HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-02, Page 8111[:D man's suit speaks
for hire as plainly as
ilk card. His card
tiutply tells his natne,
while hie suit proclaims
bid personality to every
One he meets. Every
body call understand
clothes language. Our
Suits always speak fav-
orably of the wearer.
Call and look over our Stock
before buying.
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
Dusiness Locals -- Read Them
Metes Fane, Vests; just the tiring for
warm weather. You trill like them when
you ser them. Call in. Steuart.
PLANTS FOIL SALE.—Two housa::(1
Geranium plants, also Asters. Stocks,
Ageraturn, Verbena, Double a::d Single
Petunsa, Ferns, Salvia, Colts, and all
kinds of plants for hanging baskets,
Early Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomato,
Celery, Etc.. at lowest cash prices.
LOUIS DAY, Market Gardcrcr,
Special reduction in millinery will be
offered for the next Fifteen days at
S tetra re's.
THE ADVOCATE from now until Jan.
Jet, 1911, for 50 cents.
Summer underwear. our summer
stocks are complete, A great assortment
of weights and qualities in all sires at
We hare the best stockings we hart
ever shown,in Flack and Tan, all sizes.
2 pair for 26e. Stewart.
NOTICE—To the Sharcholdcra of the
Exeter Salt Works Coe—Gentlemen, you
will please take notice that the annual
meeting of the said company will be
held Friday, June lOth. at 2 p.m. 1n
the Town Ifall. By order of the Board,
T. B. Carling, Secy.
Remember tre sell Bias Filled and
D and .-i Corsets. Eery pair is guar-
anteed. Stewart.
Saillegs of passenger *teenier, from
Sarnia for Soo and Port Arthur every
Wednesday and Saturday at 3.30 p. m.
m. Also additional saillegs on Monday
May 30th.
Sailings from Colliegwood 1.30 p. m.
and Owen Sound 11.45 p. m. Wedner
days and Saturdays for Soa and Georg-
ian Bay ports. Tickets and reserva-
tion■ from any Grand Trunk Agent.
Rev. Illct.ard Hobbs. Pastor
Sunday Public Worship -10.30 and 7.
Cass Service -9.30 remand atter Morn -
Ing Service wed Wednesday night.
Young Men's Class and Catechumens —
Sunday at 2 p. m.
Sunda) School aed Bible Classes— 2.30.
Kpwor'h League—Tuesday 8 p. m.
Prayer electing—Thursday 8 p. m
June 5th—Thos. Ilartreell in the morn
Eng. In rhar4c of the L•:ague at night.
To Sftop for on
We have the finest lines of
Fancy Suitings
We re filled up with the new-
est and hest goods for the mak-
ing of clothing. and we do the
making in the best of style.
Msr.bset Tailor- Rioter
Fir Mr
Il.Iklkatk Ik aft s>ks1aallk
The Lo:td.aa conference of the Meth-
.itst church Is meeting Ire Chatham this
Mrs. Hodgson, Ilurou street. is again
in very poor health and under the doc-
tor's care.
Rev. W. M. Martin of London. form-
e fly of Exeter, eltiducted services In St.
Andrew's church, K`ppen, the lie' two
Tne givl:.gs in Canada in 1909 for
'It astonary work totalled 41 1,9116,069,
•trcording to the Laymen's Missionary
'Jove'nrnt report.
Sonne people go around doing good
dctele but they snake an awful howl
about It afterwards—more than spoiling
all they have done.
Mrs. S. 1a. Sharpe addressed the Auz-
iliary of the Women's Foreign Mls-
sionary Society in Thames Road church
on Friday afternoon.
Prof. Duther-ry of Cambridge Univer-
sity, England. will deliver his famous
lecture on the Book of Job, in the Kirk -
ton Metlsadlet church, on the evening
of June 16th.
The return game of baseball between
Exeter and Clentraila on the local dia-
mond of Wednesday evening of last
week resulted In a tie, 5-5. \Vat. Boyle
of Centralia umpired.
Mr. W. R. Elliott of Centralia, who
returned last week from the \Vest, had
sold his interest in the farms and livery
stable at Langhann. Sask., to his part-
ner, Mr. James Beatty, formerly of
some people imagine a newspaper 1s
published for their benefit entirely and
do net remember that space in the pa-
per is the editor's stock in trade and
except for news items should be paid
for just as you expect to pay for a
dozen of eggs bought at a grocery
Mr. Al. McDonell last week purchased
Mr. D. Gillis' residence and premises
on Mill street and intends veneering the
house with brick and otherwise beauti-
tying the property In the near future.
Mr. Gillis moved last Friday with his
tinily to Parkhill where they avlll atakc
•'.err future home.
True farmer 1s the man who moves the
world. If he should go out on strike
and refuse to raise a trop it would urn-
doub;edly proeuce a more disastrous ef-
fect than would result front a universal
atrikt' of all the other labor organiza-
tions oamhined. In fact he could par-
alyze the world; yet there are many
people wit.) do not seem to know !,ow
much more our prosperity depends o•t
the farmer than it does on the dude
with the cane and waxed moustache.
The Concert under the auspices of the
E_-etrr Baseball Club on Wednesday
t113ht last was patronized by a good
attendance. The entertainers were The
Southern Serenaders. a band of Jubilee
Singers, who gave a most excellent en-
tertainment in song, many of the sel-
ections being old plantation melodies,
which everybody delights to hear. The
concert was considerably above the av-
erage and deserving of even a much
larger patronage than it was accorded)
A number of people have been enquir-
ing as to the family name of the late
King Edward. According to Donohue,
who is the author of "Queen Victoria
and Her Reign" the surname of King
Edward was Busicl. The following is
taken from Donohue's work; "IIer Ma-
jesty and Prince Albert signed the mar-
riage register and it may be here men-
tioned that the name of the Queen 1s
Alexandra Victoria Guelph, while that
of the prince consort Francis Albert
Augustus Charles Emanuel Rustel"
Other authorities give the prince's name
as Wettin instead of Busk!. Probably
the latter is the family name from
whlrh he took rank.
Right Wor. Bro. L. H. Dickson, Wor.
Bros. W. 1'.. Taman. D. W. Collins and
R. N. Creech, and Bros. R. G. Selion,
Chas. Seawright a::d I'. Sweet attended
the Masonic Lodge of instruction in
St. Marys on Thursday last and spent
a pleasant and profitable afternoon and
evening with the brethren of the various
lodes of
Huron District.
t South on and
witnessed the exemplification of the
first. second at,d third degree a in Ma-
sonry. Most Wor. Bro. McWatt of Sar-
nia was present and added much to the
insttuctiveaeas of tine occasion. The St.
St. Marys lodges aro to b' congratul-
ated on the success of their efforts to
entertain the visitors, while itt. Wor.
Bro. i(odgins of Lucan. D. D. °NM.. is
also to be rommendcd on the success
of the first lodge of Instruction in
South Huron.
Mt S. Fitton. who for some years
has tied the town clock under his
charge. last week informed us that for
some time past boys have been In the
habit of tantperi:tg with the works of
the clock and otfnerwise Interfering with
its proper regulation. The boys who
are guilty of such c eeduct should rer-
talnly know better and de better, or
a just punishment should be meted out
to them. Another detriment to the prop-
er conduct of the clock, is the winter
time particularly, Is the lack of glass
facing over the hands. Would 11 not
he will for the Council to secure covers
for the facts and thus auist in mak-
ing the Oak an efficient time keep -
We are also given to understand
that the boys have been guilty of oth-
er unwarranted and destructive capers
n and about the Town Hall.
\t:\NSiON I1Oc'9E.—Mr. John Leathern
or taken possession of the Manston:
Clouse and Is prepared to give the best
acconttnodation to farmers and others
desiring hotel acc•ommodatlon for them-
selves or horses. A number of regular
boarders will be taken. Mr. Leathern
er a former prop:toter of this hostelry
and many of his old friends will remem-'
b'r els good qualities as a host.
THE SPHERE—Last week Mr. N. D.
'tandem received front his brother In
E:)gland a copy of The Sphere. a hand-
somely Illustrated magazine pubaehcd In
London and sold tor one shilling. The
manlier 1* devoted almost entirely to
the life and character of the late Kir g
lelward VII. and was profusely Illus-
trated with pictures of Ills Majesty
front infancy to death. one being a
hitherto unpublished plctur. of Kitts ed-
wtrd. This number of the Sphere was
gold shortly after publication for five
w ,l1ngR.
Tom Carling war int Loudon Wedncs-
I1r. S. G. Bawden spent Tuesday in
1Mlu Ethel Armstrong 1s home from
Miss Mary A. Tapp left Tuesday for
Virden. Dart.
Dr. H. K. Hyudntan was in London or
Monday night.
Mr. Elmo:e Sen' )r o: Toro tto is via-
ttny his pareeta 1t_re.
Mr. Frei Elilot of Halleybury 1s vie-
'ttng els mother here.
Dr. Prlght was in Londau on profts-
t o tel business Tuesday.
y11 Arc-. Morlock and daughter of
^situ' .•.. • visiting hely.
Roy !.w.:' e of Londo:r visited his
f fiber Mat >I. .day night.
Lyle Hoppt. af Belgrave visited his
aunt Mrs. Ili' n y last week.
Mr. \Vtti. I31lkwlll, sr., visited In Lon-
don and St. Thomas last week.
Miss J. S. Murray, teacher, visited her
brother In Dundee last week.
Mr. Fred Rroeks of itldgetown is
here on a visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. \\'m. Dignan of Lucan
spent Sunday with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gauld and family
visitee Mrs. Geo. Brooks over the holi-
Mts. S. Shaddock of Detroit is visiting
her father, Mr. Etherington, Thames
Road. .
Drs. Kinsman and Rouleton arc at-
tending the Dental Convention in Tor -
01 d1).
tire. (Dr.) Snell of Essex with
her children, 1s visiting her mother; Mrs
atlas Laura Davis of London spent
last week with !ties Willis Exeter
Mrs. Harrison and children went to
Londe!) Tuesday to remain for some
Rev. II. T. Phillips of Ravenswood
spent part of thia week visiting his par-
ents here.
Mt'. Fred. Southcott arrived here
Tuesday and left immediately for Grand
Itend Park.
eras Anne Sanders returned Monday
evening from a visit at Clifford and
)ire. Jas. aturn-ay has returned front
Toronto, where she visited her sister
for Bone months.
Mrs. McKillop and children returned
to West Lorne Tuesday. atter a visit
at Dr. a lcGillicuddy's.
Mr. James Bawden returned to his
duties in the Molsone Bank at Port
Arthur' on Wednesday.
Moe. C. Pitney attended the funeral
on Friday of her cousin, Mr. Freder-
Ick Itath, near Blyth.
Mr. Dyer Hurdon and Mrs. Bence of
Buffalo are here visiting at the home
of air. N. Dyer Hurcten.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knight of St.
Thomas spent Sunday with the fernier's
mother. Mrs. Chas. Knight.
Mr. Geo. Baker and eon of Walkervllle
spent Sunday with relatives here, while
Mrs. Baker visited in London.
Mr. Will McLaughlin of Brantford
was In town over Sunday with hist par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlan.
Mr. and ML's. Shirley T. Dobler and
family left on Wednesday morning for
Iluffalo to spend two weeks holidays.
Mrs. Chas. Prout of Ueborne was cal-
led to Port iluron Monday Owing to the
serious Hinesa of her father, Mr. Wm.
Phalle a
Rev. Mr. Redmond and son of Thames -
ford and Prof. Odlunt of Vancouver vis-
ited at Mrs. John Dignan's part of this
Thea Misses Gosset returned to their
home near Kincardine on Saturday after
a we I 's visit with their aunt. Mrs. ttc-
Mrs. 11. Murphy was in Blyth last
week attending the funeral of her little
mere who was lulled on the railway
Mr. J. H. Markham returned Thursr
day from a visit with friends at ilrurt!-
field. lie is this week visiting frirtds
at Hensel!.
Messrs. 11. F. Eilber. Wm. II. lirowr,
and J. K. Schroeder of Crediton were
ticketed from herr to Ednnontort. Alta..
on Tuesday.
Mr. Wes. Far,eoa, traveltcr le Western
Canada for the Municipal World. St.
Thomas, spent Sunday with relatives In
town, the guest of Mr. and etre. Rich.
Mrs. W. T. Goedisort was u:,ahir to
return home to Sarnia last Thursday
owing 4t her son Jack becoming 111 of
measles. Mr. Goxllaon was here over
Mrs. James Wanless and children of
Duluth, \Finn.. atrivtd Here oa Satur-
day evening to visit for some weeks
a' the home of Mrs. Wanless' parents.
Mr. an t Mrs. L. Hardy.
itis h. Hill of the 4th Oen. ,t4tephrn,
h ft o•t Tuesday morning 'or Dewberry.
Alta. He will also visit friends at
ntaldstote. Alta., Winnipeg and Cryst-
al C`'ty, Man.. and Calvin. N. Dakota.
before returning.
Me and Mrs. Oto Seuthcott of Tor
onto visited relatives here during the
week end. and have since gone to Greed
Bend to ramp for the summer. Mr. South
eott rendered a much appreciated solo
in James Street church on Sunday even-
Mr. and airs. Wm. Oreenley, who
have been residing here for some time.
and formerly of Credito:t. let' Monday
for Rarnie, where they intend making
their future how. Mr. and Mrs. Green -
ley are gold eltttens and we regret
t".err departure.
The Ezeter Council read& a tour of
'nspeetlon on Tuesday.
Mr. 1. Armstrong ha• be cut:fled his
residence by • very pretty pore?, to the
1 t new stat -ed glass windows arc
bans placed in the Ji•txs street Meth-
odist church.
eras Merrhandeve ever held In 'teeter
at the store one door north' of the Poet
Offee. $verythl::g must go. Store flr-
tu vs wilt also b weld. Sal. comms -ccs
Saturday ACV 4th, front 3 p nt. 10
p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.. and
perry we g o' c to; oAi.,c we,s Ev-
•..ei a ,cue' go as th-• at )r' :s Pc -
S •.e•tel.
Wheat lei 90
Barley 45 48
Oats. :i. al
Peas 71 75
Potatoes, per hag 50
Hay, per ton 1:t (10 14 00
Flour. per cwt.. family 2 60
Flour. low glade poi ea 1 45 1 50
Butter..... .... ... 18
Eggs . ••- 18
Live hogs. 1t cwt .. 9 80
Short- per ton 23 00
Bran per ton 20 00
THE ADVOCATE from now until Jan
tat. 191 1 , for 50 cents.
On 'Wednesday of last week a n31111,21-
ormerpopular Exeter young lady. Miss .tuna
Martin, daughter of Rev. W. el. and
Mrs. Martin of L,ndon, became the
bride of a former Clinton gentleman,
Dr. J. Nesbit Gunn of Calgary, Alta.
Only a few relatives and frelends were
present at the ceremony, which was
performed by the bride's father at their
home. The young couple left the same
afternoon on a trip. to Vancouver, af-
ter which they will return to Calgary
to reside, where Dr. Gunn enjoys all
excellent practice as a specialist. Ex-
eter people join in wishing them pros-
petity and happiness.
T'te Medal Contest under the auspices
of the 11'. C. T. U. held In the ''Down
Hall, on Friday. May 27th. attracted
a goad attendance of both old and
young, who were anxious to hear rho
schoe. children give their recitations
and choruses, all of which were thor-
oughly enjoyed as well as were the se,
lectlons by the Hensall Orchestra. The
srecitatiolns and choruses were all of a
temperance nature. Miss Beatrice I!ow-
ey wort the medal for senior scholars
and Mester \Vitae Manson that for the
juniors. Among those who recited were
Olive Macdonald, Etta 13owey, Blanche
Quance. Lola Taylor, Madeline Carl-
ing, LILtah Boyle, Joe Follick, \V1IIIe
'Manson, Lula Hastings, Ethel Hun-
k:n, Nellie Rowcllffe, Verde Geiger. Bea
trice Howey, May Darch and Stella
SHOWER—The young ladles' sewing
c:role honored one of their number on
Tuesday evening whet. they met at the
home of Mr. A. Dow and 'showered"
hie daughter. Miss Jeesis Dow. with a
large variety of uacfui articles. prior
to her marriage on June 15th to Dr.
Hugh Roy Lis:daay.
lie YOU WANT Graining, House and
S'gn fainting. Lettering. Show Card
Writing, Paper Hanging and Decorat-
ing. seo GARNET It. FIEVWOOD. Ex-
Piano for Sale
One gooi ascend Land piano, American
make, nearly new #160, at J.I'EDLER'S
Main Street south.
IBran & Shorts
4}Ee'8411 C -Cd OC C C-CCe C4}Og t
Flour, 1
Cement, Lime
R. G. Seldon, Exeter
atfi>•ti aft I4r Atsl:
Feed and Seeds
4 All the BEST GRADES of
flour always on hand.
Breakfast Foods such as
1 Poultry Foods & Feeds such as
Oatmta1,71be for 25o
Wm. Rivers
Davis' Old Stand - EXETER
Having purchased the BUS
and DRAY htneiness of MR. WM.
ARNOLD, 1 desire to announce
to the Public of Exeter that 1 am
prepared to give you the hent of
satisfaction in work connected
with the hnsinesa. For the pree-
ent order. left 1.v phone or other-
iCE, PHONE 25, will receive
prompt attention.
T. G. Creech
mean easy cooking
Front a '• Oar Burner Hot Plate " to a " Handsome Cala.
Burn gasolene or alcohol.
net Range."
It burr,. mute air at,d less
gisoliue than all othrre.
Perfect Combustion!
Simple and Durable!
No Smoke! No Odor!
Absolutely Safe!
Pure Fire!
We have the largest as- 1
sot•tnnent of vapor, gas°.
line and oil stoves in the
A purple tapped cart iety, rte rnhlteg DVestbitry, of splendid uniform
growth, tome (herrn •411(1 .,f haud,oute shape. It resists mildew better
than tiny other Se. de. U -p(1 for conking purposes. it is unexcelled. In
sections where huge 111ta1011it•s are grown for the Autertcan tnatket,
the growers and shnpp.-ts will have no other. Very short crop. Re-
fuse all substitutes. 10e. Ile
We also have in stock Sutton's, Champion sad Na11's Westenry
Hawkins' Stove & Hardware Store
One Door North of Browning's Drug Store, Exeter.
People about to go housekeeping
Should CaII at Rowe & Atkinson's
and see how easily and cheaply you ran furnish your home. A walk
through our store will show you. Here you will find the largest and
hest assorted stork of furniture in the county, cotupriting
Tables, Chairs,
Parlor and Bedroom Suits,
Kitchen and Dining -Room Furniture
In fact everything to he found in a first-class futttitme tote 1tt such
low prices that defy competition. We have n large number of 1.awn
and Veranda Chairs which are selling at remai kably low prices.
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
This is the time of the year for your Wash Dresses,
We are in a splendid position to supply your wants.
Our stork was never so good or showed su•-h a variety
of utaterials in all the leading bbades.
New Rajah Linens
We have a nice assortment of
this fashic nable cloth. Calors
•re Tan. Blue, Linen, Cham-
pagne and Green.
Prices per 1'd 25c.
Striped Limes Muftiess
These fabrics make up very sty-
lish for Dresses, Suits nr ('oats.
Our stock shows a gond variety
of colors and stripes.
Prices 2$, 30 38 stn. per Yd
Cotton Stepp Saltless
In these you will find a tempt-
ing abowing of colors including
White, Blues, Tan, Champagne,
Amytbist and Resin,
Price per Yd 28c.
Gingham§ aed Chaetbrays
Plain Chambray" and Gingname
Also Checks, Plaids and Stripes
which are in demand. We carry
a full range of colors.
Price per Yd 12ic
Stylish New Wash Suitsm•.„
We are showing a very swell range of Wash Suits for the Reason.
Do not fail to ape thein as they are very stylish and all the go.
For $6.00
We have some very swell wash
suits, plain or striped with fancy
trimmings. Just try one of out
85 soap.
For $7 00
Buys one of our best wash suits.
They are real smart and one of
the beet you ran huy for the
money. Well made and good
Big Reduction in Millineryv.,,
Our Milliners are oferingsome epecial reductinne on Millinery for
this week. Now is the time to buy your summer Het. Our stock
is right up to the minute and you are sure to get the right .tyle..
Mens' and Boys' Furnishings-.
We are elwaye up to date with our Gent's Furnishing'. All the
summer grods are now ready for you. Nothing hut the hest shown
New Felt, Straw, Crash sad Lissa Mats sed Fumy Caps
Mens' and Boys' Clothing's...,
Just arrived 2110 Mens' and Boys' Spring and Summer Suite; alt
bought at job prices and will he sold for same. These are the real
nifty stuff in two nr three piece suits.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing