HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-02, Page 2( rill{ MIMI MIRO 111) s • OR, THE HERITAGE OF MADAME YALTA. r r r r r r r p r I. r • r p l'HAPTElt V11.—(Cont'd) inadmissible. What do you say to This exclamation escaped Maximo It " he jadded, passing the letter t) his nephew. unguardedly. "I think,' said Maxima, "that "You know the man then? Would it please you to tell nfe where you this letter has every appearance of have seen him?" having been fabrkated to tweet the "I saw him dining with you yes- ' necessities of the case; by whom, I telday in a restaurant,—Avenue de cat:not tell. The paper it is written 1'0t •ra." on is the kind employed by men of "r.ow do you know that the men business." of is hum I steak is the one who i "And the father had no friends w•a' dining with ole 1" !engaged in commerce. Besides, a "I know it because I followed merchant would not reimburse to you.'' 1 the anemia of fifty thousand francs "You were acting the counter- ' in an anonymous letter." police as it appears." I "Frons whence it follows," said ''It is adwissable when one is BE reioff, ''that the son had the let - dealing with a spy." ter writeen in case he should bo eMaxime:" exclaimed the ban- • ureter the necessity of explaining pc•.sesslon of a ker, with a severe glance at his ne- ' the possession of the money. I ing her. Thereupon a new eclipse phew. ' think. gentlemen, you must now be of the damsel. She became inv.:. "Oh, let monsieur speak," con- satisfied as to the morality of this ible, untiecuterable. Meanwhile, I tinned the colonel, unmoved. "Hie agentof the Nihilists." discover that Carmel is a prisoner estimate touches me very little, and : "Oh, completely !" exclaimed M. in Bori uff's house. Yesterday I I have several questions to ask Dorgeres. met Borisoff with a person who ap him." I "Then," cop tinued the colonel, ,?)oars to me 'suspicious. I attach "Yon wish to know where I fol- i "allow me to hand you the sura and myself to thous—" lowed you? I was in the orches- this letter. I shall have no further "I know the rest; the colonel hat tri of the opera when you entered , business with M. do Carnoel, since just told us." Vic Fox of that woman. I rode in, I am recalled to St. Petersburg. "Yes; but the eolonel did not tell a carriage behind the hack thatTh.- same despatch announces the you tliat the woman who fled with t( ok you to blue Jouffroy. I es- ! attempt against the Czar and my Carnoel was the sante who twice tablished myself in a house oppo- idisgrace,—for this unexpected re- .made an attack on me because of sit -the one you entered, and re- I cull is a disgrace. I shall no lon- mained there until you took flight, I gee be employed except in Russia, and even a little later." land there is little probability that "My best compliment, monsieur. your ci-devant secretary will show The Nihilists have in you a valu- himself there. If his accomplices, able auxiliary." i less prudent, should ever fall into "I and not with the Nihilists, you ' my power, I shall not fail to trans - know very well," retorted Maximo, ! mi' to you whatever may come to bluntly. Ilight through these wretches eon - "You say so, and I wish to be- . corning the theft. And in any lieve it," replied Borisoff, "but I event I carry with mo the satisfae- am driven to think the contrary, tier of having edified you'coneern- for if you passed a portion of the in, a young man who has sought night in watching me, it was not to bring trouble into your family. fir the purpose of seconding me in Should he renew his audacious at - my conflict with these people. May tempt. I leave you the means of neither speaks nor eats Vignory I venture to ask what is now your confounding him." M. Borisoff had looks like a funeral. It is enough orinion of M. de Carnoel 1" I placed the notes on the table and to drive one grad." "I can answer without the least handed the letters to M. Dorgeres. "I ask for twenty-four hours to embarrassment. M. do Carnoel is "There remains nothing now, gen- make 'a declaration which will pro - evidently the friend of the woman Heinen, hurt to take leave of you. duce a decided effect on my cou- v'ho delivered him." t My steward will comp to -day to: sin " "You admit. also that the woman withdraw my funds. Adieu, mon-"��'hy this delay? She is wait - me to the sect which steals, s:cur. Pre-ent my best respects tot in.r for me now. Breakefai.,t with burns, and assassinates." • Mlle. Dorgeres, and believe 'in my! us." , f you "1 admit it the more readily, as, best wishes." ! "1 will do so to -morrow t 1 ani in possession of the proof." 1 Before leaving, he turned toward w)sh, and as I am going this even - "'And this proof, would you fur-. Maximo and tossed him a bit of in • to lay hands un M. de ls even rish iiia with it:" advice: and his mistress—for the woman is "To what purpose? You are "Believe INC. monsieur, you his mistress—" about to leave France. The plots would d well to abstain from pur- "What! you are going to arrest wh.ch are being carried on in Paris suing the rescuers of M. de Car-! them. What is your prufesiuu, de not concern you. Beside», my rials They would kill you." 2hcnO1h" conviction rests on facts which aro With those words he disappeared '•, I am not yet enrolled in the, personal to myself. As for M. do just• as the valet Juseph entered .and prefecture of police ; but I wish to earned. he has been delivered by said: knew finally where I stand in re a vile el -et -Wire assisted by a false "Mademoiselle sends ane to say gird to your former secretary, and; t) M. Dorgeres that she is waiting I know some one who will intro -t breakfast for him." I educe the into the house in which i "'Very well. Say that I am coin -t he is hiding." 1 ing " " be a hazard-' The valet went out and the bank-' ellsDiable: it would expedition. It be a ha the er was left alone with Maxirne, who words of the colonel: 'Take care, was much less agitated than his these people would kill you.' " uncle. "I am not afraid of them." "M'.iv the devil take this Rus- "you will be always the same— sian with his revelations and }lbs going straight on, doubting and mann,•lutions," he said; "1d havereturn a suspecting nothing. They have just nfind to run atter him bh.w•n up the Winter Palace; to the. c cursed bank -notes." murder you would be a much srual- '•Why''" asked the nephew. "Do let ?natter." you: suppose he has taken them At this moment Julies Vignory from his own property for the plea- entered. He had an anxious 11 sure of dishonoring M. de Carnoel l penron'ce, and seemed surprised at I can scarcely believe it." seeing Maxima. "Then you think he spoke the "Monsieur," he said. "I have truth 1" just been notified that Col. Boris- "Ycta; thus far brat the fifty thou- off will withdraw his funds at three sand francs were found in the o'clock. May I settle his account 1" "Yes. I 'rave just seen the col- onel. But I wish to speak with you. Why did y(u not tell Inc of the first attempt at theft 1 Oh, do no assume the astonished! I know all Maxime has just given me the history of the Nand." "Ile ought to have done so soon- er," replied the cashier ; "it was he who urged inc to silence." NIatxime said nothing, but he knit his brow. He found Vignory ever - prompt to vindicate himself at the expense of a friend. "I know that, and 1 n)n not dis- pleased with vou beyond measure, though it. 'seems to me that your situation imposed upon you duties to whie i you have 'been wanting. But. we will leave the past. and be kind enough t examine these pack- ages of bank -notes," added the banker, pointing to the files which were :still sprend out en the table. N PAIN FOR YEARS "FRUIT -A -TIMES" BRINGS RELIEF MRS. FRANK EATON Yrankville, Ont., Sept. 27, 1909. "I suffered for years from headaches and pain in the back, and I cousulted doctors and took every remedy obtain- able without any relief. Then I began taking "Fruit -a -fives", the funous fruit juice tablets, and this was the only medicine that ever did me any real good. I took several boxes altogether, and now I ata entirely well of all my dread- ful headaches and backaches". (Signed) MRS. FRANK EATON. Soca box, 6 for $2.5o or trial box, 25c. At dealers or front Fruit/-tive, Limited, Ottawa. rests with me to have this (': ,noel arrested." "He is iu Puris :" exclaimed Vig- nory. "Yes, and I have in my hand the proof of his infamy. Would you believe that he has had the auda- city to assert 'that this money was seat to hint by a debtor of his fa- ther: Ile had a letter written. Iliad it, and tell nae what you think." Vignory turned pale and took tho letter with a hand that trembled visibly. "'fhe imposture is evident," he said after having glanced at it; "it is eye n very clumsily done ; this letter must have been dictated by M de Carnoel." "Dicfatt•d to whom ?" asked Max- imo-, abruptly. "To one of his friends, no doubt. I do not know elle handwriting." "But intimate as you 'were, you trust know the friends of Robert do Carnoel." "Friends—ho had few," stem - mere! Vignory. "A few college; chums, and those he saw very rare - 11 "Then," said the 'banker, "it is useless to try to find out who wrote the Ielaer." ''I believe so, monsieur means of convict- ever, if you would entrust. I may perhaps—" "No, it would be waste of time; my mind is entirely trade up, and I desire only to impart my convic- tion to—to all those who doubt still. This letter is a proof and 1 shall keep it.." The door opened softly. and Alice's face appeared, but seeing her father was not alone she made a movement to go out. "Come in !" exclaimed M. Dor- geres. He concluded to profit by the presence of Maximo to strike the bracelet—the charge d' af- a great blow, but reflecting that lures of the one -handed. And now that of his cashier would umbar that you know all, am I right in gas; his explanatious with hi affirming th'at Carnoel is the assn- daughter he to)k him aside and ciate of these rascals?" I said: — how - it to me B e so good as to leave us. You " Far'b leu t . I have no doubt of it • were going to follow the advice of I am not the one to whom you must say that in order to repair the mis my hare brained nephew, but it isi chief you have done." not a. hanging matter. Go, my friend, and return to cline w th me i "But I intend to say the same to Alice avoided looking at hint as my cousin also." he 'went out somewhat discomfited "When? Will you wait until she and crestfallen, but, exchanging a" dies. of grief, or flies into a con- quick glance with her cousin, she vent? My life ie intolerable. Alice rend in his oyes that he was not a. bearer of good news. relive agent, and has taken refuge in stn asylum prepared for him by this pretty temple. It follows that, he snakes a part of the band." "Yeti are wonderfully well in - termed." said the colonel, smiling sarcastically. "But I did not come to see your uncle for the purpose of vete]taining hint with the po- litical aspect of this affair. It mat- ters little to hits, I suppose, that Isis fernier secretary docs or does t:ot conspire against the Russian gt y ernment, but it concerns hind, perhaps, to acquire the certainty that this gentleman is a thief. W Len M. de ('arnoel fell into my hands, I trade use of means which tit:• police of all cuuntries employ with prisoners. Ile was searched, and was found to carry on his per- son five packages of bank notes of t' n thousand francs each." pocket of your former secretary. It "Just the sunt taken from me. It retrains to bo seen who wrote the is perfectly clear." letter." "1)o you doubt that it. was this unfortunate young man I" "Not exactly, though that would upset the ideas I hnd conceived of his character. But between the act of stealing money and that of which we believe hint guiltv. the "I cannot receive this Money. at difference is small enough. Te as - least without being certain where sociato oneself with rascals who it carne from." sta:nrnrrtd the un- bunk safes under the pretext of politics is more than enough to dis- honor a man. Inst me go 00 with "Here is the amount," continued Borisoff. drawing the notes from pocket. "Fifty thousand francs are very easily obtained when one has the funds of a government at his dis- posal," muttered Mnxirne. cle. oleo uncertain of the sincerity of the e•olonel. "If you refuse, I shall feel corn- the story which t he colonel inter- reiled to give it away in charity. meted. I placed in mt pockee a fer it dues net bet •ng to me." said bracelet that was found on the It••rieoff. "But 1 shall prove to , hand. and kept it as a means of t• 't that 1 did not bring it with me .discovering the adrnir'able person te effect the ruin of M. de ('arn•'el. I who had abandoned it to the claws W t.'•n 1 asked him to account for ' of your safe. One evening. after 1't: sura, his reply was thst it hnd having exhibited it at a public ball, been sent. to hint by some one who 1 met with A %veinan, very pretty had owed it le itis father." I ar..l not at 'ill shy. who px'rmitttd Vignory te•k them up and •be 'That could net be," said M. me to Act as her escort, and drew gars counting them over. ',r•rgeres. "His father did not .n,e into a spot where four, scour "There are fifty." he said. Teale a soli or credit of any- sort. elrcis, pleated by her, were ying In 'That` is not what. I ask. Where I was entrusted with the settling wait to murder me and recover o..ned •p von think they came from of his affairs. and if fifty thousand bracelet. The jade after this ,lis '•}.'rem int safe, undoubtedly. 1 frame, hid been owing hint I should apeearedand 1 saw 00 morn of � recegni'e the way the pin is stuck hays• known of it." her until some time after. when l its ; n Ethic, pore to the right and That is about what I raid to the ale appeared in a box at the at- a little lower down than the pack letter This son then showed me the tit She gave mea cordial ages rinse at the flank of 1'rnnre... letter accompanying it. and you greeting. and accepted an invite !Vert vital. Jit rouge of a sec was )edge of the value of this ju• tine to supper. during which she' retnry can no longer maintain that t•itcation. Here it is." found means to fly. carrying off the ; 11• has stolen them." "it it nut agne l." said Ji r. Der- bracelet. It was then quite clear •.What: it• was --" ger• A, glancing over it.; "an anony• that this creature hid been ost• I ••We hold in our hands the sura mous re..titutwu; such a slang i.ei spatahed by the thief to recuvat that was taken from rte, and it "Your arrival is opportune," said M. Dorgeres; "I even regret! that you did not come sooner. You I wculcl have found Col. Borisoff hare.,, "Then I did well not to come. That man inspires me with hor- ror." (To be continued.) --4. Young turkeys should never be allowed to get wet. • Camphor Ice FOA OMAPPED =KIM AND UPS, COLD SORES, WINDBMRN. 12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes Capslenm, Borated, Mentholated, Cabo. se lad, l'amrhorated, White (nide of Zine, eta Each for steels) purposes. write for ries Vaseline B.ot. OHBSBBROUGH MFC. CO. (Cons'd) 375 Craig St. W.. Montreal see 11 LC %xtliI.'T VALIIEJ L Consider the higher real estate !value of well painted buildings, Compared with unpainted ones. Don't postpone painting — every day does its damage and es up costs for repairs.is, Martin-Senour "y Paint 00°M Pure \, s the cheapest. Ahsnlntety pure nd unadulterated. it wears bt`t, asks better and goes further, gal. on for gallon, than any ether paint t any price. .wRaga.-...__ - V andaelderl which paint to use, write today for the name of our dealer eareet Tem -ask Dim about tM written smote, that Beeks every claim we 4,for our paint -a guarantee Unit titan, Protects PM • D,n't experiment when rertalsty es tr : a few efen tit more.There's Aferen5•neer Adel foe sem p'rr•ros'- or honey tern, windmill. pampa, weir.. carriage. cultivator and plow -paint ow word and Mint for Iron --the best t skill and money eat Produce- !? your dealer cannot supply you. Notify n• and wa will gladly direct yea where our suints We to be bad. esu. Decline AUSubetitWee Ari• Write for illustrated booklet Hera illesutnt.i lzat" ea lnte►.sttnt east yard. Free fat l the asking. The Kart ie. Sneer Ce. 011.113. Mimeo al p!Onewra • M APLEINE A flavoring used the saves* lemon rr r.o.l;• Hl dusclrrog granulated sugar to water sc7 adding Mapleins, a dsbei,us syrup is wave a.• a syrup best,: than maple. 'tap'crae is s..ld Dt greens. If Not 'rod )0c tet 2 or bottle and Tonne took. Crescent Mfr. Co . Seattle, Wu. Would You Paint ? Riehl at the o.tartieg pain. 1la.e a eat, 11anr unr•I;.sI, • brand: are offered IV hooey use,, them Gays for it Tot' cannot afford to 1..+.- RAMSAY'S PAINTS are ..,Id by reltahtn dealers, only, backed by guarantees and the mal.era aro responsible You cannot get the established reputable quality in any other paints and ynu pay only the proper prise not too high and not too low. known in Canada lir over arty year. Write for our honkies "w•' o.t h nt=e painting it will help you It to handsome A. RAMSAY & SON CO., F:,t ah4,ho I :sr[, The Paint Makers, • Montreal FAIRBANKS - MORSE Gasoline Engines SIZES 3, j, I, 6 H.P. SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR GENERAL FARM WORK. They are so simple that the average farm hand can run them, and are practically Fool Proof and Frost !'roof. Send to -day for catalogue G.E.•t02, W.P. CO., showing full line of engines for farm use. It means money saved for you. TERMS Special Terms to Farmers. The CANADIAN FAIRBANKS COMpAHy, Limited, MONTREAL •ranehest-Toronto, et. Jahn, N.B., Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver Nara snonR,.1 MOTOR CARRIAGES AWARDED DEWAR TROPHY. The Dewar Challenge Trophy is awarded yearly by the ROY.11. AUTOMOBILE' CLUB for the mo=t meritorious per forma nee of the year under the general regulations for certi- fied trials. The New Daimler eng=rr.3 has now been in the hand4 -,f the public for nearly Ig morale:, quite long enough to prove its merit; owners are sending in trotinionials by every post and we should like to forward to ane person or persons interest- ed a complete set of literature filly explaining this marvel- lous new motor. Send also for our new illustrated booklet, "The Dewar Trophy and how it was won," a history of the Greatest Engine Teat on Record. The Daimler Motor Co., (1904) Limited, COVENTRY, ENGLAND. THE `ROYAL' LINE TO EUROPE SAILING FROM Montreal and Quebec to Bristol TRIPLE TUFO N EXPRESS STEAMSHIPS Royal Edward AND Royal George Triple screws, .\L ti-'o:li Wlrcltli,, I) • 'Ip ' ' t Telephones, Passenger Elevators, 6 I,tsil'll'zer 11 't• t , 1.2 flit') tt)tti. SAILINGS STEAMER FROM MONTI/FAL 26 Royal George Thursday, June 9 9 Royal Edward " June 23 23 Royal George " July 7 " 7 Royal Edward , " July 21 21 Royal George Aug. 4 Aug. 11 FROM BRISTOL Thursday, May " )une June .1uIV July Aug. 4 Royal Edward ee ANO FORTNIGHTLY THEREAFTER Beet Appointed Steamers. The Moat Pic- turesque Port. Only lour days at sea. ss The twin •hip•. the " Royal Edward" and the •' Royal t .enrge"are the fastest triple •cr.-w tur- bine boat. in the Canadian service. Ti:e ilritish port is Rri.tnt (two hours nearer Than Liverpool,. special trains alongside steamers within ern mire totes of London. The steamers are driven by the newest type Of turbine engines, inuring a maxi mum of speed and minimum of vibration. Their equipment is the finest ever seen in the St. Law• rence. Large staterooms, toacious social apart• men,•, sheltered promenade decks, artistic furnish ,ng., perfect service, and ventilation by thereto, tank system. the fresh air being warmed or cooled s• required. For full particulars, r ates, hooklets, schedule of sailing,, etc., app!, any steamship agent, or write to 11. C. HOUR HER. Gen. Agee. Canadian Northern Steamships. Limited, Toronto, farad,. ( 1