Exeter Advocate, 1910-05-26, Page 1l elet of te. TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MAY 26. 1910. Si tiDERs & CREECH Careful People Know the necessity of having good qualities in goods in order to secure the longest service. It is only the careless and wasteful who buy second and third class articles because they seers to be cheap. We dot not cater to that class, nut carry goods that you will not be afraid to look at when you get home, LADIES' WHITEWEAR A choice line of Waists Ranging from $1.00 up to $3.25 Neat- patterns in 1'nderskirts, new goods just in From $1.00 to S4.50 Don't Forget to examine the summer underwear Ladies' Vests from 10c. to 25c. Misses' Vests from 8c. to 13c. SUMMER DRESS GOODS Our remnant table is again leaders with and %Vrapperettesat bargin prices. A choice line of goods in Foulards, Silk M Muslin ends, Flannels ells and Muslins Ranging from 10c. and 50c. Do Not Fail�� t'. see the Ladies' Shoes. We are showing a line of Ladies' Shoes which are second to none for style, quality and fit, prices Ranging from $2.50 to $3.75 MENS' NECKWEAR A new line just arrived. NVe have a line at 25.. whicb looks as good as 50c. goods; while our 50c. goods are equal to the '5c. goods sold in the cities. W. J. CARLING HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE asr•resslo■sl Cards. DR' G. Honor 't.dTOyof LToronto University. DENTIST Omces:--Over Ui,•kson k ('arlir '• Law Ofice-. Exeter. Telephone No. Closed Wednesday afternoons. •D11. A. B. KINSMAN, L D. S., D. D. in Honor graduate of Toronto Cnlveeety. DENTIST, tltseea sttescted without any pain, or any bad elects Gibes over Madman a Staobury's ileo., Main street Suess. Modica) 11 B BRIGHT. M. D., M C. P. a S. HONOR Il. Graduate of Toronto University,Two years reddeat physician Robai Alexandra hospital, etc. Omos aed Residence, to. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew Street, t1XTiB. DR R. A. T. BOND, TORONTO, POST GRADUATE of New York Pont Graduate College, rucceeeor to practice of Dr. A. F. Malloy, Fleeter. Reaidcnce-- lotely occupied 1,y hr. Meilo), Andrew 8t. office- rormerly the Elitot Law (miff -e, opposite Central Hotel. pc?. P. McLAUGHLIN - Rae seemed prertL•e atter spending a year (Col- lege) M BeillIsh and continental Hospitals. General practice wlh spvial attention to Sys, (wait reuse• tion) gar NOW and Throat. Oaks: Daebwood, Ont. Legal. D10ISON a CARLIN°, BARRISTERS, SOLiCf toes, Sotarles, ron.eyan^ere, Commissioners Sallelt.re for Motions Bank, etc. Neatly t• Leas et lowest rates of Interest Offices, Mein street, Ritter, •. Open.•, B A., L. 1. Drossos VOMIT TO LOArt. 4 Vi have a large amount of rebate Node to Zeas end village propeit1es at low ratty of Isar set OUTMAN a STANBL'BT,I Barristers, Solkltere,Mein et.. Inter Os B. S. PHILLIPS. Elcsrxa. Lfctlsetld Ascti•sesr. Miss Weeded Is an parts. NtW.Niea (sweep Med se so p•1. Twos reeessabte. A11 wises left at Advocate OSee will be seeming ataadsd t•. J. 8 NIOR A ent Confederation Life Aeeuraare OoIpaay, alio Fire Insurance in lead - lag Canadian and British Companies. Main -8t.. Exeter. LICENSED AU'CTiOTITiITI W$. ANDERSON. Llrrn.ed Auctioneer for Heron County. Terms reaso►,atile. Dates can be made at rte Advwste, Bitter. or Henry Ifilbrr's Otttcs, Cred- It•A. TARN FOR RAL11. One of tit finest farms 1n t'sborr.e Apply to £.4NDRRP 1 CREEiICH, Pieter Cedar Posts for Sale We have the finest quality of Cedar Pc.2. at moderate -prices. 0. E. KICKS, CENTRALIA EGGS FOR iHATCIIING lire selected Barred hocks. Male birds Model Farm breed. $3.25 per loci or 50c. a Betting. Also pen of Mod- el Farm Barred Bock liens, specially bred to lay, $1.00 per setting. Will in - c utote eggs for you at a reasonable r: i(e. Baby chicks for sale after the 'note of April. Two Brooders and some Barrel Bock stales for sate. A rail sol- icited. Orders taken now. -WILLIAM A SAMBROOK, CREDITON, ONT. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Brick cottage fn excellent eondltlon. with elz good living rooms, good tenor 'wo lots of good land, good well of water and cistern. Three blocks from Mann street. For particulars apply to SiT'S VINA FISHER, Iluro: ,.t.. Exeter. TEACHER WANTED. Mak teacher with second-class pro- f( sslor.al certificate, for S. 8. No. 3. Stephen. Duties to commence In Aug- urs. Apply to John Presteator, vice'y- Tr cas., Exeter Ont. HOUSE TO RENT. A good Brick 'louse In Exeter, cen- trally located, on Gldley street, contain- ing nine rooms, Including up -stairs; hard aid soft water, and a good gar- den. Reasonable rental. Apply to DICKSON & CARLiNG. Exeter. NOTICE. W. arc sppo!nting Sales agents now 1, every unrepresented county for the !ease , of 1910. Ovrr 05 per rent. of t'>r year's business is done during the Summar months. We pay good money weekly for service. rendered. Glee ex- clusive territory and supply seting out- fit free. (WED 6e0 ACRES UNDER CULTIVA- TION. our acreage is mentioned as tt Is (m- prrart that you should represent a firm of good standing arid Co'. We supply strictly first grade stock and guaran- tee delivery In good condition. We wart She best and most reliable agent In every district. Established over 35 years. For tooter particulars write Pelham Nursery Co.. Toronto. Ont. Local Items NOTICE. -Owing to the meeting of the ('median Dental Asset -lotion at Torun - :o Drs. Kinsman and Roulston desire to announce that their offices will be closed during the week commencing Stay puts. VISIT OF D. D. G. St. -District Depu- ty Grand Master, Rt. Wor. Bro. Chris. !lodging. of Irving Lodge. Loran, of- ficially visited Lebano:t Forest Lodge. No. 133. A. F. & A. M., on Monday ight. Considering the unfavorable weather the attendance was large. Int. \Vor. Bro. Dickson and Wor. Bro. Ta- man introduced the representative of Grand Lodge, and the distinguished vis- itor being received in the usual manner, thanked the lodge for the hearty re- ception accorded hint, and then directed the Wor. Master to exemplify the work o! the second degree, and the opening and closing of three degrees. The work being done the representative of Grand Lodge paid a high tribute to the Wor. Shooter and officers for the excellent to inner In which they had performed ,eche duties, the work, as stated by Ilnt. Wor. 13133. Hodgins, being almost faultless, and equal to the work of any { to ige in the district for excellence. Ile further complimented the lodge very highly on the matter of the payment of their quota to the Smit -centennial fund intugurated by Grand Lodge. A vote of thanks to the visiting Grand officer, moved by Rt. Wor. Bro. Dickson, sec- onded by \Vor. l3ro D. W. Collins. and briefly responded to by the visitor. and brief addresses by Wor. Bro. Manion of Stratford and Wor. Bro. Cullen of Fenlon Falls, closed the lodge proceed - :iv -go. A notable feature of the evening WAS a vote of sincere regret passed by tate lodge and to be. recorded 1rt,lthe min- utes. at the passing away of our be- loved King, a Past -Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England. The lodge be- ing closed down the brethren then sur- rounded the festive board, when a de- ligtttful toast list followed, Wor. Bro. Creech assuming the chair. The toast of the King was coupled with the.name of Wor. Bro. Collins. His address to t!rIa toast was one of rate interest and eloquence. Ills touching reference to the noble qualities of our late beloved King was indeed a masterly effort. It was brief, but contained much, and was a fitting tribute to the memory of so worthy a King. lie eulogised the fit- ting qualifications of King George and he assured his hearers that the affairs o: the Empire had fallen into safe ';ands. The Grand Lodge and District were cleverly replied to by lit. Wer. itros. Dickson and !lodging; Sister .oiges and visiting brethren by \Vor. Itros. Mullion and Cullen; Lebanon For- est Lodge by Wor. Bros. Creech, Taman .ted Sanders, V. Wor. Bro. Stewart and tiro. Flurdon. Bro. iturdon also sang an old plantation song in a manner most pleasing. The Junior Warden's toast by Bro. W. D. Sanders and, "Auld Ling Syne" sung by the brethren con - ,luded the entertalnrnent, just as the wcc oma' hours were noted on the clock. CALVES Fult SALE eke Chapman will be at the Central Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday, lune 1 at 12 o'clock. with a load of calves for sale. MEETING OF THE Ill'itUN O1)UNTY COUNCIL T!,c (,'uu,:cil ,f the County of Iluron will meet in the Counell Chambers In the Town of Godcrleh on Tureday, the 7th day of June next, at 3 o'clock. Accounts against the county must be placed with the clerk before the above date. W>i. LANE. Clerk. Dated. May 23rd, 1N1r►. WANTED TENDERS FOR (X)NCi(ETE CULVERT -- Tile undersigned will molly Tenders to build a concrete culvert with cem- ent floor, 10 ft. clean span, up W Thurs day \fay .0th, 1910, at 1 p.m. flans and epeeiftcatlons can be seen at the office of Samuel Swettzer, Reeve. Stipka or at the office of the undersigned. Tne !,west or any tender not neccssai1 :' ,(r, (ptcd. HENRY EiLBEII, Tp. Clerk, Crediton, Ont. FARMERS SXCURSiON.-The F'arnu:r• E'cursion announced to take place on the L. H. and B. Railway, to thc Mod- el Farre, Guelph, on Tuesday, June 7th has been changed to Monday, June 0th. Hills and further particulars later. FOR SALE Hock rouse f n Exeter. moderate size, in good rep.,tr. Well situated ort one of ti:e beet streets in the Village. Good lawn. garden and stable.. Apply at once to (MADMAN & Si'ANBURY. itar:iete s. Exeter. TAKE NC:TiCE. i hereby give notice to nor( harts aid others that i will sot tw responsible for any debt or debts contracted by any parson in my name. PHILIE' BEAVER. VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The underetrr,rd is offering for sale that desirable Village property. being lots 13, 14. 1.',. corner of William ar,d Waterloo eitreots. ?beet Is on the prem- ises • •pie' did brick house. sms11 stable and other corvrniencee. also a number of emotes fruit trees. The prop• arty Is tire[ -class In ewery reaprct and 1• ww*U situated. Will be meld reaaOn- able. Arply on premises ALF'HID 13CWKY 'teeter P. 0. Funeral of Edward VII. Friday, amid a series of spectacles uapirallelcd In the hletony of the world and tended by a demonstration of world-wide love and affection to equal watch history can supply no record, all that w; s mortal Of 111s late Maj.:sty. K ns Edward ViI.. was borne through ,nt. streets of London and laid to rest at Windsor. Tae route of the funeral cortege was literally lined with spectators from mid- nl.;ht on. The multitude stood patient- ly waiting through sharp shower's. Long benore the body of England's ;re-tt King had been removed from the catafalque in Westminster Hall for its Journey to tate grave, there had assent - den 1 to do him reverence a concourse of human beings more vast numerically, more distinguished, as the world reck- 0:15 rank and honor, than, any of earth- ly record. Tine funeral of Queen Victoria ranked as the most Imposing human cerenton- al in history. That of King Edward VII. has established a new standard in splendor,'in dignity, and in grand almn- pacity. Three hours before the head of the pro:'esshn, every individual among the serried millions who were massed along the three-mile route was in his place. A trip along the line of march at 7 o'clock was in itself a ep_c'tacle un- matched in history. There were at least one million people 1n Hyde Park alone. Title was the only apot where there was unlimited space and at potats where a slight upward slope gave som= advant- age to the spectators the massing of cloacly-pack:d hunnan.ty was like a tato velvet carp:'[ on which faces were as closely spr:neled grains of salt. The black -c ad multitude along the streets seemed to rise from the side- walks up over the buildings, of which even roofs were hidden by the mourning su!tjects of the dead King. The gleam of the spectacle would be almost unbearable were it not for the splendid line of color made by the tlaz- 'rtg uniforms of the troupe who stood nearly shoulder to shoulder along each curb. Following the gun carriage on which was the body of the departed King were many Kings and notables on horseback. Tne Duke of Connaught, King George and Emperor William. K n3 Haakon of Norway. King George o. Gr•rcc: and King Alfonso of Spain. K:ng Ferdinand of P,ulgarla. King FreJe•ic'k of Denmark arid King Man- ual of •Tortuga). Pr:ttee Yussuf Zyycden, the heir op - parent of Turkey, King Albert of Ltt1- g.unt. and Archduke Francis Ferdinand :cede to the throne of Austria-Ifungaria Prince Sadanaru Fushiml of Japan; Grand Duke Michael of Russia ; Mae of Aosta, representing Italy ; the Duke of Sparta, who is Crown Prince of Greece; and Crown Prince Ferdinand of Rouinanta. Prince Henry of Prussia, represent- ing the German navy ; )'t Ince Charles of Sweden; Prince Henry of Holland: the Duke of Sate -Coburg -Gotha, Crown Prince of Montenegro, and Crown Prim" Alexander of Servla. Prince Mohammed Ali, Said 1'.cs!ta Zulfikar, \Vateen Pasha of Egypt, and the Sultan of Zanzibar. Then followed the Princely and Ducal representatives of a dozen German Stat- es, the members of the English )toYal family. the Duke D'Alencon, and Prince l3oraradej of Stant, The mounted group was followed by twelve State carriages. Tho fleet was occupied by the Queen -mother Alexan- dra, her ileo t, the itusetta:, dowager - Empresa Marie, the Princess Royal and the Princess Victoria. Tne second carriage contained Queen Mary of Great Britain ; Queen Maud of Norway ; the Duke of Cornwall, heir to the British throne, and Princess Mary. The next four carriages carried ltoy- al ladles and ladles -in -wafting. The seventh carriage carr led Prince Tsai Tao of China and i.1s suite. The eighth carriage 'was snared by Special American Ambassador Theodor( Roosevelt ; M. Pichon. French Foreign ',•Ilntstcr and Zoned Kiran Montaz fs Sultaneh of Persia. The ninth carnage was occupied by Lord Strathcona, Lord High Commis- sioner for Canada ; Sir George Itctd and William I'aul Jones. THE 1'ItAYEIt 1'Olt KING 0E0110E. -For as much as it hath pleased Al- tn.gnty God to take out of this lite un- to Has Divine mercy the late most high most mighty and most excellent Mon - air!. Edward, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith. Emperlor of India. and Sovereign of the most noble Order of tae Garter, let us humbly beseech Almighty Ood to bless with long life, healon and i:onot a:id all worldly happiness the most high most mighty and most excellent Monarch our Sovereign Lord George. now by the grace of God of the United King dont of Oreat Britain and Ireland, Ki• g O.fender of the Faith. Emperor of indite. and !Sovereign of the most noble Order of the (darter. God save the King. FIRE AT RUSSELDALE.-Mr. \V111 J }tuescll's hoop( at Ruseeldale was burn- ed to the ground on Tuesday of last week. It Is supposed the fire started at tee chimney. and it spread very rap- idly. Part of the contents were saved by willing hands, who worked heroic- ally. The loss Is partly covered by In- eut'a'tee. THE 1100 KiLLED IN HIBBEI1T.- The dog bnerigl•tg le Mr. Perkins. which we mentioned last week as having gore nttd and e'•rapcd north. has been shot le an old barn in Illt.bert Township. As far as Id known the beast did not h to any ort.cr steirwl while on he wild r u:,. HILL" FOR OUItS.-Exctcr lots al- ways had the reputation of being a real solid old Devonshire town, attd' people with real old English names seem to be popular here. Perhaps you haven't r:uttced It, but it IS pevertheless a fact t :1' our town fathers are all called to supper by the one name. 13111." There they are -Reeve William Bowden, Coun- cillors William Heannan, \\'!!farm Levett \\'lliltm Balkwt:l and William Walper. There are also a few other people in town rejoicing In the eanr name, but t'iey are only ordinary citizens. DWELLING LUItNED.-The shouting of ' Fire" accompanied by the clang - :ng of the fare alarm told the tale of a fire in progress somewhere in town on Thursday n'ght last. Between elev- en and twelve o'clock fire broke out in the two storey residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bedford, Sanders et., and before lisco•rered the entire Interior was a scathing 711588' of flames. The building being practically isolated and there be - :ng little or no wind blowing at tlte three the danger of communicating with other buildings was not great but It seemed an unfortunate thing that such a fine home, built but a short dine ago should be. destroyed in this way. The fire brigade and engine were soon on Ole spot but there was little or nothing to be done. 'The origin of the fire is a mystery as there had been, a., far as .cnowtt, no person in the house after three o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Bed- ford being at Crediton, while Mrs Bed- ford was staying With her sister, Mrs. C. Harness. Nothing was saved but a basket of clothes which rested near tho doer. We understand the Insurance on house and contents Is $21(10. EMPIRE DAY. -Empire Day was ode ateJ at the Exeter Public School on Wednesday, May 25th. The pupils and staff formed to procession at 9 a.m. trld marched through the. town, return - n% to the school grounds, when the prase:pal, Mr. Weidenhammer formed teen In order on the grounds. The chairman of the School Hoard presided and the following interesting program was given. -Rev. Mr. Yelland opened with prayer. Rev. Mr. Fear spoke on "rhe Empire and Its Mission" under :nc headings of leadership and opportun ty. Rev Mr. Sharp spoke on "The Pah11c School in its Relationship to T to Empire. He dwelt on the place of .ie public school In moulding the na- tionalities settling in Canada into one :cnt.genlous whole and the need of a +'gh scho3I training to fit us for the orciinal•y duties of citizenship. lie ...0 ot sufficient interest was not tak- i Lt t utlfying the grounds and the te .1e generally. Rev. Mr. C0111n0 was called upon to present the Nelson \I,motlul Shield to the school. This s''leld is made from the oak and copper taken front the flag ship Victory and :s presented by Lord Strathcona on behalf of the Sailor's Union. Mr. Col- lin. At presenting the shield spoke of the work of Admiral Nelson and dwelt upon his high sense of duty and his pat riotlsm. Mr. T. Carling sang "The Death of Nelson" and the school ren- dered several patriotic selections. The celebration was Lrought to a close by !'tree cheers for the King, ttie Empire, :'t0 staff and board, and the singing, of the National Anthem. WEDDING IN\ ITATINOS ARE NOW IN ORDER FOit JUNE BRIDES. T :1. 1s the season of the year wheat the Jure Bride is preparing for her' wedding. There 1s no one thing a!)act a wedding that must h so 171.71 and up-to-date as the Itvitatioes or Announce- ments. The ADVOCATE is in the Position W offer you the prettiest neatest and most up-to-date In- vitations and Announcements one could wish to see -on shortest notice attd reasonable price. Give us it call and you will be conyihced. \VI1.LIA\n, W. WALI'Elt COUNCILLOR. De- rl"c'tion 311 Mornay of a council- lor to take the place of Mrs C. J. Luker ree gited, resulted in the election of Mr.. Wm. W. %Yelper of Exeter North by iitjority of 2'i. The election was a vert quiet one and the vote polled was not equal to one-half the available vote. When the returns were hi it was, found that the vote stood - 1 2 3 4 -T'! Rlvere 44 34 15 46-139 Walper 26 :32 08 33-159 Considerable of Poll No. 3 Is the Ex- eter North rate and it was la thin pull that Mr. Waiper got his greatest sup- port. 133th are good men and •either one would make a gond representative. IIhtTHS kepones. --i,, E• ter. 0:1 may 23rd to Mr.. and MON. \V. J. Beaman, a daugh- ter. MA RRIAGES Gunn -Martin --lir London, on May 25th, Dr. Jack Gumt of Calgary, to Mise Anna, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Martin of London. formerly of Exeter. Burke. -Taylor. --At the Rectory, Lucas, on May 17th, by the Rev. Arthur Car- lisle, Mr. William Burke to Mies Ma- bel Taylor, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes Taylor -both of Exeter. Andrews -Otero.- In Drysdale. May 17 Chas. Andrews of Seaforth, to Mias- Matilda Melo of this place. Walker- W aide(k-Lt Parkhill, May 17 Jotut Walker to Mise Catharine Wan. deck, both of Parkhill. DEATHS O'iw•ar y. -At Cromarty, May 28, thc iefant son of Mr, and Mrs. John. O'Leary. Ilse -At Grand (send, on May 19, Eliz abeth Koppe). beloved wife of Fred' Ilse, aged 50 years. 4 months attd- 14 days. Kcnsate-111 St. Marys, on May 14, Ag- nes, daughter of Thos. Kensala. aged' 11 years. Hayward -In Tuckcrsmith, May 16, Al- fred Hayward. aged 70 years. Ford. -Ent St. Marys. May In. William Nelson Ford. aged 9:3 years. To the man seeking to dress himself in the Best Manner at Moderate Cost. std WE TAKE IT YOU AHE NOT A MAN 01' WEALTH. YOU ARE A 11AI11) WORKING MAN WHO WISHES TO ENJOY THE FRUITS OF YOUR INDUS- TRY NDUSTRY TO YOUR BEST ADVANTAGE. AMONG OT}IEIR THINGS YOU WISH TO DRESS AS WELL AS YOCR PURSE PERMITS. YOU AVANT CLOTHES THAT FIT YOU AND IIAVE STYLE AND DISTINC- TION. YOU WILL DE 'DELIGHTED WITH TILE STYLE OF OUR CLOTHES. THEY WILL \\'EAI[ LONGER TlI.tN YOt' ARE I'ERHAI'S ACC;UsTOMED TO iIA\'E CLOTiiES WEAR. THEY WILL AFFORD YOU A MEANS TO DRESS AS WELI. AS ANY MAN YOU MAY MEET. THEY WILL COST YOU LESS MONEY ANi) Gl\'E YOU BETTER SAT•- ISFACTiON THAN ANY OTIIEit CLOTHES. \VE IIAVE SOME SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO OFFER .\T PRESENT. \VE A1tE PLEASED TO S1IOW YOU OUR (1.41i'}IES, WHETHER YOU NEED Tl1EM AT E'ItESENT 01t NOT. HIGH CLASS FLItNIS1IINGS. B(X)TN AND SItOEt, HATS. i'll's. NEW SPE('ia}, LINES iN COLLAitS. SANDY BAWDEN Main St., Exeter THE CLOTHIER Samson Portland Cement -Nothing better - For Walls, Floors, Walks, Etc. A Large Quantity on Hand. Amatite and Paroid Roofing Ready for the job -$2.50 per Sq. Tinsmithing & Plumbing Get °ur Price° IIEAIAN'S HARDIARE & 8111P8 STORE