HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-02, Page 4Ixeter Abliocate,
Sanders et CreecD. Props.
THURSDAY, .iunt' 2. 1910
Mr. It. L. Morden at the end of the
sessiue rpoke very clearly on the sub-
jeet of rtclprocltY negotiations whlctt
tilt L.0 ler Government has promised to
enter Into with the United States. He
' No one le mole desirous than I am
tar good relations reepectbig trade or
any other matter between this country
or the empire as a whole and the United
States of America. But we have other
We have considerations of Canada
and of Canada's relations to the Empire
as a whole.
I am one who believes that the Brit-
ish empire is not very well organized.
ft is more a disorganization than an
organization to -day having regard to
the utter absence of any effective co -
Operation up to the present time of
trade. and having regard also to the
lick of organization up to the present
time, or almost up to the present time.
l:t matters of defence.
Now, [ believe it to be the desire of
every man in this country who has roil
eidcred this subject with any attention
that we rhea at some time In the future
and I hope In the not too distant fu -
Bac, bring about a system of Mutual
trade preferences within the empire,
and I would say to the gentlemen up -
ea the treasury benches that any nego-
tiations which they enter into with the
United States ought to be subject to
that roesiderattnn above all.
• We ought not to place ourselves in
any positi et by any negotiations which
would hanrpc,- our future fiscal action
with regard to any country in the world
"Especially we ought :tot to onterany
sego 1 ttions as will prey nt the Consum-
mation of that great idea which Mr.
Chamberlain presented to the people of
the British Isles and to the people of
the empire eome few
years ago. and
which I hope may have Its consumma-
tion and realization before many years
are passed. i th'rtk it would bt a fatal
mistake. for the government of this
country, whatever patty nilght be In
power. to emir -irk upon a'nv aur't 11 •o-
liat'ons as would hamper o • p-ev-n. the
consummation of that great Ideal.
desire as much as any than may
des e. the extension of the trade of
this country, but I desire ale, the
maintenance of our own fiscal auton-
omy, the maintenance of our own in-
dustries in this country, agricultural,
industrial, and of every other descrip-
"I desire Inst, but not least, that the
fiscal freedom of this country shall be
so maintained that Canada shall be at
liberty at all tunes In the future to en-
ter into the great Keil me of mutual
trade preferences between the mother
country and al! the d tnlltl'ous of the
empire by which the whole empire will
be bound together not only by ties of
eentimcnt, but by ties of Interest and
of tr'de t>' the great good. not u.tly of
the mother Country, but to the great
Good of every dominion of the empire
and to the enormous advantage of this
great Domintea of ours."
Considerable newepaprer gossip is on
the round as to who will succeed Sir
Wilfred Laurier, who, It Is believed,
will z'tot Leig remain Premier. Sir Lo -
mar Gou'n. preniler of Quebec. Is men-
tioned as the probable successor, as
probably the best man to hold Quebec -
for the Liberal party.
in order to secure a respectable at-
tendance at concerts and entertainments
in the Opera douse In the future it
will be necessary that a more strict en-
forcement of order and decorum be
made. Many complaints have been made
since the last two entertainments were
given. There are a few boys and young
then who will have t') b' taught that
the rights of citizens t,) quint enjoy-
ment of an evening's entertainment
must he observed• and the sooner this
:s do:tc the better for all concerned.
Dal you ever notice that the busin.lst,
r..t' who doese't advertise- 1s the ioud-
est '-ogler against people sending to
Eatc•t's or Simpson's for goods? To
a wry large extent you cannot blame
People for sending to the city for
certain articles, h cause merchants who
have those erliegen on their counters tin
trot advertise to tell the people they
Piave them. What do they think of the
farmer who plants his grain and then
says he doesn't rare If It rains or hot.
Advertising t0 the merchant Is just as
P:t" rss•ry as rata to tate farmer.
.\ stattnacnt prepared by the census
:tad statistics branch of the department
of agriculture of Canada meows that
ai:to.tg wheat producing countries of the
weld Ctttda new ranks fifth. le 19119
C'nttdt ranked tenth. Thr total pro-
duction •)f wheal 1•1 ('.ut..de East year Is
given as bushels, compared
with 112,434,•um bushels le 19t18. L•tst
yc.0 the wheat production by roulettes
was as tollawe.-itussl t. 788,472,:1'1t
bushels: United Stat 713.281111.: '+
ht as: France 361 mei, •out "15h•'
[eh in11t 251.592.177 et' .'t.t .•.7t4,
ut)11 euee;els : Italy 1'• ' 7 1 1 - l 'tat 1,
Set r. 144.511 5111 h 1e ale .
'u•+hels : .\tg . • 1
Sgt. urn !tuelela. flu -g try 1.'.. 1.t.:4:
bus': Is; Auttrattt 82.32M 514 t•us' la
Great 1' Italn and Ireland 64.e25.212
bus'.eis. In tiled (ht' it -t .• of pie. ed -
tenet in respect to production was as
!WhewrUnited Slates. Ituasla, F'ran.•e
e• 1 ,41 . Hut gtry. A;genttna. 1• 1 -
'Ctt:nany, Canada. Austral::..
Beware of Ointments for Catatrh
that Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the sense of steel) and
ornpletely derange the bole system when entering
throughthe maeuussurfaces. Such ankles should
neter be used except on prescriptions from repute
bre physician., as the damage they w ill do is tenfold
to the good you can pasihty derive from them.
iiall's Catarrh Cure, .uanufu•lurt 1 by F. J. Cheney
k Co., Toledo, 0., .w.tains no mer: ury, and to taken
internally, actin.; dire.rtly on the blood and wuro')a
surfaces of the system. In buying Hill's Catarrh
Cure be more you g • t the genuine. It is taken inter
nail) and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. elle-Nee
k Co. Testimonials tree.
Sold by all Druggists, Price 75c. per bottle -
?eke 11 11's Family Pills for oon.tipation,
!owing frons the Crystal City Courter
gives the particulars of a fatal accident
that Wel Mr. Thomas Stnallacombe, of
teat place, formerly a resident of Ex-
eter North, who at one time conduet-
e9 a tailor estop there ;--"A shocaing
accident attended with fatal results oe-
curred on Saturday evening (May 21)
about 7.311. o.t the farm of Mrs. T.
Snullacontbe. Two loads of hay had
Just arrived; one had been drivers in-
to the beet and the other was standing
at the bottom of the gangway. Just at
this tint' W. Baker :ltd Dr. Armitage,
who had been called to attend a siek
horse on the farm of W. Smallacunthe,
were returning and Geo. Sntallacvntbe
faked Witt. Sntallacomb:, who had been
here since the death of his second cous-
in. Mr. Thos. Sntallammbe. to watch
the horses while 1.e ran to the road
ro speak 10 the occupants of the auto.
This occupied but a moment and the
:0 arhlne was started again. The horses
eta' ted by the noise sprang forward
the unfortunate watcher off
tele balance, and before anything could
hr done the wheels of rte loaded wag-
on passed over his chest. Medical aid
waa quickly brought, but long before
its arrival the spirit had taken its flight
Tne deceased had attained Isle 700.
year on the 12th Inst. and but the day
before had expresacd the wleh that
when hie tithe came he lnlght go sud-
denly. He leaves two done and two
d .ughtera who reside in the nelglibor-
'.o)d of Itensall, Ont.
The weddin; is announced for the 8th
of June o! Mr. Perry F'. Doupa- to Miss
is`!Ia Conte of Sunshine. -Councillor
Wm. Atkinso.i, un Behalf of Gehoree,
Ind Reeve Walter Gowan of Blanshard
let a contract Saturday to Thos. Blake
and David Hazelwo)d to f111 it, and
widen the approach to Copeland's bridge
t he w tdar • and o John Foster
of t � i n t st
to build a fence each aide. This was
:nu^S needed and should secure its a
eerie better approach during the win -
particularly. -Mr. Allan Gilmour of
Montana is calling on old fi iends and
acquaintances here after au absence o'
twenty-four years. He previously lived
• 1 the farm now owned by Mr. John
' 'u'e.-We are sorry to understand
that Mrs. Jas. Marshall is not irnprov-
'ng as fast as desired •
Mr. James More spent last week visit-
e:a- his hrother at Berlin. -Mrs. \Wen.
Mack and Mrs. Robert Elliott vieltcd
friends 11 Mount Forest. -Mian 11.Kirk
or Te_swater spent her holidays with
'tor mother Mrs. L. Kl,rk.-Mr. Milton
Gregory has nt)vcd onto the farts he
puie user from :firs. W. J. Tufts. -Mr.
E. Campbell who has been visiting Dr.
S. A. Campbell, has returned to his
hour. in Toroltto.-Miss Gladys Shier !s
spending a few days in Platteville, the
guest of her brother. Dr. Steen -Vic-
toria Day passed off quietly in our vtl-
ge.-Mr. Wm. Wiseman has received
the sad news that hie youngest brother
T'•to:itis has bee drowned In New York.
Robert Flelchte• tact Neturday pur-
ee isel a hal! Bert:oa In the district and
on Monday wars offered al, advance on
the purchase price. Mr. Fletcher is a
Juts'? of good land and refused the of-
f ea -The Outlwk, Outlook, Sask.
Mr. Fred Brown has e:•eu -:'d a position
"wit s a shoe factory in Lo.tdott. end itl-
tends moving his family to the city In
a short time. Ilia home will b? for sale
or rent. We are s)rry to lose Mr.
Tru vn and fatally. -Mrs. it. Canning
'1114 returned after visiting with her
friends in Centralia. -The congregation
of St. James church are reviewed Lo
meet at the church Tnurs-Jty evening
at 7 o'clock to make arrangements with
regard to putting the cemetery In good
repair and beautifying Its appzaranre.
We hop: that all will tak : an it t -rev :n
thin h)u•h needed Improvement ant make
.t t surcenge-Mre. Sale rein: and to It •r
hone In Cleveland after spending .. yea.
her_ with her p treats and other rola-
tives.-There will be no service in 'the
Methodist church next Sunday owhnr to
Rev. Mr. Kerr attendlt.g conference. -
Mtse Hattie Ilodglns of lilghgate vet -
iced friends here on Sunday. -Mr. Wut.
Cutateighant of I'ateley spent last week
stere, the guest of his nxothcr-Thure-
d ay. June 27th. there will be a meeting
at the school when tit, Judge will he
present and decide upon the site to
build the new school on. -Mrs. Wm.
Cunningham and daughters E. J.. and
airs, Yager, and also Miss Jane Cue-
11:nghate spent last week visiting with
friends around Ildertott.- Several 0!
our vl)lage !toys took in the t.trrs I,,
Strn'a May 21th and report a good
tine. -Out seha)1 tearher. Mr. Mat tin.
sr:t• in ills ree'gnatlon last week and
'Mende leaving at midsummer. We arc
;nde:d very sorry to lose Mr. Martin
as he was a general favorite with all
alai has had very goad sore's. with the
pue.is of the school during hits two
years stay herr.-Mies Allan 1s visiting
tet • iue'l St 's Myrtle S111tP3)n.-M .
Wi':hun Nell is still 10 a very low stat•
)` teearth.-Mr. John Simpson had tn.
sawing machine last week Attd cut up
aubply of ve eel fo: the summer. -1 .-
vitatIOns are out for the marriage of
'I:sa May .Sell to Mr. Et skint.. a prs s -
p roue farm-. .. tr I'rI wl"y. t a t ik
Mice June 1st in the term church of Fair
at Ilrtnsley.--Mr. Jas. Neale i.1
• 18 visiting In town.- Mr .t .1
Mrs. John Seal spent 24th In Detroit.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the 404
Signature of
M HkeKIN.IIIRl, DAs1IW•i01 Cost EY
Ude E\t l:k. Perils, Wills, Mortgages and all
Legal its oma La artfully and promptly ,aepart.l
Charge.. moderate. Issuer of menage Lkenses.
SIr. Jacob Kellerntann disposed of his
driving colt Lest week t i a 111411 from
Ellin Township. -Mr. Ezra Tiernan hes
purrhasel a fine driver front Mr. Steep-
er near Spidertown,-Several autontobittt.
p fusel through le re each week. S
ro'nl: at a very fast gait too. -T:,•
.+ a good deal of difference of opitau:.
:e• -larding ttte proposed excursion to
d.)derich. Same are bent on going
well:. others thunk it a hard trip. Ou'
thing is certain that there is a poseib-
eity of carryltg such things ,loo far
and many gold people become latent
or indifferent to these matters. Our
own opinion Is that we have about all
we can attend to now. The strawberry
feativalls coming on, and the organ
fund ie not nearly completed. The
church expenses are no leas and in
some eases more, and taking all things
into amsiderattoti It would be well to
eornplete one thing first. llowever, w.
ire roe ferrel to go, neither are we for-
ced to give a ccrtaln suet to each and
ill of the demands that are made upot.
us, and n1 many instances we think it :3
tele to call a halt. -On Sunday next tilt
' unday school will be held at 11 o'c•lo( k
;tnmediateiy after the morning service.
It will be continued thus during the
summer months. -Mt. Jos. Routledge
tete given his Louse a coat of palet. -
Mrs. Wagner continues In very poor
!wattle -Miss theta \Weltin left an Wed-
nesday to take her position as nurse
itt a hospital at \Vlndefor.-What's Inc
neater with the rural telephone line ?
Tttinga seem to be. at a etandstllt-Al-
t oos
1 we have aby-law t ot dogs
can -
a -not run at large without being securely
muzzled litany dogs can be seen trot-
ting around scott-tree. Tills ought not
to be and all good citizens should re-
spect the law, attd either keep the dog
,• tallied up or securely muzzled.
1.iddulph.-Jaines Altkins of C eity,
S oak.. died there recently. He was horn
n t'•iddulph Township and lived for
tit itat years in Parkhill, going to Win-
nipeg in 1873. He Is surviv:d by ono
d'.u3!uer and three sons.
The Glob' )' Ili - ::4t11 says regarding
. Centralia young lady, daughter of.Str.
and Mrs. \Wnt. Elliott.- 'Miss Lillian
'•:'_iota, a pup:I )f Mrs. Genevieve Ct.trk
Neilson .)f the Conservatory o! Music
gave a highly enjoyable and successful
song recital in the Music Hall of that
institution last evening, b•fore a
veryappreciative audience. Miss Elliot is a
y,utt lady )f attractive feetonality and
pj3•+eaeee a pure mezzo-Sop:'alto vett c
a` engaging for oft)' of tone. Tne young
singer's p:o;ram cobtalned one or two
'`farming song ' !attires in addition to
tit aria from Puc•citti's 'Ma'iame Butter-
e.y." These various numb es she sang
with truthful utterance and intelligence.
Her popular success of the evening.
however. was her spirited rendering of
a new song composed by J. D. A. Tripp
entitled "Morhitg invltallon," w11Iol.
i- ought the fancy of the audience, who
recalled the singer and composer, who
played the accompaniment. Mr. Tripp's
song Is one of sterling worth. The ac-
companiment is cleverly written, attd the
music pictures the text faithfully. Sties
Elliott's closing group oI songs were
selections from MokrcJ'a 'Songs From
)tother's Garden." These she seztg with
artistic taste and appropriate exprese-
ion. 011 the whole Mise Elliott won a
deserved success. Miss Jessie Flook a
(lever vio1Lt pupil of Mrs. Ad,tntsot,and
1)r. Vogt's talented plane pupil, \ir. Ern
est Seitz, ably assisted Miss Elliott."
Niles Elliot has been etgaged to assist
in the program at Centrals t on July 1st.
Report of Centralia Public School for
month of May. V. Class -E. Brooks.
Sr. IV. -F'. Fan -bail 82: E. Nell 90 ; ei.
11 •soh 79; B. Anderson 75. Jr. IV.--
r•.r 75, M. penman . Ni. Elliott ; owe
:h), R. Hanlon. Sr. III -over 75, 1).
Brooks, L. itaynham : over 60. L. Ab-
bott: over 50, U. Henkel. H, Elston :
under 50. E. Culbert. Jr. Ili. -over fn.
H. Mowry, R. Mills, V. Davis; over Go.
L. Hicks, G. Connor; over 511, F. Huy. -
table. Jr. II. -over 75, G. Culbert, A.
IBcke, I. Brown, A. Iiackney ; over 51n,
W. Hu-tahlc, J. Connor. Sr. Pt. 11. -
over no, D. hackney ; under 5e, M.
Llrown. Jr. I't. 11. -over 75. V. Moyes.
C. Colette 11. Carroll, \t. Neil: over Si.
F. Elston. First Class -I. Essery. L.
Bre iks. C. Culbert. A. Connor.
E. M. Pomeroy, teeeeer.
Mitts Minnie Wood, who has been
visiting her mints. the Misses Nilson.
lett for her hone. u1 London Monday.
-Rev. W. 11. Butt, nod A. T. F. Butt
left Tuesday for Cbatha►u where they
intend taking in the ceasten of the an-
nual Methodist C inference. -Misses
Lewis and Hurtehle of Lon Pon visited
the ftrwet's sister. Mrs. Thos. Neil,
during the week. -Extensive prepara-
tions are being made for the 1st .fPJnly
celehretiot► to be held at tbe Epworth
League Park. -Mrs. E. Bust ,ugh of
Exeter is visiting and renewing with
old acquaintances in this vicinity. -
Miss Leers Butt left Tuesday for Chet -
he tn. She purposes taking advantage
of all open cessions of the Conference.
--The fellers would be pleased to see
a little more sun -hire and warm
weatb r. --Mrs. F. Anderson has here
making smite intprev,•tn,•nt.ton the ex-
tetinr of her house which Adds greatly
to the appearance of same.-- Mr. John
Butt of Springfield spent Victoria D.y
with his parents.
1.1tlt'.V PSTI:it.
IThe W. M. S. of Besten Methodist
chezelt held a meeting in the baeeutent
of the church Wednesday afterneon.
Mrs. Illev.1 Steadman gave a very in-
intieestiog report of the convention
held at Windsor recently. -Miss Mac-
hin Laurie of Rebecca spent a few days
iMiss L lish.-
ella Eo
with her friend, r J, R
At the W.M.S. Convention held in
Windsor Mrs. A. M. Wilson was ap-
teihted I)ietiiet l)tganizer fui• Exeter
1)istiict. --Mr. Herold and Hiss Mabel
Stinson of hayfield spent a few days
at W. J. Wilson's.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Dinners were vests
of Mr. and Mrs. F. Horton un Sunday.
- Mr. John Trashier is this week hav-
ing the wall built under one of his
barns.- Mr. tiro. Hnbkirk. Jr., has
purchased a fine new Morris piano
from Mr. Layton of Seaforth,-Mrs.
John McQueen was called to London
this week to the bedside of her uncle,
Rev, A. Stew,» t. ile was well known
here having visited in this locality of
several occasions and his many friends
trust that he may soon he restored to
his wonted health.-Mre. John and
Mr. W. Beatty of Varna were viaitnrs
here Sunday. -Mr. Hemery of Mitch-
ell visited friends here Sunday.
Clarence Millson, who bas been un-
der the doctor's care. Is able to be out
again. -Miss Ida Batten, nurse, at the
London Hospital, visited her sisters
here eh Monday. -Wellington Hern
of Exeter visited friends here Sunday.
-Miss Teeney Powe and sister of parents with Ber-
their b
lin spent 24th
Next Sunday being Conference Sun-
day our pastors will be at Cbatbam
and as a consequence there will he ser•
vice in the afternoon when a collection
will be taken up in aid of the Fernie
fire fund, -Mr. and Mra. Albert Duffield
were visited by the stork on Monday
week who presented them with a fine
baby girl to cheer and brighten their
Fred Page is building a cottage for
the Messrs. Soutbcott, It is being
built of cement brick and when com-
pleted will be one of tbe finest cottages
io the park. -A. Gravelle purchased a
cow from Wm. Holt, Dashwood, on
Tuesday. -Rev. S. A. Carriere is at-
tending the Preshytery at Montreal.
He will also visit his mother who is 80
years of age. -Mr. Brenner, pathmas-
t the lake is
othe road of l to b
ter for g
building a sidewalk five feet, and in
all probability will extend it to the
lake. -Mr. Campbell of Sylvan was in
our burgh Friday. -Mr. awl Mrs. Rue-
ben Wilson of Arkona visited here
Saturday and Sunday. -Miss Pearl
Levett arrived here last week to spend
the summer with her father. -Messrs.
Holt t1C Tiedeman have dissolved part-
nership and in the future the park
will he run by Bert Holt. -John Sbae-
fer of Parkhill was in our burg Friday.
- Miss Mabel and Mrs. Sant Ilse visited
at Dashwood a few days last week. -
Mrs. Wnt. Patterson and sons, Russel
and Warren left Friday to visit near
St. Thomas, -H. Smith is visiting at
Petrolea for a few days.
Halley's comet was plainly seen for
a few nights last week. There was
nothing in its appearance to warrant
all the excitement we read of in the
paper. it has now become a thing of
the past. --The auction sale of Clark's
Hotel and contents took place Satur-
day. Auctioneer Anderson had charge
of the sale and good prices were real-
ized for the different articles for sale.
The hotel property was brought by
Samuel Brown for $11.1.5.- Mr. (.rice,
Eye Specialist, of London, was et
Brown'• stele Tuesday and Wednes-
tlay.--Oet people are getting in their
winner's supply of coal. If this cool
weather continues we will be obliged
to keep the stoves going all summer. -
On Monday evening the Tennis Club
held their annual meeting in the Bank
rooms. The following officers were
elected: Hon. Pres., H. Either, M.1'.P.;
Pres., A. R. Graham; Vice -Pres., Fra-
ser Brown; Sec'y, C. K. Bluett; Treas.,
H. K. Either; Manager, Rich Howsen.
The club is on a good footing financial-
ly and they intend to have a series of
games with outside clube this season.
-John K. Schroeder. Will Brown and
11. F. Either left for Saskatoon and
Edmonton Tuesday. We wish them
apleasant trip.- Miss Adeline Rats
and Senator Ratz of New Hamburg
visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zwirker
Saturday and Sunday. -Dr. Orme is
busy organizing a rural telephone toys -
tem and it Is expected there will be a
large number of subscribers take ad-
vantage of this opportunity.- The ma-
sons have commenced the brick work
of Ed. Morlock's new dwelling. -Rev.
E. H. Bean has returned home from
Washington, D.C., where he attended
the special meetings of the World's
A.8. Convention. -The Evangelical S.
8. are making arrangements with the
Dashwood And Zurich Schools to have
union picnic in Ooderich in the near
future. Reduced rates will he offered
on the G.T.R. and all should take ad-
vantsge of this cheap excursion to our
county town. -Mise Gladys Essery un-
fortunately stepped on a nail and is at
present obliged to remain in doors.
Het many friends hope she will soon
he Able to resttnle ber duties At the
drug Stow.-Wil.nn Anderson left for
Mr. T. F. Tltrnhnll of Matilde fine is
TORO. `Mask., on Wednesday on an et•
Able to be et work ngtlrt.---Mr Ph.lip tended visit with friends. --Mr. and
Biker met with n p•1inttrl ecrhi'nt on Mrs. Ktttmppof Mevville, Mich., are
Snncttay et ening I:y di locating her visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ewald. --Mrs.
knee, A physician was snntnt +lied Harry Manley and daughter are visit
who ret the injured mrtnh r in pl;.r e, ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. Williem
:at r1 the ATV 1t11;19'd t„ .tate that she Lewis for a few weeks. - The hot eeri-
iagetting along n t well as can he et Ai given in the Methodist church Fri-
ted,-Stephr0 W1•1,1) has An ever• day night was w.•11 attended. 1'nfor-
fl .wing well nn his p:+stun faun--
tnn-itely 140111„ of those billed to appear
Thomas Webb intends ridging hi. oar in the program were unable to be pre -
this week Rev. d'art tet' is attendingt. The 0.•x.s r,•nl'ze,t good stiff
th., General Aseemhly ••t Hallfat. we prices blit the contents thereof s.rtf b'-
wish him A pl'r+wtnt j.+nrh. y and :a safe
iently t.-irn) limed the p,,•rha.et. - On
return. The l'e'styt'tien p'nple at Ftidavevenir•g, 1h.• Soot0land Sing-
(lrand Hand are betiding An 40 font era will give it concert in the Met he•
ahe•1 at their chi rah. This r petlk• well dist churl h. These people were here
la the renQre'garion n, they have A last year and sang tine. A treat is in
%cry large -bed new.--• Norman Turn- store for those who attend.
i,'tll has re -tinned fr.•in it very pleas.
tu,t visit in I) •trait. -ti. F. Tirnt•ull's
many friend• will be pre feed to learn
that he i, rec,,v.•ring life sty from the
'f?eetu of hi. 1••'reht gceniii er,t, he having
• 111•hr•d his I. g whiie drawing gravel.
Children Cry
:S lentil HEAD uFFIC4, TORONTO t- Tatll 1. litl 1867
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
Reserve Fund, - 6.000,000
DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by
telegraph or letter.
COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries.
FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States,
Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 123
Exeter lira:tci -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton.
- r-
Paiki:ill.-.Vex el.Do:taid died May 3-, had been 10 for some months. His elft:
aged 48 years. Mr. McDonald has been ,uu1 two eons and three daughters dur-
a resident of Parkhill for some yeari sive
and was well and favorably known. 114
-- -
Children Cry
To Rent
$2 Per month & up
Six months' rent al-
lowed on the pur-
chase price of
a new in-
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium
They are noted for theq.tality of their goods
++.1-14+444 -H1-4-1-1-++++++++++44
Iron Posts T25c Iro ' I8c Each
Sitnply to advertise them. In
the future they will again tie
23 cents.
\We wilt t.tke in exchange Iforse-
h.tir, itubbers. Iron, Copper
Brass and Wool Pickings,
for which we will
allow the high-
est price
Main Ste, Easter
JUNE 1st to SEPT. 30th, to
Portland atd Astoria,oris Ore. Seattle,
Tacoma, Everett and Bellingham. Wash..
torla, Vancouver and New West-
minster, Il. C., San Francisco, Los An-
geles, and San Diego, Cal.
RETURN LIMIT OCr. 31st, 1910
Via Chicago, May 31 and June 14.
Via Sarnia and Nort ern Navigation
Company -steamer leaves Sarnia 3.30 p.
in. May 311th and June 15th.
Secure tickets and full information
from J. J. KNIGHT. Depot Agent,
Exeter, or address J. D. McfONALD,
D. P. A.. G. T. Ry., Toronto.
You will regret you did not
atteud ud one of Canada's High -
Grade Business Colleges, located
Peterborough Welland
Orangeville Wingham t
Clinton Walkerton,
Now is a good time to enter.
Our graduates receive from
$400 to $1500 per annum.
Mail Cousess its 100 different
Write for particular •t.
Always in the
OUR POLICY has always been to give our customers the ad-
vantage of any reduction our keen buying bas allowed us
to take advantage of. Our
Department is most complete and at prices within the reach of
everyone -$1.00 up to $40.I$) --and Same watranted hem one to
three years. Now is the time of year when an
does not come Amiss. We have a fine selection of them. The
alternating alarm repeats the call every 1) secnhdq Prices 75c to
$2.3'I and some warranted fel one year.
Our Repairing Department
io tnnst complete. Nothing passes our hands that does not re
eeive our hest attention.
A. Marchand, Exeter
Jeweller & Optician
The general public will take notice that 1 am doing busiress in Exeter
in the line of purchasing all kinds of vt.rap.
Niaheat market price, paid for scrap Tres. Robbers. Morse Mair,
Copper. Maas, Etc.: Aloe Mashed Wool sod Wool Clippies,
All purchase.* to he delivered to HA WK INS tit SON'S HARDWARE.
EXETER. where the rash will be paid er trade given. Orders for collection
of scrap may be left at the same store, where nrnmpt attention will be given.
M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont.