HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-28, Page 4exeterebuoi;utt',
Sanders Creech. Props.
THURSDAY, April 2S, '10
Miss's Lizzie and Mary Item dauell-
ters of the late Thoma' Ilerti, Tuesday
moves to St. Marys to reside. Mr. Win.
Tern. nepmew of the Misses liern will
stove into the home vacated by there
and will run the farm. -A meeting of
the congregation of . the church was
held Wednesday evening to prepare tor.
the anniversary. -The trueteca of tete
Cemetery also stet the sante night to
arrange for the levelling and fixing up
of the burial grounds. -Our people are
pleased that the 1910 beef ring has
commeored operations for the season.
Edgar Smyth has gone to Itegir,a to
work at his trade as a brickmasoo. -
Mre. Garfield Needham of Ilryanstoe, af-
ter a visit with her parents, Mr. :u:d
Mrs. Richard Hodgins for a week, has
returned home. -Mr. and Mrs. Joelah
erof R' Atte Mr. and .Its.
Creery lit lace and
Robert Perry of 13erry'adale visited at
the home of Mr. and Afro. Nassau Davie
on Sunday. -Mies Alice Davis. who Inas
Caen vlelting In Loudo❑ for a couple of
weeks, has returned home. -John Davis
and Richard hrought Intend going in
partnership to ee ere an imported horse.
Mr. T. Colwlll last week sold a fine
tarn of horses to Mr. Couraey of Lu -
ran for $500. On Thursday night, be-
fore being delivered to the purchaser,
one to)k sick and died ,t few hours
Will Make Canada a Baldheaded
tion it Not Checked.
M. Pasteur, the great French Physic -
fan of Paris. once said: "I believe we
shall one day rid the world of all dis-
ease caused by germs."
Dandruff Is caused by germs, a fact
accepted by all physicians.
Dandruff Is the root of ail hair evils.
if tt were not for the little destructive
terma working with a persistency
worthy of a better cause, there would
be no baldness.
Parisian Sage will kill the dandruff
germs and remove dandruff In two
weeks or stoney back.
W. S. Colo guarantees 1t. It will stop
Itching scalp, falling hair and make the
hair grow thick and abundant.
It puts lino and lustre Into t ho hair
and prevents It from turning gray.
It 1.4 the hair dressing pt.- ' zrcllroe'••
daintly perfumed and free from grease
stickiness. it la the favorite with wo-
men of taste and culture who know the
social value of faclnattng hair.
A large bottle costs only 50 cents at
leading druggists everywhere, and in
Exeter by W. S. Cole. The girl with
auburn hair Is on every package.
Na -
As a general System Tonic
In Nervous Affections
In Convalescence troch illness
In Bronchitis, Coughs and
affecti )ns of the lung.
In general where evitality
energy and appetite are di-
Only make sure of the tonality of
your Hypophosphites. Nyn1's name
CM it is a sure guarantee.
Nyal's Nutritive Hyp('phoephitee ie
of the highest quality and n hig bottle
for $1.00.
Don't trifle with doubtful goods, yon
tan he sure of Ny+tl'i. %e know jest
What it contains.
Chemist and Optician F.Xi'TER
To Rent
$2 Per month & up
Six months' rent al-
lowed on the pur-
dhase price of
a new in-
Ex ettt'e Leading Musieal Rmporiunr
:Trey are acted for the polite of their good,
S100 Reward 8100.
rhe readers d 11... paper a+11 he pleased to learn gp y. 1.1ktrKENsI11RE. CO\1'EV
',Alt there is at least one dreaded disease that r.-n.•:,ce i J • E.\CEH. heeds, trips, kfortgagee and all
Legal ti r uwe t• . irefully acot promptly prepared
Charges moderate. Issuer of llarria..e Licenses
has n.rrn able to cure in all Its stages, mud that is
a'atarrh. Halle Catarrh Cure is the only positive
cure now ►uowu to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease requires a constitu-
tional treatment. 1ta11's Catarrh Cure is taken in•
ternally, &lin: directly upon the blood and ewe»us
aurta•es of the system. thereby destroying the
foundations of the disease. seed gi.iug the patient
strength by building up the constitution and ►a•i•t•
in; nature in doing its w,erk The proprietors has e
so much faith in its coratite powers that they, oder
One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to
cure. fiend for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CII I(NEY L CO., Toledo, O.
sold by all Druggist., 75 cents.
Take trill • Family Pills for eonstiation.
The beef ring for leis; has commenced
and the outioak for the season 10 that
the beef eaters will be living high. ac-
cording to the high prices of beef. -
Tin' showers of the past week t,ave
the pastures look green and some have
turned their stock out, owing to the
ahortaga of teed. -Mr. S Pym attended
the funeral of Ms uncle, Mr. Thos. liar -
ria, at London on Friday last. -Many
of our villagrra have planted their early
potatoes and expect to have new ones
hy June 1st. Pretty early, John. Isn't
;.t. -Mr. and Mre W.eecott of Exeter
ware gueata of Mrs. it. Andrews a1
Sunday. -Mr. Gregory, Ellmvilte South,.
Oltenia to stove next week onto the tarns`
he recently purchased near Kirkton.-
Mr. McPherson of Exeter is working
for Mr. .1. Johns, blacksmith. asaiet-
ing him to do 33111^ woodworking.
An enjoyablet lite was spent at the
Box Social held at the torte of Air. G.
Cunningham onWednesday evening. The
proceeds amounted to fee. which will
b, used in buying chairs for St. James
Sunday School. -fir. E. O. Jones left
our village on Monday and has gone to
reside in London. We are sorry to sec
idr. Jones leave tine village. -Mr. Wm.
Nell and Mr. Geo. Carter are both in ,a
very low state of health. -Mr. Eels Car-
ter spent Tuesday in London. -Aire. Ya-
ger returned home to Exeter Tuesday
after spending several days visiting
l.riends here. -Mlle Lizzie Carter and
brother Levi called on Crediton friends
Saturday Iasi. -Mr. M. Farrell spent the
last week visiting his parents. -Mr. Geo
Lewl3 has opened up a grocery busi-
ness on Front Street. We wish him
success. -Mr. Sampson and family have
moved into the house vacated by Mr.
Clown. -Miss Seed, atter spending sev-
eral week3 here visiting her sister, Mrs
Abbott, returned home on Tuesday. -Mr.
Homer Cunningham attended the ball
held at Ilderton Wednesday evening --
Mrs. Shaffer is confined to the house
with a sore foot. -Sunday might while
0.-. Bantling and .on of Lucas were dray
ing through the village their horse be-
cama frightened and started to run
away, throwing the occupants out. The
•e j' 1 • was stopped b3fore going very
far and all came. off unhurt save the
buggy whl: h was badly smashed.- Mr.
Burley Hodgins, a conunercial traveller
is viaitiog its mother. --Mr. Lamport of
Crediton has arrived to f111 a position
with the McWL'ilam Bros. for the sea-
tnn.-Mr. John Seale has purchased a
tow furnace for his, dwelling ob the
farm. -Messrs. Sutherte nd and Seale are
are doing buainess 1n cement blocks and
bu'.ldin; concrete walls. -Mr. Martin,
school teacher, spent Sunday at his
hong In Parkhill. --Mr. .1. Collins has
the contract of putting in 500 coda of
tile drain for Mr. M. Simpson at Moores
viii- -.-Seeding is all done and the
r:opi lo)k very promising tit this v1c-
\5'h to a man tries to drown tris troub-
1 3 1t seems that he thinks that his
trouble 13 in his stomach.
Choice Stock
To Breed From
)it, 40310, 8::1. Is a fine. steel grey
innp, nit perrheron, with an etcellent
pelifrc• and breeding record. Monday
leave:, his own stable to Silas Broken-
,oin•'e for nom, to August HI11's till
\''eine :day morning. Wednesday to W.
E. Margin's and Centralia Hotel. Thurs
slay to Win. ('ones' and Comercial }to -
tel. Exeter. Friday to Peter Munn'e, to
his own atabl` till Monday.- W. 1i.
I'r:NI)EIt. l'rop. and manager. Zurich.
THJMA. CAIRLYLE. 17679. Is a pure
b ed importer Caydeadale. 4 years old.
3 cur • b. sealer, • t urn:ng the hest of
eto•k. ani has a filly pedlTreo Ile wi'l
rsniln at lila own stanle. Centralla.ez4
rept Weineeday when he goes to Josh
Harding'' Usherlie, for noon.- BASK-
ers, C. F1.It,a$hEitvIL}.E, Manage:,
SOUTHPORT, 24)041, 347, Is a cele-
brated intportcl Snare, well proportion-
ed. of uneza•clled pedigree and sure
breeded. Ilia stock has won many priz-
eees. He will remain at his own stable.
Crediton. this season. -JAMEY COCK -
WILL. Proprietor and Manager.
JARDINIER, 47511. to a beautiful
black I'ercheron. Imported from France.
Ha hal the bloat of the best horses
in hint, wh'l. tie is a sure foal getter
and tale stock has proved excellent.
Nt.t:*day travel home at Zurich to R.
P.ak'r'a. to Shipka. Tuesday to X. Mey-
er's, to . Wednesday to John
11 Ay',, Sr., to II. Zapfe's. Thursday
',ono. Friday to John Horner's, to P.
1'.11 'e. Ma(urday hone.-Zt'RICII SYN-
1)icATE. Prop.; JOHN HEY. JR., Man.
LORD IIOWATSQN, 11400, 1070.1, a
Iwo. b:til imparted Clydesdale. of elect -
leer pedigree on both sides, and well -
In -,ten as a goad stock getter. Monday
lassos his own stable at Ntagufre to
Pat Boyles. to Hugh Carrot's. Tues-
day to }t, (bates', to O. Frayne's. Wed-
•i',tlay to Jo'r,t Kerslake's. t) Herrman
O.stre:rher's. Thursday to Arthur
Fror1 to Wm. Hill's. i'riday to Joe.
Gue n'.11'1 11 Wn1. Ali set's. Saturday
t y his hoar. -T. W. IIOiXISON. Plop..
S. i'ASKEItei .lE.Man ager.
KING OYIOWRIE, 14207. is an int -
pr: ted Clydrs:fal • etailloa of choir: led-
i,;r t ani ear,•lie:it build. Monday
Ave" r one it Crrduon. (3 Wm. Hod; -
to Mt. Cannel: Tuesday to Tills.
e.t, •.'..nnry'e, to horse; Wednesday to
.1 , it 311111. ty home. Thursday to
s, :Tory's. to Paul U)ates• Friday
• Sites, •) ho:n •.-RLi KING.
): ani Manager. Crediton.
Sunday was what seemed to be a
quiet day in the village, as there was
no service in the Evangelical church,
the pastor being away attending the
annul conference at Merlin.- Several
n trite_ around h. r_ are laid up with
la grippe at present.-Itenei nber the
531.1 In the village on Thursday of this
week, that of Alr, Wtn. Itohdc.-E. M.
Hrokenshire was In Zurich on Friday
night. -Several of the villagers here
saw the fire at Shipka on Sunday
morning and all will Sympathize with
Mr. Sweitzer in has loes.-)Ieesrs. Wil-
Ils & Guenther• last week purchased a
fine shire horse from \Yet. Dawden. lie
Is not yet three years old and will tip
tate scales at some over 1701) pouuda.
He is a beautiful grey in color. has
fine bone and plenty of hair. good at. -
tion and Is an all round good horse,
add no doubt will be a great addition
to the stock horses around here. I
might also add that that he is an im-
ported horse. -.1r John Willett Bold his
aplendid team on Saturday for the fancy
price of $5611 to JL'. J. D+oyle.i They are
a well -matched pair of browns, one a
College Chun and the other
An Albion
all. t
pays to raise the beet. He
has eines purchased a fine span of sor-
rels, three years old, well matched.
They are a promising pair and have
fallen into good hands. who will no
doubt int a year or two realize a great
deal more than the price Le has just
received for the browns. -Mr. and Mre.
Jonah Sims and Eddle visited relatives
here on Sunday. -Mr Joe Wamb)ld is
k •pt rather busy ptpe: i:ur Otos- days.
(Front Another Source.)
Miss Emma Thiel and Herbert. flock
of Zurich. Mr. Thos. Casa and daughter
of Exeter. and Mr. W. Rothermal of Ex-
eter North spent Sunday with Mr. and
%ire+. Frank Case, -Mr. and Mre. S.
Witmer of Zurich spent Sunday with
the latter's mother, Mre. Mary Miller.
-Mrs, Geo. }redden of Ailsa Craig is
mewling a few days with her mother
Mot. Rothaermal.-Mies Wein and Mlsd
Gauer of Crediton spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. Henry Kraft. -Mr. Wes.
Wolfe and stater of Crediton spent Sun
day with friends in town. -Mrs. Henry
Bender, Mrs. Geo. Kellerntann and Hon
Norman spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston 'tear Blake. -Mr.
it'd Mrs. Elmore Thiel of Zurich via -
Ito' the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Koch •an Sunday. -Mr Otto Rest-
emeyer of Hensall spent Sunday here
with tel.nds,-Miss Lavina Poch of Zur
ic't is epindfng a few lays it town. -
Mr. Fora }'ender who has for the past
few years blah working in Platteville,
'las xecsptel a positron with Mr. D
Tiernan, where he learned his trade as
tinsmith --Mona Addtc Ehlers la learn -
Ing the ditsanrakhng with the Misses
Mr. Gottlob Brown occupied the pul-
pit in the Evangelical church last Sun-
day mornlrg and in the evening the
young ladles' bible class of the church
t,sieted by the choir and male chorus.
gave an excellent program. A large
number were in attendance and all en-
joyed the service very much. -George
Ellber left on Monday morning for New
Ontario, where he will report for dut y
as Fire Ranger at Gillie'e Depot, on
the T. & N. O. Railway. This is the 8r4
season for Goorge and he Is a good
man for the position. His many Mende
wish him every success In his undcrtak-
ing.-\lids Nieto)? Sweet to vlsltli e
friends In Cheeley.-Rev. Bean has r. -
turned from Rorlin, where he has been
attending the Canada Conference of the
Evangelical Association. He will bo pal
to': of the church here for another year.
-Ell King Is about to raise his barn
put a bank under It and otherwise re -
n3 -1'1 the bulldhig. Geo. Holtzman is
the contractor for the job, -Tuesday
one Travellers' Day in town To sec
tin.• representatives of the different
wholesale houses take our burgh by
storm Is a sure Indication that there
is considerable business done here. -
quite a number front here drove to
8llpka on Sunday to view the ruins of
the flat null, saw and cider 1111110, own-
ed by Sam'I Sweitzer, which had been
i-ilroyed hy hire early Sunday morn-
.ng. Mr. Swelter'' many friends sym-
pathize with him In his 1066, which le
:a heavy one. eep'elally since no insur-
ance was tarried. -Word has been ref
c .i•tel here that W. L. Lewis of South
It'v tr had to undergo aii operation in
'Toronto for appendicitis on Tuesday.
We are Mae, d to learn that the oper-
at ot proved to res•tul ate' we hope he
will have a ep;edy recovery. His fath-
er. William Lewis. and Mrs. Daniel
Sweitzer left for the e:ty on Monday to
'x • in attendance. --Mr. Towers loin
x to e t a driver from John Young at
a good figure. -Miss Laura Love spent
Last Sunday In Parkhill with tier par-
ents. -We arc pleased to see that Mrs.
Link has te('ovcrtd from her severe at-
tack of the grippe. -Mr. and Mre.- John
Wind and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schroe-
der spent last Sunday in Csborne. the
tineas of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Luxton. -
Fla': qow:nit bat; b`e:n act bock this
'meek on account of the wet weather.-
Larg:• quantities of tile are passing
throu;h town (very day. Our brick and
tile yard• prove a splcteed business foe
au" town toil they are the means of (m -
The nnd.rsiineet .auctioneer ha, been intra -t-.1 to
sell by Imide auction in the
ON THURSDAY, APRIL 29th. 11)10
at 1.3ri o'clock p.m sharp,
the following valuable property:
1 driving mare, 4 year. oat, N'e4.11e, 1 boggy, 1
cutter, 1 east, sets ogle harness. i robe, 2 ems
blankets, whes'hstrow, grindstone, blacksmith
tire. straw cutler. nowti ing ma -hin•, lit saw, 1
bedroom suite, 4 brel't•at,, 1 dresser, 2 •ttention
tab es, kitchen cupl.raM, lounge. sewing machine,
era, bed, stoking stoyr, parlor in oe, 'entre table,
hall dozen cane bottom chairs, 1 dozen kitchen
chairs, elute!, r tom rocker, 3 large tuckers, ( hill's
'ker. • hild'a high ria r. cradle, sink, clock, ptc-
tum, tamps, Ansel, carpet, Wal, fruit sealers.
ts. kettles.
wws htenard. thermals. Ironing 'als. 101 hens 1thoroughbred t n-
delusian roster, hoes. shovels, garden rake, fork,,
potato, digger, ia',y churn, ;midst cow a pain 1
dozen carpenter', pike poles, to fret r pe and pully
and aumeneus other artteirs, all of who h mnst be
sold without reserve ae the proprietor has disposed
of Ms prnperty and will shortly lea. e tar ft►ini,h
Colum Ma,
TERMS •.t II 11tm, M $.i rad nnder, cosh, oter that
amount 7 months -reit given on furnishing ape
proved joint sorra apt real per animist of foe
rash on credit amoun:to
F. Bosrenberrr, Wena Rohde,
Au- tioreet Pr,prietor
Ploy tits a ro:talderable :lumber of Wren
In each year. All the yards are to full
operation for the season: -Mr. and Mre.
Mills of Wcwdttaut 'petit last Sunday
In town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Sambrook. -Fred Young spent a few
days last week ht Toronto on business.
-Francis has purchased a }lelntzman
piano from S. Martin & Son of Exeter. -
Mt. and Mrs. Dan. Oestrelcher visited
relatives In Dashwood on Tuesday. -The
lull Tel -:phone Cu'S linemen tnavr been
in town this week installing several
p'tone3 In our business places and resi-
dences. This addition in subscribers
will give them the privilege of talking
with Beater free of charge. We have
always telt that our hands were tied,
but this privilege will be a boon to our
buslitess people. We feel that a tele -
phone should be Installed in the G. T.
It. Station at Centralia. As this is the
shipping point for our Village we are
placed at a great deal of inconvenience
by reason of having no phone connec-
tion. Won't some one take this upon
himself to see that something is done 7
Children Cry
TORONTO $3.115
and Return
With 6Oc added for admission to
Comedies National Horse Show
Tickets good going April 225th, return limit Say •'nit
and return .
EDMONTON 42. 5 0
and return
Via Chi'ago or Sarnia aid Northern Nay. Company
Secure tickets and full information
from J. J. KNIGHT. Depot Agent.
Exeter, lir address J. D. McDONALD.
D. P. A.. G. T. ltv., Toronto.
The great practical training school of Ontario in
three departments,
Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy
We assist graduates to positions The demand upon
III for trained help greatly exceed, ttie supply. The
three most recently placed are receiving $40, $'stn
and WO per month respecti.ely. Business men
state our graduates are the hest. Enter our classes
now. t'et our free catalogue.
Spring Show
Entire Stock
The Annual Spring Show of Stal-
lions and (lulls, under the auspices of
the South Huron Agricultural Society,
will he held in
Friday, April 29, 1910
Aee'I Draft Stallion le
3 year old Kraft Stadion.--
jean old Draft stallion....._.«..........4
Percheron Stallion
Aged ('arriage Stallion, 16 hands
and oyer .6
3 year old Carriage Stallion ,,.........4
Aged Roadster Stallion . d
3 year old Roadster Stallion ..._....-4
Heavy (haft Seam, 1st prize, Medal, dosate.t l.y thr
carmen' (tank; lad, 16; ward, 14.
Agricultural Team, Lt prize, M assey • ff arra s ecu f e r,
valued it $11, donated by F. Tomlinson, Brace -
field; 2nd, t4; 3rd, 42
('arriago Tess .. ........ __. _.$5 tis 1
S ogle Carriage Horse.. 4 3 -
Roadster Team ........ 5 3
Single Roadster 4 3 2
Special It. Itossenbetiy gives • special price of $:,
for the best Harness Sots, style and action
it :'-
3 _
aged Shorth,rn Itull ea
ehortkorn Hull, calved atter Sept.
1st. 1?ti: 6 6 4
shorthorn Rull, calved atter Sept
Ise I feet .. s a 4
Hereford Ra I........ ............. n 4 2
Polled Angus (lull 0 4 2
All exhibitor, most heeonre mealier, of the Society
hy pay ing 41 to the Secretary.
' entries most be rale with the Secretary at Rol-
•enberry's hotel until 11' clock on the• morning of
the show.
All prize money will be laid by th. Secretary et
Itowdberry's hotel, after the awards have been
mile by the Jedges.
ArnansemeIG will Le made to have arnple stable
are mniodati'n for *11 hor,ra
W. D. Mc1.LA:e lie' w 1. S.aNDP.Its Pres
Seaforth Exeter '
Organ and Piano
and Tuning
G. PEDLER, late of Chicago,
has derided to remain in
for Polite time Iindefinitely) and will
wait on the music loving pohlic in the
r»p,trity of piano and organ tuning
:,rrfl repairing. Ile has rands it his lift
tc.nk and is thoroughly relialele, gear•
Antee'ing ell work. Following are +t
few prices:
New Stting'i . . 2'c eseh
'rrtn• it••oeiLating $:i.00 tip
(ipner..1 Tuning $2.110
Kee Levelling 6tlr
r )vet hauling .front $1t) to et' -'„i
New Actioti and II owner.
for Squire Piano.. from $2.1 to $311
Re- Varnishing. Polishing It'st ing
like new) done at lowest figures.
fres on Pipe Organ Toning
& Rep tiring (tarnished on request.
All work sati.fectory or no pay.
ordtr.i+h v
Jo'.ln Pedlar's Residence
own Main Street, r 4) PF: •1'.11 F \F.TF:Iti
be 1,,•prompt atte'fitron.
DEAD O1 I'D ( E. TORUS I e e
IEsT.►ul.IStUEn 1801
B. E. WAL:.-..Y. - .lett Paid up Capital, $10,000,000
LLEXANDER LAIRD, Goleta! Manage: Reserve Fund, - 6.000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and In the United States and England
Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current
rates. A:counts Wray be opened 111 the names of two or
more pers.en, and withdrawals made by any
one of tit in or by the surv'iv'or.
Ezeter Ilranch-G. W. Hatt -loon, Manager. Branch also at Creditor..
!'IttCENIELD,-Tate informal den' c
+ 1st under the auspices of the Football
Club passed orf very successfully on
Thursday evening last. when youth and
homy from far and near gathered to-
g'ther, and a very enjoyable evening
was spent. -Mee. John Aikenhead con-
tinues very 111.
There is a " right
way " of doing bus-
iness and there is a
wrong way " of
doing business.
The lttill!r WAY of doing buei-
:ess Is to bring your old truck. eu^h
as borne hair, rubber, iron, copper.
Mass, wool prckinge, etc„ to
Main St., Exeter
Where you get the highest cast:
price and honest dealt:iga.
FOR SALE -A lot of iron pipe
ttantd for fence poste. etc.
At 40
You will regret you did not
atteud one of Canada's High.
Grade Business Colleges, located
Peterborough Welland
Orangeville Wingham
Clinton Walkerton
Now is a good time to enter.
Our graduates receive from
$400 to $1500 per annum.
Mail Couseas in 100 different
Write for particulars.
Always in the
OUR POLICY has always been to give our customers the ad-
vantage of any reduction our keen buying bas allowed us
to take adyantege nf. Our
Department is rnont complete and at prices within the reach of
everyone -$1,00 up to 510.00 -and same warranted from one to
three years. Now is the time of year when an
does not come amiss. We have a fine selection of theta. The
alternating alarm repeats the call every 9 seconds Prices 73c to
$2.50 and same warranted for one year.
Our Repairing Department
is most complete. Nothing passes our hands that does not re
ceive our best attention.
A. Marchand, Exeter
Jeweller & Optician
The general public will take notice that 1 ani doing business in Exeter
in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap.
Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron,
Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper, Rags, Etc.
All purchases to be delivered to HAWKiNS & SON'S HARDWARE.
EXETER, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection
of scrap may he left at the same store, where prompt attention will he given.
M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont.
We have a number of second hand Automobiles that have been
taken in exchange for new style cars, and which are guaranteed to be
in first-class condition, having been thoroughly overhauled by skilled
mechanics. Those
� � �•' ••� r " machine's answer every
possible requirement of
country people, and can
bo bought at a decided
bargain. 11 interested
write at once for fuller
We can also make you
an attractive proposition
on t h o new Cadillac
"'Thirty " that toprescnts
the beat value ever
offeree) in automobiles.
Menet for illustrated
• booklet,
Astawsa0es earl Bovies