine. Such a dwelling in endless fray:
Nomination day passed off very It act aiteth the blissful moment
quietly. The town hall was tilled and When thou shalt the call obey.
when the hour had arrived for the aa. loch will sutnlnon thy eager ,pir-
ciosing of the nominations it was it
learned that. Henry \\'illert. Samuel From these shadowy scenes away.
Switzer. Steve Webb and J Kellerman it teas ,tanned bythe Friend than
for reeve, J Kellerman, \Van Ander• i
sots, A Hicks for de utv reeve, and all others,
Thomas Lawson, Detroit, Cheri F.tlber
Mayyill,Alich. Alr and Mrs Will Lewis
South Itiver. Mr Will Either New
ark Ohio. Semi Stahl and daughter,
Beatrice, Waterloo, Mr Sol Holtzman
Pigeon Mich, Mr and Mrs Hussell
Iso -ed new Etat100 a',
and Mrs. D. Dougall,
r and Miss Godbolt, of Til-
ey, spelt Xmas with Mrs. George
—WANTED—Good servant girl for
small family. Good swages to suitable
party. One over "0 ye:us of age pre-
ferred. Apply to Titues Office, Exe-
A High Class College
Mt', A. A. Itibner, M. A.. Ph. D.,
who is a literary teacher of high stand-
ing and one of the strongest commer-
cial teachers in the profession, h as
been ct gaged to take charge of the
Conluneiend Depattwent of the Wing -
ham Business College.
Mr. 'Miner has not only held the
chair of iligher Matheunatica and Mod-
ern Languages. in the Canton College,
for the years. the chair of Ancient and
Modern Languages, in Austin College
three yearn but
has had many years
experience in teaching and in manag-
ing some of the largest Commercial
Colleges in the country.
\ r
.It, Hihu r is a Specialist in the
highest setae e1 the tern. A of
tesonrce and strength of character,
always inspiring the pupils with his
own enthusiastic methods, Ile is a
thorough disciplinarian and a willing
teacher, pleasant, and entertaining,
and keenly 'lice to the rapid progress
end best interests of those under his
The Shorthand Department is in
charge of Aliss E. Virginia Grant, who
is most widely experienced Short ha:.d
teacher in the province, and is a graul-
A flit ks, \V Anderson, Geo Penhale, 1 \Vho loves thee more tenderly; nate of the Author of the eystetu
Wei V.arley, Hol:ert Keys. 'IV U Ile knew !hist !lou fain �coulrl'slItaught ardhighly rec•olnuteuded by
Satinets for councillors. All made
be dwelli'iu hint.
Ieugthy speeches. Since the above \\'here. his face thou ntight'st al' \Vith these two departments in
`gays see: charge of so capable and wide! ex
meeting some resigned leaving the 1 g l a Y
board for 1908 elected by acclamation
And. therefore, a been periencel Specialists, we anticipate
builder' the most 11 .: Cerin
Deputy Reeve J >, results. A College
Reeve, Steve Webb, Dep
Kellermann, Councillors, %V 1) San• In His .heaven of glory for thee. rapidly in •-..-ing in attendance,grow-
ders, \\'►u Yearly, and A Hicks. It Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Delbridge, of ing in int! :••uce and prestige,anel coin -
might be mentioned that Fred Worth Cheltinghant, vi -iter' Mr. Sed Mrs. "weeding the respect and tete gnition
by an oversight was not nominal ed. John Delln•idge, Christmas.—The Sun- of Canada's most enterprising business
home 1.tth
ll cI -• a was ' MerrilMich.
Mr. Al . t c n .
b a 1 .la h
attending the funeral of his bre.:;
er'sJohn � cLc
ac'c. wife.
Miss Sarah Baumgarten. who for
Canadian Hair Restorer
`,Before •
end 406
Aft e r 44.
the past few mons hs Was in Hatt le Will restore gray hair to its natural color.
Creek. Mich., has returned hooey Stops falling hair causes to grow on bald
again. heads.Cures dandruff. itching,scalp diseases.
Mrs. John Met'hee was in Detroit By its ueethin hair grows luxuriantly.
last week (visiting her d ug liters contains no oily or greasy ingredients.
Josie and Ml•tugie. Is entirely unlike any other hair prepara-
The Messrs. .Vex. and Allen Mc- tior ever offered for sale.
Taches. who ate brakestnert ou lilt:. Agood.reliableCanadianprelraratlon.
(:rind Trunk at London were home I'awllNlyd Testimonials.
!sat week visiting their another. }lith A. Burke, Missionary 11. M. Church,
The meeting of 8. S. No. 7. which Akhltnfrn.Egypt. and friend.+,greatly please
was held on 1 he 2011i clay of Rees.;;_ with results after two yearn using.
ber proved that 1). Mcls:tac be t rus- I.. A. notice, Wilncr, Montana. My hair
tee and Orli 3o1111 (:ower he auditor and whLtkcrn restore.! to nnUrral colot,dark
for the coming year. brown, byu,;(ngCanadian Itair Itestorcr.
M. Oram, IlurRessville, Ont. Canadian Rain
Mir. and M r•. M. !keener. of G r utd Restorer lathe best l have ever used.
)tt•I:d, spent a few clays with J. D. John O. Hall. New Aberdeen. Cape Breton.
ilannon and wife last %seek. Canadian Heir Restorer hasworkedwonders.
rat e
Myhead 1 nearlyall coveredwith w t 1 thick
.tr. C. llo art our plit school
g h h I
teacher La• left for North of Belle-
ville where he has 1,•c••iy..1 i posi-
tion. We wish him touch succi ss
his new school.
Mr. Edward Sweitzer. of llatitburs
d Miss ilannah Flukbeiner. of C'rerl-
d upni .tr.:+ntl Mr-. • •
gmwth black hair, original color.
Sold by all wholetalo and retail dnrggietn.
Mallet to any addless in the civilized world
on receipt of price, 9w•. Manufacture.! by
THE 'CUMIN ('O., Windsor, Ont.., Canada.
Sold t:ye ter b: W, N. ('ale. IV
5. iia • •,,1 .1 \V. Brow 1., a 11r ses-
We want everybody interested in garden-
ing to write for our Nest 1908 Catalogue,
which is one of the in t complete seen
catalogues published. '1 •ch inquirer we
will include absolutely . a package of
seed of onrspleniliel new tu. :o. "Canail a's
Pride," or if preferred a ; ackage of our
wonderful " Canadian Gr:.. " Turnip or
• , .1 1;osa " i't; epics.
• :• •4i . . a mune vcnir choice.
parch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd.
London, Ont.
Mr. Ilibner will assist Principal
Spot ton in completing Mail Courses in
Matriculation. ('isil Service.etc.•which
he hopes to have in operation by early
tni ,K �a understand that the
\\ ingh•un Business College and its
branches, located at Clinton. Walker-
ton. Orangeville and Gnderich, reopen
for winter term Jan. flth.
There is no one article in the line
of medicine that gives so largo a re-
turn for the money as a good por-
ous strengthening plaster, such as
Carter's Smart Weed ;Ind Belladonna
A prominent physician, famous for
his success In tho treatment of kid•
ney and bladder diseases, attrlbntes a
success to the t
tdeal of his
ing simple vegetable proscription :—
One ounce Fluid Extract Davide.
One ounce Compound Balaton* ;
Four ounces Compound Syrup
Sarsaparilla ;
Mix, shake well, and take in tea-
spoonful doses after each meal and
again at bedtime.
Yeur druggist eon supply ' he ingre-
dients, and the mixture can bo pre-
pared at home at very little expense.
This, the doctor says, acts directly
on the kidneys, assisting them to fil-
ter tho poisons from the blood e• •,
expel same in the urine, at the (tams
time restoring the kidneys to healthy,
normal action.
\\'e feel that a great many readers
will be pleased to learn of this simple
prescription, and knowing the ability
of the physician whose formula it is,
we do not hesitate to recommend it
to any sufferer.
Fysten, At all dr c. and SI,
or Dr. 7'. A. Slocttt», Limited, '79 Creditor's Harness Shop
King StredL Wast, Toronto. .•
Annual Meeting
of the
Exeter Agricultural Society
will be held in the
Thursday, January 16th, 1307
set one o'clock p. ut. For the ;im-
pose of electing President, Vice-Presi•
dent and Directors [far the ensuing
year and transacting other important
All members and interested parties
are cordially invited to attend the
The DIRECTORS are particularly
requested to attend a meeting at 111
O'clock a. m, on the above named
President, Scsretary
South Huron
Farmers' Institute
Regular meetings of the above society
will be held as follows:
Brucefleld, Dixon's Hall. Sat., Jan. 11
Exeter, Town Hall, Monday, Jan. 13
At 1 o'clock and 7.30 o'clock.
Speakers at Brucefield—G. Barbour of
Crosshill, afternoon subject, "Draft
horses and how to raise them"; even-
ing subject. "F'arnr►•s and their sons"
�\ , J. i.enno;., of Newton Robinson,
afternoon, "Sheep breeding and their
management'; evening, "Training
young horses"; W. U. Sanders, Exeter
afternoon, Selected subject.
Speakers at Exeter,—G. Barbour,
afternoon, "Draft horses and how to
raise them"; evening, "Farmers and
their sons"; W. J. Lennon afternoon,
"Sheep breeding and th. i- manage-
ment"; evening, "Fanners Gardens";
It. B. McLean: Kippent,afternoon, Sel-
ected subject.
Will be held at
(Senior's i1a111 in the afternoon at
2.:10. Miss L. Shuttleworth, of Guelph
will speak on "Fruits, Methods of Can-
nit,g and Preserving."
Besides thg above mentioned ad-
dresses, MissiShuttlesvorth will speak
at the Evening meetings at both
places on "Health as a basis of Woul.
arily Beauty."
A concert of music will also be giv-
en at the evening meetings. (in Exe-
ter at Opera House►.
Pres., Exeter. Sec'y Treas. Hensel'
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Siguature of
Take a Full
of '►BOVI? I l." at
Eleven o'elo('k
ta. m. or p. in. It does
not ;!tatter which.
It will give you vigor
and enerr„►y
see itis
We MA our illaii) Customers a
Happy New Year. /
Xi e wish to thank our many Customers for their patro P-
age in the past. Our aim has always bzen to place befo
the public only such goods as will guarantee satisfactio
and in this way we are building a large trade in Crediton
and vicinity. When in town call and see our stock.
Get from any [rescri Ition pharma-
cist the following.
Fluid Extract Dan(Ielion. one-half
ounce; Compound 'le -argon. one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
• Shake well in a Lottie and take n
teaspoonful dose after each meal and .
at bed -tine.
The above is considered by an emin-
ent authority, who writes in a New
York daily paper, as tate finest pre-
scription ever written to reliev.>'
Backache, Kidney Trouble, V.mak
Bladder and all fortes of Urinary dif-
ficulties. This mixture acts prompt-
ly on the eliminative tissues of the
' sous ys. enabling tlteut to filter and
strain Use uric acid and other waste
matter from the blood which causes
Some persons who suffer with the
afflictions may not feel inclined to
place much confidence in this simple
mixture. yet those who have tried
it say the results are simply surpris-
ing, the relief being affected without
the slightest injury to the stomach
or otter organs.
Mix some and hive it a trial. It
certainly comes highly recommended.
It is the prescription of an `itnitient
authority, whose entire(( reptit%tion, it
i . said 'a is 11 1
is w. established 1 ed t.
t t scs 1 1► Y
A druggist here at home when
asked stated that he could either sup-
ply the ingredients or mix t Ito pro-
scription for our readers, il.o recom-
mends it as harmless.
U. S Subscribers
ple..-•• note that the
have to pay one cent postage
on each paper going to the
('niter States. This Means
that your subscribt ion meat
be paid in advance, When
you see your subscription ex-
piring remit $1.50 for another
year so 111•It you will not
miss any cu;,,• s of The Times.
1 have found a tried and t,'trd cure for KheO.
tnatitm! Nota remedy that will straighten the
distorted limbs of chronic cripples. nor turn bogy
growths back to flesh again. That is impossible.
}tut 1 can now surely kill the pini and pangs of
this deplorable disease.
In Germany—with a Chemist in the qty of
Darmstadt—I found the last ingredient with
which Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made
a perfected. dependable prescription. Without
that last ingredient, 1 surres3hrlly treated many.
many Mei of Rheumatism: but ant., at last, it tml•
tormly cures all curable cases of this heretofore
much dreaded disease. Those sand -like granular
wastes. found in Mourne tle Blood teem todissolvo
and pass away under the a,tion of this remedy as
freely as does sugar when added to pure water
And then, when dlssolvr-1, these poisonous wastes
freely pass from the system, and the cause of
Rheumatism is gorse forever. There is now no
Neal need—no ictus I excuse to suffer longer with -
gel help. We sell, and In cooOdeuce recommend
Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic Remedy
1200 Ord of hard wood. Best qual-
ity. .:Prices according to grade.
Wood cut to snit customers, cord
Chalet left at Times Office o
Thos. Har tnoll
in your marc t: ie at home, or
Take a Personal Course at School.
To enable all to learn we teach ort
cash or instalment plan. We also teach d
personal class at school once a month.
Class commencing last Tuesday of cacti
month. These lessons teaches how to cut,
fit and put together any garment from the
plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elabors
ate dress. The whole family can learn from
course.We have taught over
ongg seven
thousand dress -making, and guarantee
give five hundred dollars to any one that
cannot learn between the age of 14 and
40. You cannot learn dress -making ae
thorough as this course teaches if yeti
work in shops foryears. Beware of imited.
tions as we employ no one outside the
school. This is the only experienced Dress
Cutting School in Canada and excelled by
none in any other country. Write at once
for particulars, as we have cut our rate one•
third for a short time. Address:—
31 Erie St.. Sire Vora, Ont.,Cana4ai
WANTED AT ONCE.—We have dei
tided to instruct and employ a norm
bor of amart youn; ladies to teed/
our course in Dreaamakin;, having
• teacher for the six nearCpa
• • n» where T hey live--ai;a 20 t
1 r,:e ss
ho have worked
tv k d
• -- r , !kin:, or like drawin; P
(or red. I'leose Ito not apply u
you can never, your were., 1
Astonesanding a 4ketrb and dr."' r
eetetl ascertain -r (4 14.n ire •l. rrhH
nn Is peals, ♦ paten hife (- •nnurnt
tlnn.etetetlymned- •fel. IIANDBoat.,n !'area
sent free Ubte.t s err kn. aocurtrgparent..
Patents tat en t:. -,u b
c Mu's tiCcua. ncei
wit/ fiamnns er
♦handsome 1 t:lu anted weekly. fAs -
(5�ttlatlon of any weentise Mescal. Tae,
('*niv]a.1.4.:, a yea: tK4taie prepaid. w
ail MUN Wek CO w
N set Y
Branch OOee, t