HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-05-12, Page 4Q zeter ;Nbtiocatc, Surilers Cleech Props. THURSDAY. N1a1 13, 1910 THE KINK: IS 1)EAI). Tor blow tell suddenly and now. hot I, :e empire only, but the whole world r.:ourne. The quaint old line, 'confound hie enemies.' had log been obsolete, for enemies he had none. The decade of his reign, pleasured by ltupertal greatness and progress—measured by benign conditions and the thing's tnat make for peace and the well-being of the people, was the greatest in hlatory. He has Left us when he seemed to be wanted most, but hla last words will remain his monument ; 'Well, it la all over, but I think I have done my duty.' History tor King Edward will always keep its ependor. As a king he wan self -schooled, self -scanned, self -honored, self -secure. In action he was wise. ready, fearless. commanding ; In duty laborious and serious. As years went on his soul grew strong and wise and beautiful. Ile had a splendid vision of peace and in pursuit of 1t he exercised a univeraal influence. Much that Lord Tennyson Bung of Arthur, Duke of Wel- lington, it 1s fitting to say of him. $im, too, we must bury with an em- pire's lamentation, to the noise of the mourning of a mighty nation, the sor- rowing crowd will grow to see the last of a great Englishman—great in coun- cil, rich In common-sense. a good grey head, which all men knew, true to true occasion. Edward the well -beloved. 'We have a voice with which to pay 'the debt of boundless love aIle rever- 'ence 'and regret' for hint whose path was duty and who ever followed her commands, who had worthlly won our ronfldnce. and whose work is done. To -day is a day of pain, and there will be other days of mourning, but that will pass—our love and admiration will --remain. God save the King. Heaven Iris not left us without a worthy sovereign of truly kingly stuff. Loyalty to the throne abides ever. but loyalty to the person of a king grows as the nation becomes acquainted with the man. Ow- ing to circumstances our kings are lit- tle revealed to us before they come to reign. Well as we knew Edward as a man he burst upon ui :'.11 n" vly as a king, and we look far such a apleudid efflorescence once more. As for the new Queen she has long had the hearts of the nation—the sweetest and queen- liest of English girls. When the late Queen died the Empire was in gloom. The South African war was in progress. and the future was dreaded. There were some who went so far as to say that the death of the Queen meant the ending of the 11rttlsh Empire. They said, Indeed. that stone but a woman. in any case, could cement the Empire's loyalty with Its large ele- ment of chivalry. As for the King, he was untried, and had to prove his met- tle. The same things are being said now, when there is lees or as little caul^ for fear and perturbatlo)t. A great king is dead. but he has a worthy successor. 'a true seed of freedom.' As the King we lament rose In state- menshlp and other high qualities when opportunittes came and responelbilifi-s were thrust upon 111(11. Ito George the V.. will prove his mettle as surely. Ile has been reared hi the free and pure tra- dttlon" of the Court of Victoria. and as Prince he ever showed himself ser- ious, noble. and kindly -disposed. Ile teas a worthy consort, one who has al- ways welt-sco.lde] him in th, clschtrge of ills public duties, and both in time of trial may Is, depended on to set ve their country well. The present crisis has well been called a constitutional one. It has been called up at the will of the people, and the people will de- cide what reforms they require and will have. Ilrltlsh statesmen are not revolutionaries any more than th' itrit- ish people, and the reforms slow de- sired will some day coal, to pass. 111 the people's, gaol time, and will in no long while be taken as a matter of course. The new king's horoscope reads Lair, 'tiro id tweed upon the people's will' tt,e throne will h • k •pt unshaken. and our children will be able to say. we feel sure, as we said of Victoria and Ed- ward—he wrought his people lasting good. Cy,xl Have the King. The Dominion Parliament closed Its session last week. The outstanding fea- tures are the Navy Bill. and rho admis- sions of the Government that the U. T. P. 1s costing many time's as much as they said it would. A rtatio:l mourne. A King's departed To that bourne from which none return Toe world at large is truly now sad - hearted : To gather strength and peace to God we turn. Edward the Peacemaker—The future still will call him; Itis duty's done; his life and reign are o'er; Arid in the spirit land of the departed H•• waits the judgment call to Heaven's bright shore. God'', ways at large are to us We, may rebel and sometimes think them 111. D: still. 0 British hearts : and learn this lesson. "Our King Is dead, but It was by Ills N. D. H. still a mystery CASTOR I A For Infante and Children. Thi Ind You Rave Always Bought Bears the �-� blgnature of •eeee' t -r, re UAW. CITY ofTuwoo,tai. La car COUNTY1 Frank J. Cheney snakes oath that be is senior partner of the ,len .4 P. J. Cherie) a Co.. doing bovi- nes in tE,. City of Toledo, County and !state afore- said, amt that mid Grin will pay the sum of ONE !JUNDBED DOLLARS fur each and eery rase of Catarrh that cannot he cured by the use of hall's Catarrh Cure. FKANK J. CHENEY S•aurn to beton rise and subs.rril•,d in nal pre.• ence, this nth day of December, A.U. twin. (Stat.) A. W.ULEASON, NoTAaT PLIC Hall's Catarrh Curcio token internally, Ind seta directly on the Wood and mucous surfaces of the system. fend for teAimoniale free. Y. J. CHE\EY a Co., Toledo, O. gold by all DruggiMs. 76c. Take Hall's family rills for constipation. DASI1W000 )1. nttoKlNSfiior... DAYllat-OOD CUN%'EY LJ• ENCEB. Deed, Wills, llort,za.es and all Legal Doeume-t• carefully and promptly prepared Charges moderate. Issuer of ',ferriage License.'. air. Edmund Zeller of zurlen was ill the village during the week looking ov- er the ground and staking out for the rural telephone line he is now erect- here.—Mr. !Melville of Exeter has lain 10 the village several days during the week endeavoring to place an acet- ylene gas plant. We have not learned what success he has thus far met with. —Nest Sunday Rev. A. Y. Haim of Irerlln will occupy the pulpit In the Evangelical church. He will also admin- :u!nteter the sacrament of the Lord's Sun?^r to the members and friends of the said church,—Mr. Geo. Edtghoffer de- livered his driver to Mr. Douglas of Bloke on Monday.—Messrs. Peter Kraft and J. K. Goetz have erected a new fence tri front of their property which great- ly improves the same.—Mr. Jos. Amy took in a tine lot of cattle here Monday. —Miss Richardson spent Sunday and :Monday with friends at London. re- turning on Monday evening.—Dr.Itout- tedge has had his office moved to the property on Main Street—Mr. William ''mater Ie building a summer kitchen to his Hotel.—Several of the villagers have already expressed themselves as having seen the ronlet. W INCIIELSEA --- Mrs. T. Coward spent Saturday 01 London.—Mrs. W. W. Kerr, Mess legate A. Iiandlton and Miser Ella Robinson spent Saturday with friends hn Crediton —aliases Aggle and Hattie Hunter spent Sunday with :Mss Ella Robinson.—Mr. T'los. Bowman of London Is the guest r' his aunt Mrs. W. Delbridge. Presentation.—The members of Sun- shine Bible Class presented their teach- . Mr. David Miller, prior to his leav- ing for Raneomvflle, N. Y., with an ad- dress, a red -lettered teacher's bible and a silver mounted ebony cane. The t tdress was read by Mrs. T. Cloward and the gifts were presented by Mrs. A Francis on behalf of the class. The ad - 'tress read,— Dear Friend.—.1s the time of your departure draws nigh we, the members o' your Sabbath School CIase, feel that we would like In some. tangible way to e: -prase our appreciation of your ser- vices while among us. Your deovtion to the Master's service has been obee: v - •e1 by ail, youir zeal haw been, unabating and your sacriflres have been. we be- lieve, wnatl.g sacrifices. for the further - afire of the Master's kingdom. Your W alk among us has been worthy of 'nattation, and your adhesion to truth and right has been so manifest as to crette in all a respect for and a desire to !nitate As you go to your new home we shall sadly 111188 you but eveir there God will find work for a willlns Mart and hand. Our united wish for you Is, "That God's richest blesstugs. bre temporal awl spiritual, may rest upo l you." Would you therefore .te- cept these gifts trot for their value, but for the love of fru, honest hearts em - bailed In the stn.—afgncd o•.t behat' of the class. W00011AM Mr. Jonathan Shier 1s confined to his bel with Jaundice and is seriously ill. Illy friends are alarmed over Ills con- dition. airs. Shier Is also quite sick.— airs. John Stevens last week met with a p'htful accident. While papering the platform on which she was standing gave way and she fell across a chair hurting her back considerably. She will be laid up for some time. Arm and 1.' g Broken.—Last week Mt s. James Shipley while gathering eggs In the hay loft accidently tell down a trap door, and broke one 51111 and elle• icy, besides injuring her back. She was found shortly afterwards by her hus- band and has wince received the best of care. Iter condition) 1e considered pre- carious. CLANDRNOYE Mr. E. 0. Jo 1'•a of Leondon groat a roup!^ days here on business the past ✓ e<.—Mr. 11 Purdy has engaged to work lot Mr. Ira Ube) on his farm G)fs season.—Mr. W. Nell. who has been 111 for +ome time past, dpes not seem o :mp:ovc.—H. Pierson visited et Lon - len twit week, his brother being 1II.— • a. G. Lewis, who has been suffering from an attack of la grippe Is able to h • around agitn.—Mr. 11 Nell. of Oon. S McGI111vray. Is visiting friends tis teeseknow. Mr. Lou O'Neil aPPeared before E. 11. Smith of A:ls► Craig on a charge of. violating the law, by allowing Ills 'a'- tle to run sl large. if • was fined 1417. and costs.—Mr. 'lad Mrs. Harvey hall o' ilderlon spilt Sunday with Mrs. W. ^.v:tn'.nghatn.—Mr. Geo. Simpson, mo- raine plant. Is kept sissy these days suo'ly:r3 the farmers with manure eve Minnie Nell Is able to to • around s'; sin after hang confined to the douse with la grip:ea—Mr. Wes ifennesey hitt purchased a new driver —11r. Jas. Mrltanrt has bought a hew :trio from John Grant. London.—We in' peened to herr that Geo. Dauncey ;s tmpoving nicely after undergoing AI op:ration tor appendleltis.—There wi'1 he no services In St. James' church next Sunday, owh'g to the opening of St. Si 'rya' church. Br:nsley.—Last au,ida: Cie Rev. Mr. Carlisle preached a very rttti-csetvc sermon In 51. James' ehureh relardel t the King's death.—Mr. E Slmpso:l spent Sunday in London.—Mr. Joe Seal- has rented the Rectory and .mends moving they. In in :a short ills 1 new wire fence has b -en erectel a-oind the Rectory grow ids. wttt-h adds much to tis appearance.—Miss sultan Ftodg ns of Loran spent Sunday with airs. John stale.—The ladies of the W. H. S. of Inc bi oho..st rhurrh attend- ed the conventio;t at Whalen last week. —The Women's institute will meet at the home of Miss Grundy on May :el.—Mr. Alvin C\enninghant is ttalnine las drtver tor the ear• lrark.—Mr. and lie 0. Chowen railed on friends in the win .1e 5akliay.—Dr. Janes has cu' dean several of the large treer in front of his dwel!tng and is giving his Premise* a general fixing up.—Mrs. McWilliams' Is confined to the house, owing to n1 - nes, and Is under the /are of Dr. But- to:t. We I,op' to ser her around again shortly.—Mr. and Mrs. (leo. .Simpson have moved to their farm north of the o to'ge. Mr. s!mpson Is still carrying 0.1 the machinery work In the village. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S •.:ASTORIA C'ItEDITON. Have you aeeu Halley'a Comet? Our people have been up all hours of the morning viewing the Heavenly travel- ler.—Next Sunday Rev. A. Y. Hairs, P.E., of Berlin will preside ever the communion service in the Evangelical church. A special service will be held Seteiday afternoon,—The Bell Tele- phone Co. have a gang of men in the village installing new telephones and rewiring the polls. --Harry Kuhn drove bis new Ford automobile from Strat- ford Saturday. It is a fine machine and seats six people comfortably. We hear several more of our people intend to purchase a machine.—The special Victoria Day committee have decided not to celebrate this holiday this year. It was thought beet to do so after care- fully considering the situation. Why cant the baseball team arrange for a match that day?—Thos. Appleton is rebuilding his barn.—August Kuhn of Stratford Sundayed in town with his father and sisters.—Thi' Evangelical cemetery now pt. -gents a much im- proved appearance. Three days of hard work was perfortued on the ground and the whole surface brought to a proper level. It is intended to sow the same with good grass seed and then adopt certain rules govern- ing the maintenance of the respective lot's.—Chas. Zwicker has bad cement walks around bis dwelling and is now having his lawn graded an') levelled. When completed the same will present a fine appearance.—Wm. Mellin has almost completed tbe erection of the new addition to the house of Henry Steinacher.—Henry Sweitzer is bay- ing a verandah erected in front of his dwelling. Geo. Heltzmen is doing the work for him.—August Hill has pur- cb'tsed a new Heintzman piano from 8. Martin & Son of Ezetor.—John G. Young moved bis household go•da and effects to London by train from Cen- traHe Wednesday.—Harry Beaver hes constructed concrete walks from the street to his dwelling and now :baste beautiful looking home.—Will Lewis, who is at present in Toronto, wbere$be recently had to undergo an operation. is expected here some day this week. —Milton Harvie is repainting the store front occupied by Sam Brown.—Tre- vethick & Hodgins have made eleven sales of their new buggies this season. They handle the right goods.—Friday night the "Cubs" drove to Sharon and played the boys of that section a lively game of baseball. The 'core terminated 11-7 in favor of our team. The youngsters plav great hall and are making gaod material for the sen- ior teams. The batteries were, for the cubs: Harry and Murray Holtz- man: for the Sharon boys Henryand Jos. Schwarz. CENTIRALIA There hese been a couple of runs• ways the last few days, but we pleased to report but little damage done.— Rev. W Godwin of Parkhill was with Rev. W. H. Butt Friday on business pretatning to reerreneetIlent of the work on the district.—The Centralia people are making arrangement for a big time on Dominion Day.—Mrs. C. Duplan bas been seriously ill, but we are pleased to say she is tecovering.— Rev. Andrew Butt was unable to take his work on Sunday on the Elimville circuit owibg to illnee:•,—A bagel -mil game was played here on Friday eve ening between the Eden Juniors and the Centralia Jilniors, resulting in a score of 7 to 17 in favor of Centralia.— The trustees of the public echool have erected a flag pole nearly 00 feet high and the flag is flying at half mast in memos y of the dead King. But. Ob. such a t1ug. it reminds one of the red handkerchiefs our grandfathers used to wear. it the government was going to make a present it might have given a respectable one.—The trustees of tbe Mrth'xii.t parsonage have built a new fence along the street and time made a great improvement in the appear- ance of the surroundings. The ladies of the church are also tnaking exten- sive repairs in the parsonage, in the way of painting, papering, etc. The people of Centralia have the reputa- tion of looking well after tbeir pastor end family.—Gardening is now the order of the day, but the weather keeps cool and Helley's comet is blamed for a good deal of trouble.—Rev. F. Ker- shaw of Woodstock, formerlya pastor here, was w visitor in the vilage with blends on Tuesday. Though 76 years of lege the Rev. gentleman appears indite hale and hearty.—There owe a large attendance at tbe Official B,tArd meeting of the Methodist church Fri• day evening. The finances were found to he in excellent shape and the ut- mnat bariuony prevailed. Rev. W. Godwin, cbeirman 01 the district pre• aided.—The first hs,ehall genie of the season will he played Thursday even• inv. 12th. when Centralia boys play Waw them, The Centralia team pre- sents a new line-np this year and ex• pect to place a fast gtale en come out end Pee the 11)71 play hath WHALES at Parkhill and will move theta. short- ly.—Sunday was decisiotl at our echool and a number of the young people joined the church. Ptayer tweeting w i11 he held nest Nnnday evening, and a special talk to new member will be given. Sum tot. Re:Puttr.--Following is the report of S.S. No. 1e, t'oborue for April Sr. V.—G Moaley 2.13. Jr. V.—W Hodgson. Se. IV. -6 Ark-ey 263, M Squire '2 )7, V Motley 2'27, 0 Gunning 2111. H Ogden 195, E Johnson 36, (miss- ed two exams.) Jr. IV.—T Gunning 202, A McCarthy :'lie, J Wbelihan 243, N. Squire lb'7. C Morley 15e. P McGee 19. Sr. 111.—M liunniug Itis, J Know - lee. Jr. III—W Brooks e4. Sr. 11. — M Millson 212, E Gunning 1(14. Jr. 11. P McGee '2-15, J W helibatn 152. Mr. and Wm. Ogden visited with her sister, Mr. Frank Cornish in Ulan• shard on teindev.—Almer Motley hes engaged with Wnt. Denham for the Bummer.—Mise Eve Tapp, of Virden, Man., is visiting relatives and friend. *rotund hese. She intends emending the summer in this vicinity. —Mee. Ee Sheet and Mrs. McMurray of Crediton who ;attended the c'rtventinn here on Tnur•adey, visited et J. V. Mrlleon's ever Friday.—Mr.. JAS. Shipley, who erne.erieu•Iv hurt by felling trent w .r•ttold in the bern, is still snf?eriegR much peel end et ntee.'nt ie not much URA ND BEND. Miss Ermine Geake of Toronto is vis- iting her sinter, Edith, who, we are sorry to learn, is quite i11. We hope she will soon recover.—Bruce Boesen- berry of Brucefield was in the burg Saturday.—The Many friends of Mrs. Ilse will be sorry to learn that she is in a very low state of health with no hope of recovery. She is under the care of Dr. Wilson of Zurich.—Mr and Mrs. Arthur Baker of the B Line vis- ited at Arkona Sunday.—Mrs. Pfaff of Dashwood visited her mother here for a few days dining the week.—Mr. and Mts. James Wilson of Thedford have become residents of our burg, occupy- ing Mr. R. Hamilton's house.—Mr. Wambold of Dashwood is papering for Mrs. L. Ravelle. DEATIt.—The angel of death enter- ed the Webb bone on Tuesday, May 3rd, and carried away Mr. Ueo. Webb. Death under any circumstances causes great grief and sorrow, some are snatched away without a moment's warning, while others suffer for years. It was so with the deceased he having been in very poor health for a number of years, but was able to be about up to a week ago, when he was stricken with pneumonia, which, owing to his already weakened condition, soon ebbed his life away, and death came as a happy release at the 67th year of bis age. As a hneband and father be was true and affectionate and as a friend tbere were none better, thus he will be greatly missed in the home and by a boat of friends and acquaint- ances. He is survived by his wife, four sone and three daughters. who have the sincere sympathy of the en- tire community. The funeral took place Thursday, the remains being laid to rest in Grand Bend cemetery, fol- lowed by a large crncourse of sorrow- ing friends. Mrs. F.dna Finlay was accidently shot and killed in N'highant May ttth by Edward Thompson. aged 11), who aatd Court of Revision —OF— Tp. of Stephen NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision for the Asseaement Roll of the Township of Stephen, will hold its first meeting for the present year, in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Thursday, the 26th day of May, 1911', at 10 o'clock a.m. HENRY EILBER. Crediton May 3rd, 1910 Tp. Clerk. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY YS EM VICTORIA DAY Single Fare FOR Round Trip ttetween all stations in Canada, la, also to Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N.Y., Detroit and Port Huron Mich. Tickets good ening May 23rd & 24th Return limit May 26th UPPER LAKE. STEAMERS itailir , from wird* at 3.$Q p.m. for Soo and Port Arthur. Ms, 11, 14, 18. For Duluth, Msy 11 20 Sailing, from Collingswood 1.30p.m., and Owen Sound 11.15 p.m. Wednesday and t'atnrdays for Ueorgtan Bay Forts. Secure tickets and fall information from J. J. KNIGHT. Depot Agent, Exeter, or address J. D. MCDONALD, D. P. A.. G. T. Re., Toronto. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve, $6,000,000 DRAFTS ON FOREIGN COUNTRIES Arrangements have recently been completed under u hlch the branches of this Bank are able to Issue Drafts on the principal points in the following countries : Austria-Hungary Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Ceylon China Crete Denmark Egypt Faroe Islands Finland Formosa France Fr'cb Cochin -China Germany Great Britain Greece Holland Iceland India NO DELAY iN ISSUING. Exeter Branch—C. FULL Ireland Italy Japan Java Manchuria Mexico Norway Perste Phiillpine Islands Roumania PARTICULARS W. itarrisof, Manager. Russia Servia Siam South Africa Straits Settlements cn Switzerland Turkey West Indies t•1 and elsewhere ON APPLICATION Branch also at Crediton. FREE TO YOU—MY SiSTER FREE TO YOU AND EVERY *N1T1R af/fFER. INC FROM WOMEN'S AILMENT$. 1amawoman. 1 know woman's sufferings I have Lound the cure. 1 will mail. tree of any charge, my bonne frost. treat wish full instructions (0 any sufferer from women's ailments. 1 want to tell all %omen about this cure— yea, my reader. for yourself. your daughter your mother, or your sister. 1 want to tell you bow to cure yourastf at home without the help of a doctor. Men (trios understand wom- en'asutfetinge. What we women know from et. portents we know better than any doctor. 1 know that ltonietteatmertt is a safe and sure curs for ti.oeatosrrbosaor Whitish dlachar`e,tikerstiea,Dir. placement or Falling of the Wesusb, Profuse. Scanty or miaow Periods. Uterine or Ovaries Tenors or Growths. also pili la the head, back and bowels, b./misplay. ■tidings, oervotsaess, creeping feel. Ing up the tiptoe. sasiaaeboty, desire to cry. kat flashes. smarisess, Massy dud bladder troubles where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex. I want to send you aamplete 10 days treatment s.Urely free to prove to you tbat you can cure onrnelf at home, easily.quickly and surely. Remember. that it will cast you 'foibles to give Ibe treatment a complete trial; and if you should wish to oonUnue, it will cost you only about 13 cents a week, or lean than two cents a day. It will not interfere wltb your work or oocupat ion. Just sand toe your name and address, tell me how you stiffer, 1f you wlah. and Iwill 'send you 10, treatment for your cease, ent irelyy free, in plain wrappeSby ER wreturn malt. 1 will alio send you free dcest.mybook—"WOMAN'sOWN MPbiCALADV1 explanatory illustrations show Lig why women autfar, and bow they ran easily cure thetnselvesatborne. Every woman silo ti t have it and learn to think for herself. Thenwhenthedoctorsay..-"Yotlmust haveanopera tion," you can decide for yourself. Thousands of worsen have cured themselves with my horn a remedy. It cures all, old or yoreg. To Mothers of Darjbters. 1 will explain a simple honk,) treatment which speedily and effectually cures Leticorrhaea• Breen Sirknees, and Painful or Irregular Menstruation in Young Laeliei. Pl,impuee•a and health always result from ita Wherever you live• 1 call refer you to hetes of year own locality who know and will gladly tell any sufferer that this Howe Treatment really caresall women'" dtaeaseeand makes women well, serous, plump aodrobu.t. Just send me year address, and the free ten daye trestmeut yours, elm) the book. Write to -day, as you may not see this offer again. Address MRS. M. BUMMERS, Box H 840 WINDSOR, ONT. tie (11d not know the gun was loaded. Suri le often the result irons those didn't -know -it -was -loaded fools. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORiA There is a " right way " of doing bus- iness and there is a " wrong way " of doing business. The Ishii IT WAY of doing busi- ness 1s to bring your old truck, Ruth as horse hair, rubber, iron, copper. brass. wool pickings, etc.• to M. JACKSON'S Main St., Exeter Where you gat the high".'• cash price anti h'.nest deal...gs. FOR SALE—A lot of Iron pipe on thane for fence posts. ore. At 40 You will regret you did not atteud one of Canada's High - Grade Business Colleges, located at Peterborough Welland Orangeville Winghai Clinton Walkerton Now is a good time to enter. Our graduates receive from $400 to $1500 per annum. Mail Cousess in 100 different subjects.) Write for particular CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, PRINC'IP'Ai. The greet pre -tical mining school three departments, of Ontario in Commercial, Shorthud & Telegraphy We assist graduates to positions. The demand upon rte for trained help greatly .zceeds the supply. The three most recently placed we recalsing N0, gut and $tat per math respertiesly. Business min orate our graduates are the beet Enter our dames now. fet our irce catalogue. • 1) A. McLAOHLAN Principal. Organ and Piano Repairing and Tuning G. PEDLER, late of Chicago, has decided to remain in EXETER for twine titoe iindeflnitely) and will wait on the music loving public in the capacity of piano and organ tuning and repairing. Ile bee made it his life work wild is thoroughly relieble, guar- anteeing all work. Following are a few prices: New Strings Tone Reenieting General Toning. Key Levelling • verb..nling .froth $10 to $2•1 25c each $:1,011 up $'2.00 5(k` New Aetion and Hammers for Sete ere Piano from $21 to $all Re•Varnishing. P''li•hing iletving like new) done let lowest figuree. Estimates nn Pipe Organ Tuning k Repairing furnished on request. All work satisfactory or no pay. erten left at better. -Thee. (joule of tirenten, forty,- John Pedler's Residence .-ttw of thi. 11140.', has purehaeud 'h' 'with Nee street. '•r n rent.F:tt. F.AC:TER. .111 t•e.kery beetles* from Freok Fort eat ....,,,..rrmpt ltt•n'i n Always in the lead OCR POLICY has always been to give our customers the ad- vantsge of any reduction our keen buying bas allowed us to take advantage ot. Our WATCH Department is most complete and at price. within the reach of everyone—$1.00 up to $40.00—and same warranted from one to three years. Now is the time of year when an ALARM CLOCK does not cone amiss,. We have a fine selection of them. The alternating alarm repeats the call every 9 seconds Prices 75c to $2.50 and same warranted for one year. Our Repairing Department `a is most complete. Nothing passes our hands that does not re ceive our hest attention. A. Marchand, Exeter Jeweller & Optician SCRAP! The general pallia will take notice that 1 am doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of %crap, Highest :Market Prices Psld for Scrap Iros, Ratners, Horse, Hair, Copper. Rags. Eta.. also Washed Wool sad Wool Clippings All percbases to be deliverei to HAWKiNS & SON'S HARDWARE. EX-KTirR, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of amp may he left at the same store, where nrompt attention will he given. M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont.