HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-02, Page 1titt et TWENTY•-THtR1) YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. JUNE 2. 1910. St NDERS & CREECH Careful People tauoty the necessity of having good qualities in goods in order to secure the longest service. It is only the careless and wasteful who any second and third class articles because they seem to be cheap. We dot not rater to that class, but carry goods that you will not be afraid to look at %when you get {tome. LADIES' WHITEWEAR A choice line of Waists Ranging from $1.00 up to $3.26 Neat patterns in I'nderskirts, new goods just in From $1.00 to 54.60 Don't Forget to examine the summer underwear Ladies' Vests from 10c. to 25c. Misses' Vests from So. to 13c. SUMMER DRESS GOODS Our remnant table is again leaders with Muslin ends. Flannels and «'rappetettesat hargin prices. A choice line of goods in Foulards, Silk Mulle and Muslins Ranging from 10c. and 60c. Do Not Fail✓ CI see the Ladies' Stine-. We are showing a line of Ladies' Shoes whirh are second to none for style, quality and fit, prices Ranging from $2.50 to $3.75 MENS' NECKWEAR A new line just arrived. We have a line at 2.1•. which look, ae good as 50e. goods; while our :'Oc. goods are equal to tate 755. goods sold in the cities. W. J. CARLING HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE Fresfe.siloaa1 Cards. Dq. O. FHerter r er r u&Ie of Toronto University. DENTIST Gilkey -Over Di kaon k Carling's 1.1w OM• es, Cuter. Telephone No. . Closed Wednesday afternoons. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. a., D. D. 1.. Honor graduate of Toronto Univerietr. DENTIST. *este extracted without any pain, or any bad effects OSea °Ter Madman a Stanbury's omce, Main street EaNse. Msdlical HR BRIGHT. M.D., M. C. 1'. & 8. HONOR s Graduate of Toronto University, Two years resident phyjsicla° Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office and Residence, lar. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew street, EIETER. DR. T. P. McLAUGHLIN Has resumed prartl a after spendinF a year (Cob lege) at Elfish and Continental Hospitals. Oeneral practice with special attention to Eye, (with retrac• Don) Ear Nose and Throat. Once; Dashwood, Ont. Legal . DiCESON a CARLINO, BARRISTERS, SOLiCI tore, Notaries, Conseyanrtrs, Commissioners IWcttors for Moleons Bank, etc. ■ssey to Los■ at lowest rates of int Offices, Main street, Exeter. a. Oaatgs. IIs A., L. Ii. 1,.casoe M OBIT TO LOAN. We bare a !tree amoant of priest, funds to lose e faem and a Illai;e properties at low rates of Inter cal. OLADMAN a STANBURY,i Barrister', Boll. Itors,Maia K., Easter Oe 13. E. PHILLIPS, Ezta"rxa. LIci ess& aactlsseer. *dal attended In alt parts. Satisfaction guaran- teed er so pa moonset,. sonset,. All erden left et advocate Ot1,e. will be promptly attended to. J. SENIOR 1 Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company. also Fire insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main•$L. Exeter. LICENSED AUCTiONEER WM. ANDEYISON. Lire rvied Auctioneer for !furor; County. Tern,. .easoi,able. Dates ran Ix made at tte Advo -ate, Exeter. or I;tnry Mllbcr's Office, Cred- Iton. One of Apply to FARM FOR SALM. Cedar Posts for Sale W. '-.ve t -;c finest qua;:ty of Cedar I ; N' ..t moderate -prices. G. E. HICKS, CENTRALI.\ EGGS FOrc iHATC1IING From selected Barred Rocks. Male birds Model Farm breed. #3.25 per 100 or 50c. a setting. Also pen of Mod- el Farm Barred Rock Ilene, •pedally bred to lay. 11.00 per setting. W111 In- culcate eggs for you at a reasonable price. Baby thick. for sale after the 20th of April. Two Brooders and come itarretd hock males for .ale. A call sol- e .ted. Orders taken vow. -WILLIAM A 'AMBROOK, CREDITON, ONT. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Brick cottage in excellent condition, •!z gooi living rooms, gool cellar • .. lots of good land, good well of eater and cistern. Three blocks from Main street. For particulars apply to `.MIS8 VIN.► FISHER, Iluron at.. Exeter. TEACHER WANTED. Male teacher with .(cord -class pro- fessional certificate, for 8. 8. No. 3, Sttp"en. Duties to commerce in Aug- ust. Apply to John Preszcator, Sec'y- Treas.. Exeter Ont. HOUSE TO RENT. A good Brick House 1:1 Exeter, cen- trally located, on Gld:ey streetroetain- ing tine rooms, Including up -ea -tire: hard and soft water. ar.d a good gar- de:,. Reasonable rental. Apply to DICKSON & ('.ARLiNO, Exeter. NOTICE. W. arc eppo:r,'ir'g melte agents now 1,1 every unrepresented county for the pease;•, of 1910. Over 65 per cert. of the year'. business Is done during the Summer months. We pay good money weekly for strati. es rendered. Give et- c -lupin let ritoty and .upply selling out- fit free. OVER re.i ACRES UNDER CULTIVA- TiON. Our acreage 1. mentto^ed as It is Im- portant that you should represent a firm the tinea farm* In Lisbon.* of gond standing anal size. We supply SANDERS i CREi9CH. Exeter strictly first grade stock and guarar- 11011SE FOR SALE - A goad 'core fur 04:f Apply :0 M. JACKSI'N. Ext ter. tee delivery In good condttlon. We wart f'e' best •nd most reliable agent It every district. Established ever 8 .•war.. For furcate particulars write Prlea-, Nursery Co.. Toror'to Oat. Local Items The Synod of Huron meets on Tues- day next In Loudon. 1 Attend the big Auction Sale of Gen- eral Merchandtee at the store one door :forth iof the Post Office. The Isaac Walton Fishing Club in - teed going to Grand Bind to -day oti telt annual fishing trip. Bev 'o elland will occupy the Main street pulpit Sunday in the absence of Rev. Fear, who le attending eonfeevece. Elitors are often told that they do not know how to run a newspaper ,but they never kick. What a rumpus their (-rittes would make if we walked into their store and told thein how to nut their business. On. Friday evening nett the bowlers intend to formally open the season by a match between the President's and the Vice -President's rinks. All old and prospective bewlera are expected to he present on the green at 0.30 o'clock. Friday next, June 3rd, being the birth- day of the reigning sovereign, George V.. 1a a statutory holiday, and as the Dominion Government has not declared that It shall not he observed, it 1s ex- pected that all Canadians will observe the day. Such however, to not the case as all business men have an understand ing that the day will not be observed. Mr. McFalls, who collects cream for )l:. T. Willis of Centralia, experienced e runaway when leaving the farm of Mr. Geo. Etherington. Thames Road, on Monday, and the lig overturning the contents of several cans was spilled ov- er horses, wagon, road and ditches. Luckily no Injury was dme to man or horses. At the regular meeting of the 1.0.0.F. o•i Tuesday night' the following officers were elected foe the next term.-N.G.. Bro. C: Northcott ; V. G.. Bro. If. Jen- nings: Rec.-Sec., Bro. R. N. Creech; Fin SSee., Bro. A. E. 'Puke; Treas., I3ro. E. M. D:gnarl ; Representatives to Grand Lodge, Bro. S. Rowe and Bro. W.F'rayne Representatives to Dlatrict Meeting, Bro W. Murray and 13ro. S. T. Bobier. NOTICE. -Owing to the meeting of the Canadian Dental Association at Toron- to Drs. Kinsman and Rouleton desire to announce that their offices will be close, during the week commencing May 30th. BURNED. -On Friday inorntn+3 last win lt' ells. Wm. Brimacomhe was en- gegeJ preparing dinner her dress go; on fire iron► the stove and before it could be extinguished she was severely burned about the body. FIRST DRAFT OF MINISTERS. Ac- cordtcg to the first draft of ministers made by the stationing committee at the Methodist conference being held at Chatham Rev. E. A. Fear ea* to For- est and A. G. Powell of Brussels comes to Main street, Exeter; II. E. Currie to Brussels ; David Wren to Ethel; F J. Oaten to Goderlch ; J. E. Ford to Clinton; R. Mtllyard to Myth; J. 11. Osterhout to Londeeboro ; Bayfield and Elimvflle not decided upon; the others leis dtetrtrt remaining the. same. Ontario Liquor License Act 1.Icenee District of South 11vron Notice i• here- by given that Mr. H. J. Hanlon, of hayfield. has made applirstion for permission to transfer Me \tillage ta.ern license (Commer dal)) in Bayfield to Harry Darrow, of Bayfield. Ont., and that the salt application will be considered at the meeting of the hoard of Lirense Commissioners. to he held at the Commercial hotel, in Village of Bay- geld, raygeld, on Fridat. the 17th day of June 1141". at the boor of 11' a.m. All persons int< rested will gm ern tht m•ehes ar• cordingly, John Torrance, License Inspector. Dated at Clinton, Ms 31.t, dal of Ila), 1910._ GiRLS WANTED Apply to D. S. I'EitliIN & CO.. Lineted Lo :don Ont. FARM FOR SALE. Being colnpascd of Lot 28, N. M. ttoundary, Township of Usborne. con- taining 100 acres of choice land. On tl,e premises there le a new brick house, large bank barn and drive house large orchard of choice winter fruit. 14 acres of good hardwood bush; good well with windmill. pump and tank : t'torsughly underdratned; 0 acres fall wheat. 13 acres barley, 12 acres oats, l0 acres peas and oats.. 7 acres peas. 25 acres seeded to grass, balance len p.tsture. 1f sold with crop possession given at once. Easy terms of payment for quick sale. For terns and partic- ulars apply to 11. R. GLENN, on the premises, or to T. CAMERON. Ault., Farquhar. MEETING OF TIIE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the County of Huron will meet to the Council Chambers in the Town of Goderlch on Tuesday, the 7th day of June nest, at 3 o'clock. Accounts against the county must be places with the clerk before the above date. WM. LANE. Clerk. Dated, :%1ay 23rd. 1910. FOB SALE Brick house in Exeter. moderate size, In good repeal.. Well situated o r one of the best streets in the Village. Good lawn, garden awed stable.. Apply at once to MADMAN & STANBI'RY. Barristers Exeter. VILLAGE I'Injl'ERTY Pohl SALE. Tru unders,c:,cd is ca er:eft for sale tt.at desirable VElage property, being Sots 13. 14. 1:,corner of William are! Waterloo sire-ts. Tt ere Is on the prem- iere.. a sp;e ndtd brick house. •mail sable and other conveniences : also a number of cto:ee fruit 'rocs. The prop- erty le flret•rlases 171 every respect and is xc:: situated Will te yield reason- able. Aprly o^ ;remotes. ALF RED I)OWET Ferre- P. 0. T .;t+ d.ett'ict has /ret•:. experiencing' 4:1 u"se isonable cold epell of weather late- ly. :e:;4 while no damage has been done b: float the vegetation has trade aery ie.', growth. Ete er Company of Volunteers will be lcevieg for camp at 1. radon on Monday Jure Earp. A few more recruits ata ate -dot to complete the required number. -Capt. W. J. Heitman. T tr•r• are numerous bogus coins ctr- rul.ati.i at, present. Tney are made of goat silver and Hug true, but they are e tally detrctcd from the fact the>t, the stamping cat one- aide le the wrong way up as compared with that on the othee. t(ev. Richard Ilobbe of the James et 1 't'tolist church 1s attending conference. at C.rt•.th tm and well be away over Sun- day. Hie pulpit will hr o'cupled by Mr. T. Hartnoll in the meriting and the evening service will be under the direr - Coe of the Epworti, League. Any termer that wishes to save his favorae fruit trees from the ravages of the June bug can do cot by placing u tub of water near the tree and hanging a lantern over the tub. The light soon attracts the insects and when they stilko the lantern they fall into the tub. It will pay to try it. We used to buy what is known as "round" steak for ten cents a pound; now It is sold for eighteen cents. Ttie proiucei• saws ate dues not get the ex- tra eight cents the wholesaler says he does re.. t get 1t. the butcher says he does not get It. Will some one be kind enough to let us know who gets it? It's been lost somewhere in the shuffle. -Exchange. FORECASTS FOR JUNE.- A Regular storm period covers the lath to the 15th. This p atlod Is at the annual June crisis o' mag tette and electric perturba- tion central every year on June 11th. .Auroral lights, electrical currents throush the c.alth and on telegraph lines with great cl=ctrical storms are natur- al at tits time. The growing Venus dls turbence wall t::tenstfy suer conditions at (1.1s period. &lanmlc and volcanic disturbances will naturally be prolong- ed into this period. Disturbances of this pertodlwlll probably not reach their final cullnination until abut the 15th. Lotk for sharp change to cooler, whet, winds shat to northwesterly with rasing barometer at the end of period. THE EXETEit C..UNCiL Council met 1n Ttown Flail, May 30. All memt:rs present. Councillor elect, W. W. Walper, took and subscribed to the necessary oath of office. The min- utes of meetings held May Oth and 10th were read and approved. The following accounts were paused: Ross -Taylor Co., lumber, 110.50: T. Houlden, erect watering previous to contract. 13.75; Canadian Fire Eng. Co. repairs for steamer. 111.00; P. Bawden & Son, contract on power house. 124 : T. Ilartnoll, contract water -way at the river, labor and tile on drain. $50.10. A. J. Ford. charity meat for Mrs. Delve 12.77; A. G. Dyer, assessor. postage, $1.75; Queen City Oil Co., gasoline. $8.e.3: A. G. Dyer, assessor, $70; J. A. Stewart, seeds for cemetery, $1.25, J. Murray & Co., signs for cemetery, 110.5!); David Russell, repairs 10.00 ; T. Moulden, rare pawer house, $2.50; T. Houlden, street watering. #33; T. Brock, labor, 11.50; G. Cudmore, labor and teaming, $3; C. H. Ilorney, labor $8.90; 0. Atkinson, labor, 18 ; Ell Snell, labor, $8; W. Westcott, labor, ?9.18: R. I3loomfield, labor, $1.05; J. Bell, labor. 17.15; W. Welsh. labor. e5.40; 11. Sanders, labor. $3.50: W. \Vllson, labor, 11.75; S. Handford. :omitting, 14 ; T. Houlden. labor, 75(. J. Ii. Scott, testing milk. 11 ; E. Camp- bell. labor, $1.7.11; T. M. Cullen, con- tract. 1500: J. Senior, postage, $6 ; S. ! landford, booth, 12 ; E. Treble, D. It. 0.. 12: 11. Ford, P. clerk, $2; \V. D. Weekes, booth ar.d D. R. 0.. 14 ; J. Weekes, P. clerk, 12 ; E. 11. Fish. bo3th. 12: R. 0. Seldon, D. It. 0.. l:2: A. G. Dyer, P. clerk. $2; J. Davis. D. R. 0.. $2; W. Murray. P. clerk, 12. Tot- al 1830.:30; passed on motion of Balk - will and \Yelper. Merlins. S. nobler and W. Statham ask- ed leave to from a hook and livid( r company with the privilege of using the ladder truck. under Chief Weekes core sUictlon. Granted on motion of Balk - will and Lovett. John W. Taylor asked when the Court - ell were going to make the necessary repair' to Victoria street drain. Ile was informed that same would be investi- gated soon. A petition sighed by Jones & May. H. Spackman. A. Walters and others ask - hue that the Mai:r street be again water- ed from the L.rkc and Thames Road to the South Boundary, Granted o: tion of Levett and Balkwlll. Tnc report of the Committee re. 11: - ting 'tenders for street watering was received and accepted. Tiros. Moulden securing the same for 110.50 per week Mr. Houlden to look after the power house. Duties to commence May 10th, Per Levett and Balkwlll-that Council- lor Weeper be a member of the Ceme- tery Board, filling balance of term of C. J. Luker, removed. -Carried. Per Levett and Italkwtll-that suffi- cient 45 In. eeme:.t tile be secured to go across William street. and that the rn.tterlai removed from the culvert to used 1:1 repairs of the culvert on Carling street.-Carrled. Letttta were read front Mr. S. M. San- ders regarding exten.tou of the water nisi•. along Weltlnfton street. and also that ('oueell urge on the officials of the U. T. R. and secure a cement walk from Wellingto:i street to the depot. (adored tiled. Per !Iceman ar.d Balkwlll-that the Reeve. Councillor Levett and Clerk be a committee to secure information from G. T. R. and the Crtnreng Factory re. .king water ar;d amount of revenue that would be received for the supply. -- Carr .ed. A letter was read 'rem Mener*. Li'e's. Mesa, a Step`r,s. Barristers of Hamilton re. the Gibbs IJy-law. Per Heenan and Balkwlll-That the Gibb Py -law be transferred to the Koos Comptny, purchasers of the Evaporator prof' rty, subjtee to rollr:tors advice. The el'rk watt instructed to look after Vie details. -Carried. Tenders were opened and read for the consume:on of an apron and break - water at the dani, as follows. -Frank 11 Swett 280.00, Jos. Lawwon, tender per yd., A. Q. Boiler 220.00, The. Hart - :toll 425.1m. i'er Levett and [Iceman .-Teat the tender of A. Q. Bolger be accepted. -Ceti vied. Per Levett and Herman -That the Reeve, Councillor Wolper and tine street commissioner be a committee to see to the proper repairs to drains crossed by Contractor Cullen. -Carried. Adjournment to Friday. June 3rd. to meet after the Court of Revision, by W. H. Levett. Jos. Senior. Clcre. IIIS BACK BROKEN. Robert Dalton of Staffa met with all uan.'ortunate accident on Saturday last May 28th, by which he was severely injured. He, with a number of other men, was engaged taking gravel out of a pit when a slide of earth occurred and struck him len the back, breaking: his beck bone. After being unearthed and taken to his home doctors were summoned. who after working with hint some t'me Succeeded In re -setting the bone and at the time. of writing he is progressing favorably with a good chance of recovery. DIRT IFS Nell -In Claatdboye, May 28th, bo Mr. anti Mrs. Alex. Nell, a daughter. Uodgine.-in Stephen, on May 29tn, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hodgins, twine boy and girl. Itrimacombe.-In Exeter, on May 30th to Mr. and Mrs. Welt. Drimaoombe, a son. Sanders -In Exeter, on May 15 to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sanders, a eon. WEDDING 1N\ IT-tTlINus AItE NOW IN ORDER 1.08 .1t'Ni1 tottme5. Thee Is the season of the year when the Jun Bride Is preparing for her wcdd:ng. There 1e no one thine about a wedding that must hr so neat and up-to-date as the I::vitations or Announce- ments. The ADVOCATE Is in the 1'tsition to offer you the prettiest .teat and most up-to-date In- vitations and Announcements one could wish to see -on shortest notice and rcuru:table price. Give us a call and you will be convinced. e Perkins. -At the Rectory, Ingersol. on M ty 25th, to Rev. It. J. M. and Mrs. 1',:reens, formerly of Exeter, a son. U. icer. -lit Stephen, on 25th, to Mr. and etre. John 11. Geiser. a son. l:ray-In Ilibbert on May 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gray, a ext. MA I:RIAC:ES Vo,t s.-SpeJat-At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Sproat, parents of the pride, on May 21st. by Rev. N. Shaw, \fr. Ralph C. Yokes to Mise Helena Sproat, bath of Detroit. DEATHS Uummow-In Mitchell, on May 24, Iiar- riet Gununow, relict of the late Thos. Gununow, aged 75 years. Co.tie-in Idaho. May 21rd. Geo. Cottle formerly of Clinton, aged 74 years. tltrry-At Khiva, May 22, Mrs. Mary Utley, aged 83 years. Armstrong -In Blanshard on May 18th, Agnes L. Sweftzer, relict of the late Thos. Armstrong, aged 79 years. Cluuces-In Allea Craig, May 21, Don- ald Cluness. aged 74 years, 0 months. Charlton. -In McGillivray. \fay, 29, Mrs John Charlton. aged 80 years. GIRLS WANTED! to work on Boys' Clothing. $3.50 a week will he paid to good smart girls while Zeal ilii:g and piece work will he given as soon as competent, in which wages as high as$7.50 per week can be earned. Both hand sewers and machine operators required. Good clean work, (on- stant employment. Also smart Boy to learn cutting. About 17 year of age Apply to G. W. DAVIS, Supt. Jackson Man'f'g Co., Exeter o the man seeking to dress himself in the Best Manner at Moderate Cost. WE TAKE IT YOU ARE NOT :\ MAN O1- WEALTH. YOU ARE A HAI1D WORKING MAN WIiO \WiSHES TO ENJOY THE FRUITS OF YOUR INDUS TRY TO YOUR REST ADVANTAGE. AMONG OTIIEIt THINGS YOI' WISIi TO 1)iomes AS PURSE PERMITS. WELL AS YOUR YOU WANT CLOTHES THAT FIT You AND !pent.; STYLE AND DiSTIT:O TION. YOU WILF. i1E DELIGHTED WITH THE STYLE OF OUR CLOTIHE'S. TIIEY WiLL WEAR LONGER TITAN YOI' ARE PERHAPS A(CUST(:MEI) TO IiAVE C1.OTIIES WEAR. THEY WILL AFFORD YOU :\ MEANS TO DRESS AS \WEL1. AS ANT MAN Y01. MAY MEET. THEY WILL COST YOU LESS MONEY AND GIVE YOt' iIETTEiR SAT-- iSt ACTION THAN ANY OTHER CLOTHES. \VE 11.tVE SOME SI'ECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO OFFER AT PRESENT. WE .\ItE PLEASED TO SIIOW YOU OCR (1.OTIlF.S, WHETHER YOU NEED THEM AT PRESENT 011 NOT. HIGH ('.ASS FUIRNiSiiINGS. BOOTS AND 511055, IIATS. CAPS. NEW SI'FCi:\I. LINES IN COLLARS. SANDY BAWDEN Main St., Exeter THE CLOTHIER PORTING GOODS STORE -We carry w full line of - Fishing Tackle and Baseball Supplies Hot Weather Stoves Clamoline Stoves from $4 Oil Stoves 75c. to $11.00 Lawn Mower% from $4.00 Screen Doors from 51,00 to $1.75 Screen Windows from 20c, to 50c. Washing Machines from ... 57.50 to 510.00 Step Ladders from 51.00 to $1.75 AIR IIEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE