HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-16, Page 3•
Still Used in Spirit by Those Who Call
Themselves Defenders of the Faith
- -- - - --- —
must go into the deeps of our na- immigration of public schoolboys ''***********$ Tone cup milk, two tablespneaasnh
tore and take hold of every part of
vs, for, to be a Christian involves
the shock of many u stern encoun-
ter with conditions which easily
uproot seed thinly planted.
22. Among the thorns—Here is
excellent soil, but, sadly enough, et•
i- infested with tl.e seed t.f sin and
error. 11.1iat chokes the word, in
in that part et the empire.
"Not only aro the majority of
these who are nownowcrowding Query
•s,el bound for Canada or .1u-1
stralia sturdy specimens of British!
bone and muscle, but ire often
cesessed of considerable capita].
Not are the new emigrants confined SEASONABLE RECIPES.to the steerage or even second class!
rneu of this typ', is tot the world, passengers; many men of
but a false relation to the world. STANDING AND WEALTH
''Let us not love in word, noi-+awful warning is that we all know Mark adds "the lusts of •.then all• to be found on these outward
then with the tongue, but iu deed' it cannot be true; we have faith things," and Luke. "the pleasures bound vessels.
and truth." -I. John iii., 19. t believe that it is •+ lie that it is of this life '"The endless petty
Last 220.000 odd rated
All the divergencies and quarrels
of religion have been over its
forms, ceremonies, and its defini-
tions, and never at all over its life [words but the works and war
and works. Men tight bitterly of our lives. Our elemental con -
over its philosophies and go forth ceptions of right lie too deep to
to walk side by side united in its be disturbed by arrogant deuunci-
prartie4. The blackest passions of slices even in the name of relig-
tile- pit are easily aroused over re- ions truth.
bui•,ue differences .uf opinion, while While the amateur theologians
'lite fairest dowers e>( our wotrikl rage their mimic but bitter war -
ere int; out of its expre,siun in life. faro the great world goes on, men
The deeds that stain most deeplY suffer and sympathize, they bend
the pages of the past. were done in
the uamo of religion, for the sake
of its creeds or its institutions or
its ceremonies; the height of hu-
man heroism, devotion, and ser-
vice, 'tltc noblest levels of our liv-
ing have been reached in the name
and spirit of ieligiun. Perverted they, live and the great things of hie heart more than thirtyfold,
this spirit has dragged men to the religion become real to them,
so while his neighbor, because per -
blackest shame; followed in spirit real they cannot be described
chance of better endowment of one
and truth they have found in the
way of life.
In our own day if you would see
the human spirit at itsmeanest, if
sot: would see the gall of bi'tter-
r:ess anU the vials of hatred poured different to it, not because it
ou'• without compunction you must so much more for truth and real-
ity than for fomes of words. Life
sugar, and one-half teaspoont.t! of
cinnamon. MIL and sift the dry
ingredients, rub in the butter with
the tips of the fingers, add the milk
gradually, cutting with a k:iife to
a soft dough. Turn the d ugh on
a floured board, and roll into s
rectangular sheet about one-third
incl: in thickness. Brush over the
Chopped Apples and Nuts. — sheet of dough with melted butter,
Wash, cure and chop nice apples, then sprinkle with the cinnamon
fill the di -hes, sprinkle with chop- all.! chopped raisins. Rall up the
ped nuts, and serve with cream. dough compactly anti cut the roll
�� Spinach and Eggs. --Boil halt i•, pieces an inch in thickne.s.
fal.as year emigrated peck of spinach until tender, drain' •these are delicious.
wesknowe to ' that althe truth all important b.erta t. allurements cause %ernes of sof es those. thmist: ken from Great Britain; of these per- and chop fine. Add a little flour Johnny Cake. -One. cupful flour,
sous 27,000 went to Australia, &5r and milk and a pinch of sugar, salt,' „t,e lt;tlf cupful cornmeal, one
things for us all are not the forms paths which are so cagly opened 0{)0 to Canada and over 100,000 and nutmeg.And lay in a buttes-
. -s By riches --these, if indulged in, or went to the United States. Of tablespoonful sugar, one teaspoon-
: aspuon-
ce ,premised with, or surrendered cd baking ditch. Beat five eggs just fol salt, one-half teaspoonful hak-
ti,ese emigrants there remained enough to break the yolks and pour • i,g
to, are hound to crowd out the pc in the respective g 1 u. • soda. Sift alt together. then
choicest. spiritual growth. The tea p y p ever the spinach, add a pinch "- add one and one-fourth cupfuls
countries 17,000, 52,000 and 56,000, •salt• to the eggs. Bake ten minutes
gedy of this class of people is that the United States thusgetting gg se:u1 milk or buttermilk, beat until
their fruitfulneses might be second is the oven. The same recipe ext snsonth, pone into a lk, d pan.
to none, but instead they turn out more British emigrants than any, be used fur asparagus. Cut off the' and hake for about twenty miuutera
British colony—a result not mere-, tender ends and season well with'
only a rank crop of brambles. ly to be deplored, s:, ++ quick sten.
Q p but amended. pepper and salt and a piece of but -1 -JL
3. The good ground --It is note- "Nearly all of the Colonial
worthy that all that is required is Agents -General tell of the high. ter. USEFUL HIN'T'S.
.that the soil should be of the sortGrapefruit Marmalade. — One
beneath burdens and they lift class of emigrant now proceeding gra etruit, two orae es, one le-• In wiping the kitchen range use
them; the woes and joys of life en-storesno up and nourishes the truth( or in• treaty to go to their reaper men Cut both peel and pulp fine,'. a small bag as a glove.
gross their hearts and they taste }flee then the results are different tine colonies. Thus one official tells cover with as much water as there. Paper bags, which aeeummlate so
of the gall of bitterness and enter with different soils. However of a London publisher and of a city is fruit, and let stand over night. fast, may be put to good use in the
the doctor who are buying land in Can- 1 a the morning boil brirkly ten kitchen.
good a man may be, the seed may ada, the one with a capital of £19,-1 minutes, then set aside for twenty-; tc your wash boiler suddenly
HEAVENOF 1'UItJ': LOVE; fait to expand when received in 000 and the other with £39,000 to; four hours. At the end of this time. "springs a leak." throw in a hand -
be invested in that country. Two add four pounds of sugar and cook fur of corn meal.
ladies, with a capital of £20,000,1 slowly until it jells. This makes; Cutting onions, turnips and car -
ate going out to Alberta with the twelve glasses and is inexpensive' ruts across the fibre makes teens
of farming. A young man and delicious. more tender when cooked.
is, sent by his father—a builder —; Cream Asparagus. To cream as-! To brown pie crust: Wash over
with £500, and if he reports well paragus, have it. all tender but the' tit; crust with a little milk. Makes
of the new land his father and fam- tip: not "mushy," and to use ev-I it a nice light brown.
But for the bitterness iu the kind or another, though no better
struggle and the shrill cries of the a man, may bring forth a hundred-
in this dialectic bat- fel"-
tie the world would never know it
was being waged; it is utterly in ilv are to follow with £5,(X10. �ery bit of the tender part, preparel When soaking mackerel or other
cares NEW BRITISH EMIGRANT "And so the tale goes on — from in the following manner: \Nash: eaIi fish see that the skin side is
the professional man and the wo Jird break off the tips and keep sep-t placed uppermost.
man of gentle birth, or the son of, arate. Break the remainder int Keep doughnuts and cookies in a
is ,large and real that there is THEY .%RE NOT THE POOR AND rich parents and of costly upbring small pieces, stopping as soon. est cuvered crock and they will remain
no time to waste, no breath to 8R0hJ:\ DOWN. ins, to the honest mechanic with a it erases to snap brittlelv. Then' moist much lunger'.
spend in word splitting. hundred pounds, or the laborer peel the outer skin of the remain-� Rolls may be re-warnied and
Let no man beguile you with with his savings of forty or fifty. in pieces and break in pieces, made crisp and good if placed in a
words. Words are ever the refuge Aleu sad Women of Mindy And Again we say that if all this wealth stopping as soon as it ceases to he Paper bag in abut oven.
of the life that has not blood of sinew and cash were going to tender. Throw all but the tips ini .\ large apron for covering the
enough to work; when a man gets Means the Mother Country the British colonies alone there boiling, salted water and boil gent -shirt to be used for bedmakiug can
too tired to do the right he usual- Wants to keep. might be no complaint on the part' ;v for about ten minutes, then adds be made from half a discarded
lv turns to defining it and prescrib- of the imperialist, but when a largo, t!te tips. This saves them from be- sheet.
inn( it for others. And all his An English writer in the Queen proportion of it goes to an alien; ir,g overcooked while you are en -I When cleaning house a conveni-
Vocifornns brandings of Heresy and is disturbed over the fact that the Buil there is undoubtedly cause for denvnring to cook the tougher par-ience is a stick with a notch in the
Heretic are only words. They emigrants who are now leaving the gtsestiuning, if not complaint." tions until tender. Cook until all, to lift, picture cords from
weigh nothing. One has but to go British Isles are not poor and bra- --se—
; `�' are done, drain, and pour over. hooks.
en doing the right ; if he seek9li ht,ebio-
RACING A GRIZZLY. I them a sauce made of flour, butter,' If the sides are sewed together
g ke- down, but men whose muscle, _,
thi way it will be found of him. brain and money are a gain to the A hunter's Experience With ;! and milk that has been cooked and and the sheets cut through the ce u -
There is more religion in any country of their adoption, but a ! stirred until smooth. Just before' ter it will be given a new lease ut
minute in the life of the street and loss to their native laud. Bear in Alaska. I serving pour cream over the whole' life'•
Vie market than could be found in "This new tendency toward a t preparation, which will make it as The flat taste of boiled water may
The older a hunter becomes the re !,e removed by pouring from one
all 'the ponderous; tomes of thee-' better class of emigrant has just more respect he has for rizzlies rich as though the sauce has been I g
lege, more godliness in the homes received a striking illustration by declares M. A. M. Dowel in "Trail' made with cream and is less expels; 1•`te•her to another in the open air.
and shops, in the hidden lives that the migration of a party of a dozen ii and Cam tin in Alaska." The' sive. Several who have eaten this' Lumbago is greatly relieved by
are loyal to duty. lived for love and' public school hove now travelling au her floes l..,. tance of shat pronounce it better than the whole bandaging with a flannel bag filled
g with very hot salt where the pain
to it Hess a theological battle or a
heresy trial. To defend their own
conception of the Deity men will
violate freely every one of
The emphasis on forms of words,
on precise agreement.; in philoso-
phical definitions. and the anxiety
about conformity to creed arc all
due to a lark of faith, to real re-
ligion being at a low ebb in those
who wear its guises, due to an un-
willingness to have confidence that
this world is a right world, that
the divine rules here through all its
Jews and that, truth can never bo
To the Infinite Being what ridi-
culous pygmies the heresy hunters
must seem to be; mites inflated
with their own conceit. Men who
have caught the seeming color of
tone thread from the garment of
truth and holding it aloft cry: the right, than in all the defenses under Dr. Gray, head master of inp at a brown srlvertp grizzly, tips with drawn butter, is felt.
"Thisof the faith that• were ever elabor- Bradfi- Id College, thereload in his re- ,
is all the truth and the only g to Canada, when he bad but one Pans greased with butter will
atetd. There neer will be any to learn farmin and there in duo'
truth; swear to it, or, if you even 8 roller. That the result was amus -1 fiTItA\VBr.TiRIF.S. make the bottom crust of pies soft
hesitate, the great Judge of all will other religion than this, the relig- course to take up farms of their' it instead of fatal is an instance
consign you teternal damnation." ion of living out our best, that is own, cfRMr. Powell's good fortune. i Strawberry Pyramid. --One pint 8bei flaky and prevent them from
wc,rth the having. "They are goingPlace being soggy.
The reason the thousands. mil to Dr. Grays• The grizzly rolled over, bawled,; �f but boiled rice. 1 taco a layer of Celery can be much improved by
liens, of men go on heedless of that HENRY F. COPE. ranch near Calgary. Alberta, and and performed the other usual pre-, it, well seasoned with butter, un a' .
suakulg it for an hour in ice cold
will there have a season of practi- :liminaries, and then turned his ate round plate; decorate edge if poi ,eater in which a lemon has beef*
cal fanning, going in the winter to! tendon in my direction at a rate Bible with small strawberry leaves.
THE SUNDAY SCHOOL sis on the pronoun: "Do you,I setnred.
therefore, hear the parable ofthe an agriculture} college for techni• that indicated a final settlement in Ce ver rice with strawberries well To remove ink stains from linen,
!ea, training and farming science.' about nine seconds. � sugared, then a layer of rice, and' • linen
sower." J0 -11s warns the disciples After another summer's work on, When I twice snapped my revol-' x•• on, forming the pile into the' plaof milk,the
:►ndr ed following settee?
—" against the shallowness, worldli- the ranch and probably another ver, the truthfulness as well as the shape of a pyramid. Finish top g
I\TER\.1'1'I0�.11. LESSON,mess.
`d caliun offla barren which heart.c No-
whiter course of studies at the col -Lawfulness of my mistake dawned; with a spray of berries. Serve cold water
rn (peeling oranges start from
JENE 19.ilege it is expected that they will' no, it broke in upon me with start- with sweetened whipped cream 1 the end where the stalk has been,
Lice thnt Matthew omits the re- be in a position to start fanning, ling suddenness. I desired very Straw•l:erier Pie.—('ream thee' ani the pith will come off with the
hake contained in Mark 4. 13. It for themselves and , much to explain and apologize, but fourths of a cupful of butter with .utter skin.
is not so much a parable of the as that, bear was half wn down the cupful of granulated sugar, then
sower, who seems not to occupy a ON THEIR O\1'\ LAND. Y Wash the lamp burner twice a
rc mincerplace in the story,as "This is n class of emigrant that hell, and his jaw -clapping indicated add the well beaten yolks u[ three ►ieunth, using a lather of warns
p , n ruffled disposition, my legs posi eggs and half a cupful of cold wa-. water, ammonia and sea , Hines
den 'fest Jamey 1. 21. < f the soils, four different kinds ani country would welcome with tet. Sift together two cupful.; .., 1
f which aro mentio..ed. Though open arms; and although we have titers refused to remain there; and g ! [ane: div thoroughly.
Verse 1. On that day—Elul ontly Christ is the Sower, and the seed net. a word to any against either. bceides, I felt that they needed ex-' flour and two level teaspoonfuls of, 1 \\'hen cooking unions. set a tin
on the same dayas the events t acquisitiony excising, i baking ponder. Bc at the buttery cu ► of vinegar on the stove, and
g' he saws is the truth, the result the scheme or the b sme;oth and lightly fold in the l ►
stiff -
ea in the latter part of the twelfth clearly the nature of tee:. roost thriving and vigorous At once }discovered that 1 was gI Ict• it buil, and no disagrreub e
dependsupona remarkably good starter in a ly whipped whites of the eggs, Di'1
chapter. the soil. colony of this potential wealth in tide the batter in two rtions and "slur will be noticed in the rooby
Out of the house—Neith.r this 19. The weld of the kingdom is, bl',ud and rnoncy we cannot, but' feet -race. My hat was left where puToothache can be alleviated by
nur the particular day is tnen'iened of course, the seed. The warning feel a vague discontent with rho it indicated the starting -place very bake in (Ayer cake tins. If Dimwits rubbing some bicaibunale of eels
by Mark. In chapter 12. •17, ''cut• accurately, and I should not have of butter are placed between the round the teeth, and then rinsin
! a Jesus, "Take heed how ye conditions which have renderedR
sine" means oil the outskirts of hear," would apply here Ile that necessary or desirable this loss to' Mopped to pick it up if it had been Inecrs they may be both baked in the mouth with worm water.
the crowd, su that we are left to heareth and understandeth not is the motherland of this body of bold filled with gold. one tin. Make a filling of one cup- Try and have cross ventilation in
conjecture that this was the eoust the man w•hese mind grasps the young Englishmen. ;directed my course for the Na -fol of strawberries, crushed, and {our kite hen. and ,you never will
of Siniou and Andrew (Mark I. 2;+). words one by one but whose heart "The partynow in charge of Dr.'be�on'•r hirer, about fourteen miles half a cupful of blanched, chupted is slightly
he annoyed by the odor of cooking
Sat by the sea side—Chrys�: *,•m, does not `'take in" and treasure Cray is going out under the auspic•i eons, and planned to run by the almonds and •
the whites of two eggs fords penetrating other teems.
whose Homilies on the Goslp"►e:t•f up the truth, understanding, in the e, of the Public Schools lmmittira-1 %% ikei rknow4Othelydirectioir par {Has, ssugnreascywith
u tbentu them stiff.cupful
over -c okedl t]muybe custard ought back
Saint Matthew are full of h re y Old Testament and New. being a do League, a body formed only. travelling,and so also that ho nameet top of the cake with n few
wisdom, says here : "He sits by the matter of the heart rather than of last year, but already in active n the right coilsisteney if it be
fishing and getting into Itis act the heat}. operation under a committee con might cover the retreat with his fete berries du ted with powdered thoroughly beaten with an egg-
seathem that are on the land. liarsisting of the headmasters of Eton, rifle•
sugar and serve hot or col(! with beater.
The evil one --\1'e might have in There was an,o en flat about six cream whipped.
cause of his doing this is a desire terpretod the birds (verse 4) as im Westminster, Mill Hill and }fend p Strawborrt I)itinity 1'ie.-�1:,k„ liaised biscuits should be I:ght:y
to order his auditory with exact personal temptations, but Jesuscx- field. The league, which will be ni much ahead, a lithe rece thatris ► rich ,it' ,nstc and line a de,, wired with butter before putting
ness, and to leave no one behind presely, in spite of the plural. ex- Betiding out public schoolboys this noel► sneerer than the reader may t 1 P i„ the ecce so they will se t•arare
his back, but to have all face to plains there as "Satan" (Mark), coming summer to British colonies,' at imagine.
se whe bear
woua-'d h runningad if y pie �ur erri(bake
9 arel►large cu even
them si oo ply and not lea%'' jt=):cell
face the devil (Luke). and as here. has framed simple conditions,! off at that point, and as }was inter• in two and place in the baked shell g
3. Hca ,ke . . in trebles — which apply !} to each case. tw Twilled sheets. by lemon of their
pc p The way tide --According to the 1 P ! and cover berries with sugar As
Some have Alread been recorded; •• ested in the outcome, I glanced g' s :flee s and Rubitantial weave,
y Jewish fashion, a path led through Thus the boy who elects to be-, over my shoulder to see just how for shortcake. Have ready a ens- make excellent polishing cloths and
the salt and the light, the fowls and the midst of a field of grain. This come one of these 'first class emi- turd, cooled, made as follows :One
it was going to be done, I thengoodundercuvers fur ironing
tho lilies, the wise and the foolish would naturally become hard and grantswill go out without money,fc.rtunately observed that just be- tablespoonful of cornstarch. one legirds.
builders, but they have been brief beaten by the trampling of many a• d be placed by a member of A
fort reachingthe of collis- Pint o[ milk, two eggs, ane-qunr-
ma: incidental. From now on this lien] committee with a farmer who placeIn the sickroom there is no end
feet, of erre and beasts. This ion I should pass a small bunch of ter teaspoonful of salt, and small t,, the possibilities 4 a old sheet.
method of teaching becomes more may represent a certain lightness understands a lad of gentle birth brush, and for a na•etnent we should Piece of butter. Hent milk to near One-half fold Aeneas the ped under
elaborate, and forms a large part of mind, or too exclusive attention Ancr good educat'on. 1'he hu} will be out of sight of each other. 1i piling, then Add the egg= well1
g the patient will serve as a draw
of the instructions of Jesus. to the calls of the worli.1. go the then have to y train beaten, With two tables oonfuls o !
"� I;ehnld. the sower --Christ. It is wend does not get in deep. and the \WOti K1.IKE A LABORER lofltthe track and rolled ht there I jumped crit (been I,owdered sugar. Letitbuil up a Match marks rune be removed
fitting that the group of parables otit one straightway snntcheth it until his practical training quart -1 an embankment, while the hear once or twice. stirring all the time; hum white paint by rubbing with
sh••uld start off with this one. in away. The %Dice of the messenger ties hies for admission to an age-, punctually arrivevl at the flat, take off and flavor to suit. your II cut lemon. To forestall further
which so many irnpertent issues of is barely silent before the 'tremors' statural college. When At wok e•tly n few yards Away. Ia-te. Nur this custard over the ti rr'ng, smear the spot lightly with
the kingdom come to test. It i,s is as clear of the truth as if it had he will receive the usual wages and Afterpointinghis nose upward strawberries And over this put a
one of the three which appear in never been spoken• Yet Jesus • P tAsehne.
1 board and lodging. ono emit�mg n fond snort, he be- meringue made as follows: Beaten: Vere bad grease spots can be ro•
Mattlicu. Mark, and Luke, the wculd incite the preacher of truth "Each boy must have a certificate crime interested in the unusual whites et two eggs, six tablespoon -
other by soaking them in benzine
other being those of the mustard not to neglect even so unpromising of fitness signed by his headmaster, sight of the pack -train. I bravely fol.; of Krannlatrd sugar, added ant: then placing them between
seed and the wicked huehanchncn. a soil. showing that lie has been indus- held Inv breath so as not to dis- one sp :sinful at a lime. Flavor double layers of blotting -paper and
Also it is one of those whose inter -20. The rocky places Here• we truss at school and possesses a torp his meditations. and when he same as enstard. Place in the g 1
prc•tation we have from our Lord's find a thin soil atop of a hard sub- pressing with a of ,ergs hot iron.
good mural e•hareate r. A rule of Hosie sne•rtcd, Hey heart erred rude. ('tern only long enough to brown Keep a pair surgical scissors
own lips. stratum. This class is common, the league provides thnt no hope It, and 1 shrank up pereeptihi}. the meringue. in the idea) kitchen. They are a
Went forth to :row—IL is pre especially in times of religious shall take capitol with him, and Vainly 1 listened for the report of ' s
sumed that an actual sower and an! , good egeta saver in dicing mobs
awakening --people whose emotions lack of capital is not considered a rifle, but the bear shuffled safe -I $J[AL[. ('.1KE�, and vegetables. Nice peppers by
actual field were in sight at the are quickly stirred, who receive by it as a par to his progro-s. It away. Then I straightened np ct.tt:nq off several slivers, tho
time. with joy the word tv which, for one "At the same tin, there is little mat walked te., i)ashi••1l and inquir- Plain Cookies. -One-half cupful whole length. Hold these firmly
4. As he sewed Per the meaning reason or Another. they happen to or no doubt but that moat of the ce why he hadn't shot. It f butter, one-half cupful of lard, aid with the scieseors slit, through
of the parable. sec comments be- bo ! artic-ularly susceptible, but lads 30 emigrating will after the Between spasms of laughter. he two cupfuls of sugnr, two eggs, the entire hunch.
low on verses 14 41. whese nature and profession are two years' training invest. consid-, rel.lied, "Whe roan. it wasn't my, three-fourths cupful of sour cream, To make steak, %ere tee der. 11.V
9. He that hath ears --It it a tee shallow for the truth to take erable sums in colonial farmlands.: bear -fight'" Ione teaspoonful se,dn. ono pinch them. bef. ro eo.ekin
cba!!e nee to serious thought, anda. ,a a flat dish
deep root. They swill hold out so That. the league is in earnest is eti'-,s.--- ! sort, nntmex, and vanilla Aatvrin4• cenlnining three tablespe,.,uh11+ of
a common observation of Jerus• long as condit'one aro (evocable. dented by the fart that w;th the .\ whisk broom is excellent for' Fleur, not too stiff. salad oil and one of vinegar. {roll
Only those whose hearty are sin- But, when called upon to suffer aid of a streeng committee in South e:. ening and duvting the mattress; Fruit bolls. --Three (11141113 of mixed together. Eich side of the
eerely open to the truth can (ter- tribulation (1) for the sake of ahst Attica they are now organizing a the centers of stairways; for dust- flour. Rix tabletemenfuls of hiking ate ak chnulel he soaked for th Ytra
(mitre its spilituaf s,e,nings. thou profe-ss, straightway they Settlers Furigration Society, which ;rig away the grime from under ra- ie r.'der. one-half tens,° onfe' 1 minutes-makirng an hour in 3 1-
i8. Bear then ye-- Strong empha• stumble. Our regard for the truth oil. pay special attention to the diat.ers and in polishing stoves. 'salt. one-third cupful of b„tt•r, ycst before cooking.
Lenton XII. The Parable of the
Boner. Malt. 13. 1-9, 14-23. Gol-