Exeter Times, 1904-01-07, Page 5GO TO LAW PPEAR n, But the ti CHINESE AS DISHWASHERS CHINKS MAKE GOOD GENERAL, SERVANTS. Hard Working, Fairly Reliable and a Great Hand at Saving. Douglas Knocker, who spent a number of years. in China, and is th,r oaghly fanaILar with all the ways of tho wiry Chime, writes an ,teresting article to the Empilo Ro- w on Ml'l'e Chinaman at Roma ad. fie .ritfvot writers on Chinese e refer to t in at home. o the supply of w kers is fai- nt arfn snows of the demi el, for the wages are to tkcnt hi and t?;car number praeticalty unlimited. In Chinas therefore, it is possible to ob- tain as good a servant as can be - made of a Chinese. Ono shoal+, how- ' "ser, study the Chintorsaa, not only under homo influence but when 1 e has engaged himself in cervico In a for- eign hand. The widely spread nature of the CI meso invasion into other lands is well known. Aiany occuphtions at- tract I lin. Ile particularly appre- cites the f.eedotn he enjoys under British rule. TITh CHINAMAN AT HOME. case. kingdom, a witnerss la The at ` " day a man was p:rotaecut- ed for forging His Majesty's signs titre to a attire drawn on Coutts Ilrnk, but King Edward, even if l:o wit.hed to do so, could not go into t e witne.l -box• to prove the forgery; 1 is e'.Weise had to be given Matta -1i the mediate of other parties. Shortly after His Afajet,ty, then, et Course, l'rir.te of Wales, had pur- chased the Sandringham Estate, a elapute arose between two of the (crams on the property and bra .Rota! landlord its conr.ec(Ion with the eres.ervtng of grune, %si.i.h eves - teeny ies'.l,ed in a lawsuit. There is not ping to prevent tl.e Prince of Walt•s, who is It tnti)JeCt Of ti'') Crown, from suing in tl:o ordinary courts of Inn', arra( that is what 'Ills IUajoaty pro: cored to do against his ref artery tenant. 'il a case, however, was set ties: out of court, the teuat,t gl:-ing up the farm, for w l:i h 1 e vv ns well compensated. Abroad Royalties aro much more fequoitly int aped In lawsuits than they ago to (kea.t Britain, though the t arties proceet'.ed against by Royr.liy SELDOM NIN TIiJ1rIj CASES., The Kaiser, like our Sovereign, cannot apjoar personally In an or- dinary court el law, but 1:e can, and doe!, appear from time to t4mo through his r'epresentetive. A to.,plo of yea:s ago a wino mer- chant sued Use. Katfs:er for the large euro of $.12.50. TI.o Kai:er had, p1b.r to t!.is a.time paid the mer- chant lis a.r.00unt, wlinb amounted to some thou sands of dollnt s, less a trilling r,iscount, and transferred his Tripe:Sal silicas for wine elsewhere. Tho wine merchant, having lost the Kaiser's custom, determined to ex- act I.ls pouud of flesh, and sued Ids late customer for tl:o full amount due on the wine account. Tho caro eve:aually went to the Supremo Co•'rt of Apical, whore it was main- ai•eti that the merchant was en- i:1'•d to Lis $12.50, anti this Sc al- Jtto-t a unique example of a s•ibje: t ..niag a case against the Kaiser the 1 igher courts. Russia an 0 on ecan too. any 1: ' ,nr- a lion ngnfr:st the Tsar unless ho bo of noble rank, and oven then it is tr incly densterous work for the to proceed against - hie L r r master. Thera are very few e truces of such cases, and they i *ally res:.lt in (l.e plaintiff far- 1 a vary bad time of It for tits • f his r'ay's. A Hessian noble, a (r, a couple of years (ago had I ire. ity to embark on a law ;ainavt the 'Tsar in connection t "Msputed boundary, which 1 !'art of the nobleman's pro- tein that of his Imperial The proporty was sltuat- 1 .eria near come IDLE! (TOLD MINES, The ',seal plan of getting a CLL:oso 1 sevai.t is through a native of known Int: cation, who will guarantee the char- et har- atter. A preliminary interttew is, of course, noco:•sary; so, in their v icy best clothes, such as will never the seen again, as they are probably borrowed, tl:e candidates will be In- troduced to the new master. Ono very higi ly re nunnenc'ed will ap- pear, and if ho is dcliultely relestod will be stareeded by another, all hav- ing a bungle of characters from for- mer masters; for a servant always demands one on leaving, and it Is genorully given him whether ho be good or bad to save the worry and unpleasant consequences of a refusal. '!ley offer for inspection many sheets of nota paper—sono very eir-ty and cracker—emboesed, possibly, with tho anus of a ]cwn.t.ion, and bearing a signature what. may be 1,i.•to,ic or utterly uukarown. They scan he I:ired oat at various 'Aloes. Ono condi- date, for instance, produced a testi- monial given by a late Governor of Hong Kong to 1 is cook, and though his appearan:o was uninviting, the title governor's cook had so seduc- tive a sound that he was given the engagement. Registry ofliros and advertisements being at present unknown, a newly at rived Briton has no alternative, and though there are disaulvantages coni e• ted with the method, it seems satisfactory', on the whole, to ac rept those whom the first boy re- commends. o- commen'(s. Lt a large e.;tnbii: hmeut the I oad boy is entrusted with the entire mai:age:bent and responsibility of t!'e household, and his duties are ;ignitied a•:d superior. The water coolie is the man who carries water to the bedrooms, and Is very lavish ofi his giftsto thestair carpet and (leo s on th way.I S o f his master 0 xpre$tes objections to his inflit: nate irrigation tie man will pro - )ably grin and bo silent, or repent 'Yea'DWI "No savoy" alternately s a means of appeasing the wrath re has invoke.!, theeo being tbo only words ho louse s of t1.o language ho hlrtks isb ng4ttJi, A mntater coat - nits several errors in this case. racy lice was a clues- " importance to ilus inn noble- s 0 tion, but eater's grave To GET BEST 'IE.:S1'I;1'S. To get the mnximunt amount of work out . Of the Chinese one must renumber that the fewer novel les they have to eoetend with the more likely they are te r.ra ttuce it. fair result. The method of managing Chinese through a Lead boy Is or.e to whit h the tae . is at'custon From th that will bind a Chinese to speak the truth. When abroad the China - man's genuis tvt a trader manifests itself to a marked degree. lie is raid ly beating ti.e European at money making, and it is said that Singe; -oro is probably as touch own- ed by Chinese as Calcutta is by the Pat seas. WITH THE SCIENTISTS. The Moon Is Populated—Water and Life. Prof. Lapworth, regarding the moon v,ith a geologist's eye, feels convinced that it is an active and living world. Tincture of Iodine is valuable for s(erilirieg water; four drops in a carafe of water is suffiudoat to .en - dor the liquid fit for drinking pur- poses within half an hour. Water plays an Indeseeusable part in both tke environment and the in- ternal chemiatry of life. it forms more than half the weight of roost living things; and alt t(o activity living parts of animas and plants Toru;fisting of water holding the other ingreaionts in solution ur suspen- &ion. Tiffany's diamond export recently, during a lecture, showed radium glowing through a glans tube, a rubber tube, a pieco of lead pare, a pio:c of 'iron pipe, three copper cylle- Sorn, and a jar of water, tho won- derful substance aplwreutly shining ns clearly through all of these sub- stances at once as it did through any ore of them. With the methods now in nso sever - tenths of the for•co in cont is wasted A few years ago the wa:.to was nir.o- tenths. Mr. !raison declares that a bucketful of coal should (!rive an express train from New York to I'hiladeipt.ia, and a few tor s be si:f- tl.dcnt for tl.o largest a scut -.team slri;r, Who10 titinkei s must now hall 1 Iroi:sands. That the microbes which cause tu- bercular consumption, if incorporat- ed in cheese, as they no'a easily a: o when tiro milk cot.tat.;s them, are killed by the ripening of tiro chee'e is proved by exhaustive investiga- tion. An American rtnder-1 tincts rho mlerobes continue to live and retain the capability of growth in cheese for Vireo months, but are dead in cheese which has been curing for a longer pe. rod. Chemists have shown that ability to fix the nitrogen., which is infinite- ly abundant in the air, and sly ly it to the wornout tic) is of t: o wort 1 will enable mankind to cultivate what Is practically virgin roil for- ever. A plant at Niagara Frills is taking nitrogen front the air by electroly:Is, but not yet in cont- mcrtial quantity. THE AVERAGE': BABY. The average baby is a good baby —cheerful, smiling and bright. When ho is cross and fretful it is because Ito is unwell and he is taking the only means he has to let everybody know he does not feel right. When baby in cross, restlessand dohs ; sloe i don't dose him with "soothingt' stuffs which always contain poisons.' Baby's Own Tablets are what is needed to putthe little one right. (live a cross baby an occasiowtl tablet and sea bow quickly ho will be traissforuted into at bright. smil- ing, cooing, happy child. Ile will sleep at night, and the mother will get her rest too. You have a guar- antee that Baby's Own Tablets con - twin not one particle of opiate or harmful drug. In al the n menus from birth t yenrs Cher Tubi la I01.111EOSITI•ES OI' ( T GLASS. The protest of gls' cutting re- quite.. groat skill ao care. A de- sign is first lightly 'pied on t- e glass and rho cutstake it in !rand. A- tine stream cif sand and water frills contiuuosely oti•a rapi ly teolsing steel wheel. 'J'o this ti.e glass is applied and tI.e cuttinit Is really accomplished by the f. t•t4on which tho sand sets up. Then anoth- er workman with another race! %!-cel and plain water Wings the (111' I:•g up to a sharper edge. A third 1 ork- man with a soft wooden tool t es off the clotuiicess ('n ssni )'y_. ' o fri•:tion of the steel, 4 fourth polish- es the glass, tt fifth 1ith a prepara- tion of oxi a of tin g ,es to it that irriJmcent lustre w ash makes us vat.e cut glass so highly. NOT A TWINGE IN HIS BODY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED W. J. DIXON'S RHEUrrIA- TISM. He was Crippled for Weeks Before ho Tried the Great Kidney Rem- edy—How the Cure was Effected. Barwick, Rainy Hiver, Ont., Dec. 28.—(Special).—Tho cold, wetwea- ther, with its accompaniment of Rheumatic pains has set the people here talking of the case of Wm. John Dixon. fir. Dixon, who is well known in this neighborhood, was a cripple from Rheumatism. To -day he has not a twinge of his old enemy anywhere . in his body, and he gives all the credit to Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I had un attack of Typhoid Fev- er," Mr. Dixon says in speaking of his cure, 'said- alter I got over. AS - Rheumatism set in. I had pains in my hack and in my right hip so bad I had to use n stick to walk. I had no comfort in sleeping and could no more than dress or undress myself for two months. For three or four weeks I could not put my right leg on my left knee. "On my brother's advice I started using Dodd's ICidney fills, and after taking three boxes I began to walk around and do Sty work as usual. i aur all right now, and 11odd's ICid- ney Pills did it." Rheumatism is caused by uric acid In the blood. The natural way to cure it is to get the uric Heid out of the blood. If the Kidneys are sound they will take all the uric acid out of the blood. Dodo's Kidney 1'ilis make the Kidney's sound. GAS ALINE TN ENGLAND. Enough In It to Light tate Whole of England. Abouta quarter of n century ago soma borings for water wcra made in a Sussex village. No water .ens obtained, but there was a powlerful smell of gas. No notice was if taken of this. nuc 1 thatris na c • t e of ii fine rasa stores of moor. 1 gas was unto1spect- ted till four or rive years aglc, when fresh borings were made for water. Noticing a strong shost1 of Ens from one of the borings, rl. • of the workers placed n light near t:, with the result that a great finnre t1 fire shot upwards, and was with di..'cul- ty extinguished. This discovery led to the formation of a syndicate to bore for gnus, -ctrl the result is proving 0Inintn•' sstul. Already two sage ft = try 1 •6t There are very few cleans. Ing , Iterations in which Sunlight Soap cannot be used to advant. age. it makes the home bright and clean. IB When rho ear ro�g applied to the gunwale of tl.e beet, the sound grow more t'ttense, and in some Places. as tl.e bout moved on, it could not bo heard at all. 011 other occasions tl o sounds re- sembled the tolling of bells, ti.e boonrieg of gins, and the notes of an AEolian harp. For a to::g time he was unable to trace the nurse, but at length dis- covered that the sounds were made by shellfish, hundreds of theta open- ing their shells and closing theist with sharp snaps. The not -o, partly instilled by the water, emu:tied Iiido- ecribnbly weird. Ile was finally led to the contlusion that, as tl.e slicli- fish made the sounds, they probably 1 ad vont° meaning, and that the t L'cks -night pos:ibly.be a warning of danger when the shallow water was disturbed by tl.e boat. WORLD'S LARGEST PLOUGII. Tho largest plough In the world is owned by Richard Gird, of San Ber- nardino County, '•California. This fntnense agricultural machine stands 18 feet high, and weighs 30,000 lbs. It runs by steam, is provided with todersc. 2- y 1,?o,ts'.:.shares, capable 'of ploughing fifty acres o( land per day. It consumes from one to ono and a half tons of coal per day, and usually travels at the rato of four miles an hour. GOLD USED IN DE\TISTRY. A German statistician asserts that every year in filling teeth and other works dentists use about. 800 kilo- giraunmes gold, is $500,000of, and the graveyards of tries will contain now $150,000,000 tho value of which that at this rata the various coun- in :300 years from worth of gold. Old Sixanaitc—"Wh-, do you feel that your client v;;.1 lose his case? nave yon exhausted every moans at your disposal to---" Young Briefly —"No; but I have exhausted -all the means at his disposal.'• Mill: orOtno, OtrrTr TOi.ane, s I -ACAS COUNTY. NK J. t/liie Is senior`partner erYof a (Io oath tl.atf 1'. .t. 1:1115NI:Y & l v)., doing business Inbrute theefCurraitysidand of 'Toledthaot C, ounty and , said bran rCl(1 a the sum of UNI' 1111NUlll:f ol1L. A104 for each and every case of L A- Altl:11 that cannot be cured 1,y use of HALL'S CA'1'.tltRll CUitl':. t61 FRANK .1. C1t1•:NI;y, Sworn to before the and subscribed 18 my prc..ence, this Gth day of December.• A.u. tanto. A. W. Gf.)lASON, .1 ufary Prahifo : OVAL : Ball's Catarrh Ours Is take lah•.- Ially, anti acie directly on the flood end raucous surfneon of the system. bend for tcstftq ut nes, free. .1. C11(•;Af•;Y & Cm, Toledo, U. Mold by all Uruggtats, 75c. Hall's Family Pills ars the test. DURABLE WOOD. One of the meet durable woods Is ^o A statue tutule from it, menus of Girth, at nearly 6,000 Atte, t#17-py aim 1,61;i4eerit., C70 4: /...! •f/ LOWER PRICES / CAN BE HAD iN Pails, Wash Basins, Milk Pans, & USE SETTER Any Flrst•Cinss Grocer Can Supply You. INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. lously and expecting the ►ovine help WA•1'1'%lt ON IYARSIlTPS. we shall succeed in part if not in full. Ito whom we call Master and Lord is praying for us that our faith fail not. The man who r.'- i-olved and tailed and tried bo:amo a act tong wrote to his brethu. century was dot' his own exi cc, and l ft 11 :, a0j, to rho twentieth c tury : "After wo hate suffered nwlrf God will make you po.fect, stabile strengthen, settle you." The Backache 8tgao may be fast that Incii'icnt form of !Matey disease which, if neglected, will develop into stub- born and distressing disorder that w-ili take long tedious treatment to cure. Don't Neg- lect the •' backache stage" of the most insidious of diseases. South American Kidney Cure stops the ache le sia hours and cures.—;o oNV V''" s PER PERSON. Tho Government of the Isle of Man Imposes a tax of one penny on each parson embarking or di:embnrking at Manx ports, use rho returns show that during May, June, and July 107,094 persons were landed at Douglas, as compared with 142,2SIS in the t orresponriing months of 1902. I was Cured of Acute Bronchitis by MtNARD'S LINIMENT. •1. M. CAMPBELL. Bay of Islands. 1 was Cured of Tarin! Neuralgia by AtINARD'bi LiV[.yli•:N'1`. \1' M. DA N I EL.S. Springhill, N. S. I was Cured of Chronic Rheunra• tism by SIINAiID'S LiNIMI•:N'p. 04:0. TINGLi:Y. Albert Co., N. B. t -f Y Employer—"So you want a fort- night's salary in advance? Ilut sup- pose you should die to-niglit?" Clerk (proudly)—"Sir, i may bo poor, but I ant a gentleman." Rtrrly 1.1pa and a clear complexion, the pride of woman. Have ycu lost these charms through torpid liver, constipation, ''ousness, or nervousness!' Dr. Agnew', -111s will restore them to you—so ''s" in a vial, to cants. Act • As nearly of fro' evaporating maces salt sea -water. O it turf's Liked Ingratitude mates it dollar minus 99 ce An admirable Food quality and 04, csil tr �� Nutritious and Econq J) f A(ft 48-21 I�r� eDrJ. Billiard TL:. The Oast at the Lowest Prlaa Writs for Terms alit REID BROS,, M'f'gfr""( Sas Icing K W. st(.h:1o. i 3 CLEANING i ..LADIES' !� Cie b. lane ; •,re,t'r Ar nn, h.n.s Pr 4prrytuistopsan Novrca.r. torKairo, UTr.1WA a DAMN'S T7 KlTonrH i"i,t 201/72E1 2E A t EClG i �FiI F.• 4 re- , ntw'' 11'eg:vs0x:rs value. Paw Fury and 0. l Ing, Send for price MI PATE !NALL C3U N 'TRU9I I NPS RIDOUT