HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-28, Page 8A Dog
with a Nazzlel.
and a reran with an ill-fitting
suit of '•ltbee are in the same boat -
Both HandNapped !
1: yo.i are a man with clothes troubles
lave TAMAN diagnose your cast. lie
quite likely will prescribe A SLIT OF
ular price.
He does not send his goods to out-
of-town clothing manutacturer s to to
THROWN together and Palmed off on
you for a CUSTOM MADE SUIT. but
mikor the sults 1.a his own custom work
shop insuring you a PERFECT FIT and
Merchant Tailor,
PZzeter, Ontario
Business Locals -- Read Thant
Room Rugs in Wools, Tapestrp and
Jel ets. T'11r best we hare'el'er s110u14,6
to $40. Stewart's
bering. Apply to W. D. Burke,. Exeter.
King Hats for men. it'e say they are
up -to -bate. See there and you trould
yourself. Stewart.
P r. Overs Cordes•
Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear
Surgeon, will be at the Commercial
Hdkel. Exeter, Saturday, April 30.
all day. Qlassea properlyfitted and
diseases ofEye,-Ear and ose *.rested.
Boys' and Men's Clothing. We would
rather show yell 'than tell you about it.
Popular prices. Stewart's.
MISS s.EWIS, Exeter.
HOTEL TO RENT -Apply at file Office
25c. Special Irish Dress Linen, touts
tifal quality for was suits and dresses,
in ah shades. Steuart'..
Steele Briggs Seeds are the best 1•y
test. That's the hind we sell. Stewart.
FOR SALE -1n good condition -Just the
thins for a student ar anyone else want
Ing a bargain. Apply a' Advocate Office
FOUND -A watch. Call at the Advo-
cate Office and prove property.
Dr. Sccot'd, one of the lost known
p`:ysiclans of Kincardine distil( t. died
suddenly at I.te home in that tow:t.
aged 76.
EARLY CHRISTIANS. -Exquisitely 111-
Ustrated by 200 life model aid 1200
feet of animated pictures -A Rloscoplc
Discourse composed and delivered by
Mr. Herbert licoth, youngest son of
General }tooth. Some reaeot,a why you
should sea and hear It; Ie'ause there is
no more thrilling chapter in iwman his-
tory Man that which tells of the for-
tunes of the early Christians; because
or the c- lulsite beauty of these scenes,
to get whl: h no e"p?nse teas been spared
Because there is no way you ran hear
so much In so short a time about the
Soldiers of the Cross In the days of
Nero. In James sc. Methodist church
May 3rd. Admission 25r : children, two
for 25e.
Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor
Sunday Public \Vorshtp-10.30 and 7.
Mass Service -9.80 a.m.and after Morn-
ing Service and Wednesday night.
Young Men'e Class and Catachumcns -
Sunday at 2 p. m.
Sunday School and lime Classes- 2.30.
Epwor'h League-Tu-eday 8 p. rn.
1'tp)er Meeting -Thursday 8 p. m
May 1-Ktu!'at!onal Day. Rev. Fear in
the mon.'.r.g and 1'' piece. at night.
Tfte Sftop lor Men
We have the finest lines of
Fancy Suitings
We are filled up witb the new-
est and ttest goods for the mak-
ing of clothing, and we def the
making in the hest of style.
Msrokeet Tailor• Exeter
f'RI ATF_ LESSONS -Niles Gregory 10
ptLartd to accept pupils in English,
French, Ger'ntan and Mathematics
or will uoach students for the midsum-
mer departmental examinations In any
or all of the High School sub act•.
Terms given o:. application.
Mrs. Quarnce is visiting In Ailsa Cra!g
Mrs. Ed. Treble spent Tuesday in
Ernie Taylor returned to London on
Miss Bertha Cobbledick is visiting in
l lderton.
Mr y. P. S. 1'!:':lips vielnd in Loudon
Tut eday.
M-. Nem. 1',..d , was in Qodetit'tt on
h i
fie Tu. &d..;
Mr. Win. Kuntz 1r unable to attend Mr. T. 13 Carling is in Toronto and
to hie duties at the shop owing to 111-
Brantford this week.
r9•, .'t.-. Fian;e Cornish of Lendot is .I.-
Sono halt doze:, of citizens last week :Cog 10.s parents here.
pild one dollar a:;d costs for allowing Mica Viet Fisher has returned from
dogs to go umnuzzled. a visit of so:n: weeks in Hamilton.
S'tturdiy hut, April 231d, was St. W. Val- te.tie.a this week for Brant-
Ocorge'a Day and red roses were pro. ford, t0 work for the Verity Plow Co.
minent in the button holes of meaty of. Mr. Richard Seldon of Ingersoll spent
the Sons of England. ,a Monday. with his rat 8. G. in town.
The Fourth Annual General Meeting of
the trehareoldere of the Exeter ginning
and Preserving Co. has been called for
April 29th in the Town Hall.
The married and single football play-
ers had a fire game on Friday evening
on the school grounds, the result beteg
in, favor of the married men, 1-0.
D. D. G. M. Hodgins of Lucan has
announced that he will pay his official
visit to Lebanon Forest Lodge, A. F.
.e A. M.. Exeter, at.l4'snday night, May
2:3r4• - • ��. � '
Mr. Alfred Alccil, who spent the last
year In the west, and has been In Lon-
don for the past three months, has re-
turned to town and has rented Mr. W.
Pu'gsley's iresidence.
Arrangements are being made to hold
a Masonic Lodge of instruction at St.
Marys, on May 26th, under the direc-
tion of the District Deputy Grand Mas-
ter, Mr. Chris Hodgins of Lucan.
Mrs. Billings presided at the organ
in the Trivitt Memorial Church Sunday
and will continue to do so in the, ab-
scence of Mr. Markham, who was ser-
iously hurt by being kicked by a horse
last week.
The noted humorist, Mark Twain.
whose real name was Samuel L. Clem-
ens, died at his home pear Redding,
Conn., on Thursday evening last. The
ready wit and humorous sayings of
`lark Twain have made him a noted
character In all English speaking coun-
In the cases against Mr. Bossenbsrry,
proprietor of the llotel Imperial at
Grand Bend, for allowing gambling and
after -hour drinking on the premises,
which were tried at Thedtord last week
Judgment was given In favor of Mr.
Boysenberry In each of three cases. L.
H. Djekson conducted the case for Mr.
Efforts are being trade towards a cel-
ebration of Vlct,oria Day in Exeter, and
if the Committee in charge of the :nat-
ter receive sufficient encouragement a
good day's program and an atttactivc
program will be provides. It is felt that
something better than has been will Le
the result and that Exeter will regain
the reputation she once enjoyed for pub-
lic entertainment. We wish the commit-,
tee every success and will do what we
ran to proneete the work if it is <lccld-
el to celebrate the day,
There died In London on the 20th of
April Thou. W Harris, father of Mrs.
John Easery of Eden and Mrs. John
Gilson of London. Deceased was in his
troth year. He came from England :and
settled in Darlington 70 years ago, ree
malning there until his wife died Live
years ago, since which time he has re-
sided with his daughters. In religion
1.' was a Methodist and in polities an
Independent Liberal. Mrs. Esecry t:ae
been at his bedside for some weeks.
Mr. Eseery and family attended the fun
oral which was held In London Friday.
CARD OF THANKS -Mr. Jos Sutton
desires to convey to the cltizegs of Ex-
eter his sincere thanks for the mar.y
kindnesses ehown him during the Ill-
ness and subsequent death of his late
WARN1NG.-Constable W J Bissett
wishes to warn people that the muzzle
regulation Is still In force and residents
of F.zeter and farmers conning to town
must have muzzles on their dogs or pay
a fine and costs, as several have had
to do of late.
.% GREAT SCARCITY -Although the
Clitlto:l Business College 1s affiliated
with a Chain of Schools training eleven
hundred students per year. Mr. Spotton
informs us he is unable to 1111,hundreds
of excellent positions offered his grad
uate's. Ile reports a great dearth of
male stenographers.
