HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-05-12, Page 6iNl iNE VLY8T[RY GLERRED UP ; OR, THE 111:RITA(iI OF MADAME Y A LTA. ( 11.11''1'1.1: VI. (('t,nt'J) These words. taken from the renal code, hail n prodigious effect. Thu two ►seal hviht.u41 un the top of tot berlin were about to assist each rther in climbing tite window, where their companion was heed- ing out his arms to them, when the menace, hurled by an invisible wit- ness. Made then, hesitate. At the Shiny moment was heard the open- ing •f the casemenee to all windows of ti.,' hurls:( guarded by the por- ter 11:dartl. "A11 any people are astir," he maid. rubbing his hands; "the fe- male tenant of the second floor, the d,cg.ist of the first, and now we shall have at play for nothing. The druggist raves like anything, and the female tenant dreams of mur- der every night..' "Ah! a thousand thunders:" Vi c•iferated a. masculine) voice, 'what 'S all that 1 Robbers pillaging the house over there ! Concierge, look for the police ---the guard!" 'Murder! fire:'' shrieked a fe- male voice. "Ah! rascals, wait awhile," re- sumed the man ; 'sly revolver! where is my revolver 1" Maxim,. determined not to show himself, but to act according to the course Bori•off should take. Ao never lost sight of the boyard, who showed unmistakable feigns of per- plexity, even of fright. Ewitently attempt had failed, and nothing remained for him but to brat a re- treat. He appeared, however, still to hesitate before decamping with hos tramps, and moved about un- easily, :;tucking his fist at the peo- ple who threatened hien, reas- sembling his subalterns, and gesti- culating violently. By his order, doubtless, one of the then on the box dismounted hastily, and the "they took the whip and reins. The Ulan who had en- tered the house .with Robert de Caramel jumped from .the balcony to the berlin and thence to the sidewalk. The defeat turned into a rout. At this moment a pistol was fired by the terrible tenant of the first floor. 'I'I•e effect was not deadly—no ene felt --but the explosion gave the Sig- na' for the rout. Horisoff hustled his sten into the carriage, where they (trat fined themselves with some difficulty, and jumped in af- ter them. The driver struck out hos horses in the direction of the Avenue de Villiers. "I hey fly, the cnWard4:•• exchrim- Aci Bidard. willingly showing him- self n..% ti, It all danger was past. "Tones don't {el oft like that. ('nuc, One is the tnonte n1 to cry 'Stop ttbief The, e's a station down there 4,11 the nreline. The soldiers will rose the carriage." A!' he said this he precipitated have ae tempted to force an en - himself into the street. Maxinte trance." wed -no effort to abate his ruder, "Not worth the trouble. The are; tt illingly followed. he x is empty. The Prussian has He bad little hope of capturing gene home." tie 1.. rho. Indeed, it was u small "His friends have come back, mattse to him whether or not they .li'sicu Fallot," maid the porter. cap.tnlcd Bori,••ff, but he was "For a quarter of an hour a we - gra ati; concerned to know whatf t i : hurl become of Hobert do ('arnoe1, Madame Sergent, and the countess'fencing-mnster. They must be in the house, and he counted on the tenantll to assist hint in bossing there nut of their aest. .1uet. ae he put his feet outside Vac! door the victoria arrived at full speed. Auguste, the faithful coachman, attrau•te•d by the piste,( -shot, was hastening t.• the assistance of his 80 11.11.111. St " op'e1 ed Maximo, and .Au - above you, with toy friend Oalo- pardin, and your hall passed right under our nvso'." "Monsieur Falot, 1 have told you before that it doesn't suit the 1.0 juke! witlt you." "Upon my word it is true. Ask Galopardin." "I swear it," replied the clerk who answered to this absurd name. "-1 swear it by the concierge and bj this house ; and here is Mlle. Saint Gres who will bear witness to having heard the hissing of this projectile."3111e. Saint Gres was a person of ripe years. of a spare figure, and a n, p.pled face; the femals tenant, of the second floor. Maxima, was not sorry to sec all the tenants collected together. -Gentlemen," he said, ''I have not the honor to be known to you, and since chance has led me to be present at a singular spectacle—" "I beg pardon, monsieur, who are you'!" asked the old druggist, gravely.,Uaxime was wishing to send to tie ;devil this ridiculous individual taut assumed the airs of a magis- trate interrogating at prisoner. But lits situation was one in which he had need of everybody, and he did n t disdain to conciliate the good- will of Signor Pencornet. "I entered," he said, "to make scene inquiries of the concierge, when I saw arrive, in carriage and 00 font, the baudltt•s who have at- tempted to climb into that house. Naturals', I remained to give as- sistance to honest people. I an the nephew of M. Claude I)orgcros, bugler.' "Good house, monsieur," said the bass voice of the old druggist. "House favorably known on ehang ." "Wait," said one of the young tenants of the third, "I know your uncle's cashier." "Really';" asked Maxinne, a lit- tl1 surprised.(pike"I was (pike intimate with him before he was such agrandee. We Isis: in the same restaurant; soup, tae dishes, half a bottle and des - GIVEN UP BY HIS PHYSICIAN tlders joined at the top. To "FRUIT-A•TIVE3'•, THE FAMOUSFNVIT MiOIC,NE, SAVED HIS LIFE. JAMES DINGWALL. EMI. 3, Williams/own, Ont., July 27th, Igo "I suffered all my life front ChronicConstipation and no doctor, or remedy, 1 ever tried helped toe. "Fruit -a -fives" promptly cured rue. Also, last spring I hail a had attack of BLADDER and KIDNEY TROUBLE and the doctor gave me up but "Fruit-a•tives" aed my life. 1 am now over eighty years of age awl I strongly recommend "Fruit -a -tires" for Constipation and Kidney Trouble". (Signed' JAMES DiNGWALL. 5oc a box, 6 for $2.50—or trial box, 2,;e —at dealers or front Fruit-a-tives Lituited, Ottawa. himself of the strength of his wrists and leaped the balcony after them. "We can't see a jut here," said Falot. "Wait, I have borne snatches in my pocket." He struck a light which was suf- ficient to enable them to discern on a table a candelabra filled wish wax candles, and in another minute the darkness gave place to an illumin- ation.It was, as Bidard had said. the dining -room. The cloth was laid on a table, in the middle of which was a chalice of old Saxony filled with rare flowers. But it did not. appear that any guests had been sealted at the table, and in the great empty hall the silence was profound. "One might suppose it was the castle of the Sleeping Beauty of the woods," /murmured Falot.''Let us st'areh," said Maxim!. "hir'k let 11s sou what way this door leads—hold—it is lucked on she outside." "Let ns begin by calling," ex- claimed Falot, striking with his feet against the door. "Hallo!" No one answered to this appeal, blit a murmur of voices in the street, attracted the attention of the explorers. They hastened to tc the window and saw the ten: nts and porter in conference with two pt.liceulen, who had been attracted b!' the repeat. of the pistol. Maxirne saw that the moment had sect. thirty-six sous. Itis name is conte for his in leneutiun. To - Jules Vignory. Galupardin knowsgaiterwith the two clerks, he had in a few seconds wined the group, and was in a position to add his west to the somewhat confused conversation between the occupants rt.) iere of the t'pper Saone, because of the house opposite and the he was born at Vesoul and because guardians of the peace. He re - he is virtuous, twenty-six years counted briefly what haul taken o!•I. round chin, oval face- " place, and so told his story as to "1 know the rest," said Maxinle, lead the policemen to believe that as lcughing. ''Vignory is my intimate crime. had in all probability been Limed, and I am pleased to sleet committed, and that it was innpera- two of his comrades. But suffer me tive to search the house immesh - to remind you that we all have a /toy.duty to fulfil, that of warning the All the floors were locked. The occupants of that house that rogues cl,Itlmissary of police alone had the right to have them opened, and one of the policemen went in search of hien. This magistrate resided in the neighborhood, and in twenty min- utes he arrived, followed by a. lock- smith ;trilled NS ith all the imiple- rne nos of his profession. Ile listen - without and two nu'n tare acva there, eat attentively to �laxime's recital, uithuut counting the servants. If the discourse of 11. l'incorne't, him too." "Yes," afliirmed clerk number tat., "would you like a description of Mini Vignory (Jules), called the }. a hadn't stayed so long at Cafe ('nrditit, you'd have seen 'em go in as we did- monsieur and me." "Anal 111)'. too,' cried the coach - :yen. "1 wasn't so near, but I've a pair of guild e'yen. ,And the bus. and, above all, the report of 11. B:dard, who, in his quality of con- cierge of the 114,1180 opposite, was in a position to certify t., what had taken place for six months past; tied finally concluded it was expe- beard offered nit' it hundred Sobs to droit to have a legal search of this take him te his house.. 1'd 1ay y singular abode, whose occupants l:le en it. lh•'s just mu rd.'rcd mhis sh•rwl•d themselves at. intervals and wife." disappeared like phantoms.lty "A risurtler,' Ahtmon du!u !" his order one. of the policemen rang grnnned the femme tenant. several times. and no one answer - I. "The trage•(l105 of jealonmy," int;, Ito commanded the locksmith gusto St.•l,pe 1 short.. sneered (:alopardnt• to operate. ' ..1i....11' . said Itidtird. ''we will "It would be well to est, r and It was the work of A moment, 1Int, into the milord and follow search the house," said Maxnne• and the} fmrnd 1hemfelyes nt rho abet the brigands." ''f a crime has been cutnnlitl(!d the foc•t of a stairway, prlunged in cnm- "If the brigands are i,• the her- victim has need of assistance per- piste darkness. But the knowing lin which filed away doer ender, Laps.' Biclnrd had foreseen this case, and it's no use to start 111y mare after "Enter' How) The doors are ai.rited with a lantern, which he them; the e11tdn'I catch tip w ith locked." hRstent d (n phre,, in the hnnd4 of ten -thousand franc horses. I heard "IIy the window, then," said 1'a• the erred tau), for he was not hent a pistol -hot. Was it monsieur hat "tiidard must have a ladder ; upon being the first t.• penetrate that filed it wile hasn't 1" 1 th:= dangerous castle. ..No, a td tie one u 35 hurt. 1 he- '•1\'hat's a iadder for!" asked '11,4' stairway led the ►introit toIt. I4 it. ants find in the sire' Auguste. '•1'm going 10 put my a billiard -hall, an apartment'which "Why is it undertakes to say i ca►riage under the caeelnelit." had three doors, including the one fired in the air ''• toneda rough "Like the berlina chile ago' It's '.which opened from the stairway. %•l-iee. A good idea," said Maxine!.Ont. of thein was locked, hut the Turnifl . 31a sine. found himself "Ciutxle' cried (kalopardtn. kr • was in the lock, and it was Save to 114.4' t' it 11 a 1tr•,te:utue per- '.There is, perhaps. a corpse or two cnh' necessary 1.' turn it to pass In• Nonage: :g coat se. hi'ttle old man en- in there, and a•, ;Ire eall,41 upon to the dining -room, where the ►t'A5 velotrl•el 1.1 :t 11res•simg-gown, and to make a search. Falot and 1 will ,.,tndlcs, lit by (;:+14,pardin, were armed W11 a cavalry tew•dt'et. 4111111) in with you. Ridar41 and rill burning. The thiol rummuni- "1 beg pardon, mensicur," •aid Pineernet will guard the 41.''r. and e1tted with a cabinet containing a Maximo. ••1 thought y"n wished 1111.' Saint (ares will pray for us. , hog, :inount of plat, and ;{odes. sin ply to gtVI' the alarm. ' This progrannle was laid off in Th, cornm;ssory ren,:+rkc,l that the No, sir ; 1 1)1111ed f.0 the chief decided a (411)0 that IIs '111e el►- wiedew of this e'al,inet was open, 1,1 the rrehls'rs, anal sin sure 1 j. .t•sl, And .Anglt-te hastened to a ►t nrldua' wide') ()petted .111 8 Nlair- t(tuche<I lion If I'd had cartridges' lead his h•'rse h} the bridle to the tat' eestttp'•44.4)'.1 six eteps, dc'a,•n•l T 11i.tild have killed totem all, bat! sp. t indicated. ft wets less ndsnt ing int,, a garden ..r rather court. unfortunately 1 hall onto one boat."led for the purpose than ilorisel'a • • i 4, e• a ladder thee,• placed •'Fe.rtunnt( l'.. Papa Pineornr1," I healon, bat the intrepid Fal ,t f-,und ;tot:i ill the Rail e• exelainsed 11ax , said .i young man who had just that by ',tending ou tiptoe he 4'•n!'1, nye. come out of the bops( ; "if you I►ad1 la; h•.ld of the window with Ms) 1 1,,.I,eelna1) mounted th • ladder fired oftener yeti would have d.anet, hand,, and MR 'Linke. (allowing the • ar, 1 .as IIIA( 1here a t. •9110 also on iaiseltief. 1 aas at my 1rindew, just ,xalc.iple of the tw.. clerks, 1114041 the other side. The two portable do tint and descend by this route wr s essy enough. This precaution pie ved that the inruates of the house anticipated the necessity of taking flight. At the foist of the ladder the moist 'ttth preserved the prints of their feet. '!'hey were many and of all sizes. Five or six peis1405 had passed that way. The fugitives wire arrived poll-niell had puttered their feet several minutes before seconding the ladder in file, and Maxima! could recognize the bests witlt sharpened heels, which marked the passage of Madame c rgent. Maxima, aconipaniecl the commis- sars to the end of his 5c:arch. The house underwent a thorough inspection from garret to cellar, as well as the grounds adjoining. They found nothing. The eomntiss111y contented himself with: taking down the moues of those present, in case they should be required as witnesses, a case that appeare-d very improbable, for he began to, believe in at hoax. Maxine had to give his address, and amounted immediately in the vehicle of the faithful :Auguste, not without, having generously reward - eel Bidard and taken leave of the two clerks, whom he even invited to dine with hiss, an invitation which the) aacceptcd in chorus. (To be continued.) "Excuse me, ma'am," said the book canvasser to the lady who had opened the door in answer to his fing, "but if you have a kw mo- ments to spare, I'd like to shod' you the great work on the 'Habits of Savage Animals.' " "No use wasting your 'time, young man," rol:hied the lady. "I've been mar- ried three times, and know all about their habits.', When a man has a cause in his heart it will get to his muscles. It's a queer conceit that rcga•ds a dime dropped into the plate as a dollar laid uta in glory. The possibility of really culer- ing into another's grief is a joy that angels must envy 11s. Stop That Limp Change that lis.piig, useless hone Into a s,n.J, healthy horse, wlfling aa, eager to do a Good day's work. Don't let a Spavin, Curb. Splint, Nankin, Ringbone or any ether Lame- ness keep your horse Ds the stable. Cure It with Kendall's Spavin Cure it cares without leaving a scar, b1., telt or white halm—because it does mot blister. Fort K*l:s, Ii.C.,'rile 14th 11tH "Dew beta using your Liniment for years sad Audit all that yon rept esent. Have not been without 11 for IU)eaas." 0*0*41E GORDON. El. • bottle -4 for $5. Excellent for household uee.. Sold by alt dealers. Ask for free book "A Treatise Ou The horde" or write us for copy. 55 ea. E. J. EVIEEEL CO. Beerehary Fath W. •.41q ,-•e# s�l ria •x, v• Consider the nigher real est• to valve of well painted buildings, compared with unpainted ones. Dort't r corms pointing -- every day doze its damage and iles up costa tor tepatra. Martis-Senour 1 Paint ,r 100% Pura . s the ehestert. Absolutely pare nd unadnitrrafed, it won bot, oaks better and ,;.w•• further, fut- on Ger gallon, than any (Abel paint t any price. -.'•eta►. If undecided which paint to a.. writs s tats? for the nam, nt our dealer. mat •nu ask him aber,t the written arent,0 that hacks overy rlamt we ,kofor atr paint -a goaraatte that pr.teee Dm't trpn Im^nt wh'n re••ainly emits but • few ernte mre. There's a fe Mr. �.•rwur Per nrf'r every purr -err- or hems, tern, wh emit!, porno. watt. 0. ^arrlalre. cuillea'.sr and plow--ptint o• want and pant for ken -the Lest at skill and Ir. hey can pnri.iee. If emir dealer rannnt supply you. osier as and wt wCI r'•+..tly direct eau Whet a our pair t s ...e tea be bad. Delfts. A11 Substitute* M t1 to e f o - tlh, st-deed booklet. "Horne ifesoll(ul." ant Inr4rw.lMR fetor i ca. -1. Free ter s the asking. Tie Mattis -Sneer Ca. McNveal Pioneers Perre WONDERSH1NE Cleans Silver and Goll without Rubbing Just Dip, Ririe and Dry. Cuaranlecd Absolutely Nut -injurious. Ask your Dealer or send direct 25c. for package to snake 12 qu:t: is of solution. HOUSEHOLD CONVE'iiENCE CO. LIMITED 214 110ARD OF TRADE BLDG. TORONTO '1'11I` WIDOW'S M1.I'E. Will lave Her an income of Over Three 'Thousand Dollars. Mrs. Ellen Marsden. the poor wi- dow of Bradford, England, to ellen) a fortune of ,L'1 t,0o0 has been bequeathed by a rich uncle in :America, has no intention of mov- ing from the one -roomed cottage in Lownio. r which is sow lier hoarse. "I do not want a larger (house or some one to take care of ace," she stated calmly and firmly. ''I have been used to looking after myself. "D13' uncle had to work hard for hie money, and 1 am not going to Waste it. 1 shall hank it and live on the interest." Mrs. Marsden, who, as she her- self put it, hats •'pinched and pined" all her life, does not appear to realize what the possession of 3.'18,000 means, and has no notion of what her incense will be. The stoney invested at 4 per cent. would Camphor Ice FOR CHAPPED SKtd AtiO LIPS, Can SORES, WIrIOSGRN, 12 Vaseline Remedies In Tubes Ca."rum, Panted. hlenthnlutrd, (`nrho- Iate.t, e' 11 11 n:atr.s,'.whlte nxid( of /1,,c, stn 1' u 0 f. r sisociat t:urposcs, write tot Free \. c..eilu. !look. Ot*t:86BROUCH N110. CO. •Cnne'd) 379 Creta at. W.. Montreal pt'i duce an income of i 'o a )ear. Her husband was a laborer, and they brought ep a family of six children on his small earnings. Af- tc • his di ath some years ago site was compelled to leatve, her house and live in a cottage on the As. a week allowed her by the parish. It is frequently difficult to corner • a man who isn't. square. PLEINE A flavoring used the same as lemon or vamp By dissnir'ea jr,:oulated .agar in water aa� adding blaplelrte. a delicious syrup is madcap a syrup better than mspie. Vaplrine is sold b; PIOUS*. If not sen.( 50' 1cr 2 .a. bctt!e _ pn recipe book. Crescfnt Mfg. Co., best••,•. W- 4 s This Yours? I. shat )ours? 1.this house that needs painting yours ? 10' gond to it ! It is your home ! Nothing is too good for it. Make it beautiful. Ifow? Use Don't hesitate, they ate Tully guaran- teed. No other paints possess those sterling qualities for beauty, durahil• ity and covering power •.o well known for over seventy sears as I>antsay's Paints. Everybody ,,.e them. Write and ask us for our beautiful boolsk t '•1"'" on house painting. '4Ve mail it tree. It will help you. A. RAMSAY & SON CO Establisa,ed sac. The Paint Makers, Montreal. FAIRBANKS - MORSE! Gasoline Engines The CANADIAJ$ Vara__ SIZES i. j, 4, 6 H.P. SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR GENERAL FARM WORK. They are so simple that the average farm (land can run them, and are practically Fool ('roof and Frost Proof. Send to -day for catalogue G.E. tot, \\r•I'. CO., showing full line of engines for farm use. It means 1001Q honey saved tor you. TERMS Special Terms to Farmers. r#IRoANKS tOMPANV, Limited, MONTREAL Stanchest -Toronto, St. 4ehn, N.e., Winnipeg, Calgary, 1laneeuvar A Dt,RR4a THE ROYAL' LINE TO EUROPE SAILING IRON Montreal and Quebec to Bristol TR!t'LE TL/RB.N' IXPRESS STCAMISHiPS Royal Edward AND Royal George Tripp ' 'reivs, 1I ireolti \Vtro1O4-i. 1) ' ,' .1 I'el'!,►11 ,i1.';, 1'.l,sa'ilgt)I' Elevators, 6 l'as4entter 1 ).•t'i.-, 1 2•1111 1 tons h.1 " I{oval I': I►n.tr.l ' will in:t•1 ;iir.tt.' fort!' i;;llt ly seri i1'l3 of the Canadian Nortlih'rii Steamship, Limited The 1.0, al 1eine —front 1toitt rt:.tl ionto gultl)nc to ISristol nn Thursday, 1'iity •_'(its. Best Appointed Steamers. Tho Most Pic- turesque Port. Only Four days at sea. 1 The twee ships, the •' Royal Edward" and the " Royal 4 enrge'' are the fastest Triple .crew' ter- hine boat • 10 the Canadian service. The British port is Bristol (two hours nearer than Liscrpetol,) Special trains alongside steamers within i to min• totes of London. The slenmer• are driven by this neWe"t 1)t a of turbine engines, insuring A maxi- mum of speed and minimum of vibration. Their equipment is the 11144! et er seen in the St. Law genre. l..erge stay et, .nrus, •oacioue social apart- ments,'h4,tere.l p4 nn,cmi.sttt decks, Artistic furnish- ings, perfect service, and ventilation by thermo. tank 4)414111. the fresh air being *armed or cooled A4 required. For lull particular,, rates, 1)0014Iet4, schedule of sailing;., et: , apply any steamship agent, or write to 11. (' 1101'141.1ER, lien rlgen9 ( ttla,iian Northern Steamships, Limited, 'forest(►, ('anad:t