HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-05-12, Page 3TIIE ceroid each men be forgiven, sineel well -paved avenue. have !teat, Potato yeast and bread thcrc- leg+* ikipi&er their egregious prejudices hemmed side and rear gardens. \u+plr. from \e. -faro and cut up six them in from all influences ..f the 11.1ay ground ale provided h•r ci1i1- { �%t medium sized potatoes and boil in Spirit and wader iuspoaible any droll and !here are plenty of blade' O]%/% * three pints of water until tender. true penitence. 1 an d fruit trees. Tenants seldom i j a � Add elle table,,,uunful of Fait to a' 11'e would sero a sign -The. leave. In fact, sit well satisfied are! one pint of flour in a two gatlun deep-seated do ,levity of the they with their surroundings, that y� i lr Scald this flour with the Po- Presel�t Age Is Vastly More Religious Than Pharisees is sec' in nothiig hotter • (•c(•:1 offers of higher wages else f�iF�E�IE�iE�YeaE�E**te t:1! , Nater and acrd the potatoes, �Jlt e Usually it 1 j than this. They had bite, cum-; where fail to tempt them to 11110� -I„'d. 'fhin du«'n at onto with Y ,� c y are Willing to Admit pl.:tely ranted in their vicious at-' ether emplovnleut. It was is plea t;000 TOOLS FOR HUl"�I:\\, ISIS }.., (Inti! it• is of the ('on- tentpt to fasten upon J1'susi the ,rare to visit these homes and to oh- I': is not strange that a woman - -1111 i cream and smooth. Add charge of being in alliance with Sa- servo their cleanliness, their neat-. often does pour and un!,r.,l,trtblc tt;. well soaked yeast cakes and "The ICtI''r i,li:e' ie, but the Spite'l•l ; from tku C,!llbnll+ al'lIN•t' V.hieh tat,. Still they persist in asking 1!t and the atinusphere of e&,l- w( irk when One elite:tders sae , let raise in a warty place for tweet - chronic g;iveth lit, .• - Il. (or. iii. 6. it; friends once in love wrought for fora «•ark of wonder in proof Irl his tei.tm4cut that pervades. threose condition of tier U.' Is; ty-iota hours, or until it has settled Some thiol that we are suffering; it.. defense (arrant that, Nuuld have 3ft,siuhsl►ip. It was euut(nnpsil,l0 I'1,.1('l• FOR (:illi.~. thele seem~ to be inherestt iu b.r back, but (lit not stir. Cover and from re!'gious panic to -day, a rap•'c•ruslred the very life out): that• impudence. and tvoked tit -ting .1t the same factories a Targe and a prefercuce fur dull kniv,s rrltl set in the refrigerator, ready for idly spreading feeling that the old! spirit «arks its .way through all ing and well -deserted phrase. e•. it l,iu,cisunle building, erected four sc!ssurs, heavy iron teakettle, and h,,,. reserves aro empty and the old; human soci''te and continues un• uta adulterous generuti •t1 i •'e) -- .yearsago, accommodates over 100 skillets, for :;tubby, worneut O 3 the morning of your baking foundations are gone. The silnplo'dcC other wiwillies,, to dominate our Profile Id in Old 1'1' t:un,•nt lawf.`tuale operatives, all Italians. brooms and (lusting brushes:, fur d,, make a holo in the center e.f (u•r,hdence with which the teachers 'deeds, The i ,rul.I of truth may he Kuage, lead forsaken the true tied. •1'c,retighuut the greater part of gulumy sewing machines and clog• 1Lrtu in )ulu bread raiser, alk! a<I(1 of religion were once believed has. dead; the truth lives, and men in an/' (killed themselves by illicit re �eeitzeilund Italian labor is in do :!sell carpet sweepers. re►,r 1ablcs},00nful each of salt, su- passe.