Exeter Advocate, 1910-05-26, Page 2CUUD BLOOD ( En:c'ilcic'I'I'r 'Rom .•IND. GOOD HEALTH New Use to Which Old Fashioned Wind Mills Can be I'ut. The machinery of a modern t.ind- luill is just as far advanced ever the crude machinery of the wind- mill of fifty scars age as is the st-rks of a, tine watch over the 'Lie lack of sufficient red, health- w.,rks of a dollar alarm clock. One blood doesn't end merely is one of wind turbine, for instance, It Started nith Backache and Circe a pate complexion. It is amencuuaists of a wheel about sixteen _ War" 'Gill the Duel" Said She inure serieu<. Bloodless people are fent in diameter mounted upon a steel tower bits tee' in height. Must Ute. the tired, languid, run down folk The entire wind wheel is of gal..: never hate x bit of enjoymetnt yanized brill bl•ariugs. its trans Holt, Out.. May ail. (Special).- in life. Footdoes not n Jutish' mission rear works in an oil bath All the countryside here is ringiIi tl'ere's indigess tion. heart pslpita- , N"Ith the wonderful euro of \I r.. pea, headaelie, backache, some and, acc,rding to 1 uuplar alerhnlu Samuel Thompson, wile lay at the ie' the best ethcxls known to en - tines efainting Ifa►n for wee. anaemia or bloodless- gil eering have been adopted in piith nto deatho that the lCl'• nu kstiiii ness be neeli elcd too long a decline i order to eliminate friction and eu diner"times derided to tap her, is sure to fellow. Just a little able the wheel to make the best. bit, desisted because, as her hus- I Wes, blued cures all these ' oi ef light winds. The result is that even in a wind band said. "It might be belle'' to hikses. Ju,l more rich, red blood; haying a velocity of no -higher than. gen let her die in peace." After the shoo abounding health and vitality . deetur had given her up Dedd's' arid miles an hour the turbine l pleasure in life. To get more ! Pi11s cured h bleed the rented. is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. No other medicine in- creases the blood supply so quickly G: so surely. The euro actually be- gins wtth the first dose, though na- turally it ie not noticeable. This is not a mere claim. Dr. Williams'Pink Pills have been doing this over and over again in Canada foe years. in times of absolutely still aea- This is why thnusands of people al- ther. ways have a gond word to say about this, medicine. The following is the experience of one of the mauy who praise this medicine. Mrs. J. J. • Thibodnau, Bathurst Village, N. B., says: '`Some years ago while teach- ing school I became so run down that 1 could hardly walk. My breath was short and I had failed in weight and lost color. I had to rest several times on my way to school and during school hours it took more than all my strength to fulfil my duty. My doctor advised m3 to give up teaching and take a long rest. But at this time a friend persuaded me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I got six boxes. I hadn't finished the first box when I felt a little better and by the time I had used the six boxes I was ful- ly recovered and enjoying the best of health. At a later date I was treuhled with eczema and my faith in Pink Pills led me to try them again, and I was not disappointed, as they cored this trouble also. I can't praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills too much for they have dons me a power of good." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or wi,t bo seat by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Y.1 it 11OUTH HERRING FLEET. A. rt markable spectacle was to bo witnessed at Yarmouth (England) the other Saturday, when the great00 herring fleet. numbering 1,0ves- Just a Little More Rich, Red Blood Guns Most Iilmente. LAY FOR WEEKS AT DEATH'S DOOR RUC UODU'S KIDNEV Pill` (.3.11'...1)'.•.I) MRS. TIIOMPSO\'S UIIUPSY. 1 Such electricity. a wind- Kidney will as this is provided with an elec- Mrs. Thompson's terrible trou- trie generator and switchboard ble started with pain in the back. Sand a fifty -flue cell storage battery ire grew worse and the doctor ae its electrical apparatus. The treated her for jaundice for eight wheel is always in running puri weeks. Then her feet and legs be tit u, ready to make use of every gat' to swell, and it was realized puff that comes, and it steadily that Dropsy was the trouble. but seven months she suffered. The doe - makes and stores current except tor said there was no hope; she must die. As a last resort D(•dd's Kidney Pills were tried. The improvement wa t slow, but gradually het strength came back. To -day Mrs. 1't mpson is a well woman. She rays. and the country -side knows, way of she owes her life to 1)odd's Kidney a weak Pills. - If the disease is of the Kidneys, or from the Kidneys, Dodd's Kid pamendtient, the n. your than it is to be Physicians. .,,.rirnf. with your own children, Mlnard's Liniment used by SENTENCE SERMONS. Harder work may bt, heaven's wage. Rusting is the poorest resting. The hard face usually has spine. To believe if: scandal is Heise its purveyors No man is cured of pretense by hunting shams. He who bides his talent in a nap- kin finds it evaporated. You do not boost. the next w.,rld by knocking this one. Many doctrines are only ecccleei- astical political fences. The virtue that runs into vacs- The dad, you'll find, is ready bulary soon becomes vice. To knock your head clear off. Putty people usually like to fill ----q, -- up all the window space. BANKS 1S 5)11111 BI'1LUF:RS When you pray for promotion heaven sends you opportunity. Overanxiet0 for greased palms makes the feet mighty slippery. Wealth in living is a matter of discovering your own resources. You are not passing your retie - Paine Without Oil nr us,ue Pordr P.ltot you au turn out as good work .. • i.rr u•!,ng petuter. Write to POWOR PAINT CO., Toronto. Ont , for 1.111 1.1 f.):"11. ion and 1'alalogue with t .r:..r ..l rd a,d Pei.' • Li •:. STOCKS STOCK BONUS OF 5'. MAPLE LEAF MILLINC COMPANY I..i.k a• 111• r•••.i1 or Th.• Lilt, of the 1...1s. O¢ilsie. and We•t., it l aludt. Milling Cempanlss. "wardC RON Y N '=C•°' bu.ldu;i 90 Day Street, Toronto ----------------------- - thcorgt•." ,aid she. "you have Io Id a goad many high positions at oust time and another. ' "Yes," said tleerge, wito bad been mar- ried l.rng enough to kuea• that uoi.- conliuitta!ihut is the best home J. tjeV. '`.ked 1 hate heard it said that tour sl eecss was dile tat the magnetism that drew towards t.u." "Citi -I --" `•1)tni't pre• tt ud to he bashful, new. I was just wondering if yea were magnetic' enough to draw the tacks Prem that dr:.triug-resin (iirpet, to nt•:.rrt,w morning befer,• hreakfa.st." E31iloU n(t s 1s rertein!r .oft ,' the tnr,et I •4. tn•e,ihle „ 91, Ilt • whi.di t' ntr to •,teJ tango.. •, • taste in 11..` mot,* n.1a••-ib 1 •:1 mews three ,..,nh,ne 10 turkn : 1.. horde:. The .•ease to .• dl...l doted Ii•er the rust. Ur Motete A lmheu R-ot Pitta '1'bry go straight en the r..<It of the ir.•uhle. put the river r,ghi. cleanse the •tnln:a,•11 ••:d lens - els, clear the tongue mai lake away the hitter testa from the mouth. At tits fits( 41g0 nt bttiuua- neal takd Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills AGENTS WANTED They Cleanse While They Cure. - 14E7s1't WAN' Fit IN 1 t t.l: i r.iWN The Vegetable compounds of which ` to sell a •et•dunar t. season 1 ie..u.r: rapid fn•Iter. htg Parineleo's Vegetable Pills are , }till.. SSe Doverenurt RJ composed, t,,ainty dandelion and I oIAtrr stt,`•s•:a AND PORI ','PIN' 1: ntaudrakc, steer the stomach :1111 I. (told Kt.ek4 howtht and e..I.1 t:u• • gaueer5• Neport4 art Poreopioe. Write for i,ltent tries of delel eriiitis matter particulars. l•. a. Hairston. 15 Manning ant! rest ,re the deranged organs to arcade. Toronto. Ant. healthful action. Hctle: they a re Ml\\Il'oC.1\.1till F:\C. the best remedy for i'digestion available to -day. .\ trial of them 1 ! hard name to pronounce, calleu will establi'-h the truth of t lis as- ln(ully "Minnicog.'• 'Chis is a pie- sertivn and do more to convince the teresque summer resort un one of ailing than anything that can be Acut.l"uv llt:aut}oattll.►a the largest islands of the Georgian a ritlon of these pills. , Mn 'run and onet rk.nlea.0 g , her/ Ray, only :'1,,t hours run by the -. --endues. bolters. •testa pumps. ge.•'•t.nfl eug.ner. electrfo motors, cout.•a.,,,,i Grand Trunk Railway System tical Ala isiege with a deceased wife's n.n, liin•ry. nt.. fiend for r•tkI tgei" ..t w "tala MACHINERY. -- 5 liftN THF. R.t1tBER TR%OE VFW • 1 •velem vnnalait nrerttre: rsn•h,l i re, `,lel toll: few week. rompleto r•••. r+r, t•1"1. froe: Eradnates earn twelve to elehte'n dnll,tra weekly • write Mr ••atA- In.l,e. %inter Barber College, Lot O,teas Raaf, Tornntn EDUCATIONAL the City of Toronto. Canada. and beautifully situated among the 30,• 000 islands of that territory. Splen- did hotel accommodation, good fish- ing fins` boating and no hay fever. bl,ttr has been valid in Tasmania over ;459 mat bine. t•n,.,ed. 'r..r.•,•rn. 10.••••rr41 trnonn•.•r since 1871: in Englend only 'since the Act 4111907. FARMS FOR SALE. - ...•t•:R': 1I.ANns CITY torr • •.n ;. •r :crw+- if pot err t:„hd the pablio is what the imitators of the w,•,. :,,, 1 &,,t ,u 1 Bass, trout, k el I k tt and name and deceiving y s•i 1 p;.s• v 9,1 out., p:r erand pike abound. 1 or illustrated vs ! are doing. Do natter and all information, write g•nuloe, ""tile D. a L. s to Mr. J. 1). McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, When a man's head will be los Ti route, Out. pjet pritie:f himself on bele;; bread It• is so much easier to plan to- minded. d . l 1'1 ,t1Vr well. news "The D. A 1..'" kteInsis Piaster sI \Intbrw . :, yon¢.` y• I •av,n:., ut tx+ tonl,d, Insist on the 150 AI'R61a FOR SALE OR F\('fl tVn11 W 1 very choice 150 -acre farm, situ sled three.. mil.. t rtlarest. of l:mhro. 10 `n•d clue loam soil: no stiff soli: easily work- ed; y very rich, prodmLive snit: Sts cod - weed: meres limber: good Alt.,brir•k *1 cottage .%441', 9 rooms, cellar. 27 S full o n ew barn. 48 w 80: atone baanment4; content floors In etahlei lots ill water pumped by steel windmill; taps to house and barnyard: a tlret•dame cheese factory ee.aion: price $9.i' 1; 'night take a house to city or email term in ewehange: 1,1,700 down, es i have other properties and wish to reduce. Apply to R. Waite, Parts. miler nortbwevt of Woodstoe.k. half telt• able to absolutely opposing 1tlhe:1ti 9,) y.'hool • a very chotee. city Pills will cure it. 1(1GHT. The man who owns a baby Will tell you how it howls, He'll swear the kid's a nuisance, And. goodness, how he scowls. Bus if you say you know it. And at the baby scoff, Pills of :Attested Value. --.Parole- Within a year Germany has ad - let's Vegetable ]'ills are the result lied Ian officer: •tf all ranks to her o� careful study of the properties Natal personnel, including one • lid one real -admiral. of certain roots and herbs, and the ‘Ice -n‘ unlal 0 action of such as sedatives and lax THE LIROMAN TRUSS win hold 4111 reduelhl• states on the digestive apparatus. There can i1A-a difference of Optn' . ber.,ia Zt,l,r.u.t hr fIL LIN* n ei1'al meq \Yet• fur. pa.tieularr K L1Vp\IAV, (Ksa'd) The success the compounders have io'! 00 most subjects. but there is 111unuesL met with attests the value of their only one opinion as to the sure and ef- 1 relia 's Your Hearing Good? 'York. These pills have been recog- bi'ity of Mother Graves' Worm Ex-' nized for many years as the best terminator. It is safe, . The Hour Ha will glee you the cleansers of the system that can be fret nal. benefits of good hearing. rend for tree gui, Their excellence was recog- booklet. giving particulars and name, sized from the first andthey grow, Of three wires o tea ' k of •at a Time and time again in the last' old will sus 1 f t! nine thrC i fled users. Also inOeO tiler dell Waal Offer for a Menitt's Merle Trial. he years information has come imp M y• I Hess, ono. wade of g copper 30`UM- TME ARANO forELECTROelo OZONE LeMITED, ficin the Canadian West indicating. - I twin 150 p„tlntis: one of uunds 334 Swdlna Avenue. Toronto• that the Chartered Canadian Banks A elan named l'u�.kerin, a gar- pounds; and one of iron 519 p are playing no small part in the (loner in St. Pet ei-hure, has .ur- ns •n Weary, Watery Eye,. development of our Western terry ('t(dtttf in producing a black rose. Relieved By t La ar T. • _ erne tory. Ask for Mlnard's and take no other. Mlur}rte For Your F. •o Troubles. You ID t on when you fling its phrases Repeatedly we have honed of the -�.. win IA.. I)ili:gltta. Wrath rine. It rtrye t1ook at another. Banks goinginto net. Districts with ,• , Free. alw'ine h:ye Remedy Co., Toronto. If you take every man you meet Birmingham has the largest, pin for guide you will go to file goal of the first- settlers --opening up anti; factory in the world, nlannf;1e1u'- fuxtering business connections int an average of 377,000,000 a class Moses Isaaestein (to his son. who note. which have resulted in the rapid ____ 1has just closed the shop on Satur- gretvth of the community. i day night) --"I shay, you Ike! vat Two of the latest instances of this A sit s RECORD OF t+UCCEttri In run int sail suets of cute, burn■ and bruise», y, a d•.ing mit dot vetch?" Isaac -- have been shown in the establish- a• wells at a!t boor! cumvlai'nts, ie held "It's all right, fader. I'm only ►y '•Paiukillnr -oyer 40 years. Avoid hunt of Brunches of the Traders ,tabsttute,, there is but one ••Painkiller••- sliest sht \pping it until Monday Bank at Fort George. B. C.. and Baby's Own Tablets are good f/ r Perry Davie'. 2.1;c. end • : nu rninq, to save der .cur and tear Stcw•art B C Fort George is - FOR LIMEHAS IAD WELL GROWN CBILDREN ell children, from the feeble baby ^ _ "DI Mine gootness ! dot poy .ill make on der corks." Moses (aside) - h -,e w•n • between Prince Rupert About forty tons of letters pas eels, sae- lying in port for the whose lite seems to nar}g by • a shplendidt peezness man shoine tecek-end. The harbor fora mile thread to the sturdy vel) grown and Edmonton on the projected daily tbr(eugh the London (tenets and a half to the sea was filled with child whose digestive orgaOs ossa- line of the Grand Trunk Pacific. Pest (Mee. l des." fishing craft, which were moored It is attracting attention on ac - - si( unity get out of order. Tire :e scout of its favorable location, and 'Tisa Marvellous Thing. - \Whet♦ fist continuous lines five and six Tablets promptly cure all st.,r,,aea deep on either side of the river.. and bevel troubles and Welke sick- present indications would point to the cures offectrd by l)r. Thomas' Each tent spreads from a mile and its being one of the large cities of F:electric Oil aro considered. the I It, ailing children, well and strung. ' Kcithern British Colnmbin. Stew tip; edy and permanent relief it hat • half of nets when at sea. 'Chi' Mrs. H. Greenfield, Enibro, Ont., bin tight to the suffering whereto} fleet, with its nets and gear. repro says:-"I3aby's Own Tablets are a art. 13. C.. is within two miles of Rents a cale:tal value of consider• wonderful medicine for children. I 1 ••rtland City, the place in Brit• it has been used. it must be regard ally over $111,000,000. The catch, rave used thorn for several yeses 1St Columbia where the recent •,.d as a marvellous thing that se. thus far, the 50111401/ having run but wonderful Silver strike was ►nude• !.otent a medicine should result and always keep them in the house The latter town is attracting pc" item the six simple ingredients a few weeks, has reached an extra 1 for my little ones going to school." isle from the Western Coast Stat,. v:hich soler into its composition. A otdin,uy figure, : Sold by medicine dealers or by mail - a, 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- in large numbers, and a small rush trial will convince the most akepti- ('ustomer - "Have you pigs llama' to' divine Co., Brockville, ''f prospectors into the district is cat of its healing virtues. fret I" 11'uiler `erNo. sir; it's a Out.1 \tILiT.11tl• BULL.Cell: that makes mo walk this ,l, The ii:i ,•rninn method of state nue under way. The library efthe British Mase- unt has over 3.2 miles of shelves filled with books. way. -..-......ti AN •ht.a•TII.•t,•IT'!.V ole•nt uta} be paradoxical, but it "Is the lady of the house in?" often hits the truth squarely on asked the Sewing Machine Agent. the head. 'J. 1-1. Settle tells, in "1►'ye n11111P ole ttr the woman The transition from winter's cold "Anecdotes of Soldiers." of an old to summer's hent frequently pelts private who was wounded at the 1 eared a hues of the Mange with 1IIN• .tlIPS Lla1M►:VT tllKtST(►Pilt:R s.tUNt►ERq. Tnlhnn•le. 1 cured a gores. be Iia tarn by n pitch /ark, with 3It!AHt)s I.INiNrNT. 111 Pe•er•a t• n MAY LiNLIEF 1 rural a lints.. of • bAd swelling by MINABI)A i,INIME:'NT TILOS. W. PA1•Nt: Bathurst. N 8. U1:.\'CIfLI:SS 1►I:v(yrtoN. Kind Father 'M} dear, if you sant it gt.d husband. marry dor. cie„clheart. Ile really and truly Int.•,. you.'• Daughter- -"nre yeti sure of that, ria I" Kind Father- "Yes. indeed. I've Leen herrewi^q money of hint for six Heettlis. end still he keep coin- tllh. \Vies, ladies ge 10 buy n dress in •tapas tlies tell the sho'tkerper their age and if they are married ••I• net, because there nre special rie•ians for the single and el• lade relations of life, as well as it was little lleisie's first day at, sch,•ol. Her name had been reg- irterrd and tllr, teacher naked: "Hare you any brothers or sis- tors?" "1'es, ma'am." answered Plus - mi. "Are you tite oldest one of the family Y" "O}1. no, ma'am." returned El( ssie. "Pa and ma's both elder's illi`. what owns it. t" demanded Bridget, Kap Minaret's Liniment In the house. n strain upon the system that pro. charge of Kassasstn. complications, al- Al. one time after the war he was A CON ElItMED I'ESS IMIST. • ways painful and often serious. A d(:cribing the part lie played in the common form of disorder is dysen- battle ---of the tong wait with tense tety, to which many are prone in nerves, the alliance. the trot. the the spring and slimmer. The very gallop. the charge; how a rider belt medicine to use in slibtluing t- a yards from him fell dead in the tilt• painful ailment is Dr. J. 1). saddle; heft• the Hien set. their teeth Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. it is to win. a standard remedy, sold every- 'And what st reek Yon most when where. ali was over and you honked hack 0.1 it.1" nsked it bearer. The old soldier paused Inc re- fleetion, then solemnly, and with tl+t utmost simplicity s141: "How is your wife, Jehn 1" Jt fin (the waiter) -"Well, 1 don't know. Miss. When the sun don't shine she's miserable, and when it does, she says it, fades the carpet." CUREO HIS RHEUMATISM. Yarrn••ath N. S. .inn. 2. 191X.--"1 here been bothered with Rini.1.2ti.m for the pest year and has* taken n gt.d many kinds of medicine and found no relief fer it. "011e da• a friend adr'•ed ma to try Ain Pills. en I did. and after taking only one bot of them, 1 felt tike a new man. • 1 thought 1 sronid write run t fort lino! to IM you know how thankful 1 feel for the relief they stir.- me, and would Advise all anRrrere from Rheumatism to get (1.n Pills." WC\1 f ONTT. Sample free it ynu write National Drat J Chemical Co , Inept W L i, Toronto .... dealer. here Din Pills at SOe. a hot- s Know for 12.50. FAMILY FA(,'PS. 1.- :IC... To Use THIS Dye Means Perfect Results CitreekinmoS Or GOODS. •... M•1 N•a 1..• ro a,•••. •M. b.r.., .0. 1.••t1 vivo a••e5 w• s•J• .•1 1.ittr. l It• so. 41 1. Mtw•••a w ItfPt,)SSlat ► 1.•• •w• 5..4e0„1 N eeaa Dv" t kilo, try 1e Novel. t one e•J Vv.5Ice t n• Yu. ).sere• 5 i• bstds•r t... 1/1•••••.I. Ham el Mr. tieurgc Burgess, of the Nur- Ilk-tree Farm. Ifel each. Lincoln - hire, Encrland, is the owner of tl res hlatk Berkshire pigs which l,n thele hind legs and beg at f. cling titu•'. SHE KNEW THE WORST. Mistress (hiring servnntl--"f hope you know your place?" '•\\-hut. struck inc most forcibly. Servant --"Oh, yes. mum : The sir. was the bullets thnt missed !ars three girls you had told inc all i abi-tit it." Are you a sufferer with corns 1 if It a wood -chuck would chuck all yeti are, get a bottle of Holloway's the wood a stood chuck could chuck. ('ern Cure. it has never been bee- much vieuel would that wood- known to fail. chuck chuck if a wood -chuck could -- chuck wood sl'hi•I \I. 1'RIVil.EGE. "it's a pity." muttered the Haan alto unfortunately Inc himself had the reputation of being a Rotel fel- '; to • among his friends, "that all pm 1. it hen tales. take it drink with i other•, • an't de as a doctor tines." '•Witat's that'" asked an ac- ,tt,lintance. "Why a dueler can treat n mon ' ant' slake hint !lay nt the same tone'." Minaret's Liniment Lumberman'• frlsnd. 1 t•t,nng captain. who was drill - ivy! the awkward sgna.l• cnmtnard- 1 e•I thins: -New. my men. listen 4,o - Cies tilt.- m•• When 1 -:h> 'Halt" pot. the IFor I Ilia 1's on the ground beside the one titers in the air, and remain TAU 1MS1 1: 8O. 21 10 n,t tion APPENDICITIS • withont end tlone.All wMbh a re ab flirted wlthhito be eared permanently. safely and quickly with this great Homeopathic remedy. whish will be sent post-paid anywhere Is lb! world with fntl Inetruetlone for setnt an ae 1n effect • permanent cure. hire St. Address dgtta T. Walt, lt,Notnsionathle Canada.Pharmacy, AmpL THE`'''' C'KEL / LARGE'; B,,,..., Ilk TT , •' BO9 purity 6/,,/w iES ttrpronf p1 game yoi bouts now bnav erns, raw •sad a.1 - JNTL.W1,% s VYLF.CTlib 4011. tax rut Into the "':RIP" ant PMB&)IOSIt-. t..'.s gin Mutt, bit gs.t •t o^t'• a bottle of •AnwAr. seem KELIRIr and present pnenm..nia. or cure 1: If aI••5.1y mtniM.t ed 1. 'he ref ,.iirg Ho,l.,.it'.1-1 n e m • de tar 1'o,lghs. Cold a, ttkook.........._ Eyre Thro it, nrnnrh)tts, "Witt' l'netatnunta es, }'atns of all kind& Apply Zam-BJk to ail wounds and sorts and you will!bcsurprised how quickly it sops the smarting and brings east. It covers the wound with a layer of pro.. teetive balm, kills all poison (ernes already in the wound, snd pre%eats others en'crinr. its rich healing Ferrd1 II•eacts then let L4 up !min the bottom. flesh Ibiuei and in o wrondetful y sliest time the wound Is Sealed% rag p,:. • veniality is beard en m•rl% im.'.'-r1etr,rwets rams n5 entre end seethe 1n.:! seg. ••Zi n-Pvk•'te crit led w •• fry perk•t 01 the •rnu,n•. Pe use ail other., i0c all drug.: eta sof stores or z..m tilt •'n , Tomato. DEAF,• LISTEda 1 You "live tired !(.trot, Trumpets. end ether Mechanical Devices In tilt• hope t,f twiner able 1e hear, but Always found the espertcd vat haat tion wall ••u•I!rd 13.I-5•A•P•P•O.1•N-T•M••E•N•T If v,.'i ter.' • .1 ERNEST PRATT. 1St Vorl,e Str►et, TO11,1‘14 , t •• •,, . 1. .r• .. r. C00:, Ir WS. I,,. it to 91.9 v DO IT NOW STYLE. ▪ IN HAIR Braids. to Ir'•, s' •9 Switches, 28 to tl in. Iong,ti.S8 to S• Puff. and Curls, 11 m tlatlar. Turban Style. cow puts. er.,td, by the yard. Slab from !11.10 512.13 1 'sr t!•. 1;• to 1S•. • t' cl. 9.9.9 The Heart of a Piano Is the Action. Insist on :he -OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action Ladies and Cent's Wigs, tent', TcufPPe, frorn Nair Nets, owls* farce, Turban Pads, tier, shade, stir, 41,d 1.911 free. IS,•nd ..,'ill.'• • .f 1., *rid t•••I1 with order DAV A MOHlrtt. IIS King S1 West, T,.prtt,. $200 IN CASH And snows et Vstesbl, Prteiam GIVEN AWAY FREE eve yew amupp lee 51414 eta .f p3.1.e1.4 1.0.re let -114o names • ! . t veil Iron*. frank It', TOO c •te .kers if the distribution et the shove pciu•. It I. e•.s•y telt a,,/ he palm- • and t.n•••r•.. • 1..., •,s.bty ee•l•,..1 ea Sof IOo. Toa.yr►>o•". e55 vets ••I t 1. Went ••., b115• •.1.•••' ••••.•o• . ill '4 .1 L'. sr. Tett)*j[ rv,•/•.flywt 11s ,ernN Imre% ',ember Ise ern of CA,Iw;.•, ,• , t• } ma twebttt4 Ito qtr' 1 •+• •smiler lir ••.e et neap I.allets. T.. 1,. r.:a•, I.N.n$ ((1 fa+.+:'. lar ••.l hemline)* nre of Toast 6Dootl.tr. al.atd eve uM SSa.we••p:atY rte r• -r, IM 1011•. pr •. u.. ,N a'':fr1 bet•••. lS . frr.•41 N-.d•jeg Iwa. 141,.....444.1.4 ,.:,y1arrRlan•.rektMlf•IIV••F-••r- •- n bete 1. h. di.t•e4 hire r►•el •1$( W. MR 114o•1a (vat pewee e•. / nutty ••,, .t a e...ta PA • l•J. • -♦ .f 41 151.I44.gsdly41.1/.4 Neo 1.••1.454 eVM•. 5.1.. w 15110 er.ywti e. .• I. 1Nyrw., •• •,• •Maplesuet. naw 51.141wed.1 os 5431.1'. ea sew 55 aeon are rr••s•d. W Je Del w• et keel of felly ein•n•r wfw pee sneerer ebb odkrortle•ntest. Wyss too /M *se r,•• .e ...• w+ite e• t •iwr enideeina mow eye teen �� 0. �11� redepo w�tl.r y^•• w. hen 0.41,• art v •••r r•• • Wen ,ef tree%save. address, CAKADLAI{�i�ZTi CO..Deptw,: Menti•s1. Qu•.