HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-28, Page 3BA'i;f�II I'I�II'LI:S EARLY rm.; of IRON. i 7 �, Reason for Relieving It Originated t\I� f,i1Ul'IIDI\� in Central t:urope. ' The i. a;13 age is commonly believ- ed to have begun in Africa or Asia. Tho latest investigations prove that it was nut worked in Egypt until the ninth century before the Chris- tian era, or in Libya until 450 11. C., that the Semites adopted its use still later, am1 that it has been known in Uganda only with the last five or six centuries. In China iron is mentioned in 400 B. C. Bronze weapons were employed in China until 104) A. D., and in Japan un- til 700 A. 1). According to a Mr. Ridgeway, who has investigated this subject, the metallurgy of iron most have ollginated in central Europe, espe- cially in Noricum, which approxi- mately represented modern Austria nn'' Bavaria. Only at Hallstatt and in Bosnia and 'Transylvania, from which countries the Achaians and Dhrians are supposed to have inigrat•cd to Greece, are found evi- dences of a gradual introduction of irc.u, at first As an ornament. ap- plied to the bronze, which it ulti- mately displaced. Everywhere else iron was introduced suddenly, a fact which implies a foreign ori- gin. Meteirie iron was known in Egy pt in remote antiquity, but no doubt it was worked as Hints were worked. by cutting or chipping, an(( was not smelted. In other words, it was the metallurgy, not the knowledge of iron, that ori- ginated in central Europe. IIO1W '1'0 JUDGE DISTANCES. la tie Spring Most People Need a Tonic Medicine. 1` you want new health and new Strength in the spring you must build up your blood with a tunic medieine. Following the long in- de;or winter twenties most people fe •1 depressed and easily tired. This means that the blood is impure Red watery. 1l is this state of the blind that cau.•te, pimples and un- saxlttly eruptions. 'I'o this same re Itditiou is due attacks of rhoutua- 1i-tet and lumbago; the sharp stub• bine pains of sciatica and neural- gia : poor appetite, frequent head- aches and a desire to avoid exer- tiun. You can't (elle these troubles by the use of purgatives; you need a tunic and a tonic $nils, mud among Bull medicines there is none can equal Dr. Williams' Pink •Pills for their tonic, life-giving, nerve re- storing powers. Every dose of this n.cdicine makes new, rich blood, which drives out impurities, sti- mulates every organ, and brings a .$cling of new health and energy to weak, tired out, ailing men, wo- men and children. if you are feel- ing out of sorts give this medicine a trial, it will not disappoint you. Mr I'aul Charbonneau, a young man well known in the town of St. Jerome, Que., is one of the host Is ho bear testimony to the value of Ur. Williams' Pink fills. He says: "When I left school 1 became a Bookkeeper in an important office. }'robabiy due to confinement I be- gan to suffer from indigestion and loss of strength. 1 became pale and seemingly bloodless and was often seized with palpitation of the heart aid violent headaches. 1 tried sev- eral remedies, but they did not do me a bit of good. 1 was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and did so, and the use of eight boxes bit ught me back to perfect health and strength. 1 have since enjoyed the, hest of health and cannot say too much in Praise of this valuable medicine." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 coots a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Qt; reeTI0x.1111.1•: ADVICE. :1 lady had a grumpy servant too little given to washing. Other hints having failed, the mistress said, in A tone of deep confidence: "1 am told, Mary, that if you wash the fnt•o every day in hot, soapy water it will make you beautiful." "Hill it, now?" answered Mary. "It's a wonder you haven't tried it you rself." HOW TO MAKE BABY SLEEP The baby that ernes half the night dews net cry for welling. It cries bee 81150 it is not well, and has no other means of saying so. The chances •are the trouble is due to some upsetting of the stomach or bowels, which would be speedily re- moved if the child were given a dose of Baby's Own Tablets. These Tablets make children sleep sound- ly and naturally because they re. ter ve the cause of the crossness and wakefulness. They are a bless- ing to children and a relief to wor- ied tuothet,. Mrs. John Sickles, I)e•uglusteen, N. 11., says: "if any- thing ails my Tittle ones the first thine i give thele 14•a. disc of R„b;,'s Own Tablets and they are see e Neil again." Sold by medi- ct.t.' dealers or by trail at 25 cents w box from The 1)r. William' Me- di( ate Co., Brockville, Ont. s'e -- The guest glanced up and down the: bill of fare without cnllntyi• Sent. "Oh, well," lie decided lin- elite "you may bring in a dozen fried oysters." 'I'lle French waiter because all apologies. ''Very sor- ry, mar, but we have me ;.hell fish, except eggs!" Mother Grate,' 1Vorni Extermin- ator has the largest sale of any si railer preparation sold in Canada. it always gives satissfaetion by re ate ring health to the little folks. REGRETFUL. "1 wish, Henry," said the eth- ic r', wife, "that you'd try net to r br so absent minded when you are dieing Mat." •Eh 1 What 11avc I done now?" "Why. when the ltoste•s+ asked yeei if you'd hese seines mare peel dine you replied that. owing to the to unendou4 pressure nil your spare s n were c'onlpelle d to decline." Try this woomene To Dye You? Clotho, Yeo dcn'l liars le know • ,At RIND 3 • c h rrn:,r t:. •'.'.. sr. l:ar:. 'e. $AMI D)• • ALL• N. shams .f Mistakes. A11cnio.• • • I, m oar Ur..,;.; r t JPS'^; Sa • ' • (. ,J . ' Pc. 3.•t', -/s. The Johns•n,R,ch•rd.on Co. ,_Um lgd it•pl, V., M•.traN, Oo. s. Bearing in Mind These Rules, Your Difficulty Will be Lessened. THEY TOOK Ill)! STOCKS. WHY IT WAS Son'.:1 lady failed for her skill in conking was entertaining a number of her friends at tea. Everything on the table was much adii iced, but the excellence of the sponge cake was especially the sub - j -et of remark. `•013!" exclaimed one of the gcc•sts, "it is so beautifully soft lied Tight' 1)o tell ate where you got the recipe." "1 am very glad," replied the hcstess, "that you find it so soft 011, HAPPY WOMAN ' and light' I made it out of my own head." "You women," exclaimed the dis- SCRIP, gusted brother, "simply have a r exert) f;(?1 rn Antic 1N .v sit. 11.1111' 8.11)1.1' BURNED. gluriotts time doing nothing! My ese • ♦ tants Highest price pard. }b[ i word, 1 envy you your 1t11('ticss "' Ross. G ^tl 't . 'formai, "Idleness; ;" shrieked his pretty 1'1►e young daugiUer .,f Mrs. T. S. EDUCATIONAL sister. Dougall, 523 Flora Avenue, \Winni- `:Yes, idleness: Oh, why -why- peg, was arranging some of her ulli � ,1'.t N Tiff nBARBER TRADE NEW why wasn't I born a woman?" dr 11's washing on a clothes rack, fuse 1;; tion; few week. rnmplete ^mtrp.p "Oh, yes; you'd like to be a wo- \\•l:en she fell, and her hand carne tn^la leer: graduated! earn twelve to man!" retorted the pretty sister. in contact with the hot stove. She ,Il tteP. dnlla'13 weekly: write t"r oats- Teruo. tenter Rnrber College, 221 Qurea ''Just try it for a day! Fasten a sustained 0 serious burn, and her Esst. Toronto. blt:nket and •t counterpane round screams brought her mother quick- ycur legs; buckle a strap round ly`t() the spot. FOR SALE. your waist so tight you can't draw 1 sent to the druggist for the i t Og A.tI,E (3R }:Sl'nANn1 . BUILDING a full breath or cat a hearty meal; best remedy he had fur bllt'113,'' she ( lots and fano 1and4 .' .r pay- lti:we your hall' all loose and nutty ay'S, and he scut back a box of meats. will hey we,te I•a proper( •. it. 11. Mathews, Room 11 1.2 TS Yeagc Street. so that it keeps tickling your ears Zain-Buk. He said that there was Toronto. and getting into your eyes; wear nothing to equal it. I Applied this, high -heeled shoes, and gloves a size Suri it soothed the pain so quickl}' MACHINERY. tee small for you; cover your Paco that the child laughed through her 1�I A(•HINi:1:Y 1u:.%Dl�t:.4uTt:Its. •-- \Ylth a veil of spots that make you tears. I b011il(I tip the hand lIl 1 lruu and wno,l•ataking machinery. I engtnrs, boih•ra, steam pumps. gasoline squint ; fix a huge haft on with pills, Lain-Iluk, and each day applied engines, electric motors. con U•uc•toti SU that every time the wind blows Zaun Buk frequently and liberally, mathurrry. etc. F3�nd for eataingue of until the burn was over 14!4) naac•h,,4e . I(. W. es:entre it pulls your hair out by the roots;quite cured. I.imlted. Toronto. lfontrenl. Vancouver. an I thea, without any pockets, and I would recommend all mothers with a three-inch square of lace to to keep Zain-Buk in the home." WANTED. blew your nose with, and short All druggists and stores sell 'Lam ANTED -A FEW Ac -t rv}; YOUNG sleeves, and openwork stockings, go link at fifty cents box. Post free `� men to learn Moulding. Three for a walk on a winter's day, and from: Zam-Buk Co., Torontorear contract. 81.25 a day to start. 5251 fur tan Ire Made after 9 months on piece- er.poy yuulself. Oh, yes, my word, price. Refuse all irritations. work. Must he well rc(onamended as to you would like It t'r ---- .e •haracter, hal. "Le. Apply the Gurney Small circumstances may alter touudry Co., suited, Toronto. big cases in court. FARMS FOR SALE. OUT 01' PIIS B1:C i EdwardCRONYN ; C�• I)ODI)'s tall ''l:l' PILLS ('1 1t1:11 MR. I . :•Ic.1 l I,lk'1•'E'S I.I. "ill.lt;0. Leehul(' Ilan. After fourteen Years Suffering, finds Health and Strength in an Old Reliable hid. icy Remedy. 1-ae-l.ute, Que., April 19 (Special) -After fourteen years (.f suffering, which started from pleurisy, fol - lured by dropsical swellings, and culminated in Lumbago, mud con- fined hill to his bed, M.11ue1►i F. McAuliffe, a well-known resident of this place, has entirely recovcr- e(! his health, and he says without hesitation, "I ail sure I owe it en- tirely to Dodd's Kidney Pills." "1 was laid up with Pleurisy, which affected my kidneys," Mr. McAuliffe continues. "1 suffered a great deal of pain, especially in my Lack. I was also terribly troubled with dropsical swellings, and final- ly, after many attempts to get rid of my trouble, I found Myself com- pelled to give up and was confined to toy bed with Lumbago. I tried many medicines but they failed to de 1333• any good. Then I turned to Dodd's Kidney Pills, ante after taking one box I felt greatly re- lieved. I took several more boxes and found myself completely cured." Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure any and all forms of Kidney Dis- ease. FACT AND FANCY. M.mbers Toronta Stock Eschaege. Safe Investments e,rcularo• it1,t$securities. l:o!.r a. to ,4 in 1. o,; t.. An) tank. W• now • moved t' 90 pay St., Toronto. line now 1,113143,14. / 4OB.11.T SILVER AND PORCUPINE l ,ld stocks bought and sold. Brow ernes incorporated and financed. Write for particulars. Y. N. Ilaireton, 2i Mann- ing Arcade. Toronto. Ont. Constipation is an evenly within the ramp. it a.11 undermine the aetonge.t cot,. siitotion ' I3- sututiw. and ruin the wo+t tugnr• outs health. It leads to indigos b,ln,u.u,',., impure blood. bad com- plexion. sick headache., and Is one of the most frequent eaus.•s of appendit itis. To neglect it is slow sot• itle Dr. illortr•s Indian Kew) P1114 positively Imre ('uu+Upaliou. Tbs•r are entirely vegetable in com• position and do not Ruckert, w.raloY or grip.•. 1'rescrTo )our health by rah in,T Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pilis CURED HIS BLADDER TROUBLE. Camphor Makes furs fade. Mr. Herbert Bauer, of Davisville, says With the naked eye, if you have The House of Lords originated in he owes cin Pills a debt of gratitudo average sight, you can see the the King's Great Council as it ex- which he ran never repay. Ile softens.] whites of people's eyes at 30 yards; isted in the reigns immediately fol- for year, with Bladder Trouble. and could at 80 yards you can just see their; lowing the Conquest. not pass Urine except by much straining, eyes. When all parts of their body The dahlia is named after its in- which caused great pain. lir. Bauer sent for n free sample of Gin aye distinguishable, they are 100 venter, Professor Dahl of Stock- Pins. The first dose did him so much good yards away ; when the outlines of , holm ; the wistaria after the Phila- that he ordered six bvte.► and began to their faces are just visible, the dis- t de phiu \blister family, who intro- take them regularly. A lloltth's treat - Once is 200 yards; and when a face : due ed it into America. went completely cured hint. appears as a separate dot you! Before the introduet•ion of child- You can try Gin Pius Vetere you buy should be 400 yards away. Six Saone Taws, children of three or four them. Write National Drug A chemieet (b., !Dept. W.1..). Toronto, ter tree sample. years worked in mills and brick yet from five in the morning till At all dealers, 501. a hex, 6 for Sew. min„ at night. Moro married men than old bachelors have been disappointed in lov , hundred yards away, a group of people can be distinguished singly ; but at a fui•atller distance than this no detail of the human term can Iii. determined. Yet at 1,`200 yards you �,� should be ab to tell a man aft FOR THE PUBLIC horseback from a luau en foot; at' 2.000 yards he is simply a clot en New Formula ('w•es Coughs. ('olds th3 landscape. ! Bronchitis and Noarsetie s The majority of people, too. are' in Five hoary. arable to determine the wind's ve'-1 lo(ity. When the srne;ke from a Mitch is being dune in these days chimney moves in a straight, verti to stop the ravages of consumption, cal column, it means that a 1.11e to but probably nothing has been so two -miles -An -hour breeze is blue- effective as teaching the public how ing A three -utiles -nn -hour wind to break up a cult) and cure will just stir the leaves en the clntghs, bronchitis, tollsilitis, etc., trees. Twenty-five miles an hens wile simple !tome -mixed medicine. will sway the trunks; at forty the A laxative cough syrup, free from small branches will break; and it, whiskey, is the prime treed. A takes a mile-n-nil:lute gale to snap, cough indicates intlummalien and the trunks of big trees. 1('tettgestion and these in turn are !dee to an excess of waste and !mis- fit.: in the system. A tonic laza- rr<ponsihle fel. 111;111\ a guild se- ttee cough syrup rids 1110 system of 811111(11111. colegestien, while relieving the vain - fel coughing. (let the following Minard's liniment Cures Burns. Eto. ai'd mix at home: One-half entice Cuid wild cherry Lark, our, ounce Snooper- ''There is nothing per - 0, nlpound essence cardiol and fro- um tills earth.• " Swayback - - 1!lice ounces syrup white pine com- •'\on forget (alley." "What :shout •H'm :'• said the judge. pound. Shake the Lettle and take Lille' r. "He's a perfect ass. Then the II '\1 w"I."-an "Pell teems drops every huff 1 r for ---'- --gave his ewiclen''r fear hours. Then one-half to one Sway With Depression and said his; Lordship: teaspoonful three or four times Me lanchole.. -These two evils are ,. 8 nlr.ter cele were travelling (tie hill children less, accord- Ilse aeeotupanrrnent of a disordered at forty utiles an hour. and the legto age. Cut this out and saw( :,ternaeh and torpid livor and mean brake -s could be put en in such nit for some Hired. elf telledness to all whom they visit. manner as to stop it within len or TI.e• surest and speediest way to (w.1vofeet, where would the driver Occasionally aliar tells the truth r"Intent them is with l'arinelee's go 1„ because he thinks it isn't. 'We getable fills, which iill restore "Depends very nines en the sort lhi healthful action of the stomach of life he'd been living," said theawl !nine relief. They have proved expert. Minard's liniment for Sale Everywhere.lh,:ir usefulness in thousands of (a -e: and will continue, to give re- lict to the suffering who are wise enough to use them. ALi, DEPENDED. At the courts it case concerning motor -driving was being hearer, when the chauffeur declared that w11011 (telling at forty miles 1111 hour he could, if necessary, pull up in eight or tell feet. L• is only necessary to read the testimonials to be convinced that Holloway's Corn Cure is unequal- led for the removal of corns, %•arts, ete It is a complete extinguisher. Forced honesty is like. a hot- lueise plant. It c'an't stand the cold. Wiliam as tueshIns after a .term I. the r•Ilef when an %to, p11ae:4 tough 11(1 been drives! aw AT by 4141u'e 1.1.114 itrl.Am \u opium in it. 1 'rho la.t. Take a Ie,tths lionis w it'll you tin. day. \ headache the menthes after is 1 consider (1'(A'.1u i LIN the REST Liniment in u•- 1 r ( rov Knot 1,1d1v lammed Ia'•dv 1 bath/,) .l well welt MIN .A1:n'M 1,1,1111:NT and it oaf as ss'11 14•rse•• nett day. tsars T'ry troll, T (1 SteilULLF:N. Everybody is selfish with the ex- ception of yourself. "Perfectly Trust worthy" is the ►haracter ' of ltiekle's Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup. It can he used with the utmost confidence that it w';II do what is claimed for it. It is sure in it 4 effects, as the use of it will clearly demonstrate ancf can hr relied mein to drive a cold out of the system more iffeetively than any other medicine. 'Cry it and be convinced that it is what it is $sainted to he. Father -"You never heard of a man getting into trouble by follow. V.1i,t'i•:I) 111.51 13`. in.; a geed erunple." "was last sir. 1 have the counterfeiter." \�a` sett galdrn a succc., IAN a 4151 *01 psi. In the chest say " i 11 some a respects," replied Mr. IAN M Plot, est mean e.•mnrnption. but ire 5.1 Wert.Allan. Cie•sslots. I gat some of the beet Lune Wo '4a,l.' 1.:14 5. e ,ugh sad heals imitate. fishing worms out of It that I ever •' ate I &s..ps Nut a grate of opium is It. „ saw: I.(►\l; LIFE ASSURED. \Tetter -"Yell must have a re- markably efficient Beard of Health in this teen'" Shrewd native "You are right als,lit that, i can tell you." "Composed of scientists. 1 pro 5111ne "Yo. sir. S(•ientists are too then ret scall, ''Physicians. perhaps' "Net mach. We don't allow doe - tier, 1.13 our Board of Health --no, sir nor undertakers, either." What sort of men hare on chosen, then?" "Life insurance agents."( l'ver notice hew easy. it is to be t lisil1 Trig lUUE NO if -ii, The fast horse is applauded if lie lavers his record, but the fast man, i�t•'t. Hell. St reek. Weary. Watery i'ye•. Relieved by Al inI.c nye Remedy. Try Murine For Your Eye Troubles. Ton will 1.ikr MIrmo. It Fkrntltea. GOC .31 1•.Ir Druggists. Write Fur Eye I3ouL- h'1... 2lurine Eye IG•lacdy Cu., Toronto. A girl is more enthusiastic over le lug married than she is over the 1113 1 she is married to. A Simple and ( heat: Medicine. A simple, cheat) and effective Inedi cine is something to lee desired. Thr re is no medicine so effect ie e a • regulator ••9 the digestive systrre: As I'armelee's Vegetable Pills. Th'• • are simple. they arc cheap, ear, be got anywhere. and their he nefie,a1 action will pre'we their re- coCanendation. They are the 1004li- , cite of the peer Iran and those who wish to escape electors' bills will do well in giving them a trial. 5141141 Moll are so worthless that (•3' n getting (Trunk doesn't make them any were,. MOW t• HI. lime 1 A toss killer if .e bc., et • gr. &fat talk 4101 ese M ails "t>'.htUier _Pw Da The mese who is willing to work for noth!ng never has to look for i job. Nieves Liaise/! toJiNM BatWl�!L Nip Disease in the Bud. -It, is difficult to eradicate a disease after it ]las become seated, therefore it is wise to take any ailment in its initial stages and by such remedies as are sufficient, stop it in its course. Cold is the commonest complaint' of man, and when neg lected leads to serious results. 1)r. Thomas' Eclectric Oil will cure the severest cold or most violent cough. Sonic men who are even-temper- ed are ill-tempered all the time. No Subetttut• for 'The n & T. Menthol Plaster,: SIthnugtt sumo unsernpulons d031er, may way then, b, itoa,mmended by doctors, hmpitaLi, olorg and everybody fur pleurisy, atiau•.., etc. It's a waste of time trvilti 1.. Lilt,: to 0 woman with her tint l,al.','. Minaret's liniment Carel Dandruff. Children's Coughs Couto the Little One. Meech Unneceasare Suffering JS4 CURE TME GEST MIME Pa @.1.1GllS101%.DS Give io.ant (4.d soothes .,.d Leal. d r little throat, and p-renS more wrrn.. jeer. ChScItes kke it too c, plasmas to take and d•.e, ace apes til. lona h. All Druggists, 26 test.. 00 YOU WANT TO KNOW 1r -I1' env -I. -ma (wo.tly ont•.1:1' Net "bind Human Nature r plead hr. F'note'e 'wonder" hook on the 11,•llrate wnbfeete nI Love, Marrlaa•, Parentage, Health, Disease, and Freaks. 1t i• the trent of 50 yearn' etnerieno,• of n ■nreeaafed anther and p aet33(oncr Fn11 of nd•lco neves. Purr In every man and women. C'onlnine more vitol firts tIl;.n \-our dor- tot would plve 1031 for 1rn rl,llar.. In 3 ....Minn*. 210 ry1(' ' Iv., 10 Wool -40,0m. Pries lie. L. L. Hill Book Co, 121 E. rf 3t., New York is Your Hearing Good The IIF4R0)PHONE will giro you the benefits of conal hearing. Send for I,ce bo••tlet;Ely lug particulars and 11an1(., 01 •al1.134 u:crs. Al.., Official Offer tor a Month's Homs Trial THE BnAND ELECTRO OIONE LIMITED, 4 Snadlna Avenue, Toronto. THEN LARD ICK BOOT POL Ate rleseMilee {, vt purity , •;.for•. iES termini pretest sr. : Wtrata fin/ c vc bJ [ r►• . P.Yl1 H.'t'! 4.PCK'AjS e?9S,jL( ,.4 11 s 4 VJ(sAy quits.' NV ..me i. • eblllrl I.rongtl.' ter •urea (tort. ;bruwae. l'sIna. !0.' ��R•et, 1.uial.Pga Tooth wale ♦ e u t a AA !eiad • e 3l' aeeA••e•a. 101St tf�,.eh 'net n w•• finwe 11V lir 1 pK• 1 ramt.v. Mnr• 00 Pars o&sl ware •Ilett. 'k, :'CERN F'A1: M LAN DS CITY LOTS on cagy term-. . If you are I;"tn( sei,.1 for my 11 will pay you. S. NI Mathew:. 75 YnaC.' :e'.. 'Pnrnnto. A 100 Atilt.: FARM, WITH GOOD JA buildings in the County of Middle- sex, for bale. or will exchange for house and lot or smaller farm. The Ws -Arra 1t:,1 Estate Exchange, Limited, London, Ont. rte Ul: BALI: 01t EXOl1ANGE; t 164 ll mere farm with splendid buildings. in the County of Essex. Will sell or ea. (•bang$ for smaller faros. The Western ileal (:state I:xcbange, Limited. London. Ont. Ga L VES Nal.. TBh�s kl.t pMw t mfrs Bt••1e,I11rIggsgeed Co.. Ltd.. Torouto jOsili THE LINOMAN TRUSS •311 h.,ldany mandible t�ends Kndorsed by f..reaio•t medical men, {\ rile for particulars. B. 1.1\n:JAN, (Reed) Moira IVA 'iTOPE FON TME DEAF -IN ACOUSTIC0N- `l no of Ile marvels of the electrical agea. Yu use throughout the world. Writs for eata- 1loque. General •coadic Cu., of Canals, 1.341 •4e T outs Sttesl. Toronto. APPENDICITIS Cared without operations. All who are a1. Cried wtlh (Ilia (Iise,••.•P And WW1 to he cured permanently, safely and quickly with this great homeopathic remedy, whi••le will be Fent pnst•pald anywhere in the world with full Instructions for using so is to effect a permanent cure. Price el Addre,a John T. Walt, Homeopathle Pharmaoy, Arnprlor. Canada. ALLAN LINE The •' Victorian " and "Virginian" are fitted will) Turbine Engines, Triple Screws and I.uug 1)i.'.0.r' Mar Teel Tv" B NE I;raple. The apltoiut- orients are: luxurious and include Lounge C'afc, 1.acli.•+' T S EAMERS Library. . I, . drat o 1 educed to a minimum. Send Inc sailings, rater, ell., to genrlal Agency lot Ontario. The Allan LIns, 77 Tonga St., Toronto LA GRIPPE Arrested, and Consumption Cured Mr. G. D.Colwc II, of Welke rv.:le, Ont. wms.te:ken down wiIh La Grippe in 1906 and it left him in sery badcocdtiro. Ile says: I was all run down and borderirz o0 Con•umt.tion. I could not sleep at had anlul.weab, and coughed nearly the whole time. "thio ie how I was when 1 began to take P.ychioe, in a low nervous state ; but from the first blip!$ 1 I:egan to improve. It did marvels for me and brought ice back to health in no time. makings now man of me. It (*dile.' the body against the &narks e! La Grippe arid is a sure pre. ventat s-. 1 al•, Sys take P.ychine it i feel • co!d ...meg 05 a.1 .t puts me right is NO HOME SHOULD RE WITHOUT PSYCHINE F.. Sats by ag Dreet,•r..s4 D.a:,r, SP; & fl pee baths. Dr. T. A. SLOCUM LIMITED. TORONTO PSYCH INt PRONOUNCED SI -KEEN BOOST YOUR TOWN BY O.RCdNII•ZINfJ•.A RR ASS HAND s .11• , • ►•:.t 11ss ,ens feR`•�tplri-• i .p .n 301.0 tt'I^a .Ii34 �i-►`4r1f(I�' 1'-i:• t'1'. , 1, \\ 11,1 1AN1