HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-30, Page 4OxeteL Sander: 4 1 1 j n e ercfuliy planned weed campaig:, 9 .L11t�every far:wr co-operating would ��11 t a comparatively *hart time rid tr.e O:eecta. Props rour,try of a great deal of damagecaus- ed by weed pests. Sortie of the more 1910 pernicious weeds such as the pereun.al sow thistle spread both by seeds and by THURSDAY , .Metol` 30, PLItF: \t .\TER. What a boom to mankind is pure water. Water of some kind le need- ed for both roan and beast. A man will live longer without food than without water. Yet more attention is paid to quality of the food a than eats than to the purity of the water t.e drinks. Tire reason of this may be in the cost ii teas of the one and the cheapness of .the teher. Because water can be had for asking, its quality is not considered of importance. Food costs stoney. The main effort of mankind lv to obtain a sufficiency of food to supply its daily nerds. Little or no effort Is required to procure the daily supply of was-•-. In this country it to there for tete tak- ing. and because of the ease with which ft can be procured little atten- tion is paid to its quality. This is per- haps truer of the country than of the city. The farmer has water right at hos door. All that is necessary is to dig a well, stone or brick it up, put in a pump and he has all that is required for his needs. In this country there is no question about the supply. There should be no question about the qual- ity of the supply If every farmer were alive to the importance of pure water. If the well Is not properly located or its construction is defective, these de- fects should be remedied. The farmer owes it to himself and to hie fancily to provide them with clean, pure water as well as with clean, pure food. THE EXETER COUNCiL The second sitting of the Court of Revision held in the Town Hall Friday June 17th. Members present, Reeve Bowden. Councillors Balkwill. Levctt and \Calper. The minutes of the meet - leg held June and were read and ap- proved. The following changes were allowed -Mrs. Caroline Grace Ford. as- sessed as owner of Lot No. 4. South aide of Gidley Street. John Snell ass - eased as owner of Lots 48, 498 and 30, corner of North and Andrew streets. No other business beteg before the Court the Court adjourned on :notion of Lovett and Wolper. -Carried. Jos. Senior. Clerk. The council met after the adjaurnnlent of the Court of Revision. The minutes of the last regular meet- ing end a spcclial meeting held on the 13th were read and approved. The following accounts were read and approved of. -Wm. Jacobi. hauling fire ergine it2.0n ; Jas. \\-eckcs, labor re- pairing fire engine and supplies. 2.93: Connor Machine Co., repairs and labor o.. fire (nghuc 8.80; Tltos. Houlden. 2 weeks street watering $33.00 ; J. !leer labor and material for power house. 21.- 51; 1:5'1; William Welsh. labor. 6.13; Joh!: Bea. labor fixing fence, ',.2:1 ; Thomas Houlden. cedar posts and teaming 2.93 Wm Reid, cedar posts. Loll; C. H. Horny, labor. 89c.; Win. Wilson. la- bor on drain. 1.7n. amounting In all to $80.81; passed on rnotlon of Balk will and Levctt. Per Ltvett and Walprr-That the gray soling for the season bz: done 4y day work and the.. the Ileev(. Councillor Walper and the Road Commissioner he a committee with powet.-Carried. An amendment -Per Levet!. no second er.-That the offer as made by Mr. Dobler for road gravel for 3.90 and screened gravel or side walk gravel for 4.10 per cord. b • accepted. Per Balkwill anti Lovett -That the vont ntlssloner put drown a surface drat:: along Main Street In front of the Toa Hall and also In front of the Presbyter - Ian church property.-Carrtled. Adjournment by Is vett. J. Senior, Clerk. THE HUNTER PICNIC. An annual event looked forward to '•:c roots. These need extra watching. It takes time and la' or. a serious mat- ter in these days of help scarcity, bun ; to effort would be worth while. A beginning could be made with the more obnoxious weeds. Make a dead set say on the row thistle this season. Next season enter the lists against another .one and be lure that every weed put town is kegt down. THAMES IAO \D. C. Gowans, who has been teaching in rifts se heel for some time, has resig ned anti will take a University course. Miss C. Robb of Stratford has been engaged to fill the vacancy. -Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc Nicol of Stratford visited here for a few drys during tie week. T :+ annual tritely under the auspicca of Thames Road school was held on Saturday last and was a success i:: every particular. A large crowd was in attendance and every person seemed to enjoy themselves thoroughly. Toe us - u el program of sports took place and was well contested among the scholars and for which prizes were awarded to the extent of $12, also articles were given as prizes. Iluukin's Grove is an ideal spot for a picnic and the place .and sports draw a larger crowd year by year. The supper was the usual ex - (client spread for which the ladies of this section are famous. Farquhar won out in the baseball mutt h with Mount Pleasant by a score of 18 to 11. Early in the game Mount Pleasant got a great big lead, securing no less than eight runs in the second innings, following it with one and two runs in the next two innings, leaving the score at the end of the fourth 11- 3 in their favor, but from Blatt time on Farquhar had it their own way, getting 1, C, 4 and 2 runs respectively in the fifth. sixth, seventh and eighth. The hrttery-Farquhar, /W. WaghOrn, pitch- er, C. Gowans, catcher ; Mt. Pleasant. ll. , Waghorn, pitcher, E. dole, catcher. The players and scores were, - Farquhar -J. Ballantyne 4, F. Bray 1. C. Gowans 4. J. Bray 3, F. Waghorn 2. M. McCurdy 1, W. Roach, S. Duncan 1, O. Borland 2.-18. Mount Pleasant -J. liaison 1, El. Han sun 1, C. Cole 1, B. Waghorn, 1, E.Cole :t. D. Hanson 1, N. Gettler 1, J. Gett- 1er 2, G. Facey. -11. CItEDITON. Mr. Wilson Anderson returned from ate West on Monday evening. It was trot a case of killing the fatted calf on his return, but so pleased were the neighbors that they could not let the event pass without celebrating it, about twenty-five gathering at his home tine sante evening and had a right royal n1 tittle. Some not being satisfied with their usual attire donned military .0 ray and soldier -like marched to the s en^ of joy and merry -making and all joined in a happy time. Sorry to state -iia: Mr. Anderson contemplates return- i•ng to the West in the near future. -J. Sweitzer has fully recovered from his illness. -Miss Elmina Yaeger of Stratford is holidaying in the village. -Miss E. Struthers' many friends will be pleased to learn :that she has re- covered from her illness and returned to her home in Blyth. -Mrs. Ernest (I tetner is slowly improving in health. -The hot weather spell was broken by a nice shower on Monday. Tuesday everybody was at work with mop and broom cleaning up the dust and dirt. Oh for a water wagon! -Harry Beaver is wearing a big, bright smile. it's another boy. -Wedding bells are to ring in town this week. More partic- ulars later. -The tnlaeons have started the first storey of Ed. Morlork's new residence. -John Schroeder and Rich- ard Hill are home after a short visit in the Northwest. They are greatly pleased with the prospects out in that great country. -School closed on Fri- hiy for the summer holidays. A num- ber of the pupils of the High School are trying their exams. in Exeter this week. -Mrs. Christian '!.wicker and daughter Laura of London are spend- ing a few days in town, as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. '!.wicker. -Mr. and Mrs. Dayid Kuhn and daughter of Se- hewaing, Mich., are visiting Mr. Con- rad Kuhn and other relatives in our 'nide!,-ira S. Brown was in Toronto with pleasure by sonic hundreds of pee- Monday on business. -Mrs. Sarah pie each year is the Hunter Picnic. and Bertrand and Miss Ella Link left here Thursday for a few weeks visit with relatives in t'bly, Mich. -August Hill is laid rep with theutnatism and is on Tuesday last In the woods of Mr. obliged to use a cane to walk. -Mrs. Simon Hunter, when an immense crowd Matthew Winer and Mrs. Bella Nines• of people, nearly ail connections of the have returned home from Morriston, Hunter gamily, assembled to enjoy the day together. All brought along their baskets. well filled with those thiegs which are so necessary to the full e:n- Joynxent sof a plenty. The afternoon was well taken up with two games of baseball, both of which were well contested. The first was be- tween Eden Juniors and a picked team. the former woollies by 11 to 9. The second game was between, the married and slrgle men. the married men this year It proved to be an occasion of great enjoyment. The picnic was held ding, 13-11. Over 180 people then sat down to supper and an excellent supper l; was. just such as the ladles of the district are capable of placing before a hungry crowd of picnickers. After tea the dilldren's races of all kinds were held and 'thoroughly enjoy- ed A feature o.f the races was the Old Boys race in which Dr. Le -g aid Mr. T. Dickens ran a close heat. the doctor winning out by a small margin. This was followed by a football match between Ellin:vile and Exeter. the former µin•t.ln; 2-0. in this event Elitnvilie put up a sun prisl':gly fine game and t wonder to that the score was not tars. • Among the noteable persons at • picnic were Mrs. Hall of Brookia d near Whitby. and Mrs. Petty of liens..I Mrs. Hail Is the mother of Mr. Sono Hunter and the aunt of nearly all the rest of the crowd. Site is it tier 89th year but is rcntarkabty hale and hearty. Mrs. Petty is Also smart and n ''.v a set r early as old as Mrs. flail. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S fC.ASTO R I A where they visited friends for as few weeks. -Quite a number of our people attended the strawberry festival in Dashwoixl, given; under the auspices of the Y.P.A. Monday evening. -The Ladies Aid of the Evangelical church visited the Ladies Aid of the Zurich church on Tuesday. A very pleasant time was spent by all. -Chas. %wicker made a business trip to Toronto one day last week. - Our Tennis Club is playing off a series of games amongst its own members. The score will be given whet, the tournament has been flnisned.-On Monday the annual Sun- day School Picnic of the Evangelical church was held in the Park at Grand Bend. Unfortunately the rain marred most of the day's program. Six bless- es and a large number of rigs conal i• toted the inert ie. numbering shout ;Nth in the forenoon a hot game of base- ball was played between the Pirates and the Tigers. The battery of the former was Teddy Brown and !fertile Fainter, :Anil the batter Erwin Fahnet and Dieek Brown. Some surprisingly fest pl nys were made by the amateurs and the game finally came to an end with the Tigers in the had. Ezra Foist was the umpire and gave good satisfaction in spite of the close decis- ions. in the afternoon different sports were held. One of the feature, was the fat woman's race. There were quite a number of entries and good time was made over the course. in the evening there was some basting on the lake. All spent an enjoytahle time. pa s for The Advocate fro•;• n 1st. 1911. Subscribe ear,y. ELIbl\'ILLB The services in the church on Sunday were very successful, and large congre- gations were present. Rev. It. Hobbs of Exeter preached in the morning and itev. S. F. Sharp preached In the even - g. -All are anticipating a big time on July 1st at the annual strawberry fes- tival.-Elincville circuit has now been di- vided, \\ haien appointment being con- nected with Centralia and Bethany with the Main street church, Exeter. This leaves Rev. Watson in charge of Eli,.t- ville, Zion and Sunshine. This ar- Carngentent may not be permanent, but it is to be tried for a year. -Mr. Silas Johns is quite int and confined to his roam. -Mr. Orville Cann of Bethany is we are sorry to state, ill of appendici- tis. Lest you forget. Don't slake any nus take but conte to thy Elirnville S. S. I'icnlc to-ntortow, July let. The best ever. A splendid program. tine St. Siarys orchestra and lots of good straw e• roles. -The beef ring held their first wind up meeting Saturday evening, ev- erything beljng very satisfactory.- The rain on Monday was very acceptable and laid the dust for a few days. It will do much good to the hoe crops. - ext Ring rops.- exciting time ill tt:e village Satur- day night was caused by the runaway of a horse owned by Jas. Chapman. It rant about half a mile north, then turn- ed around and came back. it collided with several other rigs and slightly da- maged them. It was finally stopped at the store but not before the rig and harness were badly torn to pieces. -Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgson of Whalen vis- ited Sunday with bars. Brimacombe-Jas Jackson spent Sunday with friends at Blrr.-Mr. and Mrs. John treason spent a couple of days visiting •elatives in St Marys arid Nissouri.-Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Oke of Exeter are spending a few days visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Jos. Hawkins. -Miss Linda Hunter of London is visiting with her brother, Mr. \\'ilbur Hunter. ;Inc. pays for The Advocate from now until Jan. let, 1911. Subscribe early GEMS OF THOUGHT. No one is useless In this world who tightens the burden of It for another. We attract hearts by the qualities we Ilspley ; we retain them by the qualttlN we possess. Though we travel the world over to find the Ixaautitul, we must carry it with us to find it not. Though the body may shirk labor, the urnin 1.s out idle. It it does not grow corn it will grow thistle~. Poverty is net dishonorable In Itself, but only vhn,'n it ans.'s front idlnesx tta- taunperatioe. extr:a'aaganee, and fully. It is g ,ud discretion not to snake too much of any man at the first, became to •cannot hold out that proportion. N, thing is morn destructive of indivId• sal chr.rec.trr than for it man to loss all faith in inns own abilities for the prose- cution of his work. IIeride not any man's deformities, but bless tied they are not yours. Men shall answer at God's len fur their vicious habits, but not for their natural imper feet tons. Now what Is first end foremost among rhe reasons which make a nation strong anti great Work. Not machine work: telt work into which the worker pate his pride. his joy, his h:(l,l,iness. To commit the exeeutlon of a purpose to one tvl;u (11,4apprut, , of the plan of it, 1s to til ley but ull.,-+hied of the man; his heart and Ma head .art' against you. you pine con::unnntlrl only his hands. Th,. great moments of life ore but mo - moats like the ,,then. Your down is spoken in r► wipe) or two. A single look from tine eye'., a Inner' iirel,,Ire of the hand, runty •Ite.ide it; or of the lips, though they ':.moot speak. FARM FAGOTS. Every state and territory of the United a;atos has sir oxtieritneut station, the total number being Tlnu spring miles of Aberdeen Angus bulls in 1.1 ,;l,u,d shone an average of 110)i fur'-':rn aninnals. Th', wheat crop of "'nth .•tnmerlea hos steadily ire reused from 19,S50,i1110 bushels In lsol to WI.OUt,Wu bushels In 103. The Iowa Mate Agricultural aselety, whleh Is in debt, recently arranged for th', ,nae id 20,000 tickets to the people of Des Moines. The price of first-class mutton sheep end hamlet on the great markets is decta- e,lly eine,':nr.ging tin the friends of mutton ehct'p. M:i- i. hnsetts creameries are catching the spirit of nrganlz,ntlon, and are mov- ing fur nn nss xlari,,n similar to those eln.a litre fermela The bill prohibiting ailulteratloss is Matter and diverse has iseen signed by the Iie,ternor of Missouri, and Is therefore law of that State. The t►ntarin experiment station advises that apple trees be planted far enough apart so that when full grown they will out touch t•a,'h other. Cottle feeders In the West have used cetton«ral more heavily than ever before, and it is reported thin they an• quits yell pl.•a.c'l with Its use. A Keine, 'ey exchange notes the ta*t that earths were welling for export cor- p.*, at Oro rents a pound, live weight in the Moe grass corntrtee. A CHAPTER OF MAXIMS. Hanging and wlviug go by destiny. - Shake -is -am Ile scatters enjoyment who enjoys much--IAvater. i.ife bat nn bleastnit Ilk,' a i'rudent fr,•nd.-Euripides. Whu glses a trifle ineituly is ru,yner than the t rifle. -Iran nter. L'•v.' looks not with the eyes• but with :he mind -Shakespeare. E;n,•ry u n to is a vohu0ae If you know how to tend him.-l'hahnieg. There can Ire no high civility without a deep m•'rality.-Enn'rson, Prodigality I. the 'tee ofa weak nature, M nvarioe is of a strung one. -II. TayL,r. To be happy is of far le.• eensequent• to the worshipers of fashion than to ap- pear so -Colton. Messrs! I: tine loan that has found hie work. One monster there is In the world --the idle man. -Carlyle. By gambling we lose both our time and tn•nsnnrr. two things wr.st precious to the life et roan.-Iavater. u rn.• f ,r The Advereate ('rn••n Ja•.. 1st. 1911. Subscribe c.. n"`"". THE CANADIAN BA Stn. and Sirs. W. R. Elliott were rail- ed to Toronto last week owing to the death of the letter's mother. Mrs. Ilan- co(•k. which sad event took place on Sat- urday, June 18th. -Miss Lillian Elliott of Toronto is spending a few days un- der the parental roof. -Mr. Nelson Hicks of Detroit is visiting his parents. Mr. .u:d Mrs. Rich. lilt-kn.-Rev. W. God- win of Parkhill made a flying visit at the Methodist parsonage. -Tice quartette anointed at the Clandeboye Festival on Stonday- evening. -Mees Butt, vocalist .and elocutionist, took part in the Brin- sley entertainment on Friday evenit.g. -herb Hanlon is home again from Lot. - don. -Mrs. Robert McFall, London. is visiting tier daughter, Mrs. T. Willis. -The grenolithle walk, five feet wide, is laid from Mr. Cole/111's store to the ,Methodist church, and adds mucin to the appearance and convenience of the village. -The League meetings are to be discontinued during the months of July raid August. -A game of baseball was played on the Recreation Grounds on T ,uraday evening of last week, between. the Kirkto:n and Centralia teams, result- ing in victory for the home team. Th, score stood 12 to 13, and was a moat exciting game from start to finish. The annual Strawberry Festival is to be held in Epworth Park, Centralia. on July 1st and it promises to be tete best yet held. A long ar.d varied bill of sports is being arranged for. The ladles, who are famous for their pro- vlelon of strawberries and cream In Abundance are heroically working to ke,•p up their reputation and an excel- lent supper is promised. The evening Concert, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid, promises to be exception- ally very fine. Mr. Nelson Hicks of Detroit, Mix■ Lillian Elliott of Toron- to, Miss Gregory of Windsor, gradu- ate of the Detroit School of Expression, and Miss White, violinist, and organ- ist of the Seaforth Methodist church, have been engaged for the occasion and a first-class program is assured. Sports front 2 to 4 p. encs; Supper from 4 to 6 p. m. ; Concert from 8 to 10 p. tn. See bills. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tie laid You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of 1Z -,69.4-'....;e4( air. pays for The Advocate from now until Jan. 1st. 1911. Subscribe (arty ellisalir..allkahsgbAellkallaalliaaMs FLOUR Breakfast Foods Feed and Seeds 1 All the BEST GRADES of flour always on hand. Breakfast Foods such as tli OATMEAL, WHEATLETS & TOASTED WHEAT FLAKES Oatmsal,7 lbs for 25c Poultry Foods & Feeds ouch as PANACEA, OYSTER SHELLS, GRIT, CRUSHED BONE, LIN- SEED MEAL, OIL CAKE and FLAX SEED. I, Wm. Rivers t 111 Davis' Old Stand • EXETER Purchased BUS and DRAY Business Having purchased the BUS and DRAY business of MR. WM. ARNOLD, i desire to announce to the Public of Exeter that i am prepared to give you the best of satisfaction in work connected with the business. For the pres- ent orders left by phone or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF- iCE, PHONE 15, will receive prompt attention. T. G. Creech A STUDY iN BLACK AND WHITE brings to light things not dr•eamrd of before. Study the WHITENESS AND FINENESS OF' FLOUR from Isere and you'll agree it's all its :name "MODEL signifies. For rich cakes suit pee and dainty rolls arid Ikons• MAI bread. try 't. it kills i-- d'gcst 01, (very time. HARVEY BROS. EXETER ONTARIO OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTABLISHED NK tier R. R. W&LssR, President ( Paid-up Capital, $10 ,000•09Q ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 6.000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England BANK MONEY ORDERS issueD AT TME FOLLOWING RAM!: $S and under 3 cents Over $3 and not exceeding 10 6 cents " $10 10 cents u $30 " M 0 IS cents These Orders are payable at par at every office of ; Chartered Bank in Canada (except in the 1'ukon).and at the principal banking potgta In the United States. They are negotiable at $4. an t,. the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. They form an ca, nllent method of remitting small sums of money with safety and at small cost, and may be obtained without delay. 121 Exeter Branch -•G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton. LUMLEY-Orville Cann was stricken down with an attack of appendicitisullkailhalk>lkallk. Audis o❑ Thursday and is now under the doe - 1' tor's care. Manure litters Children Cry Beate Bros.' Feed FOR FLETCHER'S and Litter Carriers CASTOR 1 A 4 Overhead Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Iron Posts Ttlic re e I8c Each Pe Simply to advertise them. In the future they will again be 25 cents. COME AND GET THE GREAT BIG BARGAIN. We will take in exchange Horse- hair, Rubbers, Iron, Copper Brass and Wool Pickings, for which we will allow the high- est price M. JACKSON'S IRON DEALER Main St., Exeter PIANOS To Rent $2 Per month & up Six months' rent al- lowed on the pur- chase price of a new in- strument. 8. MARTIN &SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium They are noted for the quality of their goods. 4 Sta & Stanchions can be installed as cheap as lumber and last forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Binder These three things are great labor -savers for farmers and ne- cessities on a farm. For sale by Wm. Gillespie, Exeter Livriii-PSONB 51 � At40 You will regret you did not atteud one of Canada's High - Grade Business Colleges, located at Peterborough Welland Orangeville Winghal; Clinton Walkerton Now is a good time to enter. Our graduates receive from $400 to $1500 per annum, Mail Cousess in 100 different; subjects.! Write for particulars. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL w Always in the Lead OUR POLICY has always been to give our customers the ad- vantage of any reduction our keen buying has allowed us to take advantage of. Our WATCH Department is roost complete and at prices within the reach of everyone-$l.0u up to $40.00 -and same warranted from one to three years. Now is the time of year when an ALARM CLOCK does tint come antics. We have a tine selection of them. The alternating alarm repeats the call every 9 seconds Prices 75c to $2.50 and same warranted for one year. Our Repairing Department is most rMnpiete. Nothing passes our hands that does not re cele• our bent attention. A. Marchand, Exeter !Jeweller & Optician v • �sE �t ser ii eC COCOCC•Cee ( tt 1 a) I SCRAP! The general public will take notice that i am doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap, Highest market price, paid for scrap tree. gabbers. Norse Mair, copper, Rags, Etc.; Also Ws,ked Wool aid Wool clippisgs. All purchases to be deliverel to HAWK INS & SON'S HARDWARE. F:TEH, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the same store, where prompt attention will be given. M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont.