HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-05-26, Page 71
• ..., StI•'I'I\l: NI:11 BORN 11.1111 ES.
1(a ('arts of .t.ia and Europe Cus-
tom is Still ('slowed.
LJYSP[PSlA I1lcertain parts of Asiand
1't i•,l,•• the custom of saltingnew-
loon babies is still practised. Tho
mi ;hod varies with the differing ua•
t:.•uaht1':, of the Peeples employing
Tl'.tt it The .lrmenians of Russia cover
t'u: entire skin of the infant with
very fine salt. This is let on the
Laxly fur three hours or more, when
?i4. Mathias ?)cry, (,t ""5 Church it is washed off with Learnt water.
MEW <r,..1. Ottatt'a, one. was U•'ate•1 tui A ntountaia tribe of Asia Miner
����• .,sr t, physician for Painful i) s- is even more peculiar in thin re -
••1•,:••. Ile spent so nitwit Maley fur
e'H 11' I I:1; I'll. (Cunt '41) i at all. If elle 1, +' ..1: iu Lhi, re,. I••. t.„ med.cio,'s without getting wird than the .lrmeniuns, [er it is
Inlx.u, you t:. l: I, .:1-t of lis -ing ; '''' n•tlef thus he had about made alleged to keep tllo newborn babies
He rr;gng ra•i h n•ing Flit su mill•- t n1• his mind that his case tt-as Rope- c,•v( re(1 with stilt for a ►e: Tod ..f
in es., beginning •,r the c•umters-t- embittered her . `. .ince+ and inline, leas. l
1 will not .peal. ,.f Four friend, seeing 'Trott -a -cites•' advertised, twenty • fuse hours. The modern
Oen, fur it a1n1.,,t :ut,e.'ni to a ;%Lem- Iio ,4.s you lasso dashed with hotceler. Jlr. I,. r} thought he would (itceks also sl,riukle their babies
(utile;got, that he had seen (Holiest the s;lute IbleA', IIsi 1 ask why sett invest Taut• in :. t...,. Of these w'vndert.tl tt ith salt ; and even in certain por-
de l'a' ,,,el and Madame Sergent fruit Juice tablets, incus of Geruratbirt.uny stilt. is ;till used
have, with reckless laity, destr.,y-
tllc uigi1le-fore. 41141 the countess anti this samoila fruit medicine did en a chill h
tint( enjoined him to s:ty nettling "ll the future of your co•lsin Is for Mr. Det. what all the demur The mothers imagine that this
t,tt • sets gratitude to me fir Slut'- ct•uld not do -it cured him.
4.4tint Col. Borileff's prisoner• piscine,' brings health and strength
„ 1 is tleat,•d son like a son." Ile writes: -"Fruit -a -fives•• positive -
I went ye4e9'411y to Ilse J4411-ly eared Sue of Severe Dyspepsia when
fret' to stake` in,ptiries, and was
1 wa < wrong, 1 acknowledge it, ph)steians railed to reilevo tele."
I souther 1Vouderful Cure IIy
Wonderful Fruit Medici:to
told .that Ow wool•... when •she tic- l and 1 (ase this mooring to tell you
,'shied it. was never alone• Her et the steps 1 meant 10 take to re -
spry inks were at livery, and had the (Luce 111iugs where they Wert' when
rpear:anee of foreigners." I spoiled ?hest by my folly."
"Nihilists, doubtless• They haste "It is too late. It would be use -
returned to Ilusaia until they are less to rotra(tt. before Alice. She
needed here. These sinister bir(14 II,uld not listen to you.
travel ince-santly from curt to "silo will be compelled to yield
west and west to east." to the evidence. 1 have the proof of these, and I go."
'• 1 prop°, of Sot't-atli,,•' asked that M. (le Canute! is the :tceonl- "illy best wishes accompany you, ed :1 eheque one day for payment.
hl::xinte, suddenly, '•i, JI:Idamu ''lice. and perhaps the loves', of a c.,lonel. I execrate the enemies of Ile was a stranger. His eviden •,•
''alta Sure of the fidelity of hers'?" weltlall who took part in the theft iawily and property," ...44S1 JI. Dor-' of identification was not satisfac- '
".1bselutely sere. A11 have of the safe. I begin by a confer- genes, with visions of the red 1c• togs to the cashier. "Why, judge,"
made part of her household for 514.11 that will astonish you. The public before his eves. "Von wish, said the man, 'I've known you to
Y ars, and tlhey worship the conn- theft of the colonel's casket and the doubtless, to withdraw the funds set4t^nce men to be hanged 00 no
toss." rift. thousand francs was preceded entrusted to ale. 1 will (nuke ar-, hotter evidence I.1tan this!" "Vets
"Even those who are not domes- by :ul..1het, which Vigour% and 1 rangentents for you to do so this; likely," rt plied the judge. ''Bu1
ties -the profes'ur.., for instance'? aseertained." vers day." i when it comes to letting go of cold
I know only the fencing -antsier, nd you did not felt me-" "Thank you, sir. But I have cash we 'have to be mighty careful."
whom I saw on one occasion fel1C- "Vigliol'y wished 1.0 do so. I s'.uit'tliltlg 11101•e interesting to
ing with Ma.lan•t• Yalta. He is a of:puses1 it. One Wednesday even- speak of than the regulating of an I
"The gie ttest Pete in the world Pole. 1 h^lieve ing we had dined together, and a,',•�,unt." {I
(rune to pass the a ening at your "Speak, eolonel. I cannot guess
house. 11'e s1w a light in the of its nature, but ----'
tier, and went. in. You will be "Have y.,u ever wondered whys
amazed to learn what 1 found those I have resided in Paris for two.
--the hand of a woman caught in t-(nrs pa -t asked Rurisoff,.
u ..c-hanisul which defend, the safe." , al•t aptly,
".1 hand: 1Vha1 absurdity arc "I suppose it was for your plea -
yet. telling till` .''' 4..140,
"Yes, a land which the accunl- 1 •'You are otistak•tn, sir. I was
l:!tce of the thief had cut off. 1 here to watch over the Nihilists."
tcok into 1ny head to discover Moor •• We have them amongst us!" ex -
"Oh, nc'ihieg. I fancied I had . the owner of the hand." • / !aimed the banker.
seen Rime a long time ago, dressed ''That is just like stilt; but how '..Almost as many aS i11 Switzer -
a4 a gentlemate and escorting Ma- c(,uld Vignory counlenalire till, !rrd. Their chief, keep thelnselv(s
dame' Sergent. I was rrlistakeu." folly:' His duty WY1I5 1', :;i\'' me prudently beyond our frontiers,
"Assuredly," said Villages, who warning. and his silence wit-, ines a1111 it. is in foreign parts that they
ha(' (:',trued with close attention eusable." 4.1gilni•re the plots which endanger
while affecting indifference. "1 "It %vas tl at 1 almost foie, ,i ',int our country."
might lay 11 wager you were think- to it." ''•('hen the Russian government
ing of this leiter when you alluded "A beautiful reason. 11.' was lta•; gond reason to have their erint
to the possibility of a battle at. the my employe, and has prayed i1I'4 insl proe(dttres watched by its clip -1
dtuneel's. You thought he had fol- to Ole. I shall never forgive him." I,n:atists."
lowed !her to her pieseut abode." At this moment au office -1103 are •'The diplomatists do not suffice
V''I confess I had Slime such idea, peered, who announced that Col- for the task. I tun not attached t••
bit' 1 hit ye it no longer," said Max- H*•risoff wislekt to speak with N.' the Itussilul embassy. 1 represent
lute. quickly. Dorg4 res on very urgent business.: the political police of the empire."
:1 sudden flash passed through '•1 have !wt. time," replied the '•'l'hc police:" repeated M. Dor
Etc eyes of the doctor, and from bhl.ker. impatiently. I woes, somewhat nonplussed.
ta• change in his counterlaltee •1 '•1 beg pardon. uncle." said (lax -i ?'''es. I have no further reason
physiognomist w„111.1 have di. iced One "Will you du me the favor' j, hide it, since I leave 1' 1'411100
t(.stt he had just conte in pusses- to receive Col. Borisoff. and to al- Lever to returli. The casket which
skin of u proof long and skilfully low Inc to be pec eat' I shall not 1 deposited with yott contained
sought of :t fact whit's had for him he de trop. for i and sire. he tellies 1,,;t44-,, of the highest importance, -
gl. at importance. to speak of your former se('1-l'tal Y". li,e 1!'-1 el these associatt(1 with Ni -
"Then," 'he said gaily. "you re- "The colonel has an important I,:;i.4 i. reports of the proceedings
lingui,h the intention to arta your- account with toe. It is more pro- of certain persons who emigrated
•self to it • teeth fur our expedition balite he comes on business." after the last insurrection in Po-
lo -night ?' "The business that occupies 111111 , land. You jut 411 1101, I suppose,
"Oh. i ala not afraid," said just now is not an affair .,f forgotten that it was stolen, and
M:Ixiine, .esu 1111 caught the some- money," sa1(1 Maximo, at ilia l'ellfl- Lite sitig1118r cir'-nlnstanccs that ae-
w1:at ,lttirie:rl meaning of the doe- (fence, "and I an.wer for it the c'anpanied the theft ; and you be-
tel, "and shall go unarmed, even einversatien will turn solely to M. here me that Chet uecomplice of
should This kardiki constitute Ufa- de Callow]. If you will permit inc the tllietes was your secretary."
dame Sergent.- body -guard." i t.• remain yon still I •aro much "1 thiuk so still. My nephew has
"I do not cast any doubt on your IIr.ro quickly 444 bat I have yet to the proof."
-courage, believe ole, but when one tt11. and 1. perhap,. shall find out ".1h :" said the •'uluncl, lonkin'r
carries a revolver he is always -pule things of which I tun still ig- f:::(.(Ily as .lasinlo, who remaint4
tempted to make use of it. and i to laid." Unmoved. {
• -do not wi144h to create a disturb "Very well. if i nm compelled to •'1, toe," he resumed, "have the
.80.434'. It is agree('. then. I will ;,.l; tots le go out, yen will wait for .l,y .f that JI. 410 ('nrnoel w':1s in
meet you a(, midnight at the rood 1,,, in my chamber, and we will re- league wit11 the thieves. I }roe'
in int of the ('ha••nps-Elysccs. Per- seine our cunversnti•.11. .1sk Col. Starched for. have found him, a4
alit me now to take leave of sell; i'uriitoff to walk in." he ..aid to the la, lel and retained hint for rt loc..,
I have tett patient., to see this oflicc-boy. ties, al my house."
horning." I In another nwulrdoort the dor op- "11'ithuut letting me know '
\la\ime extended his hand to the kited and the colonel entered. claimed the hanker.
doctor, and made no effort to de- : "Pardon ole, sir." he said, '-if • 'It was u•elrss, '•ou 11.1.1 g,t t i,
Lain 111111. 1 have ins StNl upon being '•ere,\, .-artr 1,1:ulche, and 1 was fir.
14 ••4 ,s of patients," resume,) ed i bine this, evening for Inns•'.:, :4' : ;o ►u} own way. 1 ende:lcor
111 Villa . ,. ''the countess has gone sir,, mid must speak with you be ,. , I., ..\Leet a ernfr'• siotl from hint,
Inl••1 the • .utitI;y to -(11y. I1 is toll kir my departure." 1 i::a4. t-1-(le\:1tit st'el'e}:Ivy i to"t
and ra't: ti„ but it matters nosh- i ' •'t your service, colonel. flu,: . toil? •ht- friends w.)llld net al• •
ir,g 14. her. 1 have dont my best sieur is lay it phew. hilt if you 411' him, and l.re•er\e,l an oh-:le.lt•.
to deter her, but without success." sir• to he oleoe with 1110i;e,,,•e,''
i "It 1' stl:tuge,'' murmured Sfax- "1 have
had the honor t•• meet ''[lilt w1111 :Ir.yell going to d"
ime, -ie. said nothing of her in-\; Vaxitne 1)•,rs;erea " said the, with him'. If soul intention is t•
Ptl'I:t!en se•Ster(11y••' !(••.�utlel, !{lewlt', "tint( ('••I1QI':It1118te, deliver 111111 lip (t' t'a'. i'rPllt'h police,li,•cau a this beautiful idea 1*')self upon finding hint hr r.. If; ' 1 have nettling to say, but
(':Ince in her sleep. and this morn- :1 had not I should have begged y. n ••1 shell not deliver hint up to'
"fruit-a-tives" mattes the stomach
sweet and clean. Insures sound diges-
tion, and regulates bowels, kidneys and
50e n hoe. 6 for S'•50. or trial box,
Sar -al all dealers, or from 1•'ruit-a-
lives, Limited, Ottawa.
to their ellispring: and serves as
wcl: to i:eep :oval evil spirits.
No opinion can help you to hea-
ve.) if it. makers you hate your bro-
ther man.
.fudge Giles (taker. of a Pennsvl-
vant t county, was 1,kewise cashier
of itis Immo bank. ,1 than pre,ent
A flavoring used theism... lemon or main
It!! dur:lrtr* grans .d augur la water ..)
add:og Yapla ., a de ou. p t. road
r syrup better thRan 4.n e. Maple1wut ,e sold
gr".•res. It tot rani fet 1 0� bottle ant
t„ •pe b tP.t 111
a��ttle, W..
tt .enar•etes hit' r, r fr•nn sweet milk in
nrle operation, with vt rr,•au,iug or rhurn•
ing. and leaves ,1. • remaining milk Per-
fectly sweet.
Easy Running
No Chemicals
No Cog -Wheels
Does :.cork of cream arnarator and
churn in one operation. Quirk opera
ting. Rutter the best. nutter keeps bet-
ter. Easily cleaned
Child twelve years 01,1 ran operst• it.
Separator run 01.• e-n•:h••d clean in one
half minute. Keparatec butter from seven
gallons of sweet milk in Aro to eight
minutes after a little praetire. Raves
thr.•e qu'trterl labor of butter making
It also separates butter from sour milk.
eonr ,'roam or sweet cream in nn.'
ol,••rat inn
Price $38.00
SPECIAL DISCOUNT allowed to nartir.
(.1•4..,• w.• truer nu Agent• •nvwrnn.(
thl. adv; rtisemeut .1'k for Booklet 141
Donk 14
- z political refugee. But Poland
docs nut consort with Nihilism."
"Then you (l, not admit that he
keews the brnue•c'e of the Ilink'1"
"How, diable ' rntlld he know
her? He never get= out."
"N.,4. Al. (h, l ainoel either 1"
"Still less. May I ask, my dear
Dergeres, t!he meaning of all these
questions' 1"
inti she wrote to announce to me to send for hila. Von gne.•3. per ! no: one, for the excellent reason
that she should start at nine, ,haps." he went on. ''the rause 111,14 ho has .-
.o . 14ok." I w I ich obliges me suddenly to lent e ' 11a fel!" exelninted the hanker.
�This unf,•rseen absence of Ma- .Poris 1"
Arsine ''alta deranged llaxime's "I confess 1 do not,,, replied the
plans Ile had, how( Ser. en '.ugh • banker.
to eeolllly the alas- -three !lessons "yell have not, then, read the, f.,, lh -' .lar net hang i11 Fiance,
to 501,, his con•in, his friend. and n•otning pipers 1"a,,,$ he lin,. 1 1.4 here. no intention
Itis uncle. 1 Nut yet. I have been busy this' of quitting it. ife is in Paris. and
Ile made straight for fine de Sur-{ nl••rning." l perhaps not far from the Rue de
ass: es, and was tit t :t littl'• surpriaeid ''Then you do not know that rate 1 rSSrrresnes. It was to make this
to he inforn'cd b% the concierge (al. at. St. Petersburg have at-; known. that I called noon you."
ii I), ulcv'nnt that M. I)orgere• had ttulpted the life of the emperor, ' "1 ala very mach obliged to you,
pent for hire, and was awaiting him my master 1" , r elonel." stammered the banker.
in his office. Ile foun/1 the (tanker "What. again 1" i "1 shall take n. precautions."
prent(`nnding the room in evident "This time they tried to blow up "You would ,I, well to de so, for
► Sisitatien. the 1Vinter Palace, The emperor i nm satisfied he will attempt to
".11►' here yon are 1 have 110:1 rd es -aped miraculously. but brave intr•duce himself into your housei
putt. things of yon " soldiers have peri=led." 1 received yesterday the visit of a
\\ 44 have 1 dale. my dear -It It is abominable," said the Ihtssinn who represented himself as
1t:.•'• asked Mavun.•, hot slight- hanker, earnestly. "1 suppose this ant by the chief of the political
i% :i.' • .4datcd. (lime was the work of those Ilan- '„•lice. and who succeeded by a
' • : wrong, 1 can tell you- Voll (file whorl you call Nihilists." gt. •s stratagem in effecting the lib -
/41,\r tired ail' daughter that the "Th. re is tie doubt of it. nu. ,ration of M. de ('arn(,cl. This
F(,'ul. ?.: 1 4i,' deter II n.I1 his been seat has declared war on the goy- ;.,:,ening n letter front St. Peters
14.ju•' . accused. 1)o on know e•rnnrellt and 4.4) steiel3t. It is th,• berg enli¢hteee') me as to the
t, 1,a4 4. {ren the result of this iight an(1 (uta' of the goyerume^t , e:. -•r the nicht. 'fhe Iran W45
f ' :, !alk ' Abe no declared that to defend its sacred interest, i' '1 \ - ,I . i-..."
sv . I: ..-•1 nr^rry Vignory. Anil. it calls upon all its sr•rt•nnt• 144,..e► • 1 i•\'1• -11t.• . .1'"
gi- 2 \•:I, that rhe t+fiI1 not Marry whine devotion it can ,'••tint i and (•1•., l.t. ....i:ntied.)
"I shall not be solt;v for hint to go
4! -•'where to get hung.'.
lie "CI ,. 't 1,t' Mins anywhere,
Camphor Ice
12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes
Capsicum, Rotated. Mentholated, (Who.
r'eropt,nrated. White Oxide of %int',
eta nett for epeeist purposes. Write for
Free Vasolloe Book.
979 Drat(' at. W.. Montreal
Cure ?
Watres, Ont.
I'eb. nub.
"1 had a horse that
had • Spavin for •
lona time and t had
tiled neatly every kiwi of medicine
when a neighbor told me to use
X'adrll s Spann ('ate, which 1 did
awl It •eed wondettully,'•
P+)•41,' 'I'll \1,.
Kendwu'. tipet•in Curr ,+ no
ted ,.'hew•otl:t's
staadard remedy for all Swelling',
Soft Dunrl,.* and 1.autene%s iu hole.
and men.
Used !kr world over for 4) )'ars.
livery firmer, stockman, repress.
111111, lively proprietor and horse
•• •n4.. 5•oerally should keep it
a:wa,% on head
ill. a irollle- fi for $... Ask so r
d• a , !et tree cope of •.n4 Iwo.
On 'I' r;--,.- ,. .h• :..
DR. D. J. 11/..‘in 44 1 O. 56
Enoabur0 i til;•., - t rrmon?.
Ulahrw,,,fs e 1
Sp••tiding 1 - ' ' in
ha:lams a :To, , t • hien
amt then dei,!.: ta,, :y 1.11ow it to
suffer for paint.
Martin-Senour Paint
lOOn/. Pure, Preserves
It feeds the hnayry or an Mees of the
wool w.tIt pure hnarcd oil, lead u..I
erne-m•V mg the surface absolutely
hovers. .m4 1" etrnatie changes.
1t .•'.,ls wood fto:n dar•prvw-4.r•!.
rev's .t from spll,nny, erukina.: •nm
sun and frost, hhs er4t•t heat and Lbs •
Int du,t, wh.eh h -Ip the processes of
de -ay srd ruin. Gerd parr paint hnva
more than 0$centr worth of Ins ranee
against the ravages of time.
The Ingredients of • pure paint ere
well kr,own. In the main they are far.
bog•at• of Lead, Mild. of Zine pure
(-"tors, well ar.n."d 1-y srr,i•lly s..apt-
erl machinery, a4. 4 thinned with pure
hnse.•.I od an 1 (We tarpent're dryer.
A bu•nling own•t who fail* to rKos
nip" (1,. peel i-4.0.tnre •f sehrh.5 fhe
Mso,. wet Iv et /114 property value
decrease while, he grows ..rat and
p.evl.h wae.lrrine why.
N.gfy us if Tour desl'r rannot lop -
ply you, we'll R4erliy dir.rt yes whM
Nr Delete can 40 had.
'•r.� Refuse Alt Substitutes
♦t, Illoetrat.d boklet,
"nfens. Beautiful..
t • n d latmeting
to card Pees
for the a.tklne,
Putti •St«,w C..
"soave,. Pa.s Perk(
Gasoline Engines
SIZES 1, j. 4, 6 H.P.
They are so simple that the average farm
hand can run thews, and are practically Fool
Proof and Frost Proof. Send today for
catalogue G.E.-ton, W.P. CO., showing full
line of engines for farm use. It means
money saved for you.
TERMS Speolsl Terms to Formers.
Sranahaf-Tsront•, at. Jahn, N.C., Winnipeg, Calgary, tlan..uvs
Canadian Appreciation
Latish/in' Hotel, Loudon.
Centlemen,--I wish to expr(-�v my appreciation of the 38
h. f.. Daimler whieh you have delitr`red to ale. Before ship-
ping the car to Canada I made a three weeks' trial of it, cov-
ering some 1,200 miles. The car ran perfectly, and I never
had the slightest trouble of any kind, and I think it quite lives
up to the many claims you slake for it. The silence, smooth -
Ile ti of running. and power of acceleration on hills is really
1(y 'whet eensmnptien was 16 miles to the gallon, includ-
ing a great (teal of driving in traffic. The tyres show no ap-
preciable signs of wear, anal I think it will prove light on tyres.
1 and really delighted with the car. --Yours sincerely,
(Signed) C. A. B(H)NE, of Toronto, Cana.:a.
"The most
Car of the
The Daimler Motor Co., (1904) Limited,
r =✓
Monteea.l and Quebec to Bristol
Royal Edward AND Royal George
TI'i:►I:! 1t I'll vv i, �E LI" )lli Wirek'ii, 1) ''41) l,t 1 '1'01414► 1,4114'4,
Elevator,, () Ie:l8a011g01- 1)..t.hs, 12,00') tolls.
'I'1t' " 1►otra1 I,ilv.lrel' will in-1't;nr.tl.t1 tll'1 f�rltni;►Iltly
service of the Cannella!' Northern St'IIlIshipi, 1,2111:0re1 -
'1'ht' 1:o.iI Linc -front 11ontfo•tI ttn•l Quuhe:; to I;i•t•itol nit
rI•Illlrstiav, Nlity 21;t11.
Best Appointed
The Most Pic-
turesque Port.
Only tour days
at sea.
1 he Lwin •hips• the " Pnyal Edward " :rn't the
"Royal (.gorge" are the Lnte.t triple strew fur•
bine boats in the Canadian senior. Thr Ufitish
port is Frialnl it WO boons nearer 111.4,1 Liverpool.)
special train% alongside steamer. within to min -
ores of Landon. The •learners are ,(riven by the
newest t)pe Of tu.b.nr rugine•. insuring a math•
prom of speed and mittinn,m of vihrat.on. Their
equipment is the finest ever seen in the 8t. Law.
retic(•. targe stntereon.q, !pacioot ao,-i;fi apart•
mews. shc1r,red promenade decks, arli•tie lurnialr•
toga, perfect service, and ventilation h3 thereon
lank ..'•tern, the testi ai. being w:,runt .,r euute 1
as required.
For full pa1rtitlll:trs, rates. booklets. schedule .\t' ♦IIIIII�a, etc , applf
any ste:un,hip agent, or writ; to 11. " 1.1 El:. (Ten Agen:
C411.1.1 111 Ni1fthetn Steamships, ILIntilcde Toronto. I, anads.