(I away and they have lost the every age fashion for it new forms. • !:tris ri, with the world. Alltoug;l' nt:.nd, especially in the embroideryi Why is it that the average house-! for, and lard. Add one pint of pit sense o f absolute certainty that 11 }ulc you cannot excite a etuN,l Jesus did perform miracles t feu tolu•s where large numbers of P 11 n ff till to_Inorr"N tato yeast and two pints warns water and mix stiff. Knead well at once, set to raise in warm place, and make into loaves when light, using mclyed lard on bread board mete (d of flour. l.et raise and bake. This is excellent and touch -L, tier than the old way. once was theirs with regard to rho o t controversies of theology, you credit his utission (John 11. 4 and tt,.,,,en are employed. The Klau- what she would save time and facts of their faith. g cal. quickest a wonderful enthusi-; .i31, he never acceded to any such Ler community house arranged strength by doing to -day's "Just Tit=s age of science thinks about ';rsee whenceer you touch men on: In•Ilto's request as this fur a mere sou,et.hing un thethl plan ..{ youtinetime, " she says to herself, "1 a!1 things in a manner so different such subject :1, human justice, so- unmoral, ostentatious display of ladies' seminaries in the United will use the sewing machine in this 1 x,ttc+'- S( Ices, is admirably managed by hard running eendition. To -mor - ►um that, of pre -coding ages that rir.l right.:, ee live fur neighbor, l l •►Iengstthose who thiel: at all some (,❑ care outs duty to the need}. R'cI t. 1'!1' sig;u of Jonah= -Really th • members of a religious commit- rms. I will give it a regular over- 39-4thiugs have been entirely thought • have a dec•!.,•r interest in t,hc l t%;. miracle:, the repentance of the mit,. The dormitories, large, well hauling." 1s a consequence her. ant of existence. Does this means , , Ninet•itcs apart from any working lighted and ventilate(!, are neatly thread breaks. her hack aehcs, she; that for the modern mind and for! 1'I1':\i, hilt'I1S OF RELIGION lot' wonders, and the deliverance of and tastefully furnished, with num grows oelt.,us and irritable, and tine ."fo of our day no faith remains than any ago before, accompanied, the prophet from the belly of the Breus bathrooms connecting. the work is gaudy done. that will have for us values equica bt indifference as to its forms. + elude. If the Pharisees e:uuld not There is an assembly room fur 11'hy does she nut take a lesson lent to the faith of our fathers! ! The spirit of religion cannot be: repent and believe -because of his dancing and innocent games, fur from the reaper her husband runs. Any religion that is really vital ceetined to fire itutiuns especially, preaching, he would grant no other ,.;shed with ith a piano and an organ. or the locomotive her son drives wilt express itself in the terns of organized for its promotion. The sign, except the future wonder of •'1'herc are likewise ample grounds past the fares on the new branch its own age. The trouble with much' church may be the prophet of relig-# his own resurrection.for outdoor games and recreation. road 1 The oil -can always is ready of our present religious teaching is ion to this age if she will s••c- her Three nights -This is a historic \•i extensive garden and orchard there, so is the waste to wipe awry that it fears to use any other terms opportunity aright, but she cannot difficulty, as the body of Jesus lay furnished all the vegetables and the superfluous drops of lubricant; to quantity, than those of the past. Tho relig- be the sole agency for its execution. 1 only two nights in the grave. 