HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-30, Page 2TRAINMEN REF S W
Board Has Ignored D
in C, P. . le From \
'and Other Countriesof
.'1, dentirtrit_frum altintreal say:.genu.q•an eemprising the - hoard, ilase44westess
The ftitkitatils.s.e yi throtherhoods standards and comparative differ-
itY, .11; ;C:A67.41. " ..-e •
of ItailV‘ay Trainmen and Itailwa •entrals existing in the territory and
Coturneters-have refused to 'aesept 1 1
e awarttsnsthe Insord of corncilisV 811',519,sireisat14,'163"olgrr` nlibtri'lle 8d
S-9etlir. llintriSaaiteldcftl:rlS31:
thktil. et:t:le11141. Ncid.asPttic:rebk4noan
tion ifi. retti,ke to effOr,‘4110- Si 1;s1dfoi'estsiolit's4 loll)os. awo "ce' ' T? oliti • ---
with .211.1fiv, '-'caijMn . Pacific ...iia . "sv,, Are thaasstateswritingAttr.. • ' u-ci191•1•1.,441:11. ran.it,e4i: , far. 0...yelb..r. a•,,
Clang, 710,2R .Bliilwaesse. Their de- MeNieoil, •quotIng •sthe 'telegram,
ns" Gclustre :franchise tosSho Bell .Te- • -*
cisionswAssnuatie onsWesinesolay af- .nn(i asking Ifitiiiesiontpariss SR' Still s ss, 41.11 11.
ternoont athereitheytat rit:the follows liklispe d- t.• reCogitiie i„Saiit. "Alid .A,e,irrzyirterat't,Thill,.'hiTirb't-(st;''ieit;i`oSi.,-;`;s: 1' ' ' .143°(19' 19)3
ing telogramsto.the Minister 8f Lai'. sitbIttlyjrNliseel.., ,?taiyfartss 00 .et,63.trof., ,fleass ty durot ...&1,1 •■•••••,•-.
e , i 1.'11- o sis:ses
t9irsiissry."r.,,,,,„,1. .. .•ers. _..- 1 hi 'T IHIfnitrAtvliNz*7-} , •: •--, :En. -ttwi :, •li .1911 —73- '''
"T4:,'grifill),Yloinniitho.1,3)1.iiiike- iTios,.i, piplited I by.- Jatnese9shfurs • efito ,C,7K....v R.••11n4. boug it a, lo.rga
ss :scot is .:...Tift „ifojiLi)?..AARREirc
senting. qsftitue-keekssiAisyssti asb,Wts sissok,isriee-presidesst of thosilrotivelt- ,- • , . • it - i
Isrnitt.thety,...,tities., Atyca ats,propartysasso, atatiose aisle . e s • ...•
t 1 min and Mid. sersicossan the Co.P4 ,heeci . of -Railway
at Moo.treal. was-. 9,1! it. r,v.:,_ ,. 4 ' . B 4 r. . :r.rnal...r. 09.:..!.Ti: .-or •
...) !.1G1' "Trroit.1./ wr • .4,
• 440,10
of'hc Of' s The & 114611WhtSi will not
It unstsimettelscrenuesSsusuto mil. -
vise yott that they:6We IreertiVed dt•ti.,eifa VIA? Pk;t141,0•“42r.ss-r boexte`pdVd tslif8firti&Aper,00*-
an I thfkotrfs?"to
4'nsidditlq 'OLP' Tho ti 4.18,711.s 144.tk'll'ed; OAP? A watitia 'for at 44.
°W.144.1"fispit te.legrain 40 It, inisk•ersof-lashof:: 4jefIC:
"While thanking shesbeard for its practinitiy the:dr:468nd of the men c6000nittrarts:nrn, .for„.(te.ndening;;. on v,ory
arbitraitlgtz,lia4 e rgiNatinves was pro tittote paid, _by ,stbnitorb-Stases •
, ifitiu it, plans lois 4 to now:: weasel*. to
Lon. vimml -1•-•12: 9 • f.ri r.aitw a entering Canada:, se' unit
earnest efforts, licieRhi considera- is thrit'iva0s, 61-1-ealladt:in allisy10. o Iffonttetil firen*n3ithei'4111ifs
tio-• and intent iii A.sparing the be P14,ced prs tkci.,saism . is as ,Itittgui%Ptl clitiftseif,c's iriN,h,hii#2
award ,ire(esred ts.),. triSe.SSAMnlitteestlese, In thes.X;pited 4t4tes 40,,tet- eilo,s4t......1.44 .lisrm .are to .r.er..
are compellitl tossalvise.tyon that ritory.:enntiguous• torthe Canadian • 1.. , -. 1 .
P. is suntatisfaxtosy, hcing:•iinpraes 'border-. that) ts upottntlie:tioneYork
tieablonf‘adettlirtincitid tli'dt'iteau2 central sand its sOffiiiated,•lines,
not he a cep(ed. '''-' ,i,:bielCiireVII9sel In teliirit wIth the
"Foiti tins 'Orktilertiiw .to che (.. tiatikii CMS ' :''' ...t. r
rits,s • it.-- .,4
'ILEPOfttl°114003t `1.;E.i.bt:N.114
• • 111AD -1)3-1';
. • 311•13U• :Hs An:Oc. •i
• ;I..
Prices et CattIOV titttinetieenelnt
. 'Dat4"-)IO 3
Iliriidnoo ,
' U.me and *bread.
4.-,vo "
- - - ''.:. 4.* I. : -,.. i 13.1.*.a ,.., as. ! .
lo noi).. -: I ;• • ' ' • _ - ..-„ • DI
Great Bandage'. Rioited Iii"1 .9..i8.. ktaiali irr.411' bb
11c, .:f stist• .r. 1b--. 0, ul.--, '1 .i
•Y:'. :•• noosil.. ,.-:s nyl .•tilan;4.0,„!i.n, un- .. :1'. 2“ ono-. J
0 AAL1/1.11Jas11.. /mil t/s.:6, rt91,, 'mugs
.(111, lc' 0,11S. .::1,8"-81
„, v t). bn, 19:aLl' 9.1 tv,-.,....,y.
Iliati---.noirlt',. , ' g•-lbsG(1- 1 VS' 1t .. 1 s •
.1% dE#11flAktill‘olltiliiiiheg enysts; the kinildittgs eatfatieved"fncIudihg
Tremendous wind- and:rassasar.o.sina•-ailarge warehouse at North Portal,
fullowisr§" thel Istnt'val`epi •Thyftedr ittsk. A cyclone lifMffirirge barns
Halbrite.sstiask.,sstantnty • buildings •',Nt.litpainlisrst?
. snago 7 VE1.IV.11 Ily Ti and itl•ltitlernirdath..10S-klitillinNtseik
from ItAtisaAs, „ V:4,g, ugt qmishis,t- •crati i ,,,,,,,,,w. ivieFostm., -09,,,,,
.., ,I 11 . _ y .. 0.11..Z.
no ondYwW's serniusli hurt. 4a,rtgor slum , A, DAL ..:44411.0F's)D1‘91F sbaitlit
were dt.; fPfsyll.0i. ;a4i.',Nain§,,,,))14 il,turilg, le, itc...,q55,4,0 ,ti);rjpd
Hessen, 'farmer, living --one mile west 44 sstowni wasresitnarlehely• des
from the town, lostApmessibarn and stioysldv. John:Harnets,.Stged 30,Net
house costing $3,O0,-alltich were etriployee;.*Its nrucli 110 Ileltl'hg 4-4
v.mpleitely...raA'ntl.),a.-Dtana.apitellittioui,tit='hersa4i1Vliied ithetiilf,Melytg:l.i"e111,n'q
ing to atWe Of giclVii'11.•.4.(4-,4(ADugalc,r4Rt!4Oti;ri0r,is•4,
E0 • ,..
.1g9 :1; 1 • •
41 ..TAZ ja`44------ a-ts•-• tbs.
0. !IOC ••9
.9 (11 9.1 f' • st'014 .
19100111.ed 114 Innocence of. Wilful -Being Gathered IntotiMdtors
N.Y:t • Murder.
;3 __ ,(S7v11110
Adenpatchsfrons North Baas/,- A 'despatch f Pon] asNeiVittiko .116+i
Walter Ross, who was funnel guilty
of the Murder of Percy Parkinschts
his prtiSpectirek.brini'•ifild -PartneY;
at Ramore, Timiskaming distrICt,
last I) .11 K. •Ir• • Ire 'iere ttntt.
on Tuesday niorning at seven of last, winter are duplicated. Th
o'clock. In a statement to the t1
press Ross said
. .1s
. • m rtstioito 9 • /. X • lain .11D1
hi!". 1)00,• 446,1itz
gue4 14itrtt 1:4.11.„,i.h.Pt4ce4 ioid
stora e b • warehous ins
g 'Um
pr., Jahns& 43ooth;:i.of Montreall,Kbeat 3,0;. 1,,:sseriheraslisses.-40s:s2
war:, $39and -*mitt ler ouffing-a-i-nt:rthegn,.:A7net at: :iakosfrilollsr. for
man: wh& wahted.hinl(to isttentit.his innnediate shipmenbres. •C •:•ss -1
sir* fathers') ssss • CorassfAriterientisdNri.. f`Srellow,
ri.itikl..-0-tk4edoot 1/26 -pp", As •it. 317cliors, iliplfayai
• .4 .•. r •-•mi •
"ir a in, ol-S9, ihrst,44shas,:aceopisk.,,tlip !Tiss of f i4igb.tk;
r,4 :eta° II4.4rdlsiistfotseiliationsiss_O,atS--q* Purss. „Ite stern), selsTeW..- 2,
the men aro not at all sa sMes.Nisi.3estssiVir.4136a:atelake ports.
-a:f - efestimmediate shipment s I. Oristario
"Metre ha1Skn°14•0' dinnitifsitls N6. '-2 Whites 33e-tei46-bIttiditle ict3?, the
f men' thASSiiittneNtVeali'lel)tt.a- White9,-'32c .fo•Ve artiftler, 304' 9041041k
oncayfAilia14,4i0tylt:{1...sitC11, .1S5YO to.
,i•essgi of an. eliarlea Mearp4y s..1,„4,I3arley-No. 2, 51.9„tiss52e; No, 3
41.ii1;tigation. _ extra4 silleeto-rstinse.bio. 46a rtosee
la Irene Sewerh, owili,p4„,;ipri ontsicleoManitoba; .49eSon
wood, Man., was suspended' for track, fake poYti . .6'' Iwo!'
4torrinsachttr, .Tansil4ser dos ssPeass1-3,foll 2f-/*lto8tIter'' 6f:
Ithet • ' has!, taken actioneagainat -the,
stlt ed11 tof iasrlue: hoe, ",tivew.itts -,:ssji.;101-17
A•741ilsik !rid arid .yottS'''the ItvolVoionta. arecaotlikratit tpatentr, *3:00 ;
spstente, 9t80going,
11,vpp ArSiv, O.,Tsaice 4g:st*t e4.6o ;-t0speft.GtiSgoito
bt 19arri91q9;r• loonu
fhlkud. at- Nords..liays andi‘releastsd
Li ktning Strikes and ExWodes a Gasoliu
ars pat.:17airomillittat ilti6:fax fasal : vi1s 1151mtildlinidniglit .111;11.1111..i gilVit°.ining
. bt DELO- et& t4- l'ff 'torn m Li 2 N 0 Nov
Vcotia was visited by a se-li struck a house of Capt. Horatio
varst•cIectric storm ort Thursdaytatinnesil-aud-aluttiored--onn of-thw
morning, accompanied by heavy chimneys; one of the inmates was
thatItile-t• and a. terrific downpour of ! quite badly ipjured, •. The home of
kaki.. ! 1)u ring thoslitorne the •IstsitigtJWIPti• ,TIN
ii0 vied by I.- i isii--:/elforTs3.`1AbleiLly, . ;Me ,ds.? t.44114,L431611-°(th:de'arl-
jpocc g, on en ? ..„•tbbk.1;.ti4 liqSs.,,rr PcsriSlItlitnsieStotsissaplit in
•Istryte .by light') - 4:, ilyh'. :*.r.tr•• cvsssy mons- .sileslatniiisesicaleived
ed th \shoP whssifili felophattisissonly asslightshboeksic TioS,Viidings
wires Were. Thwittglitding .travelstint Shisg•littebiStsitveifailtlislci. daniag-
1&1 a g the wirst&iintilaftptbaeWediAM9., Held, thOnhilryiestigidam-
tit r of the' hop;_ whisTe • it • igg11,3 tar. '414' Iii.k.„.,' 44",?Isl'esrbss.
he gasolinW.-tiiiik;-'4R4111Aiii.• A taiiiiou seismic disturbane-s
it. T t damage done was slight. :es occurred on Wednesday night at
The storm was very heavy at 10 o'clock, teat! • alarming the __
,StrOf. he storm began on Tuesday lasted for five seconds, was felt in
Nattn th. A -t Harlington the pas- pertple. tern c shake, which
lifter i n and ',IV uedislim
? 'SI cylgitftitY: in titmrisc lifc)
.41.14, Nolalcatt104., $18114191MA . . . 4 - LEFT
ii-Afillt1 P7-
4414'4 01.12; No. 3, $.1selitip.) thr 2too. 4: W.74112 CV
kilVeri Bran -$17 to $177.725. Flour Appeal for Help for Families of
ooFits "patents, $5.20 to $5.40; sec- M on t t•eri Pratt! V kg hum.
end4 nts, $5.00 to $5.20; fi
.. lateh rom Montreal says:
, el idrenare Jefl depend as a re -
4.05 to $4.15; second clears ,
len widows and eighteen minor
sii .114:E.01110CK'BIMIttrittiito„ rgi js,if W;Ses-
„phligioty sk,igodaid :matio .174)tirtalbse4 frtoesslio loselliei
I Dr
c 'i • )f ktreaSk....June••••28PAlitiliS relii.,salult:s' °f
151/1:54Y Y2414;111ftineirb-L441:icityttwilt4iiiiii)twi and farm ies who 7
gii<1,, e‘common stock, 4c to per
had been dependent on their earn- 4
Babes' nperior 'Mich cows sol t
s fousiglegit. In addition, four 1
4inen supported. in whole or . 3
•frofn 0 to 865 each, the ot
dint.: (Ming at $30 to $55 each.,
part, widowed mothers. Another i f
eieltzei 02.75 to $11 each, or 3%e tolign
Re Hilo. Sheer sic fV, e'lser , r.
ieds *tether Ind invil'a-
tIts: thirl* gixIMIlind
arhs'it $3.50. $5.Micaoh.
lets._ofillogs sold at ab„ut 9%c per Ycung w'men wh° h'st their "ves' 1
scsr reh go .swcroseon.victedo . •
:cos. de fery4d Ise ntenttes:4 a.i,.
; Dm, 8,11.0f::1313:
1 AMR, A:01
• , •..GRIFAT:sBRITAolN.-isv.
• ? 7.
lulLellIi.-1 tsOr .c.01.40 lo . .z.
in biryqra'• go. Quistide. s .: trees,
i." hfiflfood,Manitobk Arai-es-A:$*18
per ton:; shottss-$26 per:SkiWttlacki.,.
78'Tvti3fitic-P0°)AD9itt.94:fid 01 :T., iontb!e"Thit trib' •11)'aii',11',16 •..tep
A4y.o 'Iiiissikr4sysysted. In thg.. w 4k1of ..te n ; s hb r t I; e2inkce tOn on tilie?f,,
• SpaniA eimialer off 1.,Aild a Eiiki. a'crunto. ..... ...).4., f '. - .11. .
-Senator Geo./AV: ItosassHyron. E. I , - •-.);•-et . •
3Nalkor of Toronto and)41. N. Bute C,OURTRY P110,1MICE..); .s
of.,Ottasert lette; be:eti'll'llftte Knights ee • _ 1,'' ,111' • l 1 • I
. r gg, Q 1) r o cv n Oise, • ,
Ilathelors. ' ''
.Tho apiieal . c,f tli.'0 Aluesuef Y -vv.' 2ao; Sepa-ratcir • prtittaw 20C ; 1 VW
t. ;.,,,:,,i -t_. ButterirT,fflaalePi- 5P.LtutAt. *,.._ ,t9r
ti 111no”,t.;;emtraip.g tik.q, taxation 4- i
- -----" '-'• prints, (ahnice),: lbe telet ;-dnfirioff
4.Q. J'. R. lands:comes us...before the tirisq,• 16t! to .14t,..' .1 .a44'-` •1" 8i71!')
:1I'ivY' Council ffl3Nt' "math' . . '' i1,:e:fer n6iffe, Air 11%
It has liractleallyshtedstirranget.
that : :tlis .eoranntiOti _ 'brAtilt ilthe,, 88 •t ...sb:is is....1-. •
'f0r Intiiy:.'"' old • heihseirfe.it
.3, .,"e1/4 vtak%41'et2itThbe;t4),' .,11,14§„42..t. egaihii.,),,ma 'r4.)E
,.. i ri,w,c: xvir.
c. li ritill jg;hinett,• nga„R-bee ' ••• •ippit:lictWeetts.h.a,ndz:$221?.,1to.,,$.2,. inlodvorlum... :dt:-:
"I am thirty-threes d t .i. e
1 was born in Eriglanceitea!,; to 24 cents a dozen, Two
does not matter. I have lived in cents a dozen is ail(194.to c in-
CSnad t Aislisgd Ws,hr. fo onSW, Wailaisii, arch
the las IfTr;Ani ii-nietha •
oter t
tun. I have never married. You
eanii,t put it too strongly that
a t ozen, or a
&Aim& btift
tonowing. Illy voca-
Iir.iig. the tyt.s4 cost datkLienut
fricat 3 /WOW 4VA•dlin
ter at -15 cents a d.
be retailed in NteR ork I..
sold for last winter ier
1 1 . 4., passage 1 te
-remii gs oto the oromoirl Pptatoes1-(ttitatio:'pothrtyrns ittg o
e '•OrtfeilintiritSs,PAIP.4 ,at 41'11cloithe-Gn traelc, • rid sit 5e elusse
ribs •:•.i.. eight left fathers and mothers be-
• Triroititos-le. 201. ---,Tin- bestir, aim 14)4' 're(' =If Elij.ifli-kb'—bb1144,-111Tr
114(TOWCII 4001' ftf/fIrr44'
lit.i7'.0011i/1187141 qritilti/sotti air31Mtft R1414idt °f
and a number of others assisted in
06.0. 45 $6.60 per cwt., but many
'Stocks ' (1141(141
bog; :lc 4. for thefedi I • tIh;11-8teulTPen us•rt-43oungt ewt&hild-wtilrentl-rstrlicir__,;
niere,.gles were made around $5.50
ig tra .a heynetifthe bra/304:r. triiblise atILIDI.
etsier 'the hest animals raajksjings
• 1)5 rtiltatirlialf of the
Cap hiSS"CoiTSIiI0•' frtyltigb"Wtmy " iphtSle!P• itrsA 11. ifft
'104"1 XiC1 Cr• sisso .v isleft;
$5.50, and the comnioner
flanging as low as $3 and
50. Tit lies 1)111 18
c sMi -IirfiterA
instruplor in prrioalft;'WW•terfl,
• 9 • r. 19tntar, sleek s_
ouslY i4trd14u wociwir? aPLO :f' .•
fell „Nil him 1* AwcIsbet,50 111_,OW1414./A R. ,assel ; sand lams itwiLiztviii‘*OrrtA He 1lay IlecomabflteisfaefillIdtreeflt1
-ti-enerat- -1•4ftirlf.
.• •pa .D swoor cwt.
(111 :,
/ had been r the Cot,- It ., tntl* ,itifiblif viietifig,,,YeW1ifiotiffil.• 1
obratt thr4e444:- and 1'1 i . .
11174,1 1 wersett/rIttatrietAlfrIthilro
sesmed to get in a frenzy Ix
bad tempered. I admit 1y
Rowigli444, w
optnt the preriffikw‘Crlit,' t)
was to shield t set l,sitZ
fear death, ant illfilikr thiwnifu faisteraM
troubles me is WiRgutykinitslijrff" riP7.ining indicate very heavy rain
iice has not given me a square deal eviNo and
t lei , ,
in any shape or form. I ga
sslf u NARA& iii#4446 ino t I nd (")e Wed nes461$
S: 1 ta had a
fear, as the shooting was i • oil shosser• , .., . , " rstfitk there
defence, taking thelfsr14,41yrtisitssel4fAT 41.3,,IplAikteditil ‘0,,,,Appeile
ret u rning tvitli the ofheer. when 1
3 olippf 1.111,1Mia2_11 (1,.W
,11,•,,,to11881,188M V1111 ..
-01.4101140r0141 1 I1411
S. AllenlAt: ,17:S ,t)(
:nob. Wt.* 91.i
7'A OtP
cv °Id frierreallartiStry:
Mel of Police Kehler of Cleve-
land has been acquit
cl...ress against him acia.°
1d air': /- arts?
Lrn* a. sIn th.. latter
.4‘Z rend Carman
.Attuti?.. In very badly
nreded, the crops Isag.,02sirchellt:
VO• Aik (i2k
Comit €firiE
Far y 0 1 es.
wobitoix-iiku, ULU. 'tilt ttliE
s; :snows:L.-as: nat. 3.1 .1:1W113114011 e.911•InbatietNIANKIOZ) •ri 4#1:018drolmuld gekittriettan•T•VOI1
31'3NITfil) PiirArSegroo • 1114 :P461,41rfirhert c.ut., sal da.kanzaper., tfl
toneigiated tbntoentit)111dAbY • 1-1-FirPilIntltirks,•116.9; .1.0k; •
Por rlfesiiMiigi.sthfr at' ird- "41' 44- siChVtir two years fias214;Av mei
, 1.g.".. ,..1.4,. A10110.111041 .7 11 WO
. A deSpa1431)”1710111D117111111000$0111110111
1:34:7h:146r 9'• '1' 1193111" °Piet; Me4051 IWA0.40•StOtr10169aff It i:O. om viatNitti-n"--.0aaitiminfiD.-, 11)•Niew of the iflpti,IfIlffsafil.,int-
/ U -
Cw k-aoltatopemis3Ittib Nis 103,600,000, • - -I 1.
rt ,,,, . .„.411 iv • (II, ,... slypt„tr.- ,4•4.04.101bh.r. . •
• log.4 nee; togintrclir "oip:trau iirTii :isrifits., illo it. .
C"epn et ritPrilsaatiSi r" yr ilira4rinifjegii.t-Fl"ittitcyttpt("1449:7; "1131; '
i. bCaliflgO3P•L' •b/"... )1118$31'1 '• 11 4-ilr,i dir.i!"sio,•"Osi.': ".`ir'''sfisinst.'
' 11'911f4" °.. 1I'.1" 71c11111.(-4Peral llilT Piiiiitkor4 t
.1.14f3macf401 rstsk 'AVea.eiir-,01‘.,c •
bokens,s1'14„:OniStetilialirig 4h)
deretPlAflifouat r4lcc
!meg e ear bacon, tons antiseeassere•,•
- • sPatalk frorfl'Imnll10.4 sAt. Meurbno of tioonArotoevaittionerula:
. toolfojoy; .baekt eplain) Sle the K rilr.ondWOInesgthisiuk•i•e,„(atyl: is stregestet*A4t. r,way
A *Datil"L.4ittag" 141` sr'i' a 99940 te4,1n0Irs.lheifintitait),•116i ftfe •oe &bike lifsit3rr tpt,pf, cicar h Mint-
plaoe cut Al,silit,ovick. mule Avisitrat nett o iictisteshoihi,,o ittcbty. f,kel .11:4?? -61- ny h ti rselity wa:41 meatok 118 I Mee
11:114311nalar,51414t111te ;C's -4*" t ritiTti • ,,yel perm si
tiltleskulgtie„.erpi i'••`A‘af?.. alir,„,
tbat i fteltrottsle
coil- bfekied Attlq DIOR- Infital-114,,
States. se. t.. estets ess t1.1111111
Two Buffalo girl. wnr44,,ini.4-0,1 in a / . Itoll
bgiffsw Jersey, where_tlic4,: were Te•
I • 1,0( aiterAVOI) 11101W•11S. 00)7' 088•
Four t.icastaiss, worst. fatntlysinint-
ed at i frt(th'eso 4410141 sWhekto ilio Vitt
seerriv.iiirtillv ialte civmdk,
if4-,irkitat:41.ftiO4,MiN;13#41 ':,041 sibtu spring wheat patent a...kral•S.
The tinited-141ntes CongresiloaissAs,,th: dris, setistitlit. 194knosswinter
voted 1$10i0011,4v.retheXttsses mists 'heat tikits4itill1f54 AlititIffelei strong
cern rn Imaint: Jto be) a pcsoi ate (h sorr••i n4 tallghtil''.;..'ktillfli'.. stitiVtti. r611614.:
vettigate the means of ticoinritingi'lf1.78`,:N,,v1„it,$!,•,0-,,,:74,2d,
univeys„y„,Ace. ..,.".. -:-,.; — ct frasp, jsit0s0,i, ca.esilt;tass 1 .
/AM ii; :' C hti A if) n . wli() ' itAtii2 le ,2 'On to --474 :,, Atte his;:s• Its is Ca nr;t1 la n.
rti7Firering his wife iii"holv; itsiy -western.loutttle. fottic...11:ate stems
ek t ra '1 ed. Y. Ai Aiql,crip, 7,(te ra -,-A rirff Oa n %Is. :4 vello,k% G4
asit. At' pt4)11.:?,1; Crilly. rig, not „to:.09: do., No..1V1illtiit;:tfte tisi
ask to Issire Slts sent back Jr trial: G -N.
• -.so s, leer, ,. 4, ,,, ; .?ftts-No. 2 Cilfnittilluwestern,
, ....,11-Ississmss fi, .::. .: ,-.. 1:9'. .00 '14 ! Ito!. o41\90i6N44,41_ e4040513k.361. P. .•
ii. . 7 1 ' 7, r: •17/ 11' 09111tart 3i."7',4 (13741Uffe . S . ri.:114)• 4,
niftni . 'Plas t RI:ePn. 1 1P111)111 Ale tis .linu, !.- .,,,,,..
88wretNeltaerilas nr:- . a 410111, MIllfs•*41.-thlt/ilaill'islitb, $14.31110
witri'dano,age done4 Iktutunninn Tana *list (Lei rhiddiintpcs *11 4294.421
stearatits et thre'llir rims:land threat- fa,Vriirajallifibtaltis191-0/,. sgR,,rvai;
ening action if the•ratabolikillis rfdt iSseNineeitIaifi-thijiliti.i,s"n'tlira.;,1,/1
met. is-its:ernes so gra& 91. 1. 1,91,‘ InAtpti iaiiiipille,.;4124,44111U0a, r!
• trutrI•
114We. • f • slwof. 9a alb:
r.saissks•ds:IsIC • to IA‘eA.iirile.r) qsi
uni iJWI.h1ivk�Iri8, .1841 tornist440 117,
box car accidlb'AV(' °
heavy •tti%41 tas)leie brttossaleo to S.
.MCINT_Ifr.(.41, !
KoiTIT:i.iti.oL • 'toll., (;„,13
l&joatreal, June ‘ r
4 ---4.--041,0110144.,- -a1.1.- -2- 'b.1•91
. .. tiAttea
Oerrna fibs./ Tlitallhit rMillar 'IG
A des atch rejrum.nktusselkrf, 1 err., tiiir wilitt5110... (•,,enkainiramo" irm.„:11:00.rurrsim 1110..611). C; :
./.• • * ' •)-3-1--' . i 7 . 4 .1f crlerSe- -1 le to•stlisia-sesaastsissns.
airship pa,,eilsor .0r...se was in i t I:t.:1 _r_..1 -it` ' 1: sew.,!....1..st ,
011 3 .. ••1••:•)0.i •'11 1.',171,-,i.1'.' In'q'11- t)on Man Jumped Info \in.', 101%c to 10%c, y Auijoti /JAL
Count ZC1)141:1113 great craft': 41190qtriffePti A Irltwi., ,7ii the trio that t-(n)pitatoritiver. mtarr. ? cittiNgs-- 21e for seleciael..-lets and
Deutschland, carrying 3444 ;en- ,' litt ek tildis fitip.,,,,t ion. A c14:4viifii fr.)49r:` ;tilaagl'ilr41"...ili,r1.. A. 1R(..°17111 strasightartentrtsetwoestanrises.
l: is1m1/,9009.-144:1 '471 co
ge 19, successfully 111.1(1eo ilts .7•Trty !'r. A (I i - N • V .1. -4fAl&k. ! 8,1' : vi4kilsr.mt. ottani:. „...;4.11.00)..„
,easslaas, 4.s, fad .1
scheduled trip fresfaritcd r lisr an jumptsj intutheabitiast/111 !bunt f tortoh3P' •I 'if 4.1"-e'F.' vt:14'13tritP 5t=3*,
fen to this city, a timillitate.., ,I Si staand n Air- the hstbad Oat firs 31 sift:4114:0th pit?: -4411tifflilr+7,911,447.1014- -:\VIII.A4wIldprk1V1
miles, in nine hours.- T -St • . r Vti tilliodateug ices of the 4.';ty in.irt1114.,4114f wItV erferifri4v,.:•y,-).feliyslsItt3pAillsvli1Xellf!CorfileWY,'
was perf.'et and the nion,r‘ .1-'.1 ;T:g: ),o, and- gleTh• Iry occu- t0 1141114y veatifmt.:10.0,;030N,00,441,77,,,it.• Agz:orr i
.!1.1-;kA,4, wity, m44 J.L,§f 117:444cd.., t t c ;tar ., . 4, 4. 61S-1.4;71 W9•1sskiii I :ii AI . ' -
tr.a:ntairird f•i.oritifilif complefivAirr
, %ull cei.N.Itit 'll-4,11,t,HIN't.."4.%tto,inctipiterh 4tArsng,,Tii•o. Hihftimilic,14- it , No. Assellitesstiqenes...- or-3,sujette.
was *MUM ly • 3YP IR ,rf.* 4,1144;7 alld irwil t:.,, 711(1.,wt :v tik-o4.-itiffAlicoont. snail vrstserd /4',/i.i;j1/44/uttsvaithife,1014su .." .7, .tt
%emir. te •
lira Statilrt411.11111.111."111111. 1 . count Ze,per.in!rv•, tni -.Mire.' -14.4hiPts r41441,,Ii-'n(1-1/?!-Nw.l)c-1(0 7 S .141118~.: (4! 0-11•11
: . f
tior id LianreChetate Wow inollsil • Si ifi aqattiag • ,li,n* 2.,grssirheNt -Z
indes a he fur ist
veredgifigrivergvirrlirf Itteellitr fisreAl tit patv in libtb{,leriri4.41,,vir,c-1t10,...t.v.els.,T,k,ifsia..11,11,,,t1.4.,,t ,1:.1.,,.44.14,e..,;.,,I:,,4,1,1..
a .
,• •
,• 1971;
• •
Olt a' -der perfectco;no1 And:
atr.r '
iv. 'IV
ltO e111‘44 1141:' :19503? 'VW' mi...
trine• GlabIneirTop *Mal Witelf. for tree ,,211111/11f1
Aritft titittelt OeVe iud tilitkr..fetrfi
•1•!li 1,, 11M19
• •• IlKi•Ir
. : • $10i13///,:
Ola. •; L,
li . b•I f •A.
id? CS .876 4 :sobs,
.... 9141%1 brio ,..,
41.11'3 Vi .7,11:
ZistMtvilffr,, -a-„1110.4_zWeR,
• iilkde lad. "a"
–overteitited kitchen .in """ •
,summer. Everything WA.' 11"1,
*henMarit0=;. ligg-181r,
'etitti4entratedt.- .1= • •
The blue flopripilp
7.11 •
the tho •• - era°
9ss 'OS- 4 1: • • ' 11V, • -7-
' -7
'..,111Xtitel: .1(?
v(> noisI 1)
) rivisr
1191 if .177ie
MY 1411
9,...,0.: Lb-41as :ietti. ba r itux,orimim lbse.,,,b319.2;,enat.1-01;•
chimneys. The -nickel
1 • _
‘1,15nbolli With VIO•brelt bide 0/112 :chierifiti "I
2fUli •tai•
:3 •/, ry
• th? a h4r,iser bo With oflofttoint-Catitfuirrt:AJJ
111/f1; Pt Imre mon fhts dere see that dosadisteldsferests /11111111CTISIV
avers searatiemmassis Orme it -Arc writ* 9.1.
to tnirmill est •I•fac7 40.1: ,13q1•.• • • 9.111711W 11..1
tints as..
nail Al bt:The .411111011MTERY 011 •••• 7 • ITT". .11:99114 001;91•17
tinatiii:it. * .3 ts:.
1 SA • ,1 * ;t1 b1111.1 • 111911
b •114141
, 1 s . . bt • .• C.-
11 Wernst.
, 4 • !Burr b.7sts1):.-.... b.r.. ),159. tv- 1 A. •-• '911' •s' 11,
ulinsii., gout:1114th Tilballlefr 8080r.) 6rtat6 ROT 91 g ;14P,' 91u bi,;14
./1.:1up 11111r bri.. raft', 7 ; 4, • 1,1•4,•
.9( 370011 91d111.10111> h.-, ' •; 11101* //s)O90.1 11." 141 .1411. .11,111al. *In st tot:rens sees masa .siortierrec :.r7 94‘•
• 11. tie et0b.11 ,t. t.is seitsaasE .ste. .esi .as:. .1,10 .aol1r99‘. .111'01: TInr; •.1") 10/9e2 .TYWOU CI3P't
.1BIrgU.L. Das