HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-28, Page 7THE KiNG'S NEIGHBORS! IIIOsE 111111 LIVE NEAR 1% '1'111: ('O1'\TR1. the Neighborhood ,found Sandringham i. 14'r) select. England has forty counties, and !n only one has the King a country house at which he resides.; for ex- cept on state occasions, Windsor Cattle is out of the reckoning. It is small wonder therefore that Nur- f4•lk people pride themselves on their importance. But where big estates are the rule the number of great houses is apt t•, be limited, says the Gentlewo- n. n, so no one can pretend that cri'iun when Queen Alexandra was 4 there iv a good neighborhood ! driving past the house of a family around Sandringham. with whom she had always been on Nearest at hand—in fact, in the cordial terms she noticed that the garden stands York cottage, Owl flag which usually tlew from the abode of the Prince and the Prin_ tower was now at half mast. The Queen, fearing that, this might betoken trouble, turned aside to make inquiries. On the way to the front door it struck her that if the family bad had really bad news it would be better that site should not intrude upon their grief. Luter on the mistress of the house was much astonished to hear that the Queen had called at a side entrance to inquire if all was well, and on being reassured had gone quietly away with neither word nor message. an 1 Mrs. Neumann, prior to which it was tenanted for several years by Mrs. Lawson Johnstone. It has a well authenticated ghost story. 11 111 heti hill, near King's Lynn, be - h ng; to Sir Edward Green, who alst, has a place in Yorkshire. Hun - Stanton Ila,), on the sea coast, has been owned by the Lee Strange About family for countless ceuturies. It ha., a glorious old garden, with grass walks, clipped edges and herbaceous borders. Its owners have always held a place in courtly circles, and Mrs. Roland Le Strange is an aunt of the. present L( rd ,Hastings. C;oughanh House belongs to the Elwes family, who may also be reckoned among our untitled nobility. Many stories go the rounds which s}.uw the kindly consideration of the King and Queen fur their neigh- bors near Sandringham. On one oc- ecus of Wales. This is a small plain lot king house which has had many additions. "New baby, new room," was the remark of a local octugen- atian. Appleton, which stili belongs to the King and Queen of Norway, lies about a mile off, and is really a glut ifred farmhouse, with a charm- ing garden designed on the lines of that, of Mr. Austin, the poet lau- reate, at Swinford Manor, in Kent. CASTLE RISING. One of the King's nearest neigh - b( rs is Lord Farquhar, at Castle Rising, which he and Lady Farqu- har rent. Lurd Farquhar is a roan whom fortune seems to have taken under his special protection. He began life as a rich banker, and when plain Mr. Horace Farquhar Lady Salisbury's success with had the unprecedented honor for a eggs and hens recalls to mind that commoner of being best man at a poultry keeping is one of the crazes royal wedding, that of the then of the moment. Queen Alexandra Duke and Duchess of Fife. shows the way and her Silkier have He is a tnan of parts, witty, a won many prizes at the poultry clever talker and a good musician; i shows, says the Gentlewoman. h; is fond of early rising and of ex- Then Lady Derby owns some of ercises, and keeps a small organ in the costliest birds in existence and the library of his house in Grosve- a pair of her Black Orpingtons wero nor Square, playing on it for an sold for £100 at the Crystal Pal- honi or so after dinner. The hall, axe. Lady Craven is another prom - Castle Rising, is a. charming old' inent exhibitor and her American Souse. and the village has a Nor- \Vyandottes are of much beauty mai: church and the ruins of a Nor- and value. man castle, also quaint almshouses Lady Chesterfield is yet another where the inmates wear the long fancier and so are Lady Aylesford, elcaks and high peaked hats of for- t Lady Kathleen Pilkington, Lady mer years' Burton and Lady Tichborne. And Not far from Castle Rising is in the old days Evelyn Lady Aling- Hillington, the grand Gothic house ton had the finest store of bantams that In lungs to Sir 1Viiliam and in the world at Crichel in Dorset. Lady Ffolkes. This place has fine In Scotland Lady Home has sumo shooting, and Sir William's pre- good poultry, as also Lord Rose - serves have often been shot over! berg, who wins prizes with his Mi- roreas, and the story goes that his - s WOMEN KEEPING POULTRY.Craze of the Moment With Titled Ladies of England. by the King, the Prince of Wales and the German Emperor. Natur-tutu poultry man once in a melting aliy the owners are and have been!:rood admitted: "Those birds wilt on terms of friendship with royal, personages. ('onglinni Lodge, which is about a mile away, also belongs to the Ffolkes family, and the late Dowager Lady Ffolkes used to make it her residence. make your Lordship's name famous one of these days." NOBLE HO'T'EL KEEPERS. QUEEN ALEXANDRA. Lerels and Ladies in England Who erten called on her and one day on Have Taken It Up.arriving in a ponycart, she was Hotel keeping is a fancy of the asked by the butler—a new servant' moment. Besides Lord Leitrim rev - "What name, please 1" The. ora! well known people have gond Queen was, of course, itnnlensrlyl111)0 business in this (Iirection.' amused at this naive question. Then Lady Aberdeen is president of the the story goes that some years agol(;reen lady Hotel at hittlehnmp- a party of young people from the ton, Sussex. This is arranged for Hall. Castle Rising, were walkin : 1P(>rkers, who are charged ten shil- along the deist toward Hillingten . 1,tugs a week for board and lodging, They saw a carriage approach and; `:tys the Gentlewoman. Lady Burton has built. and fitted our, a splendid hotel at Aviemore, which commands a fine clew Of the 8n( hear they saw to their horror 1 ('r(Irugor►n i(ange in Inverness - that they had barred the pa•cagei shire, and the widowed• Lady Au- lt no less august a personage than the late Queen Victoria. Houghton ,fall, which belongs to Lent ('holnondele,', the Lord (;rent concerted the idea of standing in a row to stop it on its way. They accordingly did so, and wben it -.-e' I — _ sss- The "Dominion Pride" Range MADE nit CANADA and is placed on the market in response to s 'Icinsnd for s Range combining the sterling qualities of Malleable Iron anti Polished Steel, Unbreakable, Unwarpable, Indestructable, Economical, Design Attractive, Perfect Cookers and Bakers, will Last a Lifetime with Proper Care. The ordinary east iron range is at best a disappointing investment to the purchaser, so soon sloes it exhibit the effects of wear and tear, unavoidable in a range constrneted of such frail and brittle material. The Combined Malleable Iron and Bine Polished Steel Range is the nearest approaeb to Absolute Perfection ever designed tur Com- fort, Economy and Satisfactory Domestic Service and wherever installed it wilt prove itself a continual object of Satisfaction. The price at which it is suPp:ied is so modest that it is brought easily within the reach of every prudent family. E •'Domlaiola Pride" flanges are said on following Guarantee: If any rastia g proves defective in twelve months from date of purchase, we will furnish same tree of charge. The above Guarantee ie very broad, no if's or ands, and any casting that would have a flaw in it that we failed to see in the course of construction, such flaw would show long before the twelve months have transpired when fire is put in range. INCOMPARABLE Ogg Onr placing direct to the consumer our }sigh Grade "Dominion Pride" Malleable and Polished Steel Range, as fully described fn our descriptive eir;ular and guaranteed, for less than you can buy a east iron range. We are enabled to make this extraordinary offer by our Direct from Factory to Ettehen Plan, which saves the jobbers, retailers, traveliug salesmen and their expenses, giving the consumer the benefit of these savings, which in reality enables the consumer to buy as cheap as the wholesale jobber. PRICE •Wby not hay direct from the Manufacturer and save the iniddle- ,aten's and retailers' profits, "Dominion Pride" Range if sold 'through the retailer of traveling salesman would have to he sold for $09.00 to *78.00, according to the territory sold in. Our price, direct to the consumer, is as follows: "Dominion Pride" flange, 8.18 or 9-18 top, with high closet shelf and elevated tank or flush reservoir• with piece of nine to go underneath range, 8 joints of blue polished steel pipe and 2 elbows, delivered to any railway express station in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunseviek, NOM Scotia and Prince Edward Island for *41.00 (Wo Pay the Freight), and delivered to any railway expects station in Mani- toba, Alberta. saskatt•heaan and British Columbia for *19.00 (We Pay the Freight), 55.00 to accompany order, the bcllnnee to be paid when range is delivered to you. If not convenient to pay cash, will accept your Note. Write for our Descriptive Circular. CASH J a on in CASH PRICE $41 Scotia end We pe th PRICE$49 OVER 6000 OF OUR RANGES IN USE IN TORONTO ALONE Manufactured and Sold only by the Canada Malleable a Steel RanCo �e Mfg. _ Limited, 818 or 918—Elevated Tank Made of the Best Blue or Flush Reservoir for Coal and Wood. Polished Steel and Malleable Iron. Delivered to an Rellwat Station Ontario. Quebec. New Brunswick, Nova Prince Edward Island. H c freight. tion In Malnitoba, Albered to ertga. Saskatchewan and British Columbia We pag the freight. (IN WRITING PLEASE MENTION THIS PAPER) CLERICAL LIFE HUMORS it on in the pulpit rind again rernov- tion with which one meets occa- ing it at the end of the sermon. �sionally. There were some dear old lies little piece of ritual he duly ladies who lived in a large house in pc donned, but its meaning Was a certain STORIES TOLD By BEV. STEW. wholly lost on nthy congregation. A moafish. Thyy were very a first F. 1.. dl:RNAFS. servant bring asked on her return totheir mind savoredrofltheworr ,11I'1' the world; gusto Orr Ewing ling started rate torr, with good why the service had been to short• golf links at .� write that the preacher seas in a filthe thought even or "patience" i)unsk.y, her home near Stran,-Her hurry to catch his train, as he had h('tteter,th heard that, the They had, hl 1ViKtown.�h;,e. Odd interpretation of the Preach- begunurundressingoi train he left the lions they td that, the curate, to i'n:(mherlaln, is a splendid .place 1 Lord Durtslii n has built a hotel fee Remarks and Church bulp t. much attached Staafs! present rented by Cora l,adf for golfers close to Reiser Manor. :1 woman in a parish where I,iced ewas a astern when he wasr. On one 00- i;f.raff"rd and her ]husband Mr. phi, place in Limerick, and Lord In- Services. lunching with f rel She i I ,t husband married.'rhirluin is the Owner of a hotel at The compliments that our meets ler the ❑Evil each day to prepare herself them they asked hien to show them !1;Tat/more, Ifilltott,i Malley, al- with are sometimes as strangely i'►R her worst. day /my the extreme sums of his tricks. He readily can- pceres�. in the ':nuc .),e fame "icr to London ns Mr;. t'olg:(te. A ti,lllI'" in Ireland. Then Lord ('land phrased as they are generally little tidiness of the house even in the seated. And in t. e extreme i packno- American willow, and was distinglr I Hamilton. rite is chairman of the deserved. Oti my leavinga curacy of ea of his Wart, asked for a bad 1 :rent Eastern Ilailwav eptly morning. 'aye I she "aid. "1 of clink of I•hrd by ale ass wearing a tall white takes a a,. old friend of mine said: "Welt, always likes to 'ave my bedrooms"11'e have never a aigrette in her hair in the even. 1'" n interest in the Sandril(ghaln I be sorry you're oin for I did (kite henrly. for, As I silos tier., you pack of cauls in the house for i'►g the most nwgnifirrnt die.- 1i' 'ef at ifnnstantim in Xorfelk, 'opt. yon would 'eve died 'ere"- - never knows uhat may 'appen ; 'ow c my years!" his hostess i;ed her ieg and tlh Wei she ina)f ee Lord, 111,41 1lunklas Ta,lleillaelle, great %%lieh was certainly more than I moon one of the children may be 1 • ( s ileo, feelingaShe owed lim !+t'i.il ,rd, '11^. a scat later Inst! ri'`'le (o Lord Tuflcr ache, is of did, writes the Rev. Stewart F. L. bet ught 'eine in i► fit or with a ht,1_ guest some reparation. risked tiler eith a tragic eath. se Hr. Marisa I-, iix steal in the welfare of the Bernays in the corn/till Magazine. I leg,and, as I alias se?, it. }ether visiting cards would rte. as ken Kennard i4 her third husband. Ft lix !fold. 1'r•lix•tour. which ons 'tut in the nay of testintenials the don't mutter whet. 'appens, so lu roti, ' a )•uilt alter the dr itttt of }(cluing- our whish f prize the most was re- n9 You've R 1 ani sure that a speaker, who Houghton hears silent wilily,- to ),nn: hall. Lord T41)emachr', Ilaee cciccd from a certain Bishop, }(e info." 11'hrthrrclhrtnNuotlut 'rin tl.er he is preaching or making a Its old time gambling proprll•itir,. 1 mould have, political spree,,, never realizes how it:e•re is a blank space where the in Ful)oll, wets fitments for the infelicitous way taken gnifc so calmly the actual nr rents) flight of 117111 /lour steps • he had r,f pilling things 1 KI'4.(e rival Ufa child In a fit I rennet say. little his long wordy or rounded sh•u d:1 he intend. The place wan to tell hien i un, lensing the die- for her fair. of life was never put )'tease~ are trolly understood by twee awned by it L•,ld ,,fiord. and i'l.A1x Ft it )D FoIf T11F. III('11 repos and to thank him for hie kind- to the test. some in his nudienrr. A clergy - r • ..{ his feats tins tt. gamble "ay NU Il but tasty dishes are now to tires to me. His reply ins short I one^ altende.l a mayoral ban- ensu, at do close of Sallie continue - the: snee:a) flight of step,. The, be sen at luncheon, in some of our n► tl, I eras(, not to the point : qtu t inn provincial 14 un At which jogtima elac:es which be had bre!) Riv- the: r carried there steps. Aud they , bI•: stie een Kuhr:,, says 1ho Quern. i ,'Dear sir : I ata sorry von are tray- ( the virile, oho had newly arrived, (,1.1 into village of our of our north - ! never -ince been replacer,. O! these are Scotch broth 1 i ; irg un, diocese, for I have aster was prr�rnt 11 1! t towns, proceeded to ask his 11 ioften 'e says peradventure—and yeti knows what David says ahem/ sr•(}; like --•if 1 shall say peradveii- turn, t110 darkness shall cover Inc.' " The armies proposed by parents for their unhappy children are 'sometimes particularly weird. 1 w'is called to privately baptize a child the day after peace was de- elared at the close of the Hoer ,war. llt.v request "Name this child" produced a Tong speech horn the mother: '-We want. to rommrmor- at.; the war noel the peau, so we want to call tier. 'Robert, Pax.' " The unfortunate' child, whose stir - name was Snaith, diel not long sur- vive diet n sante. On oris orca`iol a mein gave his da:ightcr's nam. as Venus. Rightly or wrongly, the elergcnln11 vigorously 'rots • ted against the name as that of a i ea- thcn goddess, to which the father pertinently replied, "What about' yc 111 own Diana 1" S.MOli1NG Tifftl►l-GET Hi':.11). During the S. rrth African \Sar, 'ays a wtiter iu the March Strand Magazine, a Boer ',either named ►. nr h heard anything against yen. Yuma Put u , to 1 a erman wi14 candidates a few questions in order F:'ank Brown wn' shot in the tore - n., ii foie place ii Bulkllum. ' stem, freed' herring, calf's head, ; „ R t I l'r•il' '^ his health And 1 I +hr awl with a rill, huller. Strangely a!le r•• Lord and l.ndt Leicester at. �hrr ,'. trotters.heitrd ae, ---. This at least, we we., very anXi.•ns toto find out how fur he had made lie braised jarn, role -pay A well de-hinlarlf clear. The n►►Qwcr to )+i„Jrnr'ttah it did not :,iii him and stiff ;o r�ceite rtn•al uur•t• during the p..i3, pancakes, suet• pudding sen-- a negative kind t.f testimonial which a'rtr,d compliment to the the; (cur hr, :^cured employment on al.<.e Lug season. this is a ;eel with treacle, And vier and sagore.ght he useful to some of tis. . , , Jftrvc question rather estonishcrljune of the trunk .1tlantic tenrnert;. i puddings. fly tirnr was ,cueing at the same F. 1V \ lt':1lt'ti port t'f..1(i!I'1'. }►im -' IVhat is Frier . Promptly \Shen !ally a (ear bad passed, he VAST 1'a1.L.\Iif.tN EDIFICE. q Cheese in various forms time. and I was ncvin at the him end this Rai itut•. reply cum^. i4 in high fetor, and Welsh rabbit r i R his manner of doing !eta, pfaiucd of trouble in his hem 1, which Ytanda irl a park as flat as a ultra) appears Asa •at•,ry. 'filen o his new parish. He fared little it: ' Mr. Mayor. our new vicar hast otottlth examines h .':1Li, Nt.IN N F:R OF F:\T.' leant! after a th pancake. It has it white n.arblc 1,; nn bread i4 eaten. nl8o oatmeal better at his Bishop's hands. not i,een long in making himself 'fh answerer had had plenty •,t cx the: Snrge,n 4'? the ship decided t• hall and staircase of much nhagni ci;kes Rud plain luncheon bisenits. 'ell, --- you and I have not, al- liked by all of us. As 1 was remark. 1 eiterire of it as kitehenlnaid and the, huller, which had never been .. licence. some line statuary And a: suet the 41, vert often Consist. 0( ways seen (•,'e to eye, but I might Isla the other day to some frl•rnds, t vast hiltsrv, uhieh rontains the; }•ears, apples and oranges. resin wcl, get a worse man." So, with It's a good thing our vicar has not roost talii!1•le i,he ki /'(,ileCt j, of f•, rl IQ no doubt good for health this epi,rtrpal blessing, w•e rnigrat- R',t the face of an Adonis, Or WO f01111i'•ripl% III the kingttom. H"11. ; :,r, 1 French chefs in Mayfair can ea to another diocese should have to look herr i4 ,:o.i to he the nettles( 1,. ,,it ,,.,,, of land in England to the e1,oir• •,i (his tarnd►on•e fare into most It o,},ting ro•ue6tibir4. Hint much 1)ct`n,ark. :+,...i+,•) is drunk at lnnchenn•, and hn,,ilium. the. .,:.1 le i,,.• .,f i.. rel, Si, .1 elle, an unfermented wine, T(,vtusbcnd, is Guts it e) 1,7 Mt i .re ies to be a fancy of the moment. (•r 111:1ps -grace' 19 not Alfogr'i}her mr•te(1. ►,Inst he, (*XI railed, Ti -, ul.like in sound to"grease.''t`ns d,•n^, and aft.:rward: for the AIII 1,'r'mlrnt I. That remindg me of the Pt.,ry of 1 his friends, ih. nn out for out I an old soman oho on being a'ketl e,, 1)''rlrit 5"I(rier plaeraf a lighted , SHORT SERVICE. wives and daughters.'' it was reef, ply the had such a rooted objr.•ti. n `' .its lir in the hole from which the A meant, but one felt of course that to the new ►, .' • t was e,•,tra, ted and drew rho friend of mine came to preaeh the Pxpre•%inn of the sentiment could 1 'alp it, when 'eeties Qm'1h , ,, kr .e rough his 0051,. for Inc At rice harvest festival. The could have been improver) upon. hal words In the pulpit " 'LA,' - + — "use" at his church %4 TO for the Writing of humor reminds me of what had words 1" she was ar'. •• :. '!'nr :a neer alit t,rari,the ►osier 11 plcacher to carry bis stele, putting,the lack of it --an unhappy condi- "Just think," was hat reply, "',,,a ;,+,..;, tiut Iasi: a