HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-23, Page 3WHY BACKS ACHE
The Kidneys Seldom to Blame—'
The Trouble Due to Blood
There is more nonsense talked
abeut backache than any other dis-
ease. Some people have been fright-
ened into the belief that every
backache means deadly kidney
trouble. That is utt.er rubbish. As
• matter of scientific fact not one
backache in twenty has anything to,
do with the kidneys. Most back-
aches come frum sheer weakness
and kidney drugs can't possible
cure that. You need esmething to:
give you new , sav that some peoplo will think paerience of Mr. James E. Brant, a
brace you up and
strength and that is exactly. what. over one of these formulas for a farmer residing near here.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will do. 'year or more without, coming to al Mr. Brant contracted Kidney
Other backaches are really muscle satisfactory answer. Diasase, when a young man, from
lar rheumatism, and Dr. Williams' "It was very difficult for me, with a strain, and, like hosts of others,
ink Pills have cured the worst my family cares and household du- neglected it, expecting it to go
cases of rheumatism by driving the
oisonous acid out of the blood.
Other backaches are the symptoms
of ordinary ailments such as influ-
enza, indigestion, constipation and
liver complaint. In women back-
aches often come from the troubles
that folluw so surely, en any weak-
ness or irregularity in the usual !`larch there is a retreat seishn)
blood supply. The one way to cure held at the Kenkoji to which all
these backaches is to strike at the students of the contemplative life
root of the trouble with Dr. Wil are all wed to go. The retreat
Hams' Pink Pills, which enrich the lasts for a week and during that
blood and bring strength to aching time the male members live en -
backs and weak nerves. Mr. Alex. tirely at the temple, the women in
Cockburn, Deloraine, Man., says: private houses or their own homes.
"About three years ago I suffered 'Hours of silent contemplation
aro observed, begining at 7 o'clock
terribly from backache. I consult-
ed a doctor and took his medicine,
and worn a plaster, but did not get
the least relief. Then I got a belt,
but this was as useless as the other
treatment, and shy suffering still
cootelued. Then one of my friends
asked me why I did not try Dr.
'Williams' Pink Pills. and I got a
of the retreat. He acceded very
kiudly W wy request to join in the
x. rcises, and after asking me
tunny questions about toy life and
about the beliefs 1 had hitherto en-
tcitained as to gods and Buddhas
gums ate a subject for meditation.
"The subject was 'Howell no
Mcmrnoku,' and was told to think
about it until I had discovered its
meaning ur thought 1 had dune so.
\Vhen I had solved the problem 1
teas to conte again to the director,
w'hu would either give toe asecond
problem or send me back to think
Thee ile Used Dodd's Kidney Pills
and Became a Well Mao- Ms
Experience a Lesson for You.
over it again. Athabasca Landing, Alta, Juno
"The problems thus given are 13.—(Special).—That Kidney Dia
net of a nature to bo easily solved. ease, 'neglected in its earlier stag -
1 cannot tell you the meaning of es, leads to the most terrible bur
the particular Olio propounded to fcring, if not death itself, and that
utc, because. 1 ant nut allowed to the one sure cure for it in all stages
divulge the secret; it will suffice to is Dodd's Kidney !'ills, is the ex -
ties, with servants, children and
visitors coming to interrupt me, to
devote my whole attention to the
problem assigned inc but fortu-
nately 1 have been able to avail
myself of stated periods of quiet.
"Once a month from the begin-
ning of October to the end of
in the morning and spread over the
day till about 6 in the evening—
five hours of silence in all, with the
director sitting in the next room
re receive c(.rnmunications and to
furnish u.s with fresh problems
when necessary.
"I had to leave the house early
bcx. Before they were all used 1n the morning with a chuchin (len-
there was some improvement in my tern) to lfight me; it was 10 o'clock
condition and I gut three boxes in the evening before I returned.
more. By the time I had taken Our meals during tho day were sup-
thlso all tile signs of the pain had plied from ,the temple; for break -
gone, and as it has not Pince re- fast tea, rice gruel and relishes; at
midday rice, kenchin soup and ve-
turued I feel that the cure is per- getable, boiled in soy; in the ev-
mane nt. 3fy only regret is that I
diel not. hear of Dr. Williams' Pink 1 ening tea and rice gruel.
Pills sooner, for not only would I
have got rid of the pain sooner,
but would also have saved some
twenty-five dollars uselessly spent
in other treatments."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold
by all dealers in medicine or may
bo had by mail at 50 cents a box
or six boxes for 82.50 from Tho 1)r.
Williams' Medieine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
On the anniversary of a Japan-
ese boy's birthday his parents pre-
sent himwith a huge paper fish,
made of gayly painted bag, with a
II( op of proper dimensions forming
the mouth. A string is tied to the
hcop and the fish is hoisted to a
pole on the roof of the house.
Then tho wind rushing through
causes the fish to swell out to the
proper size and shape and gives it
the appearance of swimming in the
air A Japanese boy carefully pre-
serves every fish thus given to him.
One can tell by the number of them
tbat swim from the same polo how
many birthdays the little fellow
Las had.
You hear a lot about "blush-
ing brides," but did yuu ever sco
one ?
Give Holloway's Corn Cure a
tt;al. It removed ten corns from
one pair of feet without any pain.
Khat it has done once it will do
The shallower the man the deep-
er the world seems.
Ask lar Mlnard's and take no other.
pczzling Over Metaphysical Prob.
Ie1119 for a Year.
The Japanese are catching up
with us. They now enjoy the bles-
sings of nervous prostration and
are practisiuz their own fora) of
rest cure. The Japan Magazine
tells of this latest step in progress.
A lady by the name of Kawakita
las; autumn was threatened with a
net votes collapse which necessitat-
4▪ 41 a visit. to the seaeiele. and being
at Karuakura she was persuaded
to enter upon the form eIf rest cure
poetisedunder the direction of a
priest of the famous Kenkeji tem-
"It was on October a last," says
the, ''ti,.I' I made the a4'quaintance
of the h'.a en, to .ams. the director
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
euro mane nommen ailments whirlsare very different. but eh', h all
•use from the same entitle a •cel•
tem clogged with Impurities. The
Pills rause the bowels to mute re•
g ul.rly. .trrnrthen and at.mulate
the Intern and open the pore* of
the akin There organs immediate-
ly threw off the seeumnlated im•
punto•.. and fillenu.ness. indigos•
tion. Liver Complaint. Kidney
Trenhles. Headaches. Rhenmat,.m
and !limiter ailments vanish. Dr
W orse a Indian loot Pills
DOC - Doctors' Bills
The must important of these
meetings was the one in January.
During the course of it I had the
good fortune to solve my first prob-
leni. The second problem given
nee was 'Kane no no wo tomeru,'
how to stop a bell from sounding.
"Tho rest. cure is now over. I
have come out of it. fortified in
body and in mind. I am no longer
nervous and irritable; I am able to
look at things more dispassionately
and feel myself more fit than I was
before to cope with the difficulties
and worries of life."
The sickly baby is quickly cured
by Baby's Own Tablets. These
Tablets are a never failing cure for
the troubles arising from a disor-
dered condition of the stomach and
bowels. Being sold under a guar-
arteo to contain no harmful drug
they can he given to the youngest
child with perfect safety. Mrs.
Francis McMullen, St. Octave,
Que., writes: "I have used Baby's
Own Tablets for my baby who was
constipated for four or five days at
a time. I found the Tablets to be
of great benefit and would recom-
mend them to other mothers."
They are sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 25 cents a box from
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
The class, was being questioned
on the cardinal points of the com-
"If I turn
nt the rising
me I"
Boy—"Yer shedder."
to the east and look
sun, what is behind
Annapolis, N.S, may 14. 1909. -1 am neer
eighty years of RV' and have /mitered
from Kidney and Bladder Trouble for
fifteen yearn. i took drainer' medicine
but got no help i want to thank ,-nu
for sending me the trample bo: of Oin
Pills whieh helped me
1 have taken pis bole!. of (lin Pills al-
together. hot got relief before 1 had tak-
en near that amount. f had to get up
some nights every fifteen minutes and
had 1.e u.e an in•trumcnt before 1 could
urinnte. Now 1 inn lie in bed four or
five hours without getting up.
W. n. Pit:Rrr.
Write National Drug A Chemical l•o,
(Dept. W.L.'. Toronto. for free trample.
Regular sire 50e., 6 for 12 `.Q
THE AGE OF NI.\t;,\Pile
To the question. -Hew old aro
the. Niagara Falls i'' geologists
have returned replies varying by
tens of thousands of years. At first
i' ern+ (estimated that the Niagara
1. '.er came into existence, through
changes in tho level of the land
are incl the Great Lakes. about 35.-
00) years ago. Latet this was re-
duced to only 12,00tl gars. Lyell
in, reas•<I the estimate again to 35,-
00•) }cars. and still later other set -
elitists lowered it el about 9.000
years. At one period, many thou-
sands of years ago. the height of
the Falls wait 420 feet.- Harper',
And All the world loves to laugh
witli a laugher.
allay itself.
But it kept gradually growing
worse, till after thirty years of in-
creasing suffering the climax came,
at d he found himself so crippled
that at times he could not turn in
Led, and for two weeks at a time
it was impossible for him to rise
film a chair without putting his
hands on his knees.
He could not button his clothes.
fie was troubled with Lumbago,
Gravel and Backache, and tried
medicines for each and all of them
without getting relief, till good luck
turned him to Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Dodd's Kidney Pills started at
the cause of his troubles and cured
his Kidneys. With cured Kidneys
his other troubles speedily disap-
peared, and to -day he is a well
If you cure your Kidneys with
Dodd's Kidney Pills you will never
have Lumbago, Rheumatism, Heart
Disease, Dropsy or Bright's Dis-
Tho unmarried women in Iceland
ale allowed to vote, but, it must be
cold comfort up there, though.
Pleasant as syrup; nothing equals
it as a worm medicine; the name
ie Mother Graves' Worm Extermin-
ator. The greatest worm destroyer
of the ago.
China. is trying to raise another
loan. In this way, at least, she
shows the effects of civilization.
MTNARD'R LINIMENT 1s the only I.1ni-
Inent asked for at my ,:tore and the only
one wr keep for wale
All the people use it.
Pleasant Day, C. B.
• Dr. Blank, a professor in the
University of Virginia, was on the
eve of, a trip to Europe, to be ab-
sent two years. In pathetic and
rather harrowing tones he made
his farewell addrees to the class :—
"Yes, I am about to rrrt from you.
This is more than distressing me.
Would that there was a window in
my breast, my dear boys, that you
might see the innermost recesses of
toy heart." A stripling in the
14 t►r, seized with a happy thought,
shouted:— "Professor, would a
pain in the stomach do?"
Through indiscretion in eating
gioen fruit in summer many chil-
dren become subject to cholera
ln(:rbus caused by irritating acids.
that act violently on the lining of
tee intestines. Pains and dange,r-
cus purgings ensue arid the delicate
rystern of the child suffers under
the drain. In such cases the saf-
est and surest medicine is Dr. J.
D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. It
will cheek the inflammation and
save the child's life.
Bill --"Since I have come back I
find that I'm forgotten by all my
Will --"Why didn't you borrow
money from them before you left?"
Neighbors were designed for
• ther purposes than merely to be
talkeel :►hoot.
T? l'
1551 1: NO. _i
A dry eye denotes a hard heart.
A pouting lip means timidity.
An upen mouth. an empty head.
Coarse hair, a coarse mind.
Full cheeks show a good diges-
:1 pointed nose means a meddle-
s'•me disposition.
Thick. curly hair means great
physical strength.
A dimpled chin is pretty, but
suggests feeble intellect.
A broad face is a proof of self-
assuranee and obstinacy.
Full temples mean mathematical
Thick eyelids, covering half tho
pupils, denote great artistic Pow-
Bumps on the forehead mean
great intelligence.
Delicate features, a refined mind.
Compressed hips prove secretive-
ness and acquisitiveness.
Those Indians who made the first
cancel of birch bark long ago, were
our greatest benefactors. The
children of these Indians know the
caroe, and they know how to use i
it, and if you go to Temagami, On-'
tario, this bummer they will paddle
your canoe in their own superb
way. Students who camp in sum-
mer along the Temagami lakes are
able to do two years' work in one.
Finest of fishing and hunting. Easy
of access by the Grand Trunk Rail-
way System. Information and
beautiful descriptive publication
sent free on application to Mr. J. D.
McDonald, District Passenger
Agent, Union Station, Toronto,
Between two evils it's better for
a woman to marry a man who
chews tobacco rather than one who
is always chewing the rag.
A Pill That Lightens Life.—To
the man who is a victim of indiges-
tion the transaction of business be-
comes an added misery. He cannot
concentrate his mind upon his tasks
and loss and vexation attend him.
To such a man Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills offer relief. A course of
treatment, according to directions,
will convince him of their great
excellence. They are confidently
recommended because they will do
all that is claimed for them.
Many a teacher makes his mark
on the rising generation with a
birch rod.
Minard's Liniment used by Physicians.
Standing in their own light
many men complain that the way is
Tour Drwaal-t Will Tell You
Murine Eye Remedy Relieves Sore Eyes,
Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart,
Soothes Eye Pain, and Sells for 60e. Try
Murine In Your Eyes and in Baby's
Eyes for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation.
Anyway a girl looks better in an
automobile than she did on a bi-
No Alcohol In 1t.—Alcohol or any
other volatile matter which would
impair strength by evaporation
does not in any shape enter into
the manufacture of Dr. Thomas'
L''electric Oil. Nor do climatic
changes affect it. It is as service-
able in the Arctic Circle as in the
ic.rrid Zone, perhaps more useful
in the higher latitudes, where man
is more subject to colds from ex-
posuro to the elements.
Many a man who knows himself
is fur that reason suspicious of
A SPRAINED ANKLE fel not an nncom•
mon accident. Painkiller relieves and
cures almost as if by magic. The greatest
household remedy. Avoid eubetitutes,
there la but one Painkiller. Perry Davis'.
25c. and SOc.
A letter should bear the stamp
of approval—also a two -cent stamp
if it is to go by Snail.
Keep Minorite Liniment In the house.
Uncle Silas, in his youth, had
been "fond of the society of the
l•rposite sex," to use his own
words, send the timidity of Ili
twenty -three-year-old nephew was
a great trial to him.
"What's the matter of you, Reed,
that you stick at heetne Sunday ev-
enings?" he demanded plainly. ni-
ter malty unavailing hints. "Why
don't you go calling en some of
your young lady friends. boy I"
"Oh. 1 don't care about it," %aid
Rodney, turning a lively crimson.
"They wouldn't find me interest-
"Wouldn't?" puffed Uncle Silas.
"Well. I should like to be t••ld wily
they wo;ildn't. You've got a geed
black suit and a new straw bat,
and you've got a pair of legs that
could take you to the cantly shop
on Sat'day night. and enough peek-
ets to put a box or two in. i should
like to know what more you need
to make 'em find you interesting?"
Mr Pugh "Never saw such a
crowd at our church before." Mrs.
!'ugh --"New minister?" Mr. Pugh
"No; it was burnt down last
10 night."
Contains more real body-building nutriment
than meat or eggs --Costs much less
For any meal in combination with vege-
tables, baked apples, sliced bananas. stewed
prunes and other fruits. Heat biscuit in oven
to restore criapness.2
Said by all sneers. Us. a ,arse•, Iws ter Zia 111111
School of Mining
Affiliated Wiru�Yr.
Affiliated is Quota's useverslty,
Ia Calendar of �4� School and further Infor-
mation, to �G� Secretary, School d Mining,
Kia.�m. �.
Por Calendar of the School and further Infor-
mation, appy the Secretary, School of Mining,
Kingston, Ont.
Mining and Metallurgy.
Chemistry and Mineralogy.
Mineralogy and Geology.
Chemical Engineering.
Civil Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering.
Electrical Engineering.
Biology and Public Health.
Power Development. 11I
A story is told concerning two
travellers who found themselves in
a Prohibitionist State, and wore
discussing the question of how to
obtain alcoholic liquor, when a
peasant -looking policeman appear-
ed and wished thein "Good morn-
"I say, Jim," said one of the
travellers, "let's ask the officer."
"Follow me," said the constable,
arid he conducted them in and out
an round about until they stood
frontof the cathedral. The
travellers looked at each other in
"Surely, my good man," said
the first, "you do not mean to tell
us that we can obtain what we
want in a church?"
"You see the church, do you?"
said the policeman, solemnly.
"Yes," assented the two.
"Well, that's the only place in
tris State where you can't get it."
Climb a little higher than the
crowd and you will bo a target for
the knockers.
A Safe Pill for Suffering Women.
—The secluded life of women which
--The Secluded life of women which
permits of little healthful exercise,
Is a fruitful cause of derangements
of the stomach and liver and is ac-
ec•untable for the pains and lassi-
tude that so many of them experi-
ence. Parme.lee's Vegetable Pills
wili correct irregularities of the
digestive organs and restore health
arid vigor. The 'nest delicate wo-
man can use them with safety, be-
cause their action. while effective,
is mild and soothing.
When a detective sees an airship
sailing away he is justified in think-
i,)g that there is something up.
Mlnard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend.
About ninety letters out of every
11,0 written represent a waste of
IMITATIONS AROUND, but tnsiat upon
setting the genuine. ''The D. & L." Menthol
Plaster, which has stood the tent of years.
It cures: imitations don't. 'The D. •
Is made by Davis i Lawrence Co.
Mr. Meakin (who is boarding out
fur a few- drys) --"By the way, Mrs.
Perkins, I must confess the mutton
we had for dinner to -day is not the
kind of meat to which I have been
accustomed." Mrs. Perkins —
"\Verry likely not, sir. I alwiz
gits the best."
Kula Bone Spavin
Rich Valley, Alta, May 90th. 1909
"I have used your Spavin Cure for a
long lime sad would not be without It.
Have kilted a Done Spavla by Its use."
01.5 CARL,SON.
That tells the whole story. Aad
hundreds of thvusaads have had the
same experience in the past 40 years.
For Spavin, Ringbone, Curb.
Splint, Swellings and
all Lameness,
Kendall's Spavin Care cures the
trouble—makes the horse sound and
well --and saves money for the owner
because It removes the eawa of the
Keep a bottle always at hand- Slorfl
for $.S Good for man and beast. Ask
your dealer for free copy of our book
'• Treatise On The Horse" or write u•.
Ra. R. J. EIllPALL Ca. Iraeboy /alb. Vs.
IANCER, Tumors, Lumps, etc. Internal
`i and external, cured without pain by
our home treatment. write us before too
late. 1)r. Denman Medical Co., Limited.
('ollingwood, Ont.
i1OR RALE, 161 ACRES, F. E. 1-4 SEC -
11 tion 14. T. 40, 11 16, W. of 4, meridian.
nearly 80 acres cultivated. balance unhrob-
en. sod honer. 3.0x14, inside; two log bnusee.
, three stahlea, three wells. lire spring.
one coal mine, nearly six fent rein of coal.
gond merchantable. 10 miles due north
from station, 'Selkirk, ('.Pelt., from nos
place, es from pont office. Foreman,
and tr.2h(1-,-,!171" 1.2 from P. O. Noir.• Dame,
good rand, rreod water. shelter, gond nub
elide pastune n
nr Painter creek. eta
Reason for -mint;, ill -health and age.
For full particular. write (•has 51iebrits.
Foreman. Alta.
When buying your Piano
insist on having an
Piano Action
Is Your Hearing Good?
The BEA IVO -PRONE will give yns the
benefito of gond hearing. Rend for free
51,1. Rising particulars and names
N satisfied users. Alan
Mat Otter for a Month's Hems Trial.
534 Spadlna Avenue, Taranto.
. r
.7r -•••
571[(LLf,Ott(JLt.)( Av.e,
JGUAS,(1T.(.,+rOA7lr tiorJ
for ('mope ihphth','.
rnfl,ln•las, (ramp,.
�;..n,.. It inn., - • :
.e.c !.•,IFA Sells...
F4114, O•I natio,
Wounds, P•.ison •
iti;e.o? f,••g•.. `tnal.••-.
Mt Inge of In.octa. at._.
b!n. M. Barrett,
fc. Morvan St.,
Konrad, says:
" A horrid
rash came out all over my baby's 'ace an.l
sprecd until it had total'y covered his scalp.
11 WAS imitating and painful, and caused
the little one hours of suffering. \1'e trio:
coals a:d powders and salves, but he got
no tetter. Ile telexed his fond, got quite
thin amt warn, and was reduced to a very
erimie condition. i was advised to try
Zar,1-iittk, and did so. it was woo('crful
fuer it seemed to cool ar.d tare the child's
!turning, painful skin. Zan.•Dnk fr•-m the
very commencement seemed t•, g • ri jht to
the spot, and the pimples and torn v..,1 the
iiritatioo grew Ins and less. Within •
few weeks my baby's skin was healed
completely. ile has now not • trace of
fish, oe er*prion, or eczema, oe burning
sere, NA only so, but cured of the toe-
menting skin trouble, be baa Improved in
general health."
yea. Bek is mold at all stores and ,.diets• vor
d we..- . a hes, or yore free from lam Bok Cc.,
Toicem6, foe price, <boxes f"r 1a a ' uresis nue
f,..1 .5'tri ,1...s•.•, ram terra,, etc., and kepi's,.
For Marr a Cent et Nay.
(torn Flies (:ad Flies, Blow Flies, Flies
o every kind, Moleeeetoe4, Lice and all
VI or n ing insects keep entirely clear of this
animals to whith
Cooper's Fly Knocks
has been applied. Easily pot on with •
%prayer, and cots le•v than nue Icor •
day for each anirnvl. Protect• wounds
from fly blows and inflammation. Mer•
than pays for itselt in extra milk. extra
beef, less feed and more work from horses.
50o. A QUART