HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-05-26, Page 5r Fullness and Bloating After Eating? Little Digesters Cure or your money back. At all Drugtists or direct from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO.. Toroat J 1 ASK FOR (LONDON Porter Undoubtedly the best .a•ewed on the continent. Proved to be so by analysis of four chemists, and by awards of the world's great Exhi- bitions, especially Cutcaco 1893, where it received ninety-six points out of a possible hundred, much higher than any other Porter in the United States or Canada. s The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 (Capital (paid up) - $3,500,000 Rest Fund - - - $3,850,000 Har. 72 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. A GENERAL RANKING RUMNESS TRANSACTED. SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. - EXETER BRANCH - Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DicesoN & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, 25c. a box. i Hyslop Bicycles $25 iii Everybody knows the Hyslop reputation when it comes to Bicycles. Last year we thought perfection had been reached, but this season we go it one better, with more of quality and value in $50 Wheels for $25 than heretofore seemed possible. Buying in enormously largo quantities and selling un the closest possible margin enables us to discount our own beet efforts with the heat Bicycles ever offered for the money. You can order by mail with a•surulco of entire satisfaction. Send your narno an I address fur Bicycle Folder. MYSLOP BROS., witted tij BICYCLES ARO AUTOMOBILES TORONTO, ONT. aa ‘k1 i ST. Ot.tFtl3.—Someone unknown enter 'm. HANTS.—The vote on the cement by-law to guarantee bonds for $40,000 ed the hour' of Mr. Henderson on (lotto the new industry to be established Mitchell road on Monday evening andln town, resulted as follows, For 51;1 carried away $.5 In cash. Mr. (lender Against 82. The required three- fifths eon had only been away from theto pass the by-law wag 469, so that house about twenty tninutes. 'the by-law passed by 45. .. It's the actual test that tells NEW IDEA FURNACES A Furnace is no better than actual tests prove it to be. The "New Idea" Furnace has been subjected.to tests devised by heating engineers and contractors alike. They know that this furnace is unequalled for durability and fuel economy by the beat of all other furnaces on the markets of the continent. We have concentrated the genius of the heating industry on the making of better furnaces for the last 66 years. The " New Idea" is scientifically constructed --the radiator nearly all steel —the firepot practically indestructible —the Duplex Grate clinker and trouble proof and easily operated. Our Free Book on "New idea" Furnaces mailed on request. It will interest YOU. GURNEY, TILDEN & COMPANY, Limited For Sale by Malcom of Heating and Cooking Goods for 88 Tears W. J. Heaman, Exeter. Hamilton a Ontario OREEN W A T. Tne annual meeting of the \Votuen's institute took place at Mrs. W. J. Eng- land's and a large number were present when tete following officers were elect- ed.—Pres.. Otte. C. 11. Wilson; First Vice -Pres.. :Ore. Goodhand; 2nd Vice Pres.. Mrs. 11cLinchey ; Sec: Treae.. Myrtle Wickert ; Auditors, Mrs. Brinker. Mrs. English; Listrict Director, Mrs. W. T. Uterus; Directors, M. M. Hutchin- son. Miss M. McLlnchey, Mrs. DLitt ;-'►Ira Brinker was appointed delegate for lite ehual meeting at Aliso Craig June 7. IIFNS.ALL Mrs. Jack Buella:h :r and child ate here frons Guelph.—laugh McMann is moving his cement outfit to Jarvis, he 'caving taken a contract there.—The af- ternoon Friday last was observed by the people of Hensall in showing respect to the memory of Edward VII. Teel school children headed by the band marched to Carmel Church where nnem- orial servict•e were held and appropriate :music furnished by the united elicited.— The orchestra has been engaged to play at an entertainment in Exeter of May 27.—Dr. Scllery- goes to the Dental Convention held in Toronto next week. —Jamar Johnston is seriously 111 of pneumonia.—An old Hensel' boy. John Buchanan Lecturer on Experimental ag- riculture at the O.A.C. nae resigned his position to become Inspector of Parks for Calgary. at a salary of $2500. He had been at the Agricultural College for nearly 20 years. John visited with Ills parents here for a few days before go - :lig west. ZURICH Philip Hauch continues quite poorly.— Miss Lizzie Truentner of Detroit 1s vis- iting with her another and sister Sirs. L. Prang.—Mrs. Bernhardt of Preston is visiting her parents Rev. and Mrs. Maass.—R. W. Williams of the Molsons Bank staff of London 1s holidaying at his home here.—The Rev. A. Y. Heist of Berlin conducted preparatory sere vice in the Evangelical church Saturday afternoon last.—Mise Keys. one of the teachers in our school is laid up and her duties are being performed by her sister.—John A. Manson of the. Gosh- en Line, Stanley and Mise Mary Kennel of Blake were married last week.—Mrs. Brenner, who Is making her home with her daughter Mrs. Wnt. C. Wagner, on the Goshen Line North, is quite nal at present.—Mr. J. ti. Shuettler is visiting relatives and friends in Cleveland. --J. J. :Verner has purchased a promising young pacer from Mr. J. Neeb of the Babylon Line.—Moses Gascho vislted in Berlin last week. WHALEN Miss Bessie Morley returned home on Saturday front a week's visit with friends in London.—Mise Bertha Suth- crby of London is visiting with her mother In the village.—Some from title vicinity attended anniversary services at at'ocdhann while others went to Saints- hury to hear ltev. Dean Taylor of St. Marys on Sunday.—Mr. frank Gunning raised his barns Monday and Tuesday and will build a cement block wall un- der them as soon as possible.—Rev. Mr McOatnus of St. Marys will preach An- niversary Services here on Sunday 19th of June.—Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore of Ifcnsall were guests at Mr. Wright's for May 24tH.—Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hodgson of Granton visited with their friends here on Sunday. (Too late tor last week.) Miss Resile Morley spent this week ;n London with friends.—Miss Hilda Gunnins spent a few days with friends at Stintebury.—Mr. Joe. Kelly had n he:: on Saturday hauling sand for his new brick house to bo erected this suer neer.—Owing to the leaving of Mr. D. Hodgson from this place a meeting was ratted at the public school and Francis sI3rley was elected a trustee in ihis stead.—Miss Agnes K'nsala was bur - :e1 ht the It. C. cemetery near Lucan on Monday. She and her parents were former reeld rets of this place but for u fcN years have b_en living in St. S( try's, where the father died sometime ago. TtIAMES ROAD On Monday evening the people of this section were given an opportunity to hear Agnes Knox Black. one of the„ most noted elocutionists of (anadt to- day. and a large crowd attended the recital in the Presbyterian church. For over two hours she kept the audience !ntrrested to a marked degree. by the beauty and variety of her selections and her masterly manner and ability. GRAND (SEND. Mr. and Mrs. frank Miller of Thrd- (ord were here Wednesday.—Mr. and Mrs. Bruce iloeeenbr•rry vislted at if. itussenberry's for a few days last week.—Miss Cook of Lakeville is vie- itti.g her sister Myrtle here.—Mr. M. Dodds spent the 24th In Seatorth.—Mr. Strict Ilse, who was called here owing to the death his mother, has returned to his home in Pigeon, Mich., while Mrs. Ilse will visit for a time.—Mr. C. Law- son of Toronto visited at Mr. Joe. GI11's for a tew days.—Wotan. Ed. and John Gill sold three horses tn Mr. foster of Greenway last week, realizing a good figure.—Miss Dale, who has been with her plater, Mrs. Amos. left for her home Saturday. --A number of men of h near by town came here Sunday In an automobile. it will be well for them to bear in mind that we live here up to law on 4abbatln days.—Mr. Amos. of McGillivray sprat a few days here last week. Death.—This week it 1s our sad duty to reunion the death of another of our citizens.ln the person of Elizabeth Hoppe,. wife of Mr. Fred Bee. who died on Thursday May 19th at the age of :Iii years. 4 months and 14 day,. De - re teed had been sick all winter with different diseases. She was a loving mother and wife. kind friend and .Leigh bor. She leaves to mourn her loss thr hua!t: ted, three daughters, four eons. and three sisters. The daughters are Sirs. Pfaff. Dashwood ; Mrs. !dieser, of Yeaforth and Mabel at home; the Sona. 11 trtnaan and Wlli of Dashwood, Sam. of Pigeon. Mich., and Theodore at home. Mrs. Ilse was married at the ages ot 19 vetrs .t ,4 she was a number of the Lutheran Church. The funeral was largely attended Sunday. the remains be lag laid to rest in the Lutheran ceme- tery at Dashwood. The bereaved !.ave tr.• sympathy of the community. SOUTH HURON FARMERS' EXCURSION TO EXPERI- MENTAL FARM, GUELPH. The Fanners' Institute of South Hur- on will run an Excursion along the, line of the Grated Trunk Rahway to Guelph on FRIDAY, JUNE 601, 1910 Time Table and Rates 'Jentralla E meter Ile Heal! Kippers 1lruc•efleld Minton Senfot tit Dublin Columban 6.50 81.35 7.05 1.35 7.20 1.25 7.26 1.25 7.36 1.2U 7.55 1.2o 8.17 1.15 8.30 1.10 8.25 1.00 C tildren over 5 and under 12. half fare Train will arrive at Guelph 11 O'clock; returning leaves Guelph 6.10. Tickets goad going only on one train; valid to return following day. The advantage of a visit by fanners ere and others to the Model Farnt are to well known to need comment. Suf- c, am rofile■eit thisto,s,thaye othnity' no opportunityfarershould they will have tide season, of visiting the Model Farms at such cheap rates. Front*, 111 educ•atiotal standpoint to the farm- er (here is nothing better ; interesting tortures on the different subjects en- trusted to each Department of the Mod- e! 1•'arnt will be delivered by eminently to (lified parsons, which cannot help 'tut prove highly lnterestiao and in - alt uctive, and on the whole the visit will be one of great profit sed p;easure to all. A Free Lunch wail hr served '.n the Lecture Room. Ales. Muntard, B. S. Yhlllipe, President. Secretary. HARPLEY :Ir. E. Gardiner delivered a new ilelntzmalt piano for Mr. John Love on Monday.—Mr. Stephen Webb has a flow- ing well at the depth of 90 feet.—Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stone arrived home last week front a visit In London Town- ship.—Miss Addle Hickey and Hazel Seerritt were home on Friday for the holiday.—Miss Etta Beaterd ontetatned a few friends to a birthday party on S tturday evening. SOCIETY WOMEN'S HAIR. A Simple Treatrnont that Will Make It Truly Fascinating—W. S. Cole Guarantees It. Nowadays ever* up-to-date woman has radiant hair. What a foolish creature a woman would be 1f she lost the opportunity to add to her attractions. Yet In Canada to -day there are hun- dreds of thouea,tds of women with harsh. Laded. characterless hair who do not make any attempt to improve it. In Paris mos' women have beautiful hair, and in Canada all women who use Paristan Sage have lustrous and lux- uriant hair. And any woman reader of the Advo- cate can have attrar:ive and lustrous hair in a few days' time by using this great hair rejuvenator. Parisian Sage. W. S. Cole sells a large bottle for 50 cents and he guarantees it to ban- ish dandruff, stop falling hair and itch - scalp in two weeks or looney dark. Paristan Sagt is an ideal !lair tunic, not sticky or greasy. PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method. If you sutler from bleeding, itching, blind s r protruding Piles, send use your address, and I will tell you how to zure your- self at hotne by the absdrption treatment ; and will also send some of this house treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if re- quested. Iiutnediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send nn illnitt'V, but tell others of this offer. Write to -day to Mrs: M. Summers, Box 840 Windsor, Ont. HOMESEEKER$' EXCURSIONS WESTERN CANADA LOW ROUND TRir RATES 001N0 DATES Apr. A. 19 Jess 14, 2$ AW. 9, 23 Ray 3, 17, 31 Jody 12, 20 Sept. A 20 =ROUGE SPECIiAL TRAINS TORONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST Liter. Tomato 2.00 p.m. ea *bore days Through First and Second Clew C. arbes, Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. Apply to nearest C P.R. Asrnt cr write R. I. Tbornp.on, D.P.A , Toronto. ASE rot 11O1LSi&Itt1S' TARTILLT ffg'Ysii s Nobody ran know every. thing. 'To become enter% means to epeelaltse. We ars or- clattstt In prod:wine th.' be.t flrwer sod re.,lab,e sped.. in 61 raan we tare ba -orae, esp.rttt. Sew Yerrr•a needs and reap the results of our cars. ioc eels where. Reed our ors catal ogue and pros t by Her es perlonce. !tent errs on risque. Address it. M. FET OW.. MINS. slur. CLINTON.—Ott Monday of last week death called away another of the early residents is the person of Mr. :Alfred Hayward who had reached the good age of 74i years. IIB is survived by a wife and four children, Alfred of Flint. ),Ir.. E. E. Mil of Detroit, I-'ra:tk of Hensall and Fred of Clinton. l3RCCEI-'IELD.—One of the fastest and cleanest gamest of football ever witnessed in this part of the county was played oa the park grounds last Wednesday night beween the Clinton Collegiate team sad the Brucetield Rov- ers, resulting `_-u i❑ favor of the stovers. DRYSDALE,—A very pleasing event took place in St. Peter's it. C. Citurclt o:t Tuesday morning of last week, it being the tnarretae of \Ir. Chas. An- drews of Seaforth t3 Mies Matilda, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mcro of Drysdale. Ti.' bride was at- teuded by alias Andrews. slater of the groom. also prettily attired In creast silk organdie. The groom was assisted THE EXETER AGRICULTURAL SOCI- ETY'S FIELD COMPETITION, 19114 The directors of the above society of- fer prizes for standing crops on Cate. The society will award prizes on oa!a which now consist of at least five acres in each case, as follows—lat. 811 2nd. $12; 3rd, $10; 4th, $9 ; 5th, $5. In addition to the above prizes will be awarded for a sheaf exhibit at the Nat- ional Exhibition, Toronto, and also for two bushel sacks of oats and fall wheat at Guelph Winter Fair. Full particul- ars can be had from the undersigned. Competitors will please give notice be - tore May 24th. ED. CHRISTIE. Pres. A. G. DYER, Sec Tenders for Coal, 1910 Sealed tenders addressed to the Pro- vincial Secretary, Parliament Buildings Toronto, marked Tenders for Coal," will be received up to noon on Saturday May 28th. for the delivery of coal as )required in the sheds of the following provincial institutions, on or before the 31.1 day of August next. viz., Brock- ville. Cobourg, Hamilton, Kingston, London, Mimico, Penetangulshene, Tor- onto Hospital for the Insane, Orillia Hospital for Idiots. Woodstock Hos- pital for Epileptics, also the Central Prison and Mercer Reformatory. Specifications of the qualities and quantities of coal required and forms of appllcatiou may be obtained o:. ap- plication to the Department or from the Bursars of the respective insti- ttutions. Tenders are to specify the trine of origin and the quality of respective kinds of coal, and to furnish evidence on delivery that the coal is of origin specified. fresh mined and up to the standard of trade grades. Delivery subject to satisfaction of Officers of Department of the Provin- cial Secretary, who may require ad- ditional deliveries, not exceeding 20 per cent.. up to the 15th July, 1911 Tenders will be received for the whole quantity specified. or for the quantities required in each Institu- tion. An accepted cheque for 9500, payable to the order of the Honour- able the Provincial Secretary, oust be furnished by each tenderer, and two sufficient sweeties will be requir- ed for the due fulfilment of each con- tract. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Newspapers Inserting this advertise- ment without written authority from the Department will not be paid for It. W. J. MANNA. Provincial Sect—eta::: Parliament Buildings, Toronto, May 14th, 19111, Auction Sale REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD EFF - Fa -re, Far.. at CItEDITON, o:: SATCH- II.tY, SCAT .9, at 1 p.tn. the following. Real Estate.—The property known ap tete Royal Motel, situated in Credito:,. Tner., Is about 1-2 acre of land. the hotel premises and barn 4txho, herd and soft water. household Effects -2 dining rootu tables. 12 dining roost chairs. aide- board-ki tchen table, 2 small tables. fi contnion chairs, ti barroom chairs. - rocking chairs, :3-plece parlor suite . couches, parlor tables. 2 bed roost suites, together with odd beds and dressets, also springs and metressee. 2 heating stoves, glass cupboard. bar looking -glass. number of pictures, dish es, toilet sets. carpets and linoleum,. a quantity of bedding. kitchen utensils. wheelbarrow. hat rack. small pair ecairs spittoons, wardrobe, writing desk. mon- ey till. 2 clot kn. quantity Ice; other al - titles too numerous to mention. TERMS—Chattels, $5 and under rash. over that amount :I0 days credit will b' given on futmlehln4 approved Joint voter. Terms of Real Estate made known ort day of sale. SVAI.TER CLARK. Proprietor WS(. ANDERSON. Aart lone,r. Choice Stock To Breed From TiiE JAP, 89581. Is a standLd-br..1 F'lectionerr Wilkes trotting staiilor , and will stand for mares this season at hie own stable. Ezetg Terms 41o. -- 11.1.1A M 1o.-- 11.1.1A'1 K UNT?.. i'r'op. JOHN KMOLLL'TT. 41159. Vol. 17, le standard bred trotting stallion. of rno:cc p_dig:e.• and breeding. MordaY rtooe leaves hie own stable. Thames ltd. and goes by way of Whtchelsea to Kirkton. Tucsdae to Silas Ilalkwlll's. Ilaseline. Hlatshard. and . 7: Wednesday to ----and horn^. Thurs- d tY to Isaar Moore's, Turkersmlth.and by way of Brurefleld to Warne. F'rlda:. to Troyer's. Ilillegreen. thence by watt of Hensall to his own stabie.—HALLiE BROWN, Prop. and Man. LORD OF THE MANOR, 2:121,1, , ,n tg.,iflrently bredt rotting stalUov well-known and of excellent breeding and of choice pxtlgree. Route eams an for Join Sntallet' I(ALLiE iti1ON"N proprietor and Mat,ascr. by H. chert Otero, brother ot the bride. Rev. Father Landervlile performed the t'e:entoay. Mr. .t d Mrs. Andrews have gone to Seafvrth t , reside. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA Court of Revision Tp. of of Stephen NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision for the Assessment, Roll of the Township of Stephen, will - hold its first meeting for the present year, in the Town Hall, Credt'on, on Thursday, the'21itti day of flay, 1010, at 10 o'clock Dann. HENRY EILIIER. Crediton .May 3rd, 11110 Tp. Clerk. Court of Revision OF THE Village of Exeter NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision for the Assessment Roll of the Village of Exeter will hold its first meeting for the present year in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Friday, the 3rd day of June, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. in. JOSEPH SENIOR, Exeter, May 17th, 1910. Village Clerk 4 ailiAlullsallk Manure Litters Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. 10 Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls & Stanchions can be installed as cheap as lumber and last forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Binder These three things are great labor -savers for farmers and ne- cessities on a farm. For sale by Wm. Gillespie, Exeter PROMS 51 NV�y AF . '. 0 WHEN FLOUR TIME COMES around again make a change for the better by ordet ing a sack of MODEL. It is a flour that gives the housekeeper a right to ha proud of her baking A SACK OF MODEL FLOUR will yield better and more bread, cake and pastry than any other we know. Try s sack to test it. With each bak- ing made from it you'll feel surer and surer that at last von have found a perfect flour. A 0001) SUPPLY OF FEED ON HAND HARVEY BROS. EXETER ONTARIO Th.• great prarti. al training school or Untarie in three departments, Commerckl, Shortbaod d Telegraphy We astiat graduates to position+. The dernand npon us tor trainee) help greatly ..weed+ th..npple The three most ree'ntla plarnt ars r«-.i,yn¢ Hen, Irkamt 11,i, per month r.•+pe•tr.sly ltennest man state oer,paduates are the tett Enter 'jr,classes sox ret elle er.. ratatogit,. D. A. MCLAOHLAN Principal. Organ and Piano Repairing and Tuning G, PEDLER, late of Chicago, has derided to retrain in EXETER for some time tindefinitelyt and will wait on the music loving pithlir in the capacity of piano nerd organ tunin and tepeiring. 110 lois 'wide it his life wot k and is t bnrtln1hl v r ell,ablp, guar - entering all tank. F'..ilnwing are a few price.: New String.... 25c each Tone ItegnitttinK $.i.()rl up Uener•nl Tuning. $'2.0) K"y Levehiit,t ,Irk Overhanlinat from 81) t11 $S'., New AMinn and Hammers for Square Pi.tnn from *25 to 030 Re•Varnishing, Polishing cleaving like newt done at lowest figures. Estimates on I"it. Ortt.+n Tuning & Repairing finnished nn request. All work satisfactory or no pay. nr•lersteh it John Pedler's Residence Met: Men +v.• -r, .,r 0 10:'$1.' It. EXETER, silt re.s.ve proa.pt *Motion.