HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-02, Page 7COMMIE () TO HAD TRADE PERIODS. i NEWFOUNDLAND I STOCKS
Pinch of Poverty and I'nelnploy• PAy'S TRIBUTE
meat Cause Crime.
Much light un the growth of
1 Very Severe Case at St VitUS crime in periods of bad trade i,
git en in (;alit h criminal statistics.
It is clear that there are thousands
whom the pinch of poverty and
unemployment drives to pilfering,
but the number of habitual crimin-
als is remarkably low.
The increase in indictable offenc-
Dance Cured by Dr. Wil -
hams' Pink Pills,
6t. Titus dance is a common dis-
ease in cbildr••u and is also found
in highly strung men and women.
The unly cure hes in plenty of pure
blood, because pure blood is the es in 1909 was 6.73e, the total be -
lite food of the nerves. And I)r. ini; 68,116. Such a rate of increase
Williams' Pitik Pills is the only Ila- nut, been exceeded since 1861.
seediciue to make this life food he -
More than half of the increase oc-
cause they contain the elen►ents
that actually make new, rich, red curved in Lancashire, Durham, and
blood. This statement has been the East and West Ridings; less
pct ven over and over again and than one-sixth of it in the London
now from Port Maitland, A. S., district; and nearly all the rest in
comes• another remarkable piece of
cm:fence of the power of 1)r. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills over disease. Mr.
Lyndon 1•:. Porter, is one of the best
keown r•r,idents of that town. Ho
suffered front a. severe attack of St.
Vitus dance, and got no help from
medicine until he began using Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. He says: -
"My case was unusually bad. I
was compelled to abandon work, I
found it impossible to sleep, and
night after night would toss about
iu bed. I was receiving medical
at seition, but in spite of the careful
treatment I gradually grew worse.
My limbs jerked and twitched to
such an extent that. I could not
the mining and manufacturing
nock at the r.. ord of 1 n,' 1...►.• ,f il..•
tly+!rle rind wes•ern lean-r•L•
Milling Companies.
& Co.
"Gracious, man:" exclaimed the
tJ• t tor. "What have you been du -
leg' Your temperature is up to
":Ind 1 feel worse than ever I
did before," murmured the patient,
bu- o 90 Bay Street, Toronto "and all through that rotten diet
you ordered.
"Impossible, man! I told you
quite distinctly to confine yourself
to such foods as would be taken by
a three-year-old child."
"Well. and didn't I f show your
oiders'1" groaned the patient.
FROM ALL QUARTERS. "Rather! During the past twenty-
__ _ four hours, doctor, I have con -
Interesting Notes From the World's sumed throe apple cores, fourteen
Four Corner,. ends of burnt matches. numberless
stiips of potato -parings, and four -
Canada has over 3,000 lawyers. and -twenty boot buttons."
In Russia, 900 persons are killed
1 OHALT y11.'.•ER t\n POI:, !•PINE
Fishermen Regard 'l'hein as a l O,Id i:t•wke bought and geld En•
gineers' Reports on Porcupine write for
Boon to Mankind- Mr. Frank particulars. P 9 Ilairetnn. YS )canning
ereede. Toronto, Ont
Banfleld Telly How They lured
His Backache.
Garnish. Fortune Bay., Nfld.,
May 23 (Special). -Among the fish-
ermen here, who through exposure
to wet and cold are subject to those
pains and aches which curve from
diseased Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney
Pills are looked upon as a positive
boon to mankind. They are never
Back -
regions. It has only to be recalled tired of telling how their aches and their Rheumatism vanish
that. 1308 was a year of great de- before the great Kidney remedy.
pression, of mining, shipbuilding :among many others, Mr. Frank
and cotton disputes, as well as Benfield, after years of suffering,
has found relief in Dodd's Kidney
Pills, and hero is what he is telling
his friends :-
"I find Dodd's Kidney Pills the
best medicine for Backache I have
ever used. I only used two boxes
crime. The latest police estimate and they cured me of Backache I
of their total number is 4,235. hat' had for five years. It started
There aro reasons for thinking that through a strain. My father's back
they are decreasing.. also bothered him, and he got some
:,e. The ordinarily good charac- relief from ono pill I gave him.
ter, who succumbs to temptation. They were too precious to give
prt•longed cold and wet. The crim-
inal authorities are driven to con-
nect these facts.
They submit the following classi-
fication of criminals: --
1 The "habituals," who live on
by lightning yearly.
Shareholders in private banks in
Sweden must bo Swedes.
The heat of an ordinary fire is 1,-
141 degrees Fahrenheit.
Int Get -many, 30 per cent. of the
forests belong to the Crown.
Carrier pigeons usually fly at the
rate of half a mile a minute
an acre of cultivable land. cases, the crude salves made up
Over 835,000,000 is spent in a The ardent controversy which has
year in wages for the British Fleet. from rancid animal oils and fats, hien waging in England and Ameri-
witn mineral coloring and scented ca concerningthe best way to dis-
Officers of the Civil Service re matter to hide their unpleasant ap-
New South Wales must insure earanco and odor! Remember that fees- of school boys in the long sum -
their lives. p , mer vacation has prompted the
whatever gets into the pores, gets Grund Trunk Railway System to
The 12 inch Elswick guns used in ileto the blood. 'Lam-11uk cures is: ue a specialpublication giving
the British Navy weigh 69 tons. and where other things fail. Use it. f n
g srggestions and practical hints to
parents, as to what to do with the
school boy during the months of
July and August. The vacation
c'renin is one of the solutions and
the publication entitled, "What
snail a Boy do with his Vacation 1"
tl oroughly covers the ground. A
copy may be obtained for the ask-
ing by applying to Mr. J. D. Mo -
Dc rald, District Passenger Agent,
Union Station, Toronto, Ont.
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
owe their singular effe,•tirere.a la
coring Rheumatism. Lnntbaro and
Ii-iatica to their paler et stimulate
t enlat-
Ing and atrrnitti ening the kidt.oys.
They enable 11,.ee organo t•' thor-
oughly alter from the bl.•od the
uric acid the product of waste
matter, which g• to into the Joint*
and muscles sell causes thes., pain•
fol dis Over hall ■ century
of constant nee hag proved conclus-
ively that Dr. V• r.r'v Indian, R•)H
Pill.+ strengthen weak kidneys and
Cure Rheumatism
ar 1r•011 anti wood -working machinery,
eaginca, boilers. steam pump.. ga•otia*
'virtue~ electric motors. contractor'
machinery. etc Rend fur catalogue el
over 110 machines R W. PE'FRIR.
Limited. '1oron.o. Ventre''. Vancouver.
"Zam-Buk" is best for chafed "That's right," said the teacher
places, sore feet, or inflamed patch-en-uuragingly to the very small boy
es. caused by friction. For babies'
who was laboriously learning his
sensitive skins it is especially adap-
A B C's, "Now, what, conies after
tee, because it is of purely herbal 0r
composition. Don't apply to the ''Whiz."
delicate skin of your children'ells- ei-
ther for cuts, sores or skin dis A BOT'S HOLIDAYS.
the shells from them can penetrate
nearly 4 feet of wrought iron at 2, -
cress the flour without falling or uch as the
ano thieving servant. the him more. All persons suffering 01..0.aplessis to have sea baths ca
coming in contact with some piece
shoplifter,guilty of em- from Backache should use DoddsF-
able of accommodating 40,000 per-
sons. They are to be supplied with
hot and cold water, so that they
of furniture. I could not raise a
glass of water to my lips so badly
dile my arms and hands tremble
and shake. I cannot imagine more
severe suffering and inconvenience
than one endures who has St. Vitus
dance. Jly father being a drug-
gist.. knew of the many cures ef-
fected by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
awl advised me to try then. I did
so, and with ,iho most happy re-
sults. In less than two months
from the time I began the use of
the pills I was a well man, and I
have not since had the slightest rington was only £389. It is not -
symptom of the trouble." able that vagrancy increased and
All over the world Dr. Williams' drunkenness diminished.
Pink Pills are making just such '('here is within the last fifty years
cures as Mr. Porter's. They go a substantial reduction in offences
right down to the cause of the dis- against the person, showing the int-'tembor 10, in the vicinity of Koen- plaints, the most effective remedy
ease in the blood. In this way they provement in manners. Probably ig'berg and Danzig, on the Baltic that can be used is Dr. J. D. Kel-
have proved in thousands of cases Trost of the crimes of passion are Sea legg's Dysentery Cordial. It is a
to cure anaemia, headache and by the section of the people respon- Although not on such an immense standard preparation, and many
backaches, rheumatism, lumbago, siblo for offences against property. scale as the operations on the f,et•ple employ it in preference to
neuralgia, nervousness, indigestion, But the increase in the number french frontier in 1908, the man ether preparations. It is a 'highly
decline and the special ailments of of cases of burglary, robbery, re-; oeuvres will be particularlyinter- P p g
3 er rcentrated medicine and its se -
growing girls and women. Sold by ceiving, and coining is very mark-' osting owing to the fact that the •dative and curative qualities are
all medicine dealers or by mail at' ed It seems to indicate recruits fleet will participate in combined
%00 cents a box or six boxes for g2. ! P beyond question. It has been a
roc, from The Dr. \Williams' Medicine, item the class who in better times 1 hiding operations, and that ankle' popular medicine for many years
lige honestly.
bozzleutent. Their number remains Kidney Pills."
fairly constant. There is no good Why do Dodd's Kidney Pills cure
reasou to suppose that the stand- Backache? Simply because Back -
peel of honesty among respectable acho is Kidney acho, and Dodd's
people is being lowered. Kidney Pills positively cure all
3 The ineticicnts and hangers-on kidney aches and ills. This has
to the fringe -of industry, who can' been proved in thousands of cases
earn a living honestly in good times, in Canada. If you haven't used
bet are the first to feel the pinch them yourself ask your neighbors.
o! poverty and distress, and are +
then easily driven to crime. Their GLRH.t\ .RMY MANOEUVRES.
offences are small as to the extent;. _
of poverty involved; for instanced Nearly a Million Soldiers are Ex -
the amount of 21.1 larcenies in War -
peeled to Take Part.
The German Imperial army ma-
noeuvres, at which the Emperor
will bo present, are to take place
this year from September 8 to Sep -
also, for piles, festering sores, vari-
cose. ulcers, cuts, burns, and every-
day injuries.
Johnny -"The right way to spell
'high' is h -i -g -h, isn'tit?" Auntie
may be enjoyed at all times of the-"Yes�dear. Why do you wish to
know ?�Johnny- 'Cause I m
In every 1,000 marriages in Great writing an English composition
Britain, twenty-one are solemnized gout the hyaena."
between first cousins. Among the Norms cause feverishness, moan -
nobility the rate is much higher, ing and restlessness during sleep.
amounting to forty-five in 1,000 hltither Graves' Worm Extermina-
The heaviest ship afloat is the tor is pleasant. sure and effectual.
Rt tterdam, a new Holland-Amcri- If your druggist has none in stock,
car liner. Her gross tonnage is
Get him to procure it for you.
23,000; she has eleven decks. and,
can accommodate 4,015 persons -
passengers and crew. Her speed Horner -"Meeker says he tells his
is seventeen knots. wit( everything that happens."
Gayboy-"Huh, that's nothing- I
tell my wife a lot of things that
In the treatment of summer com- never happen at all."
Ce., Brockville, Ont.
' nu.st recently discovered methods and thousands can attest its super-
_,. of communication will be utilized.: iur qualities in overcoming dyson-
Airships of the Zeppelin, the tory and kindred complaints.
Ones. and the Purseval types will
Ask any mother who has used co-operate with biplanes of the
A religious worker was visiting Wright system, and probably also
Southern penitentiary, when one
Baby's Own Tablets and she Will with several types of German flying Ditman-"Is Smith's wife a good
risouer in some way took his tell you they are the best thing in mach nes, in scouting and recon• housekeeper?"
the world for curing stomach and Pokrand-"Well, she's a saving
ancy. This prisoner was a negro, naissanco work.
who evinced a religious fervor as bowel troubles and making teeth 1t the same time wireless tele- one; he bought her a broom and a
deep as it was gratifying to the cal- Ir,g easy•
a medicine can get. This is the highest praise gni ply and telephony will keep the them in the s (Inst pari a month ago, and she has
ke t
leeInd we give cornnlanders in touch with the wide- P pare room closet
"Of what were you accused?"
i'nr thes medicine
guarantee of a government • ever since."
analyst that this is abso- l ly distributed units of their armies,
the prisoner .was asked. !arid a largo number of swift auto -
De says I took a watch, an It rely safe. No other medicine in-,
ytended for youngchildrengive mo -'mobiles will dash hither and thi- MInard's Llnmint Co., Limned.
awered the negro, "1 made a good theca such a then conveying staff officers from Yarmouth. V.A.
ftglrt. I had a dandy lawyer, an guarantee. Mrs. Ilobt. (tenebmen, In ianuary last, e.
ha dt-c r, proved an Alibi vvif ten i Mieth, Motham, Ont., says :-"I place to place. L(ientl. one of the men emnln.w.t ►,. ..
witnesses. Den in lawyer he shore t tell howh good In addition to the troops serving
canto a you much ^" "•'tat In 1115 +umber woods, had a tr,•e
Baby's in 1110 regular ailnl' of the German f°ill un him, crashing Aim fearfully. lac
made a strongspeech to de urv. Own Tablets -have done my wa., when found, placed on a sled para
Fut it wa'n't no use. ser; Ilgets Labe, I am sorry I did not know Empire, totalling 621,112 r officers takes home, where gra.o rears were en
and men, no fewer than 365,882 re- tertained ter hie reroyery. his hipg
ten years."
about thein earlier." SOIL by me-,4Cltista are to he called t s, to serve badly
hbruleh; a� dhio,trbod tItr,n,"'A1 ht`k
"I don't see why you were not d'cine dealers or by mail at t.5 cents 'We
a box from The Ur. Williams' Mo- a period with the colors this year, ARD'R Lf\iS(F\T nn him free)• to deaden
acqui'ttt..i." said the religious thug bringing up the number of sol- the pain and with the nae of three bottle.
w't•1 ken, 0:< inc Co., Brockville, Ont. he was completely cured and able to re.
idlers under arms to the formi(lablc turn to his work.
"Well, sal," explained the prix -'�' figure of 977,994. Of these, how- sAtIVEUR DCVAL.
over "dere was shore one weak 1fhc absent-minded professor re-I
only two army corps will take Elgin Road, ',Islet Co.. Que.
p'int 'bout my defence-dcy found tu.r,ied hump one evening, and, of part in the imperial manoeuvres
ds watch in my ,ocket.•' ter ringing his front door bell for
- some time to no effect, heard tho n"mely, the first Army ('orpsTHOSE«hose headquarters are nt Koen THOSE GOLDEN TINTS.
maid's voice from the second storey . i
wind : "The professor is not illi" 't;�beig, and the Seventeenth Amyl Belle Wings -"(ler hair changed
"All right." quietly answered the test's, whose headquarters are at suddenly."
prcfessor; "I'll call again." And 1laDz''g' Kitty Flies -":Ind did it all Como
he bobbled down the stone steps The infantry will he brought up in a single night?"
Tau have used Horns, Trumpets
and other Mechanical Devices in
Vie hope of being able to hear. but
always found the expected satis-
faction was spelled "Disappoint-
ment." If you write to Ernest
Pratt. 468 Yonge Street, Toronto,
y,'i will learn some good news. 1)o
it today -better still -do it now 1
BLi(:11T111) HOPES.
The rich Lachelor sighed and
leek' d nt the beautiful girl fixedly.
Then lie spoke:
"Thing's are at sixes and sevens
with arc. i feel the great need of
.woman in my home -enc Who
• 'could straighten out, in tangled af-
fairs, and make life worth living
Her glance spoke an interest
which approximated ext.ectntit,n.
'•Ycs1" she queried softly.
'.110 you know of any goee(I,able-
beeied 1%man tt-hoer 1 could get to
clean hon-.
To Use
V.w 4041 •v•e h.•• In \n,... whet kind nl rine*
year a•v*d• •r. .»d. n1 1%NP Itt• M ♦I 1.
M,...tn 're 'urinous' 5 ►,n• sed *..,.n0•1
('Mins M.onto D.»1tell mtit M. Ilmowee toed
Md an•.e1.1 fr••
TM boa.•••- RsAard•ne f n I *meet M..Mres1
Keep Minard's Liniment In the house.
About all some men here on earth
'(cm to he good for it to keep push-
ine a cloud of cheap tobacco smoke
up into the air.
EVERY HOUSEKEEPER must often art
as a family physician. Painkiller for all
the little ills, ruts and sprains. as well
as for all bowel complainta is indispens-
able. Avoid substitutes. there is but one
"Painkiller" --Perry Da..'', 25e. and 50e.
"Tell me the worst, doctor !"
cried the hollow-eyed patient in
tones of anguish. "I can't sleep,
or think, or drink ; food is distaste-
ful to toe, work abhorrent! What
is it? Is it death?"
"Oh, no !" smiled the physician.
"Just keep a glass of milk and a
biscuit beside you, and every night
the last thing you do, make a light
"But, doctor," cried the patient,
'you told me on no account to eat.
an: thing before retiring!"
"Pooh, pooh!" said the doctor.
"That was three months ago. Sci-
ence has made enormous strides
since the:."
A Bonn for the Bilious. -The
liver is a very sensitive organ and
eerily deranged. When this occurs
there is undue secretion of bile and
First Venerable Man --"I saw old
Bill James just now, spot} lie had the
assurance to tell me that ho felt
as fresh as a two-year-old." Soo-
ond Venerable Alan -"Likely he
meant a two-year-old egg."
Is there anything more annoying
than having your corn stepped up.
cit ' Ts tl.ere anything more des
It htful than getting rid of it.? Hol•
levity's Corn Lure will do it. Try
it and bo convinced.
"Alas!" confessed the penitent
man, "in a moment of weakness I
stole a cartload of brass fittings."
"In a moment of weakness?" ex-
claimed the judge. ''Goodness,
man! what would you have taken
if you had yielded in a momenb
when you felt str°ng 1"
Tool for free sample is Dept. W. L.. No
HOW Drug • Chemical Co.. Toronto.
TiIE LINOMAN TRUSS will hold any rstuelble
erns,.. E:ndoned by foremo.t mistiest me
Write for particular/. a. 1•INDJIAN, (Reed)
Is Your Hearing Good ?
tho acid liquid flows into the ate- The NEAR ()PRONE will give you tho
Mitch and Sours it. It is a most behests of good (searing Send for free
(lietressing ailment. and ninny are Of bookl.aet,tifiring r• Aparfic
leu.ars and names
afied usen
hit ne to it. In this tttndition a Special Offer for a Month's Home Trial.
man finds the best remedy in Par- THE SRAM) ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED,
melee's Vegetable Pills. which are 334 spading Avenue, Toronto.
warnted to speedily correct the
to war strength, so that about 85,- Belle Wings -"No; it all cone in'
There is no better mcdi-
An Always Ready Pill. --To those Ogagef0 e'end. altogether will be en- a single ounce. She got it at the eine in the entire list of pill pre- .
druggist's," ,a 1 saioas.
of regular habit medicine is of lit- 4. 1
tie concern, but the great major- Pain is a Punishment.- Pain is • POR RHEUMATISM at 1, not neve,eary V
ity of men are not of regular habit. to gn to Ifni Nprir' s Jus use ' The n "This confinement," said the
protest of nature against neglect
]h• worry end cares of businessnst a r.' bremhnt Plaster, and results will pllsOn visitor, "must distress you
prevent it. and out of the irregular- jos f tnesho b egardl odilv health.
tg the physical1care- aim
Lawr� ie��e'ompanya.1manu fartnrrr.Ari4 greatly." "Yes." replied the face -
icy of life carnes dyspepsia, indi- Aition. It steals; in at the first op-;-- - 1 tious convict. "I' find the prison
gestion, liver and kidney troubles fcrtunity and takes up its abode Ile was trying a horse with a se,. bars grit;ng." le life to you
as a protest. The run-down sys-in a man and it is sometimes die-! to buying hie. and noticed that af- is a failure:- "Yes; it's nothing
ti .n demands a corrective and there1 ter drivingit few miles the animal but a cell !''
fault to eject it. Ur. Thomas Ec
is nano better than T:irmelee's Vc- i,•ctric Oil will drive it, out in short f'ille'd very hard, requiring a finn1 -
Retable Pills. The, are simple in hand and constant watching. ••1)o Ye.e Dru*itl.t N 111 Tell rn.
Oldei. Pain cannot stay where it
K' Afurine E;y.- t:••nsedy 10 Ile. es ore byes,
their composition and can be taken is used but immediately flees away. you think this is just the horse for 8. ulbe h - Weak E:ye.. I s 1171 tjhi.trt,
by the moat delicately constituted. a lady to drive ?" he inquired Hoottes Est. Pain, and S•Ils fur 'ht. Try
Jluriue Inr Your- J y.. and in "Ah"doubtfully. "Well." answered the j;yea for scaly yelids and Granulation.
Mrs. Grouch --"Why do you per-
sist in referring to the folding bed
a1 'he' 1 Any particular reastet !"
01.1 Grouch "Well. it. shuts up oc-
casienally, doesn't it 1"
Minard's Liniment Lumberman's friend.
1 kindly old gentleman was tel-
ling some lads the story of Sam-
son. "Ile was strong," said the
speaker. in summing up. "became
weak, and again regained his
strength, which enabled him to de-
stroy his enemies. Now. buys, if I
had an enemy. what would you ad -
viol me to dor' A little boy con-
sidered the secret of the great
It. is difficult to convince the chap
who has it monopoly that conrpeti-
tior is the life of trade.
Minard's Liniment used by Physlelans.
Little Johnnie --"Father. what
does 'apprenticing' mean'" Father
-"It means the binding of one per-
son to another by agreement, and
that one person so hound has to
teach the othrr all he can of his
trndn or profession. whilst the
ether has to watch and learn how
things are dine, and to make him-
self useful in every way." Johnnie
-"Then I suppose you're appren-
tieed to mother. aren't you, dad?"
iincient's strength and his hand "Do you know, sir, that I gni
went up. "Get a bottle of hair re- very particular with when, my
-toren :" he exclaimed. sI tighter keep, company ?" said a
pomp''', father. "Then i snipes,.
I• is easy to forget the .stomachs v,.it are tray t•ften away fr.,ni
Hi the leer while fighting over their h• roe," ret tried the smart youth
' Ovula. who was thus setibbed.
owner, with an sir of great candor,
"I',hest say I shouldn't really want COULDN'T BE DONE.
to be the husband of the woman ,1 man of hesitating den,,' iii i
who could drive that horse," entered the general store. and
girrnectl about him in the mann.'r
of ene who knew what he wanted.
but eould not see it.
''Yes, sir 1" said the assistant.
"ton keep, all kinds of felt goods
here. don't you t" asked the custo-
"Yes. sir; everything made in
felt, from easement -packing to
"Well, I'm afraid you haven't
g(t what I'm looking for."
"if it's made of felt, sir, I'm sure
we )late."
"\Well, then," said the cn,tnrn-
er, "let me hate a long -felt want."
Ask for atina'd's ani tali• no Other.
It's hit•1•n-1 tint u••• to h.•' r•1•r ,111
1 N U
1 4h I: \0. 22 It the c • N'• tient 1••e
Corsi "When, °perattnrs• All who are ate
flirt.A with this ds•eaae and wish to h0
tared permanently, aafel• and aid.ktp
with this great homeopathic remedy.
•barb wit) be gent pnat•paid anywher0
fa the world with full Instructions fog
being •n air to effect a permanent core.
Price t' Addre.,
ishn T. Walt, Homeopath,* Pharmaoyp
Armories, Caned,.
%1417RALtxfA, FIL4MCNY.
7CfOlifita tae%LL AttL *
Ray 1war s newly Ris
Ref curse the w'r•t
'Wis. in from Men to
+.•senen•• mlon•ea
ewhe. her stet or
aer•on.•. Tnn'h•
srh e, enrafgr e.
Lumbago pales and 'ssknevl
In the
r,ir.e or kidney,.
amnn4 the Ilyer, plead,;. swelling
of the olnte. and paves n. all kin4e, flan
war'. Mealy Relief will be a Eget any, e!.
feet a ps,wlan n overs.
Braids, '1 1-• , S t1
Switches. 72 to •,
1n. Iena,tl.se tot
Puffs and Curls. s1
1.1 • cl:,sten, t' ",1
Turban Stitt, elm
plot,, Iv
- @raid, by th. yard
1tt 11
1n4 Cent's Wigs, from 11; 511
reser: Toupee, 1,0n • 51, '1•3
Mat• Net,. ecus large, • t,r
Tu.rb,n Pads, • - ;; ,n 7'1.
►t • re shad.' r • r . Artwr• error !; n
r•." fret %....,I ....7-1,10 •1 hair at.d
re.h with order
HAY A MONltlt,
tit King $t.West • Torranto.