HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-05-12, Page 7EXPLOSION IN ALABAMA MINE!CONDENSED ITEMS THE WORLD'S MAlME r,
7'111; GLOBI:.
Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own
and Other Countries of
Recent I:vents.
One Hundred and Eighty Men Are Sup-
posed to Have Been Killed.
A despatch from Birmingham, th • first to eater. After working
Alabama, says: Forty-five white hi, way 1,400 feet down the slept.,
e.h1 135 negro miners are entombed' h•+ found the second right entry
is No. 3 coal mine at- Palos, Ala., caved in.
James Goosby, a snail carrier,
forty miles west of Birmingham, as was caught by the explosion thirty
tn.' result of a terrify,• explosion on feet from the mouth of the F1upe,
11'1 ursday. It is believed that all end his body was hurled into the
are dead. The flames from the ex- \Warrior River. It is judged from
ph shun shot. 200 feet into the air the force of the explosion that none
and the shock was felt for miles. of the men in the interior is alive.
Timbers were hurled several hun- Ht.ndreds of women and children
died feet from the mouth of the were around the mine wringing
mine. Rocks from the roof caved their hands and crying piteou-!y.
in and made access difficult. The The only hope that some of the men
fan machinery was damaged, but Lave escaped is the possibility that.
air is being pumped into the: urine tl ey were in parts of the mire, far
in hopes that some of the men are erough away from the explosion to, is hoed the comm 1,l:ties are break- silo; ho. 3 white, 34e to 34.4c out
stil alive. have missed its main force, ting up.l� tide, 37c on track, Toronto.
The first rescuers who went into This disaster, coming so 5001 What is believed to be the largesti Barley—No. 2, 53e to 54e; No. 3
the mint after the explosion were after the Midge explosion of April silver "nugget," in the world is (1u <'xtra, 51e to 52e; No. 3, 46c to 47e
overcome by after damp and had 21 when forty-one men lost their. view in the Ontario Parliamentoutside; Manitoba, No. 4, 52%c, on
t, be carried out. J. J. Rutledge, lives. has plunged the mining set buildings. track, lake ports.
a Government expert, was among ticmeuts in grief. The Ontario Government intendsi Peas—No. 2, 75c to 76C.
Rye --:oto, 2, 67e to 6Se.
Twenty divorce bills were passed
during the last session of Parlia-
ment. to *1.01 outside.
William Jones, electrical engin Manitoba Wheat—No. 1 northern
et rs was killed at Cobalt, being $1.95; No. 2 northern, 81.03 at lake
thrown from a runaway car. pe.rts for immediate shipment.
The T. & N. U. Jtailwuy is send Corn—AInerican No. 2 kiln -dried
ing out a party of exports to in -
yellow, liO;: c to 67e N. 3, kiln
vestigate the New Ontario lignite driedO5'lct to OOc; h`o. 3 yellow.
fit kls.
The different denominations at 65s;.
Canaidian corn, 60c to Ole, To-
Melville Sask., have united to roue reg
build a church and will have one Oats --Canada western, No. 2,
36,'e:e; No. 3 C. 11',, 35'_c, at lake
pastor. 1'its fur immediate shipment; On -
Fifty -four I)oukhobors have made tariu No. 2 white, 35c to 35Nc out
homestead entries recently, and it ,
It CPOR 1S 111011 Till: LEADING
Prices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese ant)
Other Dairy Produce at
Boole and Abroad.
Toronto, May 10. --Ontario Wheat
—No. 2 Mixed winter wheat, *1.03
Veteran .of Boer War Shot a Neighbor
and Then Tried to Kill Himself.
to cancel licenses of liquor dealers
who supply liquor to prohibited dis-
The Canadian Northern is re-
ported to have secured an excellent
route for the new line from Port
Arthur to Sudbury.
The C. P. R. plans to connect patentsfor export, $4 to $4.05, In
the ('coital Station at Ottawa with bl eras bags, outside.
tho Union Station by a tunnel and jfillteed Manitoba bran, $19 per
to make other improvements to cost.
ab. 1,t• a million dollars. tt n : shorts, $21 per ton, track, To -
The Coroner's jury at Stony ronto. Ontario bran, $20 per ton;
Creek returned a verdict in the shorts, $22 per ton on track, Tu -
A despatch from Port Arthur of Herman Yorke, a neighbor whorunt°.
i took the wounded man behind his Tinton inquest that Elijah Tinton
says: Robert. Murdoch, who wasas killed with a heavyinstrument
with his colonel, the late "Andy" house so as to be out of reach of wCOUNTRY PRODUCE..
Murdoch's-bullets. Yorke's young 'n the hands of some person 1,a- }.qgs-20c to 21c
\Wauchope, in the Black Watch at sengot down his father's rifle and known.per dozen in
case lots.
Magersfontein, and was one of the succeeded in chasing Murdoch off. GREAT BRITAIN.
Rutter—Creamery prints. 29c to
stat he on. He latter went
satvSilver on the Mountain'
Sir Christopher Furness, member 1 i prints,24c to 24c;
.,1e . Separator
p ]fairy prints, choice, 23c to 24c;
at; night. About dawn he jumped fur Hartlepool in the British Com -
large rolls, 222 to 23c; inferior, 16c
to 17c.
Syrup—$1 to $1.10 per Imperial
Cheese -12e for lark and 12j:c
for twins. Old stocks are easy at
12 ,e for large and 13e per lb. for
Beans—$2 to $2.10 per bushel for
primes and $2.10 to $2.20 for hand-
UNITED S'T:1TI;S. Potatoes — Delaware potatoes,
5°,c to OOc per bag vnt of store, and
at 45e to 50e on track Toroutn, On -
terms 35c to 40c per bag on track,
anti at 15c to 50e out of store.
Ruekwheat--No. 2, 51c.
Manit,,ha Flour—Quotations at
Toronto are :—First patents, $5.50;
second patents, $5; strong bakers'.
$1.60; 90 per cent., Glasgow
freights, 2Ss.
Ontario Flour --Winter wheat
fee, who came out of that Methuen
blunder alive, is now in jail at
fort Arthur on a charge of at-
tempted murder. It, is allege, that up fired some shots in the air and tar ns, has been unseated.
he emptied his Winchester at his then put the butt of the rifle on the! The London Daily Mail praises
neighbor, George Besant, at Sil- gr(.und, and, pulling the trigger the influence of Earl Grey's robust
v(•r Mountain, some miles from the with his toe, tore a gaping wound Imperalisin during Canada's grow -
town, where they are farmers. in his Head. Provincial ('unstable � i:ig time.
For some time Murdoch has been Symons and 1)r. Pratt of Port Ar-! Otji Jatekha Brant Sere. a full -
given to hallucinations, and when tbur brought both Murdoch and' 1=lcoded Mohawk. lectured to the
I?want called the other day to get Besant to town. The former was' Ilcyal Saxon (leographieal Society
hist to do some work Murdoch shot placed in jail and the latter in the oil tho history and character of his
at him. A second bullet left Be- marine hospital. Besant•'s arm will tribe.
Bait's arm hanging by a piece of not have to be amputated, it is ex -
flesh. The latter ran to the house pected.
Total for April is $1,717,237 or $640,984
More t1111an the Previous Month.
A despatch from Toronto says : ( estimate of the April losses :—Fires
The Monetary Times' estimate of 1 exceeding $10,00). 81,285,000; small
Canada's fire losses for the month' files, $2oS.250; fifteen per cent. for
of April is $1,717,237, an increase unreported fires, $223,987. Total,
of $640,081 over the previous month '; , 7 1 7 .237.
nrd an increase of $990,587 over At the rate of three (very two,
the same month last year, when the ee rking days, the fire fiend burned
waste was $720,650. They show a thea lives of 37 ('anadi.in residents
sl:pit• decrease compared with the deriug April. This total is the;
average monthly waste of 1909, highest since the Monetary Tildes! GENERAL.
which w•ns *1,750,461. The total commenced to keep these records.
number of fires exceeding $10.00(' The following are some of the taus- A laborite was killed and two
w:el twenty-seven, representing a es of these fatalities:—Smoking in "re fatally injured in an election
loss of $1.2"5,000. Three of these bet,. : burning house, 4; bonfires, fight i
-n Ifungary.
fires account for over 50 per cent. 3; ,.t e, ; n( n, 41 !anti), 3; playing with ------'—'t"
e•f the total. The following is the matches. e. I SEATS iN 1'. S. SENATE.
The bill prohibiting oral book -
n irking passed the New York Sen-
a on 11'ednesday.
Miss Elizabeth D. Dean, Super-
intendent of the Francis \Villard
Ha spital of Chicago. died after a
Wholesale quotations :—
short illness, on Thursday, caused,
Porkfihort cut, $31 to 831.50
it is believed, by ptomaine poison p r barrel mess
ill I , , $28.50 to 1$29.
A soldier of fortune named Tet Lard Firm ; tierces. 16 a to
low deceived four Pittsburg women 16%e; tubs, 16%c to 17e; palls,
with false marriages, and the police lr 4e; stocks veer light.
Slnektel and 1(ry Salted Meats -
1 e !leve he has acted similarly in 1. ng clear baron, tons and cases.
tl•er cities in the United States
and Canada.1 to 15%e; backs, plain. 21e t(.
A report of the United States 21!..e; backs, peanu nl, t 1',e I(
els.; shoulder hams, 14e to 1.1'.4e;
Bureau of Labor -tells that then in
the Bethlehem Stool Works are t.lel'1 meats out of pickle, lc less
c(dnpelle(i to work fr/, twelve to than smoked.
tl irteen hours n (lay for seven days Rolls,et,u.L'cd, 15'Yc to 16c; medi-
a week. while many of them reeeive urn and light hams, laic to 18%e;
only 12',c an h••ur for their work. "VS' 16; c to 17c; bacon, 19;%c to,
Montreal, May 10.—Dressed hog
Prices, $13 to $13.50 per 100 lbs.
Pork—Heavy Canada short mess,
Cawthra Mulock & Co.
$2,000,000 of the 7% Cumulative Preferred Stock,
with a bonus of 25% Common Stock, of
1.1 S11 1'BO
(Incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario)
Head Office - Toronto, Canada.
Capital Stock, Issued and Fully Paid Up.
Preferred (7% Cumulative) - $2,500,000
Common - - - 2,500,000
is prepared to receive subscriptions for $2,000.000 c.f the above seven per cent.
e•unmlattve preferred stock et the price of 3100 for .-acsi share. with a bonus of
common stock equal In par aalue to 25 per cent. of the par value of the preferred
stock allotted. to be delivered on payment of subscription In full.
The dividends on the preferred stock- accrue from April 5t1s, 1910.
ttuhuriptious will be payable as follows :—
10 per rent. on appplication, and In Installments as follows. In which
90 per cent. on £lluttmeut. case rct he rote of 6 per
rent. willlutebeet cahargted
100 ver cern.-
or 10 per cent. on Application.
15 per cent. o1, allotment.
25 per cent. 011 lot .luno. 1110.
25 per cent. on 1st July. 1910. and
25 per cent. o1, 1st August, ):10.
100 per rent.
The right Is reserved to allot only arch nulrscrlpflono and for ouch amounts as
may he approved and to close the subscription took without notice,
Application will be made for the listing of the securities of the Company on the
Toronto Stock Exchange.
The subscription list was opened at the oah•e of the Guardian Trust Company.
Ltd.. Toronto, on Monday. April 25th, 101n. and will be cloned o1, or before
Monday, the 9th day of May, 1910, at 3 p.m.
Bankers of Company:
I.mperial Bank of Canada and Bank of Montreal.
Board of Directors:
D. C. CAMERON, Winnipeg, President.
President !tat Portage Lumber Com -
pan), Limited.
CAIVTIIRA all?LOCK, Toronto, Vice.
Director Imperial flank of Camilla. D1•
rector Coufedcratton Lite Association.
IIEDLEY SHAW, Toronto, Managing
Vice -President and Manuring Dim -
tor The Maple Leaf Flour Mills Co.,
J011N i. A. iit'NT, London.
President Goderlrh Elevator & Tran-
sit Company, Vice -President Ilunt
Bros., Limited, Millers.
CIIARLE5 W1'I1Teee. Tesontn.
Vire-President National iron Works,
1.111,1(0(1 .
JlrlIN ('AIIRiCK, Toronto.
1. retary The Staple Leat Flour Mills
Company. Limited.
Vice -President .1nmes Carruthers Com-
pany, Limited, Grain Esporten.
Security and Earning Power
The asset• of the old companies taken oarr as ab0ar shad In extras of all II%-
billtlr. and %althout any allonanee for g,o.l-alll. trade marks, err., at 118,771.0,-
6:1.11, Ihl. afoot 1,t tieing ascertained on the bash of an anoral.al by the (anodla■
Amer', an ..ppral•;.1 (' pan,. Limited, a• 01 ]iamb lith. 1910, of the .apltal
asset• taken titer. and Ilse Berl llleate of \Lenora. Trice, %'s llrrhuu.e A Company,
a. of l'rbruarp ^Nth. 1311,, no. In .ver.-nt a.•el• :1,,d current ilah11IlIr•. with a
liberal alluaan,e for all ronttngrurie•. There Las 011.11 been 11144411 in the
Trra..4rx 51.00000.) of 111111111011111 entail. nhief.. 0.•1il,. 10,./.1111141,1 %. 11,. (,nnplellon
of ,t a.(arn barrel mill and a million bu.t,rl el,iaior ;.ud .forage warehouse al
t'orl Colborne, and 01 fifteen additional e•leaatorn in the west, will p.utede (Ile
at (umpan,y wish furiL,r nurking capital.
A• per Irrldflcate ..f llr.•rs. 1•rlee. Waterhouse & ('o.. of l.onslun, the
earnings of the old Company ..n the p1rernt plant ■munn1id
from 14epteml,rr •:5!b. IUOx, to Augu.t 21111e. 1909. lu 5119,11/3.344
And frau, August 21 1, 1009. In February 24416. 1010. 11, %100,793..1•4
being fur the latter period at a rate ennui to over 13 per rent. on the preferred
stock of the Company.
Prospectuses n, .I forms of application luny he obtained a1 any branch of
the Imperial itatik nt Canada or The It,.yal Rank of Canada. freta Guardian
Trnat ('nuipuey, Limited. Toronto, and from 1'a,vthrn Mulock A Company.
Applications for .hairs should be wade upon the forgo ■.coupon, Ing the
pro.peetus and should be •rot together mill the reml(lan,4 due 1,u appal„etlu■ to
Any Branch of The Imperial Bank of Canada,
or The Royal Bank of Canada,
Guardian Trust Co., Limited, Toronto,
or to Cawthra Mulock & Company,
Members Toronto Stock Exchange,
Royal Bank Building
Toronto, Ont.
b:,rrels 35 t, 45 pieces, $32; Can-
tdn short. -cut Lack, barrels 45 to 58 calves sold
at frier) $2.25 to $9
-------------.-_ __ _ _ —', pieces, $31.bt1: bean pork, small (ars, (Ir 3e to 5;..,c per pound.
I Half of them Purchased, Says but fat, barrel, $2S; flank f'l'eet' from 5c to he per pound; Building Materials are Scarce In
11.L 1:.15 1N 1'0111:'T'13 T.111.. era; afternoon. The comet is sop-' p!(ces,r Iambs nt. from $4 to 87 each. Goad
}armee Senator. perk, harrels, $31.50: pickled rolls, the Prairie Capital.
united from the earth by at least $31.50; heavy (Lear fat' loll o[ hogs sold at about 10c per
boleti Is,A des
111, Jaenh% sa)• i Mann IIidi ho pi- 100,00 miles of space, which is u 1 despatch from Chicago says:pound,pate!► from Winnipeg says:
di•tnuccgreat enough to prevent • [ believe that lift} per cent. 1,i leeks, very henry, all fat, barrels; _ \W1nni ,r r
luted and ilarullrsse, g i 1 40 to 50 pieces, >t;34. I is is suffering from the
aft'. possible evil effects on the lila: seats in the United Stites Sell- Reef- i:xtrA I'lat0, half barn ls, U:1 i'1'I:1► i�T:\'a i -, M:1I1i 1'CS. t;lrat the
famine in 4 IJ.4 nit materi-
:: dr-t.aiteh h III dew Fork says: earth. The earth may pass through 4•4'' can be said to have leen prat- adv i1, the past six tram. (summon
No danger is to he feared from ri it, trail, which is composed of such tit ally purchased. 'Phis state- 10) lbs., $9.f5; tierces, 200 11)s., Buffalo, \fay 10. --Wheat —Spring hick has advanced $1 a thousand,
11 s r Hailey's comet (sr its tail, ac -11 n•s} and ephemeral substances Inent was made here on \Wedncsclny $1t.• berets, 3(10 lbs., $20.50. i wheat higher; No. 1 Northern, car- 82 tier and dimension lumber aro
e, rding to Dr. lIrre'•i Jacoby, pre- 11 a! there will be absolutely no 1)•.. former United States Senates flour --Manitoba spring wheat, loads, store, $1,15; Winter firm. $2 high(r than n week ago, and
f, sor.r ..f Ast'.ITtn who lectured ps:asihility of an} kind of danger, \Wm. 1:. Mas”" in the cuur,lc 441 An
patents, firsts. $5.60, seconds, $5.-; Corn—Stronger; No. 13 yellow, shingles a re selling for almost
:it ('ulunlbia 1'ni:: I•ity on Thurs paid Dr. Jacoby. inlcrview in which he urged the 10; winter wheat patents, *5.10 to 6-1jc; h,(1 •f yellow, t,3/c: No. 4 whatever dealers dare to oak. Ce-
$:r.:►U; Manitoba ..t rung bakers', elan. 01 C No. 3 white. 6(:1�e. Irtent is still selling at 75 cents a
. rl(rtiun of United States Senators $( 90; straight rollers, $5 to $5.15;: Oats ---Finn; No. 2 white, 45'/,c; barrel over last year's prico, and
by direct vote of the people. do.. in bags, $2.35 to $2.-!::. N r 3 whit(, 44i1(; No. 4 white, th•1 supply is very short. G••d
SHATTERED BY Rolled Oats --Bags, $1.9"; barrels CI' Itye--No, 2, on truck. Stye. common brick is practically cleat led
i MILLIONS FOR PENSIONS. Si! lfinnenpolia, May 10. --Wheat — net, and all the local brick orris
l ( ('orumral -- Barrels, $3.•10 to 93.-1 Mae $I.oM ; July, $1.0••';;: Sep- hese dispose) of their supplies.
l'. S. Senate Passes .Appropriations 50. (ember, $1.01: cash, No. 1 hard, ('r ntraetors are estimating n hoid-
for SII:e000,0011. Barley-- No. 3,5','.e ; No. 4, bee; $1.12%; No. 1 Northern. $1.10% to up of at least three weeks on big
Five feed barley. Ste. 181.W; ; Ni,. 2 Northern, $1.n•(!, to j..bs.
Hundred Persons Killed in the Town feed
de,!,ateh from 1Washingl"n Oats --Canada western. No. 2,181.0R%; No, 3 Northern. $1.05 to
rias : Ill less than fifteen minutes ..se,e to 394... N,,. 3, 37'..c te, 3se:,lit!.073. Rrau gl`+ to g1M.r'. __+___.--
FAMIN1; 1N 11'1\\11'1-G.
a •)
1 tulle the Senate oil Wednesday con- (hltario white, No. 37c: No. '3,' Fleur First ,.Iteuts, lli,.31► t.. IRS.•
Cf arti.l7ot Costa ll•i�a, f t
si(�errd and passed the pension Ap 31tr; No. 1, 3tr. `'ill; srroncl paten; ?:, 10 te, $3;t0; CROP ('ONOITIONs 1,11111►,
-- propriation hill, carrying about clears, 8*.Is t•. ?!.2
(seer► --American, No. 2 yellow•, ; first. , ; second
de+l,,teh from San .loon del j San Jose has also been shaken.RI:15.0(1(1 (100. Senator Scott, w•ht' 6ic (o 69e; No, 3 yellow,'Oc to (i7e : . L ars, $2.90 to $3,20, Krr, ding Pulnplel•'d al Must points
, Nes, ramie', s11s::1 1:►r,te I.nrt settle of the buildings being Ilam Wass in charge of the Lill, stated N, •2 mixed, 67c to 6Se; No. 3 7orent•• Mar 10 As high as $7 in Ise• Neal.
' n (I, but no deaths are rc u•rtrtl that henceforth there would be a ,Ilixrd. (i5e to 6(k•. , i inenti..oe'I in the transru:tions as
is (nrtag,•, (''5ta Rica, t4 :is dc- I a{ rAnid falling off in the Amount re- n ,\ t1r•>!,:r(111 from hr fig oi, says:
411 I i.it city. Some were slightly in- g1lilifeed—Ontario bran, $20 to' 1,%sing le', i !wild fora couple of trop , , edition* throughout the
aft. Mrd 1111 Wednesday night LI a , )t.l.•<I. Earth shocks Also WC re felt 'sutured
r th
fue pa::meat. 4)1 prl
ensios, f,2(•.'o: Ontario middling, $22 to 11) 1 expo': steers. lett the average ('iiiiadiarl prairies were never het -
i . oerful -cisme' !neve/nen!. Ire : nt aeVrrn1 t,e.inta in Nicaragua fluor t. Ile icd id that 1,(J00 pcnsiuners had J23, Manitoba br.tn, Altr t.. RIA. -i range of the prices ter gra,(I huts ter th t► of prr.(•n(. Thr weekly.
t.'il ,Ili wiresri have hy ge, ii levelled re. as the tele-
14'- reselling i Hirt ist�trntlhat there ie ear.
---_T. - --- 5nreM ntitob� to sh'' tr. s. *2i• to *2.2:1 eLrr eattlAwar from $6.40 to $6.75, (, 1'. li. crop report, which was is -
6 •• 1 g to $33: with secondary grades bringt•ig all sued on Weilnesel'y, shown that
1 111 N I►I11;II 1 N 1► EDIT.
tv.ren Son lose and Cartago. The � much suffering and destitution at ---mise( meuillie, $2:, to $2s. I Cie way from $5.50 to 96.2s per •'s ding is eoliiplete(1 At alar -
t i ('t1tore at the latter place were Cartage consequent ripen the iis:a' Je!1n Mehl -It h. is 1 ,•Lehr:mine Ills Butter—Creamery. 30,'•,e. rut. (sows sold as high As *41 hilt p' ints along the line, and where t
1il'ed. It is kneun that at bast ter Cheese--1•'tslders. 115,e to I1a.,e. the range for 1)4)111 (•eW., anti bulls is not as vet finished, only abs: :
511 ,t`Y�4)mS are dead and sun 1 •ar(A ,V 1� one ,.{ the n:• •1 1111* Itirlhdas, 111 err 15 per cent. of it retrains '
I i E Ege' Srlc•ctrd, d4)zen, 2'k t4) war on aro average ..f from A4.i,n to
hundreds injured. Scores of 1o,11t1 en• cities in .hoer:.• 1. If '1:1s (ours a A tis spates fhem1loc.'• n, N. R., `210. straight receipts. 19 to 20e. ,r..4).1With the ese ;,tier) of bogs, 1)e accomplished. 1\'eat isr condi
'1rg 11114
were thrown down, among; ho the Spaniards in 1:,22 on a� .n}s: Jahn MeKe.11, ie. 4)1 this town. vl.i'h are been at $5.7:, to R9 Per111111- are fnvorabte considerable
VA in the Palace of Justice. vreet-; f•Inin southeast of the active vol- was 10-1 years 11111 on Wednesday. 1,1\'1. STOCK MARKETS. `cwt., the light stork is (•osier. !ie., 10,ieg repurt,.,i. Shght 1.111+ of
(.I by Ando..ty Carnegie. The wife:cnno learn, and was at one time a Ile came to Canada some five years Montrrnl. May 10.Prime Sil'''11 and 'nude. are t outed (root .1 •,w in other regions oleo hrinrrl
breve. 1 t a
A ,s! e,llld ..1 Dr. I3u(•ans gia. the place of eonsiderable itnpurt'1•lee. heroin! (Maser Victoria a`!'en(I<'(l the sol(I At fr11h► la'. a to near 7.-e (,,:rf 151: to WC lower. s'.'ntlt' in iIlppll lllg moisture. The
t:ratemnlnl 1lagititrate t•• the h 1`+.3 it hal About 30,(N10 inhahi•, tl:roru•, :n<1 WAS in goad health un p•:und: pl try ,,nod nuimnla, 5'.,. - i.r.:•71a•.-1 a,•r-age will be '20 per
('. et rat .\tllt•rl(':111 .\1'lrl(rat,••:f nli ts, Ant1 ullt11 1s11. Mien it wa• 111 A few Weeks ago. itrcently he ((, 61,40 andthe commie) stork. Ir, Tisu H•i
Alniltn 1".isn,•il „{ 1111roe'I l 'I"
t•1. ,r• 1'101,-1 n•urA
1 States Pi -
(• Int, halo betel kele 1. True a .iii but (if'1r••s.'(1 by an a"rth,lunke.' rccri'1(1 n letter from a brother in to 5'.e ):er ,;01,,,(1. Superior !Hitch it 'tructrl its delcget•. 1.. the Ha 1' ,. i, ir'1.101siIle for Inuchir'•
re gip.. as the d ttliquakrs tell , it ".as the 4apital of the lo'".ihee.' II
.1..1 .311f1 fr4)fll whom i,e had not r,.w• front :11:,3 t.. 1RIi:, each: tile bier e,nrenti.,n [o •sip '-•' t., .
11 t ,a., (:;oc.•:,r grafie has n! t
irl us. it• population in 1993 was 1,300. 1 heard 111 60 tears. I4 -(her cogs from $30 to iso eat -h. 1e'`al to ¥ire wu11)011 "ten. :. o:';;ed b} 'p.m"