HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-16, Page 7FORGING YOURSELF ENCLiSII IttNK NOTES. TO l Al1F- FO'' Curious l.owIndorsements et Now IssuedNotes The Tortures of indigestion Bnn- isl ed by tl.o Tonic Powi;rs of Dr. Williams' Fink Pills. Victiu.s of indigestion have small choice between two evils- -on tho one hand a starvation diet, uhieh u.cans great weak:loss and depres- sion of spirits, and on the other hand for'e:mg themselves to take u.urishlaent in spite of the. acute suffering inflicted by each meal. In the search kr a cure they find comntou medicines upset the sto- mach and render the food more dif- ficult to digest. Laxatives are tit, - et and weakening. and so-called "pr-d;gested [oud'" merely evade t? eaut•e of the trouble and the stomach steadily grows weaker. The common sense way of curing indigestion is the Dr. Williams' way--tlhe making of new, rich blood he Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that rives tone to the weakened system aro invigorates the distressed di: organs. Dr. Williams' P;nk Pills have cured thousands of the worst cases of indigestion through their simple tonic treat- ment and one excellent example of these cures is the case of Miss M. 1. C. Roberge, Sorel, Que.. who says: "For upwards of nine years I suffered almost continuously the tortures of indigestion. At times I had no appetite; at others there was a craving for food. but what- ever I took caused me the grt'atest pings. As die result of the trouble I suffered from violent headaches, auci I grew pale and weak. I tried many different medicines; some gave me a little relief, but none gave me any permanent benefit un- til I began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I had only taken these a few weeks when I found such help at I had not found before. The pains after eating gradually disap [,eared. my appetite grew better, and after using the Pills for a cou- ple of months I found myself com- pietely cured, and have not since had a twinge of the trouble. I gratefully recommend Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills to all who suffer (torn any form of indigestion." Through their action on the blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure such troubles as anaemia.. indigestion! Fick headaches, rheumatism and all forms of nervous troubles such as The custom of indorsing EngI sh bank notes, even when the pass in borne trivial purchase, is a surprise to most travt !lets who go abroad foe the first time. It is an old cus- tcm and one which has led to many curious inscriptions on the notes. A debtor in prison wrote w1 the tack of a £10 note "The first debt 1 have honestly paid for a year," while a p,rcdigal son turned the tablt s against himself when he write on a £:0 note. ''The last of thousands left by my father. who slaved to earn them." In 1759 the Bank of England be - gar. to issue £10 notes as well as £20, til' then exclusively used. It was not till thirty years after that i'S notes were brought , ut, and in 1:97 there were £1 and £2 notes, bet they ceased in 1b21. owing .0, tie immense amount of forgery they lea to, says the Queen. Nun-' (beds if not thousands were bang -1 ed for counterfeiting notes for such' small sums. A courious bank note designed by! Bone has prison chains across one eed, is signed by Jack Ketch. a row! of malefactors hanging with rota around their necks appears on tl. face and a series of crimiu.tts' heads on the other side. togethe- with the words "Until the resump- tion of cash payments or the aboli- tion of the punishment by death." The "£" which in the corner usu- ally preceded the amount and value of t1ie note was formed of ropc. From April 5, 1829, the £5 note has been the lowest procurable from the Bank of England. Of late the desirability of once more issu- ing the £1 note has been discussed. In 1827 a £1,000 note -was the highest, but £50,000 notes have been issued. and there is a story of ; a certain tradesman keeping such a one by hint as a curiosity, while a gentleman framed one, which his; executors promptly cashed at his death. There is a family tradition. atout the visit, of a certain_church functionary at a house, when some disputed point had to be settled by reference to the Bible, and the one belonging to the deceased mother: was brought down from a shelf, dusty and unused. but within was, found a note for £40.000. The Bank of Englandnote of to- t:ay has taken some ti.,te and many inventions to bring it to its present cocdition. The numbering machine was first employed in 1809, steel plate engraving was supplanted by neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, and the sideographic machine. and that partial paralysis. These Pills are by electrotype surface printing. • especially valuable to growing girls The great aim is to prevent, forgery, and women and cure tho headaches, the paper employed being unique, sideaches and other pains known sed the water mark and private only to then]. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for *2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville. Ont. SOUNDS FAMILIAR. The distinction of being the worst class of washerwomen all the world over belongs, it is said, to wash- ermen !--the "dhobies" of India. The methods of the dhubie are far from gentle. He collects the clothes, and dumps them into a trough of soap -and -water, and vig- orously jumps up and down on thern, changing the water now and Again. Next, he goes to the near- est washing -pool, and there he really gets to work. He seizes a garment, well soaked. whirls it around his head, and bangs it on a hard. flat stone. Off flies a but - ten. Another soak, another whirl, and a bang follow, and another button goes. When sufficient dam- age is done, the garment is clean, and ready to be repaired. All of which hounds precisely like the op- erations we believe our best things have gone through ellen we get them back front "the wash." There are a number of varieties of corns. Holloway's Corn Cure will remove any of them. ('all en marks are all in favor of the bank- er. AN EXCELLENT REMEDY FOR ALL BABIES. Bal►y's Own Tablets are an ex- cellent remedy for babies of all ages. They cure all stomach and bowel troubles; make teething easy; dispel worms; and make baby far, good-natured and healthy. They are sold under the guarantee of a Government analyst to eon- tetin absolutely ne opiate or nar- cotic, and thus they can be given to the new born baby with perfect safety. Mrs. Benoit, ,Martin, Avig- non. Que., writes: "Ilaby's Own Tablets are an excellent remedy for babies and should he in every hc.nle where there are young chil- dren." Sold by medicine dealers oe by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. And some people get ahead while others are getting even. Tt. is flood for Man and Beast. -- Not only is T)r. Thomas' Felectrie Oil of incomparable value in the household. hut the farmer and stockman will find it very service- able ur druggist and able in the farm yard and on the 7get a bottle at cattle range, often saving the ser- onc*' vices r,f a veterinary surgeon. In After you hate ninde good try yr lir 1 itid at making better. Klnard's Liniment used by PhytIelani. A FAVOR FOR PA "Say. teacher." said the small muiph. , as he entered the school mons. "Pit wants to know if you'll d( him a favor." "W -hat favor?" enquired the s-t..nn-heti school ma'am. • The favor of excusing me for 1•. na late this morning." returned (1,, t101117at0r gaily. Alk Kidneys Wrong ?-- 1f they are ynuarc-in ding.•,- When through weakness or disease the lldnrye fail to filter the impariUes from the blond, trouble come. at 'cirri. Ra, !ache, Rhenntatism, Rcia. Mee. tirasrl. Diabetes, flail Phones •nd the deadly Bright s Ineease •re some of the results of nvel.••ted kidneys Dr. Morse s Ind.•n Root P,11. roctaun a most r0rrtive 'nor. rel. , b 1; strrnsthene and elnu- late. 11. kidneys Po that thee do fhrtr .• rk thoroughly and will Try Or. Morse's $'tdion Root Pills injuries to stock and in cases of . eough and pains it can be used with good effect. \..thing short of a stick of dyna- ►►'ite will ever (make some men •', a 1., t he t.ecaeir,n. Minaret's liniment Lumb•rman's Friend GOOSE OF "COLDSTRPAMci" Perhaps the most. curio. = regi- mental pet on reeord was Peter, the goose of the Coldstream Guards. l'eter served with the re- giment throughout the rebellion in (',.nada, and was a rare favorite with the soldiers. When the guard was inounte(1 each intoning Peter always marched with them One of the most note! siehts in London. when the Guards came home, was t., ace Peter strutting at the head of the regiment. when ort parade. 1-of„rtnnlltely Peter was run over and killed by a cab while kir. "sentryge," a,• ea, his eustom, in f. tit •.f the guard house. His ala:ns are still preserved, the reek THROW AWAY ,ALL YOUR FFA1 ' it.1t'h tl'EII:. t;l:.t1'FL .t\t► it it IA 11 .t'1 fell 1 .t \ ISII 111:1 ORI: I1(Ilil1'S It 11) \ 1:1' PILLS. I'rotid Once t gain in the ('ase of Mrs. 1'i ed. h rieg •1•. Who Sinter- ed From tee %tures Forms of Kidney Di -vase. Palmer Rai: ds, Ont., Juue 6 (Speci II) -The thousands of Cana- dians oho live in daily terror of those terrible forms of Kidney Diss [.Ise known as Backache, Grael ;end Rheumatism.will be deep,lh interested in the story of M rs. Fred ht•ie_er, of this place. "1 was for years a great sufft r- er fount Kidney Disease, Gravel, Rl•eumatisun and Backache," Mrs. Krieger states. "It all started through a cold. bat I got eo my ''cad ached, 1 was nervous, my limbs were heavy, 1 had a dragging sensation across my loins. and 1 was. totally unfit to do anything. Reading about wonderful cures, by Dodd's Kidney Pills led me to buy some. After using a. few 1 found they were doing me good and this encouraged me to con- tinue their use. Eight boxes made me well. "I have been able to do my own wc,rk ever since and to -day I am completely cured. Dodd's Kidney Pills gave me health and I feel like a new woman." If you keep your Kidneys strong and healthy you can never have Backache. Rheumatism or Gravel. Dodd's Kidney Pills never fail to make the Kidneys strong and well. ses..- - WHY HE FAILED. He took a store on a poor side street and put in a poor stock of expensive goods. Then he hired an incompetent boy clerk and opened the door to the waiting ('I) line of customers who were to crowd his place and fill his new cash draw- ers. He was patient, so he waited several weeks, engaging his atten- tion meanwhile by invectives against the houses in his lino which vi.sted their money in the news- papers he read day after day -hav- ing ample time to do so. He couldn't afford to advertise -good- ness gracious! he didn't make ex- penses as it was, what if he were is throw away his little capital in that way 1 Sure enough, what if ha should ! But he didn't, and the end of the story is easily and quickly reached, for he "closed" his doors. The time used in reading these few lines is wasted if you didn't need' the moral --slid you? That's good! Glad of it. DEAF. LISTEN! You have used Horns, Trumpets and other Mechanical Devices in Vie hope of being able to hear. but always found the expected satis- faction was spelled "Disappoint- ment." Disappointmcnt." if you write to Ernest Pratt, 468 Yonge Street, Toronto, y et will learn sonic good news. Do it, to -day --better still -do it nowt 1)id you ever hear of a man's good behavior getting hien into trouble? Do not delay in getting relief for the little folks. Mother Graves Worm Exterminator is a pleasant and sure cure. If you love your child why do you !ct it suffer when a remedy iia so near at band I When r. man gives his wife mon- ey to buy something for the house he acts as if he considered it, a loan. Keep Mlnard's Liniment In the bedse, Some men's idea of a good time is to be unable to remember any- thing after 10 p.m. 0011? SE DECEIVED.-- lnaerupulone makers ere attempting to steal your money and our reputation by putting out an Imitation of -The D. a L.' Menthol Plaster. 17e sere to get the genuine made In Davis & Lawrence Co. Returned Explorer -- "Yes, the c.,ld wns so intense at the Pole we had to be very careful riot to pet our dogs." Miss Youngthing - "lndeed ! Why was that l" R. E. --"You see. their tails were frozen stiff and if they wagged theta they would break off." hieing decorated with a cellar beer ink the words, "Dial uu dot; 1 \ 1 I -' 1 L No: 2/--10. gm:\ 11 tR1•'S IIISTI\l"1't(►N.f 'third Prince.. of Ronal Lineage tot be Consort of English king. le a London paper it is said that Queen Mary, the consort of King U.-orgo V., is the first English. I'tincess of royal lineage who has' been Queen Consort of England for, Many centuries. In searching English history since the Norman Conquest we can find cnly two English Princesses of royal birth who have married Eng- lish Kings : Queen Elizabeth, the wife of henry VII., and Queen Ma- tilda, the wife of Henry 1. In Eli- zabeth of York, who was a daugh- ter of Edward IV., King Henry VII. secured the legitimacy of his ds nasty. 1n Matilda, the wife of King Henry I. the union of Nor- man and Saxon dynasties was se- cured. for she was a daughter of Queen Matilda, the wife of Malcolm I11., King of Scotland, and a granddaughter of Edmund Iron- sides, the Saxun King. In the Hanover dynasty William sed the four Georges [Harried Ger- mans. Among the Stuarts Queen Anne and Queen Mary II. were born of an English mother, but Anne Hyde, the slaughter of Clar- endon, was not. a Royal Princess. Froin the Conquest to the Tudor dynasty, every King of England married a French Princess, with the exception of Edward IV., who' married, so it was said, Anne Woodville, the daughter of Earl. Rivers, who did not claim to bo an English Princess. Consequently Queen Mary III, claims the honor of being with Ma- tilda and Elizabeth of York a Queen Consort of English royal birth. O1 T1)OOR SPORT AND Z-kM-BfK. Every man or woman who love outdoor life and exercise, should keep a box of Zam-Buk handy. lane-Buk is a purely herbal pre. paration, which, as soon as applies' to cuts, bruises, burns, sprains' blisters, etc., sets up highly bens ficial operaticns. First, its anti- septic properties' render the wound free from all danger front blo..d pcisoning. Next, its soothing pro-' petties relieve and ease the part, TI en its rich, herbal balms pene- tOatct the 'tissue, and set up the w'c•nderful process of healing. Barbed wire scratches, insect stings, heat rashes. ringworm, ba- bies' heat sores, chafed places, s re feet --all corse within Zam-Buk's pi.wer. All druggists and torso. Avoid imitations. Percy -"I understand you said ro girl would ever marry Boggy Swift or me because we were too fastidious." Harry -"You didn't catch it quite right. I said you were 'two fast, idiots.' " At the Yarmouth Y.11 C.A. A6ys' Camp. held at Tu.ket Falls in .ti, nst. I found MIN ARD'S LINIMENT most beneficial for turn burn. an immediate relief for colic and toothache. ALFRED STOKES. General Secretary. "1 say, old mar, what's guu.i for my complaint 1" asked a suffer - e: from insomnia. "I haven't closed n1y eyes kr five nights." "Go in for boxing," replied itis friend. "The first time I tried it, my eyes were closed for a week:" Clean Stomach, Clean Mind. --- The stomach is the workshop of the vital functions and when it gets out cf . r'ler the whole system cls gs in sympathy. The spirits flag, the mind droops and work becomes i111 - possible. The first care should be t., restore healthful action of the stomach and the best preparation ter that purpose is Parnielee's Ve- getable Pills. General use for years has won them a leading place in medicine. A trial will attest their value. It's a fine tiling to make yourself indispensable. As yet no one has ever succeeded in doing it. 110 NOME should b• wlthnut tt. Pain) killer the best all-round medicine rv.•r, made. used ae a liniment for bruises end' ewellinge. Internally for cramps and , diarrhoea. Avoid enbetitntes, Isere is but one "Painkiller Perry Darla- 25. and SOc. A 11170E BAROMETER. The largest• barometer in the world was re•ecntly set up in the Italiau town of Faenee. the birth- place of Torricelli, a ho discovered the barometer and the "vacuum-. which perpetuates his name. Thef liquid used is purified ..il renderedi fret- front air, and this gives a! column over &even metres in' l,r ight. Owing to the very cm.'ll' amount of evaporation an r.11 bare meter is much more accurate than! ( ne filled with any other liquid ex ccet mercury, and the lung enitrrnn makes it very sensitize. Builds Strong, Healthy, Sturdy Youngsters. To serve -heat in oven, pour hot milk o' rt it end rent to taste. Sold by all grocer s, 13c. a carton ; two for 25c. 4,. 1 LTOCKS. , Is Your Hearing C yr,u the 1 Edward R O N Y N A Co, for tree t ear_:es M.mb.rs toro..to Stove Exchange e Trial Safe Investm:n1s Nose for on w.•e kit circular on .ru.u,u•. ood 7';Stensosimusesisosiosestometzaer The IIF.AR ()PHONE wilt give ben••f to of rood hexr,•:r Send bo.•klot. g'vic, ,.,monists and of .ntirfied users Alen Epeelal Offer for a Month's Hom THE BRAND ELECTRO OZONE 1. 334 Spadina Avenue, Toren IMITEO, �ntr�,,..+nordt•. new building, 1'Ot It SUMMER OUTING. lc ye It are fond of fishing, can. G- ing, camping or the study of wild animals look up the Algonquin Na- tional Palk of Ontario for your s=ummer outing. :1 fish and game preserve of 2,000,000 acres inter- spersed with 1.200 lakes and rivers is awaiting you, offering all the at- tractions than Nature can bestow. Magnificent canoe trips. Altitude 2,000 feet above sea level. Pure and exhilarating atmosphere. Just the, place to put in your summer holidays. Good hotel accomm, da - tion. An interesting and prof Ise - !y illustrated descriptive publica- tion telling you all about it sent frer on application to Mr. J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. "THE HIGH COST OF," ETC. IIub-"A penny for your thoughts, dear." Wifey-"They will cost you a lot more than that, my love. I was thinking of the handsome new suit and hat I've ordered." The Pill That Leads Them All. - Pills are the most portable and compact of all medicines, and when easv to take are the most accep• table of preparations. But they must attest their power to be po. pular. As Parmelee's Vegetable I'ills are the most popular of all pills they must fully meet all re- gcirements. Accurately compoun• ded and composed of ingredients proven to be effective in regulat- ing the digestive organs. there it no surer medicine to be had any. where. KEPT HIS PROMISE. Mrs. Stubs -"John. I am shock ed You promised the minister if you ever took in a plugged quarter you wouldn't pass it on.,r Mr. Stubb-"And I didn't. passed it off, my dear." Your Druatl•t Milli Tell 'toe Murine Eye Iterated). Itcllevrs Sore )yes, Strengthens [teak I•:ycs. Doesn't Smart, Soothes Frye Pain. and Selln for 60c. Try Murine In Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. Mrs. Hutton "We are orga liz- iug a plant. club, Mr. Flatleigh. Will you juin us?" Flaticigh -- "With pleasure, Mrs. Hutton. What pianist do you propose to club first. l" Ask for Mlnard's and take ne other. "Don't chide me for carrying a revolver. This little gun saved my life once." "How exciting: Tell ins about it." •'I was starting and I pawned it." Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is compounded specially to combat dysentery. cholera morbus and all inflammatory disorders that change of food or water inay set tip in the stomach and int(-stines. These complaints are more common in summer than in winter, but they ate not confined to the warm months, as undue laxness of the bowels may sci/e a man at any time. Such a sufferer will find speedy relief in this Cordial. ON F. OR 'i'i'.E OTHFI1. Judge _Why did yeti burn your barn down just after getting it in- sured 1 Fanner- Your Honor, a pour man like u.. •:1n 1 afford to have n barn soil ,t -,Ira 114 e, to., Mad ter free sample fe Menai Orme a En•talaal Dot. W. L. 0S Cw, Toronto. 90 Bay 5t., Toronto IO% INVESTMENT 10% Preferred stork. non -speculative, sate, permanent. Write for information. or better Mill. it convenient, come and In- vestigate for yours -It. HUDSON BROR., LC, Jervis Strut. Toronto AGENTS WANTED. ``'TART A TGA Roma: TODAY. SEND ,71 1„^t.1I for circulars, or 10e. for can:',lee and term.. Alfred Tyler, Londo5, Out. :felt L MIND 5,CYE? BE" R : wS-;WATE,RPRoor aA1< Qtr 11 cktAGclne LARGEST Aft: INTHEWoQI-O &A4 ALL PIS .•a. A Nc' eal u -t' (.- T Iilaran,matt-n of - 1 y Kidney., of the f (,I4lw e 1 i r, of tb. u.vs, of th•uriel.. Sore Throat. `h� Breathing. Croup. ea. ter�(,teeth. Influenza. Head- 41Pir auhe. Toothache. Nuu• ralgia. Rheumatism. Cold cured by ble•na, Frostbite,' quickly badwits Brag Balletkii FARM FOR SALE. 320 acres. 4 mile? from Grenfell, Maio line C. P. R. IDEAL 1VHEA7' FARM with. in easy reach of 7 elevators and 1 flour mill. fur nate on account of ill health or Owner. at 12; an acre. 13.000.10 cash, if bought prior to July 1.4. Tl i+ [.rice In- cludes crop• 150 items v: heat. '.l ,u -res oats: 260 acres are cultivated, 315 acre• can be cultivated. (load buildings, Bowing sprint well water (leas to buildings. Land is all open prairie. slightly sloping to the North; guaranteed tree from noxious weed.. One of the nicest half -sections la the RENT WHEAT DisTRir'r in Raaf atchewan: crop thin year should ne, al least 13.000.00. Apply F. 3 KAUFMANN, Na 111, - (Ironfall, bask. STYLE. IN Hf4IR Braids, 30 tees *LSO Switches. 21 to .N In. longs: 50 to 15.1e Puffs and Curls, 11 ,n fluster, 82.50 Turban Style. com- plete. 81.58 Braid, by the yard, 11.0 Ladles and Cent's Wigs, from 117.50 Cant's Toupees, from 117.50 Hair Nets, extra large, • 1 for 2So. Turban Pads, - - 15 to 75c. Rare rhade: extra Order., mor 1:00. post fr•,• rod .ample 1.a,, rash sir,; ord. r DAY & MOHLER, 11 0 King St. West, - Toronto. Oueen's 4lffluersifti and Colkge KINGSTON ONTARIO. ARTS EDUCATION T NEOLOGY MEDICINE SCIENCE (Including Engineering) The Arts course may betaken without attendance, but students desiring to p;t.ul- nate must attend ooe sestaon. There were 1517 students registered sesios 1909-10. For Calendars. write the Registrar. GEO. Y. CIiON1'N, 11 A. 14 kiaystoa, Oatarim COOPER'S FLY KNOCKER and .. these inset ts almost to death in the I'o.ltt‘c.). pro- tects horses, :Attie, and all live sroek crom horn -flies. blow -flies, gad flies, lice, mites, which worry tl .'n hot weather. Your cnwe will give it morn milk, boraea will work better. youi sheep i be bsattbi•r, it you use iLY KNOCKER Quickly, easily aad economically ap- plied with a sprayer. One g•iion will protect sit row• for two w•rlas, at • cwt of less then on• cent • day •sok. 51.75 A GALLON 300. A QUART WM. COOPER 1 NEPtiEWI TORONTO. r