Markham, organist of the Trivitt Mem-
orial Church, met with an unfortunate
accident on Thursday last. He was en-
gaged rutting Mr. Jas. Tom's lawn,
when one of Mr. D. Mack's colts got
tmangled In sonic wire and 111 attempt-
ing to relieve It the colt kicked him in
the tilde on the upper part of the hip,
breaking the bone. ire was immediate-
ly taken to his Ronne and 1s receiving
every rare. The injury will probably
lay til:,, up for the greater part of the
S. Lang. fern sly an esteemed citizen of
Eccter, was on Friday charged before
Magistrates Kay, Moir and Randers with
a violation •.rf lire Inspection and Sales
Act. The Dominion Government Inspece
tors are the conplain:lets alleging that
apples shipped by Mr. Lang during last
+^aeon were hot branded In accordance
with the Inspection and Sales Act. Mr
Lang himself had nothing to do with
tee work of peeking or branding, that
h inti the duty of those from whom he
pur.',aecs the fruit or of t!eosc who do
th, artuel work of packing. Nevctthe-
iees tee inert tore seek to make Mr.
I., 11 cl:e. Fur three years the tight
lie en going 011. and In all but two
• a.rs Mr. Lang has successfully replet-
ed the peteeeutions. Thls year the Ih-
cp'rtors have apparently determined to
worst ate. Lang as tney launched
•.ta•e rgain•? hire. and no testi than
five government offlrrala were on hand
t:, re last Friday to mike good a charge
teat etre barrels bearing Mr. Lange
brand were irnpropt t ly marked. Mr.
Len; a' In di •p-oved the , h•r,tt- and
the megAferia• dienngse'd the cape
wi' . re .t 1h' •fore up to tee pre-
en' t m- st+n'Is,-I .e ng won 11 • lOet
p etoe 'o' 2lost 11 : with two
' 1 ' be bang.
-?!r. find Mrs. Silents of Halsall were
_guests at N1r. Jas. Murray's on Tues-
Mr. WIll Knight, who has been attend -
Int: Medical College 1n London, le home
for the vacation.
Miss Maud Taylor and Mies May Fos -
tet' of London spent Sunday at the for-
nr_r's home here.
Miss Irene Handford spent last week
at her home here, returning to Whitby
College Monday morning.
Miss Fanny Bowey of Chicago, who
has been visiting her brother here for
two weeks, returned home Friday.
Miss Vera Campbell returned Friday
evening from an extended vlatt with her
sister, Mrs. A. Ramsay, in Ham'lton.
Mr. and Mrs. F V. 11111 anti, two sons
of I'ort Huron were here attending the
funeral of the late Mre. Brower Kernick,
Rev. S. F. Sharpe attended the
meeting of the synod of London and
Hamilton held at Stratford this week.
MIs■ Vera Campbell, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Ramsay
in Hamilton, returned to her home here
Wilfred Stewart was In London
urday to see his mother, who is
lntproving nicely from her recent
Mr. Chas, Lindenfelt was in Detroit
thle week attending the funeral of a
relative. ales. Lindenfet and son vis-
ited In Zurich.
Mise L. Carllt:g, !dies M. Arnold, Miss
el. Rollins, Miss Auld and Miss Nettle
Walters attended 'Ben Hur" in Hen -
sill Friday night.
Frank Jones of Brantford visited In
town over Saturday and Sunday. His
mother, Mre. E. Jones, intends moving
to Brantford shortly.
Mrs. Daily, of Watertown. N. 1'., who
hair been vlslting her slater. Mrs. Robe
Luk 2r, left here on Monday accompaieed
by Mrs. Luker to visit at Rochester.
N. Y.
Moe. S. F. Sharpe and daughter Mar-
garet and Miss M. Strang leave to -day
(Thursday) for Toronto, where they
will a,tend the Auxiliary of the Wom-
en's Foreign Mission Society.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brokenshirc of
l' eneton Falls, Ont., and Mr. W. 11.
13rokcnshire of Au Sable, Mich., were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
11111. Stephen, while here attending the
funeral of their aunt, Mrs. D. Kernick.
op -
T. E. Handford shipped a load of
horses Wednesday.
The man who is willing to work for
frothing never has to look for a Job.
Mr. Wm. Snell shipped a load of floe:
butcher's cattle on Saturday.
Mr. Baynes of Toronto. an expo -leo d
barber, has engaged with Mr. Ed.
Mr. Fred White has moved Into the
house vacated by Mr. Fred Ilawden on
Sanders street.
Mr. 11 Brlrkwood intends moving on-
to the farm of his father-in-law, Mr.
Duncan. in Hay.
Rev. ltobbs and ]rev. Fear exchange
pulpit, next Sunday morning. The day
will h: devoted to educational work.
We do not mind seeing other people
get up in the world, so Long. as they re-
frain from until; us stepping stomas.
A meeting of the Weather Insurance
(b. was held at the Central Hotel, Ex-
eter, on Tuesday, when considerable
bu.tlnes• was transacted.
Ye members of ye Issak Walton Fish-
ing Club arc requested to meet at ye
hone: of ye Captain. N. D. llurdo,. on
Friday evening next. at d o'clock.
We guarantee Dander -Ott Scalp Mas-
saging to cure Dandruff. Scalp Mas-
sage loc. or 8 oz. battle 50e. For sale
onlyat W. D. Burke's Shaving Parlor.
The dog which recently went mad at
Winchelsea has been found dead near
the boundary of Stephen and McGillivray
It Arents to have been a genuine case
of 'read dog."
A email boy's idea of an entertainment
Is any kind of a gathering where re-
freshments are served. It may also be
said that mini a big boy has the same
The crops In the surrounding country
never looked better, the recent rains has
Ing Improved cotrditions very much. The
fall wheat gives promise of an ezccllent
'Mrs. Emanuel Bissett, who, for
some time had been under the care of
physicians at Morden, returned home on
Monday. We are glad to report she is
progressing favorably toward comrlete
recovery." -Crystal City Courier.
')rev. W. M Martin, B. D.. and Ntrs.
Martin of Lo::dr, South, announce the
engagement of the:r daughter, Anna Ellz
ab-th, to Dr. John Nisbet Gunn. of Cal-
gary. Alberta, sot of Mr. and Mrs. (lec-
tor Gunn of Toronto. The marriage
will take place about the end of May."
r -London Free Press.
PRESENTATION -At th rr;ular meet.
lee of Exctcr LoJge of Oddtellowa on
Tion.day teat the otfieeree and toemb'rs
in recogeltton of the valued services of
i'.ro R. N. Taylor. who leaves neat week
for Calgary to reside. presented him
with an addteee, a ripe and a suit case.
T -,e addrtzs wale read by the secretary
R. N. C"eech. wh 1 the presentation was
road, by the Noel. brand. W. J. Murray
liro. Taylor made • feeling and fitting
rply 111. strvl,tp to the local lodge
for n,tny yea?. pip have b;en treep-
t:o•,al. He i as bre:. oat- valued mere
r.•t ery and r r degree' work ee has al -
Way. too n tee rivavy part, arid he will
h • mush relate( t by the brett:ren, -free
,1' w, .h 2,1'! . n•'wri h •al•h .1'ld at! !lip
•s „.,1 F'•'*ice-•ty 1•. ..'.e West.
Wheat 1 00 1 00
Barley 4h 50
Oate. 32 .44
Peas 75 S0
Potatoes, per bag 50
Hay, per ton 13 00 14 00
Flour, per cwt., family 2 76
Flour, low grade per cur 1 roi 3 55
Butter 23
Live hogs, per cwt g 66
Shorts per ton est"' a 24 00
Bran per ton 23 00
1 •
M-aar,. l'ave'd -!1 a !j pip' last sat-
urday delivered a fine stallion, 'The
Miller," to Messrs. Willis & Guenther
of Dashwood. Ile Is an tmporled Shire
and is pronounced by competent Judges
t e to amongst the best that have been
Wool -Lac Stain otters an easy and In.
expensive means of .rejuvenating old
things long laid away on account of
their rusty appearance. They stake it
easy for everybody to change an Inhar-
monious article Into one that will satis-
fy the most exacting.
Mr. W. J. Beaman will upon request
submlt full line of colors.
-� -
Piano for Sale.
One good second hand piano, A(ncrican
make, nearly new $160, at J.PEDLER'S
Main Street south.
Cement, Lime,
1 Shorts
Bran & _
R. G. Seldon, Exeter
aMt1f 400043HIWOa 110.
r. Aka& slIsJEr 4:k.alla.411aAla ALAI:
Feed and Seeds
4 All the BEST GRADES of 11)
floor always on hand.
1 Breakfast Foods such as lLI.
Oatmeal,7 lbs for 25c
Poultry Foods & Feeds such as 1bl.
1 Wm. Rivers 1
112vis' Old Stand - EXETER
IPAPrIralir 1.1111"69-16^1,
Having purchased the BUS
and DRAY business of MR. WM.
ARNOLD, 1 desire to announce
to the Public of Exeter that 1 am
prepared to give you the hest of
satisfaction in work connected
with the business. For the pres-
ent orders left by phone or other-
ICE. PHONE 21, will receive
prompt attention.
T. G. Creech
A Good Supply
We still have a Rood stock of
feed on band. Any person re-
quiring feed will do well to
call and get their supply. We
always have plenty of the
Model Flour
which is steadily gaining the con-
fidence of the people.
It is Second to None.
mean easy cooking
20 STYLES- Front a "Odle Burner Hot Plate" to a "liaudsuuee Cabi-
net Range." Burn gasolene or alcohol.
It Dumas none air and Zees
gasoline than all others.
Perfect Combustion!
Simple and Durable!
No Smoke! No Odor!
Absolutely Safe!
Pure Fire!
We have the largest as-
sortment of vapor, gaso-
line and oil stoves in the
A complete line now in stock at low prices.
Later Mower., Sheatt, Hoer, Rakes-, Serer Doors, Green Vise Cloth,
Seting Hinges, Gal den Fork,-, Spades and Trowels.
Tinsmithing, Plumbing. Furnace Work a Specialty
Hawkins' Stove & Hardware Store
One D ,or North 11 Browning'e Dt ug `tune, Exeter.
Special Discount Sale
of Furniture
We are starting our annual discount sale, comprising every article in our
large and well assorted stock, which we are offering at a special discount for
Intending purchasers will consult their own interests by examining our
goods and getting oar prices before pm chasing their
Spring Furniture
We Can Save You Many Dollars!
Undertaking and Embalming a Specality
The Leading Home- Furnishers and Funeral Directors,
This is the time for making up your wash goods.
We are well prepared to supply your needs
with a beautiful showing of the season's most sty.
lish goods. All the new and natty goods are shown
in the newest patterns and shades. Be sure and
visit our Wash (;roods Department.
Fancy Ginghams
In all the latest patters and new
shades. Checks, Plaids or Stripes
shown in abundance.
10c,, 12ic. Per Yard
White Vesting
That very popular white g•iods
for waists or dresses. 10 differ-
ent patterns
15c. 18c. 20c. 25c, 30c per Yd.
Plain Repp
One of the most popular wash
goods for Spring Suite or Dress.
ee. All the new shades are shown
25c. per Yd.
Linen Suitings
Very much in demand for wash
..etuts. We are showing a full
range of theca in the good shades
and patterns.
15c, 25c, 33c, 40c Per Yard
Ladies' Wash Suits
Just arrived a small line of Ladies' Wash
Suits,all ready for you to put on. No wait-
ing to have them made. They are in plain
Blue. Tan, or Linen shades with different
colored trimming: also fancy stripes which
are very pretty. Prices $5, $7, $8. $9.
Dress Skirts
Plain Black Voiles, Black and
colored Serge., Panarnas and
Venetian clothes. All made t►p
in the new styles.
Prices $$ to 1110
Ladies' Waists
Black and Colored Milk Waists,
Cream and Ecru Net Waiete:,
Fancy Lawu Or Plain Linen. A
big assortment.
$1. 00 to $5.00
Gents' Furnishing. for Spring
All the new goods are now ready for you.
We are better supplied than ever, which
is saying a lot.
New Shirts New doves New Straw Hata
New Ties New So: New Soft Hate
New Collars New Suspender's New Stiff Bate
New Fancy Vests New Underwear New Caps
We ere Mesddsartsrs ter Mssd's and Boys' Wear
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing