HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-16, Page 11 ettf at te. Twsirrt-THIRD YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JUNE 16. 1910. SANDERS & CREECH We all Know that Housecleaning time is nearly over but before finishing you may need something in Carpets, Rugs, Lineolumns and Lace Curtains Window Blinds -owl-' We have but a few of those cheap window shades left. Call early if you need thew Regular $1.25 shades for 85c. A lot of Collars, embroidered at 20c,. and 25c. Jatrots at . 15c. 1f you need anything in Hose we have them x(DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM. 2 pair for 25c Also a fine line at 25c. pair L A line of lace hose at 50c. pair. White and Colored Hats; just the thing for the camping season to retail at 5Oc. Young Mens' Hats A line in Brown, Green and Grey. Soft Havana; an exceptional line to sell at $1.25 We have the newest style in Sailor straws. A range of Caps just ar- rived in the newest shades and styles at 6Oc. and 75c. A few MENS' and BOYS' SUITS left, to clear at bargain prices. We are going out of clothing so here is your chance to get a suit at your own price. Hardware This is another line we are going out of, consequently we are selling at greatly reduced prices. Regular $1 shovels at 70c. A line of paint to clear at a reduction of 10c. a can. Croceries Our groceries are fresh and the best 2 cans corn Or peas 25c. Myo. line pickles to clear at.... 15c. ia_. line baking powder at 15c. W. J. CARLING HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE rr•re..te■al Cards. P. ROL'LSTON, f_D,8„ Dees.. DR. 0. Honor Graduate of Toronto t'nirenity. DENTIST Gere.: -Over Dickson & ('arline'e i.aw °trees. Exeter. Telephone No. 5. Mooed Wednesday afternoons. `H DL A. B. KINSMAN, 1.. D. &, D. D. S., soar graduate of Toronto Unlrerbtr, DENTIST, KOMI extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Mae over Gladman a 8taobury's oface, Maio street IbssMs. Madinat SR. BRIGHT, M. D., W C. P. a 8., HONOR • Graduate of Toronto University, Two years resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Ogee and lksidence, Dr Amos' Old Stand, Andrew street, THETA . Da, T. P. MCLAUGHLiN Has renamed prarttce after speodicg a year (Col• I.g•) at BrIldelt and Continental Hospitals. General practice *Rh special attention to Eye, (with refrac- tion) Car Nose and Throat. office: Dubwood, Ont. Legal DW[11011 a CARLiNG, BARRISTERS, SOLiCI teas, Notaries, Conveyancer, Commissioners goHefton for Noisome Bank, etc. M.a.y t. L.ae It lowest teeter interest Ofnw, Maio street, Exeter, It. Osame, B.A., L, H. Damn M OMIT TO LOA 4. Ws have a large amount of private funds to lose a tam sed village properties at icw rates cf later d1. (MADMAN k STANBURT,1 harristen, eolieltor,,ltaln st., Exeter Oa B. 8. PHILLIPS, EXETER. LivaoN Auctl.seor. Woe attended in all parts. Setiefartio• gu&,ss. Wed er se M Terme reasosahls. All order, lett .t advocate pay will be promptly weeded to. J. SENIOR Attest Confederation Life Assurance 'ppraay, also Fire Insurance in lead- -- Uanadian and British Companies. !lain -ML. Sutter. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Prick cottage In ezeellent condition, With elz good living rooms, good cellar two lots of good land, good well of water and cistern. Three blocks from e!atn street. For particulars apply to MISS VINA FISHER, Huron at., Exeter. VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Te undersicncd Is offering for sale t.at desirable Village property, being lots 13. 14, 15, corner of William and Waterloo streets. There Is on the prem- ises a eplendld brick house, small stable and other conveniences; also a number c.f choice fruit trees. The prop- erty is first-class In every respect and is Vveil situated. Will be sold reason- able. Aprly on premises. ALFRED IIOWEY, Exeter P. O. t'AitM FOR SALE. Being composed of Lot 2P, N. E. noundary, Township of Usborne, con- taining 100 acres of choice land. On the premises there fe a new brick house, large bank barn and drive house large orchard o' choice winter fruit, 14 acres of good hardwood bush; good well with windmill, pump and tank: thoroughly underdralned ; 6 acres fall wheat, 13 acres barley, 12 acres oats, 10 acres peas and oats,. 7 acres peas, 25 acres seeded to grass, balance in raeture. 1f cold with crop possession given at once. Easy terms of payment for quick sale. For terms and partic- ulars apply to 11. 11. GLENN, on the trcn1.ee, or to T. CAMERON. Auct., Farquhar. HOUSE TO RENT. .\ gcc.d Brick house in Exeter, ecn- eete :dated, on Gldley street. cootaln- i..g ;-.t rooms. Including up -stairs ; Lard and Pott water, and a good gar- de Reasonable rental. Apply to I-ICKSON n CARLiNG, Exeter. log pa No'rICE. W. art appo'nting sales agents new In every unrepresented county for the ecasen of 1910. Over 65 per cent. of the year's business 1. done during the Summer menthe. We pay good money weekly for services rendered. Give ex- rlu.ivv territory acrd supply selling out- fit free. OVER GPO ACRES UNDER Ct•LTIVA- TION. Our acreage 1. mentioned as it is im- portant that you should represent a firm of Food ,tending and size. We supply strictly first grade stock and guaran- tee delivery to good condition. We want 1'•e best and most reliable agent Ie• every district. Established over 85 y.-ara. F'ot furtrer particu;are write reir.arn Nursery Co.. Toronto, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANDERSON. Licensed Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Dates can be made at tee Adrorate, lseter. or Henry letlber's Office, Cred- Iter. FARM FOR EICLE. Otte of the finest farms In tJsborne Apply to SANIAIRS A CREECH. Deter T. B. CARLIN() Life. tire. Accident and Peate Giese insurance, Co:leering accounts. and con- ducting auction sales. - utter. Ont. HALF HOLIDAY The undermentioned busbiees people have agreed to close their respective places of business on Thursday after - :toms of each week during the months of July and August, at 1 p.m. -Advoc- ate Printing Co., Tittles Feinting Co.. W. J. Heaman, A. Walter, W. J. Beer, Jones & May, S. G. Ba'a'den, Jos. Sen- ior, _g. A. Folltck, groceries only ; , W. Johne, J. Grigg, W. J.Stathant, grocer- ies exily ; 13. W. F. heavers, 1'. Hawkins S. Son; W. W. Taman, V.'. J. Carling; \Vilsoe Bros.. H. Spackman, W. D. Bullet.; David Russell, Ada Yeo, J. A. Stewart. S. Martin & Son, Ed. Treble, J. Dignan & Son. Wright & Atkinson. LL'CAN MAN CUTS HiS THROAT James Wilson, a man of about 80 years of age, residing in Lucan, at- tempted to oonnmit suicide about one o'clock Thursday morning. He in- flected a nasty cut In his neck with a razor, but fortunately not deep enough to cause him serious injury. He was attended by Dr. Hossack, and the wound stitched up eo that he was able to appear before Squire Chtttick the a.tme morning on a charge of attempt- ing suicide. He was remanded wail June 10. The authorities are some- what at a lose to explain his action. It Is stated, however. that he had been dr't:king. and probably beconni,ng 'le- epondent attempted to take his life. Winson is a married man residing with his wife only. Ile has one married daughter. EXETER WINS GOOD BALL GAME. The detailed statement which follows tells the tale of a fine nine -Innings ball game played at Fullerton on Thursday afterno)n last when Exeter defeated the Fullerton team by the narrow margin of one, run. The game was almost er- colleen. Very few hits were made off either pitcher. Carling. particularly, pit- ched a fine game, whl'e 1 oyle's catch=' Ing was a feature. The winning run was largely du2to I3awden's clever steal of third and later the home plate, that being the particularly well earned run. The game was well umpired by Elder Elliot. 'IV lute-up- Exeter_�rling, p.. 1; Boyle, c., 1; Hawden, 3rd, 1; Palmer, let, 1; Bissett r. f. ; Hoskins, 1. f. ; Knight, c. f. ; Steer 2nd; Acheson, s. a. Fullerton -J. Nairn, O. Reid, 11.Clark 1, 13. McIntyre 2, N. Baker, W. Woodley F. Haines, 1'. ,,Woodley, G. Wright. Exeter 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0-4 Fullerton 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 .1-3 • OPENING GAMES OF BOWLS. The bowling green was formally op- ened on Friday evening by two games of bawls played by rinks chosen by President Taman and Vice -President Snell, with the result that one game resulted in favor of the former and one In favor pf the latter, the total of the round being in favor of the Vfce-preel- dent by three points. The games were goad ones, the scores being as follows. II. Spackman J. Walper N. D. Hurdon C. Lindenfelt W. Blatchford W. D. Clarke W. W. Taman, ek. 12 C. 13. Snell, Bk. 9 Dr. Bright S. G. Deaden J. 11. Grieve G. Anderson J. A. Stewart Jas. Taylor W. J. Heaman, s. 9; N. Creech, e. 13 21 24 -- COUNTY COUNCIL --- The December session of the Iluron County 0ounc(1 will le held in Exeter. Such was the decision of the County Council. which stet In Goderit h last week. It has been decided to erect a con- sumptive sanitarium in Huron hut the location has not yet been agreed upon. A unique feature of the recent meet- ing was the banquet and re -union meet- ing of Bruce, Hutton attd Perth County Councils in Ooderlch on Thursday last, the Bruce representatives arriving on a special train chartered by (reeve Joynt of Lucknow and the Perth representa- tives on the regular. The Lucknow Kit- ties Bagpipe Band carne along. The day was spent bowling and sight seeing, and the evening at a fine banque in the hotel Medford. The freedom of the town was presented to the visitors, by Mayor M. G. Cameron of Goderich. Dr. Crowe, warden of Bruce, Mr. Turn- er, warden of Perth. and Dr. Irwin, waN den of Huron. and others gave li,ter- ecting addressee. For Dag Muzzles go to D. llartlelb, Exeter , GiitLS WANTED Apply to D. S. PERRIN & CO., Limited London Ont. FOR SALE F.igt.t room solid brick hotter and bar:. le good repair. with garden. Apply to DR. A. T. BOND. or to GL.\DMAN & 111'ANDURY. It,trrlsters, Exeter. CALVES F'Olt SALE Geo. Craprnra•, will br at Cotnnxtr nal Hotel, Exeter. on Friday, June 17t11. at 12 o'clock. with a load of calves for sale. TI.!e will be the Iasi load of the mases. Ontario Liquor License Act Litotes District of Sesta Huron. ll.Mce to her,• by gives that Yr H..1 HWen, of IlrayIeld, has v•eltev:efiltoren Hamm ((CMeli) B7tlf t• Harry Denim, •t MyN Ost., sad that tM said seotleatios will se eessider,A et the .sstisgof the Dewed of (Masers Commissioners. to be Mild at the Oemn•erial Hotel, In Village of Fay • INK an Friday. tae Mb day et J•.. 1910, at the rest of 1S a.st. All peesaws Ister,sud vid govern t►easelves sc eoediegly, John Tervan.-e, Li ono !mope ter Meed at Metes. 11,.31M Oar of nay, IOW -- WATERWORKS TESTED Under the direction of l'. W. Earn- cotnh the waterworks was given a test :art week. The test proved eatlrfact- ory in every particular, the pumps main- taining a continuous pressure at the Town Hall, the highest point in the town, of 110 to 120 pounds per, square :nee, while no leaks were apparent he the mains. The pumps at present arc operated by a gas engine, but with the tuth!ne wale••• wheel which Is being int stalled a most reelable attd effective du- plicate system will result. At present the system is only In operation under direct pressure. With the completion of tee elevated tank now under construe - aloe a continuous pressure will be main ttlned, while the operation of the pumps e•.tc, day for iir short time only will be tare• •ssary. The tank, which will be of sufficient capacity for two days' supply Vein be elevated to a height of 125 feet, giving a (-militant pressure of Ser for domestic service. In case of fire, the pump will ba put in operation, and the pressure increased as desired. Ev- erything to connection with the water- works has been done with a view to :ncreashng the service until the town has a complete system. So far the town has done web, but we should go further and have mains laid down several of the back streets, which would improve the system and bring 1n a revenue. A pipe to the G. T. R. track particularly would tx• at paying investment.. EXETER SCHOOL BOARD Me:aing held in the Town Hall Mon- day June 18. Absent F. W. Gladman and T. 13. Carling. The following 1s the order .,f business duly submitted :end approved, -Per Chairman. Minutes of previous meeting; per F. Wood and S. Martin, that the following payments be approved, T. Statham, labor $9. L. Day plants $15.Ih. i'er F. Wood and S. Martin that the following be the salary list of the H. S. Department for ensuing Year -Principal, W. B. \\'etdenhammer, $141m; Roam 2 in abeyance, Room :t nine Johnston 4800. Per F. Wood and S. Martin that the following ba (he sal- ary list of the Public School Department for the ensuing year -Room 1, Niles Voss per $550; Roane 2, Miss Murray,$ 500 ; Roam 8, Miss Kinsman $475; Room 4 Niles Sleeth $450; R03,0 5, Miss Clow- ard $450. Per S. Martin and F' Wood that an ad. be placed In the Globe to rover the expected vacancy In the 11. S. Department. Per S. Martin and F'.Wood that Mise Petunock's resignation be ac- r'epted. Per F. Wood and S. Martin - teat the Janitor's salary for the en- suing year be $325. Per F. Wood and 8. Martin that Miss Howard's salary to the end of June be $105. Per S. Martin and F. Wood -That a visit of inspection 'be made to the school on the call of the chair. Per H. Huston and F. Wood that all staff cheques be made available June 23rd. F. Wood -adjournment. .T. atige, Sec. COMMUNICATION To the Exeter Advocate Dear Sir, -Is it not high time a medi- cal inspection of our Public school should be made. The law, I believe. orders that nn the outbreak of any ser- ious Infectious disease the Medical Health Officer should immediately vis- it the school and examine each pupil. Now there is scourge of scar- let fever, but as yet no examination has been made. This should have been done six months ago. Are not our Board of Health liable to criminal action 7 I believe so. Pro Bono Publico. Niro. Stnxle went to London Wednes- day to epend n few days. 8(8'1'118 Turnbull. --At Grand Bend. on June 1 •n to Mr. and Mrs. Warman Turnbull, a son. Hodgins -in Mt-Glillvray, Jure e. to \Ir and Mrs. Geo. ltodgius. ' a son. Smith -At Blake. on Jute ;rd. to \ir. and Mt s. Gus. Smith. a daughter. Forrest -le Itay, on June 7th. to \lr. arid ,Mrs. Joh:, B. Forrest. a one. MARRIAGES Lindsay. -Dow. -in Exeter, at the tesi- dence of the bride's father, on Jure 15th. Miss Jessie Sloan. daughter of Mr. Alex. Dow, to Dr. Hugh Roy Lindsay, of Scranton, N. Dakota. Ericson -Hooper -In Rochester. N. Y.. on June 7, Niles Edna Lorraine Hoop- er. daughter of the late Wm. Hooper of Exeter, to Mr. Arthur Amel Eric- son of Rochester. Coel.o:).-Sirnpeo t. -I n Christ Church. McGillivray, on June 15th. John Ar- thur Co'thou. to Miss ('earl, daughter re Mr. and Mrs. Moses Simpson of M' (3111lvray. \Wed-Dinedale-At the parsonage. itn ('rittrslia, no June 11, Mr. Vincent Wood of Santa Barbara. Ch1.. former- ly of Ellntvllle, to Mhos iia Dinsdale. of Klppen. Doupc.--Catnm,-in Usborne, on June $, by Itev. Mr. Watson of Elimville, \t . T'er r y F'. Doupe en Miss Ella Comm. .1a ug' ter of Mr. Richard Carom. F'itzeinno:r.-Cantwell-At Clinton. Jure '. Laving E. Cantwell of Sheppardtot,. Pelt Fitzsimons of Clinton. re'!it k -Mr Kay -At Egmondville. on Jure 7, Lot nc Pettrick to Margaret Mc - 1. ey. a:l of F.gntondville. DEATHS Jory.-in Step!un. on June 18th. Han- nah Jory. widow of the late Jamies! Jory. aged 92 years. 1 month. B day•. Fl:tkbelner-At Crediton oe June 14. \tr. Fred F'inkbelner, aged 23 years. lisle--ln Clutton June b, Margaret Pur relict of the late Horatio (sale. aged 73 years. Simeon -1n Stanley, Jur' 6. Thos. 5t1- - eon in his SOth year St-retroR-1n Paytleld. c ea r 4 '•t'rt. Stirling in his 75th year. Our Special Sale oI Cliina We have decided to maks' a clean sweep erten China. During the Month of June■ if low prices will do it. We have a large shipment cowing and Elitist make re our for it ; so are selling our present stock at cost.. Our stock is made up of choice pieces of HAND -PAINTED CHINA Suitable for Wedding feints Remember it all Coes for Cost S. FITTON Wedding Rings and Marriage Licenses AUCTION SALE --OF---- GENERAL MERCHANDISE At the store, on:a door north of the Post Office every day this week at 8 p.m.; and a final sale on Saturday, June 18th at 3 and 8 p.m. Positively no Reserve as the Building is being Vacated ROWE'S OLD STORE T. B. CARLING, Auct. CLOTHING "You'll know when you wear our Clothes, what it means to feel well dressed." All wool fabrics, the best tailoring and the smartest style. Five hundred patterns, all the newest designs. We are sole Agents for House of Hobberlin, Tailors, Toronto Fit and Fashion Co., Tailors, Toronto Green St Swift, Clothing MTg., London Buy the "LIBERTY" SHOES ean American make Full of style, best of wear, solid leather FULL LINE OF MENS' FURNISHINGS GENUINE PANAMA HATS 15.00 SANDY BAWDEN Main St., Exeter THE CLOTHIER LAWN MOWERS 14 inch Lawn Mowers $3.75 to $5.25 16 inch Y .. $4.50 to $5,50 16 B.B. ,. u $6.50 to $6.75 18 M Y Y $7.00 A can of oil with every machine. Coal Oil Stoves Gasoline Stoves 70c. to 811.00 14.00 to $6.00 Let us explain merits of our Summer Cooking Stoves Wondershine for cleaning silverware ..... 2.5c, Dustbene Sweeping Compound 35c. Senour's Floor Paint 50c. Elephant Floor Paint 45c. Campbell's Stains 15c. 25c. 45e. unonwesiMMINIMMIIIMIlla • HEAIAN'S HARDWARE 8 STOVE STORE