HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-30, Page 8A man's suit speaks for hire as plainly as his card. His card simply tells his name, while his suit proclaims his personality to every one he meets. Every body can understand clothes language. Our Suits always speak fav- orably of the wearer. Call and look over our Stock before buying. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them Ladies' You will want a Fancy Par- asol for the 1st of July. life hare thein to match any dress. Stewart. Important price reductions on all trim - ed hats and straw shapes at Stewart's. I beg to announce to the public that 1 am prepared to do all kinds of in- suring in Lite, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass; also collecting accounts and auctfoneerleg. See card elsewhere.—T.11. CABLING, Exeter. Comfortable Underwear A.M.S. Cel- lular mesh underwear for hot weather; knee drawers, short sleety shirts, each 75c, Stewart's. FOR SALE.—Dr. A. T. Boyd offers for sale, -1 lawn mower, j wheelbar- row,. 1 set harness, blankets and robes 1 cutter, new; 1 step ladder. 1 wood heater, 1 coal stove. 1 portable tath, and other small articles. For Boys' and Misses Bathing Suits in one and two piece. All slurs, Priers 50c. to e1.50. Go to Stewart's. SOUR CHANCE FOR A HOLIDAY Return Tickets at Siegle Fare will be issued by the Grand Trunk Railway System account of "Dominion Day•', be- tween all stations in Canada, also In Detroit and fort Huron. Mich.. Niag- ara Falls and Buffalo, N.Y. Good going Jure 30th and July Jet. Return Limit July 4th, tiffs. Secure tickets frcmany Grand Tru•.k Ticket Ager'. Try a pound of Stewart's 30e. Japan Tea. 11's better than what you ray *vt:. for in lead packages. COUNCIL EXAMS.—The results of the examinations held at tete College of Pny- wicians and Surgeons in Toronto show that the following from this district have been successful.—Finals, W. S. Millyard, Goderlch ; John McEwen, Hen - sail. Intermediate, James Anderson .1i1 - ea Craig. Wm. Geiger. Ileneall ; W. S. MiUyard, Gode rte h ; J. McEwen. Bengali T. R. i'it kard. St. Marys; First—W. J. Knight, Exeter. CHHURCIi DHIECT.ltY JAMES -ST METHiODIST CHURCH Itcv. lticnard Hobbs, I'aetor Sunday Public \\'o:ship-10.30 and 7. Class Service -9.3u a.m.and after Mo:n- Ing Service and Wednesday night. Young Men's Claes and Ca'achutnene — Sunday at 2 p. m. ' Sunday School and Bible Claeees— 2.10. Epworth League—Tuteday 8 P. m• Prayer Mt. ting—T'.ursday B p. nt July 3rd.—The pastor wt'1 ereac e in the morning and evening. 4+.114 t,}+}.► TftO Sflop for plea We have the finest lines of Fancy Suitings Overcoatings ----AND Trouserings «'e are filled up with the new- est and hest goods for the mak- ing of clothing. and we do the making in the hest of style. W. JOHNS MNsrobast Tahoe• Exeter ==www3iy�i Miss Olive Ilern is visiting her bro- �iE�s 1rir LOCAL DOINGS• I trier : Norwich. EXETER �� • rites Victoria til:.ers is home from CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY tudiillP . . ,ikiikaikaalik isil tt:e London Normal. Miss \nary Ifouldee ::as returned from a visit in Stratford. Mss Annie 1118ettt ;eft Wednesday to visit relatives in Norwich. Miss Blanche Atkinson went to Owen soand 0:, Wednesday for a short visit. W. J. Murray attended the District meeting of the 1. O. O. F. at Goderlch Thursday last. Dominion Day—Friday. Schooi closed here o:. Thursday. On July 1st rubber goods advances 25 per cent. Miss Charlotte Dearing le reeovcring front her recent illness. That hot spell gave us a taste of the go,d old summer time. You may leduce people to listen to Mr. John Ford went to Winnipeg on your grievances—but what do they care. Friday with a load of ironies for \fr. Hey. \\'ateo:: of Ellntville and Rev. Thos. liandlord. Hobbs exchanged pulpits Sunday morn- Mr. arrd Mrs. John Essery wen: to ang. t.tr.etford to visit their daughter, tiir.:. \ roan stay be justified 1:1 wearing !•• hest nd. opt Wednesday. long whiskers if his wife buys his neck------� dee. Mrs. A. Hastings is 111 and confined Tne I. O. O. F. officcre of Exeter :U her rcorn. Lodge will be installed ::ext Tuesday Mesere. Dow and Tennant shipped a ceveei•hg. • load of t.oraes Wednesday. Mr. Chester Couple has gone to Clan- Mrs. Dan Davis was taken quite Ill de boye to work in the store of Mr. S. O;1 Monday and Is still confined to her G. Lamport. home. Exeter baseball team goes to Central- ia to play two games on July let—one in the morning and one 1:1 the evening. One of the large panes of glees in front of the Advocate was accidently broken by a young mart falling against it on Monday. Mr. T. E. Handford has purchased Dr. Bond's property on Andrew street and intends erecting a new residence on the property. The Doctor will leave short- ly for Lethbridge, Alta., to reside. Mr. and Mrs. Weldenhantmer and fanc- ily leave this week for Toronto. Mr. \\-eidenhantrncr will remain In the city for a time and will be engaged in the work of examining Normal and En- trance se hoed literature, while Mrs. \Wcidcnhanttner and family will go to Streetevlllc to spend a few wecke with relatives and friends. The Junior Teachers' and Matricula- tion examinations are in progress this and ;;ext week. Tr.c teachers ie the Exeter school re- turned to their (tomes for the vacation on Friday last. The roan who thinks he knows it all is never father of a boy old enough to ask questions. Itev. Watson of Elunvtlle and Rev. Sharp of the I'resbyterian church ex- changed pulpits Sunday evening. October 6th and 7th has been fixed as the dates for holding the West Huron Teachers' Convention in Goderlch. Brucefield defeated Brussels in a semi final game of football in the Intermed late aeries on Thursday last, 1-0. Goldwin Smith willed about $1,000.- 000 of Ole estate to Cornell University which he cetahllshed in United States. During the recent hot spell many per- sons in the large cities were overcome. Phitadelphfa alone had 18 deaths and 100 prostrations. Five :andidates were confirmed in the Trlvitt Memorial church on Thursday evening of last week by Ilia Lordship it!s'hop Williams. Farmers and others will kindly bear el mind that all stores LI town will be nosed every Thursday afternoon during t'.e months of July and August. The five Knox College Students who held such successful meetings in Caves Presbyterian church each night last week are engaged in similar work at Cromarty this week. Gray;d Bend Football team turned the tables on the Exeter teats Monday evening at Grand Bend by winning out is a good game, 3 to 0. Poys wishing to become members of the Boys' Military Company in course of organization will meet on the school grounds on Saturday evening. July 2, at 7 o'clock. Mr. Wnt. Dixon of town is the first to report early potatoes. On Saturday last they were on his bIll-of-fare for dinner, being grown in lis own garden and of no entail variety either. T';e institution of a lodge of Oddfel- lows. which was to have taken place In 1:1 Zurich on Tuesday Night, has been postponed to a future date. Exeter Lodge was to have taken part. Mr. Jas. Sanders, Exeter North. who !las been in the West for some time returned home on Thursday. While here he purchased land and in- te:tde working 1: souse time in the su- t The value of a good local newspaper is much more than people seem to think And the way to :Hake it gooc% Is to pat- ronize ft, pay for it. and furnish it with ads., news, and items such as the pub- lic want to read. An exchange says that 'no girl should be granted a marriage license until she can pass a cookery examina- tion. Perhaps. on the other hand. no loan should receive the same until he ae provide the materials for rooklngt A circular has been issued by the Edo ration Department to the effect that the special grant given on account of teach- ers' certificates, le to be paid to the trustees and not to the teachers. as was done by order of a circular last year. Violet, the nine -year -aid daughter of Mr. Frank Mallett. wan accidently run over by a passing rig near the station on Friday last, sustaining Injuries to her side and head, but no bores were broken. Mrs. Rich. Davis, sr.. celebrated her P4th birthday out Friday last at Ler house on John street hy having a num- ber of her friends and relatives spend tt,c afternoon and evening at her home. Mee. Davis retains her phyelclal hcaith and mental faculties remarkably well and gives promise of cetebratit g many more similar events. A newspaper offered a prize for the beet answer to the conundrum. ' Why is a newspaper like a woman 7" The prize was won by a woman in Okla- homa, who sent in the following ;—"Be - rause every man should have one of his ;w71 and nen run after- his neighbors. A bonfire and a small boy caused a little excitement to town on Friday lust before 1.301.1. Tt;e boy saw the bonfire and being excited because the soldiers weer- coming to town rang the fire -alarm and soon had the townspeople out look- ing for the fire. The engine was on pa.reno,tetp sem :1 a.toiaq ritaou pto.i of;t that the fire was largely In the boy's ::neg0tatlott. Rev. Godwin of Parkhill was 1n Elint- vine o . Kpr.day as cha!rman of the Dis- tr.rt at a meeting arranging for n change in the circuit. A temporary change was made to be tried for a year. By It ttethar.y appointment gots with Main street :hurt 0. Exeter. Whale.; wait Centralia C!tur' h. and Elitnville Zion and Sunshine nppoir.tn:ente are left In eearge of one man stationed at Ellin- v,lle. You haste heard of the goose that pro- du•ed the'nick r. eglt• and tilt hen that halt hed fifteen chickens from as many r gp. but did you ever hear of the duck that hatched out eighteen durklinga frost twelve eggs --a duck and a half to each egg' That's rein, eon*. ae d hard to believe. but Mr. Samuel Presua- to- delta not know in what other way 10 aeoun: for the fact that eighteen duck- lings Upeated from a nest where he est but twelve eggs. CHANGE OF SEHVICE,—TI:e Sunday services of the Bethany church, Ueborne which have been held morning and even- ing will be changed to an afternoon ser- vice at 2.30. and will be supplied by Rev. Powell, pastor of Mair: street Meth- oi'eat ct;ureh. F.xetcr. FAREWELL.—Rev. E. A. Fear, who has been the efficient pastor of the ifain street ahu•ch, preached lila fare- well sermon Sunday, and leaves with, the family to -day for Blyth, where he etas been stationed. Rev. Mr. Powell, his successor, is expected to arrive to- day. Rev. Fear and family have the best wishes of their many friends for continued success at the new appalrrt- mcn:. i. O. O. F'. DECORATION DAY. quietly and orderly without display of any kind the brethren of Exeter Lodge, 1. O. O. F.. ,) the number of about forty, on Sunday afternoon Last, drove to the Exeter cemetery to pay their annual tribute of respect to the memory of their departed brethren by planting flowers upon their graves. ef:arshalled by Bro. Thos. Boyle the brethren were formed to order at the entrance to the cemetery. and decorat- ed the graves of the following breth- ren ;—George Brooks, Abraham Bag- shaw, Charles Snell, Walter Carley, Fred Gidley, James Willie, James ilodg son. Sinton hunter. Robert Knight, George hook, Harvey Dignan, Frank Knight, Edward Howard. Luther Hoop- er. The service was taken by Noble Grand Bro. W. J. Murray, and Chap- lain C. W. Cross. DAVID G.\RI)INER DEAD.— T::c death occurred at the home of Lis Wroth tr. Mrs. Wm. Gardiner. on Sunday, Jure 26th, of Mr. David Gardiner, af- ter an illness of many years. Deceas- who was 37 years. e months and 7 days old, tame to Exeter with his moth- er about twenty years ago and dur- Ing that time they have reeided out Wil- liam street. Mr. Gardiner as a boy was delicate. but was a favorite with I,Is school companions. Several times dur- ing the past few years he was very 111. but renewed strength would come to him and he would rally and for a tial(' cn- joy his usual health. The last severe attack developed some months ago and the end tante an stated. Resides the mother one brother survives, Peter Gardiner of the firm of Poplestone sir Gardiner. Blyth. The remains were tak- r:: to Brussels by train Tuesday morn- ing for interment. HICKS FORECASTS FOR JULY. A regular storm period central on the 4th. covers the 2nd to the 7th. hav- ing Moon in perigee on the 8rd, and New Moon at extreme north dectintation on the nth. Mercury, Venus and Earth alt extend to this period with more oi- l( ss rlees p:rturbing power. At the beginning of this period look for decided rise of temprature and fall of the barometer in western sections. Front the Ord to 7th these ro:tditloes will gradually move eastward across the country. grow lois into a great waren wave and attend- ed, on and touct ing the 4th. Sth and etth, by vicious storms of thunder, wind rain and possibly hail and local tort:- ndoes. The Indications arc good for some celestial fireworks on and touch- ing the "Glorious Fourth." Front t'.e 3rd to 9th. taking the lith tot its tee- ter. ie a marked seismic period. Earth- quake regions 1:1 the northern hemi- sphere. and antipodal regions south of the equator will be under great seismic strain at this time, notably on. and touching the 4t1: and Stn. Httrr.cr bar- ometer and cooler will follow storms front the west "LOOKED THE PART." Men must look right and b' right to ro-tlnand success. Clear eyes. clear 51(1.1 e,•td clear brain mean money to the man who possesses theta. Dull eyes. sluggish brain and pimply, blotchy skin are a sertous hat,d;cap. Nyai's flood Purifier will remove pin,- pies in.pies and blotches. brighten the eye and ,.•tease vital power hy string you pure blood and good circulation. Price ,Loll. We rcrontrxad it berause we kntcw x...at it contains• W. 5. IiOWET. Phm E, C:em!•t a -d Optician. Sze ter. Ontario. --Eyes Tested Free -- Wb eat 00 Barley 41 45 Oats, 30 32 Peas 70 70 Potatoes. per bag 50 Hay, per ton l:i 00 1400 Flour, per cwt., family 260 Fleur, low grade per cw 1 45 1 50 Butter 18 Eggs 17 Live hogs, per cwt 8 70 Shorts per ton 23 00 Bran per ton 20 00 Mrs. Harry Sntith visited in London :is week. Mrs. Statham of Acton Is visiting rel- atives here. miss Anderson of Inwood Is visiting \fre. Rowland. Mies Phillipe is vleiting her brother ,.t Itavenwood. Mise Murray, teacher, went to I)un- dee Saturday. Harold Snell of Loudon is vieiting at Mt. Eli Snell's. air. John R'antsicy was !;err from Londa:t on Monday. Mr. John Collingwood Of Port Iluro:: 14 visiting relatives here. Mrs. Skinner of Mitchell visited Mrs. Aunt Santwell Thursday last. tilt. .\lo;:za Heywood of Belleville vis- ited here part of the week. 11. E. Huston and fancily have gone to Grand Bend for the summer. Mrs. Arthur Davie and little daugh- ter are visiting in Marlette. Mich. Mrs. Jordan of London is visiting her ptrc•nrs, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Murray. Mrs. Vivian and daughter of Mitchell visited tors. Geo. Brooks over Sunday. \tr. and Mrs. Aaron Cudmore of Crys- tal City, Man., are vieiting relatives here. miss Edna Ptaeett was the guest of her friend, Mise Ilobhs. at Bin- over_ Sunday. \1r. Ed. Campbell, who has been vis- iting In Exeter North, has returned to Winnipeg. Mrs. G. Connor and children are vis- itieg relatives at Bad Axe, elicit., for a few weeks. \tr. and Mrs. Garfield Sheers and tam- iS of Brantford are visiting relatives 1n town. Mrs. 11. Elworthy and two children and Miss Elia Crewea visited !:t Clinton over Sunday. Miss Edith Parsons returned }tome on tilonday after a month's visit In Whitby :utd 13owntanville. Mise Nettie Walters went to Tilsoe- burg out Thursday to visit titles Tillie Y tger for few days. 'lies Pearl Kestle and Mise Nettie leraync went to I3rantford on Saturday :o visit far a short time. Vee. Knott of Toronto, who has been visiting herr brother. Mr. Alex. Dow, returned to her home out Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ramsay of San Francisco. Cal., arrived here last week to visit relatives for a short time. Vise Edna Dow returned to Toronto General hospital on Tuesday evening, .tI tr two weeks varatlon at her home. Miss Laura Jeckell of Uxbridge and two little mires of Toronto are spend- ing the vacatic t with Mrs. Wm. Jeckell, London Road North. .Icest's. J. G. Jones and Jas. Walters were i:t Toronto and Hamilton last week on basin(es. They made the trip 1n I)r. ffarrleon's automobile. Mrs. Iiarvey Coleman. nee Nellie Ed - worthy, of Killarney, Man., spent Fri- day visiting friends in Exeter, her old home. \ire. (Adman is spending three months in various parts of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. John Willis, after a visit hero with old friends. returned to their home in Marlette, Mich., on Sat- urday. They were accompanied by Miss Lillian Boyle, who will spend the holi- days at their home. Money in Economy Clatended Went Ada. are is *eslsai and ',festive et.eesehisg the buslsg reboil TUelr •wall tees is not en **Aso. sal en investment wets% will return large dividends. 1101,••••••••• S • •..,., Piano for Sale One good seo,nd rat d piano, American make, nearly nc w $160, at J.PEDLEI1 S Main Street south. 41C —BEST OF— Flour, Bran & Shorts Cement, Lime, ALWAYS ON HAND R. G. Beldon, Exeter suushisssasmulkiftsiaksuliiihailliA ter= Paris green Dath to Bugs It Kills Every Time BERGER'S PARIS GREEN is standard for quality and effectiveness. It is the only kind its safe for you to use, It does its work quick- ly, surely—there's never any doubt of results. BERGER'S has a deeper shade of green than any other—a sure sign of purity and strong poisoning qualities FOR SALE Hawkins' Stove & Hardware Store One Door North of Browning's Drug Store, Exeter. —JUNE BRIDES People about to go housekeeping Should CaII at Rowe & Atkinson's and see how easily and cheaply you can furnish your home. A walk through our store will show you. Here you will find the largest and best assorted stock of furniture in the county, comprising Tables, Chairs, Parlor and Bedroom Suits, Kitchen and Dining -Room Furniture In fact everything to be found in a first-class furltiture stole at such low prices that defy competition. We have a large number of Lawn and Veranda Chairs which are selling at. remarkably low prices. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leadinz Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Warm Weather Wearables Now is the time we are all looking for something to keep us cool. We have it in all lines of wearable goods. White - wear, White Waists, White Skirts. Gloves, Hosiery, Cor- sets and Wash Goods of every variety: also Summer Silks and Parasols. Ladies Whitewear ! Ladies' White Skirts Our stock is complete with We are showing a nice line all the dantiest things shown White Linen and Duck Suite for this season. Every skirt neatly made. Panay floss & Gloves Fancy Hose in Black, Blue, Helo, Tan and White; also Gloves to match any dress in Silk, Lisle or Kid. Kool Wash Goods Fancy & Striped Ginghams Plain Chambraye, Vestinge, Repp, Linens, Drill & Ducks in the leading colors, WASH SUITS Only a few left but if you want a snap come and see them A real nice $4 $8.50 for $5 oo $10 for $7 $6 suit for • Special Half Sale Price of Millinery in order to clear up all our Summer Millinery in the next 10 days, we are just cutting it in two. Don't miss this bit in Millinery. The biggest ever in Exeter. Kool Furnishings for Men & Boys New Straw Rats Eveey description of Straw and ('rush Hata are shown here. SVe sell the very hest. New Shirts A full line of all kinds of Summer Shirts in Negligee, or soft front shirts. Moot Collars, Tie*, Gloves, Underwear, Sox, Csps, Suspenders, Betts SOVEREIGN BRAND CLOTHING Another shipment, the last for this summer bas just come to hand. They are the very smartest styles in the trade. if you want a stylish Two or Three piece Suit now ie your opportunity for a nifty Suit. NOTICE -4111•1-1' This Store will be closed at One O'clock every Thursday afternoon during July and August JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing 1