HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-05-12, Page 2NERVOUS DISEASES t i Millions of ItoIlara Worth of Shier AFRESH PROOF IN TiiE SPRIN(, sold There Each Year. I Millions of dollars worth of pre] l cious furs are brought. down each THAT II01111'g KIDNEY P11.1.5 spring from the far north. awl agents in Winnipeg representing: ARE: A BOON '10 MT. tiff great fur dealers of the worldpackFl:U1\h WOMEN.WOMEN.bio upon the s offered. -- During 1909 it is estimated that.Mrs. Rousseau Tells How They furs to the value of *12,000,000 were, shipped from the western provine- 1 Cured Her :After Three fears of es to the United States and Isng- Almost Ceaseless Pain. land. 1Vben it is considered that Hiuto11bter Ont., May 2 this represented the wholesale ti t(i o 1K�cr dayfurnishes value of the raw fr en it enormous a (fresh proof that the women of Can- s•,nlr measure their cnurm` us I edit can be cured of ailments which wt.eu uiorthecturcd' have hitherto seemed to be a pact The northern parts of tManitoba' of the inheritance of the sex by the Saskatchewan and Alberta are, ap of Dodd's Kidney Tilts. rihe gleet hunting grounds, and the fur- I as? dace has a living y proof in the ther north the trapper goes away i taPI e greater his, person of Mrs. William Rousseau, from civilization the returns. Through the Peace ltivcr of 37 Merton Street. Valley, which a few years ago fur-' "For over three years," Mrs. niched a find quality of furs, there Rousseau states, "1 was very ill. My surezi are great harvest fields, and the, very trsubmuch 5 chwere rmy►hatck.l My head trapper has trekked further north ached almost continuously and 1 into the Mackenzie and Keewatin from Great scarcely knew what it was to be count ries, trapping Slarve Lake through connecting free from pain. 1 was very weak lakes to Great Bear Lake and as ane run down. Occasionally my fas north as Coronation Gulf, hands wou!d swell up, and this, too, whose most southerly point begins Fate me a great deal of annoyance t and discomfort. I began to use at the Arctic Circle. The present season, according to 1)cdd's Kidney Pills and very soon Fur News, has not been a good ono commenced to improve. Throw f 'r trappers. Tho deep snow has boxes cured me completely." ntucle it difficult to operate in the. Nine -tenths of suffering women's mild ,troubles start from diseased kid - woods, and the remarkably TI neys. The natural way to euro them is to take away the cause, that is, to cure the kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure diseased kidneys. R , 1111,I:T 1T' \11NNI1►I:G. EVERY DAY BRINGS Can Only be Rutland by Toning Up the Blood and Strength- ening the Navel Nervous diseases become more evretnun and more serious in the string than at any other time of the year. This is the opinion of the best medical authorities after long t,L>ervation. Vital changes in the system after long winter months stay cause much more than "spring weakness," and the familiar weari- ness and achiigs. Official records piove that in April and May neu- ralgia, St. Vitus dance, epilepsy and various fomes of nervous dis- tuibances are at their worst, especially among those who have no; reached middle age. The sutiquatcd custom of taking fpurgatives in the spring is useless, or the system really needs strengthening - purgatives make int weaker. Dr. \\'illiams' Pink Pills have a special action on the blood and nerves, for they give strength and have cured not only many forms of nervous disorders, but also other spring troubles such as headaches, weakness in the limbs, Toss of appetite, trembling of the hands, melancholy and men- tal and bodily weariness as well as unsightly pimples and skiu trou- bles. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure these nervous disorders and spring ailments because they actually make new. rich, red blood. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at ;,U cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 from The llr. Williams' Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -so-- DELIGHTFUL THOUGHT. He had just eaten her home-made bread for the first time and was pensive. "Darling," .asked the bride, with a joyous smile, "of what, were you thinking !" Ile ssi allowed the piece of pav- ing -stone with some exertion, took a few minutes to recover the use of his talking machine and still the sound of his beating heart, and then said slowly : "I was thinking of Samoa." -"It must be a beautiful place," she said. "l;at why Samoa?" His eyes sought the granite bh ck. "Bread grows on trees there!" bo murmured. -4. BABY'S OWN TABLETS KLRP C1111,GREN WBLL In thousands of homes throughout ( „nada there are bright thriving .l. i!dreu who have been made well cit( . and are kept, well by the use of Opening the ranks so as to admit Baby's Own Tablets. This medicine the passage of a cortege between tures all stomach and bowel trou- then, the iistructor, by tray of ides, makes teething easy, and de- plat:tic•all explanation, walked slow - 'treys saurguaranteed It is ab- i ly clown the lane formed by the two ranks, saying as he did so : sd,lnt.•1, >atfr and free from poison- , pus 1+plates. Mrs. John Laplanto, "Now', I air( the dead body. I ay 11t4n-(`• timed. Que.. says: -"I con nitcnlion!„ sitter Ital,y's Own 'tablets worth Having erne teed the end of the their weight in gold and advise all , lone, he turns! found, reinr:led the 1'ecruits with a scrutinising eye, and no thus of young children to keep thl m always on hand." Sold by ! titch •l'('t"at''kr(l: a1 man very much inloxicakref medicine dealers or by mail at 43 "t'aur 'ands is right, and your i was taken to the notice -station • cents n box from Thr Dr. 11'illinms' (ads is right, but cot aren't. Ret 1 "%I by did you not, bail him out'''' Medicine Co., iirucktille, Ont. that leek ..f regret ;ant ought to in(Iuired n bystander of a friend. 'a\'' "Bail him out:" exclaimed the other. "Why, you couldn't pump him out:" winter has also been a factor• le shippers say the best fur comes in early spring, shipments arriving from about the middle of February u)► to the latter part of March. Itt is not unusual for a team, of dogs pulling a Mtge sleigh stacked with furs to be driven all the way from Hudson Baty to Winnipeg. While there is such an acute de- mand for furs, the dealers aro especially anxious, and the prices obtained this season have been be- yond anything ever known in the fur market of western Canada. -d'- CURED 1115 LAME BACK. West Fort William. Nov. 7th, :SOB. "I have been Roubted with a Lame Rack for the past twenty years and have used plasters and ointment+ without effect. At last I tried Gin Pills. which proved just the thing. and I would high- ly recommend thein to anyone who hug n Strained or Lame Back. H. DARKNESS, Gin Pills art dire.•tty on the Kidneva relieve the pain neutralize Fri Avid which is tteeerally funned when there is Kidney 'i'rouhte. Try Gin Pills ycttreelf before bovine the regular 60e. boxes. Write National Drug h Chemical Co., (Dept. W.T..). To ronto, far free samplo. . a ONE FAULT. A drill -sergeant, whose severity had made him unpopular with his c(aupany, was putting a squad of recruits through the funeral exer- =- - '1'IIE NEW MILTING COMPANY. -- Minard's Liniment Lumberman'. Friend. Ontario is certainly going to play DISPUTED ONCE. a. very prominent part in the fu- ture of the Milling industry in The case before the court was one Canada. ievolving the ownership of a tract And so it is that wo find that the of land, and the solicitor for one nes, big Ontario milling con: -'1"1 of the parties to the suit was cross - which will be known as the Maple examining a witness. Leaf Milling Co., Limited, and will "Now, Mr. Grintshaw," he said, absorb the Maple Leaf Flour Mills "the property on which you live C( ., Ltd., and with it, the Hedley was originally a part of the twenty acres in dispute, was it not?" "Yes, sir." "And your title is based on the original title to that land, I pre- sume "Yes, sir." "How long bats-' you resided there?" "Over twenty-one years." the head of the new Company, all "Have you had --now, mark me - eluding Mr. Cawthra Mulock, ('f have you had twenty-one years' un - Toronto; Mr. Hedley Shaw, fouls- disputed possession of that proper- ty ?" The witness hesitated a moment. "Remember, Mr. Grimshaw,,1 said the lawyer, raising his voice,, •'that you are under oath. Have 1 you had twenty-one years' undis- ta ,which besides permitting of the lotted possession of that property?'' completion of the entire new plant "lt has been disputed Duce, and already under way at Port Col -only once," answered the witness. borne, and the construction of some "f founli a nest of triable -bees in 15 new elevators throughout the ni%• back yard one day last suln- 11'eat, will provide the new Com- met." pary with further working capital In the general laugh that follow to go right ahead and got its full ed this answer the lawyer subsid- shnre of the larger business that ed. is offering,, not only throughout Canada, belt more especially in T Seek Dn Gloat Britain and various foreign rwt•r tt can.. markets. Paint Without Oil By usieg Powdr Paint •,•.a .,t •urn out an g„ud Nuri, 4444 .1 . uncut brit painter. write to POW DR PAINT CO., 'Fortune, lint.. for 1.111 information and Catalogue with ('calor yard and Priv • List. STOCKS. "WardCRONYN Members Toronto Stock Ezchangs. Sate Investments tt "`n t• r "r'"' ,....r�.r�� ••,rk u.,u un ee.•u;,t.o+. lteferal to -I k. u.l ing 1'sof hank. We have t J currnos buildi g% 90 Day St., Toronto. misalblirno t1 r:n.': FR AND PIt"i' l Gold Stook,. hoopla rind sold En- partirulnlrapt�l'1v'4 1111aireton. 25 Write )lana forg trrade. Toros b,. 0..1 "Hurry up, Twenty called n►o- ther from downstairs. "H'e're laic now. Have you got your shoes on?" "Yes, ma -all but one." A Pill that Proves its Va1ue.- Thoso of weak stemach will find strength in Parnelee's Vegetable Pills, because they serve to main- tain the healthful action of the sto- mach and the liver irregularities in which are most distressing. Dys- peptics are well acquainted with them and value then, at their pro- per worth. They have afforded re - Hee when other preparations have failed. and have effected cures in ailments of long standing where other medicines were found un- availtng. An enemy's criticiser may be more trelpful than a friend's praise. Sltaw Milling Co., has already under way the construction of a 0.000 -barrel trill, a million bushel elevator, and storage warehouse out on the new piers that have been constructed at Port Colborne. Naturally it takes a pile of money t., carry through such big under- takings, and the men who are at 1:I.i:t T•Itl('IT1• Flt 0�1 WIND. Regularity EIlsli,h farmer Will (late Largest of the bowels 19 an absolute ea.' - etty for g• t waste matter from the food which collects there to got rid of r.t least once a day, it decays and po1eone the whole body. causing blliauenes• indigestion and sick headaches False and other harsh mineral Purg- atives irritate the delicate lining of the bowels. Ur. retiree's 1rdle n Root Pills entirely restnlate the bowels effect 4(1? without weakening. pi:teeing or gripiug. Use Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills feet high, and is prodded with a 4444 -- governor which slakes the wheel AGENTS YlANTED turn to face the wind when telly a tiF:�'r< Si A DAV Y t -Y. NO EX - !night faint or fair breeze is blowing, but A peru•nce Aerded. `•Its (sn sigh(- wLen a sudden gale conies, solid, Abaolnte ort t*ityl(0 iprui ren oneshnek ref 1O then. I ai'a might destroy the wheel under or write to day. r. R. Adams co., erarnls, dlr.ary conditions, the governor O:'e causes the wheel to turn abruptly - sideways on, so that it offers no resistance. The governor consists of three planes arranged as a triangle, and when the wind is of great force two of these planes blow out horizon- tally, while the third steers the wheel round to meet the wind side- ways. This large wind -wheel, now near- ly finished, will ho erected on a farm near London, where it will gci.erate electricity for 300 lights, motors for crushing oats, etc., and pumps for supplying water for the farm and also for a large fire hy- drant. HARD TO CHOOSE. V indmill iu Country. What till prose the largest wind - m:1! for generating electricity in I:I,Rlaud is being made now at a factory in 11'illesden Green, Eng- land. It embodies several quite recent and large Meat.%eulents. Mr J. G. Childs is the inventor. .1 large and very ligltt!y cou- stluctcd wind -wheel, 48 feet in dia- meter is mounted on a tower 100 de- and head of the Hedley Shaw Milling Co., and Mr. D. C. Cam- s torr, the Western lumberman who organized the Maple Leaf Flour Mills Co., Ltd., have supplied tii.000,000 of additional cash capi- '•Edward," said the teacher, "you have spelled the word rabbit with two t's. You must leave one of then, out." "Yes ma'am," replied Edward, "which one ?" Some of our first impressions were Made by mother's slipper. Ask tar Minard's anti take no other. '.'here can 1 get )time of Hallo - nay's Corn Cure 1 1 was entirely cured of my cords by this remedy I and wish some more of it for my Lets of men enjoy getting the friends. So writes Mr. J. W. shed. rad of it s•, they still have Blown, ('hicago. something to kick about. :Urs. Ifyrarn Daly -"Why, liritt- A Curr for Rheumatism.- A pain- get. I didn't know you could fel and I1ersistent term of rheums- write Ili idget (proudly)' - "I'is, titan is reused by impurities in tho tnl;m. Mr writin' has got me ninny biood. the result of defective •rte- a place. t)i wrote all as 1110 own tion -of the liser and kidneys. The ri•onnn• ndatiuns." , blood beeumes tainted by the intro - du tion of tui, acid, which causes Keep Mlnard's Llnlment In the house. touch pairs in the tissues null in the Iona.. Parnielee•s Vegetable Pills Manning never tires those who at, known to have effected) many j walk. se•narkable cures. and their use is strongly revetment-Icel. A trial of them will convince anyone of their •aloe. Thr 'ignatuve on a cheque 1• r 111,111 4.1 I" ' t' ri rv. Peery Darla' PaMkIIle►. 1t, easel, are almost wtautatte.n,. Cures ruts. tarns and htui,es. 'It VI i��rternillr *'ores cramp.. dijnb•e.a an4 ' Valnitliar ' Pert, ia: S circ fi d Yrrbat 011 1u)l:Sx T FEEL PUT OUT. TI ,, I broke n»• engagement It ill) hint hrcau'r he wouidn', give til t, hetero. 'f, -. Ves, and lir', still atnok- It To Use THIS Dy© ownammrnannp Means Perfect Results DVOLA ONE�x �AIIK,Nos or twos. \ o„ a.,n r rvr■ M,• rn ►,w•.r w b•, t..'a ,•.. t+L TOW e•'• -f• ere aHde •+1. S..1‘11 10. 1.. 511 Nantes ..a turfMcoo F 1.'4 ••.d n... •,(• . ( ,.44.. 15 .eon 1).'/ 1 NO v..1 . w s.. -,e4.....4 end ..rot 4.11rev T1r John.',n *..hard..'w C., . t tmwe.(. 5(,.w•,..t Do Not Dela-. -Do not let a cold or cough fasten upon you us it will if neglected. 1)r. Thomas' Eclectric Oil will break up a t•ulrl and cure a cergh, and should he resorted to at once when the first symplonrat apt ear. It can be disguised Ito flint any unpleasant tate it may hate will be imperceptible to the d1'li,•ate. Try it and be convinced. 11't)It'[ II 1:1:1•:I'1N(G. ••11 -hat IIo coat want 1 ' n•krd'the lady of the teen"(' of the tramp. -Something to eat." "I haven't. anything in the house except some bread and tinned beef. {)o you want a•tme of that 1"' "Nu,•' he said sadly "1'd bet- ter nave on. It auu14l be a pity 4o waste such .t fele appetite on such poor victuals." 't:ha,ley, dear,- said y'onnt M rs, 1' skins, "d'snt von think it would be Metter for full t" 1st tit' tai, k •tilt h�,sers,.. for vett 14' het I tint know anyfll'ng ah.ont in,r• '. rr•pond• i1 1 hurl. c. -t)1 cow.- .1 tttlr" 1 ,l n't. nut 1'S r 111,1 i1 rd that the • • i,le alto keel aril about there } 1he •sne, N;u, a'wa)s lupe their (r--- Mlnard's Liniment Co., Limited. ( woe very Fick with Quinsy and theoght 1 would strangle. i nerd OI:IARD'S LINIMENT and it cured me at once. I am never without It now. Yours gratotolly. 1115. C. D. PRINCE. lauwigewauk, Oct. 21st. CONTENTED. Using is great, And the world 1-. immense, To the than wlro will view it With wisdom and Reuse. There is so much to laugh at And so much to cheer. That everyone ought to be Glad he is here. T.Ms of women have married men fer this purpose of reforming them, 1►a: did you ever hear o1 tsn•- 55110 succeeded 1 Sem our n't ,apartment vitae imitations but get the genuine. t►the Lawrence. Co 1.' Menthol Co., makers. "Kitty," said her 'nether rebuk imgly, "you must sit still when you ors at, the table." "I can't, main - ma.", protested the little girl, "I'm a fidgetarian. "tickle's Anti-Consurnptite Syrup is agreeable to 11.3 taste, and is a certain relief for irritation of the throat that 'arses hacking coughs. If used nccnrdling to directions it. will break the most persistent cold. anti restore the air passages to their normal healthy condition. There is no need to recommend it to these familiar with it, but to these who seek :1 sure remedy and are in doubt what. use, the ad- vice is --try Sickle's Syrup. M this season. scores of people. girls and women especially, find their faces marked with pimples. dark spots. eruptions. etc. ?he skin needs attention. needs ronov. ating after the trying winter season. Just think what It has had to go through 1 You have been out in rain and sleet and snow. You have boon perspiring from skating, or some other est:ruol. Then you have stood to "cool oft." You have spent hours of the day 1.:doors at a temperature equal to summer boat•. Then you halo coveted up your akin, except pour Ja4e, and gono out into a temperature away below zeta 1 No wonder that the skin of tho faro and neck shows siva of heeling attention. 7.am•link is a skin food. Smear it lightly over tho spots, the oruptinns, the sallow patches, at night, and notice how quickly your appear/two improves. As the rich, refined, herbal essences sink deep into the tissue, the bard scurvy-lske patches aro removed. The cuticle is softened. The eels be- neath aro stimulated to healthy opera- tion. The pores resume their work properly. Better color results. The cells of the skin being purified by 7atn- Buk's atimnlating balm, become trans. ppanent; the blood beneath is able to impart its proper coloring to the tissue, and the delicate bloom of heals h replaces the sallowness and pallor of disease. A few dans of Zam•Buk troatnient will transform • " muddy," speckled, spotty complexion into one of attrac- tiveness and prettiness. U.e 7wm•Ruk for more notions skin troubles, such as eczema, pustules, bone. uleers, teetering *0185, r►ttgwor. s^ -•fl,' Bore, .ores on the body dne to b' ood tioi.nn- 1, g, ate. Mothers will find Zara -Kut uncgnnitPA for hnhvCVM hoz all stere*. ARTICLES FOR SALE. t ON'rI:NTS E I ItmT•(I,.t - (0 1(051 to g: ho,, a for sale. Full of rn„eeer• pat' ing well. Apply 116 Wilton manor, Tc• ronto. t firm YOUR uO11E: IkI51\•'t'1,1[ I:- firm by tieing the nnsto 5•acunul Carpet ('leaner, 16.00. A. Hills. 556 nover,(sort I(d, Toronto. Out .tgente Nanted. F1:R'I'ILI: F:(1(tt Ilton niN'.l•1' COMB mottled ancones price pees, $Y 00 foe 1:• 1900 for 100 Eggs from flee ,ttil,ty stark. 1700 per 101. $1.50 for 15. Fine table fowl. Beet winter layer. nn enrtli. An• rnnaa and Leghorn* snake the be.t early broiler+. Single ( 011.1) White Leghorn pita,. S4.% for 100 St On for 15, Money makers both. Frei eirrnlpr Write your wants F:d. C. Apps. Box 224. (Vier-Prest- dc•rit inter,•ational Ancona ('lub1. Brant- ferd. Ontario. SCRIP. VTANI1:n -- ROUTir AFRICAN WAR. rents. Highest price paid. Fos • Boas. Scott St.. Toronto. EOUCATtONAL A11' TRF. BARRER TRADF NrW II F. / av•'rm ennatent pro -tier: careful fnatrnrtion: few week. complete retiree: tondo free: graduate. earn twelve to eighteen d,dlare weeklr • write f"r rata. inerne. \Meter list -bet (`elle, e. 221 Qu.en East. Torontn. MACHINERY. ,i ACIIINFRY IDEAUt�CAu'fE:FS. -- . l 'run and woodworking mai liencry. engines, bailers• steam pump.. carolias Cliff tDen. electric motors, contractors rr,aehinerr. etc Rand (or catalogue of over 1400 maohInee. 11 SV. PE rill&. Limited. Torontn. Montreal. Vancouver. FARMS FOR SALE. * l tweet' F.\tt51 LAN ,a. (TI'Y IA)Fs on easy terms. It von are going writ, semi for my bat, it will pay you. N 11 51-11brw,.. 75 Your/. St., Toronto. Band Uniforms Scmpl-i and Catalogue Free Rex Tailoring Co. limited TORON10. i APPENDICITIS, Cared without operation,. All wtt.• arc at! 1(eted with thl. direnae and wish to he cured permanently. irately and Quickly with this great Homeopathic reined!,1 . which will he Fent pnet•paid anywhere in the world with full Inatreettnn• for losing nn a• to effect a permanent c•nre- Prira e'. Address John T. Walt, Homeor1athlo PharmacY, Aminior. Canada. GA REAT DEMAND FOR PAPER STOCK w ssre l .spew nr ALL (;I:.\nrq Alp,. Naga, Ir,ru. lief:,le, ltubpers. 1:t'. EEP1! LANs Adolal1,, an 1 M tat Sts.,0 . Teront'. Ont phoue for particulars. Rain 4693. Is Your Hearing Coed li The ilE:AR O-PtIONE will give end tor (111 e benefits of gond hearing and names bci,kiet. giving D of +at if fled users. Also Trial. Special Offer for a Month's Home I THE BRAND ELECTRO CZOtlE LIMITED, 354 Spading Avenue. Toronto. Nelle Th.■► Nrtheut salts get down in the mouth, L VES au•4* W tree. "Mail, Sae -se, e, noes. Med co. Ltd., TorontoJOi$ o1(1 111011," raid the Optimist. "Look THE IINOMAN TRUSS ill 11,14 any redurlbla n (l the bright aide of things• et:u.i Iud„r-ed h1 r•n•rnn-t mndlre teen, '"flint, s all sery well," tnournful �iritfreaL parUculan rt LIYUaIAY, (Itet'd) ly replied the sufferer; ''but what I is the bright side of a gumboil?" a OPE FON THE DEAF IN ACOUSTICON - . tie •,1 the n4nn.i, . I tete •'tri,al. 1Ce. u.n lir,rtl.--bout (1,e w,�rld. wri•.te (,.r Rett. t1.41k, V..utry, Watery Byrn. se (lettere' Arna•uc Co, 01 Caaa3■, lel, Bit revcd F r Your Marine r:EE a l0 ni e.' Try Y� T oa,• arrest Tor oto. 55'111 Like Murine. It Soother. file At Vee( lalur tie 1:yr 1tetWrite Eye Hooks. 1-1( Co.,oToronto. BE \ ON FOR SLOWNESS. "Why don't you brace up, and stet: lively 7 Don't walk through the t:tirets as though you were go- ing to a funeral!" "I know, it's well enough for yon to talk. but, 1 gness your fret. would drag, ton, if you were on your way to the dentist's." �t Parents hilt Mother Grates' vr'4t1 ret Exterminator because they know it is a safe medicine for their children and an effectual expeller of aurnls. "•Pa. is generals brave men !" asked Johnny. "Yes, my son, as a rule.•' was the answer. ('hen Iv by does artists always tnnke pis tort ' of 'em standing on a hit'. tl res miles away. looking at th' batt!'- through an opera glass'. I"f 1. \11. ill 10 Simard, liniment used by Physicians. Best for Children A The re•,lsMplM at the Arnett In,tit me are Inc tt% IuR fry.1k1 tI t�1" theur Ow I'Al' Y•r, not ru14.7 !h. t- T mOcC 4 th.• lee be ■red ehte.( ,,.Al invent iAL n you 11 ranont ,-. I ni in roof *prb:A door hrritate to erg, m puede everywhere. 1'arnhhi, t an.tuirra;.0 1 trfeten'•. sent on nqut.l. The Arnett Institute. Berlin.Ont,.Can. NE `ll KEI. LASE.' t'6+ n,"I T� .as BOOT POL ' . 441E 1E5 tttpro' r.: hoots tsrstne Just ,.. i/ .t t•c.y/%prt .. � - • fir. • ,.� trF.esiS flit:.(,i.l, p15! ft 1/.11%. curs,eirov7( aW For crew. nlahth..A%. 11:1,:carve, (;ramps. spasm., Sarna, tins 41+. A.'• •1entw. II raises, F•11e. Onoshot Stounde 1•oiern•.tta 1144e,offInge. nitkpt, KU nit. of Insect'. etc.. (tee CURE TME %LST 11t01U111 TOR CAS 4.41.0S Gives instant relief ss hen little throats ate irritated and sore. Contains no opiates end is as pleasant to tale as it is effective. Alt Drutrirtr. 21 real* Rad STOW* / litewdy RtsNct. • BOOST YOUR TOWN IiY ORGANIZING A BRASS BAND .. s..-' M 2,11 r•• 1 't !'_'i t1♦ 1•.1 5"11,1 ..(. h • ..1 y, :1 .4! 1 .,, t 1 ',t P. -1 c 1 .1.t• ' • (;i, t ' c s s ,.. + _ t i(1 4'