HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-09, Page 5Mt III WWII SAS t . lie. I MTMAI
Owing to unforseen circumstances the
Demonstration of the merits and many
uses of Laqueret has been postponed to
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th, 1910
It will be of great advantage to those
interested to attend this demonstra-
tion. Don't forget the date, June 15.
Souvenirs for Ladies and Children Given; 1 Away
Hawkins' Stove & Hardware Store, Exeter
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 11356
Capital (paid up)
Rest Fund - -
Has 72 Branches in Canada. and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CABLING, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, Manager,
will put it right
q uIckb► sad se eb-
Mosey back if they
do sot cure.
A/ al Osigisis,
25e. a Bos.
sr direct from
1 am a woman.
i know woman's ttnfet'Ihjs.
I have found the cure. � my beam treest.
I will mail free of(anych
moat with full instrucions to any eafrrer from
women's ailments. I want to tell all women about
MIAs cure - you, my reader. fur yourself. your
daughter, your mother, or your Critter. I want to
tell you how to cure yourself at home without
the help of a doctor. Men cosset understand wotn-
enesutferinga. What we women know', rem ex.
multiage, wu know tetter than any doctor. 1 kaew
that my home treatment is a safe and sure cure for
Leuc.rrhQaor W hit i.h discharge, Uluratlon. GIs.
placement or felling of thoWomb. Profuse. Scanty
or Palatal Periods. Vierlae or Ovarian Tremors or
Growths, also pales le thehead. beck and bowel,.
bearing doe nk.lings, u • creeping feel.
lag up the spine. mela•choly. desire to cry. hot
flashes. weariness. Widnes and bladder troubles
where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex.
I want to send you a c replete 10 days treatment
entirety tree to prove to you that you can caro
ou•Itnt bottle. racily, ulckly Watt enrol Remember. that It will cost you noddy to give
treat meet a rn'npl.t o trial; and if you should wi.h to continuo, it will cost you only about 11
rats • week, or le+.thaft ttoocentaaday. It N ill not interfere with your w ork or occupation.
Jest send me your same and address. tell me how) oilter. If yonwb.b anti 1will.cndyou teo
treatment for yourca...entirelrfin plain wra.1wr.bryret ore mall. 1willal.o/endyonIrrs
elcosl,my book --"WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISER"withezplanatory illnstratlon..how
Ina why women queer. and how they can eaailycure th, ipoler,.. t home. F:vrrywoman ehoubt
have It and learn to think ler herself. Thenph.':;thotltn'toreay. "Ymtmust hsvrnnopern-
tJon,"you can dee'Liofor youn+elt 'I'houaandsof nom.•nhave cured thotnt.lcrawith gay hunto
remedy. It c'ar's a11. old or voltam. To M.thera of Dauaiaer.. 1 will explain a "ample hon.o
treatment which .q.eMily and "'M. -4,1411y cure. 1.t•oeorrhova, tlreen Sickness, and Painful or
ktetvitar Menstruation In Yu'tng L..•liea, Plumpn.r..a and health always result from it. use.
'hererer you Ilya. 1 can refer yn'a W Lath-', of your awn locality who know and will /gladly
tell any .0 /refer that :hi. Meme Treat meat really cores all women'" dt' ease,t and stake. women
WSll.strong. pill mp and rote let. Just Aetna res your address. and Lifetree ton dare tmatmenti4
yours,; ileothubusk. Write) today. .s ))n nil, fl)l yoe may not. seechi.etreragain. Addr•es
-FOR -
Ale and Porter
Only medal foe Al. in Canada.
The great practical mining school of Ontario in
three department.•,
Commercial, Shorthand d Telegraphy
We assist graduates to positions. The demand upon
us for trained help greatly ',tweed.; the supply. The
three most recently placed are receh ing $40, l50
sad Steeper umeth respectively. Business men
state ear graduates are tee best. Enter our classes
new. Cet our free catalogue.
Council stet pursuant to adjournment
in Town Ball, McGillivray, May :loth.
All members present. Minutes of last
meeting were read and signed. Rosser -
Nickles -That accounts amounting in ell
to $383.90 be passed and orders issued
111 payment. among the items for pay-
ment being $150 to John Hall, dam-
ages for injuries received on the Town -
line recently. Poore-Murdy-That By-
law No. 7, of 1910. appointing valua-
tors for sheep killed by doge. as read
a first and second time, be read a third
time and passed. -Carried. Poore-Mur-
dydy-That Andrew Fartney be appoint
ed in the room and stead of Wesley
Dowkes as officer to prevent animals
running at large. -Carried. Adjourn-
ment to Monday, Jutte 27, at 1 o'clock.
J. D. Drummond, Clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin O'Neil of South-
gate visited with \tr. Will McDonald on
Sunday. -Mrs. John Bloomfield and two
rhitdren are spending a few days with
Mr. John Bloomfield. sr. -Miss Josie
eVhlteford visited 1n Clandeboye over
Sunday. -Mr. Tont Gilmoure of Fort
Huron paid a flying visit to friends
here last week. -Mr. Albert Simpson had
a successful burn raising last week. -
Mr. Joh:, Bloomfield .tt,d Mr. Sam. !tod-
gine spent a couple days In town last
Marshall Miller is in Lo tdot,
this week on bush:,',',.-\ir. Ed. Mara
1 j-.. etas sold his vaiuthle farts to Mr.
Le • tot e7.500, --Mr. elute. Fraser of
Part Huron has returned home after a
p1' ,sant visit with his mother.
Mr. and Mr's. .taroSnerritt, of N.
1) Ikota, w'ha have b c:; visiting friends
it 1(ensall :and Exeter for a few wreken
returned to their brothers mere on Sat-
urday. accompanied by Mr. and airs. T.
) [landlord, who returned home Sat-
urday evening. -Mies La itclle hand-
rd spent Saturday with Miss Hazel
v .. mitt. -Misses Hazel and Lydia Shrr-
ritt. also John Leve and sone took In
the picnic from CNettenary on Saturday.
-.ire you golag to the picnic will M the
Auestlon asked now.
SemkSteel Fire -Pot -Not Gray Iron
AFTItE-P.►T of a furnt,e
should 1,.- able to endure
tr nn n.l.,us heat and to
repel the attacks of sulphur
The material commonly used
for a fire -pot is gray iron.
The Sunshine fire -pot Is .Vemi-
Now, avoiding technical
Orme. gray Iron has what
may he called "open" (Mores.
Through there eipen" p tees
the deetrw'tty a sulphur feta',',
:attack the Iron and h viten
On the ,ether hand. Semi -
Steel is a ctwe-grninel nta-
terlal. with a smooth -as -glass
surface which practically seals
or "cioses" up the pores. Semi -
Steel easily repels the attacks
of gas fumes and thus greatly
prolongs the life of the firo-
A Semi -Steel fire -pot weighs
it) per centheazter than the
same 11:.- and pattern in gray
iron It is therefore better ahle
t•' endure tremendous heat.
Remi -Steel Is made by an
I rc lrssi; a Mcl'lary prn,•ees.
You . an only get a Sem)-Steel
fire -pot with a McC'lary
furnace. That is one strong
reamon why you should have
the Sunshine Installed In your home.
Our agent In your locality will tell
you many other reasons. Ask him.
Remember, the Sunshine Is
guaranteed. by the largest makers
of furnaces In British Empire, to
heat your home to your entire
satisfaction. 4S
Il .-
1 v- it
O1NE flR
London, Toronto. Montreal. Winnipeg. Vancouver,
Et. John, N.B , Hamilton. Calgary.
For Bale by T. Hawkins & Bon, Exeter
Mee. Bell at l.0:.don is visiting A'.t!.
Mrs. D. S. Faust. -Mr. and Nits. C.
Fritz vlslted relatives to Iiantllten this
wc.k.-Mrs. Lydia Bosscnbcrry of Ber-
tin, to visiting friends t.ere.-Mt. Edwin
;a:.d elites Enuna Zoeller of New Ham -
belle. visited at the home of \Ir. Thos.
Jo'.:nato:; last week. -Mrs. Isaiah WI(
neer of the Zurich Road had the misfor-
tune to break her ankle recently ,whlld
wmrklng' around tete house.- Herrman
ikndcr Sr., spent three weeks on a bua-
fuss trip in Detroit. -Philip ii.tuch, at -
ter at; illness of some weeks le •+lowiy-
;ecOvcrl;+i;.-Mr. John Ne enter ani'xif'
..t New Hamburg, vlolted wile Mr. and
Mrs. Fred \\'lamer last week. -Mr. Ern
Glee visited last week with Isle brother
Henry Gi. s ;.t S. Jacobs. and Itis son
Albert !n il�rltn.
Council met as a Court of Revielo:t on
\Vednesdav, June Is,. A number of
minor changes were made -Duncan Stew
art's buildings were reduced *700.00.;
tire-.• dogs were added to Dashwood.
At the council hotting the following bus
'nese was transacted; Accounts passed.
J. Wright & Co., $99.12 ; Municipal
World $3.59 ; E. Warns. hauling grader
1.50 ; J. Laporte grading. etc., 39.00 ;
C. Either, working grader 8.t)0 ; lI.Guen
tier, work S. B., 113.20. The petition
of it number of ratepayers of the 2nd
and 3rd concessions to grant them the
privilege of using the road for a tele-
photte line was passed. Adjournment to
July 11th at 2 pen. -F'. Hess. er., clerk.
Dr. Scllery, wife and son Lorne were
In Tor)nto last week. The doctor at-
tended the Dental Convention.- Union
Services of the yletewdist and Presby-
terian Churches were held last Sunday.
lathe morning the services were Ln Car-
mel Church and In the evening to the
Methodist church. Rev. E. McL. Smith
pre trhed at both services.-M(ss Bertha
WIMil who has been spending the win-
ter with her sister in Montreal arrived
hoots on Tuesday night. -We understand
t•utt Peter Triggerson has sold hie
property in town to Nelson Blatchford,
and Inas purchat ed the Peter ifuetitt
property front R. McArthur. -Mr. Robt.
Johnston of St. Louis, Mo., accompanied
Ile tats daughter, is the guest of Mrs.
Hunt and Mrs. James Miller of Kippers.
They leave shortly for the old country.
SCHOOL REPORT for May of S. S.
No. 5, Usberne,-Sr. IV., It. Kestiee E.
Flutter, E. McFalla. L. Moir, A. Ford
It. Ford: Sr. IiI., M. .l,odie. G. Sic -
Falls. C. Johns ; Jr. III., F. Higgins.
O. Kastle, T. Ford, It. Moir, R. Perkins.
Sr. II., A. Boulter; Jr. II„ A. Fiord.
G. Perkins, C. Prout. Pt. II„ C Fisher,
O. Moir. Pt. I., L. hicks.
E. L. Mclhtreon,teach, r.
Traa follow:ng is a correct report for
;he pupils of S. S. No. 71, Stephen. for
the month of May :-IV.-C. Parsons A.
Willis. J. Willis. V. ilogarth, R. Par-
sot:s, M. Willis. Sr. 111.-1..' Sanders.
C. Triebner, G. Stanlake, L. Schroeder.
Jt. IIT. -T. Willis. ii. Schroeder, L.
Sanders, C. Parsons. Sr, II. -M. Trieu-
bner, I'. Sanders. L. Schroeder, V. Box,
if. I'reezcator, V. Preezetor, L. 11111.
Jr. II. -A. Shapton, R. Parsons. E.
Hogarth. Sr. Pt. I. -F.. Stanlake. E.
Preazcator. Pt. I. -G. Schroeder. V.
Hogarth. Jr. Pt. i. --C. Willis. E. Presz-
cator. L. Parsons, N. Sanders.
\Vat. L. Tricbn+r. teacher
SCHOOL REPORT for May of S. S.
No 1. Cebarne-V. Class. J. Strang. G.
Oke, G. Illatrhford: Sr. IV. J. Dougal,
T. nougat. E. Bell. It. White . Jr. 1\'.,
Harvey. W. Strang. W. Dougal. 0.
Rowrliffc: Sr. 1I1.. 11. Nell. F. Nei.
Harris. It. Dirk. G. Moir; Jr. iii.,
.1. Dougal. et. Strang E. Roe/chile, \t.
Dew, J. Olbh• V. H'll, ie. Jarrett. K.
'3.tndtre: 1i.. L. Neil. C. \torr, A. Dick,
i. \titrtu ll, L. Oki,: Sr. Pt. I.. C. Nee.
It. Moir. M. ieougal . Jr. Pt. ,I.. I. Moir
A. Strang. T. Dougal. E. \fltcuell. 1'.
•. i,u ria. No. ton roll, 37 ; average :11.
\V. 11. Itydall, teacher.
ST. \LUtYS.-:\ quiet weddhrg was
eelrbrated at the residence of Mr. Oliver
Aiken. St. \tarys. on June 1st, when hie
sister. Mien Serail Jane• Aiken was un-
ited In marriage with Mr. Ifophlnc Mc-
Farlane of Forest.
%Ir. and Mrs. Jos. Doupe of Kirkton
visited at the home of F. Davis on Stui-
d ay last. -Mr. .and Mrs. W. J. Davis
a;td Mr. and Mrs. it. W. Hodgins visit-
ed at ieryaneton the guests of .Mr. .and
\ire. Garfield Nutdham Sunday.-J,enre9
Tur:,cr is going to move onto the farm
' 1' I;.te re:,tcd from McDonald e.- \►r.
.a -,d \ire. Wil►i.ents were called away
Sunday to Watford owing to the death
of the 1ttter'e Lather, Thos. Malts. 111s
death was 1 wa'd by his fallin3 from
.e barn. He only lived a few hours. -
airs. N. B. Davis, Frank Davis. W. J.
Davis. Fred Davis. and Frank Smyth
also attended the funeral In W.atf trd
on Tuesday. Mr. Maine is a nephew of
Francis Davis of this place. -Mr. Ua,.
\1cKellar and sister ICatie visited at Mr.
McDonald's last week. -Mr. and Mrs.
Will Scott visite.1 .at the home of F' .J.
i)+vie Sunday.
Tne Farm, r'" Bulk has opened ;a
branch here In itani;ar,'s Hous" -opr:t
Tuesday and Friday. -Dougal \trTsaau
will raise his barn this mummer. -John
Deitrich la building a new kitchen.-Mre
Joh•, Lynch has returned from Michigan
where she attended her mother's funeral,
-Janes Hannan has his Temperance
House and Stable in excellent condition
to accommodate the public.-feetator V.
Rutz of New ilambutg called on old
friends last week. -Fred Geiser ie er-
ecting a new cement herr house.- Herb.
Itarlton Ie putting a centrist wall un-
der hie barn. -\ire. Fred. llelntzntar,
has been called to the bedside of her
father hear Tecewatrr, who 1s at the
point rat death. -Christopher F'Inkbeiner,
who received a severe bruise while at
work in Aweitzer's portable saw mill
;e progressing favorably. -Mr. y.tmuel
1' weiterr has all the timber o:; the
ground for the erection of .e new saw
mill, flag mill, dropper and elder mill.
talc, 9weitzer, who Is the it''eve of Ste-
phen, is attending the County Council
at Goderh'h U,Ie week. -The beautiful
rain./ have refreshed the growing crops
sleety, but we are now anxiously await -
:ns more sunshine and heat.
There was a large crowd ttec'r Thurs-
day in reference to the school site. The
judge reserved decision. --Mrs. Ilodglus
has t he best garden of potatoes In .he
village. She platted a year ago and
dug theta up this spring. and there
w.ts c;toatgh s':'ed left in the ground for
another crop. They look splendid. -Mr.
E. O. Jones of London was here Met
week. -Mr. Jos. Fly:ttt la worktn3 on ttee
Clandeboye vect,on of the L., H. and
11. Railway. -Crops i:o general around
i.a re are looking eplendtd.-Mr. E.
Mara sold his ateGI!ilvray farm on the
London and Godcrictt road to Mr. W.
Lee for ;t7't'`t..-Mr. F. liodgins sold
fifty acres of his farm on the London
a:1d McGillivray townl[ne for u good
sunt. -Mr. .\. ilodgitts of the Courses
line has bought an Ora \\'ilk's spring
colt for $100, -Several people here plant-
ed onions to raise Dutch 'fete. They -
SEAFORTI1.-W. i'inkard & Son, who
nave 9'eu rat tying on a large dry
goods and clothing business here for
a :;utttbcr of years, have decided to go
out of business in Seaforth. and, will go
to Calgary. :Uta., where they have al-
ready leased large premises.
))A\ Y FIELD. -Mr. John Tippet void
hta residence and harness shop last
week to \\'rat. Foster for $1400. The
buyer gets possession 1n November. -
lfarry Darrow has purchased the Com-
mercial Hotel from Mr. Sant. Mannus.
of London, who has owned It for the
past three years. Mr. Darrow formerly
owned the hotel and ran a good house.
The license transfer is being advertised
in another column of this paper.
Children Cry
Organ and Piano
and Tuning
G. PEDLER, late of Chicago,
hits decided to remain in
for sorne time (indefinitely) and will
wait on the music loving public in the
capacity of piano and organ tuning
and repairing. He has made it his life
work aud is thoroughly reliable, guar-
anteeing all work. Following are a
few prices:
New Strings 25c each
Tone Regulating $3.00 up
General Tuning $2.00
Key Levelling 50c
Overhauling from $10 to $23
New Action and Hammers
for Square Piano..from $25 to $$I)
Re -Varnishing. Polishing (leaving
like new) done at lowest figures.
Estimates on Pipe Organ Tuning
& Repairing furnished on request.
All work satisfactory or no pay.
Ordereleft at
John Pedler's Residence
South Main Street, or O. PEDLER, EXETER, +.ill
receive prompt attention.
LUCAN-Mr. W. A. McLean of the Cee -
teal Hotel havl:tit completed the chat:gen
and intprove:ner.ts required by inspect-
or Mugladcty. .a.ud provincial limp-etor
Snider, was grunted a license by the
Board at their meeting on Tuesday.
CLINTON-Mt. ar.d Mrs. D. Cattteton
arutounce the engagement of their scconl
daughter, Ida Iseb •I1 Pearl. to Mr.
Andrew Wcath, 'wax of Orlllla. man of
Sir. 11. Weatherwax of Tills:ebur,;.'Poe
1 1 *rrla-ge takes place on Juue .I s'.
ewe -
Children Cry
Iter. 5,19 Joao 14,28 Aug. 9. 23
Ray 3, 17, 31 Jsly 12, 28 Sgt. 6. 20
Leave Tommie 2.00 p.m.
�'y,� w •beve days
Osl Sand Tourist Sleepers.
rst and d Class Cwc6ea,
Alsply to -nearest C.P.R. Agent or write
L 'Thompson, D.P.A.. Toroato.
All rot ao/a1WMS' ?AIBP ILLY
brings to light things not drei;tt 1 of
'rafor.'. Study the
from here and you'll agree It'a all Its
uveae "MODEL signifies. For rich
cakes and Wes and dainty roll% and
home made bread. try it. It kills 1.1-
tligest o:e every time.
increase the value of any house -save money because their
scientific construction means fuel economy -eliminates
after costs, because built right by men who are skilled in
the science of heating. Secure our FREE book on "New
Idea Furnaces." It solves the heating problem for laymen
in a practical and econgtllical way. It gives reasons for
"New Idea" superiority ''xplains exclusive devices and
tells just how they Make for furnace perfection. Write for it.
For Sale by Ma ,e »; , N` `
When it Comes to Pie, Madam,
Words Fail Us
Even in the long ago when the preacCh�j laid "Dearly Beloved".
even then did we tickle our fahcy with the greedy thought that
he rea/Iy meant -PIE.
For pie, in each of Its myriad varieties. is the grand wind-up to a
j:y spread, the last act of a play with a happy ehding.
Do yOu make good pie, Madam -pie that is pie ? Do YOU ?
Says the eminent editor of
the New York Sun :
The apex of a wedge of pie
is the o'horing overture 10 J
"cnrsc ado 4( dsr'ig*t wltai *
"reaches as climax in the
"crust ens', and es this
• 'ends? becomes part °I onise
one knows :An pie is for."
Tire "crest end.' is the final
'• cause of pie itself its raison
".f hrs. the saurian of the
b.'iss/W1 riddle, why is pie."
Rut the crust 1s made of flour. you
know. and FIVE ROSES Is • sae-
1•r+s' flour for pie crust. and psi'f
paste. aud such like.
. • • •
Because, Mistress Housewife. FIVE
ROSES makes your paste close
grained. even of texture and eating
With a delicate. indescribable fla-
vor, sweet as a nut. tender and rich
In color and appearance
'f you should make such pies.
Madam, with the FIVE ROSES
crust end" -
Whether of apple, or lemon. or
tartllke peach ;
Whether of healthy custard,
juicy pineapple, glorious
mince or dear old pump-
kin and squash,;or all soppy
with the rich red ;nice of
the cherry -
Why you get the flower or
the pie Jowly ev-ry time (no
black sheep in that faintly I,
a truly seeeel-rat. tasty
With richftllingo`. your own
composition. daintily baked
in a crust that ;eaves no unpleas-
Never tear the div- ver,g'ance of
an offended stomach. or any
calamity due to"tnside information-
-If you use FiVE ROSES,Madam.
Then watch the ('.ngry wedges
disappear, showing fin._ appreciation
of YOUR culinary skis'.
T3 say nothing of the surreptitious
pieces between :Heals. y). know.
And pie 11 13 at cis wry bot.! when
wrapped up in a FIVE ROSES :rut.
So, Madam, ,se your tum ;•, igment.