Exeter Times, 1908-01-02, Page 1T �, T -T �►�� — -� —ter- —
TJX hT;,;H 1I'IMES, JANUARY ?ml19U.�
Wishing our Many Customers a
Happy New Year
And thanking you for your mast favors and soliciting a continuance
of your patronage in the future. We will continue our special
10 and 20 per cent. Discount Sale
until January 10th, 1908
as we are anxious to reduce our stock before stock taking
FURS — Astrachan and fur-Iined
coats, stoles, ruffs and mufla, all ht a
Furnishings such as Ties, Silk
Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Collars, Shirts
Gloves, Hats and Caps, Fur Collars,
Tie Pins, Cuff Links, Cutlery, etc.
We are showing a full range of
silk suitable for waists and dresses at a
special price.
The following testimonial proves once again the superiority of
"• Nature's Healing Balm," Zam-Buk. MIS. L. Spalding of 505 Erie
St., Stratford, Ont., says: "Some time back I met with a peculiar
accident while descending the stairs with a child
• in my arms. I slipped, falling heavily on my left
arm and elbow, receiving a flesh wound. My arm
was inflamed, swollen and very painful. I tried
different preparations, but the wound kept dis-
charging and refused to heal. About this time my
brother suggested using Z_am=Buk. I acted upon
his advice. Zam•Buk thoroughly cleaned the
wound, stopped all discharging and soothed the
pain and in tour weeks the wound was nicety
healed. nave had perfect use of both elbow and
arm ever since and owe this good luck to the
wonderful healing balm Zam-Buk and would
advise others to use nothing else." Zam•Buk cures
cutsbruises, bums eczema, festering wounds and
all skin diseases—of all druggists and stores -50c.
box or post-paid from the Zam•Buk Co., Toronto.
Send for sample and enclose re. stamp for postage.
z'r one day last week. shine Xmas Tree entertainment was a
Mr. Fred Oai..•, and his slaughter grand success. There was a► large
Violet called upon his brother Adapt crowd and the stun realized was about
C ,tis"r. of sit roit, last week. $1N).—The Misses Vera Coward and
. Schwartz, of Cnytitra Alinena Heywood were the guests of
Ont.. e . . .ii'ig et the Ml1.s.rs. .1. Mrs. Ai thur Francis, of Plugtown on
and Fred kaiser last week. Sunday. Where were Wilson and
Mrs. Mersey arid her .on Robert Fred.- Miss Nellie France. of B. C., is
S. E.PvON N,sCREDITON ed upon Mr. and Mrs. John Schroeder and rs..Simmn Miller, of Cromarty,`tad Anis of London. call- visiting Alr.— ie,
one day Iasi week. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
The plisses \lemic and Sadie Web- Oodbolt for a few days last week.—
ster. of Detroit .pens X ur,� Ie it i! Miss (;ertt•ude Miller had her Christ -
Yon Can't sleep a Good Crediton their grandfather lit. .Icahn \lcEach- trtasdinner with irsCeo Ifazlewood,
en. of this place. Woodham.-- t1 r. and Mts. t rnncia
FlourD. 1,..I. .MMLCI E, MEMBER ON. Durdle, of Brussels, are. visiting the
lour Do�� ll D RTARIO COLLEGE PHYSIC'. __tt• tV•i'h:l).—(loud servant. girl forformer's parents during the winter
Ins and Surgeons. Successor to Dr. su,•,I1 1,n,ily. Good wires to suitaid.. iiionths.—Mr. Thos. Coward was in
A baker was heard to say the E. A. Iiaist. Creditor). Ont. .I.ir,.. (;,r,. ov.'i. 20 p. iv:, of .n• p, London Tuesday with a load of butter.
At Che \Village Trustee meetiugheltl fe•rr..l. Apply to Twit-, lift •• • I•:.
—Mr. 1Vio Turnbull and sister .Ups.
other daythat the wind pearl Ida Duncan returned horns Saturday
Y in the town hall Monday Dight the t�'i• Christ -
night after a pleasant visit with
blew his shop over but his sponge following trustees were duly maria-
friends liN'inghanr. ]t seems there
up and his bread turned out ated, \Ven. Lewis. G, Beaver and C. \� Illl'llt'st.i is a pickle f.,clory in That northern
One ins its of fate. Kuhn. Tho latter refused to accept __
low n.—\i r. 1:ImerCinil: of London
p the position and probably, another
*The reason for his success: he meeting will be called. The retiring The il,••it11 011 "ll,ur �,
visit ad under the parental roof Christ-
trusteesgave a fine account :of their of Sophi, %% ail. i, �",..�i .1 •toss. Ile was accompanied by his
Used' Star Flour, and if you too
friend Wm. Stilson.—Mi.l'eiey Hams
stewardship. Ihornas ilern. ie hn,ve. froze ,,•; :
tt ouldl have good bread use the One of the most successful enter- ri,id.t oh, of 1 -borne': ,r1> ',tow,' •,' - of (ieditou, visited his sinter, Mrs. 1V
Fleur that has been Tested, tainment ever held in connection with arts{ "n . of Dor io,isr l„•lov,•.t ,,i�l \\' Kerr staring the holidays. — MIS.
the Evangelical Sunday School was Vet tett cit ii i,'.. •i. d 4... unit t Alrinf3tBoutl y is
ndisiting her father,fries
STAR FLOUR held Xmas eve. The children render- n,c11lis. '11w dere•n.i t 1.e !IS horn in l Ai't
ed their various parts very creditably. ('0, ),s s l 1. 1'.11111111d. and 1 t 1 he .,,;e• ) le, of ('cntratlin, a►nd
The memory of quality lingers long Thespaciouachurch was crowded to of i:, ye•nrs elms to Cattail i, settling NIrs.Berry Brown.of Crediton, were
after prices are forgotten;the doors, fully people being Pres- in I/arim...qui', where in 18716 sly. seasI 1111. guests of Mrs IL Ilt own on 'Hume
end and with the very small admission married 10 .lames Stevens. who ,Iu.•dJ d„y hast. —Two of 1 be surveyors went
•EY BROS. I” the roceeds amounted to about, $70 three y,•ar, later. In Oct. IS1i2' she "t'•1 the rend they had loris or
teas neinel i to her now sorrow ing I lie railroad on Moi,
the best in the history of the SSunday
husband. 'Thus. .Vern, and a short stakes for 111.• pr
t INTAl{10. School. The various committees did
their parts well and deserve praise for time ntte•r�.earts ,hey beoved to 1's- this paint. -
the way the entire entertainment wine Lorne, settling ort the ltd► concession. t
tthere flier• eon!inued—Ln reside. •
The honest Physician is Anxious
to Cur:; and Uses the Best
Available Remedies.
Tho proposed legislation through
the Dominion Parliament for the reg-
ulation of the manufacture and sale
of patent or proprietary medicines is
of the utmost importance, and it i3
receiving a great deal of attention.
not only by the proprietary medicine
manufacturers, but also by the leading
doctors and dr•tggists. Every manu-
facturer of reliable and high class
remedies welcomes the bill as a step
in the right direction. Tho discussion
has brought out the fact that the best
physicians in Canada and on the con.
tauent approve of and proscribe Psy.
chino in cases of the most, difficult
character. In a recent instance of
very serious throat and lung trouble
the patient had been using 1'syehine.
Two leading United States specialists
wero consulted, in addition to two
eminent Canadian physicians. , Upon
learning what the patient was using,
a sample of Psychino was taken and
analyzed, with tho result that the
physicians advised its continuance.
They proscribed no other medicine bet
Psychino, with the result that the pa-
tient has fully recovered and is a
splendid walk ire.; and talking adver.
tisement for the wonderful curative
power of a remedy that will "stand
up" before the keenest professional
criticism and analysis. As a builder
up of the system and restorer of all
wasted conditions, Psychino has no
equal, and the best and most earnest
physicians recognize this fact.
" At tho ago of 25 my lungs wero In a terrible
state. I had la grippe the year before; it settled
en my Ings and 1 kept ateadlly growing were
tfl1 1 got down so low 1 was In bed for six wes43.
I hada consultation of doctors, and they said limy
could do nothing more for tae. ?hen 1 started 10
use ray -chine. I took the me,licfne for more than
a -year. It certainly did wonders for too. I am
now as strong as 1 was before my sickness."
MRS. 11. ilnl'lt,
Morpelh, Ont.
Psychine, pronounced Si -keen, is the
greatest of tonics, building up the 1.v,
tem, increasing the appetite, purify
ing the blood, aids digestion, and acts
directly upou the throat and lungs,
r d vigor to t • on
1O Per Discoullt'1! Cent,
At Z wicker's
Do not miss the many bargains we are offering.
This store is where you will find the greatest selection of goods
If you intend donating anything in the Fur line do not miss our stock
We have a nice line of Sable Ruffs, Muffs, etc, also Fox, Mink, Oppo
Persian Lamb, Otter &e. made up in all the leading styles.
See our line of Grey Lamb Cape, Collars &c.
Our Gents Furnishing stock is complete, having just opened a nice
of Ties, Coilars,;Gloves, handkerchiefs, Far Collars for Overcoats, &c,
We have the molt exquisite lines of China, Dinner Setts, hanging Lam
&e we have ever offered.
Our Grocery department is filled with the best stock of Ft nits, Nutri, Can
dies Peels we could procure. Our prices are as cheap as we have ever (Merei
in any season.
We require 10,000 lbs. of Dressed Fo
behween no« and ,lanuary 1st, 1 f)0$. and III
this week will pa/ l the following prices:
TURKEYS ilc per Ib. GEESE Sc per lb.
DUCKS Sc per Ib. CHICKEN -6c to 8c
I cent per lb. less for cash.
NOTE—We pay:the highest prices fol Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Cloven
("deed &c1
A ('all Solicited. CHAS. ZVTICKER
Whyi not give yourself a present, rine tl at will Look %Veil
Wear Well, and Last WO.
A Suit of Clothes or
An Overcoat
would he just the thing and something that would afford the we
comfort as well as the pleasure of knowing that he is dressed
1Ve have the very latest cloths and pattern..