HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-02, Page 5The Ideal Beverage
Now when chemists announce its
judges its merit, one need look
.\ PALP. ALe,
palatable, full of
the tirtues of malt
and hops, and in
sparkling condi-
tion, is the ideal
purity, and
no further.
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital (paid up) -
Rest Fund - - -
lies 72 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
at all ('ranches. Interest allowed at highest current tate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
I)ic siN St CARLING, Solicitors.
N. D. HURDON, Manager,
Sour Stomach and Heartburn?
Al all Dra/gists or direct from
25c. a Box.
Wo have a number of second-hand Automobiles that have been
taken in exchange for new style cars, and which are guaranteed to be
in first -claw condition, having been thoroughly overhauled by skilled
tnechanics. These
machines answer every
possible requirement of
country people, and can
1* bought at a decided
bargain. If interested
write at once for fuller
Wo can also make you
an attractive proposition
on the new Cadillac
"Thirty " that represents
the best value ever
offered in automobiles.
Send for illustrated
book let.
Automobiles sed Bkrcks
Mr. hiss. Cunnn:nghant of Pelsley
Bei his his 4rothzr 11. Cumtln;hunt, a few
days last we, k. -Mrs. James O'Rourke
and sod ef London spent last week at
Nlte. F. t••rry'e.
Death of Mrs. harry. -We hiv• fre-
quently referred to the illness of Mrs.
Mary Barry but this week it is our sad
duty to announce her death. whlch took
place on $uaday, %fay 22. and the re-
mains were laid to rest in Mt. Carmel
eemttery on Wednesday. She had been
ill and ronLncd to the hour^ for some
time. "u: Cie closing hours of her ev-
Istenre brouslrt with th. ni peace: and
canines. es she slept away. She was
aged liI y. -ors. Site In survived by a
aro en up fun ly of • roe sons and three
d %writers. R:chard .and Patrick of the
teem ani U-uuel at taono. Mrs. George
Su•tm of Shipka. attn. Wallace of Mil -
w tu.cr^ and Miss Lizzie at home. The
nanny friends sympatthise with the fans.
Ily. 1' e fuloral took place to Mount
Carmel cam tory and was lar.rely attend
ed by sorrowln; friends.
Mr. and %its. 11. Well visited their
"e ldren In Detroit Last week. -Mrs. Ed-
mund Troyer of the Parr Line. Is vls-
elng her daughter I1rs. Wm. Jarrott at
l'. glen. -Mr.. E. Zeller left last Wed-
nesday morning for Merit,' to visit her
p cents, NB. and Ntre. 1.. 11. Marshall.
for • few weeks. -air. Louis %Veber Is
the overseer for the erection of the new
Niennoaate church, which Is being bunt
;ore.-Nir.. Heyrock. and Nilsson Ella
and Elizabeth Rennie vfelted friends at
London and Wmorletav•k over the holl-
days.-?ire. John Foster a:td daughter
Mire Annie visited rel..tivr s In l'etro:t
las: we.k.-Mrs. Aaron K.icrchcr of the
Dronnn Line, had the misfortune to
bre ik her ankle one day last week.
Clinton. -The marriage of lteuble E.
Stirling. daughter of ,1r. and Mrs. John
Stirling of Clinton and Nir. Edward J.
Lee took plat, at Jackson, Mich., May
girth They are spandlrtg two weeks vis-
iting relatives here, after whtrh they
will reside in Detroit.
Houses built for sale sell quicker if
are installed
The "New idea" Furnace adds a considerable percentage to the market
value of any hoarse. it pays the builder to instal this best of all fur-
n..ccs and gives the owner absolute satisfaction The " New idea " is
a mencs••saver because its construction is a guarantee of furl economy
and durability This furnace iS repair and trouble prof Because
of its exclusive feature` it is lie.\Sii.V operated and ELIMINATES
dust .,nd dirt. Vet. the "New Idea" crests no more than just t.rdinary
furnaces. '.rite for a copy of our FREE book, "New Idea Furnaces '
it irises the proofs of our claims
For �il't'i 1)V Mks a of donors sod Coshing
Geode for N Yews
\V .1 Neaman Ex' ter HAMILTON • ONTARIO L77
John Buchanan of Toronto University
Is home for the holidays. -Mrs. I1. J.
D. Cook and M as T. Shirray visited
Deuo't relatives last week. -T. Palmer,
sr., spent part of last week with his
daughter, Mrs. Miners at Alvtnston. -••-
Melvin Stoneman Inas gone to High Me-
er, Alta.. to reside. -Mr. Hope, who
has been visiting her parents, W. Dueh-
enatt and wife, for sense months has
gone to Druntbo.-Mr. :ted Mrs. Blateh-
tord, whc• have been visiting relaU7ea
Lt ill i lees tion for aome time, atarted
ea the return trip west last week. -Fred
setelettembc received a telegram Mon-
dty of test week 1100'1104 him of the
deet't of Ills father. Win. Sntallacotnbe.
at Cryetat City, Man. Fred and his sis-
ter. airs. Wm. :McKay. left the next
day to attend the funeral. The old gen-
rlo.nt1n, who was f0 years of age. was
run over by it team of horses. Tile
deceased moved to Mensal! 84 y^are
-ago and went west five years later. See
Exeter news for other partlt•ulara.-Sun-
d ay next union services will be conduct
ed in the Presbyterian and Methodist
churches, the Methodist pastor being at
canference.-I1. Reynolds left last week
for the west to eaglet his son Percy
with his contracts arid also vlsit rela-
t:vc'a.-Thos. Siterritt bald a family re-
union last week at which his brothers
John and Aaron and a number of sis-
ters were present. -Rev. John hart lett
on Monday for Chatham, having been
appointed a member of the stationing
committee which meets two days before
the regular conference aaaalons.A large
crowd attended the entertainment by
the Southland Serenaders under the
. uspices of the band on Thursday last.
It was a very deserving affair. -Last
week as Andrew Archibald .vas leading
terse b;hlnd his buggy to deliver it to
!toilet McLaren, the animal jerked hint
out .if the rig. and he was ,later found
lying insenslblc on the road near the
Iced Tavc t n. Ile was not seriously In-
jured. -Thr Sellery orchestra which
took part in an entertainment In Exe-
ter Friday night gave excellent matin-
ee Celt
The death occurred on Sunday 1.181 of
one of our oldest and most highly re-
spected rt•sidenta in the person of Mrs.
John Charlton. relict of the late John
Charlton, aged 80 years. Deceased had
been 111 for several months of a general
breaking up of the system due to old
age. She with her late huaband, who
died 19 years ago. cant-) from Shields.
England, 52 years ago. and Settled In
eicGtlltvray where they resided until
death. The funeral took place Tuesday
Four sons and two daughter(' survive,
Ed. In Williams Township. Go,. pn
the homestead, Wm.. of California, at
present home, and John of Exeter; Mrs
John McEwen of 4th of McGillivray and
,Mary Jane at home.
How do you feel to -day ?
Not quite rive ? Energy a little be-
low standard -not strong enough to
stake much exertion 7
Nyal's Cod Liver Compound is 'that
you need.
Dorr't get frightened about those
words "Cod Liver" You'd never know
It from the taste.
It's a real tonic containing cod liver
extract, extract of malt. wild rherry and
hypophosphites-a splendid combination
The cod liver extract bullds you ups
n o does the extract of malt. The wild
['terry eoethes the bronchial tract and
the hypophosphites supply phosphorus
to the nervus system -just the thing
't needs.
And the test is pleasant.
As an all round tonic, sl •tngth re)
sourer and body-builder you 11 find no-
thing heater than Myers Cod Liver Com
pound -so why look farther? You will
• pleased.
?' to pre • Is one d311ar.
W. S. 11OWEY, Phm B.
Chemist and Optician,
Exeter, Ontario.
- -Ev..e To Free. --
Many of the farmers with heavy hay
Lands are thinking of breaking tient up.
ae the ravages of the white grub which
has been more or less prevalent for the
t'st two or three years are so severe
this year. These grubs 'do not seer to
bt present In the lighter or sandy tootle.
but only In the Linde which, without
their pre weer. would produce the Heav-
iest crops. The ravages of this pest are
very severe. eating the roots of the
grasses and leaving the surface of the
ground bare. The effects are very
similar la the hay lands to the ravages
of the well-known 'wire worm" In the
wheat crops, which Is also very preva-
lent this year around Exeter, though
nor local. Farmers blame the dull cold
weather, which does not encourage the
growth rof the plants.
soverehros -�- Years
William the Conqueror 21
William I1. 13
William 111. I3
Stephen 19
John 17
Henry 11. 35
Ili my III. ,,, r.6
Iicnry IV. 11
Henry V. 9
Henry V I. 32
Htnry VII. 24
Henry Viii. 39
Edward 1 33
Edward 11. 21)
Edward 111, , , 49
Elward iV. .., 22
Eta. %rd V. (months) 2
Eiward Vi.
Richard 1. fra
Richard 11
Richard 111. 3
Mary 1. 5
turn Ellzahet'1 41
James I. 22
Jews 11. :1
Ctarics 1. 23
Charles I1.... '24
)ueert Anne 12
George 1. 13
George I1. 33
'Jrorg ' 111. rk)
George IV. 10
Wllllent IV.
Queen Virtort.s 64
Edward Vii. 9
ton Depertnte.tt of Agrl.ulture at Ott-
awa has arranged for a series of fruit
and poultry meetings In what la known
as the Lake Huron District. There
will also be orchard deutonstratloas.
T:;cse n:eetirigs will be held In this
county as fuliows.-Exeter, town hall,
on \Wednesday. June 1st ; Zurich. town
ship hall, Tnuraday June 2nd; Bruce.
Cell. Dixon's Hall, Friday, June 3rd;
ltolruesvllle, Saturday, June 4th; Blyth
elondly, Jute 6t1 ; Auburn. Tuesday,
June 7th; Dungannon, \Wednesday, June
801; Lut-know, Thursday, June 9; Brus-
eels. Friday. June 10th; Wroeeter,
tieturday, June 11th. All the meetings
will begin at 7.80 p.m.
W1NGILAM.-.\lies M. Kilpatrick 1s
suffering front a fractured skull, sus-
tained when thrown front a rig while
driving to church on Sunday night.
When the rig was nearing the town,
the bridge broke, the horse bolted. and
the three occupants were tlrpwn out.
Miss Kilpatrick was taken to the ftoe-
pital, and Miss Beecroft, whose leg. was
broken, was removed to the home of
Thos. Cassels.
The Fenno s' Institute of South Ilur-
on will run an Excursion along the, llns
of the Grand Trunk Railway tb Guelph
oil MONDAY, JUNE 6th. 1910
Ile nsall
Dublin 8.30 1.10
Colurnban 8.25 1.00
eldren over 5 and under 12, halt fare
Train will arrive at Guelph 11 o'clock;
re urning leaves Guelph 8.10. Tickets
gold going only on one train; valid
to return following day.
The advantage of a visit by fanners
ers and others to the Model Farrn are
to3 well known to need comment. Suf-
fice It to say. that no farther should
miss this. the only opportunity they
will have this season, of visiting the
)tole! Farm at such cheap rates. From•
en educational standpoint to the farm-
er t!.ere is nothing better ; lntereetl:to
lectures on the different subjects en-
trusted to each Department of the Mod-
el Farm will be delivered by eminently
qualified persona, which cannot help
but prove highly Interestlad and in-
etruc•tive, and on the whole. the visit
will be one of great profit and p:easure
to all. A Free Lunch will be served
In the Lecture Room.
Ales. Mustard, B. S. Phillips.
President. Secretary.
Table and Rates
6.50 $1.35
7.0: 1.35
7.20 1.25
7.26 1.25
7.36 1.20
7.55 1.20
9.17 1.15
The Council of the lownshlp of Steph-
en met In the Town Hall, Crediton, on
Thursday, May 26th, at 2 o'clock p.
nt. All the members were present. The
minutes of the previous meeting were
read end adopted. Tenders were receiv-
ed for the construction of concrete cul-
vert on the road opposite Lots 15-16,
Con. 20, Stephen. it was resolved that
the letting of tenders be left over un -
111 the next meeting of the douncil.
Wuerth-Yearley-That the Reeve sign
the required forms to drain the side -
road between Lots 15-16, Cons. 7 and
8 under the Ditches and Watercourses
Art. -Carried. Gravel contracts to the
amount of $553.50 were let. The fol-
lowing orders were passed :-Wm. White
gravel contract. S. 13.. $30 ; R. ltutche
;neon, grading S. 13.. $35.62: 13. Cun-
ningham, rep. culvert. 50r.: Ed. retort-
er. drawing tile. 16 ; 1i. lfarlton, rep.
culvert 1.00; S. Stanlake et Son, plank
1.20 ; J. McLellan. gravel contracts, blk
7 and 11, S. 11. 47.25; John Hays. mnt-
nnlssioner S. H. 3.75: W. Clark, rent
for yard, 1.5 0 ; C. II. Wilson, commiss-
ioner S. 1). 1.'25 ; W. 0. Reilly, cotn-
missioner S. 11. 2.50 ; Wesley Jones
con niers oncr 8. R. 1.25; Sundry per-
soas, repairs to court roost tables $4;
Jos. 'Luer. statute labor of 1909, I1.0o
Arthur Kestle, rep. culvert 1.00 ; It. 11111
rep. :3rd S. R. 7.50 ; rep. culverts. 1.50 ;
L. Glanville, tile and work, 5.70; Gelate
Kirttzle, grading. 34.20: F. Kerr, brick
`i its. 3rd S. R., 31.80; J. Carruthers.
rep. Shank's bridge 5.00 ; 11. ilaytt'r.
refund statute labor 6.00. -Total 239.7,2
The council adjourned to inert again
111 the Town lith. Crediton. on Monday.
June 6111. at 1 p.n1.
Henry Either. Tp. Clore
Abollse the Cetusc, and Misery sill leo-
tress of Ind! expos will Van'eh
Gas Indigestion be cured 7 ilut,drele
of thousands of people who suffer Eton
belching of sea; biliousness. sou: 1tonl-
ar., fullness, nausea, shortnrsa of beet.
tee bud taste in mouth, foul bre i' . :,, r-
vnus:.ess and other distr•ssing ?temp-
tonts, arc askir:g tt•en,. "Ise s that ques-
tion daily.
Arid if mese earn, douhting 3yspep-
tits ':ouid only read tide thousands of
sincere letters from people who of cc
suffered as teedly as they do now. but
who have hear, quickie and permanentlY
cured by the use of NIi-o-na, the mighty
dyspepsia remedy that cures by remov-
ing the cause they will go to W. 9. Cole
this very day and get a large box of
%1I -o -rut tablets. and start themselves
on the right road to health at once.
The price of Mt-o-na tablets Is only 50
centre. and W. 9. 'Cole guarantees them
11 curt Indigestion on money hack.
Thin or lean or scntwney people will
find In MI -o -11a a maker of flesh and
blood, because it causes the stomach
to extract more nutritious matter from
the food. which quickly enriches the
Bras[ hitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds. or
Nosey back. Sold and guaranteed by
CROaIARTi'-Jos. Speare. who Ites
been laid up with plturlay for two
weeks and has been very 111, is now get-
ting better and hopes soon to be him-
self again. -Mr. Hugh Norris is Ulla
week moving 1n13 Staffs to retire from
active !onions, havieg given up his farts
to his sats Harry. Ile 1s deserving of
a go,d rest in his declining days. -The
Pottle of Mr. John Leary Is a sad one
.t present. Only last week they lost
t little son with diphtheria and now
Mrs. Leary, another child and Miss
Robinson, the hired girl, are all 111 of
the sante disease.
leIPI'EN.-George Taylor 18 nurs-
ing a very sore hand these daye. Ile
was gathering stones. and while put-
ting a large era- !,t front of the wag-
on the horses moved forward, anti his
[tigers were caught between the wheel
and the ato;te, with the result that they
were hilly smashed. Several stitches
were required to close up the wou
Clintoa,-Thos. Cottle t•ec•elved wotd on
Tuesday that his brother Mr. Geo. Cottle
had passed away at Mountain home.
Idaho. at the age of 73 years. Deceased
had gone to the States last March to
visit his daughter. Mrs. Wm. Ross. and
had been feeling well considering his
Ill health. Ile suffered front nervous
trouble for about eight years.
ItUSSELDALE.-Mr. Alex. Trenttvre,
who was recently severely kicked and
had his leg broken as well as tramp-
ed on by a cow, Is progressing favor-
ably, but it will be some time before
he is Able to resume his farm duties.
Itt'SSELDALE.-Mr. Win. Russell,
who was recently burned out, has mov-
ed into Mr. John Roy's house. The
neighbors realizing the severe loss to
Mr. Russell took up a subscription for
hint and lj200 were collected, besides a
large quantity of bedding. He and Ills
family are comfortably settled in the
law home.
Kipper. -The Presbytery of Huron met
here on Tuesday when ltev. J. Richard-
so:l was Inducted Into the pastorate of
St. Andrews and It111sgreen churches.
Rev. F. it. Larkin of Seaforth presided
Rev. Mr. Percy of Londesboro preached
1tev. Mr. Smith of Nessan addressed
the minister and Rev, air. Fraser of Rae
fiell the poople. In the evening a recep
tioe was held when the ladies of the
two ca:.gregattoioe served tea In the
btsenlent of the church. Then followed
.t program of addresses and muse-.
Chiselhurst.-George G. l'ybue. son of
Mr. Henry Pybus of Tuckersntlth has
just graduated from Wesley College at
Winnipeg. taking the degree of 13. A.
l3rucefleld.-Mr. and Mrs. Geo. dill of
Stanley left last week on a two months'
trip to the old country. They sailed
front Montreal to Liverpool and will vis
it relatives In England as well as 80e -
Ing nralty points of Interest In other
panto of the Old Land.
Staffs. -The Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege, with a view of emphasizing the
value of drainage, are holding demos: -
'orations In different parts of the prov-
hare. One of these demonstrations was
held on the farm of Mr,. John Fell. near
Staff t on March 28th, and proved both
interesting and Instructive to those
who attended.
To All Women : I will send free,
with full instructions, my jtome treat:
went which positively cures Loucorrs
lama, Ulceration, Displacements, Fall-
ing of the Womb, Painful or Irregular
Periods, t'terino and Ovarian Tumors
or growths. also liot Flashes, Nerv-
ousness, Melancholy. Pains in the
need, Back, Rowels, Kidney and
Bladder troubles where caused by
weakness peculiar to our sex. You
can cnntinOe treatment at homo at a
cost of only about 12 cents a week.
My book, " Woman's Own Medical
Aaivist'r•" also sent free on request.
Write to -day. Address Mrs. M. Sum-
mers, I3ole Nan Windsor, Ont{
001140 DATES
Apr. 5, 19 Jose 14, 25 Aso. 9, 23
Nay 3, 17, 31 July 12, 2i Sept. 8. 29
Les,. Toroota 2.00 p.ni.
ess oboes does
Through First and Second Claes Coaches.
Colonist and Tourist sleepers.
Apply to nearest C.P.R. Arrest or write
L Thompson. U.P.A . Toronto.
Are realizing more every day
the value'o( the'Conclse,
memory tkkling !Classified
Want Ads. Make your story
short and pithy and our Want
Ad. Columns will repay you
• hundred fold for the small
Tackersntah,-A quiet but l atere.0^g
evua to)k •plea:' et the home of Mr.
said Mrs. Johan Sproat. Tuckersnnith. on
Saturday, when their daughter Sites
Helena of Detroit was united In marri-
age to Mr. Ralph C. Pokes of ,hat city.
Tel y will reelde 1:1 Detroit.
Hay Township. -Following are a few
particulars of the !lay Township, tak-
e:t front the assessment roll for 1910
recently completed by Assessor Lipp-
eardt.-Area int township. 5'_,486, acres
rleared 48,708; woodland 2.147 ; slash
230; swamp 6.406 ; value of land 11,-
537,657: bulldinge $864,75e; eaemp-
t:ons, $46,250; business 121,786; le -
come #1,350; total assessor nt $2,471,-
79tt.•te. Population 8.071. births 56;
dt., y •J•t.
Children Cry
Court of Revision
Village of Exeter
NOTICE is hereby given that a
Court of Revision for the A:s'es.ment
Roll of the Village of Exeter will hold
its flrst meeting for the preer.t year
in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Fs iday.
the 3rd day of June, 1910, at 10 o'clock
a. in.
Exeter, May 17th, 1910. Village Clerk
�aAa aalillealikagkaaa
Manure litters
Beatty Bros.' Feed
and Litter Carriers
Beatty Bros.' Steel I
Stalls &Stanchions
Can be installed as cheap as
lumber and Last forever.
Overhead Conveyors.
Beatty Bros.' Load
These three things are great
labor -savers for farmers and ne•
cessities on a farm.
For sale by
4 Wm. Gillespie, Exeter 10
around again make a change for the
better by order ing a sack of NIU1)KL.
It is a flour that gives the housekeeper
a right to he proud of her h„king
will yield better and more bread, cake
and pastry than any other we know.
Try a sack to test it. With each bak-
ing tuade from it you'll feel surer and
surer that at last von have found a
perfect flour.
Tho irra' prat •al training school th,tar;o ,u
three department',
Commercial, Stiortbtod d Telegraphy
We sr,t graduate' to t.,fitinna. The ,Mmsn.l upon
us for trainee help greatly at eert. the soap!, The
three most rsrently placed are re.•-r•iog N,, Ktu
int $P„ per month reepeetitvty 13, .i''•.. men
stag our graduates are the beat. Enter our twee
now (;et an free-stalaiue.
I) A. McLACHi...A
Organ and Piano
and Tuning
G. PEDLER, late of Chicago,
ti Le derided to tetnain in
frtr u)me
time (indefinitely( and will
wait on the swish. los ing pnhlie in the
,aparity of piano 81,41 ''Mian tuning
mud fella it ing. 11- he„ node it his life
work mud in 'intro:richly reliable, guar-
.nrerieg a!1 t't•tk. F-Ilr+wing are a
few price,:
New Siting-, 2.1c each
Tone !tern! tr,r a $3.00 up
fient•tAl Tuning. .92.00
Key L�vellin¢ .50c
')vethtiding . .from $10 to $25
New Action 11811 II, (loners
for Square i'iano from $2A1 to $31)
It•' -Varnishing. i'rtlishing (leaving
like new done at lowed figures.
Estimates on Wipe Ortgsn Tuning
& Rep tiring t•arninhe'd nn request.
All work satisfactory Or no pay.
Orfsreleft s:
John Pedler's Residence
t)o'tt` 11e'i 5''..t, o, 0 Pe 0.I.11. a:trTP,R, eel
rear.[ a pea np• [.iasis[.