1u fruits consumed in the house. The tl ere are no wound up ratclings Jr. q y , and make in loaf and dust collections in that smoithly bake and baste fur fifteen or tweu- ion for to day evill be ods which Religion is t»udea•tid•1inschiineswrites; its itthe wouldlanguage be said that he Jesus, was ill (!1 r'toption room, the storeroom, the. running machine. "Yes, but 11 ly minutes. grows out of the deep needs of thissl3 doctrines,pantry, wash room and kitchen .arc Cranberry Pic. -One -!self cupful dray- and which finds its most ua- creed in the hospitals, the relief so-( heart of , the earth (Hades, the ;tltnost equal to those of the mod- haven't time,' the %soman will say. � of seeded raisins, out cupful lural expression in the life of this tittles the 'movement for social abode of disembodied spirits) three , hn hotel to take such great care •of my sew' of day. iTS SPIRi'l' IS ETERNAL, ATTRACTIVE ItE('11'ES. Minced Turkey Loaf .--Take white and dark !neat and dressing, riot the loud skin, front the skcle- ten of a. roasted turkey and chop ail together fine and mix with one or two hell -beaten eggs, according •rigllt-eousness and the modern swift: onahs an onah being day and t lits mac hine"=out realizing that tt cranberries (cut, in half), one c•up- ausR'et' to every appeal of humus night, so that a port would Ise JJ' ['T DOESN'T SEEM TOO MUCH. ((„(,s riot take time but rather saves, fel of sugar mixed with one table- , counted as a whole. Our transla-1 The boarders pay to the firm for' time to have good tools and to keep! spGon of fiuur, one-half cupful of need. -•i the. excellent accommodations offer- hot water, one teaspoonful of va- and therefore its manifestation will H religion is essentially the and tion is not accurate, but as near as at In in good condition. , P bo that which is normal to every steer of the pmt. of !lien to the con-. vc l can carne to accuracy. led theta only 10 centimes (2 cents) And by touts it is not meant•: radia. Bake in crust like apple aftc- •sciousness of higher and larger pos-a f`l. 'fhc condemnation of the P. day each, the running eapcns leonine r, saw, axe, or awl, though Pit e; being divided equally among %el.en a woman must use these shej Nash. --One cupful of niaslmnal- Tho man who poses as the chem- sib:ilializ every attempt ie makes Pharisees is further emphasized Ise them all.The amount ) rid by each would greatly decrease the dithelil 'lug's, cut fine; one cupful of blanch - The ion and exclusive expositor of Ps- to realize those possibilities is es -i a comparison between the eager] r et} accuses the age of irreligion ser.tially religious; everything that races with which t•ho queen .1 Shc • 1 them for board averages about t1• of the unaccustomed work by almonds, chopped fine; one cup because it has become impatient enriches the life of all, that lifts rap: ha sought to hear the wisdom of '�) centimes (11,•'2 cants) per day,: making sure that they, too, were fol of cherries or pineapple, ono with his Pretenses and his quibble's; the eyes, enlarges the heart. and Solomon and the stupidity with making the total amount per day ,,tate fit. These are, however, a i pint of whipped cream. The chcr- tho age itself is unconscious of its inspires and aids life to its ideal, v.hich the listened to the wisdom pan! by each boarder only 85 ceu-' MAP'S tool;, and woman has her! ries and pineapple ma} be Put to y tunes (or 10!•4 cents), or about $4.93 rr,, 11 palti1'ular implements. If she gether, which snakes it delicicus. real religious character because it perfection is in truth religious. of One greater Than Solonlin' per month. These women make art - would look to it that they are koptl Nut• Bread. -Mix together one - hides the manifestations of its piety Once catch this conception and! ,p average doily wage of 3 francs (:, inP four cup under ether nsuucs• every life is transformed; all lit g r Printer condition for the work half teaspoonful of salt, Because so generally it has been ing may becosue tial} sacred an(I cents), or 90 francs ($17.37) per to be done with thein the ".lrud- flus of flour, one-half cupful of abused bythose who profess to it,. STRIKESmettle so that they are enabled t•• geiy" of housekee tin would be sugar, one sant cupful of chopped every duty divine. The walls of II TO Al OID save a considerable amount. 1 lessened. I g t friends the word religion has come tic church fade and worship sends Raiuuts four teaspoonfuls of bak often into bud odor. But the ideals.' ic; glory slung the street end into GIRLS CONTENTED, Do, for inytance, have plenty of i powder, one-half teaspoonfuls file principles, the conceptions of ail! til^ trays of mea. Viten du the S111.S C11. C1VES EMI'1.1)1'ES Of course the firm also employ.sdishebuths and keep them clean; d'• ' f sell. Add two cupfuls of sweet human relations and duties fori will of the Most High when they a great number of Swiss girls and net try t.. got along with owe bang milk, one beaten egg. Let raise which it stands abide, grog in thetrt in any way seek fur themselves and! I'.111t SIi.\1(F:. women who live at home with their ing it in a dark currier when out in tw'(nty minutes and bake in mod - EA r over our minds and conte (0 -their fellows ireedo►n from what-:' l:arcnts or in boarding houses in rise• 11"ash teem, buil teem, sun; et ate uteri one hear. be the ruling ideas of our age. eve r restrains and blights life mall., the locality. them in summer and freeze them in! There was a time when in the et 1,ance into all ti►at inl:rcuscs and�Ilte Lrea(e (Embroidery • alt1 I. Since the c Ulb1: hment of this winter; fur if there is one Place -HOUSECLEANING. Lame of religion a hut►dr,xl dead enlarges it. luring Etahlishnlpul in lite ht lie in the street, eti that eau happen Bence of the ferocity of the conflict is t community 1 the Kt ul er firm !erre than another where microbes! bodies pug 1 Italian nauh y 1ctrl(` le a , -delight tl, dwell it is surely in Painted Walls. -Try washing ,crienccd no difficulty with tilde dishcloth. Have it steel' your smoky painted wail with milk, he confining of our religion to; its n tau Rumen employes, who between opposing schools of thco f. rn►al acts of piety :the hest things link dishcloth for pot and pan and, tither sweet or sour. Use a soft logical opinion. Tu clay you could is the inspiring of all our acts with I I: St. Gall. Switzerland. where 1 net hold a crowd together on a (1.; idealism, hope, and faith of :must of our imported embroidery street corner or find an obscure ti lie religion. It is falsd to feel' <umes from, they don't know whin place in a popular periodical for that- we can, and, indeed, we must,1 a strike is, although factory werk- Wt^ discussion eE such ttucstiuna' fevget the ancient quibbles over; ors comprise the major part of the They have talo(' and living signifi words and feru►s and express our. t''ptibttien. Cance alone to the lesser minds that frith :old our worship in the teruls The cotitentnlent of the working think only as far as the forms of 1/t our ultra life and dray. truth. But the spirit of religion, cscap- 1 he worst thingl ! lug` f.'s; 1 11 orld t eee,n to be well satisfied and con- tented with their lot. --a.------ ('LE:1N iNG. kettle, and save your silver spoons. cloth. and your finger nails. Have a mop. fainted Walls. -Set a kettle of dishcloth to use in hot water, and; water on the fire and let it boil un - regard the appearance of your ill it creates a m,isture all over the T., Clean Wire Lite. -Sprinkle a hands as something nut beneath a walls, then dip a sponge or soft woolen cloth with coal oil and rub woman's care. Have at least three (`loll► into a pail of hot suds con - the line with this. Then sprinkle leans when you wash dishes, for, tailing a tablespoonful of ammonia i•c cloth Nilh a geed clruniuq pow washing, rinsing, and draining;' 1(11,1 wash. in the usual manner, be - THE SUNDAY SCHOOL HENRY P. COPE. make the. lives of the operative~ ' a mark on the clothes !with large and heavy dishes. stleals. soiled, even the finest, such as hoii-! no more 'rouble and secures far. 1!'.tir or sulphur to give a golden ten and point. you can clean it by better results than to do thein in • tinge to about one and one-half be:nf{ careful in this oat : Sew the th.• wrong; way. The right way P. vitas of water, and in this buil four people is due to the excellent eon. .l ditiun under which they live. 'fhe'' tit r and go ever it again. 'I'lhe line l tter two fur draining, sit that fine, grl.il ng at tllt' top and work down employers du everything possible to alit he Iterfectly clean, tort leaving chsua ilu(1 glass decd not be put in' ward. This method leaves no whether such notable miracles ought Pleasant as possible, and the rr,uR I Tr ('lean E ale --\Then lace. isi To do things in the right out i'I ! ('i't Frames -Take auff►cient to be assigned to Saintewhen their! is mutually advantageous. miserable works of magie are atm- 1:001) .\11':\Y FR1)Ml HOME. bated to a higher power. b. One Burge American firm, engaged laic 'pen snips of muslin and roll' till and trite a lamp, fur instance, .,r five bruised onions. Straub oft • 2The final thrust of Jesus is extensively in the manufacture of tightly around n :unwell:unwellglass bot-, Is to spread a newspaper on the the liquid, and when cold wash witty I�'!'i:R!i.1'Ti11\.11. LESS() N, toe inevitable one. it it i; dimb.. ln 11.\1' 1:►. ish to think that elicit remarkableen.ln•uidrries, has been particularly ter.and fasten securely. Slake u; table under your lamp. Th/•n sit a soft brush any gilding which re- deedsseccrss[ul in creating this reeling of `sols of some good washing powder clown, so that you can look acruRg ,twin+ restoring. as those done by Jesus caul(1 ,,r•I,tentment among its erul)leyes, Ore 1 put the bottle in this to soak' the wick. and trine it either with; Fluor Stain. --An inexpensive possible emanate. !term Satcu►, then aid as its methods arc typical of fel several hours. 11 the water, the lieges,: by pinching off the aslt Moor stain: One ounce of perulate- Leeson 111. !ironing Hatred to the Spirit of God must be their those employed by other Swiss Mil- leeks soiled make fresh ,suds and; or with sharp seisml' --never withiganate of potash dissolved in quart _,_.; , , source. 'Nat ficin!; ,o, the king eufecturers a description of their repeat the process, palling the taco an old, dull pair. I of warm water. 11'.,od painted .f(vu•. Null. I.. f_, :h-1.. dein ..f Clod was with !heal, which I ei 11 li in work . with it "eel ilei!. I'_, au. was the aurae as saying he was the men will sullice to captain th•' rueal re inllyseveral(waters,n oie tthen 1 er dry tofel Take it��eel). (via ►tniiea deafly. skill-.browntv,le'. anddry withwill .11le cent of Cultl,u 1 ep walking of the system 1•retltiling ,Nlessitile!through the country. the lace en the bottle. with a sett fully, expeditiously, and aclieve' tarnish will look well. !dual not Verse 23. The multitudes were _e. ie vire. bind the strung man- l'tr plan adopted gives the fay- !•'eels ;geed results. 1•herish the 1.4 lint allow it to touch the hands; it will amazed--11'ell they might be, fur 1 was nut Try being in league with I.:,ce Cutt►line.- It often happens pthat the wise care of the home is a stain the skin. they had wit u•ssed a threefold t•.1;y operatives rit1104 nut only condor- !h1' devil that. Jesus wv1' able to 1 ' nliru•Ir-• a our uuf•,rtu►hatr give!' r table homes :at the minimum cost, t,e::l bice curtains are torn by rlr.lc, a plcnsure, a prefitablc em-; Tutting .1way Woolens. --When n cuter his realm and 'Spoil his, but an opportunity of (njoying 'tit telling lin :r flame er pinning tit. pity ►neat, and that u. house ie putting furs and wee1rnA away for mental illunru;ltion, ,pcc.h, and , helmet for the destructl n of Melt. eutduor life :ld of indulging in the a shot on the fleet. To avoid this mutt! for is a haven for nil the! the summer brush thoroughly, and sight. I1'• hail gained the !nesters- over 1,!Itural and healthful occupation uE,'ii11'Krr try this plan. ('over a bol family and all the tumily's friends, air them, and sprinkle liberally 'The sen of David -.'t popular title eet:ul in the wil.I, rues-. and this t,,,ltituling the soil. ste' roll longer than the curtain: ----_ 'with ordinary black pepper to pre fur the ti,ssialh, reflecting the !r•--er work of casting out infeti.' ;are made with strong, white clot!!. I'OT.\1O YE,\ST .1N1) 11111:.\i w ter from moths. 11'e been used teat bins of the rabble. that tie• - .n ,i••:,.on- ells easy. It is only the' h.\('Tt)1[Ih.S IN ('U['\'flit , ,. ,e this in ru feathers, furs. and o e!an who. 111 the name of Jesus., The embroidery indnstit• of St•; 1 11 the curtain by its I,,acr ed►, Rub throe h a sieve three geed g-, f David would not. cunt, until1' g eoolimt for twenty scars with ex Irl a perfectly st•:ught liar neon.: ,,: ed )utatee>. Add one cake of • ! Itonhc'rs role N'a4 world-wide. I)nr h,,, eenquerrd the (orcee of evil (,all presents peculiar ndl•antages, the• roll. :\troch the edge by tht it 1 tr brut sucrflm as did our mothers ins; the lifetime .,E .Teams no quo. .t ithiu h1111. 11 that crus qo forth, ill (•'e "trying out eom11)11 11ll`„'('. scidlups, reefing the', nuulhcr on emit-c''amt* 'soakrd : one tuhle4l fol of before us. '!here i•: no diealrec:lbte (0 11‘ 114 to the Ilatld)C dC,C,lll of ('t.• tilltle rltitl10, to east the demons. plans fel' 81110114.1:tllllg Ow condition side a11(1 keeping the correct pro `a:l. t.lrre lablespe••rlfllls of stltiit. ' ,.,gar• and the pepper is always at his family were raised ('von by hl; .„ ..f others. Iof the eorkingt cies...-. The fay pot •ti's. :1fter the first. time '.'. e !crap of tl•• warm dotal" hand. encuhi. s Jude. the 1 -"rd.' hro- ;;0. He that iv not will ser- -t,,-for. torics are scattered ll4renghiu( the.. around this will not be difficult., arit'•i. Let s•tan(1 in a """ictal'' Sate St"ekings.• .1s houseelean• tater aftet the fie=11, had descend tine 1., the pharisees. :since they:surrenteling( reentry. •bile in the 1110« the curtain to do thernugtph- temperature1111 unlit. sour m bubbly, Ow lime is at hand. most people mete wile incurred the jealous hat-. had eithheltl their sympathy (rem c">' are only 1"eated she rousting h• R, twee the ping. Lev the cur • 1hi1'h will be in three or fear slay`. find a Inrge supply of old etuckings. roti of Don4iti111 the trap •4, r, for 11 11 in hi. t.•I,.est against the pew-,b.usc• and the R81154'ms «here I lin flat and roll t' the opposite• It ail! scetlr am' sizzle when ripe, le,n'1 throt+ theaway, as they the very 1(asen that they sprang •.•• •,f et 'I. they V ere simply adding orders :ue 1t•r•eiced. the raw mater'- (:;leetion leaving it en the bolster , The day before yen hnke repent ?mike sple.mdid rug,. ( ut stocking from David. i • .tl• 1l�t!, 11;1 r (ilei side --they' i:.1 pie'i,areli, and the finished pro- , an !hour. It will thele hang 1l'r Ileet•e�s al"rte d,.(•111Wd. exetPt r. 1131(1 and re•l►nd 111 r1 -trip :theles a• Kl'( 1lerll .•ill•, etll1'ls �•'tlt Vllt. This :111'all e111Cl1t ;1!i. setting away (e emit. Mix 11)1` ere. half inch wide ill medium ,. l.y R .1/41)ub were the one,: it league with fleet- g 1.4ifectly' straight. diet for April 3. No better testi e, 11111,. i al., has the adof tantagr saving Sl. ___ 3 fresh yeast with that tits( made. et••fight hose, aider in trill thin. (ny +, the gen13intncss ur t.hcti I: alteredalterednet with me--l'hrist !:sell from the ) rine and smukr TI:I.1.1'Ii0N1:S 1\ 1 L0O11. \d,l R81rt for eu[lie .rat lhual►tlt:: ,u el not SO wide in coarser one,. u► miracle could exi.•t than this 5)34'-1(•'+133•• with unlimited antherily ane! 111 811y such unpleasant !card •es of of brier.! :Incl one 11i1,: more. 1dd 1:.e. black for center ..f 1.1t( and eielie and s,ens.elees fling of limo I,..wer, exhibiting in himself tied's, u,r:sinfueturiug tunas. ,1s an iudi pis 1-1"4" bloods in ills twilit tie fl••ur at this time. Let sit .per , strip,• the ends with whatever ,'..I•„ Nlariser•, fiince the wonder had need way with area. These. there- �ulu,n of the extent ..f uu4nufuc1,11 nest t Sew youth ` \1'al. s were night in n,oderulCli warm place. in,. 13 have in colored stockings. 1' .3ually tltken place, it must Ile, t,,;•,•. who Bre not alttherieg the' rant;. it may b.. tueetiuned that the cat. (d by' a phenc,ulnal ltinfall• il.e nu•rning it,. ta.l bubbly• if friitte 1., bitch colored striped <ircuuly. nt,•l1 ,.4nlehew aid the 1u ; s1;,.:,, es of the spiritual harvest in; cit.y''5 annual trade in the culhroi- 'f:•nlwlrrtle was the GIst t.r 1..• -:,{, (, . anti s,t:ugts in the hot 1.,, ! 1 rds \ snlnll 1u+; cera be ►nude in thusiastu •,f the people che/`kct[..`'e' 1,;. .•.ay. and under his direction,:(icry line auu,ttnls to more thrid ne•)g;ed. II,. 11 (follow ed d 4rr;11:1 �1:• a rap nod take oil 13 Icing fur:. .,r n(Iclno4•n. :1• there isn't nrueh this foolish (hurFr is u►adn that ►•).(iQ(t,nU(1, about one-rigthth ..f the 11"1 a 11'na. Meree. II;arialda and t th nest hakiier. put1mlg is away, of nor s,Rint( to be .1.•'e. n• eras( !n'(• enduing the wel'k of the 04)3 '` ' 1111i1:bee e1 smeller towns. re, heliti3 revered in a gins., ):Ir. Ta•.1, skin makes earll• of ra. • with Jesus is in league with the prince t,•, ,"•attcIetb). ;total trade of Switserl11) �I;,yor of 11nr..c vrrl� cut oft l,y the t6 I• nlnind• r :ulrl ileal to make , `ell' ars}; •I W ir, On, and oar half Of 111•nitals. i : I a. (Blasphemy against the; ('11F..\1' HOUSES. R' need and had to wade with his fain.; thick sponge :led let Ike for half 'wends I f raw- to , nr square yell! _e mere (•sadden /iitl([cd-Thr i st irit shall not he forgiven ---' Be-, :\t the Klauber Neale 8-, at ill through four feet of water fey :t :In hour. \Theri ri'eu mix stiff.: ei carpet i• shat i•e used. Thee fast most ..f Jesus was to expose :;In if ietrny. a har(iness ofheart, 11'tinfeldee, about eighteen miles '1•,1rugatea iron roof. «here le ,e 1\, rk down once, then work out in•are ,wilt IIa`hed and won't, fade the (1(111' awes of the 1('Cll"fl(1111. it • t• t,;,.l, 1- past all repentance. The item St. Gall. a number of 1ntn11•I'II , I,,:, tried ifn/l••r the ,weltering ••III 111.11 Ytrll can hat, yuilr bread oat l an: 111.,1'•' l'•1• ,' •I{ 1i el wnr•lell J,tc noturieus thet.:1 kingdo►n, ••r .t' Pl'ari`•,',•: I,•ulc1 be forgiven (Or 41tc,llitig lienees were erected in t. , three rl:•t • till the w'tem •rah of ghr PeP11 I)y 11 o'clock. : •1.ckin;; - tily. or a haus" wile') was rent by{ Nl' eking .1g;ain,1 the Von of alar!,' gflf.,. 'These huusem. well and taste- „led. in tbi 1, nm many iimilni' rut the asst hakiogt hel(ul :1f the 1 avast •(e {':.•iris. L,,.:a; V11-14 disunion. tray in a had wee., brlan.,• it was ee,nc,itahlc they fully built. enrh with mix rooms ta•l.s, the tliephene proved of in, 4,encl mixing of yeast. :aiding: it ,.f 3instiel .•,', lei!eeti)1••. tt,lrq:rr, segue of that aa-, that • atan K 1'lid it 11 ignorance. the humble life ,,,secreted cellar. and nrslern ciao! i u,cnse use, enabling the inmates t the e,•t►trn1 of the )elf, and (ilk I. t spit it t w i►11 1(,.!l. tele.), Amy had no chance to stand. that ,f Jesm not being i1 keeping with. v.,t.icnces. tea the firm ist.737 each. ;(otrmunicate with the teen and : • :!,_ iron, the new nlir.tule l'11..11th t, s. d. •hair the 1uit,url ‘1, 11 and .Satan ee:1< wn►king agali':1 111,. ti.' 11 \lessinnie expertatens. i:nt 1'I;e tenant,. 1111e al'e all aeries ofteteaa int the `.'nidi! mit e .1 ..( the next baking rent se u 1lite i :i: lttti.• ''.sill :e 11.11'41 Mn interest (verse Delrelief t g r t I n. It r'1 , 14 i • • • ,.110,4, ii face .4 their eel tam' fusr.ilie•s. n,% bre: 300 francs s?'�7.t101 t' , ! Irelief party to resell.. r1 buatlenil of .-.r be kept tieing the fie sesta, ,au 0l lei e,eli•. „ill. .1 ..(• 1, ,1e 2i. its- ahem d" their se els .a I,,te'. 1. dee the! the miracle tlhc: .•i 70/11101 11 n!. in equal monthly 111i)l(• (the capsized in (reef 1':t (i('II Arlt if b,.`nll i• bake• ! .' q ! f p bac[ raps' , ! (!tare lee .l• I► --. , ee 1r.,a ,d .,f them out' Jesus this turns the nail witnessed wee dao oral; to the.' ense1enss of '25 (sane" (about R;.a3),,,,f the Mayor's hoose and hail been a wrek. 11.,w(•t.0). it is well t•• all'( :. ••1i •!: that a back twee the 1'11:15.•1'., I.t 11 Q., Illi!!! Il1'e ,f the Spiiit u . i (I:.' 1 F.,Ife). l.'', A f, t .11.14 ain'nlnt re Assents a trifle, fere„,t t., remain in the irre• n1! ere .piartel rat 1 eeke of fresh versa .1 ,r •:, rt • r' 100,, 1.1113! 11(1 Ile • th;•ln'etees. 1•.X••relsnf. ••I 1h. ells: 1;• .1• the•t had t•harge(I the perfor .,%,'• ;I i) r 4.. et. ell the investment. „jell,. in aiether ease a brother 1' f3. leer led pertlee ..• ere 7111,.• . .i., - •1i•-..'•. •i Them. s111, •1 rill; etlt. e1 Anions by mean, •,1 !leefee,• 1 a, miracle with being de 1..' ►:!kill:( int'. .11,11111 the 04't of f awl mai., N. II• perched bel 8 ren( 111. 13th- Ti,' I-fe13)P •1.111111• seetipli• I.. •11.e., f1.: three ,sat -. and a boat n•a. bur. 4 air -I. 11'I0 It is .impel• ills the i..,,i••1,11. 11. 1. •• !n ,h•• 1 (•e.^( ••r riidly e" v;triicterl ill 10Vtri le take fir•) -(3)51 a:141 1314' breed 11P1 Cr -1u't. - n ;tel.' 4 ;,,leo I.0 3oi-, !Tails. l c.- k- 'aeites, etc., in•rudc. ie formula. and ineant=tts..)3'. '. •.+ u•• n 11..••1•S‘:a, mrll:(•ietl•ly calling 1, clam(t{,• property u1 g.,nd re- p 'Ictiseti by Aunw rabid'. Gill rbcs, j u: •.,1 et i3. 1h�)eir rase aas hepe•Ie+•. , 14 )1r �1-t•.l,le- Let thea! be 11:' )tllitt,•-, laY a."111, 1' "'('tl ei te1111ri'- ll,:•.r t"11•• 9. -i,, ig -4 in. .mid. thein food. ,user