HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-05-12, Page 1tier • TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1910. Si NDERs CREECR INTELLIGENT PEOPLE Do not feel flattered by the methods of those who seem to think they can bully them into buying. Most people KNOW WHAT THEY WANT a great deal bett 3r than the merchant knows. They know too what their means are AND WHAT TO PAY for their goods without extravagance knowing all these things Perhaps THEY DO NOT KNOW the place where they can trade to the best advantage and would be glad of a hint. WHERE TO GO We can only say we do our best by all and invite buyers when looking around not to overlook W. J. CARLING HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE rr.IMMts.al Cards. DR' 0. F. ROVLSTON, LD,S,; D.D.B. Ilonor Graduate of Toronto C'nl-ersity. DENTIST Offices:—Orer IH keon k Carling's Law OMee.. Exeter. Telephone No. S. Closed Wednesday afternoons D1. A. 1. LINBMAN, L D. a., D. D. ■., Honor graduate of Toronto Unlverent?. DENTIST. E. extracted without tiny pain, or any bad erects oyer Oladmaa a Steel:ours oEce, Mala etrset R Nkat H1. BRIGHT. M. D., M. C. P. a 8. HONOR a Graduate of Toronto tenitenityJ, two year', Mest p�y�tetan Royal Alexandra H Ital, etc. ee sea te•Id/ace, Dr. Amor' Old Stand, Andrew ytreell. ILI1TLR. g'11. A. T. BOND, TORONTO, POET GRADUATE IL/ of New York Poet c:ratwte College, successor W practice of Dr. A. F. Malloy, Exeter. Residence - Lately oonapled by Dr. Nano), Andrew St. OAlce- Peroerly the Elliot Law Off, e, opposite Central Hotel. D1. L P. McLACOHLIN las rr.esmed pra tice after ependin f a year (Col• egs)K Brilliebt and Continental Hospitals. General pactJce with special attention to Eye, (with ',frac. 1s.) lar Nose and Tbroat. OfE- ' Dashwood, Ont. Legal. DICUOS a CARLiNG, BARRISTERS, SOLICi MR, Notaries, Conveyancers, t'ommtwioners Welters for Nelsons Bank, etc. Neatly to Loss at lowest rate! of Interest Mess, Mal. street, Exeter, a. 0sat pe0.A., L. N. Dams HORST T LOAR. -- WI Mee a large aaooat of private Nude to Isis a ews sed village propntte* at low rates of MAW M OLADMAN a STANBURY,' sarrieters, eol1dton.Mata et.. teeter Os Cedar Posts for Sale We nave the finest quality of Cedar Post at moderate 'prices. G. E. HICKS, CENTItALiA EGGS FOR I3.\TCIIING I':era eeiected Barred Rocks. Male birds Model Farm breed. 13.25 per 100 o: : rc. a setting. Also pen of Mod- er Ferri Barred flock !Tens, specially bred tc lay. $1.00 per sct'lr.g. Will In- cubate ergs for you at a reasonable price. Itaby thick• tor sale after the 20th o1 April. Two Druoders and some Barred Rock males for sale. A call sol- icited. Orders taken now•. -WILLIAM A SAMDJtOOK. CREDITON. ONT. FOR RALE Ca' :age aced three lots In Exeter, being lots Nos. :,:1. 50. and 57, on the South side of Sencoe Street. On this property is a frame cottage (brick toundatlon)corn tale: -,g five roosts and a good cellar. Also a good well and a large stable. Good garden and fruit trees. The pro- perty la to be sold to wird up the estate -Apply to GL:\DMAN & STANI1U11Y. Barrister•. Exeter. Ontario. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Brick cottage in excellent condition. with rale good living rooms. good cellar two lot, of good land. good well of water and cistern. Three blocks from Male tercet. For particulars apply to MISS VIN,\ FISHER, IiurO:n et.. Exeter. TEACIIER WANTED. mal. teacher with second-class pro- __ teseie:al certificate. for S. S. No. Z. Stcptr:1. Dulles to commence in Aug- ust Apply to John Preszcator. Sec'y- Treas.. Exeter Ont. B. e. PHILLIPS, !tilertli. LIcasss4 Aactlossar. Brea sttesdad Is all puts. eaustortIoa roo- ts! as.. pjr Terns remonabte. All orders tett `£melte Ogee will be promptly attended to. J. SENIOR Alan Confederation Lite Assurance e7, also Fire insurance in lead- aditan and Britieb Companies. Main -St-. Exeter. LICENSED A CCTIONIER 1)t. ANDERSON. Ltc'r .ed Aartlanser sr Huron County. Terse reasonable. /ate can be made at ole Ades -ate. hrter. or }henry Eilber's Office, Cre+d- tee. TARN FOR MALR. One Of the finest farms Ir t'stort.e ,/ i, t0 !SANDERS & tREECII, Rieter NOTICE. W. .,re appo:r.tlr.g sales .gents now 1•, every unrepresented county for the stamen, cf 1910. over 65 per rent. of t!w )-car's business is done during the summer months. We pay good money weekly for services rendered. Dive et- ttu.!ve territory and suppy putt:t free. OVElt GOO ACRES UNDER C:'LTIVA- TION. Our acreage 1• mentlo:;.d as :t Is im- portant trat you should represent a firm of good stand:•ig ar,d size. We supply strictly first grade stock and guaran- tee delivery In good condition. We ware the best and most tellable agent in every district. Established over :15 yrat�. F er furter" part:cuter, write Pclt.am Nursery Co.. 'Corvette O. t. Local Items Mrs. J. J. Knight is at present very 1111. Several rinks of bowlers intend going ro Seaforth May 24. Rev. Mr. Sharp on Wednesday suffer - an unconse!ous spell due to overwork and mental strain. It will necessitate a rest of some days. At the meeting of the Quarterly Board of the James street church, held Mon- d•.y evening. an unanimous Invitation was extended to Rev. Hobbs to remain another year as pastor of the church. A much more reasonai le time to sec Ore comet is in the evening, which we will be able to do from May 20 ,10•30. It is at its brightest on May 20 from 7.11 to 8.11. On succeeding evenings it Wily be seen later than 8 o'clock. Mr. John )McLaughlin, who has beer: connected with the moulding department of the Exeter Foundry for nearly half a century, the greater part of which time he has had charge of that depart- ment. has severed his connection there- with and will now take a well-earned rest. As a moulder 10 front John has few equals. I -le is a man of good ex- eeutive ability, popular with those who :vera under his control, and there Is murk standing to his credit for faith- fulness to duty. Mr. McLaughlin learn- ed his trade with the late William Ver- !ty. THE BRUCEFIELD SHOW. Tee annual horse show under the awl - piece of the South Huron Agricultural S3e-iety was held at Brucefield. The folowing Is a list of the prize winners; heavy Horses. -Aged draught stallion Baron Ftu.rese1', Thos. Celquhon, Gow- rie ; Iluron Again. Tho3. D1cka,n, Sea - forth ; :3 -year-old draft stallion, Hen itae, Taos. McMichael and Son, let and 2nd. Draft team, Jas. Scott, jr., Crom- arty : Jae. Corrash, Clinton; A. Penning tor,. Kipper. Agricultural team, John Torrance, Clinton; M. Jackson, 13rus- eels : Jas. Hamilton, Clinton. Farmers' Bank, cup for bast heley team. Janice Scott, jr., Light Horses. -Carriage team, J. and C. McDonell, Hensall ; Geo. C. Dale, Mul- lett ; L. Fortune, Tuckeremlth. Single earriage horse. P. liossenberry, Bruce - field ; John McBcath, Kipper]; G. T. Turnbull, Scaforth. Single roadster, John McIntosh, Brucefield ; Dr. :I. 11. Ross, Seaforth; Thos. flay, Cromarty. B. Hossenberry's special for the best l'g it moan_ in harness, J. Mclntosh. Bulls. -Aged Shorthorn, Jas. McIn- tosh. Tuckersmith. Three year old Sho:thorn, R. Charters and Sons, Tu:k- eretnith ; A. G. Smillie. Tu^kerr3mith ; W. Alkenhead, Stanley. Two year old Short horn. Beatty Bros., Varna, H. Crich, Turk'ramith; Jas. McGee, Tyekrramith. Judges. -Horses. E. Charlton. Dun- crlef, and W. Moselle St. Marys. Bulls, C. M. Simons, Ivan. BRUCEF'IELD.-Mrs. Anna Ross of Strassburg Sask., formerly of this Place. recently loat her stables with a quantity of hay and wood, by a fire on the prairie. THE ADVOCATE from now until Jan. lat. 1911. for 50 cents. PitOCLAMATiON VILLAGE we EXETER NOMINATION .\ ND ELECTION Public Notice 1s hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Village of Exeter will be. held In the TOWN I1\I.1.. EXETER. on MONDAY, MAY t Gt!r. 1910, at the hour of 12 o'clock. oo:;. for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for Councillor to fill a vacancy caused by the realgrna- rlo:r of Mr. Christopher J. Luker, re- moved from the Municipality. And furth er notice is hereby given that In the r vent of more candidates being propos- ed for the office than required to be erected. the meeting will be adjourned until MONDAY. MAY 23rd. A. D., 1910. when polls will be opened at 9 a. in., Plotting at p. m., at the following places as fixed by Village 13y -law, viz; Polling Sub-lhvision No. 1, at Silas Ilandford•s itesidence, Main Street, by Edward Treble, D. R. 0., and Herb- ert Ford. Poll Clerk. Po1Cne Sub-Dlvlsiar Ni. 2. at Weekes Bros.' Marble Shop, Main street. by W. D. Weekes, D. R. 0., and James Week- es, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -Division No. 3, at E. 11. F'I,h's Repldenr'e. Mall) street. by Rich- ard G. Seldom, D. R. O.. and Alex. 0. Dyer, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -Division No. 4, at the Town Hall, Main street, by Jos. Davis, D. R. 0.. and Wm. Murray. Poll Clerk. Arid all electors are hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. H; order. JOSEPH SENIOR, Returning Officer TAKE NOTICE. 1 hereby give notic' to merchants ar.d others that I will pot be responsible for any debt or debts contracted by any person In my name. PHILIP BEAVER. }MOUSE TO RENT. A geed Ftrirk Mouse 1n Exeter. rrr.- tro:it' located. o'; Gid;ey street. roraaln- :;g eine rooms, Includlcg up -stairs t.ard and soft water. a:,d a gond Bar- d •.. Reasonable rental. Apply to DICKSON br CARLiNG. Exeter. Ontario Liquor License Act is epee ir.•tri•-t of South Huron. Noti-e ie here by riven that Mr H J. Mallon, of MFB.Id. has made appli-attos for penr.isslnn to traneter his Vtlhgs carers license (Commerouel) is Rayield to George 1. Gray of Port Stanley, oat.. and tat the raid appb ation will Ne r.,ewiderwl at the eseet:ne of the Baird cf 1. ep i.. ('nrrmus;enrre. to be held at the Costner, sal Hotel. in Wdtate nt Ray - Sold. ne Fridae. the 2'th da) of May IPU,, at the bow ofl0►n All person int•r.wted .111 ` s•rn th.uwl:e,r - rwrdi$gly. .14.tin Tnresn-s. Loran i'wp.•tee. Da'ed at _.,r:cr,.tees• .tt. de: <' Ma) :11: IN MEMORIAM THE KING IS DEAD Born -- Nov. 9, 1841 King --Jan. 22, 1901 Died -- Mad 6, 1910 AN EMPIRE MOURNS EDWARD VII, PASSES GEORGE V. SUCCEEDS London. May 7. -Edward VII., King o: Great Britain and Emperor of India cited just before the new day began. T end came at Ruck:ngem Palace at 11.45 o'clock last night. Ills only sur- v:vtng son now reigns as 0e3rgo V. All tate me:nh2r-a of tint 'Royal Family, who are now itt Lrondon, were present e t the King's bed -chamber when he breathed his Last. Tie King had been 111 about seven weeks, but the seriousness of iris condi-- Coe was kept a secret to within a • tup1e of days of the sad event of his i'ath. K'ne George V. was formally pro- clhlmed throughout the King's domain iiortly after deybretk this morning. Full of honors. but not yet full of y earn, Edward VII., one o1 the great- •nt kings that ever set upon the Eng- ' 9h Throne, has followed England's e' emelt Queen to the grave after a ✓ ign of but 1:ttle more than nine, years. When he came to the throne there was a rt._turel tendency on the part of the nation to look back and wonder whether the high level which had b:en gradually reached and sustained In public and na- t'onal life durtng his mother's long ✓ .!gn would he fully maintained. The ration to -day gives a verdict which leaves no doubt of Rs favorable opin- ion. The sad event of th- King's death was keenly felt in Exeter, and to mark the solemnity of the occasion the large bell of the Trlvltt Memorial church was tolled at shortly after nine o'clock. when the news was received by Mr. N. D. Hurdon. Exeter is now in mourn- ing for the dead king, and on every hand the Union Jack floats at half-mast The funeral 01 the late King will take place on F rlday, May 20th. THE E\ErFit CX•UNCiL The council nu -t in the Town Hall on Friday. May 0. Absent Councillor Lu- ker. The previous minutes were read and with the following correction were adopted. "That the tender of Mr. P. !Lowden of $24 for work at the, power plant be accept. d." The rceignation of Councillor C. J. Luker was read, he having removed to St. Catharines. The same was acrcpted on motion of Balk - will and Ifeaman.-Carried. The clerk was iestructed to write expressing the regrets of the members at receiving his resignation. Mr. le. 11. Dickson addressed the coun- cil regards advice that he had received from the executors of the Gibb estate re sale of the evaporator and asked that the Council would hear Mr. Som- merville, a representative of the pur- chasers. Mr. Sommerville adressed the Council. stating that a sale of the prop- erty was likely to take place. and wish- ed to know from the Council if they w•ou:d consider any other proposition than that entered Into with the late W. A. Gibb. His proposition was that they would build a warehouse, costing In the neighborhood of 12 to 15 hundred dol- lars. Atter dipeuselon the Council de- rided. on motion of Councillor itearnan. seconded by Councillor Balkwill. that a special meeting of the council be held ;test Monday night to consider the agreement held with the W. A. Olt b company. Mr. Thos. Sanders asked the Council to supply the necessary t11e for a drain along the north side of Huron street and West of Carling to connect with the drain already being constructed o Carling mrd Huron streets. The Coun- cil decided to ask the Street Commission er's advice. Mr. Jas. Weekes. Fire Celef, report) ed that some necessary repairs were r,ed•--d for tree steam engine, Per 13.1kwiii-Letett-That tre Clerk, with the help of tht Fire Chief rorresperJ wit', the firms handling the suppled and gt t thr neressery repairs. -Ce: rled Mr. We. kes also reported that It wap neeusary for him to make the appoint- ment of an engineer and fireman. Mr. It. N. Taylor having lett town. Mr. 1'. Connor was made engineer and Mr Ed. Dignan fireman. The r.commrrdatlons were sanetloned by the rour.r.i on :not- t:on of Levett and Iltaman. Tee dean. of King Edward the Vii. aero to cel to the Council. Per Levett and Herman that the Reeve Issue a proclamation asktr.g that all bus! -..se D! suspended during ,he hours of tee (uaetal of our late K::.g . . d t' a' the tonal clergymen be Invited to partici- ;tette to a me:. orlel service. Per }Leaman-Levett-That the School 'Holed be ladvlsed of the frequent ria- lto or some of the scholars during noon hour and at other times at the Towle Hall and committing deeds and destroy- ing of Town Hail oropez ty.-Carried. Mr. Thos. Russell asked the Connell to construct a cement walk from Main I street to Andrew, on the north side of Mary street. The Council asked that a petition be presented. Mr. Noble, a representative of the Canada ingot lro:n Culvert Co., of Guel- pi, adressed the Council regarding the poas:be sale of an Ingot iron culvert. 'Iceman moved -That the matter of repairs to culvert on Carling street b' left with th' Reeve and Street Com- nrissloner with power to act -n0 secon- der. Per Levett-Balkwill-That the Clerk write to E. North of London for quotations of 42 and 48 Inch cement t!le.-Carrled. Per }Leaman and 13alkwl3-That a By- law be prepared, calling for nomination and election of a councillor to 1111 the vacancy caused by the resignation of Counclllor C. J. Luker. -Carried. The By-law being prepared was duly read and on motion of Levett and, Balk - will that the same b' accepted and read a second and third time; the Reeve and Clerk sign the same and attach the seal of the Corporation. -Carried. The Jackso;. Manufacturing Com - [3y -law, having received the sanction of the ratepayers, and no objections be- arg f led thereto, the same was order- ed read a second and third tlnne, the Rear. and Clerk signing the same and the seal of the Corporation affixed thereto. the Clerk was instructed to see ertnte duly rtglstered, on motlan of Iieeneto and Balkwtt). Balkwill-}Leaman-That the report of the Committee regarding the letting of tender for the change of water course, balow the dam be sanctioned. The ten- der received was that of Thos. Hart null (or $45. -Carr led. The Committee re waterworks report- ed that there were two citizens deeir ous of renting the property on the banks of the river. Per !Iceman and Balkwill that the matter b2 left In tire hands of the reeve and Councillor Lee vett with power. The reeve suggested t :at the council secure Information as to what can be secured for the grounds and report Monday night. The motion wits declared carried. A circular with petition asking that amendments be made to the Assessment Act w:tin regard to improvement values of property was read and favored and the reeve was arslled to sign the same. A letter .t.ts read from tt.e clerk ul the Township o1 Hay, stating that the council was of opinion that they were not liable for exponses incurred regard- ing the Williams faintly. The following accounts were paid,- Elcctric Light Co, 111.69; Jas. Murray & Co., repairs water works, 3.25; Exe- ter Times, publishing auditors abstract $5; E. A. Folllck, meals for tramps, 50e Barber & Sons, certificate No. 1, water- wheel 300.00; Dickson & Carling. fees for advice and by-laws 1909, 140.50; W. J. I3lasett. pt. salary 33.00; C .\V. Cross, pt. salary 29.00 , T Boulder 3 weeks salary 7.10; amounting In all to $646.44; pelmet on motion of llalkwill :t -ed Lovett. Adjournment by Balkwill. A special meeting held May 0111. Tee W. A. Gib!) Cornparr_:'a ,;gre,ru_t,t was nerd and discussed. Per Lovett and Balkwill, (hat the present Glbb agree- rn^nt remain as drafted, aril if the prop- erty is sold, or transferred to the Knox Co., for any other firm or com- pony, the purchasers rr,uat assume the responsibilities as agreed with the W. A. Gibb Co. -Carried. l'er Lovett and Dalkwill-That the Clerk write 0. T. It. 'officials regard - :reg the extension of the cement walk from the depot to Wellington street. - Cart led Mr. Thos. Hartnoll asked who would paHH upon the labor performed In open - :ng up the change of water course at re, river and below the dam. Refered to the Engineer or his aesistant.. Adjournment by Ileaman to Friday, May 1:3. to consider tenders and appli- cations for field and the fillir:g in of the whole in front of the dam. Jos. Senior. Citric. BIRTHS Howald.-1n Exeter, on May 11th, to Mr: and Mrs. Ed. Itowald, a daughter iluntcr.-In Usbornc, on April 27, to Mr. and Mrs. \Wilbur Hunter• a daugh- ter. Gingcrlek.-In Zurich, on May 1, to M.. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerlch, a deughte•r. Varley-In McGillivray, on May 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Varlet'• a son. 0111 -At Grand Bend, April 30. to Mr. and Mrs. Jolts G111, a son. M.1 ltR!AGES Rob •rtson-%Vemsley-At Hayfield, on April 28th, Mrs. J. Walmsley to John Wesley Robertson, both of Hayfield. Poore -Scott -At London. April 20, Cy- rus L. Poore, to Miss Eva Scott, troth of McGillivray. DEATHS Webb. -111 Stephen. con. 21, Geo. Webb in his 07th year. Cooper. -in London. May 9. Leila, only daughter of Mrs. Sarah Cowper. aged 25 years. Whitlock. -lm Toronto, on John \\'hitlah. formerly aged 63 year's. Aikenhead.-In Tuc•kersmlth, on May 4, Agnes B. Martin, wife of John Aiken - head, aged 49 years, 3 months and 18 days. McMlllen.-In Teokersmlth, on April 30 3,3510 McIntosh, relict of the late W tr Monet., aged 82 years. Ov. rhury.-in Clinton, May 2. Charles Ovcrtury, aged 62 years. '.folr.-111 Moose Jaw. Sask.. on April 28 Mo. Geo. Molr, formerly of Mensal', aged 84 years. Cord. -In Tuckersmlth, on May 3, John Ford. aged 73 years. iluttier-In Sandusky, Mich., April 29, Sophia Schrader, wife of Louis Luther of McGillivray. aged 70 years. Shee•re.-At Fort William, on May Gtb, Basil Garfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sheeres. aged 4 months. May 3rd, of Exeter, To the man seeking to dress himself in the =Best Manner at Moderate Cost. s► WE TAKE IT YOU AitE NOT :\ \IAN OF WEALTH. YOU ARE A HARD WORKING MAN \V110 \W1511E5 TO ENJOY THE FRUITS OF YOCIt INDU'a- TRY TO YOUR REST ADVANTAGE. AMONG OTHER THINGS YOU WISII TO DRESS .'S WELL AM PURSE PERMITS. YOUR YOU WANT CLOTHES THAT FIT YOU AND IIAVE STYLE AND DISTINC- TION. YOU WILL BE DELIMITED WITH THF. STYLE OF OUR MOVIES. THEY WiLL. WEAR LONGER TiiAN YOU ARE PERHAPS ACCUSTOMED TO IIAVE CLOTHES WEAR. THEY WILL AFFORD YOU A MEANS TO DRESS AS WELL AS ANT %iAN YOU MAY MEET. TIIEY WILL COST YOU LESS MONEY AND GIVE YOU BETTER SAT- ISFACTION THAN ANY OTIiER CLOTHES. WE iiAVE WAIF SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO OFFER AT b-ItUSF.1;T. WE AItE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU OUiR CLOTHE/I, \CHETIiE:. Yt tr NEED THEM AT PIIESF:NT OR NOT. 111011 CLASS FURNISHINGS. BOOTS AND SHOES, It.\T.e. c41-; SI'EiCiAL LINES IN r c.I.LARS. SANDY BAWDEN Main St., Exeter THE CLOTHIER Samson Portland Cement —Nothing hotter— For Walls, Floors, Walks, Etc. A Large Quantity on Hand. Amatite and Paroid Roofing Ready for the job—$2.50 per Sq. Tinsmithing & Plumbinges HEAIAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE