HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-16, Page 8S
M I ei
A man's suit speaks
for himhias plainly as
his card. His card
situply tells his name,
while hie suit proclaims
his presonality to every
one he meets. Every
body can understand
clothes language. Our
Suits always speak fav-
orably of the wearer.
Call and look over our Stock
before buying.
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
Business Locals -- Read Them
Beep corl by wearing a suit of pr,rous
knit underwear, all sizes. 50c. each.
PLANTS FOR SALE.—Two thousand
Genantum plants, also Aetere. Stocks,
Ageratum, Verbena, Double and Single
Petuna, Ferns, Salvia, Coles, and an
kinds of plants for hanging baskets.
Early Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomato,
Celery, Etc., at lowest cash prices.
LOUIS DAY, Market Gardener,
Ilun't fail to see our millinery. Every
hat ,mist be sold. Big clearing prices.
THE ADVOCATE front now until Jan.
let, 1011, for 50 cents.
Sailor and Outing hats for Sumner
war in all the new styles and colors.
50c. to •2. Stru'art.
I beg to announce to the public that
I am prepared to do all kinds of in-
suring to Life, Fire, Accident and Plate
Glass; also collecting accounts and
auctloneertng. See card elsewhere.—T. 13.
CARLiNG, Exeter.
Ladies' Fancy Parasols. Art shades
and styles to match your summer suit at
Stewart's. $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2.
ATTEND CHURCH.—Cour. Exeter No.
123, Independent Order of Foresters,
wilt attend divine service in Trivt!t
Memorial church on Sunday evening,
June 19th. The brethern will meet In
the Lodge Itoom at 6.30. All members
arc requested to be present. --Geo. An -
de! Noe Secretary.
40 -piece tea set of fneirnporteddChinu.
Just the thine for a wedding prreent.
Price $5, Stewart.
Return Tickets at Single Fare will be
issued by the Grand Trunk Railway
System account of "Dornialon I)ay", be-
tween all stations in Canada, also In
Detro:t and Port Huron, Mich., Niag-
ara Falls and Buffalo, N.Y. Good going
June 30th and July let. Return Limit
July 4th. 1910. Secure tickets from any
Grand Trunk Ticket Agent.
Itcv. I1;r'.ard Hobbs, Pastor
Sunday Public Worship -10.30 and 7.
Class Service -9.3o a.rn.and after Morn-
ing Service and \\ cdntsday night.
Young Men's Claes and Catact.umens —
Sunday at '2 p. m.
Sundae School aed Bible Classts—
Epworea League—Tuesday t? p. m.
Praytr aiccting—Tt.ursday 8 p. m
Tfte scop lor meo
We have the finest lines of
Fancy Suitings
We are filled up with the new-
est and best goods for the mak-
ing of clothing, and we do the
making in the best of style.
Merottsat Taller. Rueter
1,,,,,............33',.=11 ]lila Weekes went to Thamesville or.
Tuesday mornittr.
>f.sa Delight Hobbs virlted in 3oder-
LAILdk��������� r a -, over Sunday.
Fier 14.F Muzrlts go 'u D. Harttcib
Est•cr .
Mr. Jame-■ Creech ,a ag.,.. lulu. int
arid confined to hi■ roan.
Mr. John Wood shipped two ears cat -
to to Toronto 0:, Saturday.
Mr. Catchpole of licesall has take,
a posftLon as barber witt. Mr. Ed.
\V 1111..
Mr. John McMahon tray rented .^.1s 20,1
acre grass tarrn to Mr. John Wood o1
town for venturing.
Mr..J. G. Jones entertains the Young
\tear's utile Claus of James St. church
.! his hone on Friday evening.
The annual meeting of the sharehold-
ers of the defunct Sovereign Bank is
fixed for July 12th In Toronto.
The Ladles' Atd Society of Ceven'Pree-
tyterlan Church purpose holding a
Lawn Social on Tuesday, June 28. Full
particulars later.
His Lordship the Btehop of Huron
will hold O,nfirnatlon it the Trlvllt
Memorial church on Thursday evening,
June 23rd at 8 o'cbock.
Rev. Johne of Elitttville, who le going
to China In the tall as a missionary,
gave a talk to the James street League
at their regular meeting on Tuesday ev-
During the summer months the Triv-
it: Memorial Church Sunday School
will be held at 10 o'clock Sunday morn-
ings instead of 3 in the afternoon, com-
mencing next Sunday.
Rev. Colin Fletcher of Thames Road
will occupy the James street pulpit on
Sunday morning. Rev. Hobbs taking an-
niversary services In the Stone Church
near Klrkton.
Messrs. Wm. Arnold and Rich. Welsh
are this week shipping three cars of
horses from Kincardine to the \Vest
and will accompany them. They went
to Kincardine Monday morning.
Tae Madge homestead farm on the
Thames Road, recently purchased by
Mr. \Villiame, has again changed hands.
Tee purchaser this time is Mr. Doupe
of Kirktor,, who has already taken pos-
e, axiom.
The South Huron Minieterlai Aseoca-
tto•, will be entertained by Rev. and Nits
Putt of Centralia on Monday, June 20,
at 2.30 p.m. Subject, "The Claims and
Attractions of the Christian Ministry,
with special reference to the needs of
to -day," wilt be presented by Rev.
Samuel le. Sharp, B. D.
The Exeter Electric Light Co. are to
be commended far the much improved
condition and appearance of the out -
doer equipment of their electric light
plant. The unsightly looking poles have
been put in a perpendicular attitude,
loess and stripped wires have been re-
place.' by new, and 0:1 the whole the con
nectione have been very much improved.
The members of Coven Presbyterian
Church Choir met on Friday evening last
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II.
Weldenhamrner and spent a pleasant
evening, in the course of which they
presented one of their number, Mies
Jessie Dow, with a handsome cut -glass
water bottle, glasses, and salt and
pepper cellars. Miss Dow has been a
valued member of the choir for a num-
ber of years.
If you ask a man for an ad. or a few
locals, he will tell you he doesn't be-
lieve In advertising—a paper is never
'-cad. But let hint be caught hugging
the hired girl or chasing a loose piece
of calico up the street after dark. or
struggling with a jug of 'Tantarin'
water, if the printing office 1e in the top
of a twenty storey budding ne will
climb to the top and ask the editor not
to iubllsh it In the paper where every-
one w9'I read It.
"F" Company of Volunteers left here
Monday for London (0 go into camp.
They joined the other companies of the
33rd regiment at the depot at f2 **clove
and went to London by spe:ial train.
The company was about thirty strong
and was in charge of Capt. Hearnan,
Lieut.. Stanbur, and Seldom, and Scrgt.
Major Hector. From the manner In
which the volunteers conducted them-
selves here they should give a good
account of themselves.
The newly.organlzed hook and ladder
brigade had a practice on Wednesday
night and showed their ability to handle
the work well. Such a company may
be of great aid 1n case of a fire and
the young men who form the company
arc to be congratulated on the rnovc-
inent. The officers are—Capt.. W. 3.
(Statham; 1st Lieut., Fred Bawden; 2nd
Lieut., C. Northcott ; Scc'y-Treas.. S. T.
Dobler The company ie of course un-
der the direction of Fire Chief Janes
The officers of the Western Ontario
Dairy Association, of which Mr. Jona
41. Scott of Exeter Is the president.
and other dairymen, were here Friday
on a tour of Inspertio.,. a,iJ Mr. Scoot
took them through his factory and also
drove the party of gentlemen to Fin-
c',elsea and Centralia. where they in-
epccted the factories of Mr. Medd and
Mr. Willis. respectively. These are
•.:no:ig the best conducted factories In
".e provtncc, and the visiting dairymen
were doubtless well pleased with the
o-,diti)') In which they found them.
Tee final draft leaves the ministers
of the Exeter District as follows.—
Exeter natant St.)—E. G. Powell: Ex-
eter (James Strtett--Richard Hobos.
Parknlll—William Goodwin. Ellrnvtllc--
Hugh Watson. t.e. W. B.) Centralia—
Nom. H. Mutt. Hensall—J. Edwin. J.
Vinyard. Ktppen—C. C. Couzens. Crcd-
iton—Robs. )licks, P. D. Grand Bend
—Thos. A. Steadman. Sylvan—A. Butt :
e. M. McCullough. Parkhill. Ailsa
('rang—John Kennedy. 13. D. Lucan-+
'leorge 3. Kerr. Granton --Charles 1'.
Wells. P. D. Woodham—William R.
.encs. Kirkton—Pyran Snell. Rev. E.
e Fear gore Ls Blyth Instead of Pur-
est as the first draft stated. While
'ere 11,v. Fear nae enjoyed a deserved
Popularity and his leaving is a sourec
of regret to the people of Main Meet
''.urch and all cltlzena of Exeter. Rev.
E. G. Powell. who comes to Male -street
front Brussels Is said to b• a splendid
preacher and a good cittien. and he w1:i
be t;eartily welcomed to Exeter.
tang-r.—On or about tee loth ;list. a
Coeimereee bark book and other papers
were lost In Exeter. which are of ,.o
v.alu • to anyone hut the owner. Finder
alit be suitably rewarded by returnlny
WTI!' to t3 nnrnerctal House. Eeeter.
Mr. Albert Penprase arrived home from
tee West last week.
Nr. Frank Sperling visited Mr. Earl
Drowning this week.
Rev. and Mr.. Martin of London were
le town Wednesdey.
\t:. Itichatd Daulcle h.re bone West
w e load of horses.
M se Margaret Carling of Toronto is
v e.ting Mrs. E. Chrletic.
%Ir. D. McInnis arrived home from the
West on Tuesday evening.
>1's. Bertha Mack of Toronto Is home
of a twa-weeks' vacation.
Mrs. (fen) McDowell is vielting bee
mother. Mre. Welsh, In town.
Mrs. Dr. Yost visited her parents, Mr.
Mrs. A. Holland, last week.
Mr. Win. Hooper Is on an extended
vlait 1n F'armer's Valley, Penn.
Messrs. Ilarry Elworthy and John
\\'oad were in Toronto this week.
Mrs. John Kr»tt of Toronto is the
guest of her brother Mr. Alex Dow.
Mr. Holland of Holmeavlale attended
the funeral of Mrs. Jory Wednesday.
Mr. Janes Acheson is in Godericl
this week acting In the capacity of
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Burke are visiting
the former's parents it Brussels this
Miss Edna Dow, nurse, arrived hone
Tuesday from Toronto, on a two weeks'
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Ramsay and little
daughter of Hamilton are visiting re-
latives in town..
Mrs. McGillicuddy, who ',as been vis-
iting her son here, la now visiting in
Blyth and Kipper.
Rev, C. W. Sanders of Brantford paid
a short visit at his home here the lat-
ter part of last week.
Mrs. Aqullla Sheere and two -'hildren
of Lansing, Mich., are visiting at the
home of Mrs. A. Sheere.
Mr Hugh Spackman attended the
meeting and banquet of the County
Council in Goderlch last week.
Mr. Jas. Stacey of Hay left on Fri-
day last for Victoria, B. C., where he
Intends snaking his future hone.
\ire. Lutz, who has been visiting at
the home of Mr. W. II. Moncur, return-
ed to her home In Lanedown on Monday
Bert Luxton, after a couple weeks
holidays at his home In Ueborne, re-
turned to Montreal Friday to resume
his duties in the Bank.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and child of
Winnipeg, Man., are vielting at the
home of Mrs. Campbell's father, Mr.
Jellies Willie. Exeter North.
Mr. \Vis. Welsh o1 Kansas. Mo., 1s
here visiting his mother, Mre. Wn,.
Welsh, and other relatives. Mr. Welsh
1■ an old Exeter boy, having left these
parts nearly thirty-five years ago, the
greater part of which time he has trade
his hone in the above named clty,wnere
he has been extensively engaged as a
building contractor, and like many other
(anedlane who have crossed the bor-
dor, has prospered.
—The marriage took place in Rochester
N. Y., at the hone of Mr, and ' Mrs.
Spaeth, on June 7th, of a former Ex-
eter young lady, Miss Edna Lorraine
Hooper, daughter of the late William
Hooper of Exeter, to Mr. Arthur Amel
(Ericson. The brlde wore a gown of
embroidered batiste, and her travelling
suit was of brown Rajah. She was as-
sisted by Mitre Smith and the groom
was supported by his brother. After a
trip to New York they will reside in
Rochester. The bride's friends and re-
latives here extend warmest congratul-
otlons and best wishes to the young
the Knox ()allege Gospr i Tea:n for one
week only int the Presbyterial, church at
Exeter, beginning Sunday. June lath
and continuing until the following Fri-
day night. important messages In ad-
dresses and song. Vocal selections by
members of the team, consisting of R.
N. Matheson, leader, Jas. Ii. Urte. J.
E. Motherscll, M. II. Staples, Oscar
Irwin. These young men are giving the
summer vacation to work under the dir
eetion of the General Assembly's Com-
mittee on Evangelism and are partl: ul-
arly adapted to speak to the young peo-
ple In the community. All welcome, the
Young people especially.
LINDSAY.—DOW,—The hone of Mr.
Alex. Dow, Exeter. was the scene of a
pretty June wedding on Wednesday, the
1'Ith, when his daughter, Miss Jessie
Sloan. was united in marriage to Dr.
Hugh Roy Lindsay of Scranton. North
Dakota. Toe ter, nwny was performed
;n the presence of a number of relatives
and friends, at one -thirty o'clock In the
afternoon, by Rev. W. M. Martin of
London. formerly of Exeter. assisted by
Rev. S. F'. Sharp of Caven Presbyterian
church. The bride was gowned In
cream duchess /satin and was unattend-
ed. After a dainty wedding dinner Dr.
and Mrs. Lindsay left on a short trip
after which they will return to Exeter
for a few days. prior to leaving for
tt:eir hone to Scranton. N. Dakota,
where the Doctor is In possession of
a f:r.c practice. Guests were present at
the ceremony from Toronto. London.
Stratford. St. Thomas. Orltlta and o:1.t:
places. The bride has been very pop-
ular In town and Pie heartiest tongrat-
utatio:ns and best wishes are extended
to her and husband.
DIED iN LONDON—The death took
place 1n London recently of a former Ex
eter merchant. The Advertiser says. --
'The death of Mr. James Parkinson of
429 Pall Mall street. took place Friday
afternoon. While feeling somewhat din
couraged over failing eyesight. Mr. Park
lnscri had been about the city the day
`, for as usual. but rut feeling well
Friday morning he did not rise. 1n
tee afternoon when he attempted to
rise he found he was unable to do so.
a ,d after the exert;o:, sank at once of
hear! failure, and before his !entity re-
alized there was danger he had pase'd
away. Mr. rarkleso', wits born at St.
+Johns. London Township. 72 years ago.
.':ad been a resident of London for the
pte' ter years. rwvi: g moved here from
E-eter. where he carried on a generai
s'u" business. I'teides 11s widow and
If dsughter. who mourn his loss. he
survives by three brothers. and resld-
Ir,g scar Detroit."
Wheat 84
Barley 41
Oats. 30
Peas i0
Potatoes, per bag
Hay. porton lit 00
Flour, per cwt.., family
Flour, low grade per cw 1 45
E gs
Live hogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
2 00
1 50
8 90
23 00
20 00
Mi. John Willis of Marlette, Mich..
Is renewing old acquaintances In town.
H's friends regret that he Is not enjoy-
ing the best of health. Mrs. Willie le
also here.
THE ADVOCATE from now troll Jan
1st. 1911, for 50 cents.
1F' YOU WANT Graining, Huse and
Sign Painting, Lettering. Show Gird
\Vriti:ng, Paper Ranging and Decorat-
ing. sec GAiRNEI' It. HEYWOOD, Ex-
i Oit JUNE I1hlIDES.
This is the season of the year
when the June Bride is preparing
for her wedding. There le no
one thing about a wedding that
must be so neat and up-to-date
an the Invitations or Announce-
ments. The ADVOCATE le in the
position to offer you the prettiest
neatest gad most up-to-date In-
vitations and Announcements one
could wish to seen shortest
notice and reasonable price.
Give us a call and you will be
That is what one of my customers
calls Nyal's Digestive tonic.
Another man said it sweetened his
wife after being a sour dyspeptic for
One wife said she had to take, it away
from her husband, she couldn't cook
enough 10 satisfy the appetite it gave
Stories like these make us enthusias-
tic abou . Nyal's Digestive Tonic.
If you are not feeling up to the stark
perhaps your stomach is causing the
trouble. Worth while finding out any-
A big bottle for a dollar.
W. s. IIO\VEY, Phnn 13.
0..e:nist and Optician.
getter, Ontario.
s 'Fretted olio --
Piano for Sale
One goo.' second hand piano, American
stake, nearly nr w $161). J.PEDLFI('S
„Main Strict south.
Bran & Shorts
Cement, Lime,
R. G. Seldon, Exeter
Feed and Seeds
Al) the BEST GRADES of
flour always on hand.
Breakfast Foods such as
Oatmeal,7 lbs for 25o
Poultry Footle & Feeds such as
Wm. Rivers
Davis' Old Stand - EXETER
Having purcbaaed the BUS
sod DRAY nosiness of MR. WM.
ARNOLD, I desire to t.onouoce
to the Public of Exeter that 1 am
prepared to give you tbe hest of
satiafacbion in work connected
with tbe Weiner*. For the pres-
ent orders left by phone or other-
ICE. PHONE 25, will receive
prompt attention.
T. G. Creech
Plenty of Goods for immediate selection with facilities for get-
ting anything special that nay he wanted in short under.
tThis is Tour Store if you want Reliable
Quality and Genuinely Good Values
UNagasrtsrs ter Clsvoland Spring Coil Wire. Sart No. 9 soft 12, 13, %tavola aall
Poultry Netting
Preston's Safe -Lock Shingles
While you're tall•
ing about the Pres-
ton Shingles. Don't
forget its Twin
Made according
to the rigid spec-
ifications of the
British Govern-
t3'The Entine Exterior is of Metal Except Railing of Veraadab
Hawkins' Stove & Hardware Store
One Door North of Brow ning'e Drug Stare, Exeter,
People about to go housekeeping
Should CaII at Rowe & Atkinson's
and see how easily and cheaply you can furnish your home. A walk
through our store will show you. Here you will find the largest and
best assorted stock of furniture in the county, comprising
Talbes, Chairs,
Parlor and Bedroom Suits,
Kitchen and Dining -Room Furniture
(n fact everything to he found in a flret•class furniture '.tote ret such
low prices that defy competition. We have a large r her of Lawn
and Veranda Chairs which are selling at remarkably low prices.
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Big Rednetionz iil Milliucry
For the balance of the season we are giving Special
Prices on all trimmed or untrimmed Hats; also Flowers
etc. We are doing this early thio season to give you a
Summer Hat at a bio, bargain. We are going to clear
it all out and will give you some of the best values you
haye ever bad in Millinery.
New White Waists
We are showing a beautiful
line of Ladies' White Waists
for the summer wear. Fancy
trimmed or plain tailored.
Good Values.
Dreu Skirts
Our Ladies' Dress Skirts are
extra good value. Nice Voile
Skirts with silk strapping or
plain cloths is Black, Blue
or Brown.
Fancy Sunshades & Black Parasols
Every season the parasol. are better and cheaper and
this year is no exception. We have the nest values we
have ever shown.
Black Parasols . . . . from 76c. sop to $3
Fleecy Sunshades to watch any dress 80c. up to $2
Girls' oleo Paacy Oeea for 26c sed 60c.
Dress Linens
We have had a nig season's
selling, but still have a few
of the best ones left. This
will be a good time for you
to buy your Linen Suit.
and Chambrays in every
color that is worn—Plain,
Checks and Stripes in abund-
ance. Our wash goods are
the beat that can be bought.
JUST ARRIVED a big shipment of the celebrated
"Sovereign Brand Clothing. Some of the nattiest suite
in the trade are shown here in Two-piece or Three-piece
Baits. Any person needing summer clothing will find
it to their advantage to see our stock. Also a lot of new
Suite for Boys low is your chance.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E Sanford Clothing