HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-05-26, Page 8A Dog
with a Matizielr L'�1
and .t roan with an ill-fitting
suit of clothes are in the smile boat—
Both Haadic�d !
I1 yo 1 are a man with clothes troubles
have TAM_\N diagnose your carie. Ile
quite I,keiy will prescribe A SUIT OF
ular price.
He does not send his goods to out-
ot-town t lothing manufacturers to be
THROWN together and Palmed off on
you for a CUSTOM MADE SLIT. but
rink s the sults la his van custom work
strop inuring you a PERFECT FIT avid
W. W. rl AMA N
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, Ontario
lusiness Locals --Read Them
Ask to see our Boons Bugs in Velvets,
Tapestry and Wool. We hare all sizes.
PLANTS FOR SALE.—Two thousand
Geranium plants, also Asters, Stocks,
Ageratum, Verbena, Double and Single
Tetuea, Ferns, Salvia, Coles, and all
kinds of plants for hanging baskets,
Early Cabbage, Cauliflower,
Celery, Etc.. at lot cash prices.
LOUIS DAY. Market Gardener,
Our Black Voiles are unbeatable.
They are just the thing for summer dress-
es, per yard 75c. $1 and $1.25. Stewart -
HOUSE FOlt SALE—A frame house
and 1-2 acres of ground. Good water,
fruit trees etc. Apply to DICKSON &
CARLiNG, Exeter.
Our ,nitliners can trim a hat for you
oft shortest notice. Oar styles are exclu-
sive. Stewart's.
let, 1'.+11. for 50 cents.
now until Jan.
$1,11.50, $1.75, $2, are Jour of our
bot tines in White Waists. Ser them.
THE ADVOCATE from now until Jan.
let, 1011, for ..0 cents.
An, ship,nento .V.sitn's Scotch
Linoleum is ready. for your inspection.
NOTICE—To the Shareholders o1 the
Exeter Salt Works Co.—Gentlemen, you
will please take notice that the annual
meeting of the said company will be
held Friday, June inth, at 2 pan. In
the Town Hall. 13y order of the Board.
T. P. Carling, Secy.
per. Exeter North, wishes to thank the
electors of Exeter, who gave him their
support In electing him to the Council
Board of Exeter on Monday last.
die.idlolrilla ilk Ilk ilk iilla>ilkAlk illi
The property of the Klrkton Ailing
Company 1s to be etotd on Tnuradey
tee 26th.
The Oddfcllow■ have decided to hold
their annual Deioratlon Day on a Sun-
day In Julie. the dtt- to b fixed later.
Mr. and Mr.. John Leathorn of In-
gersoll have taken up their resident in
t'ic Mansion (louse with Mr. itobert
After a painful illness of dlphtherta
the five -months' old eon of Mr. and Mrs
John O'Leary peeved away on Monday
at Cromarty.
ie tn. absetnc, of Rev. Hobbs on So., -
day Rev. Kestlu occupied the James -et.
pulpit In the rooming and ltev. Yelland
In the evening.
The Exeter laymen to attend the Meth-
odist Conference in Chatham In June
are S. Martin from James street and
H. Huston from Main street.
Provincial Hotel Inspector Snyder of
Toronto was here with inspector Tor
ranee on Wednesday and made an Lee
ahnitatton of the hotels in South ituronr
having particular regard to the lire -
The Provincial authorities are resum-
ing the survey of Ontario orchards.
which was commenced a couple of years
ago. live men have started out on the
v.•ork going from farm to farm, count -
lug the trees and tine acreage In or-
chards. '
Rev. J. A. Bloodaworth of Aliso Craig
occupied the• pulpit of the Trivia Mem-
orial Church on Sunday. Preaching two
able and well -directed sermons. ,ltev.
Collins occupied the pulpit at salsa
Craig and also preached re -opening ser-
vices at Brinsley. .
While preparing to give her Leet a
bath on Friday might last Mrs. Ellzier
Williams unfortunately upset a pot of
boiling water over one bare foot, badly
scalding It.. The member 18 now In a
very painful condition, the akin being
almost all taken off.
There are many articles about every
home, which becoming worn and marred
are either discarded or relegated to ob-
e Aire positions, because they are con-
s'clered too shabby or ''out-of-date" to
-ort-capond with other furnishings.
Wood -lac will brighten them up. Mr.
W. J. Heantan has a full stock.
The Medal Contest under the auspices
of the W. C. T. U. will be held an
the Opera !louse, Friday May 27th at
8 p.m. The program consists of fifteen
recitattous by the contestants, choruses
by the gide and boys and several sel-
ections front the Heneall Orchestra. un-
der the leadership of Dr. Sellery.
Dr. J. A. McTaggart, son of our cs-
tc:n)^d residents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
McTaggart, having just completed his
course it: dentistry at Toronto, has pur-
chased tht practice and good will of Dr.
Long at Blyth. and Is now In charge.
J. A. hat, had a very successful college
Courser and we wish hint continued suc-
vesn In the practice of his professioe.
Sallirge of passenger *trainers front
Sarnia for Soo and Pott Arthur every
Wednesday and Saturday at 3.30 p. m.
m. Alieo additional failings on Monday
May Auto.
Sailing', from Collingwood 1.30 p. m.
and Owan Sound 11.45 p. in. Wednes-
days and Saturdays for Soy and Georg-
ian Nay ports. Tickets and reserva-
tions ft on) .toy Grand Trunk Agent.
ilev. Richard Robbs. Pastor
Sunday Public worship -10.30 and 7.
Class Service -0.:10 a.nt.and after Morn -
Ing Service wind Wednesday night.
Young Mena Class arid C'atachutnens —
Sunday at 2 p. tn.
Sunda) School and l;lbie Classes— 2.30.
Epwor'h League—TueedaY 8 p. m.
Prayer alce t!„g—T1=u'u'sday 8 p. m
Te Sftop ion meu
We have the finest lines of
Fancy Suitings
We are filed up with the new-
e.t and hest woods for the mak-
ing of elotbing, and we do the
matin/ In the best of style.
Moro bast Taller. Rioter
attn. Piper is visiting In London.
Dr Bond wail in Toronto this week.
Mr. John Elliott wont
Mr. Tilos. Elliott
Miss Glativlilt
this week.
Mr. and Mrs
n Lo:.don.
Mr. Win. Dau.teey
on afonday.
Mips Vera Quartet
st. Marys.
Nits. ltu.n of Sttatf)rd
Ars. Morloc'k.
M.rtt Blanche Sheers
foul this week.
Miss Annie Sanders lett Saturday to
v:sit In Clifford.
Mira .ttte McTaggart left on Satur-
day for Cratham.
Mrs. Silas Handford visited Its Londorl.
over Inc holiday.
Mrs. (Rev.) Col111ts holidayed in
dttton this week.
Dr. Samuel Thorned of London
in tow! Tuesday. -
Mr. and Mrs. henry Reynolds are
visiting In Dundas.
Mi. Walter litddy la visiting over the
holidays in Detroit.
Mrs. L. Billhtge spent a few days
It, London this week.
dire. harry Peel of London le visit-
ing at Mr. S. Bolder's.
Mr. E. J. Christie spent the past week
holidaying in Detroit.
Miss May Arinatt was hone from
Lueknowon the 24u1,
Mrs. Adolphus Evans of London holi-
dayed here this week.
air. and antra. Brownlee of Seafortt.
were here over Sunday.
Mr. Powell of `Vingham visited Mr.
Robert Sanders this week.
Mrs. D. Russell, Exeter North,
tine holidays in Hamilton.
dies Myrtle Chariton is vlelting to
Parkhill during the holidays.
Miss Flossie Taylor and Mr. Huston
of London were here Tuesday.
Mrs. \V. J. i)lsectt and Mrs. Welsh
went to Paris to visit Saturday.
air. and airs. Chas. Llndentelt and
eon spent the holiday in Goderich.
Mr. Art. Wood and lady friend of
Iidertott spent tete 24th in town.
Mr. Wallace Fisher and lady friend of
London spent Victoria Day here.
Mies Ethel Sweet of St. Marys visit-
ed her mother over the holiday..
Mrs. Milburn of Paris visited her
Wetter, Mrs. A J. Ford a few days.
Niro Jas. A. Sanders of Woodstock
spent the holiday with his parents.
Mr. John E. D:gnan of Hamilton was
cie with his family over the holiday.
Mr. end We. John Ctee of Toronto
spent the holidays with relatives here.
t'ert Ileautan and family. and Chas.
Ahhott were -here Tuesday in an auto.
Mies Mathews of Toronto vlsitcd her
sister, ars. S. Fitton, here this week.
Mr, Chas. Cryer of Detroit was a vis-
itor with Mr. John Hawkehaw this week
Mies l.onsberry of Detroit is the
guest of tier sister, Mrs. J. J. White.
to Stratford on
was In London on
of London visited here
Jos. Peart are visiting
went to Thorndate
24th In
visited In
A quiet wedding took place at the Rec-
tory. Lucan, on Tuesday last In which
two popular young E-eterites were the
participants. We refer to the marriage
of Mr. William Burke, who conducts
the Central Barber shop here. and Miss
Mabel Taylor, daughter of air. and Mrs.
Janes Taylor. The young couple were
unattended, while the Rev. Carlisle per-
formed the ceremony. The young
couple will have the best wishes of all
for their future happiness and prosper-
The COMM. scene to get the blame for
all occurrences out of the usual these,
days. and probably it causedthe town
clock to act eo unseemly on Sunday
when It travelled at sue)) a swift gait
as to make the hands travel an hour's
distance every five minutes and to cause
the gong to strike the hours at five
minute Intervals. The pace was kept up
until the middle of the afternoon, when
it became tired of the speed and stop-
ped altogether. For several years the
clock has been keeping almost any old
time but the right, and it le about time
it be put In a proper condition of re-
pair or allowed to quit the game. Ev-
en that would be a relief front the pres-
ent condition.
Mr. C. J. Luker of St. Catharines, late
councillor of Eicter, le Isere this week.
On Saturday he held an auction sale of
his residence in Exeter North and of
certain of the household effects. The
residence was purchased by Mr. L.
Hardy for heOO. Mr. Luker, accompan-
ied by his family, rcturne to St. Cath-
arines on Thursday. As councillor in
Exeter and as a citizen of the town
for many years C. J. has always been
highly respected and esteemed. Mr. Lu-
ker was recently the recipient of a well -
worded leltct from the Exeter Council.
regretting the ncceselty of his resign-
ation owing to lila departure front town.
and wishing hlnt and his etrellent fam-
ily all prosperity and happiness ;n their
new home: the whole of which the cit-
izens of Exeter In general are all pleas-
ed to endorse.
11 -
Potatoes, per bag
Hay, per ton
Flour, peer cwt., family
Flour, low grade f.er ca.
Live bogs, per cwt
Short'- per ton
Bran per ton
CASKETt1ALL—Tic Blues and The
Yellows. two picked teams of Junlor
Girls of the Exeter School, played a
game of basketball on the grounds at
the school on the morning of the 24t1,
resulting In favor of The Blues. 16-7.
to the afternoon a team of Exeter
Players went to Hensel) and defeated
the lie:wall team. 14-7.
eervtce on Friday last, the day of the
funeral of the late King Edward vit..
in Trfvitt Memorial Church. was very
oeautlful and Impressive. Although the
day was very wet the chute!) was well
filled The Mun:cipal Cout.clI and tre
School It..tard attended in a body. Th.'
„ervire was re •4 by the rector. itrv.
D. W. Colline, the roegregation respond
;•g in the readicg of t he Psalms
w'arh were tt. :tact, a•td Oath. Rev. S.
e'. Sharp of ('wart Presbyterian church
read the Lespn:i. i Cor.. XV.. 20. Brv,
E. A. Fear of Main Street ►lcthodist
C Burch and Rev. C. Fletcher of Thanieq
Road Presbyterian church delivered ad-
dresses In eulogy of the high charact-
er and life of the dereesed monarch.
.i r. Markham. to wail tctently sev-
erely injured. as aloe to be out a: -d
presided et the organ. while the rhoit
coneleted of manlier• of the choir. of
tM' vatrous ehurrhe.. The afternoon
wee onserved by the w':nle tow i as a
day of reourntng, a' d a1i bus ores Map
suspended. '
alleges Ruth and Verna Goasol of Rip-
ley are visiting their aunt, Mrs. McAvoy.
4N5 48
14 W
2 75
1 50
23 00
21 00
13 00
1 45
['ASEII.\LL CONCEitT.—U:.der the :tele
pans of the Eveter Baseball Club, Aar
cel a's Premier Colored Jubilee Concert
Company, known far and wide as The
Southland Serenaders", a grand music-
al organization of colored people, will
give an evening of mirth and melody In
the Opera !louse on Wednesday night,
May 25111. Reserved seats 35c., Adults
25e., Children 15e. Tickets on sale at
Cote's Drug Store. Come out and en-
joy an evening of fun. A baseball game
will be played on the school grounds
on the evening of the 25th, before the
concert, between Centralia and Exeter.
Perhaps you often wondeled why some
of the men among your acquaintances
locked older than others. Never stop-
ped to think of the reason'. It's the
glttaacs. Some of the old fashioned ones
ad 1 a rout ten years to a man's 111' .
We fir
that take away the years. They actually
make a man look younger.
Come in and get a pair. The cost Is
no: great.
Mr. Harry Sntith left Monday to:
Jlauslleld, Ohio, and Lexington, Ken-
Mis. T. Hawkins went to Walkervilit
Monday to visit her daughter for a few
Mrs. W. T. Goodlson and son Jack, of
!earida spent p-trt of the week at Mis.
D. Johns'.
Miss Knight of the London Road S.
visited her slet:r, Mrs. Cliff. $paektlta:;
in Guelph.
air. Lititot and Miss
Townes visited at air.
the ltoliday.
Miss Lida Oke returned
Tuesday after a visit of
at her home here.
Messrs. Fred. i'euhale, Inch. Quanta,
and Rich. Illseett of London were visit-
ors here this week.
Mr. Alfred Walters and Mr. and Aire.
Ilutx•rt Walters were in London this
week visiting Merida.
Mrs. David Dewar and Mise Wattrort
of Bayfield visited Mr. and Mi s. i-Zor-
don Manns this week.
Several of the Exeter Masonic brethren
go to St. Marys to attend the Lodge of
inst►Uctlon to -day. Thursday.
Rev. Rich. ilohbs left on Wednesday
evening of last week tor Muskoka.
where tie will spend a short time.
Mrs. Ilcg. Samuel and little child of
Ilighgate are vlelting Niro. Samuel's
parents, air. and airs. Jos. llawdcn.
Mr. 11. Spackman visaed his eon in
Guelph thle week. Ile was accompanied
by his mother. Mrs. John Spackman.
Nit. W. J. Vale, accompanied by his
wife and little child, spent a few days
during the week with hie mother here.
Mrs. Dan. McKillop and two children
of West Lorne and Miss Spence of Lon-
don visited Dr. and \trs. MieGlUlcuddy
the■ week.
Mrs. le. Sluntkoweky of Berlin is
spending a few day. with Mien !lope
Finkbeincr at the home of Mrs. Felt
Miss Dench and Miss Stewart of Dwell
Sound and Mr. Wilbur i'hllllps of Tor-
onto arc visitors with Mr. and Mfr.
it. N. Phillips.
Mrs. Diamond of Detroit and Miss
Edith itollins of London, daughters of
Mr. Arthur Rollins, visited at the !tome
of Mr. Win. itollins part of last week.
Miss Nina, Kinsman. ,\IAS Murray.
\t!se .7r.sle Vow and Miss Fanny Itaw•
tie attended the marriage of Mise
A•:- a Martin lel London on Wednesday
of this week.
Mfr. Ito'tcrt Swett
at.,r itoha, arrived
Notes and children
itinC at tee home
for some months.
N•vr.t to -day.
a1:. W. L. Lcw.e of South River. who
• ,t.:ting 'OP parent.. Mr. and Mrs.
\Vtn. fat'a'le. Crerlito•. was it pleasant
caller et the Advocate office on Satur-
day. Mr. Lewis conducts a tailor
• •op at South R`ver and speaks very
,t -'y e,. •'.1t p, n: t,r'•ar'o.
Smith of St.
T. Ppyle's tool
to Toronto
some moat
W. S. I IOW EY, Phut D.
Coemist and Optician,
Exct'?r. Ontario
--E;yee Tested Frce. —
of Portage la Prairie
here Tuesday. Mrs.
who have hrrr, •I"-
of Mr. Tho.. Prior
return with Mr.
Piano for Sale
One good second hand piano, Ants rk an
make, nearly new $160, at J.PEDLEit'S
atatn Street south.
Cement, Lime,
Bran & Shorts
R. G. Seldon, Exeter
4144111Lillu.illa igl_ wasALAI:
Feed and Seeds
All the BEST GRADES of
flour always on hand.
Breakfast Foods such as
Oatmeal,7 lbs for 26c
Poultry Foods & Feeds such as
1 Wm. Rivers
naris' Old Stand - EXETER
'0"1111ill"W 11.
Bus less
Having purchased the BUS
and DRAY business of MR. WM.
ARNOLD, i desire to annouoee
to the Public of Rioter that I am
prepared to give you the beet of
satisfaction in work connected
with the httsiness. For the pres-
ent orders left by phone or other-
ICE. PHONE 25, will receive
prompt attention.
T. G. Creech
mean easy cooking
20 STYLES- From a '• One Burner Hot Plate " tt u " Handsome Cabi-
net Range." Burn gasolene or aicohoi.
ll l,nrrlet Mote air and lees
gasoline than all others.
Perfect Combustion!
Simple and Durable!
No Smoke! No Odor!
Absolutely Safe!
Pure Fire!
We have the largest to:- 4a
sot•ttnent of vapor, gaso-
line and oil stoves in the
Lima Beans, Bro,,d Vitilsor Brans, 1
Tnrnip, Corn, Needing Carrot, Lawn
Gladioli, etc,
Tinsmithing, Plllmhitlg. 1•'nrnace Work a Specialty
Attie Gent Pear:, :1laugle,
Grass, Nastuttin Ins and
Hawkins' Stove & Hardware Store
t)n,' I).,or North of Browning's [)rug St.•re, Exeter.
Special Discount Sale
of furniture
We are starting our annual discount sale, comprising every article in our
large and well assorted stock, which we are offering at a special discount for
Intending purchasers will consult their own interests by examining our
goods and getting our prices before pin chasing their
Spring Furniture
We Can Save You Many Dollars!.
Undertaking and Embalming a Specality
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Sibs Are Very Popular 1
This is going to be a big Silk
Nice g we
light weight silks are
the leaders for Summer Dresses.
We are showing a large range of
something very new in silks in all
the leading colors.
Prices are Very Moderate
Japanese Silk
(Inc of the leading silks in all the
new summer shades, Fancy or
Striped 60c Per Yd
Sheath's Silk
A good raw silk in all the gond
Spring and Summer shades
S0c. and 76c. Per Yd
Silk Mottle
Another good sumtner siik.
Good Belling colors in plain and
fancy 25, 36, 45 eta. Per Yd
Taffeta Silks
Are as popular as ever. We are
showing every saleable shade for
50c. to $1 Per Yd
Ladies' Fancy Wearables
Fancy Parasols
A beautiful line of Silk Parasols
are shown here for
$1.00 to $3.00
Fancy Hose
Our summer stock is all here.
Plain and Fancy Cotton and
Lisle in Black. White, Tan, Blue
Pink, etc.
fancy Waists
Silk Waists, Net Waists, Fanoy
Lawn Waists. Tailored Waists.
stany styles to choose from.
Fancy welts and Cotters
Some real new things are being
shown in Fancy Neckwear,
Wash Belts in abundance.
Summer Wash Goods
We are showing an exceptionally fine assortment of Wash (roods
for this season. Every lady can have something to her taste from
our many lines. Plain colored Linens, Pancy Striped Linens,
Plain Repp. Oinghame, Chambray', Mickel, Indian Head, Piques.
A.11 in the New Shades
Ladies' Wash Suits
A nice diaplay of Waah Suits for present wear. They ars made
up eerystylish and come to different colors. Stripe. or Plain
Duck, inen or Repp. Deme and arse tbem.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing