HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-23, Page 6• AEI INE0 OR, THE HERITAGE OF MADAME YALTA. CHAPTER V III.—(Cont'd) "It was, I believe, at. the Rink tl>rat she arranged hor nu'etiog with :feu. Having failed in that, she tiled not lung after a lens's violent and surer means. You were fol- lowed step by step. You were ob- served one evening entering the 3Va t ietes. She came there. You invited her to supper. I need not tt 11 you the rest." "No, I have not forg(hten the sequel. Then this creature did all by order of the ane -handed?" "Yes." "So I supposed, for she possesses her two hands and is ver,' skilful in pilfering with theta. But this btunettc with the golden complex- ion cannot be Russian?" "No, she is French and married to a Pole." "•I pity him. And now way I ask hew it is that your gardener has been associated with her in the several plays in which she has act- ed 7" ct-ed7" "You told me that he passed for her protector, did you not?" "Yes, when he appeared with her at the theatre; but in Rue Jouf- froy ho was taken for porter oT his house, which appears to have serv- ed as headquarters of.the band— I have seen hint there." "Nth last night, I suppose, for yesterday evening quite late he came to me .for orders for some changes • 1 wished to make - in my conservatory, and this morning,. quite early, I found him at work." "He was not of this expedition; hilt why had he served her be- fore'?" "Ho is her husband.,, "Her hpsband ! and he tolerates the life she loads!" "You are 'mistaken with regard i to Justine. Her conduct is quite irlepr•oachable. She obeys no ono tenet her husband, whorl site loves -- and a woman who protects her." "Yes. the woman of the bracelet. ,But why did she give asylum to this t'.iruoel ? To save him from Borisoff ata:, well, but to hide hint at her lie,itse—that hardly aece'rda with her great love fur her husband." "That is absolutely false. Jus- tine carried M. de Carnoel to a ti►..use. w here he is in safety, but xl.e IS not with hint." "Then M. Villagos---" a "Hits lied. He invented this fablo to draw you into a trap. You in- ce:mut de him. • He wishes to be rid of velli." ''1 incommode !din! How?" "Von have meddled with his aT- fait s." "Without suspecting it• certain- ly. What affairs has lw 1 Is he al - !o a conspirator 1" "The chief of thein. Villagos di- rects ail the intrigues against the gi'e•rntne•nt of the ('lar: and lio 1'61MR, Taves Consider the higher real estate value of well painted betidinga, compared with unpainted ones. Don't pestpon. painting — •very day does its damage and piles up costs for repairs. Martin-Senoulr J Paint Jioo° o/ Pyres', is the cheapest. Absolutely pure n n•! unndultetVe,i. it wears beat, bake tetter and gem further. gal- ion for gslian• tae any other paint at any mass asses.-.. • 1f un4eel.i.sl wi i,h paint t•p use. write as today fa, this name of ..ur dester a.areet r , ask him a knot the written g uarantee that torts every calm w• make for one paint a gasrar..ee that actually protect, roe. Don't •cp- rim•nt when certainty ,o�O'.0 l•,e a few cents more. There', a r.re,ttn.Crnour PaN for every purpose— for hones. twin. windmill.pampa wag` �a •arrtwgr.cukivaterandilsw—paint for wood and paint for iron -the vest Mat skill and money too produce. - if your dealer cannot sJDN7 You. aM1ff us and we alit glad!, dirrrt you Se edam our paints ere to be had. ask e All date* rite or booklet, ome P.aattfut.'• •nd latereit'.re ever cant. Free for the asking. flsMarti..SesserCo. vPv Mower.. PiawNre Pa .. hs, nut the same grievances as the proscribed Poles. He is Russian. Hir name is not Villagos, it is Grisonko. Ho has no country to avenge. He is a .Nihilist." "Nihilist! this agliable doctor! Then ho was concerned in the theft cf the casket?" "It was he who organized it." "Ah ! now I see why 'he pointed out to me the brunette who skated on rollers. Ho was in 1(aguo with her. But why does be reproach her now for hor connection with Car- neel I am loot iu inconsisten- cies." "They are only apparent. I have not told you all. Villagos knew from the first that M. de Carnoel had disappeared, and that he was suspected of the theft. It matter- ed little to hien that, the innocent si ould be accused. He even re- jciced in it, for it diverted suspici- en froln the reaj .culprits: Now it happened that the woman who played the principal role :iu.this af- fair was interested—for this yriling IC8IPPLEU BY RHEUMATISM Suffered T,rture, Crttil "I'rult-a-thes" Took ,laity The fain. "Fruit-a-tives," the famnns fruit medicine, Is the greatest and most scientific remedy ever discovered fur Rheumatism. "Fruit-a-tives," by Its marvellous action on the bowels, kidneys and skin, prevents the accumulation of Uric Acid. which causes Rheumatism and thereby keeps the blood pure and rich. Mrs. Walter Hooper. of 11111view, Ont., says: "I suffered from severe Rheumatism. Lost the use of my richt arra and could not do my work. Noth- ing helped me until I took "1 ruit-a- tives" and this medicine cured ale." If you are subject to Rheumatism, don't wait until a severe attac•IL comes on before trying "Fruit -a -Lives." Take these fruit tablets now and thus prevent the attacks. "Fruit-a-tives" is sold by all dealers at 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial box, 25e, or may be obtained from Fruit-a- tive.., Limited. Ottawa. • of Kardiki. I will explain to you why I know, as I told you, the wo- man who protects Justine, and who undertook the campaign to draw M. de Carnoel from the claws of Borisuff. In acting thus, this wo- n -:an disobeyed the orders of the Nihilist committee, represented by Viilagos, and has incurred a ter- rible punishment. Villagos n.an who was accused, and who was thought Sou would speak to tole of not there to defend himself. She your conversation with him; that took into her head to repair the I would forsee the danger which wrong that had been. involuittarly menaced my friend, and would has - done, and to attain this end, it was ten to warn her of it. If he has engaged you to defer your visit till to morrow, it is because he hart re- solved to act before you have seen Isle." "Nell, his Machiavellian plan has miscarried, and now that we both understand perfectly the situ- ation, I charge myself with bring- log M. Villagos to reason. Shall I begin by boxing his ears, to teach him to fool me as he did this morning 1" "No," said the countess quickly; "t,o play your life against his would be too unequal a game. It is for due to act, for I alone can save M. de Carnoel. It was all that was those who have been exposed to the accessory to make him divine that vengeance of the Nihilists. But she would seek to save him." first I trust convince you of M. de "Diol she know that Carnoel was Carnoel's innocence. I have not a prisoner in the house of Rue de yet spoken to you of the second at- Vigny ?" tempt.—the one which snccceeded. "No one knew it, but the lady It was made by one man alone—the suspected it and acted ace erdingly. some who accompanied my friend Villages only learned it afterward. on the first expedition, in which she How, I cannot tell. You saw him lost her hand. I knew this man, tl+is Morning. He certainly made atd I swear to you that no one as- effort- to surprise your secrets. Are you certain you did not let hint do so ?" "1! deliver up a secret you coin - trended ire to keep! 1 listened to the doctor, but told hint nething— or almost nothing." "Little as you may have said, it was too much. Villagos is sagaci- e.0 and cunning.• He has to appear the false to discover the true. I a particular nlavnes. and is certain fe ar you have, unknown to your- of having pinned thein himself." self, given him the information he M. Vignory is mistaken, or ho v.a" in search of.'' Ii(S." "You have a sad opinion of me. "My uncle would scarcely admit Is it. my intelligence yr my fidelity that, if the question were submit. - yea mistrust 1" tt:J to him.,, "Neither; but you are hardly the "He would admit it, I suppose, r'val iii cunning of a man whose if my friend should appear before lift; has been spent in conspiring, Pion to confirm the statement I at a who possesses in the highest Lave just made to you." degree the art of reading the "I doubt it. Resides. she could thoughts of others whilsd concealing nut do that without confessing her Itis own. Tr}• to remember. Hid own guilt." Zoo net let fall suine imprudent "Without confessing that she has word t Did you not gay, for in- conspired against the oppressors of stance, that M. 41e Carnoel was her courtry." taken last night to a house in Ilue "It would be a generous action Jeuffroy l ' —too generous; for if M. de Car - "It was lie who said so. I told noel is innocent. why flocs he not him that he aro mistaken." come forward himself;" ":Ind that he was there no ion- "Ile would already have done so ger, did you not ?" if my friend had not restrained "It is true." answered Maxim ., hien," replied the countess, with reddening a little. "But he knew c 'nildence. it already. 1 told hien nothing new.'' "And no doubt you spoke to him Kardiki?" I—no-1 }relies.• not." "Bo frank, and hide nothing from me, I pray. It is important I should know." "I only told him that I fancied I 1-a.1 recognized your fencing -master .ire -sed as a gentleman and seated n box beside the woman of the Rink. but that 1 was net quite cer- tain-" "Thank you," mutton red the countess, who had become quito pale. "1 know now what to think of the consequences ..f 3 -our eon- ter'ation with that man." "But," resumed Maxiine. quick- ly "he replied that I must be mis- taken; that this Kardiki was n poor ('•-vii of a Polish refugee, and had no acquaintance with Mlle. .1us- tine." ":Ind it was after having Riser( necessary to find M. de Carnoel. TM.- project did not suit Villagos, who feared she would compromise herself, and,.abote all, the Nihil- ists. And he had reason to fear 1, for M. de Carnoel had fallen into Burisoff's hands, and could not ho delivered without cooling in con- flict with a elan sent to Paris for the express- purpose of watchiug over the enemies of Russia." - "Thc lady c infided her design, then, to this Satanic doctor?" "No, but he guessed it. She al- lewed herself to let fall expressions of sympathy- for the misfortunes of "Your friend! He has, then, taken refuge with her f" "Where else would he go after the events of la -t night I Justine carried hire to her protectress, and. be has remained with her." "That is natural enough; but the ast111111 is ill choses, for a than 1,1 110 cluilns to vindicate himself of the charge with which he is accused, 1,_r the person who receives him leas attempted to open the safe, and one of her accomplices has succeeded. It will not fail to be said that these pe. plo all understand each other." "My friend will request. M. Dor- geies to examine all those who took part in the affair of the cas- ket. They will declare unanimous- ly- that M. de Carnoel knew no- thing about it, and as they will be e.lnpolled to accuse themselves their testimony need not be suspec- "Well, let him appear and plead his own cause if he has nothing to reproach himself with. I do not s'ty that he will win, but in any event he has little to lose." "And had he everything to lose he would not hesitate." "You have, then, seen him?" "Yep.,, "Will he go alone?" "No. In all probability he would nut be received." "Will it be more likely if he goes with your friend 1" "1 shall go with hint, and I count (n your assistance. Your presence wt uld be indispensable to one." "I am at your service, but my situation is a difficult one. I have just sworn to my cousin, sworn on my honor, that Robert de Carnoel was unworthy of her." "You spoke according to your coracicnce. You will speak differ- ently. now that you have more light. And your cousin will believe yt u now that you have proved to her that you have never disguised your opinion." (To be continued.) UNNATURAL THINNESS EASILY CORRECTED. By Clever Prescription Which Can Be Filled at Any Drug Store. No Need to be Thin Now as Reports Show This Method Ef- fective. People who are very thin and scrawny ought not to bo so. Un- doubtedly they are more subject to disease and contagions than the normally fleshy. Thinness is esu ally accompanied by weakness, and weakness subjects any one to colds, coughs, consumption, pneumonia, etc.. It has been discovered, al- mest by accident, that tincture ca- sisted hint in opening the safe; that domene, when combined in a pre - hs. took only the casket, and that scription with proper accelerative hs; was ignorant of the existence of medicines, becomes one of the most M. de ('arnuel." valuable, effective and reliable nu - "It. remains to be explained how tritive or flesh making medicines M. de Carnoel had on his person known to science. It is especially the fifty thoi said francs which beneficial to men and women be - were certainly taken from the safe. tsseen the ages of sixteen and fifty- Vignory explained to us that the five, who from lack of propel nerve packages of notes were pinned .in force and digestion, remain unde- • veloped in body, limbs. arms and you this assurance that he told } oti that i stolid pass the day in tl-c ce.untryy' '•lc.. What connection was there la twee') this falschee;d and the mis- take I trade of mentioning the rearm• of Kardiki •'• "If Villagoss entire% used to defer t in f►. in stoning t., see ane, it wall 18(au•4• he dill no., wish Inc to know tl.at he tors aware (.f the conduct bust. A well rounded symmetrical figure lel roan or woman indicate health, magnetism, stamina and happiness. The reader who wishes to add from ten to forty pounds should not fail to begin with this valuable pre- scription: First, obtain of any well stocked druggist, three ounces of essence of pepsin and three ounces of syrup of rhubarb in an 8 oz. bottle. Then add one ounce compound essence cardiol. Shake and let stand two hours. Then add one ounce tincture cadomcne compound (not carda- mom). Shake well and take one teaspoonful before each neral, one after each meal. Drink plenty of water between meals and when re- tiring. Keep up this treatment re- gularly and of a certainty from one to three pounds will be added to the weight each week, and the gen- esti health will also imporve. Canadian Made I:o doubt sou will agree that if quality and price are equal every Canadiau should buy Canadian made goods iu preference to any others. Not only is it patriotic—it's sound common sense. The money spent for Canadian goods goes to build up Canadian industries and prosperity, and makes it nosier for every Calmat in to (tis a baud living. On the other hand, money spent for foreign made goods goes out of the country to pay foreiguers—not to benefit Cauatliaus. Toilet and Medicinal Preparations are compounded in Canada from the purest ingredients which money Call buy. Thr National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada returns to Canadians iu employees' salaries, dividends and other expense disbursements, chase to One Million Dollars a year. In addition to this we spend millions every year in Canada for raw materials, tins, bottles, labels, loxes and other supplies, giving employment to hundreds of Canadian tiusntitts, glass workers, paper makers, printers, lithographers, box makers, and others. So even if NA -DRi' -CO goods were only "just as good" as those imported from other countries, you would be following a sensible and patriotic coarse in bnying them. Asa natter of fact, though, NA -DRP -CO Toilet and Medicinal Preparations are better than those imported. Try NA -DRU -00 Talcum Powder, NA -DRU -CO Greaseless Toilet Cream, NA -DRU -CO Tasteless Cod Liver Oil Compound or any other NA -DRU -CO pre- paration, and see fur yourself. Von risk nothing in snaking the test, for if the NA -DRU -CO article does not entirely satisfy you, return it eaad your druggist will refund your money. National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited. Halifax. St. John. Montreal. Ottawa. Kingston, Taranto. Hamilton. Leashes. Winnipeg. Regina. Calgary. Nelson, Vancouver. Victoria. 12 They were jollying the elan about fence :-"Well, you see, I take at - his enormous appetite, but he kept ter both my father and my mother. "putting away," undisturbed by 'One ate a long while and the other tho taunts. Finally he said in de- ate a great deal." ApLE EA used the easts al lemon or vanilla, IN Bf oR Rsaglatd , syr to water sad aAdtttt 1 a ons trray is spear a„d a grow batter assets. Y sae 1s sold by grocers. I/ oast sane See for 2 as. bottle nag recipe look. eat Mfg. Co.. Seattle. Ws lYIcKollzio Mine at Elk Lake gas Startod Bagging Ore Successful Operations at the Mine Which Make the Property a Coming Shipper. ELK ('ITY, May 4. --With the open - int of navigation, which is now in full swing, the greatest of activity prevails at the various mine. and prospects in this vicinity and the city is rapidly recovering from the recent fres. The dletrict is likely to become an- other Cobalt and the veins run to depth with values. Among the ,hip- per,' aril properties bagging ore are the Lucky (lodtrey. the Borland. Tl .iii1 son. the Devlin and the Moose Hein mines. The Morse limn mine put in a new plant this spring and are now sinking a wince at the 125 -root level on n vein which has Shown values from the surface. In the midst of the mines is the McKenzie, a group el file properties nn which work was begun last Jan• nary. They have bee -.t fortunate from the start slid anon hope to rank with the ships+ors. 1'1. engineer in charge. Mr harry McMaster. reports that the sein on location 8th of the rompany's group at a depth et `0 feet continued stead- ity the whole distance and Armed free ensue all the way with the exception of boor feet. Several hundred fret of ptrippin,r has alr.•ady been dour, re - pelting in the di.covery of two ad- ditional veins, one of which is 7 in. rhes wide. cutting nt an angle of pts dearer.. it 1. the intention to ren• finite this shaft to the 75 or 100 font lore!. their drift to the Miter,., a vein. where the new 7 inch vein crosses. Mr. Slcylaster states that in hi, optr.+.0 this week will result in the placing of the value of the mine beyond qui—.tion. The necessary builaings have now all been erected, including bunk house. cooking camp, manager's dwellipg, blacksmith shop, powder house, and the Ilrre,Rar'y wnehinery is being in• stalled. A gond wagon road has been built from the main read which par- allel. the road from Elk Lake. The McKenzie company are In a very fortunate position. owning a group of five properties which have been thor- oughly teeted. Stz assays made from the veins on which the company are now working ht to- shown results of from 1(5) ounces of silver up -as high a. 15.000 ounces to the ton. This company is under gond manage- ment, and it 1s the opinion of the ere gineer in charge and thea• who have .Peri the property :net it should bo brought to the shipping stage in a very Short time. 600 pounds of good ore having been bogged by May 1, and the work In thin regard being pursed ra- pidly from day to day. Applientton is bring made to list tills Stock nn the New Turk ('orb. Tha Transfer Agents are The Trusts and fivarentee Company of Tnronto and the fhrarantre Security and Trans• for Company of New York. i an, offering 50,000 Shares of this Plock at ?Sr. per Phar.. wthje•1 to prier Rahe. Write or wire me vnur amps riptinn at once. P. S. N A I RSTON, Mann„t ,, Arc 11 FAIRBANKS -MORSE GASOLINE ENGINES iw♦ Portable Horizontal _ "Screen Tank " Outfit Horizontal Screen Tank Outfit. File. 10, 12, 11, 10, 1.5 lion. Power w. P. Co. Coupon. The Canat.ian Fairbanks CO, Ltd. Send me your Free Catalogue, 0. E. 1M, shsoln` full lens Easy Payments to Farmers. Name Addrrts 4-11 10 Farm Engines. 1.,... r..... .,...- r .,,.n 1,11 The int Illn.trstc. annther Fairbanks Morse outfit developed for the (arta trade. eaprrially- .cited for Thtrching, Sawing Wnr.ef and (iener..l Farm Power. The reeling device enn.IMa of a fine arreen pia, ed over the .tneage tank .tent• Ira toward rnrh side ar ahnwn. The hot water from the engine trickle. Slowly down the srrren., and in Oil. way i. erpnped to the rending effect of the air. This arrangerneet provide. • highly efficient outfit. that for steady. economical rue• nine -annnt I.e beaten. Foch outfit in eemplrte with nece.pary accessories ready to run. The Canadian Fairbanks Co., Limited AI O IN r.F F? I': L1 T. Branches :. Toronto, St. John, N.B., Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver.